HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-11-28, Page 4 (2), ..er., ,t,,,,- c4„..,„,..,,....,-,...,..,..2.4,7,.1,,-7-; - .,•„., • . , ,- ....„.....-..-,. 4.4.....,1-elriPAilltsflU;‘, ••••' ' fll'L",•-•"''' .`* "The Beit. Latis4I1astre1' ;1.06eris HotrExeteskrTIstlisday. Dec;.12, 1907. Bea ',oh, •sele •.•at 4..l3sowning'S';:prug tore; ; • .- .. • I s...!..t"-t4,,,..„ •-,,,...;;1.. LI . •.:•s• • .!•.• - Fred Brown ofLLAillion hiss bete.iting Mr. and Idrit.AVtu.---AVenxel ... the week;;;Iiii-sloritila a Beaver:L-441ft /at-Petrattlirliere-.1be7..F.bety Itects, ittisatiotes-410;#4,BakeAls40141;itiere tinsiepitir;:filepartineetc;* $SboeMore11144iii Ici40,11191Anttatn).*****4.Wir areiPleaitedil$,',)ttnteha'.44‘raktaen: .• • pendicitiee,4;41r, 00.41 7,:•;tioo - Ivafcatabort74%640,0p,41?_OPTiiitticeltss Irlsiftnkgr..:Siful4S8 tig7.,4111ileT'BroYrn for* fitlieill*ttiiiitI*45401,11pic4E114:11,:' 611 itudIes' in 1i 'rLeity.Dia.sLzwziCo3z,ge..... 111 -.,....41. 304616; . revalk2Iii"Iffeltrelitillitideirrle! ... who' ri vo u-Waklik-ill-Det Must prevail,in garments which appeal They report rather. :hard ; times' in tote better class of trade. Bridle EittaCiotintrane not much s . - - - demand for..leborens.Rev -Mean of CALL:EARLY. - • . .. -- t Evangelical chords exchang_ed_pul- V. -- • 4.-.....44....• ,ashwood.ltesc'Xidt.siat'eacIsestistiOsr __.... •.• ts Ast Sunday with Rev..-Eldt•of :',.,••-c.-- - ' .=1EILEJ oltijaprilli .7A7- iii &g nor $11'..110, -----;:slit = OREDITON thie k with N trs. Prance at Green - Way.; ---Our inerchante are getting in . • ,their Xmas goodssiaml PrePartf far Ormeter Abrorate; etrhie whoulledratcMrs ood visited heeir tuOsteher, Mrs. 'Rosin* Finkbeiner, last Sanders tt Creech., Ceis;- illatelk./temsnrzassmownstemirtailliarlIVIe ning. NOTE AND commglers A big ptiblic recePtion was given Mr. Borden at 'Ottawa last night by the Ctinservativea of that city. Many ro • ra_sv tl-Judgi Winchester; who is- copduct- ingqirelsondon-EleetirstrtrialstTore .......itufilektot-evidenehad-beetr,givers-447 _ __prove_ the bribery charges. The con. spiraey chargeis now been investigat- - ed. was mistaken at Brantford when ho stated that the government would make good to municipalities Any sum paid in exceas of the figures for power quoted by the commission. Ile states, however. that the estimates give ample roont fot anble y possi'fluctuations. in - • • no person not benefitted by higara rower need feel itfraid of being taxed with the cost of: the power. i" • - - HoW'ti TitisP : •-• ' We otter One llundreit Isollari !tetra or_isny eaSe. •tit Catarrh that cartrintioe Infrei by 11S11's Catarrh • F. J. CI1ESEY k Co., Toledo, 0. . t undersilosed have known Cheney for the last yeArs, arta bolleSe hifti peae4rtly hqnneame in all -loftiness •transewtions and tInarr•lally at -Te to varry out any obligations:wide by his firm. • 11.411'4 Cstarrts Care is taken internally, In 41 tiv.Ity 'Oa the blisod and rpueons snrfares ot the sys4ern. Trattsuontals sent free. Price per ,bot. Sal by all t)razgists WILMX.), RINNAX t 31114-ts, Wboletale Druz‘isti, We 11, 0 • Tete UIWi Family Pitts for; Constipation. • :7 ,%.64.04, • , iprolAmia, Mrs..W. Bern. went to Goderich on Wednesday. . • • Mrs. Henry.Coultis is improving lowly after her severe illness of the past.couple of week. -The Elimville beef -Aug -ft aishettirlast-week-for-tid Everything tiatlifiCterk od-it-wisiFdecidetHs=tconthstte=sgaj _se,:untelk-Attut "e„-sre to_give.hls_chstomero., due_juitice.- Chas. Andrew. 'merchant of Gerrie.' and an old Eilinville boy, was married on Wednesday-ta-A.MisnMiller.-of.Gor- Congratulations Charlie..-Wra; Miners of Exeter spent Sunday -.here. A:smygnsans" Sztrvsegs.-The 'an- niversary services on Sutiday and Mon- day, were the best everbeld bY' the church. , • Rev. Smith Baker of . Ailsa Craig preached, two etnquent eermoni sang four beautiful solos. '• She has 'a beautiful clear,voice and • her • singing was mach Rpm eciated. -The fowl sup. pr on Monday evening was hebestand the crowd t4e _latgeitt-that ever sue -mist! e•suPper In the history& the• church. ..The latlies,were prepared for a crowd, ha vieg been•warned tiler, per. pie .vere coming .fi•-orn miles. itOttud. Abduefil/ fowl Were on the menti but only the hones.remained after itil- had filled themselves. A splendid prograin TOMItle 1, consisting of Usage and singing by -the Centralia choir.. Mrs. (Rev.) BaLee, and recitations by -Miss IJuttof Centralia. Short. and. Ivitty speech,.. were delivered .' by .Revds. Venire of Kirkton. Butt of Centralia. Going of Exeter and Baker and resi- lient ministers. Proceeds amounted to feel highly- elatod 'over the success end Shlpka to their tp!ighbor churches when their • C OILS. Earl• on busioess. John IL( tz_was naT. t:ksirodugo illnitokotf tiv:reui! If° lin is visitinK friends around here.-- las James O'itourk end wife ef London P, are visiting at Mrs. Ositourk's parents. 11 • _ Itoogh weather makes our town tuereli.ints They•iiie very busy . tbt- 1' 1st fewtlay-s, prtnitT7 -rOttirrr.-n. very fast.7 Jintl 31rs, Antos el Ex- - •• eter werethe-gueste-of S. SweitZer oj StindAytast. as was 1040 Messrs. HolT and Murch ,C.Parichill.-John Mc- , Pheti,'"who spent .the past few months Alberta, is home, again. -Simon tontia.fridorSotupOrititibla twitleae.'.:1:0. grvid1i1oOnAeid,;AfterAW-14tiletseeet, several,Motithain theNesit4,'Pettirned b9 1,ea. , 04:4 -the relki*Otovitleeigcreeds'*Ittl:.hisai.'s-s 11.47itlis011userittirn4fratia thressublitns;vislt to friends Irt' the . artIverest-ziTittrefftVgirtlir"Meo. oars' on Monday evening. We feel rather, proud of our choir as they give us•the very beat elasa of.'rmusle.-r.A number sif•briek layers istarted,mu.. the new school house •- Monday morning. ,If.weatkeemerniti hey_senLriss14-„the tion;311a-....*4 fr endt-ottlielfItisAci attic and Margaret "Vandfotes wlio have,beets quite411owinotto the death of their mother, will be pleasrd' to letirn that they are cotivaleseitfir:-:2AS last Sunday was the World's-Tem-ifeic ance Sunday Rev. W. H. Butt preach- ed_alettuon.. in the: evening on the ttatingAuttlissiketOkolis, thew as productive of the common drunkenness which the better class of ciUne'na.deplore,s.-_Eex...Bu litOnnisessenicreIlea congregation for theirIncreased con' tributions to the ?Cali:snit:7 Society on the previous Sunday, when Rev. T. Coaling of Toronto preached. The 'subscriptions were the largest In eight cha-rd-litelni-a-dftess • e Aide Tii-eiditY evening on ploneer rsttsfeetiont;:t " - A Surprise-. it IIscaIb Every box of Mooncyts Perfection Cream Sotlits you open -you \will :a neW deli t• in-theseoinnty,-; When you svant to surprise yourself, give your appetite a treat with - ,••• . $rfect opGrea. - • • Highest Price paid thr Grain . . R I H,. : E L_DO N Wm. Moore. wife andSon have re- turned from Thickhead. where the fors mer enjoyed a week's shooting. -Wm. Hanna will remain on D. W. Dtil- Ina e's tarns another year." -Trust o_our sc ool hav•e, made a. cbango the eatin p =tut_ nnd. expense. _ts a tammtir,..,...?"••.„. ., ...r -ti, -.0 ii...... --,-,--77 -7-1-e 41, ase-sa -1 ....14,-' ndathravutlf. alf&Iiii- - ..•e01 address was_otspecial_ interest -to -all - present. -Revival' services begin in the Methodist church -Oa &hlas* next end EvangelistMeHatdr is expected,to. ns!- sist, beginning Dec. I& .. , Suooymo Mitru-On. Friday.' Dec. Oth, a grand shooting metch willbe held in connection with Wm. MoiTatt's Hotel..when four events willi be shot. three at rocks and ane at pigeons. A good. day's .sport is . romised. The . - I' . • DfiSliwOpd \ ...,- The Bert Lane Minitrel Co.. Opera !louse, Exeter, Vs u rsdey,Pe12.-1907._, Seats on iiiileTht_IBiorvelhg's Drug .._.___.. . store. . • • --• . ' George Belly bus sold. his property In the village to Mrs. Catherine Birk. Inc whit:kite received it fairprict; - He left en ..11otiday With his' family and bottiehold Effects for Hamburg. where he has workIn thebrass works. They will ,be much' thissed liere.-Mr, Ham. licher. WIC pqpular -baker. Isar again ri adopted the standard weight of his loaves or in other wo ' s sells the 2Ioz. loaves for five cents. e has ulso re- CeiVNI it whole lot of Xtiuts goods' and prospective huyeris should. drop in and have a_lOok_ -threingIL__his.' _stock- Ile onntry.---Meiville-RobblVtif tee a-plertsantstay here -with his parents, has returned to. Toronto, where 'he bolds a good position as bookkeeper. Miss Menlo has also been home on it I/Init.-Hervey Leigh., who is visiting at his borne here, intends leaving shortly for Kenora. • - - Mr. A. A. Spencer received word on Friday last of the death of his father; Charles Spencer. of Beiivertown,. the age ef SO years. The death occur - Fed sudden! _on,Thursda _at 9 o'cloe • as •e -was preparing o re re, • e end was altogether hnexpeatea, al- 4bough be bad been troubled with tops" for some tient:. 'lir.' Spencer had been n resident- of -'-that -town,"for 40 years.-- A -family --of pixie ''..-thildren survive atnong whom are Mr. A. A. Spencer and Alen'. James Airtb of the• Themes Road, Ushorne, both of -whom attended the funeral on &hlas..' - _ •• , C11111(101363V.; ''' , Intorled for last week. , , • . Ed. Simpson and siSter Laura. spent Wednesdev of bust week -in Bidgetohn. attending Else wedding of their broth- er. Rev: Chris. Simpson to • Miss Mc- Cown of that place. -Mies Nettie Wal4 ter of Exeter spent ,a few.days during the past week with Miss E. J. Con- .- _. . . • . ur ran our A .. la .. • • •• U s.se . F. 'IL Bean or Crediton ' ed to London Monday, after it length per cwt.. -Rev. occupied -the pulpit in the Evangelical. visit at berhOrne here. -S. C. Chow hurch here both tuorning and es -en. returned home after attending the ft' Ing. His discourses were practical eral of his mother, At Kingston. -:--W d fully appreciated.- Rer. L.L.1.1..." Holt of Sarnia soent....Tuesdiry___ h.ere_._ idt-tookltee. Bean's work at Credi-. We are pleased to _hear that little VI n.*-3liss • Pearl, Wiirtz viv,ited•nt._„ the let Patine is recovering after her se me of-licob Kellerman on Sunday ere' ilitiiiii.'--.-Xiii. DK Jones and • son t. -Peter Krnit has purchased John 'Lloyd, we are pleased to ' state, are all's property in the village.-Jcsnas both able to ..be around ,,itgain after artleib lois rented his store for a their recent iliness,--Miss E. j.' Cun- , !.!EXETER BRANCH . OFFICE HOURS - to 1. *n.403 e. • fiATUUDA.1111; lot:0410 1r• . A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipt's issued and highest current rate of 'tamest allowed at Bank Department: be Alitteuer.tibalrralircleisreeserIttlIrtaytill Aar:Tints. 4. reefik .Agentsit Exeter for the Dominion Government. • . D.4,31172„DOAc.,slIanager, 'serious enough for an • executor iciliarelessly manage an estate, and not Maintain an tip - y • and expenditures. But isuppose' n• he should die. Consequences n - in' I might be serious. Anyway,- it would-cost:money- ta---get-- affairs- - °- in proper order again. Unless • .• • ere was et second ylng executor, • an.administrator would hive to' be ' • appointed, which • is additional expense: ------This-Corapany-makes-un bon , capable, experienced executor. rnrof rears to n gentleman from oingliem spent Thurstt:v in Exeter. rkhill wese in the Cilinge on Sunday took place to St. James cetueteeY Mon- t. ---Our Public school teachers are day at 2 o'clock. • He was 03 years of w_vri --Anis ..:..,,,prl.s.thth • . n andhighly_resneeied.=Thelimer a 0 • 0 ' Sweitur is hasy_opperating with -Iti.s4tu_ituutc.444...-44-11-is wo-riclitg fun zeb PI 1,prse clippers. Simon is MI eXp,•• rt Monday !light neti tilt)* were' moving t e Brenner arid J. D. 11 .10.• r. I he thresb'eg inachine,--Some otIr ,re in Exeter 011 Fritittk. 11. ' - , Wen 21:11111141 • la 4 day in Par4bill.-The Sum ay- twos., 41 our burg and moVed ho ing vr.Trrim-Th children are at work praetiew f.sr it Chrldtmas entertainment on . • Don't forget the date. -J. D. 11 Ili, in held a were successful ploughiog jAtl_ TkirIday...:..lavingi i4 - - Johp Deitriek is on the sick list. Aron' -Williams` is • 'It's a Mr. and Irs. J. • Brenner nride man and wile. .The contacting were in lawn Monday. - • pities were Matthew Reagan and 'here he intends to work for IhrFi. Ca. We wish Jahn nil kind- if good luck III his new home. W1-4).01X.P.77•A :very .protty .wedding: t Mt. Carmel gistirch._. _when_ two -of. our -most popularyottng people were 1114$ Mary. piungest dmighter of Pat - A STRONG FAVORITE. • rick Gies -in. _The_nuptial_knot-was curtly tied by .fer. • Father rooter, •• . __Wit.h.altettsses of i red • 'in farnwrs..etc.„ tit( and que •ubouroo asid no.os in. are. • ' elonul fuel: ess ill 6,, 1?,ilitr*. isitr chiitsti nilk, trimmed ‘vith NVeekiy Star, of . ontreal, J. tie. iwpo• she Wit* atteuded by her sister Alias • lir paper of .Cannda. Its success is Josephine A., who looked lovely in a well deserved, too, for certainly no gown of • embroidered nuns veiling; . paper in C.ttlAJA ghee such big value. trimmed with all-over Irice and appli- • How stich it piper canbe- • to tine and wore a large plain :velvet pic• subseribors et -one dollar p• e'r_year • is a • ..ure Both_bride and maid Car- mystery:- Few homes In CAtiada will be found to-davwithout the blg Mon- • treal paper.. We_ lea rn_therti i11-1% grea er dethandtban ever this season end ;hose that want to receive the paper regiltarly during 1008. should -sendin their. Orders at unee. . • For bi0.;*ixisi.„....ireitrs..),dekto4 have endorsed Ayeria Cherry Pectoral for collets, colds, weak lungs, bronchitis, *con= sumption!'. You can :trust_ a tnedicini the best dOctorti 110-, proite. Then'tnist this thenCitt ikite',•yoti have a hard cough •The best klad et a toettasoatat4 tor, over *taw 7sars.7,, ried exquisite shower bouquets of al roses.. The,grossin_avars ably -support- -Lavin of Sraftirtb. The best wishes_of their meny friends are theirs and may their future be one long. \..:-. ,.. Rot g , . -',Mr. I-tobt. Ross is making, Prepara thins to•-niove --to Hyde- Park.--31ii0 Qeo..Case Is. visiting at. nentield 3i . -Mr;- mild nk.Nelson Cue Bt. Marys viet d,thejormatea-parea.ts-htttablipt: day---•-MK-0e0. 0 Zkiell alid-,.elster ' of .Birr retitreirt he* rraelidityafter • .a- fe.w .days', risk att Ur." Wm. White'4" .-.1tilriand Mrs. N.Joirrio't verypleakant; lyinteitailn!.# it u timbet,Of their friends 'ori'MahillifitighL.- 7",•'7tt.....-',.','‘•TIF i•StIOVTINSILMATOt-sheanstitaishoott; *leg WM tch,, took : piae'' 'on ''Thiirsday eftettition last,and neediesittos4- the affair was one of.• unlimited ilesiattri for all who were fortunate 'enough lo holnitttendanee.''.81des,:itere:cchOsent by Dr.; Sherry, atul .11dr. John ./diEwen; Itheretting fonrteen selected:on each aide..., and each ;Captain felt 'Confident tifz' the Shooting IwoclIvitfee;of their, respective choice, _ As'usuid,the contest *sta4wi tor' the losing" side to for an oyster supper 'and ,each , .ebntestant that at eight 'birds.' ,RoOtn (sail not isesiisit of.* detail score: bat thb-result *ate Clair; Kre'0,1cEvietesi Sidi twinningwinningby einlY, die.k,-,,Tbelrintteh over. *all , hied' thetneel wet to, the home . of . Mr.' Oaee'il other firm on thei2nd cent:teak* of IliyOsheris is liberal 'eu_pply,,of ... the: Mill I rev; Cooked- tOthe ' Kingly; taite; WAS particiPated Is, after '.,whkh Me beIlti Sisirryt at w44'..rtous . k , limb% ,ialail tiP; !tied in the. r whirr indi itig. ,, I ery1 IIe. • ettsvil Peuir--at Ilm-be-of itannurHui Strict account is rendered of every..., dollar invested or expended in the • interest of' 'estate. Our books how_wisei .a ,trzsirmirown,,y. e given in Zimmer's Hall on the even- 75. of Lucan. took place lintrialay at of Dec. 20th. it to be hoped 2-olclock to St. James cemetery. -Bev. that the :St ember will be tine as we are eh Simpson and wife are spending s the will be fully it few da s in the village before leav- • thrja;tod,isj.-Thereli..,,,,fin,r,o In for t sear home-in:Nov= .b.a.a:Xtissu.asoterteinmetst-its--crintee- ''- -i.:•11.11t1..twi.:..jrhe-raavr'a' ige--)3f--;mis tiohLwith_tharigelicat -chtirel---01._ Jessie..Jana_Macaten_to--itev.-Chri thin place. ' The program committee is Simpson, was a happy ' eientf:on ,No‘ .. now busy arranging a program whivh 13, nt the ;Advent, "Rev. Sof tly,,of Mor. will 1,e• suitable Inc the occasion. The Peth. ofncinang- The bride was he- driti• has not yet been decided upon iiut cominKly attired in white .8ilk with will be atinoutice4144 1-, it - -int ter--118te.;---r--- lavt'Imierti.- nnd---Ivore-ther-en't°nurrY Jelus • Vincent , OfBlythcalted--ni. h.ridit1_ve1Lanct:earried-2eream-4•oses: sr,iii,-.Trne i, l.irof nthtleii)ivs( riii,,,geiilt,1,17.4„k;...nthn31 y. Miss abel Johnson, t he bridesten id. er 'wore green silk hien nod carried pink. here ,fror a few dly,s Utile trt'elc--A Ims carnations. Mr. Carlisle; . of. Lucas) load of loeal politicians. attended • the supported 'the groom. , Miss - lfacowri pialitical tweeting in Zurich on Thurs. wets given n*11)" by ber uncle,•;;3Ir. day night inst,-Charles Rinker was Jnlinson, at -whose home the. wedding taken to the hospital at London Jest breakfast was • served.' . The happy "week where he utiderwent; 40opera., -couple willroside-lit-Algotita-districti• lion lor_hernist.. •LIttest•repornath --wilyre Re v--Sisi)14014-14-44041UP1bibl!)14 is progressing Givorably.-,-The' Mueten lane _04,-.WOrk Ati_A, inisilanary. _ .. ........._;...--.. It FT.C1 ina-andAtnelbv-.,1Cot-W-"Of---1.1xet•..r ----- -.---.,......---__ . ....._!.....-----!!-----..1 ......;-..--.... 'pent Sunday herr with their parents. Seitforthi Monday Wthi- Ilitrtry bad • , _, ...-*7..; Edon . . , the inisfort-tinete'fitil-fronythArzprest • ' Wagon.. breaking .his leg. below, the. ' Thellert Lane Minstrel Co onerA, knee... Mr. '1,Tartry, tVallelOing to load HouErter,--Thiifias--D j.;-,412.1061, stoma crates-of:fowl-when he ,iciit T.Iiii seal" on 541e At Brnoning.ti DIli balance andlell to the tsaietuent. • ''' ' ' , • ... i atom . 31ralornlinialiedAbreibing in • oite ' `.: '''''' - we have-dlicharged our trust -- show the exact value or an state to date. ____Eurtharmore,---this -Company -- cannot- die,. become sick, abscond - or ipectilate. It is alitrayswithin easy reach whets required. • Cor- respondence invited andpromptly answered. . Mans cd in connec on wwith c uron e Loan and Savings Co. neighber_hood on Monday. -A numbe - IowlitnpyrevitondarevtirnT. A ' etidlteliaLEllniville.Sund*7-4110--th .The--Pfaflin Chemical Co. • , . • The Bert Lane 'Minstrel. Co.'Opera House,Exeter, Thuraday, Dec,12, 1007. eats __On-sale_-at-,.,-Bro wning'S --Drug store. .Jt LHWS of 'Preston, will take ehlirge of the Lutheran congrega- tion,here.-on.the 10th.. of Dec:-Jobn O. e rey of r3 ail has leafed JAC., 01I W. Woods' farm ot the Luke Roed Inc five yeitis.-E. Zell .r bits disposed ofitis interest 'tithe Itinninel (Arm to -F. Hesi,, 5r44And.JehtLF. Dowi-on ' returned -from North Dakota on t) Chitties IIiittlieb phiehased it bundles; lot -from F..C.•Kalbfleisch. and intends moviissrihe dwelling•lirmicon the ,41. Well :titftndi.tob tlie--nett 4oestibii on Oentrestreet.- Mr. Hartnett nee& the spa co, whet •thelt ou se-ne ststrtritlir ler his business bloblt, which iu iptendi erecting,in the .spring -.-ch ries .• • ( ere err' ly . mayhem attended the sinniiersary - ....)_:....1..311tolseilrtIol,Thlar-l8,-10Cfi.• • • Wet had it narrow escape 'front being seriously injured last week ra, the farm cif H. Volland by bumping his lead Against a_ post. -and received it -nerdp wound. -John Albrecht: had _several ribs broken recently by being kicked by a horse. -s -The marring., of Valets-. tine Wilds. it 'prosperous farmer of • n e o MIs Agnes G Sullivan, of - McKillop, took place in St. Llolittuban . church' on Nov. 20th. -The Ark ship - 'meld or Apple jam from the new' fac- tory here wee- nuidti to Japan. The Jnpswiti AnsI 1tTh11 right and It will-go-greitt-lrithi-their honed -rim- . eVilItt$8 meeting of the dormers -lair. 04 tot this district . was -held . here - -4: Thutsday evening fait. and; 'was ad- dfeitsrab, theDorhinien tdembile for- Setith Huron. Mr. B. B. Glm. -Mr. Andrew Ilrodor oU1 Marrisburg, and others: A blg trOwd wee Present. and listened to tbe.addressea with interest. *Net niSunday"at -Joil.` Hawkins'. ., 1 i, •„, ', ./,,,„ , ,• '„. ':..* -, ,„,,,,,,.L.,' "A.,,,` '..,, .., A great, Fictim has been ,wo ,the use of '1,11,11,Atr4fter.22 illim rile. 4-11"hos. Brooks Acid wife 'Ie. 1 ' • - )(171 .*..,T,i ''''-‘-.: ..."-:..7,,-1., "`-s:14-‘1..),„,..-:.:71.eirthie \ROffeLinit Itttp,*iit •icka14_ crtiiiitriiii-, - - ----,- -1------1 - - - -- - - - Successful annirerearyserviees were tried everythitit tiouldthink orinit gat no relief l IPAW “But,. • ;held at the chureh Sondey . 1111 And .1".did :!bought.one,,bot of Ilu-Ju!' and got., grerelief,r ;,cUrecl o iheisehee and tient! and eats recOintriend t enirs ti? anrpersOn su ain't" • . BuNgin of &anti!) occupied - put- the' gentle Kidney illosclivertised In lie pa rr, and I thopabt .would ' • oholee,nmsle.. large conmgation e flot 110104-e boxes them: and after using six 1)62011 am coin weyty, sUs. 4.4.14.:4•10 ..wilet440,0ploiteettAt ;:. "Jr