HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-11-28, Page 2 (2)IIOTJLN INECOMR.43"1111Ere"
Owe .ItrfiPCs*
ty; Ilegn Platen; •
In ,real lile. Ib of cattle!.
dCnte ;01kn 7,411-itchi•arthirtitian:arty
410.19or tha..amaring PliC431,•14"
lly -heart woula vitilentlyT1
rouki do no work *round -the house:
I become very pale and ney nerves got
unstreng. The efforts oftwo good
. (teeters failed to help mc. 1 was In
such .a pitiful. stale. One day a hien!)
. urged me to try Dr...XI/Mattis' Pink
Pills end* -atittr•the-
which promises to be such a boon lb
the Irian with a smell , salary. , This
represents a, three-storey Queen Anne
house, with -a high peaked tiled 'reef
and a bay front, contntning 11 roolIts,
high studded and well lighted.- The
walls within and without are frescoed
• • .4 7 .4
• barely Cured. Fluid a good appetite:
gained in weight, 1 hadn't an ache or
pain; could steep. well and I 'am In far
heifer health now than I ever was. ' 1
canna speak too highly. 41 what Dr-
Itik have done kir me.'
What Dr. .Williarne Pink Pills have
•donr for-MlaS Clende.nning they hiie
done-,lor thauandre-Jhey-will
• -
an Intervkwer. eon, and
for less than 61,000, too. -This is tow
we'll de .11 •. •
'Oyer In that factory you just keiked
at we
The -Inside facings of lice -forms- ltre
nickel -plated, and are faVtionial exact-
-1-yryketthett" taideartherritedet-AVIr
There It anr:-rewithet tetiee. maw
a beaten tt Itel yews.
• 'Ms roof saves yens work bees' sus hs
ve.easy to out ea yourself wkh a
hammer and.rdlrer), cad saes you' ram
went the beuldlsir •
rAtstxiijtho mernIng we _take lha
on the
wrapper etound every box. - If your
r asW--gart'W-Tenuine pit
you can get them at 50 cents a box
, -Trick Whia-- taisei the
nit,. and Whkh He Never Forgot.
Dan Leto, the kindest-beerted .comic
singer who ever lived, once made a
wager that he would upset the dignity
ef a certain. beadavalter et the . princi-
pal hotelin lirtgliten, Engbind, who
• lad the ‘name of being the •mast digni-
fied man in .the town:- His experiment
and its "..-su-Iecss are noted below. Dan
. Sent to the betel with three tr:eluir•--
• • an engineer who bad kist an eye. a
- cavalry °Meer who had ktst an arm,
and ''an of sea captain' ho had lost
at- it. The quarlet. enaounced thew-
-rill: in the fear earners of UM, room
and. bawled ler the waiter, who came
In' ‘-ith. a mote -than ordinary assurnp-
p,on of deity -. as a tacit protest
against their unceremonious. reaunen
'Waiter!" -cried the one -eyed engin-
eer. "come arid take off my eye -gins% -
adding. as the • waite r swelkal with In-
- the -nation, and whileou're-nbOt
lust take out my eye.'. •
-91"-our;eyte.----aerr--teheed- the-Itariteit
• • dignitary.
Engiste! book sharpr
Eye-glats and glacs-:eye an* away
togr-ther. and -the waiter reconnoitered
them 'doubtfully as -they lay ,In the,
pehn oT his handlike a Man_ eyeing
Just *hen _the .ene-armM. dragansi about
• d...in_hls.
ahlo-stool:•-•oara n gx.-tce- a-Var.= 4.
10e,. rhe, are clamped, together wIllt.
bolts, and you have. before you a
- - ..4 • -nvitleliollawewalt
Meanwhile we are mixing our concrete
-one - part cement three parts sand,
and lluee petits quartertinch crushed'
sionea.... The machinery to • relief Ibis
„soft concrete_ to :the top tia1._thiS iron
Irthiework, you land. Ls -already,
on the s • •
ixirs NOT TAKE LONG. •
"Dy six o'clock :at night .thee is your
house inside your ironwork. • Every: -
thing, except the- doors and windows.
Ls in place. In'isix days the Iron frame
unbolted and -removed. , In- another
eight days the,. concrete Is completely I
In, Fifteen" days from start -to, finish.
hardened; -end the -house -ready- fa
The only wood.' used is the strips
aropnd the. 'edges of the Doers on which
to lItek down a carpet and thoSe. around.
. the wall for: the pieture nelulding.
MI tielsjs put in place la the Ironwork
be.lore. the concrete has been poured
in. The tiling . around the fireplaces
and In the chinineys, the gas and water
In the concrete wails. The furnaces.
the heating pipes, the bath tutwater
closets, are all cast with the 'tvaM. ,
• "There will he no plumbing bills;
there is no plumbing to -be done. There
will be no Ansurance; there's nothing
,J bUtfl. Ilome_emsnl_built•-to-a• dayi
they'isay, but New York. -can be., "
. _ •ysm.
"I've done•this for the workingman,
who is doing his best to .beingup a
family. 1..wen'c make a ccnt on it.
One day I 'went .through, the east leide.
You know it. Nothing but, a mess qt
t ester, tale off my glove: and. now
- that I think of it, take off my erm."
Glove and arm---eetee-avey-.at the first
, effort. end the waiter. appaltedHlo see
his customers all tumbling la 'pieces
rtrnerl...--- . . ... • - , , ,
,, . '•1Wtriter, pall ell rny startetard boot,
and !au •niay as well pull ..aa my leg
. ' tcla""--‘,eie_r pc.e.e_. unease*: INee\aleeng
-tined, , Tix•riently . repenting cant77 prayer
be' er.s.uttl. Mint ,f... Ins4atItly-tha-pretti--
. ourty-lnocened r -traps of the cork leg
Fave way, Jana, down went the man of
4iunitr fin tai ialigtiM hark. with the
, 'artificial limb (mitering ,in his clutch,
ra- It Vta* eitough. Forgetting eiery-•
th-reg in bit aevonized basic to eseePe
'•--- --- *- ' fl‘VM '. t trg -chamfer --ilf- herrera: the 'tile
- - -4L.eitt.hri•-0,4t_lrillerlielia‘re
• Al the !raga:write, which strewed - the
•, earpet. sprang ler.veeds the door. fiat
• befere he coutd meet) , it Dan 'Lena
hinvell--the knell* and flexibility ilf
,'!•,..".--4:,•.:;,..,_______ " whese neck might have amusid the_
...., .r. .! , ' 7-----iiiiv--- zr---in-.-ostriefs-:ealitit-aant.;:•--. .:._
., . "Wailer: come and 'take elf my bate
and white • you're at it take off my
lluman nature. could bear no 'more.
> „, •
11* martyred waiter gave one yiert and
ateate hut A Stitzleiste7t1I14 from lt.t--lop
t114, .V.a1t9; i ) the lottent. UptAting.
'net' onh -.'iiitir'digiiltY:lint.'llintailf; so
, Uglily. that for the day 4* hhisdealb
.- !P.A.- ts, a newt' italfe 'hiil_arein.-•-•ton-
• , 600 4-1tils.,
• 1 -1-
• - itADT
- , etre rieeitee -heti
opinion !Libre Own Tablets when
*he raid. -There's a smille In every
- - 'ifoee." In harries e here the- Tablets
are use, Ihrit Akre no cross.• fretful
• ' sit ekly rtiNlrett: The. Tabiet%'' Make
• • .
hhildren sea keep. !bent Well,
They ,eere andieration: meet rehealei.
desett:tret. tfirAltInZ treP„1144, and
• ' at, flak Otteer re tear - ailments of child-
' 'Ate, ran 1'-'n4VIP h aracp.
tutu saki, to !he new 'Mtn child; Sur
fee morttitii tee the gearantre ova
prvirttirItritoid ateilyst that the Tabk•ts do
`"! «n4113 441.i partklit f ociste'
rdriyellrrt4. teething, etuff. ltn't ami) a
., • - -.74""ditriatot4'.- *crib . tricInetterp Feu.
',IatrAe11, •The. Tattle'arei brAl afl
Cp.,.„ Brock
!louse .the. time.
'In e few
c on will go outside of Man-
hattan and -see rowa.of heattliftil, beau-
tiful -concrete . houses, -one:---fore-eae -
femity: The expense of making them
will be Itis than-that'or"ttie dirtiest
nm „leaving the .patentopen \'' to every
onc. Competint-e9mpanies .wIttp:ring
up. each ..making a dilicri,nt sty -1e ,e1
house.. •
\. Light.'
"rho Mosi.E4nornicaLll
Hizh OiadS Oii ';
Artr4 V4:04 '
ler-147W tin ftt"-•;e
0 1
k3e4it knew wohld.tceutie a miracle and
1. tan 1 -to 21111rack-Weirker.", Answered
Ivan, "Perhaas, holy 'father,you . cou Id
sviia-IWn re_ e ,for iner- •
The pliest proteb(ed that- h;r. had no
mitt power., 1 , •
itaid lean. "ail shall go. hack
ki-4be.„.ch urth. ‘and_sicaL.1
need 'free soinebod the Ilest•elta cc
• • • •••!-- -•
"11. you do that,' said the piles. "you
wilt be a very wicked men and 'ought
Li he sent to- prison for' 11. ciul-the
church sbculd Impose a heavy peneitee
on.lyoe. leo." • . _ .
But -Ivan thenight ho Might have as
tiittelfluckap the 11111 who had rabbet('
‘4, „,,,4 •
• -- •
• i;
.back hia allaPcil 14s
hand inte'''it gill eulted.eut a Purie.
it was his awn - punk. and It ennielned
the eriact: sutriTVirett ho had left in it -
•.In hex deirglii- Ivan gas*no thinight
"la hinting Ilut.num over to justice. Ile
nnt told- -tro‘i --reA,oveteri-
etoien- money.' "Surcly..r.
ve beenj'rrat•anca the
•• •laanguid feer:na'disappeari iftimediatelf.
So • -
why should you hesitate/to take it?
Ste your druggist today about "Brick's Tasteless."-,
_ _
o"........„...........:......, • ....7
, .
.4 . A ... • .0 V
$ 4414 .• 4 di' -4'.. A kV *
l't cogs au; m-uch---"inai7-erp a:.-lam-rhonrei
-.), , , Ili ip , • ,
as it clots a horse in harness - and the:- *e 4 yid,
• cripple brings tn./thing in. Von ain't affotil '
to support Mk stock. -That's why you Met
afford to be without • • - •
Tha-peepiest2L-pe.est-h •
•ante _an _ went hie way
e ie to_ Ito ill Me'
1.2n1'ller.esty the best palley," .
-;,,,I,e_:-..--,1t-tes- - ‘inand4iiffriesa-fiect- iataet-Arsereinseee
low. -."..-1.,.. . 1 -..
............xixitivILSTAnft --cbsrv-7311e.-1 'QV- -------
..... - t'_/ Imre_ uteXtbdalll Spavin Cure for A- DOM eta II ars -.1
• ' Oa:veiny which has entirely cured thele ot.........•.;
•- the atedriee. Atibitiee bottle of 'the Spiels. Care, am sere. writ '
• cornpleti the cute." . , .• 2 , , 110WARILIIROCIL ,..-...
-:--$120a-botiLeorat-foras-eout•-uraeaters aie-iii:WRieTie rtri-ealy *Jour
...-,,,fassosabook.--4Treatise On The Ilorse21, Nei w dad • seed for it every etay..------,-,-,-
D pe. B. J. KIENDALL'CO, ereosatnia nuts; VILitMottY. U.S.A. IS
A Succecaful Medicine. -- Everyone
taking in which he may arege. 11 is
tgereforeextremely, gratifying - to the
peopitelors of Parmelee's Vege' Able
to know 'that their ellorts -to com-
pound a ittedicine • which would prove
ri blessing. to mankind 'have leen sue-,
res.afut :beaNerid- expeetellorta.. . The , ene
dorsat'on of these Pills by, ihe Public IS.
a guarantee :that a pill :hai been pm-.
.due6.1 whie.h fulfil eveaTthing
-claimed fo-FiL--- • . • - • -
•• She --"You . hero againr Tramp -
"Yes., kind lady." Ste. -'Weil. .1 won't
help A:ou axein. 1 21 e'lAtcheve you %e
deme anything al) the year:". Tramp
"Indeed 1 lave, inUin. I lust done a
month.' _ .
nett Swiggas -last night lie
sterned to have a bad case of the bluei.-
es •• ..
two popeemen A'tre surorting • him."
- • ,
A C.arefulty. • Prepared Pill.-Mneh
time and _attention • were expendixt in
the experimenting 'teith the ingredi-
ents that enter into the composition
'of Panneke's ,retzglableOaLteeftere,
they were brought to- the Mate in
whit!' they were first offered to the
-publiet-Whtitever otherLpitis---maY*7'be;
Parmelces Vegelable PilLs are ,the re-
sult of much e-xpert•study, and alt per-
sons *altering from-dyspepata or dis-
ordered liver and, kidneys. May cong-
e.ently acceplthem 43 what it
arthiteaurit_atAL' not_he_mee
netaisous. :In fact, 11* architects, never
had their_chance Ilit_now- flefore;,,
they've had to rush out scimething
cheap. never anything beautiful. Now
they wonl hate
ve to wort*, a`rit ex -
pen. The most- artistic refuse Li. as
• cheap as the crudest. Why! it's going
to mean a revival to trehiletture.'
• - • vSioN.s cANT-titurc-r.'.---,
----.0Wt11-the-uniens-Aatirette-1 .
can't plumb. carpenter. lay Lrias and
the liker Edison ,was asked.
A winning ranile crept over_ the In-
ventar's lice.
Wel, they aught net • lee" )-e Siki,
nItey-art,gaing_la Jive. lia.litiese-tonics.
"I've .been washing on thli for. two
ywirs.. That's the way It IS with every-
thing - 1 47: The Idea . comes{ 'easy!
enough -doesn't. lake ' 1 'Per avail -,•,af
my Litre.' But- ilie details rere.n • plug,
!.i1(4",'T plug:7 AM' thq wors11Pert 'of If-
.patere' ',done .;'...114,11:11146111i.
heve:' r- perfect, and never ill' ''' be." .:.
-. •••
.10-1(:EtF110ii CLIRYSA144.t;'
Vonen olL4Titrkey - Daily
. . .
• ---
Compared with fifteen yeah agO,,
th'f' 6tsitverdaPPouttneae. of the vornen
nt,-_Turkey ' has., changed_ aPpnaciably.
The Viiehniiik, or veil; is being frottre'dix,
eartletHl. and - when attil.,wern tontrali
ntucb Wes; a !hi tare and ligure„11440 he;
Wye: .Dress 'generally hi$'now te distinct
vbe%iern took *haul 13. and incite --'often
than Dot, a iniad belt js' %torn around
1' •watst. 'Perhefts, the...moat noticiastbil
feattire of the altered:eandillarts. 11.
is the compere, tre. frecdcm.;arith'
modern Turktsh7ar amen ;more aboutin
Foe:merit .kpI under9steitt
t -art ty the eurnielis..they.now,.thre.
me:10%0%e3 .. freely In 11:'e-corrrivOf,
male, retitIti.174indlirferidiT,T1'hYaklaiii
arl.•.'nolonretderotrelkit Idntinlatert
InOnedical ri-t'aisaineif 11
A, •
• .
Man. "Perhaps." the Simple Pee-
aen; "hut it generally forgets to Speak
when it -passes--
.1/piesime your chtdrrn k
tts yOU a
reit -many embarrassing quesloesr
Nyce; wonderful 'how like :their
. An-ektierly man hearts the count,' -'n.
tent ,on pureleseing Itenr, furniture. pro.
cpeded to the city to. put' hit. akill .Lor
bare:a-Ming-to' the -test. On entering- 4
shop . be -found himeelf confrented by a
Jr*: Atter turning over the Jews
atocY....440 la?1,*...P.Pr,ehaa01..:11,_ chair-
•1".retv days liter 'hie purehater returned
atria 'Italleieteien peers.
looked'at theft very gravely, and "eitifn7
ined them all over then •oeiktenty.
.C:tattnedt4e-."Ah, my. frent.•ine see vit. is
de; mtter; somebody tuts teen :atilling
cnitr • c •
Dining- a prography loscint IlW, :hair
er.. of a Scottish' &hoot . antic -ed. One •.411
ble pupilk"- take a large orangefrom: his
pocket. and begin'. to demoh:sti_it.',.11e
Ii-14:'Verl 'angry. tit.,the young- .rausearis
learborandcr1�J,onI .%ohioi.1 say.'
there. put ',that' orange out of atglal.r.
up from.the • hoc:It, . and
sutylng.."Can ye,ocr,stejm.ilisein';••
the bed fowler It builds the *Mow. sires
Dew life, retaLea people well' And Arun. lie sure
ion get the gene. "Ferraris:*
Onee More poor woman is laughed
at for her lack of banking knowledge.
There le n' denying it. tetuever: the is
paraphernalia of finance., This is the
.latest tate. A banker, pet Wag C.)1°.
ittiefieta tbfUi1 letter frorn a
lady well -known in social circles: -
"Deer Mop payment cn the
cheque I wrote-oist Ioalsty;- as 1-acedent-
ally. burned- Mr3.:111ank.•!
• C eapest cif Aliitterileinese-;-Consider-1
frig curative --quelPiee- -of itl.
r +t ovio.10,sor ••
Central location. •Abut
four-itoors and basement.
Standard Firs Sprinkler
Term of .Years.
tan thourand almarl feat In
• Exoallint ship, ix fieNitiles
Lew inseranee rate. •
'She Was obese,' pasting fair. and-
ttteet-1 hat tette, .."tur-d-- been" -
earth. for tweitty;nine. yenta.
know better. "Will axe] merry me7".
he quer.ed. m are asking i good
4eat,". she gurgled. in --reply.' "Oh,
well." • he ieplitel. "I always etas. par-
tial to -lariM
• %%lien all_ other -corn prepanit1On.4
ait-try Holloware Cairn Curie. NO-
VXWillt4WiTild'WV215-firrii eine
Is Small and a bottle -contains many 'Have yeti tenni that young Yelard
doses. If It were valued at the benefit
_ has sibsc-mded with 1$15.1100 -431 hill cra-
g contMs--Lt C910--TY1U-L-‘• Ruth_ ._ „._
aw -04er-inoney?-4-fframAlzatja=tewi
.15 3- _the-.:PA
„ilt-V --921K1-.14,44tAL-L-VtatilLIttlakti.P110741.ffo,innk
-itc7",,t4rrittereirFACr-CallsWifitiotl;;- has sour.,umbrella with <him.", n-tv_rnee.:‘,
siMplified .aiiir cheapened -Its mantilac- esteeedeenr-,-
•"I do spring eleng at All Stil!tafle reiterally described by the word Neserata. Irt all
14--.11te---year114srs-that .-drrr-ir
evIrsetb7:rtigtarresree==lit-is mat
watchrnzler.". c4la1striti W se
1TCII.' lianget jcretle t.-ralcttes and ' A QUEER Ti
Sanitary Ways:, - It nearer eeeri,„; ifinsr •
Sick: by all dregg:Lets. , •
• have to 'tome out Wirt; they
urr get -11"°- 7.7 •
• lirvilelor-seetkirktray* the
crowd is itving.' tiro roikiws laud Tte elna"*CY of nitkies Anli•COnsumn-
e,ayx,rti that direteon.e - Live Syrup In • curing teugh.s, and eel&
_ and arrtzting Inflammaticri of the
_Thtse .uee ,44tairame-:-quarifreatieni,- -lungs; can be •estabitehed by,"hundreds
'pleasant 'to alit taste and al the smile ,',Of testimonial* fermi All roartn and cone
erne erre:mai, .,are !di le, :feud in dinar!!! 'Of risey: ' It standard rern•
waher GraveaL_Wpfni • Exterminet4r. «i In these 1111n3rfits. and aili affee•
Children' tike • It. i - lions at-theAhrrail and It- fi
• every form el tagftaus itch-- In human sek,tiote\' te.)i• •*‘'‘vere•-• old ecelujee,
cr annnals cared n minutes by Wel- .
ljubbeink-e"1 _estimate that . advertlie &me. becztuse,they know ind APPred411
ifir! oaths rae 'fifty Aolisra al year Mom Iti: Vatue as a - yrr. "'
jo•u_litudnzithoust,TmAkaaildyertise:.. *IT.AN
Lt the bores do and drwise, Li nuOt--i"ou iare all sort of lokis
mariptd blitigein.hutit'llr'" • =do about thf se. itnra.-don't you
Anwar away .by arum, Laag rt., erAes.. F itEet We\ ‘411.1
tea II* good *fed taste. . • . c, • ' the it r *Fong.,
"I:redid "it,-7(7.rilkeyi -Thete.u1d&t be
OF MEMORY. 110 f tin an :cyn`,1fie:-end:4:0
ing'twa„ umbrellti4',,i6inebody, asked
The" forgetful man; and ker•looked•
en it the*rsuestiOli. *.‘ ,
."1,...:shqu3d: think. you'd .gueis ;that
easily. knowing me so well:* ,he said.
"rmatarrying two- so that 11,1 Starget
and leave 'Ace' anywhere .1 shall still
have ',the; other!" • •
. !
3116 VUT WUT 'Of sitsounny.
Maziates of Latzary at ldiebanat toot
t , • . Y,; .7--
Aeetsesrldektltsrlet-eadAlefiaatmtFftlble rie.
/Afoul*** Walt' elirbeateris. Ptirseps Mom _
New Dutch Orin Loeser Larvae la Ctty
Cali. Came Pass Motel te, all Itallreeda
Zeropea• ALSO per day 4tettliout both,
12.60 per .dialt.1,1Widg balk- - Son** 'IL*,
41.4, ter Ilaaktret.: •
*I'S DACIti Peer*
• ••74..e