HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-11-28, Page 2 (2)IIOTJLN INECOMR.43"1111Ere" Owe .ItrfiPCs* ty; Ilegn Platen; • ., In ,real lile. Ib of cattle!. dCnte ;01kn 7,411-itchi•arthirtitian:arty 410.19or tha..amaring PliC431,•14" n rrAbcadaahr:s-ana4-telL--lelw.,,aptritexi- I lly -heart woula vitilentlyT1 rouki do no work *round -the house: I become very pale and ney nerves got unstreng. The efforts oftwo good . (teeters failed to help mc. 1 was In such .a pitiful. stale. One day a hien!) . urged me to try Dr...XI/Mattis' Pink Pills end* -atittr•the- which promises to be such a boon lb the Irian with a smell , salary. , This represents a, three-storey Queen Anne house, with -a high peaked tiled 'reef and a bay front, contntning 11 roolIts, high studded and well lighted.- The walls within and without are frescoed • • .4 7 .4 • barely Cured. Fluid a good appetite: gained in weight, 1 hadn't an ache or pain; could steep. well and I 'am In far heifer health now than I ever was. ' 1 canna speak too highly. 41 what Dr- Itik have done kir me.' • What Dr. .Williarne Pink Pills have •donr for-MlaS Clende.nning they hiie done-,lor thauandre-Jhey-will hfliiJ� • - an Intervkwer. eon, and for less than 61,000, too. -This is tow we'll de .11 •. • HOW IT. 1S DONE. . 'Oyer In that factory you just keiked at we The -Inside facings of lice -forms- ltre nickel -plated, and are faVtionial exact- -1-yryketthett" taideartherritedet-AVIr There It anr:-rewithet tetiee. maw a beaten tt Itel yews. -'4'01641EtattOt!' GALVANIZED •. • STPF,I. 'SHINGLES • 'Ms roof saves yens work bees' sus hs ve.easy to out ea yourself wkh a hammer and.rdlrer), cad saes you' ram beertuziriti-,finrproni: went the beuldlsir • -ROOFING RIUT. mamas The. PEDLAR -P rtirid,)_e_•.'W,Iatiri- any-natnber--of-etteusee. rAtstxiijtho mernIng we _take lha on the wrapper etound every box. - If your r asW--gart'W-Tenuine pit you can get them at 50 cents a box :""---7-771ITaiarlTe-,ins-teee-tireelerillic • DAN LENO AND- 1111: WAITED. , -Trick Whia-- taisei the nit,. and Whkh He Never Forgot. Dan Leto, the kindest-beerted .comic singer who ever lived, once made a wager that he would upset the dignity ef a certain. beadavalter et the . princi- pal hotelin lirtgliten, Engbind, who • lad the ‘name of being the •mast digni- fied man in .the town:- His experiment and its "..-su-Iecss are noted below. Dan . Sent to the betel with three tr:eluir•-- • • an engineer who bad kist an eye. a - cavalry °Meer who had ktst an arm, and ''an of sea captain' ho had lost at- it. The quarlet. enaounced thew- -rill: in the fear earners of UM, room and. bawled ler the waiter, who came In' ‘-ith. a mote -than ordinary assurnp- p,on of deity -. as a tacit protest against their unceremonious. reaunen •,c1 'Waiter!" -cried the one -eyed engin- eer. "come arid take off my eye -gins% - adding. as the • waite r swelkal with In- - the -nation, and whileou're-nbOt lust take out my eye.'. • -91"-our;eyte.----aerr--teheed- the-Itariteit • • dignitary. Engiste! book sharpr Eye-glats and glacs-:eye an* away togr-ther. and -the waiter reconnoitered them 'doubtfully as -they lay ,In the, pehn oT his handlike a Man_ eyeing Just *hen _the .ene-armM. dragansi about • d...in_hls. turn- ahlo-stool:•-•oara n gx.-tce- a-Var.= 4. 10e,. rhe, are clamped, together wIllt. bolts, and you have. before you a - - ..4 • -nvitleliollawewalt Meanwhile we are mixing our concrete -one - part cement three parts sand, and lluee petits quartertinch crushed' sionea.... The machinery to • relief Ibis „soft concrete_ to :the top tia1._thiS iron Irthiework, you land. Ls -already, on the s • • ixirs NOT TAKE LONG. • "Dy six o'clock :at night .thee is your house inside your ironwork. • Every: - thing, except the- doors and windows. Ls in place. In'isix days the Iron frame unbolted and -removed. , In- another eight days the,. concrete Is completely I In, Fifteen" days from start -to, finish. hardened; -end the -house -ready- fa The only wood.' used is the strips aropnd the. 'edges of the Doers on which to lItek down a carpet and thoSe. around. . the wall for: the pieture nelulding. MI tielsjs put in place la the Ironwork be.lore. the concrete has been poured in. The tiling . around the fireplaces and In the chinineys, the gas and water Irleseeite, In the concrete wails. The furnaces. the heating pipes, the bath tutwater closets, are all cast with the 'tvaM. , • "There will he no plumbing bills; there is no plumbing to -be done. There will be no Ansurance; there's nothing ,J bUtfl. Ilome_emsnl_built•-to-a• dayi they'isay, but New York. -can be., " . _ •ysm. "I've done•this for the workingman, who is doing his best to .beingup a family. 1..wen'c make a ccnt on it. One day I 'went .through, the east leide. You know it. Nothing but, a mess qt t ester, tale off my glove: and. now - that I think of it, take off my erm." Glove and arm---eetee-avey-.at the first , effort. end the waiter. appaltedHlo see his customers all tumbling la 'pieces -3e.ke-a-tattnesa-puzakteavas-turnittu•-12net rtrnerl...--- . . ... • - , , , ,, . '•1Wtriter, pall ell rny startetard boot, and !au •niay as well pull ..aa my leg . ' tcla""--‘,eie_r pc.e.e_. unease*: INee\aleeng • -tined, , Tix•riently . repenting cant77 prayer be' er.s.uttl. Mint ,f... Ins4atItly-tha-pretti-- . ourty-lnocened r -traps of the cork leg Fave way, Jana, down went the man of • 4iunitr fin tai ialigtiM hark. with the , 'artificial limb (mitering ,in his clutch, ra- It Vta* eitough. Forgetting eiery-• th-reg in bit aevonized basic to eseePe '•--- --- *- ' fl‘VM '. t trg -chamfer --ilf- herrera: the 'tile - - -4L.eitt.hri•-0,4t_lrillerlielia‘re • Al the !raga:write, which strewed - the •, earpet. sprang ler.veeds the door. fiat • befere he coutd meet) , it Dan 'Lena hinvell--the knell* and flexibility ilf ,'!•,..".--4:,•.:;,..,_______ " whese neck might have amusid the_ ...., .r. .! , ' 7-----iiiiv--- zr---in-.-ostriefs-:ealitit-aant.;:•--. .:._ ., . "Wailer: come and 'take elf my bate and white • you're at it take off my lluman nature. could bear no 'more. > „, • 11* martyred waiter gave one yiert and ateate hut A Stitzleiste7t1I14 from lt.t--lop t114, .V.a1t9; i ) the lottent. UptAting. 'net' onh -.'iiitir'digiiltY:lint.'llintailf; so Rte.ri , Uglily. that for the day 4* hhisdealb .. .- !P.A.- ts, a newt' italfe 'hiil_arein.-•-•ton- • , 600 4-1tils., • 1 -1- , • - itADT • - , etre rieeitee -heti opinion !Libre Own Tablets when *he raid. -There's a smille In every - - 'ifoee." In harries e here the- Tablets are use, Ihrit Akre no cross.• fretful • ' sit ekly rtiNlrett: The. Tabiet%'' Make • • . hhildren sea keep. !bent Well, They ,eere andieration: meet rehealei. desett:tret. tfirAltInZ treP„1144, and • ' at, flak Otteer re tear - ailments of child- ' 'Ate, ran 1'-'n4VIP h aracp. tutu saki, to !he new 'Mtn child; Sur fee morttitii tee the gearantre ova prvirttirItritoid ateilyst that the Tabk•ts do `"! «n4113 441.i partklit f ociste' rdriyellrrt4. teething, etuff. ltn't ami) a ., • - -.74""ditriatot4'.- *crib . tricInetterp Feu. ',IatrAe11, •The. Tattle'arei brAl afl from Cp.,.„ Brock %,•1.' • , !louse .the. time. 'In e few c on will go outside of Man- hattan and -see rowa.of heattliftil, beau- tiful -concrete . houses, -one:---fore-eae - femity: The expense of making them will be Itis than-that'or"ttie dirtiest •on1Li11, nm „leaving the .patentopen \'' to every onc. Competint-e9mpanies .wIttp:ring up. each ..making a dilicri,nt sty -1e ,e1 house.. • Perfect \. Light.' "rho Mosi.E4nornicaLll Hizh OiadS Oii '; -F01 SALE BY•• - DEALERS EVERYWHERE. Artr4 V4:04 ' ler-147W tin ftt"-•;e 0 1 tialutojetittnis..itt**-ii k3e4it knew wohld.tceutie a miracle and 1. tan 1 -to 21111rack-Weirker.", Answered Ivan, "Perhaas, holy 'father,you . cou Id sviia-IWn re_ e ,for iner- • The pliest proteb(ed that- h;r. had no mitt power., 1 , • itaid lean. "ail shall go. hack ki-4be.„.ch urth. ‘and_sicaL.1 need 'free soinebod the Ilest•elta cc • • • •••!-- -• "11. you do that,' said the piles. "you wilt be a very wicked men and 'ought Li he sent to- prison for' 11. ciul-the church sbculd Impose a heavy peneitee on.lyoe. leo." • . _ . But -Ivan thenight ho Might have as tiittelfluckap the 11111 who had rabbet(' rrreemde•eeeeeeeiteleeiiottereeftitclie.4t. ‘4, „,,,4 • • -- • • i; .back hia allaPcil 14s hand inte'''it gill eulted.eut a Purie. it was his awn - punk. and It ennielned the eriact: sutriTVirett ho had left in it - •.In hex deirglii- Ivan gas*no thinight "la hinting Ilut.num over to justice. Ile nnt told- -tro‘i --reA,oveteri- etoien- money.' "Surcly..r. ve beenj'rrat•anca the weerrasieept4ii-eir-' •• •laanguid feer:na'disappeari iftimediatelf. Every-hatt!o-takcnisguarantted-to-sh1aw-imprournzt;______- So • - why should you hesitate/to take it? Ste your druggist today about "Brick's Tasteless."-, •Ocuice-botCe-$1.00,- _ _ o"........„...........:......, • ....7 , . .4 . A ... • .0 V I% 'IA...mu $ 4414 .• 4 di' -4'.. A kV * l't cogs au; m-uch---"inai7-erp a:.-lam-rhonrei -.), , , Ili ip , • , as it clots a horse in harness - and the:- *e 4 yid, • cripple brings tn./thing in. Von ain't affotil ' to support Mk stock. -That's why you Met afford to be without • • - • Tha-peepiest2L-pe.est-h • •ante _an _ went hie way escuped. e ie to_ Ito ill Me' 1.2n1'ller.esty the best palley," . -;,,,I,e_:-..--,1t-tes- - ‘inand4iiffriesa-fiect- iataet-Arsereinseee low. -."..-1.,.. . 1 -.. ............xixitivILSTAnft --cbsrv-7311e.-1 'QV- ------- ..... - t'_/ Imre_ uteXtbdalll Spavin Cure for A- DOM eta II ars -.1 • ' Oa:veiny which has entirely cured thele ot.........•.; •- the atedriee. Atibitiee bottle of 'the Spiels. Care, am sere. writ ' • cornpleti the cute." . , .• 2 , , 110WARILIIROCIL ,..-... -:--$120a-botiLeorat-foras-eout•-uraeaters aie-iii:WRieTie rtri-ealy *Jour ...-,,,fassosabook.--4Treatise On The Ilorse21, Nei w dad • seed for it every etay..------,-,-,- D pe. B. J. KIENDALL'CO, ereosatnia nuts; VILitMottY. U.S.A. IS A Succecaful Medicine. -- Everyone eashes_lo__Le_auctessiatin taking in which he may arege. 11 is tgereforeextremely, gratifying - to the peopitelors of Parmelee's Vege' Able to know 'that their ellorts -to com- pound a ittedicine • which would prove ri blessing. to mankind 'have leen sue-, res.afut :beaNerid- expeetellorta.. . The , ene dorsat'on of these Pills by, ihe Public IS. a guarantee :that a pill :hai been pm-. .due6.1 whie.h fulfil eveaTthing -claimed fo-FiL--- • . • - • - •• She --"You . hero againr Tramp - "Yes., kind lady." Ste. -'Weil. .1 won't help A:ou axein. 1 21 e'lAtcheve you %e deme anything al) the year:". Tramp "Indeed 1 lave, inUin. I lust done a month.' _ . - nett Swiggas -last night lie sterned to have a bad case of the bluei.- es •• .. two popeemen A'tre surorting • him." - • , A C.arefulty. • Prepared Pill.-Mneh time and _attention • were expendixt in the experimenting 'teith the ingredi- ents that enter into the composition 'of Panneke's ,retzglableOaLteeftere, they were brought to- the Mate in whit!' they were first offered to the -publiet-Whtitever otherLpitis---maY*7'be; Parmelces Vegelable PilLs are ,the re- sult of much e-xpert•study, and alt per- sons *altering from-dyspepata or dis- ordered liver and, kidneys. May cong- e.ently acceplthem 43 what it arthiteaurit_atAL' not_he_mee netaisous. :In fact, 11* architects, never had their_chance Ilit_now- flefore;,, they've had to rush out scimething cheap. never anything beautiful. Now they wonl hate ve to wort*, a`rit ex - pen. The most- artistic refuse Li. as • cheap as the crudest. Why! it's going to mean a revival to trehiletture.' • - • vSioN.s cANT-titurc-r.'.---, ----.0Wt11-the-uniens-Aatirette-1 . can't plumb. carpenter. lay Lrias and the liker Edison ,was asked. A winning ranile crept over_ the In- ventar's lice. Wel, they aught net • lee" )-e Siki, nItey-art,gaing_la Jive. lia.litiese-tonics. "I've .been washing on thli for. two ywirs.. That's the way It IS with every- thing - 1 47: The Idea . comes{ 'easy! enough -doesn't. lake ' 1 'Per avail -,•,af my Litre.' But- ilie details rere.n • plug, !.i1(4",'T plug:7 AM' thq wors11Pert 'of If- .patere' ',done .;'...114,11:11146111i. heve:' r- perfect, and never ill' ''' be." .:. -. ••• .10-1(:EtF110ii CLIRYSA144.t;' Vonen olL4Titrkey - Daily 8,„14;042 . . . • --- Compared with fifteen yeah agO,, th'f' 6tsitverdaPPouttneae. of the vornen nt,-_Turkey ' has., changed_ aPpnaciably. The Viiehniiik, or veil; is being frottre'dix, eartletHl. and - when attil.,wern tontrali ntucb Wes; a !hi tare and ligure„11440 he; Wye: .Dress 'generally hi$'now te distinct vbe%iern took *haul 13. and incite --'often than Dot, a iniad belt js' %torn around 1' •watst. 'Perhefts, the...moat noticiastbil feattire of the altered:eandillarts. 11. is the compere, tre. frecdcm.;arith' modern Turktsh7ar amen ;more aboutin Foe:merit .kpI under9steitt t -art ty the eurnielis..they.now,.thre. me:10%0%e3 .. freely In 11:'e-corrrivOf, male, retitIti.174indlirferidiT,T1'hYaklaiii arl.•.'nolonretderotrelkit Idntinlatert InOnedical ri-t'aisaineif 11 A, • • . 4ak,041.-zii11-1•11,:...tivalfe6,1kkom,W444 Man. "Perhaps." the Simple Pee- aen; "hut it generally forgets to Speak when it -passes-- . .1/piesime your chtdrrn k tts yOU a reit -many embarrassing quesloesr Nyce; wonderful 'how like :their hcungatersarr:* . An-ektierly man hearts the count,' -'n. tent ,on pureleseing Itenr, furniture. pro. cpeded to the city to. put' hit. akill .Lor bare:a-Ming-to' the -test. On entering- 4 shop . be -found himeelf confrented by a Jr*: Atter turning over the Jews atocY....440 la?1,*...P.Pr,ehaa01..:11,_ chair- •1".retv days liter 'hie purehater returned fer-lhrt`shf.V--aatil'k\--t-Vtlftr'-'thT'thl atria 'Italleieteien peers. looked'at theft very gravely, and "eitifn7 ined them all over then •oeiktenty. .C:tattnedt4e-."Ah, my. frent.•ine see vit. is de; mtter; somebody tuts teen :atilling cnitr • c • Dining- a prography loscint IlW, :hair er.. of a Scottish' &hoot . antic -ed. One •.411 ble pupilk"- take a large orangefrom: his pocket. and begin'. to demoh:sti_it.',.11e Ii-14:'Verl 'angry. tit.,the young- .rausearis learborandcr1�J,onI .%ohioi.1 say.' there. put ',that' orange out of atglal.r. up from.the • hoc:It, . and sutylng.."Can ye,ocr,stejm.ilisein';•• ..". • the bed fowler It builds the *Mow. sires Dew life, retaLea people well' And Arun. lie sure ion get the gene. "Ferraris:* Onee More poor woman is laughed at for her lack of banking knowledge. There le n' denying it. tetuever: the is funny-whenLahe-gent-1angtal-up-42-Itie. paraphernalia of finance., This is the .latest tate. A banker, pet Wag C.)1°. ittiefieta tbfUi1 letter frorn a lady well -known in social circles: - "Deer Mop payment cn the cheque I wrote-oist Ioalsty;- as 1-acedent- ally. burned- Mr3.:111ank.•! • C eapest cif Aliitterileinese-;-Consider-1 frig curative --quelPiee- -of itl. ee r +t ovio.10,sor •• Central location. •Abut four-itoors and basement. Standard Firs Sprinkler Term of .Years. tan thourand almarl feat In • Exoallint ship, ix fieNitiles Lew inseranee rate. • 'She Was obese,' pasting fair. and- ttteet-1 hat tette, .."tur-d-- been" - earth. for tweitty;nine. yenta. aves_ecantheirtit...land_Leld_atnoilgiaLl know better. "Will axe] merry me7". he quer.ed. m are asking i good 4eat,". she gurgled. in --reply.' "Oh, well." • he ieplitel. "I always etas. par- tial to -lariM • %%lien all_ other -corn prepanit1On.4 ait-try Holloware Cairn Curie. NO- VXWillt4WiTild'WV215-firrii eine Is Small and a bottle -contains many 'Have yeti tenni that young Yelard doses. If It were valued at the benefit _ has sibsc-mded with 1$15.1100 -431 hill cra- g contMs--Lt C910--TY1U-L-‘• Ruth_ ._ „._ aw -04er-inoney?-4-fframAlzatja=tewi 1Zr-inaT1irn .15 3- _the-.:PA „ilt-V --921K1-.14,44tAL-L-VtatilLIttlakti.P110741.ffo,innk -itc7",,t4rrittereirFACr-CallsWifitiotl;;- has sour.,umbrella with <him.", n-tv_rnee.:‘, siMplified .aiiir cheapened -Its mantilac- esteeedeenr-,- ... •"I do spring eleng at All Stil!tafle reiterally described by the word Neserata. Irt all 14--.11te---year114srs-that .-drrr-ir evIrsetb7:rtigtarresree==lit-is mat watchrnzler.". c4la1striti W se 1TCII.' lianget jcretle t.-ralcttes and ' A QUEER Ti Sanitary Ways:, - It nearer eeeri,„; ifinsr • Sick: by all dregg:Lets. , • • have to 'tome out Wirt; they urr get -11"°- 7.7 • • lirvilelor-seetkirktray* the crowd is itving.' tiro roikiws laud Tte elna"*CY of nitkies Anli•COnsumn- e,ayx,rti that direteon.e - Live Syrup In • curing teugh.s, and eel& _ and arrtzting Inflammaticri of the _Thtse .uee ,44tairame-:-quarifreatieni,- -lungs; can be •estabitehed by,"hundreds 'pleasant 'to alit taste and al the smile ,',Of testimonial* fermi All roartn and cone erne erre:mai, .,are !di le, :feud in dinar!!! 'Of risey: ' It standard rern• waher GraveaL_Wpfni • Exterminet4r. «i In these 1111n3rfits. and aili affee• Children' tike • It. i - lions at-theAhrrail and It- fi • every form el tagftaus itch-- In human sek,tiote\' te.)i• •*‘'‘vere•-• old ecelujee, cr annnals cared n minutes by Wel- . ljubbeink-e"1 _estimate that . advertlie &me. becztuse,they know ind APPred411 ifir! oaths rae 'fifty Aolisra al year Mom Iti: Vatue as a - yrr. "' th;41,17:414 jo•u_litudnzithoust,TmAkaaildyertise:.. *IT.AN Lt the bores do and drwise, Li nuOt--i"ou iare all sort of lokis mariptd blitigein.hutit'llr'" • =do about thf se. itnra.-don't you Anwar away .by arum, Laag rt., erAes.. F itEet We\ ‘411.1 2, tea II* good *fed taste. . • . c, • ' the it r *Fong., "I:redid "it,-7(7.rilkeyi -Thete.u1d&t be OF MEMORY. 110 f tin an :cyn`,1fie:-end:4:0 ing'twa„ umbrellti4',,i6inebody, asked The" forgetful man; and ker•looked• en it the*rsuestiOli. *.‘ , ."1,...:shqu3d: think. you'd .gueis ;that easily. knowing me so well:* ,he said. "rmatarrying two- so that 11,1 Starget and leave 'Ace' anywhere .1 shall still have ',the; other!" • • . ! NEW -YORK- . TTIE.NLIV FREPROOP - HOTEL-IIIVARRE 3116 VUT WUT 'Of sitsounny. Maziates of Latzary at ldiebanat toot t , • . Y,; .7-- Aeetsesrldektltsrlet-eadAlefiaatmtFftlble rie. /Afoul*** Walt' elirbeateris. Ptirseps Mom _ New Dutch Orin Loeser Larvae la Ctty Cali. Came Pass Motel te, all Itallreeda Zeropea• ALSO per day 4tettliout both, 12.60 per .dialt.1,1Widg balk- - Son** 'IL*, 41.4, ter Ilaaktret.: • *I'S DACIti Peer* • ••74..e .4; 4,1j:^W'yfk .