HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-11-21, Page 4 (2)utl .W Loe erelints
rnaLigl4 ft -rib tdw blocksralt
Itt'f Ur.SWPitliiick-itere;
id 44,1141 14.1.4 littrumn with
.tbeb wkvt!of Thriltord spent 'Sunday Mf,
1I. how4,A Mr.- Oravszlieftubto
SVikons bmv halt heel) ...141.dene41 by
tL on , .41 *littletott.,..'ilotlimoth..
*Tom), Lwibt re , 4oin vieelY-Sr.,
nt 'or AtittI*11 apnt Frdy-,-Itetteif',,"
. litette0-.04# ,We M�Hen left 'limit'
4 .. :.,
t'. ri
pending *iz we*ks wit,
with it sore
the kl11ed ire of. lir
bee iteiughter of Jpbn Stt
tor anti;
nPtht, beet ro,0ye
, iss:Ctier betterelass of trade. \
unifftiiiiieturned to a intOn
after a visit at Mr. Stewaree, London
Roai, during the week. -,The G.T.ft;
pie content tithe -erection of sti.
White otToroutO *tilted ikt A.Ilrandre
over Sunday -Mr. James anytit, hos
,received hi* first...Class 'certificate and
intendstakinga yeite„,,,,,..4;sc.thesNeeilizt
ttilfbii.:=Mrs. Ed.- Shaffer
if toosa* visiting in this vicinity.
er• r :Wends will he eftErY._ to
auntbi.t ibe ig not enjoying verY
nittnher attended the
fortinitireo ot the °Pero Rouse rti.
e?eail3g. Ali repott a very ,pleas.
very twig- meeting wa held
t the ;no -Monday evening. NM
ifie1700ftry. troal:lhOrViX484#_-
bving shipped over
• Pekes w*Iogood
ovez . „being re*lized by, tire
of the wli
elates -a-10 vay that the menage.
moat os wellos the farmer* Are well
pleosed .and 'prospects are good for.
anothersuoceetul tteoson... Mtvflood.
Parkhill to reliniiii.he -duties at, the
High itchool.---RObt. State, after, a
pleitssnt ?het here with his eon. John
la County!, '111.14h...-aeo. Boynton hes
returned from his trip to the . West.
A.trit *eft Mre...A.„.11„.r.tottonrhavemov..
-04.here from. Moray, luteing,roi
farm from Geo.: ilaunders,-'-The F. F.
Club lotend holding their first swath-
ly sonms-
etime in the near future. -y.
Ilod s'hottse i lookin like, * new
now havingt of plaster put an
the inside. Mesars. A. Nichol and P.
Sehrain are_thecontractors.-Mpst_pf
thif'rueiIor this vlctnty have their
fall work. tom tete& 21re-weather-
-wo -nofhave-
itINE414 '
ibani Sr-
- ctileassion to Dr, t o Ifethat, Who tr thee° tt ree< rne iiitiCt-on'-Tra:TinalirEhlt" st
ed re.:Is't: 'tog: %flirt: t 1:tc:T-roh nto. in „
r;.board of education, has beer* bunt in 'Semi • i )ntario.._lie sent home
of the' Will ,,,Hathort: st, It enjoying
-Beat' tit--"---- 143allt**it'ite'9"1 aTbfelsw,gidafikes
' - esk,....Dr..-Wilsott-of--Zorich .w.it_i
• solary•is $5000. '' ' ' town Sunday nights., -Wilfrid. 11010'
The A.metican Government has or. tont who hes been Iii Waco .an alvii.06-
-,dered that the new gold coinage' silts'', tion Of theheert. is gettin asotignice.
,Iso.t have the words utiv God We 'Y. -The Moses Carrie anU Anus Mae*
Trust" on it. President 'Roosevelt Arthur hate returned trent s Atialt in
says the motto has been cheapened by Stretford. While there they attended
hetn_k44eed...9.11-ett_itate- o- lid iteut_danc„tfi,,Miest,-.)fer
daisy. - Con.-Pir.mendira;vho his sailed the
bikes doting the sunnner.has returned
' The waterwarko by-law in Olintort .
• • hotne.--Dr, Seliery's sister Miss Olive
her ,
carried by a good maiorityoti Septern.
attacked th i`ti very ill at her home in Xineardine.
IA is 7 It °PP°11*e'r.---many --.,- friendsbem -.----wistt----lier-
ents of -the scheme, and the ease, will '
„ some upfor trial at Ostroode Hall s'appeedyrecovery.' The Dr. eilen„,,t; a
'Thursday. The grounds of objection feirdale there fiurinirthelr"i5J-"1"4
are thatres poll clerks were appointed; L. Ortwein left this week,- for London
_ .
,tbott the Clerk acted as deputy return. where she has accepted 4 good
log oilleer; that there were irregular. tion--Mrs-ris,wk visited at Rev- KAlosi
ities by one of the deputies, and . also At' CUnten-cluring the week* -The 1.
lttesdinftb tirt/00Y.*Iskownnw. ss given its till" dpalersa°tIoCnireoretiberhasir4bakkarretembtkheinigdPrOe'rt
Dec. a -Ttev. Gong -0 Exeter will °O -
&t 'Itooks as though the ktontre....si cups, tile pulpit in the methodiet
''Star might have reater suece0 in church next Sunday. --4>. Daterit and
securing an education for Tom Long. woe have returned from .Torouto.
boat, the Indian runner, than, the Tor- They took the,ir.5.yeaeeblid down to
onto Globe. The Globe tried ln vain the eltr where it underwent az opt -
to raise lay subscription the necessary tion on ita limbs at the Sick 0 ildre l's
-funds, The Star otters to footthe bilis.. hospitals -At the- cvolal.-,...oel
----;-"----- '617t;-8".11-elltlati-41 ' 0 d'hYllis. t-ts--id".,trii.- James TrOyer'at
kitarn has Promised to give him $2000 theie home in Seoforth on Nov' S. a
at, the end of lite Years. if he is still an number. of friends frosm here drove ut
L"1 tiwehtoome_ophetstereil---patior 4ititradter.
The, Postoilice Department. In '
'statement to the press directs attert
titonu thelatt tha-the public Aim&
understand that, whereas since Ohriet,.
aallteue athiet!e snd t)r 1°'1141 reP°rt In and Presented the couple- with s, han
rocKeus bat rack and several totner
artieles, white their friends at Seaforth
also made Very- soitibre prescribe -to'
them. Mr. and Mrs. Troyer hive the
$ , f39*--tttr-bairtrbettrikb be4L Wi31i
otters to Great *halo and all parts reach the century W Dovid.
of the British- ,Buitilre for two tents formerly section forearm here And who
per halt ouncertkey tan- now sue:4 WA* transferred to Belgreve And later
letter weighing up to one itzinet. for to London, hes gone 1.0 Clinton where
two tents. •1t7iis no looker n. --u y, be intends temainlOg.--lo 'spooking of
t6 etiaploy tery thin piper to z-u:I t Mi.Harold* removal from ng tun
Jtt1 -t teiAteittlit
Britain or one to the eolonies for two ts be tougratulated on hie promotion.
cents, and it brings the .stott tost-ttf, teenttlsrownr-tite .0o ti
weight, into conformity with .1 hat la
use for domestie cOrreepondeto
anpiier4ry eirviteo of BittiOnY
elittrch 011 Sunday were Tel* success.
tett vices being held in the Frisby.
, torten ;dints* morning and etetting„
conducted by ROV40. Going end Fear
Exeterrespeettvely. The ' attend.
Rev. Pletc htly indionosed..
The 4flatt, 111. - Will liteWArti,
Who -fist rieuely ull ot typhoid
, typheid toter and Pleurisy.. will be
tpleased to know th.st he is at time of
recovering, although•Ailowly.
---.The,otioirPel. meetings held sn the halt
the 1)4St week werefittrly_Welt-itttisod.
CI and the diem -trees, *III worthy of
attention., but the dbitittbance crested
. outside duringIlte services thonla",,nOt
, _ _
• be_tolerated 1.0 country.
The guilty partiei" `11-a- -knotvii and
40414 he Made An **ample of. „
our hair; .nOurish
givet something to live rt.
Then k'will top d
will iro*-: Ong and ,heavy.
Ayer's 1.1itir Vigor is the only
genuine 111dr...food you poi
buy":„It gives new „life to the
hair -bulbs. You'save whit
hair you have, and 'go', more
too. And it keeps the 00$11)
-clean And healthy.
lthl sot moot
ploy and certainly merit* :the promo-
tion for It is safe to say thstWinghain
-nover,had.autoreAbliginstor eftlent
agent, faithful
clef, - The, shippers -And -travelling-
Public. have appreciated his courtesy*
nd-seiltutiwhini terthiveticket.----Dur
frig bis fire 'owe* Stay here he . hat
made hosts of friends. And has taken a
lirely interest in the Board of trade
toad Alt that concerned the welfare of
the town. As superintendent of sr.
Andrew's ',Sundoty,school hi will be.
tonett thissed." Mr. : Harold's many
fettle's here *hill him continued sucs'
reed at StAntford.
rullybisak has been
ed ic-lehool-teather-A
City, A1ta.-1,010e Webb I*
hir parents in Toronto.. Miiia
Its vk4iting her
Park,nf Loran.
Alaska is vluting h a pai
Mr.' earter.-104irs Ev
been re.engsittid pthiclpat
• o, public school for ratx
Mims Itvelyn Bailey cf48t.
een engsged its oessliton
('arter of
*: Mr. and
rter has
of Gran.
her. .
Jack Forest and itlits Unit Vothering.
ham were unitedin\ the holy. bonds of
matrimony 00 Tizeodity.. Nov. 121b.
Citte.WottrAltSt viisheiLfor their
future hsppintes.k.Ellee haM
returned in London, otter it pletioari
vjslt totretnotidelit eeye
e4 1).1, reortilob, (striae, ot Trinity
ogliton ehurth, St Timmomsloitabeeti
ppointed to the pstish of (Ironton tiod
will .enter ution his itutieo ifitiMIt the
midaile of Deeember. Stnee tekin
charge rif the eilittey of Trinity chifit
litsgoa work -Among the
young peo-
p!e of the, church has 'Werra Metter o
lunch cominendstion.Ile testes.* with
ittiversalt#Ittetat.4 the hope thsthist
0* sottonn4ivio mo hie both, too.
*Mini and agreeable 'to hiuus.t.The,
&lath. or Robert, Weir two:tutted Thurs.
day MOthiDitsind in hit paseing was
**moved otie'of the okest and brst
krown ploneerst of Lo
and Orsattio district. Mr, Welr
hoa-nIn Londe° Tp.in IR$4, and had
and in London ever
lidIt *bout teen 7PitT$ ao le. was
jO ng ou tbe 1
he izaoed to
-attack of in Minatory rheum tifitio,
'being confined to bis home at Wan..
, stead. Mrs. Grahamis also very 111 at
preterit The.ituellen aTe brow iaie
,Alex 0Ain ibe was held on
av and was very succ s u n.
deed. The form of 100 acres was pur-
chased by D. Witherspoon for /0.000.
He no* has the whole 0Ampher1,estate
ot Mures, which cost l him a little
over $10.090. :The stock. etc,. ,a,t the,
himself it capable auctioneer. -John
Nicklee, teacher of 8. 8.. No, 13 bits
been engsgedity the trustees of S: S.
on the7th con., for next year.
ilsqlfetiearrbf-Westtti:amt &Morton*.
'are giving up -their . *thole sit New.
Yeitrit--,theiattereXpectbst to
electrical engineering, the former to
Attend Normals -A deer Which - made
its,eseepe, from the pork . At Grand
Bend Sotue tivne ago, was seen liiy Mr.•
IVieEllan at the southern terminusil of
the 18th con. nf McGillivray tine day
latt week. tfisdeership took fright at
the unexpected *ha sudclenappearante
of it 'stranger and gently gliding over
fences, dittliett„ etc., sought, refuge in
the Interior of Wm. Reid's hush. The
proprietors ot Grand Bend were in hot
purani " 'Orchards have terried:otst it
estimated ¶tbis wiltben good thing
for some of tbe buyers who pa14 big
prices when tile prospects looked poor*
and when the British tostket was ex.
be much-better-thowit-is,;-
Apples made a iory rapidstrowth since
Sept. lend the standard size has im-
proved as the season advarieed,
tau ey.
Diverre.:-Peter Ribber, of the 3rd
ton., passed peacefullystway ou Th.**,
day. Be had been ill for eeveralyestre.
Deceased spent* summer lathe West;k,
and last *inter in California, with the
Alts-cha Istmlitaattrwkiutd_
Prove ne it ong e
felt betterot the time, .there---vroo no-
permenent improvement; He how-
ever, Wats poseessed of greet pluck,
and, Although far from well, was
round nntfl-irtbirralewt-daysrof his
He, attended the--anniverestry
and teat meeting itt St-. An.
horchrin-ICippettoof• which- •
n ofncer, and an active find- use-.
tOtSpet $6thotate to rulour
ful member. Bus mother died shoot
two -yeitris ogo, su4 his fattier only
about two, months ago, •• Mr. ., Fisher
was -just 41 r ears Out 6 month -kilts
was born on the farm On which
lived all -his life, and from ‘rhich- he.
was taken death. .1* *OtIIIINNI
by his widow And foot children, Iwo,
boys and tirttorio. Mrs. Fisher 1. the
(utmost daughter of -the hit* Hugh,.
Lore.' _ishee was A quiet, Indus..
possessed in a, high degree the, ,confld.:
ens* and tetteem of Allwhoknew
ittid-bieettrirdeattr le-regrateti:bv itt
Jorge circlet of friends. But •It itrthe
homethatswitillbe 'most
be' was a kind And thoughtful huslemd.
antrindulgent pArent. And the sinter
rat empathy of all will be extend
to Mrs. Fisher' and .her fatherless little
ones on acconnt. Of 'their lerepstrable,
loseond itt thiit the bout of their verr
*evert bertestenient. .The funeral took
plots on .Sotottbiy Alia waelotgele
tenthd. it. WAN 4_01111itittoed 'by Rev..
roditittt,' tirKttipeit."tiridlhe-r.ittAbis
ere Interred In 'Baird.** cemetery.
WittnntertssAt hiah noonon *ea.
eslay the 'home of Mrs. J-
ohn Atilt
Sr.; was tile scene otn very pleAmot.
eVeoiste41t.beiticthe_rsv 01 the
ntarrliageet her!yssiott " ughteet
heft'. 'to Jame. Webeter.
gownNI ,
lk ssul, 'wio1 and
ente*ed the p.'arlor no the Arm' of her
brothrr, Rnbtrt Reid, whilethe sttsioy
of tbe weddlng tooth werebtiogplotr,
ed by Moo Arra .111elastrdette. The
Rev. :John, McNeU Of Bstyllea was the
offlelatfng clergyman. 'After the ostere.
moo* itrattalsi4ows were tiro
the,stnestst repaired to the dlzilng room
partooknf a 'very" stamptnoi1u din.
The travelling toStfitSte
tolitek silk. Mr. and Kra Web*
the, ittlAtttloois trottri 'to
their Isosiertnoost Is Loa*
plaeres The OiStterotit.
wieliestot the Whole
- Mr. **A
our- ouracs ars thorough and viselitor& charge or our ConixnerOhat
En, Ttlegrophy departroeuts. AU Ont•
-graduates obtsta good position'. "Vol nav 'Vat'
tow. Writstor tree cstslogue.
st,Liorr.& IlicIAOHLANt.
Miss Irene Douglas, who has been
-suffering from&severe itttitelt of mess,
lee, to cony:tie:SO•. .-JohnKi. r.has
bIac linal.4.4.0114-• effer- y frunily
will move into Gottlois Mertiee's bloc
in it (ley or so. -J. P. non and wife
Mohlgani,WAlketville and Bell Itiver
otiie vas
Jainesrtlegwellirst feobrumixe4r1-4;11-of431-Bitateay-
who for the past few months hes had
a position in faoderich, has accepted it
arland , Brose-store'itt
Prits: John A.Trueinnee.
. etarond-John . e
have returned from their duck hunt
at the WO. -;feeoto Haberer has . re.
turned from, Toronto.. While there be
attended the fruit *how and bee keep-
er* sneetingenry__BAnner
Tavistock vialted friends here" during
the week. -3. 3. Meaner will move
temporarily into Dr. Wilsorfit dwelling
until jno. Schnell 000 la complete
arbelie,vrillinOve foto-the- Steirs.-
bocli house which he inerleased. from
S. Itannie for -a -term of yeorit-E. 0.
Weber of Berlin gave a very interest-
ingeddeeseat the meeting on
Tuesday,.Much sympathy is express.
eilfor 11 Well, his sister Louisa- (Mrs.
Ututopterger) having suddenly passed
away in C*thlsmet. it few days
ago. at.the age of 00 years, 2 months.
Rannief was waited on at his
bottle the other evening by the choir
of theitvangelical church and present.
ed with a handsome fob. Mr. Monte
Is their leader and this was the way
the3r took to sho hltn. e4L-1'1:7bthetn.
A verypleasanttime was spent by alt.
illittelholts and :froMity have
'moved to Ileitsoll where the formerhtVewh
d 1*.81 good
very happiness 1.
their new home. -J. J. Merrier has'
covaied frons his recent illnees-s-The
- Lutheran '.parsonage is-nridewitig re-
pairs. - The old wood furnace's -being,
and other improvements, wide. -The
ne*Pastor Rev. Maas of *Preston is
**petted to arrive in afeerweeke.-An:
'last w lc:whereby Herman Well, who
imporrt business change teak place
1,6_4 inb
us ness o • at- es • ar
WeB retairaithe--0 an:tind
piano busi-
neal. • Mr.„Iitirttlei also- itecured . the'
titstia,ou.the'oerzieitOr 11200 And his
. intention -It tti-build An addition toac,,
inortiodiste-,- lit4lordware-z.businesa-
,worried by dogi. One pig was killed
titt t
.Two BRANdiEs Is THE Doithiiiir 'itiF-ciattisTAra
XETE-It- 1111014
X 11013,43 -11171 -"Ct. Wei 14'7. 19 lir 1LtO1kL,
iiseosrt Reeeipts heeled end hi hest current rate orinterest allowed
creditquexterty Instead ct halt yeatir aa toralealy.
Deposits of 111 sad upwards recalved.
Agents at Exeter for the DonvirtiOn Gevernment.
.41's etstt.t 0, 8,4dt:sr& N D AtraDox, Manager,
-IA Mere reasopiele than
tbc emend ali people_raake that
they be assured of the 'strength of
the COmpany, with which they
theit money.
&Erie stisttes this
tt-a titutton for more then
oath year gainhter in
gaining in the good
The fig Show its present
satisfactory position: Cepital sub-
scribed, 13,500,000; Cepital paid.,
up, 11,900,0004 .Reserve Fund
$4800,000; Assets,. over. /11,.•
llearryil-0,000,000- are invested
ifernisll'autm9lig*gapei othe"rleati"l(al estate an
Deposit yitur Money here„ or
buy a Huron &Erie Debentexe.
Correspondence gladly entered
Ina 'Watches# when sold
thei than an
the to.
diet)* out
‘s'bitket. A.