HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-11-21, Page 2 (2)tat
A" •
. .„, .
t . A. We-eve:414n '*.. ••••
1 INIetleie'.',43t0an'.
-fro1. MeV aiFig '
"ktt WO :$erVi0... i
• We arnalit ilealignantly • /Went Ilc
•cbarge. of • cowardlen. 'Hut atoe'eve
Mettle as ewe Uinta?. Con. bny iinut hen-
eetly, eay: ketrJP6tkingr
U II ny not
'fan' 0
-closet, but there es & fteeL hatriter In
()eery heart where leer dwells.
Tails wo• (ire' 'unlit/pm. We are rest -
Luse, become. we arc eprehensiee. To!
•duy may bcure, but wbo imows
what toonorrow will bring forth? Int-
egination magrailes theeelmnees
aster ana tiflsiie lieeert with gloonly
forehodings. The fairese proepeet deice
nol_laleasto laVen elleeneee is tiobilti
Hs rightful joes, Thus 1si we.are wt.
fated for life cud work.
FEAlt 1$ M011.41. PARAIne IS.
Oppartunity escapes us, All the prizes
go to lhe other 'nen; vvhlie we •eire image
nifying the difficulties in the woy, be-
o eutteeteelenteeeteeeentonntatanehanio
=.4) ites.lonegtfitane anon, .w4nottil
Ninenengateisiatetierinti "Vinetleata4V''''
• e_aneeneajoeneaLkenja
front life with confidence and mirage,
eeea ./anf.anakt'ail*afenneo 4 et,
tie *4t'gone !talc!! fear. Tnen
can stort again with o clean slate. Prone
the ttonesty yOur reperitanee end you
}lave feint.; Distrust is a inoest
lie cause of .hearealleeetealieiesellie 'f uie-
(rations. Saepticisin Is a cooper ,aeld
natter. it toaee the ground feetra under
ctir teL We must feel senietliing tinder
substuntial and •efrkain, 'ineorner
te -free freon anxiety. believe litYorite
sell and iji the largest reeesittere kit
yoitr nottire. You can If yeti will.
alio 'inert :who Ita•tee weer the prizes * f
litehad, no better- e.heritie than you. But
•ortby of your trust and they will re,
'lletiated leatiniselves and wont\ bold-
ly forward. •
Believe in year renew men. "They nare
fivona ta it. f:alf zio thou your eaemy
buck 'he •t 11.1
serve. It reeds your services and wit
.gladlynentyot • estentarkete
be hap ,e. To that en
s testantrah
s • at,
?it) al' &ID i.;i1N
Meat. and a w,11 r Uri Orit,
1itrfill 'wkdlittIN 'Mem backer -ling dr,
▪ thot fre'plt *orthen%vnec
tA, oprallete wain *eat, piece eome
dente:alio ore theatope 'ver tale lees oerea'
thtin 41irlii piae.. Woo
ltiut.e„ etelitine t11LO-praporlior
"IX)Otillit $41t.:40, X,' MO .44 voit,,
u Otiro:, then
"014W in,dautp,trine.-
.14:111110),:„ ,V$ Av$,InON
, ion441
4 aat• Oaer
;,40 tiefore: it Is
ik t1' „V144'*Ank'Ont-r..„,
.wattr .Tate.t7t.1)0,i:E*7411t:ttoei,
er that t ',114y ati hot, 'Hie o-
erne. Oh, and *free
Leaven VIM World's Temperate& Stein
day. Ce0Idete Text Item. le. 13.
oised on the text of, the Revised Ver,,
The Epistle to the Reman.-The ,ora
no v vhno
.A ,
1,3&V1I 1 tU'i 11311 w CflJ W .,..,, 111
Asia IlliZT---;tir; iniareifartii-tbe holm
P,IP,Ilt 4 At thg uriic Pt. ra_111's Mit.1110._
11 Vd
tt!, !"t '
.111 MI 11
je it, rem* 4 f JutOn. - Hi.
,rj)4,:triby0 Co viox:stle I 4 11(4-.1
mio 44),(Altd 14) 4 Aull3efent ' * '
, mAisteltw or 4240.11 111, ea onn L
at elearity towiAr4 ottert'i.
,..J.vt '.u.S..1Wt,...,there$0.ro ._.iije
iii.otte ineludes herself .wint. tocatee
,rhri ;:einerte e eepeebtan. 'Ilan ,telter
vLt1i.. ' We';t1f*'. i3P.;0;1 '.. '
Wii(14.1'S;Ptkilti,k41'1Vie.10- i$ 'OP
•1'0,5i Tiii4O'r7.-T1 ,,% on,J&ijie.•N,
, .
414.* 144 " 1 . 'A "r.,
1 'On ° ,r , I: , _ 11i404.,::: .1
i 140 1
„ ;, *Iii."*" ,
31 in g,‘•
A 4
- 1i
mnis 4li
I -
J. a Veal !I'M Li
ante fanvevare htsLsts Iltot hititaw
tbe mord' standora
sil" things prOd. Ott
,thiriagvelo be tieteleorneanuTY II t nn
paste that fl certain +femme of actiore
Wrong, and Is compelled by the opin,
erid proettee of las felloos tio
vifatto. to his own belien te
font -mit,
15;-* 1)estrdi 116t, 'oath meat birn
far witcnn Christ dic(1-4 Special applica,
hort of the general principle intelounend
in leers° 13 taut none should give ono-
oecoslon for alumbling.
_ 16. 'You good -The murse of action
aicerning which yeti yourself ttee 'Wale
seent'ed tleot it. in tight. Oor,seni, to adapt
:mother fouleae relater than have others'
look upon you as one who is dieing
wrong .ceritbivally.
• 17. The kingdom of Godo -An Oho of
f)1.11* Lord's teaching, e
le title. to Pisa' io
,velved„ wen lit
These fire the essentlala of'cotidiect.
-,'netaettlease _
ristians now ft114)1)1tX (111
tutly (onside -tied atter- tfie carrell
fir eini4Mannonde,e-inneuntieleetal au
411 .0 l_ 1
. 1 if
I , vifl
titillate the noblest pen.
Wnningiintirrinntils cowards:P.
•altneTti&e- is etwayi 'a perialf? Mallet
rd to trensgression. If we are found
out we will suffer toss of one kind or`
another. if God does not puniel) US nine
fettow men will. We are afraid of dis-
e•1.- :3i4U.
leo rot gaze into the future with rear-
nterieseeeente strrr_qmhzta-Temd_smr,
age. You Mr have !rano Mid" ()Leap-
re-entitle/Os. but stretigne will- be gived
3,...ou to -meet and Ce.veroonle them. When
yen, have (tone your best. yuti may rest
in the emetident asearanee Ilia( all will
cevery. 'eke try to (veer up our guilt. be well,
We ante refoorelnele, en .enennonire our-- - TIIONIAS-REEDoll
Whole Wheatmeal Sconce.---tnto one
pound Or wholemeal rub half a tea-
spoonful of salt and three ()tutees of but-
ler, add enough tuna tc melee up with
elot.gh, roll out half .an inch ihntek, cut
Into Founds with a pastry cutter, and
belie for forty 11/innieS in a moderate
Ira'. •
suger, add a cup of sae milk, a /eve]
teaspoonful of slant. three level eups of
acute et. half teeneattiontul eech 1 -einn4-
0200 and mace, and a cup of raisins
fettled, chopped rind floured. This eitki
it excellent to have during the- ason
when eggs -ere -scarce-, and if carefully
made, is v-ery good. . •
Eggirss Coultics.e-One. cup of sugar
rubbad lo .a cream with a half -eup
butter or lord; one-half eup of •eentr
milk, one-half leaspoonfal of belting
soda, !bur enough to make a dough that
eta b rollcd out. Add any flavor wish.:
ed and roll out, cut and bahe quiet -ay.
Meek Risque Soup. -Put a -pint of to-
rt:goes on to slew with a Quail bay leaf,
sprig of persley. Made of mace and slice
avvrt---S-erve hot-, TIM and butterat.---- to • or Itftept 2012.
Ginger Ileete-A a two gallons . of utes. Scald a quart of milk in dein&
teeaere touter to three pounds of lump holler. Rub togetaor 10 a smooth Past(
or, four ounces of cream of -ter -tar, two level tablespoonfuls of butter and
Feet en! ounce of white bruised gingern two of flower, and wheo the milk is
oeove this, to get nearly cold, thee add scalding hot pour enough otar the pes'e
hve, tateespoonfuls of yeast; let stand te make it liquid, then return all to
lilt neeloday, itken_44mity anti ------far elr.uble boar and_ 41420k Ina stir eon-
iid 3ette'4i-and Gentile jeubersb
epis -o inort easily itelerinlited than
1 the taSe :of Gnaw of the Other New'
'the and intrusts the bearing of the
visite to to nestiny to -one Ph•aelae, au
aete ineirber of the chetreh at Cenete
111e,h0111111' fiett4in of Corinth. The
!Reuse in whieli Paul ot this time is stay-
. is the meeting piece of the, Corinth.
n23'; 1 Cor. 1. 141: One Erastus. des.
eriard as the "(motion -ins," or treasurer.
Of the eity. tkISO Nolds (peelings through
Paul .to friends at !tome. life niention
ef these numeseand other similar definite
indications point to the time of Patine
%Nit to Corinth enentainedain Refs 20,
and 3, which, tedording to 4he most
probable reeltooirtgeoccettaredndair11
A.D. ate The eieeaelonefor Pima's writ
es explained in Ihn Introducticn
lhe epistle itself Mono 1, 145)., was an
Intense desire on the part of Paul to
eGme into conimunication• with th
Christian Church in the imperial eily
and if Possible to visit god ehtireli oi
and preech the giorious gospel of sal
vation at Rome qiiao. The purpose tue
tlerlying the writing of this partietilar
tarot of a letter is not eo evident.
faillene-sunleteply te
4L1'' Int,
7Pi1ln-94e1entS tE
la itn., ve i A
It Menlo was1 L ,
atittonptere ts, *feet, Ito (nee wiote lo
et- front the ecopfade Where he 441 ilone
.het(Itit after lin,
ints ol my being Iodinate:the be.
MJ tering whose every lock •and word
la motion are tbe Jcyxto1es or InY
Peopte talk of love ending aa the ahem
Fools! I lay at the Window all morn-
ing tlelnking•of velltiogeaitet,
long for It!'
Equally touching was Daniel OTette,
nears devotion to his %elle, tee expressed
tc her in leitem so ardent and . lender
Allot to read them almost „brings tears
to the eyes. "Yes. oWeaelest Mary," he
wrote in 1825, "I- could have wished to
one' line also in Met handwriting
which gives ene recollectioris of- the
11APPlES1' 110.11101 OF MY LIFE)
ond otill blesees one With inexpressible
sweetness and 'comfort when wendar,
fe envelops you, andel men, as
tee avieo.Onegne_when,nooteenraPe
r noteuritorillog bend Info pane.
• --
treble Mu
i1fth1 1*
tInt Le'At
10, " .• •
$1,iff une (*liar .wl.1
really worn. thct *soft liers are owe
"eel* ernerter and aire town, Oil mitti$
of vieet
:straight a the mittertal
Do not \curve Ike lower ede o that
it *III eel' down "bereve tbe throat itne.
ft• nth4t Le curved -at the 'upper • Oget
howencrito make It at least half an
t-taT'al-FaW'-r-.1tI—e • 'tack then in 14'
This kirol of a collar ' will tio vtry
much prettier If made to fasten in. ilia
Wick, eveu 'if lite waist is buttoned'
Mc &ord. In this case the oollzir cin
only be fastened to the waist • at one
sside; otherwise it ahonld be, fiesteneelooll
Oround. The nollarsa ore Matte- anleenen-
liendent of the waists end tacked to
them, by hand„,
It. Avill be neoessar,y to bone Diem •
collars, to_ neap _them frier_ emu 1
TTh 4tlThnt
ea -apart- and-•olopirigeletward • then
en that the form ,y Junk
Even -Diem
nuttter$ of idffii1i veiny. el
Ins duty to be content to below this for
who May not bo Dna inafrair in ta1t1ris
himself. "
Ilappy is be -It is a deeiroble Ideve.
went to be- above the constantly annoy-
ing scruples of conereence in minor male
tors of daily action. The person wha has
1.t.arned k rtler 110001 Ing o
brontlerhigher principles fee to be com-
23. not he that doubteth Is condemned
-Nevertheless. if such eensolention.s
samples do eeist, they ore not to beetle-
nored. Obediente to the higheet ideal
tvhfeh the Mdialdual possesses is of first
linportanee. '
- sine -That 1.5;,utt ahortcominge*
4, terrace contrary lif the adeentim of coo --
science, and lience•. contraryto one's
highest, present ideal. (ire We.
es.s, a Kora ,n
be taken into account; It was part o
God's plan lbat such a Jetta. should bt
written for the admonition of Chris•
lions in offer years, Let all proba-
bility there was o more immediale rea•
son also. The Apostle_ Paul certainly
1111,04 have had some real knowhNige-of
Fetraranter alto needs oT 1M- Roman
tax, wiring Ibic corks. .stantly until it thickens, ftub the tome -
Lemon ninel.---Take two large lemons I foes through a sieve, add to them a tea -
and reit the. rind on to one,pound of loaf *enemata -of SUP1'1.- -San' 4114- 'Peprier
sugar so that all the yellaw part is re- 'nate and a halt te6sPaantill of soda4)
moved; place the .stigar in a basin, tittle more if tomatoes are very nettle.
Fnueeze the __,juk,e_cf. 4110,..iv1ions_ove1. „Starefully into theebe.ilingnemilk •anet
then add the aollis taixeoggs andoteat
al: togettail. thoroughly. Place in jars
for USC. T110SC Wil0 like it should erect
knir ouileoneof butter to the above In-
grediouts. een
and two
The glass of pictures and mirrors ma),
ev-elletavotinel„. wine eity -mitt
wonliten clo:h,
to4 unite -deficit 0iflgS. which
have beconte'ebiled through enneh hand-
ling, can SatiStiffiClilly cleaned 1*
rubbirne with- chamois -leather nipped Jr
ennannered 'nun) fieteeneene... _ .
„Always ine eolel, water tor wasonaa,
ninnsen. Ilite ;cold "m° 'eke Itea -only helps
*41 prOCILICiP 0 higher loins!' Ifian wenn
't is a c
moireeeseary hreatinges.
edothers will he geed ,to teal% that
meows afttLi_i V_ be tenik.
re.1401 ieFs intlationo %le by OM. simple
nierine of mixing with the shirch lialf
na;ch. whPa, pniceee ot
retnove stains on white flannel the
140,41 way le to mix (mud ports of llie
notes of eggs, mad glyeetino, aptsiy 11..fo
t.tains, and (MOW it to exto); half
teeoden sPoon. Oren add, as much Ikmr
as the egg n will lake to mnhe an paste.
Roll this out on floured' beard. cut It
Inknvero thienalonaseenud,cook -them ill
ia-large parin•einfebotheier-friteolaalve -Mein
oat 'when lite)* are .ttegoldco eoiere 41ralit
'titer!), thoroughly. sprinkle .Itterti "Wt.
sugar, ord server
f.irivory meat' (e. -Tat te any (=crap.,
GI leen Truett. Mid chop il up "%IT:* ilDP
with an onlon preelously nailed till leo-
dee. Measure-theemeat, iinneontone
take the Rime qoantitrof locadenunte,
and eoaa theta in' skirt; MIX an to-
gether; edit evolve and snit taete.
Puttee a pudding dish, pGur in the inn-
thren lay small 111CCCS of Levi dripping
an the top. tma bake in a quick oven.
Rueelan Livereneatoie a eairS ihrPC
flu n
14 low et*, c.:op tine With seine well-lia- ni,1 itatta _et. so taleng the ann,..41.e ,i&
voreta etneare oneeentialteenioie anti- terenen ann4, ' .
telnaeli (tarok of haeadiarlituha• sea".tt 410! P41. in ite•ones tvhieti 421, , SCM01101
to taste, bind.with an egg, 1.)) 0) into the taw nine apt ii„ be 4tindkip,i I,y wenn.
'elope of a rola end belie foe Illale-anata Salt Fpiazieled Va111141 the edges and t.vell
ttir',._.(74 '19,'net013.1(Le (33431,151) vrilInt "("ile ataler Vie carpet beret* it - be enit down
eieele ' aoauen. natessatasaratits ' oad woe-weterilli prevent their ravagee:
niastind potatecte. formed ink) Valle and Tina whitish stain ievp Ora ,n 141.!e 1)V a
lefiowned io the oven. Serve gelid ginvy jun $nee evaler Or a !eery hol 'dish may be
in a tureen. . ,
rt.:111101;cl 11 rublaing In on fled after-
Mincea lthinote.--IteinoVe all the st,in .ords imzirola I livte 1) 2., fit wine on
and fat front al cald j'efett ef mallon end pie snot and intlibieg el dee, went a soft
chop the meat veey finely, (hedge it nicletio . .
ttucttly with Inure tkasirin with feflip4r it Let not goncroitse mat wit that eitag,
and. . Lail, add_ sante i,,,,f,,olt_ geavy Aziii •it
church. whose Irani had Leen already
"proetaimed throughout the whole
world." Ile longs to routribute some-
thing to the spiritual upbtalding of this
--foitalul-comparoaofedieelplont 41044o -term
thein ink, a deeper knewlcage of. %nen
teal truthe and Chrislinn experience.
11 lc- planning a visit to Jerusalem, and
not optimistic concerning the Out.
COMP of that visit os it reletes - to his
'rsolottisafelY1 Mkt heels therefore onx-
ra 1.1 putt: 4/141 xvriting_s_rynie_L_Nmel
eiene waien tire Ille matorer sithitual
fruitage a „years of perionial experience
lir the Chriefinn lite. Ills worderfut con-
vereinteatelti, 1-,--litta••11'1*en of. fa -ill -4'40W
tozt ..iit ' tits'. osiflia;'-unit- fi) the iive4 iir
(Ahem: . gilmmt hini. forms, ntlie Pick.
w -T itnd of Ills ineeorge and faxen; %other
end' tlireellon ift his arguriwnt in evilich
lie f,41,14s. aS it were. hi intellerlualiu
and mlionall!, accflunL for the life of
tiglitootisnees talitch ie lived by faith.
'he M44-.1 ellii;n -pottioit ft 111,4 eptstle-tt:
tt,- It. :16 is, therefore. a dlr. !renal die.
einesion of the geeal ii1P1110 imitoutiel.d in
xeree 17 tif the first etiripter in the
verde, '"Thte rigitleoes-- -51(011 n live by
eine" Ieinowing tide larger . doctrinal
• lton. the 1114151.1e1,01:4Aftil 11 briefer per -
ton of his letter lo• V.-,011?v,• or practical
Aitntilat(on 42. le 15. 13) totieleng the
Itritrilifer` -1f1 'WI -6th- the chiiisttun- ilt5elf, 1
s 1,,,-0 iulaust hie relidlorie to lilie •felkiw
nan caul lo the world and &tilt live the
larislian life. The elotiltg verses of the
etterntir1.14:- 10. 21) ateeel n pereenial
entre ond *,orantri gmeitrigeeteenerfoittea
3,311,CIP:, 411 'lief posheripi., a Innedielion
nal a 4trti.liirolly. . .
retotereet ,voith-,.-Enttratee tearer 'afar telnataed
moan piece of ntittea. Stir titIa (Nan n• ett) olenit for, fuve 11141100 dle4i mire loom-
eleve tiie wlii4) it 1W6143,111VOtogIts, 1.111 64 is„,1441,g aro ilmire,,fa,cily digrcsicit than,
'il(. ainenn! 111-,,t 11 roil. &Lila% a tz....11 il egno plated . in 1) I23) writer and -al-
Intlehe'l 1,niato nnen ha 419-12- tura !tn.! ttot‘elt to Joil Altici)45111,' Mr Varee and a
tistane Me) the mid& . gornisa eeittranonenoten
--.--,pieleleteeenteaoneerveepteeenee. I inoteum Iney be washell Over mint
Sandoich litittaing,.--- tanta ncra inany-i, fiisilFaffirCILIM---crg-24.11*----,eicaptAkiL:111
sp,,,cq 0,K -Ltale In -end a‹,i a Inrge ,pie-,zlisit J,.. Ling ,willl .painallier cai ei elelli. IN'ir itc, t-
,,tvini 193141, tiollfy Luiqtr lira!), 01341 (W .W00 litioleurie lhere ,fe i/41,1nrta tat
41) 3) %%tilt tarn; aerange these in et ten- ';,‘Iiitire liCeCtVa% nad fIveaantinet ,beal '
i Vent 3t !2h It) 'veneer an *ineh nca it'elillistieel nous are LeltZir• tit-cD2-)1c2 fiia rintm
top v, 11,L cm, twc, eggi.'1121 quite \t,,i,gbk c -,r0 teach) aliere are, iillle cillideen eee inibila
Inalie. edd ot tat)lespeitirtfull of -neetee.ft`.41`;t1,',,, ' ' .
engin. rine one peat anet n lielf elt,ennte; ' Li21cce01 40:i 14 vvrY' Its_flzt: ft2 tacq,g ct
potir 11416, Of.P1' filP ittniV.Ii. DCA 13D1B. 04:74 •,Ce.49 Ond centtgle. and 1's eiteda-as fee., a
!et on (-nee lie*/ ari tarn', then tette i'l ai ! avese nal n -ottarter,of a, tratiM1 cr the! a
moderate (wen. • sffve httt. ill:st linsCed In . tt gni: wiit!t the, 'KO 4i,1 0.
tateee riiieere.eafte eaceen 112112 Ft-. (!.1721. '4 tura aire,11 ctraritil, ills,,5 1 ,t4
are ridealy 2:2 24? end '44/ eenere. atie ,c,00nee Ot tatna ettaZ1le. l'eata one n „Valli! h
e,iene eieetenel t)t floaa, o;leeei tee fc)seneriottel '..let-ieet.ta tea!! at 141!'.iling eanlani t•'-' fltni.,01
i„, ..,2t1. v. 4...A'it o .1\ 2.4, u aallelva. ',..,,ii.,, n' il ieee;",lee .- 1,)
en:11'6M nef aneing ral,r. nth int'o futi5 i . Att..;r!i,r.lia.,:-1 gi(1):(.11 i'llim:d. Ef' tc-ec ft.
1. Tal:f•CCZ:i4111!ru4,1 4'!' antler; ell LI, t.,.f f t.,3.61 cq a ilitgt'22i,:,1;L ▪ 24 (_-4 retcro .., '3
u.1,11,70; ,,I. f:,.iti.-4 cilc.c_c73.. :::,Lts pla%, to r4 f: l. ..,3. ,.r.3tir,._ 0, ii,'„,,C Z' le L:144 V A 43.,...,* i,...t,
1 I 'i' 7 C' S 1 .5IC I Nt i
411.rivil.a ,-;..,:-..7..1,,',"6 T:',4* t•t)rfr,. "1,I) *;-,,a ,1:4_..0.11,::,!), 1)1I fl 9:2, f,r, . Shr,-.1+4 r..i, ti. 'e tl37_,‘,, E,
'never • W. The VelvieS Se14/1144„, al the
a.N tor our teriperanee tessAm
a., -A a' part 'only of a long4,-..r passage
:lre,an. 14. 1- -I5-G) wntili °teeny
MOT d'- U'11.- the ntalader. Abetile 40.
chiricftan tp.,te.i0E‘Pit. or the relatfonellip
feeteeecn the .strong and the wet* in 141111..
chapters ho has .4ipoheti Of'
alt sbevitleo. of the relation of the
argstbri dimple to otters mitt of the
fitith: bcp 4kew;ced suth Sp14015 013
lageenati_oneagaatiee. the tviatEnt be,
tuven 10-AnirOciandliftv=sttte;:-140:;611e-:
grzat, Aidgfatmn' or cvers! Chrittatt it43„.
rInd the hrty ofloAc. Istt ibis .ohtip.
t4tr be 23i .*l- to cIthort ttif4e who have
gvtisped no! fulfils nonininalcf the\ elute
Car. fright. Hat thoy evailenitt mit Uttar
fellewelatrieliatis taho aro elin beitild tee
e10nc41 tutee rendienoto toot] end drinte
nil nee obeeteente oleneateenn !le
Itreeeal 1:141i hie teailetee the InKC'.3.
ly e,N,ta 1,1tOintingi(S101:111A44
fie own tonal taint reginet to Peeentiotee
otal tte.41 o 14J Christ atfitie.that
eh 'will 1-4.3rAM-i041, and t:006till,
• Inr;) ,6! 07.5' 1,,.aFA.agi, 3.
tent eenenteere, eneinel ceneee anon
etentoo eateotiAtiott
ielleae:'1 nal En tre'ltt Inehaeleneennita 5.3g.. 'tan fat 21 41 41 fat.
.211),1 aatne reae iteuean o the eehannaeet1 oit1 ,S;i4i1-11,12 Oft 14:',f...4
' firs, tee eleate
!non...eel n. Vet', into, c '13 t 4 41 l2I 2 ▪ praret cnry fetEr.,,
111 In t12t2 UM 14ey Om! iv)
4h2 1 122/ 72 t 4.23 4,1 thf;r :t krJ
onl, • 0
3h-.11._ 4 S,
itt,t 16ii 144,01.
1 Most Remarkable Sight - Snake
Only Four or Five Feet In •
- Length.
Just beyond _Pitt .Paaannee-111- the
South Sea ' Islands 4 a enost remora: -
able grOup of islands, extending outay
•eoare of miles_in___n long. Prue ,They
40t ainown es (he Pisan0 and False
Pieangs, and; though' numbering pro-
bably thousands- 1 doubt ntuelt-. 4 one-
anicingst them can be a, mile in length,
writes a ecirreejoindent. The Inajorito
tom ernerelentalt,gatint -rocas- with. s har
dragon's teeth they 6'Nined, and they
are avoided for super.stitious reasons by
an' natives, ail though iiititebited by nee
-Vits Petal/Ike iifteteatioldngrethee
pee -440V
latg befintalalhafen,Oentarred "that. ,,vitieh
nearly deprived me of ali nta''InIntitne.
lion tor truthfulness and' sobriety.
• In. a Word.. ---1 sawa sea serpent!. No
(lid not. gee te seaT.rpentee..- tauten s
polls; very inuch in the pluial. It Wee
or. a lazy after -cent, hot aul dull; alone
e'f my companions I puffed a fragrant
though ittry, weed Over the slap's side
Then, a little' ahead, 1 espied a curious
'tvavitig.sitelc above the lalecetike otirface
of the eea. 11 1112(1 ann tireihnelladititalled
lee to it I•knew, hoWever, ltwas not
int .:.umbrelloe .-tteause 11119 1iat'iaf01-.
fair W22 31.1 baekwards and forwards=
et me tit n knowing •tvtty. As We go:
clezer I dielinguished a Venomous.. 101Ig
head balanced On a thio, Moen and
Yalta -at -beady. Ma /hindwoe Illadia tip.;
I hail seen the eea terPent, and just as
re. Intagitallon was uceesstully p!o-
tuilrrg ri huge bially 64 feet Vit. More!) in
length, the 'beggar disappeared. '
titr,Nortso .SEftPINTS.
,ezt pie tit se6,rn -nnd scouted Mal filets-
tenee that naught Ina& lime, juice ball
ptived nty lips; taferred'I 1404 1;
.tyt Iva le " dere tkraewbere, cr lead steeali-
tel :C1 lintVe 411 .1ala front Ilia, Jaaaticee
enginem, Any Ivey they *orep 116;licul.
that, seeing ftirthe.? ,.e.ileeit would ,te 231
:ss sait:e cf,'Lhent de5g2icd to (4 2u(-
sItra4 rAdiron\„appamtitty, teri
• 11.\ Aa eve Wateheal, leno 22oke4oaare1'
baler at U'tat wa9 ,taveit*
ell saw -thene imMtcr..
Prtectilly ittey t2tr,P 01 ova
Dad, the eetier to
us. expt(exicit that thoylv(,0 t.;ra
woll known jtiet Crellted.hre, atiagrtAt.
fearo 0.(Yry cr,e, teaw exco.:
tk relay ,Thzy 414:1, not (Aced
fry letpth /ert5t- AI'
ittogltia5ict4 aid rai-xo wo 1 1itf,,45
elcs;! tlifT
,'44)1.12 ppearathce
.tcrtA reeennee „enenor ne4e„ itieene
te (Ten, enn.ne0 n Ineni nerrie
iletenletneeel 'Ince &teenier nreve
ibm ttcWrl tfti?s.,
a 141'141 44f..44
1 1,1
_ .
ni of iron 1
or1i1e .the miiio 1weF1 h
wife, "My leave," ally dear Ifeerte"
aMyenteloved, elleart," 'nay- Detainee-
eneenoaren the ;ernes of endearment
lavlshed on her to the Imo. "Thei-e aS
bCC•11.no change in us," be writes 'in
."since cttr wedding -day, and I
have never realized before Mot that was
ete long ago-ntive or elx 'hooter -id happy
diteo. M y r c con r
unworthy of them I am, and relay He
continue lo pour out the fullness of Ills
blessing upon us withqui regerd to our
"Oh, phcebe, I want thee much," wrote
Nathaniel Hawthorne to his wife come
yeors afkr their wedding -day. 'Thou
art the -only person lit the world that
•Mir WaS Becrosary 10 me. 1, am only
inveelf tilt% ore witlilft_lny reach.
Thou art. an unspeakably beloved wo-
roan." Apd, when writing to her sister,
ho .paid
I •
le Ian be -toyed helpmate, "She is a fkiwer
that WaS tent from Heaven to show the
pessibilities' of the human cont."
The love-slory of Robert Drowning
and Ws wifien.s one of.11ee, most, beautiful
m OrY firli11111E111 dPV011011. .ib
say thet he worstiippeil the very ground
S3 e tinafeen• is 110 /wilco! exaggeration;
tor whenever he returned to Lorinon
after aneabeence abroad Ire never failed
lo _make a Pilgrimage to the church in
whet they ,p,Vere anode one, and, falling
n his lateeen toe. his- the pating.stonts
nt-of the • * ' feet
Ids bride had passed.
_Very beautiidantoo, was Tone---flood'o
kive for late partner of his life. and the
inspirer. e.f that exquisite poem, '1 love
nel -ennisealletnalolneene say.
ttess y to"' concludes orne of his letters
to her, "tereso,. you againand again, my
dear mte-efienonly..one,„my mynas_
oe a thousand are your old unitarian in
love, T. II.", "God bless you and give
wife front !his cell In Lancaster Castle,
where be was imprisoned itnr debt "A
thanoand, lhoueand kisees, ntriy own
dearly ebeloved- evince • I Ineve nour p1e-
Itaree+eforeentreaes----4111.4reere31- ateoe,eertr
real oonifort tofirk. and -I sp:oa..' 11
and liks -it. every' rifglit. Once Mote,
blE,ss you."
:4 4.
V 11
Ptit - • It a 14e nera amr. int war. rat talaneri
I 1411113S7 Thips-
the 1w1kedge of the hem of the onlitta
_tint,40not wend_ ie -
This conceals the buttons and makes
If -a small lead pencil is used in mak-
Mg elm loops It will le found imueh
eester to keep them the proper eten to
over the buttons without tioubie,
F'ut the 11+Cli e n 14,
4 the thread over the' pencil to the op-
posite side, where the needle Is again
drawn inrough the material.
Iii Ibis manner bring two or three
strands a the coPon over the pope' •be-
fore taking H. out -and oommence fo -
buttonhole stitch ihe loop,
..All s•eams of shirtwaist *mild bo,
made- with French • Finish litenn
bottom with a narrow Nett. Atove all
ta careftH in the Working of the buan
fri\ftis FOR THE SEWING 11•00.M.
The. new shades of brown are
peetilar eotors of this i.eason,.
lewing ckse upopirlar.ty woes. gte
ft-loot:K-1 . en rolot
would reinaln peruiarient favorite. A
the moment it t to be found in all posee
sable tones front :the pate,* aim .green
to (leek emerald. Some et • ralStt t.
leken, however, in the --- neei ot th(t
leers. It is no exagge:i.Lon to .say
nee ehaneor green setts every womareo
tut it ie not alevays easy to &Alpe!. it;
and selecting the wrong shade of pone
ig• mow- diaastrotis titan in anei'•oftWe
color.. A narticular green sults you or'
a does .r„,01. There is no comer() Oise 111
the anatter. -Men there oleo is lite e
ficulty that the shade of green fano-fen_
ing In tile daytime often 'is suite. the
cipposir4.7t-T1 12igraz-r-o-v.1ren-1+.4s-41-4114'
114Dil 01 aoinettring ki be twirn r day;
,anc_i_cnettinn. 11*e._g_oktr-shoutd.,14e.,44**6._-_,
he,th lilJIIS._
The plain hein of taffetao utterly sine
(ill, 0C Velvet to a transparerit gow
whether for day or evening wear, has
been tOo valuable an idea to 4.-.0.y0.1
tratelfly71 22f 1 I 1.6.tiTS
heeeer .itiett to the plaited • bon finw,in4
11ich(4,.d0p or quite narivitc, the
t the to;. or allowezi 3, flciw tree,
Thfs can Le repeatal preltil
ttic waist, fmniin 2 soli or draw
tuaker fee ',evening wear. 4r h)
fine of the guarnies or jabets fer a day
Ptaitinge to fineett off the shev
may be worn, but should lie !arm
'met, tot allowe(1 14, liang down. Tile
Piny trilling cif laee round1I 2
transporent riceldanills in of courses
universally worn at p7t.4,n1.
jaiL 41114 winter
nothing is better than .a teeeutri
kilted skirt In bh:c serge' teal) lolienere• -
leecliere -of the satne ttiaterial. Thi
cervieeable costume aria w3101 (13r141
11t1.9 the further talvaritege, that !JOU*
coals are ntit needed. n
1 ay, ray love," wrote leord Col-
lirigwood to hie- wife in 1800. "is the an-
ni1,5;krtai!,F of 'our Marriaere, 1Md I Welt
'ten :tnnynneatualta-or U. -AL -ever- we ,Itave
peace, I hope to epend my letter days
aiteld tny latnily, which is the onlY 'sort
pf liappinese enjoy." The -
V433 even lettere ardene 1over as hus-
band Warr in the days of his wooing.
do law ttrid atteto you witlf nt,y
1 art and sOnt." runs 'one of many
o11:" ettlf
esetee, I (he eed ever he better
pleastd with your happiness' titan my
°untie:. Ittru:3 oe toalMio tru
own; tut o!,, nty, ir might be
both. izarzryfiy. 't.vitat ('4-' 51(24? •141,1y that
WoUTil Lel think the hoppinCsi, would
E‘c ;$1':Cat, that it would make nte
tizortat." ,
Fe,w tritille,5 6.1 Ittist aitrit-3 tave hem
more t4satatifut thon Sleeleefi dedication,
of one of 'his books': t'llow af:en tere'•yeetir,
tendernees et -renewed pain f2 20 elle.
heed„eliwn idtele•inaguisti. fi-pla lay alfcc.?__
tv41 11 there are 6'ar211- liaings
raatellart `atifels, srsi 111115 f121-
Ifoi;+,)XAL, teerinet tenon* Orie them
te, mere goad in inclinntiete. or 'more
Charming in fermi titan ann wiLfa-''
its; - aide, nOwever Inan-piaen trz-
raeteg rtled63tien `o'f, 44,y1A%. n1 Would
Enserite !2. i.- tone ,whese
rifit_fanfl_10,t,"t Witten* iniT r1Mbilpt
10 OINF11111,7„tiAtillt-,.114t---Mittalr101-.16-tlif-
4.'11C.5e wo.(110 1Z oftf-n cmoanrawat,
ord. ettoese 11/.,310 Old graO:nt'linvei ever
p34.1c=p--1 neeere
elfilin,a, tut r/ r,En-./Wt.
V- '1 it.v.3Statliclag
10 s•ati tific41, tee.. _Naito, tcntlieV
that I
Istss 111 sx,:e«,,V1
ttiG'ili-glat., 1 112 1!,1 11111
c•crrett tattten
!clk 1 oenlrririlvi 044m.
2/ flt'thet s1g4 IttrIkeni!c-tnan
IALI:Ps tcw
.c".‘c.4 t
' ti,„1 ite.14.,,4 cd,
sAiLont sUrrs FOI
th otder "girl seiner gene in,
Itiey aro prailieal arid ten
4. ..aitatca: ctc,y2Iti! iitCr
d be #1313(34 14111 0tis bit?
.ilte 6k -eves 61t4311111 Le treeleratelv 14131,
V4. ith it41)14 Last etati. The si:tipt Moittfil(
Miirt 21 mat? t.4,111
end a halt c71 tow titratr.**
th4 . px(ts, aftd stmild
'fere it is Plaited. A belt flio
chqtri tvtes4. Es ”bpra '1141cit at:211 tb#‘,
lows.: 114111(4 to it tintil laen cop the 4bee. "
earat-eientan'tetaaintnie, ennee
faIrts lief all ogicg s1rnf-3 !21c e'
butorA PrIvIt 6c.stsr, Tt6y,
rI4)3174. rocIde Rat-gp 414 '4
atd 61xa1ta e s!rolI lezr,la'AL
GI to be tekil tPTQA the btal ot
• 43
Peer,. ))2:( 43:' stftll
the '4,4-4111 t0." 'Pnr, 4 n go
fttlY.240 11'41 IED11:':_l1s:7 46)! *,,to
'fl ei.ro•
Imint Ifiotttipt 111 MI
11"--4 C;(4;0 tett.
1E 1,9,1 ho,t4"1:tr;f::Tili.43:
ir.J•kir hiniA