HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-11-07, Page 4 (2)i3lottlob IhQwfl la the }angeliiaI Sueday to ter i Givelder. ry mow -these daye. tpu vain g Eil in, Li IJoItj&r are. * he Artlk. a )0Weli! thurcb1 Zone tbv home °tile tripe Fe ie the proud baby girl... ifirensall isrillfsrjory llopper 16 visiting In burg, 0,r to going to Toronto ith r rents, ---l)r. Alex. Moir, o 0 ii.,) who het been here 1 monttee viteatioo retur. to the thie week. to resiime, his eetice, Ito tloultet 'bee ; twee : i ' elliog, Wret. et ;hex1. ; . a Ookt of ,p4iftt.,:-,1W, I Mi., 0 inthedr0ot loot N-tiqtinkl Philthsoklapt ,mIstOtoro,* .., 1 • floger.+111444130Wel* , ther,huithendlo ii 4'4 Ai, (4, r I b 0, . li e* e'er ;i1t s3ttjWfl. Wt ee en 1atin, bil . Pok ,. .; e ,, t $ t %,„ - 4 hoe biday v Itobioson peitt olidaye 'with. her pei:entsitt Ex' Miss 'elirvie in Liieknow aud rnentit UiIkt.ut4 1 nd'weded''- in 7.capturing e of money. Ue iiiso attended n. the -'s etch- et 10-4-. %Veal by thole:ore:that he di. ting. being 'highest fo both, eventH. Fred certeinly kuo how to handle *.g n We are soriy 0104 111804 ('avr'e Iruhre-who ha it lattending the Thisinees Col. in Lornion and wbo- eame 7 borne OrietrItif ''W her studiestiering to a ..evere gold. she . il THAT 3,4Tov. 7 19 - • 41VO 000411021-8 The cuotoros eon tions for October were o quarter of a tattoo larger than • for the mine r_r_miAltjatit year. The TGoveremeot tax 011ie-air* are th 4.n.lY,01913.1.0 who are taking in Moue • v , Vfn uriii boi t l3aker, OwenSound; Mi9s MeUnd_ Trick, Stratford; Mise Pike, Sebring. Mrs. J. 4, Schmitt, Bolin; Mrs. Saul, Miss Laura, Davie rindMrs. Clark arni daughter, London; Mrs, Marshall, Oes-Fore* ise-Ceivini-Brueffelte-Gottf treicher of Dashwood.--Itev. irealbsweaverit4n4temilton,du -lug - FIIt "yrUe Clark"1;1-4304er3O e brother who is very 111. -Mr. ad Btuett were in Forest lest Friday attending the fueerelvf Mee,. he -With -Fr- of Mre. Rer wany friends extend their sym- pathy. -The Leaks Aid of the •Etain. gelical church gave a Thanksgiving service lest Thursday evening. The baw'ment wee filled to the doors.' Mrs.' (Rev.) the meeting. The progretu was of a high order . and conssted Of reeding*, tioioe and ehor. trees by the luulor m tiii mbers, of the T. P . A. Special menti must be mode o the. lloltzman Qua tette. Thie was their Ilret apPekritticeand their sing- ing was well received. -The many friends ;if Cbzts, Barnes. who will be known** the gond natured catcher of tne Duricrief BasbaU Team, will 're- gret to Leain. that while threshing in tlatel„ oc Tp., lest VriderVis pile of tail fell on him burying biro And tractur tog hts opine, which toot, his chenCes of reetiVery atight4 Charlie eras iri or burg several titer* during the pest ball .804100. And by his gentleman- ly havide and god -lieertedness h won teeny f d „ ed off qinetlY,„ The boys gethertel tissor „. vince is -Yuan dependent Ltlierel-miember.• -:bas Iiered--therib---: el tinge t el,' one ot the geebec-,--Provinci mionstersto who resigned his seat for Iiellechesse and inyited_Mr..„_Goorseas. '-.7-to-resigultidVontestthe county With him. Mr. Turgeou bad, been charged by Mr Bourassa with corruption in omce. Leter---The latter has been de. **tett by about 80. itittva regret to -the a-ea-itb the beloved; wife of John Appleton ,1)0 Saturdays 20th, AL the Age. 01--3 Mrs. Appleton Was the deugh. - leo. Steeper toid:w*sAki:gbibr:. pe efTli;,*11.11-WhiiTiad *bit Pleeinee Of. Ler quairitan e. For * .munber of re she ha* severe sufferer coin Bright.** diseette„ . -but on/ tot June wee *beetle:welled to take toi-her bed. During her afflictiou she was cheerful and patient. and never 000t-, 101004 of her lot. • *A gelefstrieltea usieuidatedirlittle daughter, besidee It host ottriends are treday, mooreing the departure of model witie-toviet mother watt friend, but We »eon.; sign the to the care. of Him who doeth I tery, bet lowed by large nuni- br of friends. . , .Strooritro Maarte-.,The shooting . match in connection with the Ehiva hotel was held on Tuesday. The weak.' ,er Was rather inclement but neverthe. less thie did not prevent alarge crowd -trent attending the match. Some, • good shooing was done as the scope willindleate; -Feed Xerr headed the list la the two events, thus showing his lira in handling the gun. Polio*. ins is the score: Event 1. 10 live birds, V. Iterr .0, I) ,Ilartleth 8, N Steoleke T'Bissett 77, I, 4 . • Carrick 0. levene 2, 19 Blue ttoeke.-- s err-10,-11-41ertielb-8,--W-0,034cliA44 Dodds $, W Sanders 0. 0 Stenlake illis 7, Denney 7, at llawhinner ei Stanieke 0, V° Snell .5; 13, nrenner d :retry.. lirt r .ro on) the woot, , toe pleaui ed to ee 1r. b.itt out egabi2Lv-eftree engttgeel a oi • „ I3ank, me with painfu *eel o u He was o shootingend. by boin earls oartridge exploded the fere of the powder 40itito, to .biaeyc which will voraine him to hiv room a week or so. Ile hate vone to bis tune in Lucknow.-Geo. Sutherland ia having a cement. walk laid.at the sideoE illiff residence. Alm_ 8. Of TI3A1"17011% the beet this khool laccoine the ax 11114064 trithUni t heb001 In Weliteau 'Oontdo., ;stoihnocitumie e*yintlittoh;itetes ondtisetroi viset04.0:44e.:0144;rtChrioxiluorpfidetu,pab:fttoo0attir,tazoin$trA.:rerei t Price paid for 'Grain whq Be(lux," cue counkce ere thoroug4 ende pry. ocr rvigogue. LIOTT Prittolpsis r it o re. Edwerd Attars has been in Toronto irt the- in- ber little 3-yeer-old son, surgicalancl re." .. Bog. serthood deo r spent the holideye at firantford'Oe Pinkney hes* gone to Stratford Where' he hive *colored good Ortwein who bt Leucite Commercial Ceilegeet_LAke. on, spent t o ys at hi* home Melinda Ortwektattended Tee -Patrick -nu; bUs at Lon- been- °tit of town Since ,20th March en ion of the mer et, iiii-Onfi-itiel renovatethe quietly here, and. very' _little' prede. iiiiiiing.--flait-Oween passed Very tion was comirittteit:- -The yoi ngsterit were somewhat tiredafter the holiday, and did not seetti-a a -tenet to get out and ' crate a , dia urbence. A few gangs with the tiOt,tack and the pumpkin did hotlines.' AS temal, but their hilarity did not lest very longi - On the whole,the liellowe'err of 1901 *Imes Ittniiit AO his been in many Year*. Never Waif there a touch liner day. than Thanksgiving Day.- it was perfect autumn weather, a cloudless aky And Plenty of warm -sunshine, Eyerybody went out -there was no n te sitar in.m:Aftiresult there, were instil on the streets taking in .tbe.glorir of a Canadian autumn day. A large number went to -the 'Woris hunting Unto, while others enjoyed „a drive,in the countY...4441.Atitchell oor. respondent eeys: "Thos. Gill, who bite errive4 ins town Thursday from flew Salt - Ile spent all but the last two .ilsontils travellingin OfesPate Of Mich - e butis not emelt taken up with . nett Saes domain* 11114 bah decided to return to Bensell for the winter. FIRE -During the peetterelve 'retire the Cieniberchil Hotel bas taken -fire several tines but fortunately was al. ways discovered itt time to save the building; on Thursday afternoon while *tending in/ front of the building. Dav- id Centelon ewe- considerable smoke and detected an odor of burning wood, His euspiciens level* „eroused-4trid-- he Went 'ort a tom* of inspection. On en- ' p48 -.age leading to the kit- chen hft found the Ileums clinthinS up , the Partitionhi a MOO vigorous man- ner; giving the -Aram it Amberof buckets of *iter were opesdily applied and the obi building saved once more. I 4 bieken..coups and paieii. them at the, cornet-. Soene of our fsi esti Men wereettuty the next morning ,gettleirrid of -their share -of the accum. ulation.-The Mete laborite otthe Evan- gelical church has been organized. Rev. Been is leader, Ire Brown, Pre*., gioNL,Vaistii*Ipe,Pree.,,--Anguot Seey-.Trefm;Holtzman, ad. vieatv -member of the-‘,"-Irrorrd.- - the Chorus „"corisiste-of 20 mei:ahem There will be :several more added Rooks' have been booght and we nay expect to healethem titer- before ion me of the evening terviceee.-Mrs, village lest Fridayt. ' She Orie ,Organiz Parte treve-ber- tudie oyer the Drug fstiye nott4444oelit-Ohas-. AVolf4s-eti_11 p with theutnetice. • He is obliged 4S- a mite to around. -Last tur. the 204 1110,0 the home. . tit , od Mrt. Ed, abort on the 4tk.eon t Orediton-flest-wairthe bctheuf ry enjoyable everittl-IV'Wee the veretirrof their 410th 'wedding dor • ereftivel 'thole China Wedding iebrated. Fifty invited guest* name ..flethreideFEetterr Hen - 11 t4nil tieighborhood at bl jet itt to ed et ti ne to tb en 11 Art The following ut therep-ort tor S. No. '2, Stephen, for 04tober. B IV. T., It4lat, hia.. It land( r 8 . wit, Sims. r I I Jr. Part L---14 ;woo. t en, Texeher. I a Folio* the, port of S.ftNri •0, 'Osborne, for the molithe of Septetit. her and October.' Nome* ,are Order - of merit, Ileywood, Wash.. -hum- klornioht • Itgrair, 1St L Godholt, X Ood J'`. Meer*, wood Brook, Jr. IlL-.14(itim Coward. Sr. 111.44 Crites% o I Coward, At Clark. Jr. . Corniehtill Cornith, 1 Beyer tecelencre The rooms were. tastily eCoritted in cider* of red, white sicil ue Tele teble fairly viewed with e good thin" Aft*, Short ..0frisy stilted the reputation she his for be. 141*"..ez,1001,1#110 eeeki All did juittiee . thebillor fare and eleryotte enjoy. themselves *err lunch. .The pre- nto were nu inerotia And,* at 'men- Ofl tanst molde. Joi. handiome din. P-lket-Stilten-the 7bAPPY: - bap- their -odreitieir-leiende. it rettelde that the resident pee. r and Wife (Mr. Mts. Andrews) cI Rev, Fear, ofEeeter, whe mertied le, -0004 not be. letewebt. • In coograituletleg Me, and niv ritery ot their wed(%) 'doty and t on hosing ottitinl the 2011:e fit they will be *pitted to ive Men/ ore yore together and thattheir lift ay be tontinued-honeytn-oom - ilowin4 is theitanding! of Publinflehoot for,tI Prt of tinuation .rlsooes.ni rHiision inIV,,flonore, k ts Treitz, peg*, III. --Pa, L.. Brown • an: *mei t 411 At tiet And * kind :1,44nplibor omit to. their* . cue h hod% of Ater's .11sir. Thci was 4001 This was because Ayer's flair Vignr mute hair medicine. billing lisir is, causcd'4‘rtrite-ft4 :4in4 . medicine CoMPUtteht.dottort these germs.' Then the hefty . scaip 1 richt healthy her. , i h. . ntdict. 11 Finkbeinee. Hofl Jr. I1 11.-/Ionortee Oestrei .-1 WI' Ire. --V-11.11I.:- -foe; Vfledden. SO* Oirvin, te*rhz A.-errotiors, j. int% X ..rreits. utbr. Jr. Pt, tt poised otlt, Sonoillior Card -Pittflitsc Lawn, England avem •forbidden by law to play itt -dardirefetrirthe - Sunday. re the rOal proebaritation molest vice, profaueliceet and humor - *II ad vett/ season* and *seize, is foliowing 49414--ittcdti: hereby 'aridly valeta and -Prohibit *11 ur loving aublecti.- Of What degree' or quality *over, from Playing on the.. Lord's de/ at dieei_parda, or any ether vithetsitiver, either,. In publie Or private home% or other Places 10** toree* ithnlaritent Xlalser Itillerged fingee ere the titterer,. ot. alllielitnefend Mortification.. Some- tb0.0.thier are coined by pulling the flngers to meke the joint* 4‘erselt." �ou3etImes they are the result of 400 rinhufaidisui Om may lieved- -moy meesSife robbing around d unit and round on the joints with thilMh and Angers mei stroking lipward). ac tlgeriPled by 01,0 spolleation'44 le viintergreen. t Vet Ts *soh St it raid* *ether nos that Algernon, basn iuj idee tbe celeor-of inorier," ntF Xe_taimed plaintively, • Tone tabor wrongs biro," tn*were CO$'enne. , lore obeetive4 ths Igeroon °neer Promotes to sof /cot loeiresses,"' 0e.orge Carter, Jr., is home from the West.-Misti Cora Button, of Ohara. lend., Ohio, 14 litiOithlig her relative, Chris, Hutton of the tow,nline.-74 Edward Mark: who bee been at the bedoide-of+er-datigliteryllerttur.4 has been for several weeks ' 'Citykand-wherdieel,On-Friday,flitek clocorpoteted, 10- Ad of arltemeot X85 -I-Oriertr-e'Orerrtd,*Y evening Marks-of-the-'deeth at , Mich.,;of his daughter Mite arthit, after entlitiessofseveir weekte- ,In the month Of September Miss Meeks company with other, Pert ,of some eanued fruit with the mut -that all 'four were pawned« Her coesio, Dr. Jones, and little girt were ill five dayie while the other young lady lost oue her tingero anctwee 11 three-weetke;- With Atise Marks it turned to septic rheumatism** *fettling for it time in her knee, and afterward* scattering through her whole system, eventually developing Into eeptic en-- docarditis (inliaintnetion of the loner vereppervf the-lteart4which --caused her deittli.'--Deeeesed-gredeated ',front tbe Central Business College, Strat- ford. last spring afterward going to Tier City where elle resided with her cousin, Dr. lanes And family, -who dur- ing her illness did everything poodble .for,ber, eeven doctors being lit attend- ance upoirber. The body wits brought to riarkbill on Saturday for burial .itt Parkhill cemetery. 'Besides' her per - eats, Mies Marko is survived by one sister and four brothers, - The 'sorrow- ing fiaidly has the *yin thy of -their many friends in this bereavement., mizavro BBANCIIES ET Tala DOMINION OF CrAMPA, 011110E IMMO 10*, tottp. to; 0111401/a1;$$NEING VINE55 T1AIISACTI311. DEPOSIT Receirite forted and his it current rate of interestallowed Untaturther notice loterott on Sosin lecountit will be oresitomiontrter17 In$tted h*Uyearies as tortools. aving 8 k Deparinient• , Oepoelts ot $1 and urwerdi teeth' " _Agents it Exeter for the Dominion Government. Dfcesotr & CARLINO, Solicitors. D.-ItiropoN, To relieve the vroret forms of libel*. nudism' tate a teaspoonful of theifol- low.ing mixture,after each: rnealirend at bedtime. - Fluid- Extritct Dandelion, „ one -hal ounce; Compound Kamm), one mince; OmpoUnd syrup Sarsaparilla„ three outlets, These harinless ingredients 0411 be obtained frotot Ottr home drug ists an evasily:Mixed-hythefiln bottle.Belief is generally felt from preeeription, states * well. known,.authority Itt si Clevenorn. gyelier7fdrce---trtUir-Wirgeri.up, itt- sct.ive 'kidneys to fitter, and strain from the blood the poleonoes *tete matter and uric sold, -Which causes As ;Rheumatism Is not, only 6611100de painful and torturous disease, but den- eleroineto life, this *imp!e recipe will no doubt be greatly valued by Wain)" tuffererithereothoine, who4thouldat- once prepare.; the mixture to get thew relief. It is mid that* person. who would bike title prescription regularly. a della or two daily, or even it few •p that's , *eek, vrould'never have SAMS. gi nor or thinoiti disorders or Ith,rom*. Cut this out and Pre/Airy* it. ,Good eninetism prescriptions 'which real- Itette** ere. "mite, indeed, and when optied-lkytotrwmit 1t WIZ. OA igifts ,here say they will erher NOTICE Reglna Watches, when sold without an Official Guarantee,, and 'byottier than an authorized IL:4rp,..lizthie to 'be Second- rid7Watches., taken in trade YOrpr�cW'a1 ther I - 0-0111,Y_Iittaarb:. Official Agent here, and ato_the_ on one who Can issuein Offic Jai Ouaraiitee.which milli be ri spected by other Official Agents thtougbou *bete the will 'visit Mr*. Olschter's • pore Brown of .0ret- liton ooeu- pied the pulpit;. in the EvangdHcal ohorcir-ott,,littnaw. --,0*001 Rev.; *fort :of Hinittll Tout In,the evening --Several member* of t . Zurich Hon :0Itib were in, ,Clititon I week and took. pert hit., the ,shootin toernernent....Alex. Chellet„ hes _ been eel. appointed 'agent for Afautooy Otitis awititbtitery.fOrthis vicinity and will hove hi* htk eieterters 'at 'Zurich, Alex. is a boiler and will make good agent. -Rev. Mem of Preeten -the pelpit the Lutheran chrcb Sandsr,': 'The trioreiog..tterv was in Englisb. 1111..stia the , evening Mitt' iieliteEktillb 1-ftb con, left for Ottewit no' :Wed Hoye* Of liriake.,whO h*s ben flea witlityphoid &tier, b*.. reoorer,d,soffielently to ion* blrn to me 14 duties** „test te, Kent 113 y for which piece he left.o TheOerielf, (len 'Club.. woos g ith it.'heridareite_t:hy f London, midat *111 he ed 'foe:once a month ttt 20 ta'rets nd has to '" won three tirnes In ion, whom It wat be. enn. the' ty of the - mem 'A tallostrocti*eottlilr was de1i'iete1 t� the Member* of the. 4,11bitire. the -Zion, Trierdey 'oeteitio ,rquhert, Eiepeo. f!ittisit. of Ilillegiven. teeth :01 few . dere: be Yea INifbetet '- a %tots, *0 ; Into Ahe 40,0i Ana J. ,f4be was 115. flr. 0111,111 supply'these ingredients or leek the mixture reedy to take, if any of our readers so prefer* Zurich All Haillowesero has *Otte *nd gone but no greet zolichief was rs.orted to by the boys.. The omit tote removing and tiek.toteklog were Indulged however, the boys are gettlng more wise, hew* not much dittnagto 1. done Mrs. 3, Irelbfieleck hes'returned root her trip to the Ilitest4 She siso apent few weeks with her Children itt'Deteoit 44eker Welkerend *rife of Berlirs spent the ,hnU1u, WI* with Perfretly natarat, end*,-7The_troisteet boord of the It* Old Gentfronatt-ifo* old ttre,YOttc'any angelical Church hal granted ,A fesi 4r1 '01r: W4ter.eiglit: Years:. **ekeeave ofabicLotbitji paatot ' Gentlemen -In. , 11 103/C thitt 414/11/P 011 ar oi* (art -,kb, h $011 nit0g1117 104* rtattt'r 11 or, week, women! troy* It mews - What ei 1t A1& we-N*0 thertit•