HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-10-17, Page 6 (2)in until' er *mu 4 watt* 41a 4 •*01$9,, - tittosi: !to ,t n if *S4inetirites_y: see you. iron Duncan wrung the thn hood with an • t tendsitt neasy ee its of ass. for he had a tentter *armor in bis heart ler this eist itliktfUNAtirlicettr childhood -Ile svof the-handseme tau fog face, ha , pot., faded atvey lie fit th vWage. a 11V4Iy dwth&ng youtha nind- k'%, It- WO years alr" tit the rni1adyhad attacked Ilalph - and all one low of -it 'Ittis'Uriatb� bMl - been found in an -tinceaseelOus conditton In the loweat quarter of Nurichester. Pier,• Wtt.trt t•bik_W03 Oilled her Sun ant, e"171" 414g. 1111 g.11,1N UM' -114440 4‘;\th 1,4 - And the namela • ,tiick to hcr Li her real name' querk Dun. on with placid curiosity. - lust Sunbeain. It was that front the first. folks • say that'a A* Christian siamikAbut,,,t4Jm4A54.-AVIVA.4t eM 1110 -14) sAY-141-400#1404140,4-leari4,404- ,Sarthelim--441101-be- lo,4',11u-end-4 tb chapter. • Bill would black -the- aye* o* any who lasetight” a cloud to her face, itileans.glanced round the 00# tittle At with a$111ilk.- to.; stitt'sot fit Itoty-7betvo, uteAo 44411 place, hut '14-'0 had •plenty • events crowded into, toy „tvith Suribearn-4-Suribeatifsfather. ow manyj;41 -any oI' babe, babbling and chflJe Gnrnor. ,.settw*ve,„-.andiho -H Injured' init, hozne. He rwalled" t ',pets tie.. had heard, of the strange coin, . eidetic* of . Atis ‘, Moos. • dating frowthe firSt appearatteetirpublic ot the uontaft he had loved, as •the aillanced . bride of Lord Crtt.se at, the Nicachester' Bunt. Bull, and the mysterious' disap. pVarance tt• thtt woman's niychild, -ilittte'-girt-of-tftrcel-Ttrtrtr-.n'trentie-XS- senility Itounis tad closed on that fate. h Freer was found insen- sible And Vatted, A, sante • une the search for the intssing,eltila had be- • gm" but the 'cloud had never risen front 'hint- Despite Very aort for-romery. • the lost Ohltdhad not been. 1.01Md• Tho -queries -as, To71t6i7dr5li1)10--o-iittitithrw niained unansviered. flad Oat& known .nything about . ift? • None could; Ult. Had he itintseif spirited tterawait from A Mad- sense or -revenge? ;No.orie knew,. ".94,:hat. seemed .inest, probable lo alt was -- thnt ho.hint-pursued--thrr-kidnap ,tnet WS fate „.iia• trying to. . rescue, - .At all, Ovents ilfe.AN:as ruined. •IIL5 sUcinory he hari forgotten • et egthing 'that had itap -since la -t Vis.tol_Qt..,111c*Ori4441L1,10_Iored tlJfle.3 Ii.vas'41.1114St -414d, ndlrnd to be trader restraints —Everything -co id- be don's for, -h" t was done . He Spent years ahrt:Oul to 'rettirti half dated and brokewspiriteel. The .very -mention otif tap woman he haLiovedeVied, at_on •ti...his 'eyes., and. set•Ittg,nervos-on Dimean's,tate t14*tiliOcl, 4$ be thought4 then tel 'iligeein, for larknew L 441 Cruse, and had for he the deVetiOn a $61Ing 1.44o for 'a noble -hearted wo. man: Ircaldes,:ltad -*to --not-7Sti iitrociously •hersetts With a little 'shiver _.:110-Troalled the,terrilde meeting she had • • had with the ecrivaleseentittan, when she had 1titptorf,4 *on to reinetribet*, to -7-4e1t-vhat-Ate-lotect., - 110 ---had, -sow her kneeling _ l*totehs %tree her belutittil es-str.O. o trtinz. P depair tli, which lmit--afterlhiriruitteSs-toterview7 as vivid now -in. his inentorr nt --theugit-•-he•bad--Seen. 11,-- 4r44$fr,-1:0140141-g - place inefmontIts„later-site.h.11ii 'happilieerfrtd•-tore loref.i, it -war tor that he had taken 44 Inectiolable• tronble.` Even now the search for the missing- conlittited. 11t4V4 ..),Vers --Ittori-Avitealtope„flailVtd In every • breast but' hors.. • ..t'Sonie,ilay *I shalt find her 1" 6h0 Lad on -e 10 hint. *; with, the beautiful' strile. that :thrilled ell' that •knew her. lie sighed ••deeply," Ito felt,sure that' she was tilt lite innprent eatias -Pt 114 idols - She was so! goad,so- norables • • • o., she W4IS 014111111,57 tO bhuno rxxir tornele. ptitiph*s t cannot hthes' she weis•A flirt." he stijiloquisid 'View Mtlage ekented to Spring,up to :hint, °and t ouId helpto min face. Ifov gladlv Out -no -400 *rib. chi1I i- dead,' Si) neVerbe• found , „ light trip thewtable: with* his. 1 lied k\z.etv ttio gat. The window &nt as1t .filitsiv out" hap the uented, garden.' Ilis landiadY t,113P.cAro1 at tbit *Well. •• Yolir luggage'tias ,•acitte• she, *ululated, r'zpror 'light yea wile lost.. It's nearly two hCurs it! rot '.6tivtliitiktiy, reerry, MisS repliCd y'otng 100411 with, his - iLil. '"Iltit it .1.4so beatitittil 1t42 1 went for a lillte• S12511, and .qtlite 4rpi'ichlt POO it Wag."' - Lttekily 1 'neva ittaile the' tot„•nor toekol tia ). ems ete• th•,ty would haw* 1.vaset. '11.31„ we've had our ,st,rpr4se tP09,. ;sir. , .• "Sati '4:to to,(14 SQuetittrig 1-,n 1 sup 41e4rars"), yistt *ire itotadkietto 'It's made u vire seruilptions.. 41.itt! titt73; lilit..Siti2141.0, an* me ttinai 4111%,'. Alynpered •the 4flAi ti'inshing with ricie.,;tnoP,. °It 1,4 Wee. Mek rottor aftcf tiittirt biTnAqigativ." s is, is -ox,c,tilated• th rotor( man. t� *bout rate. Anti I ts !LIM. *So.. s.t; 4i cent* 1_ littS • :hoatp.. TOtrierrim Iwfl . Aftt 'UK'S that telt 1011.04,0 flu91, covered the ha crigu with 'Ms, Aunt with vat jMrejwith 40x. one. -1FAIWi71:111-40-e--&ar . Sunbeam *tithed. ,Evert A he aunt' had entered: the 'reoria she bad been 'struggling with her feelings of di$rili* leap. t,* even •ch tael"'; h may rnt.ftI inrlined to place scive ouk plit mixture", "re; it 'jury to the Momechor ttier 'tome 04 .ifilftt iL a taint comes• Is -1114, prescription -of% an eminentu- se enttm- reputation., it trgiNa ' roggisi h4M4. 1410411 asked fitated that te could either supply the redlents -the prescription .tor cur " reader.,' also recemittexid.s it ea 1/4, or 0e4„ orcvery, flTh r xornud useruIne koo , . Its locety'in. the tx od ittrera,,o' at,out 141 sogn4 0101-014 -ind•the m ••• ". ted litter of three4t fOur,,,, it is right of re ittth- •And.-•;proper---.10--- ive--,--ter•-••amot • 'try • ••1 tM it AtitrOp4A en ttut th, tow-. that is • poor Weal:Ai" sh•ci: icAns1414; VitrAthatomill„,4441;cat.Ar :pia oven with ,the test of care -and . • :••,,• •• -,• A GRIME year-roand balarieed rattan, she, npAill preAttg shotild have her 'ration broadened OvOli .:!0"14.111 411.0744401.gw - - • 14 the point of tulikirig, ter, Id end her career be ;closed as quiekly os'pOssibtei: .; •-fors growing, or is in -•tty.. ai. .satistaeOry " mother*, sh.m d , than be stkerer, and rth is desire "ed. an -1 114,41`0104- tites . rntthick s felt hers1f tvy1ng the innI1est ,chitd wholik fa1her hand6 8104 joHet with: liettetit•'ItT for a Clean Incater .' the had, ,s100-4, Wiping away 'her blinding' tears. Therektre • Contrition for her lack of, •• • :void ,OT.7•Abaritar--trtadO-4tor-moro.-Wzlltttr 1.-Itear-Wittritio.--tempeN-ne-ensioce' e 'conrplain' atOut labor Wing 0 a great deal ot it inefficient. •Labor ' 0440414$ iihAtit •1lvizig 0111' shoes, clothing and ittings'to tat be g ,high.- 1 have only 4 4$4*114141 know - !edge of cconomic 00411144$ in Ilia :cities, but 1 suspectthatniiiny a ma. IL 4.4ourrtry-breeding-nrina-Vetns,7 titan wtrn cn the -feeffs,...would--hc- able- totvUe.,, °Inman .f.,L.A1,_ ghtfriitrtr:Wit td IL 9&1p!e of pigs' -ehildren -AV•cir, lichen. The man to* his pipe from ,14,5s .E4M,Atit and grinned curt ingly. "Thatia just Wet 1, was deli Mtn' on, flettk, on ,ktioVit yoUrself that I 4ever, ,4st '.vked by 1b4 sweat of my brow, nor never shall. 1 atzet such •4 kirt or two jobs when, you spolr' e Likely as • not I shall only be 4 few'days 'ere. • VV. a :les alret the best lice for In sor . owns areifore 'ors")d e. , lietty plit down the saucepan ,she had been - cleaning and canio 010Se -UP. to hon.. . Iter round 'eyes: held' 'a world of hi airy:III*. Atli 'oh had mop, „Litat:you re •o! again., r, yohr, hand hos' lust 1 t eurtithiih Biti. For.,14y. sakedoift 14, ritalt. Hotpoint& Inc and-lier«",; • "IiSt bows t do remember on 1444a elm -plans. You efortA work 'don't pay. Whet ••cotiteTT did. Whal 'ave[•rrfe,,,,elt14 Sneer. id Bill, plunging la hands into, lite .0kets and sucking his... pipe, •- • - • She sighed. 'tletilY •teare' sprang to' her" eYes. flabby. Why do you wanVto siarVe?" "My ;snvh-2g will last :Many years," she,mitproured ,ending Oyer tho fire. fio.chuckled 441u "Your .savings• were m101 ' You, don't _mind moneythent" Nit CourSo - - she exclainied,in- dignantly;,"l4rn with !out as before:. ft isn't that. 1t'a ausir your tack* g.41M1 ' and, at She lakoslhat ' time rig • " ed his ex to yes, • wl . press xi sititening rove heless, for he l-\ cd as ranch as he Could love any outs. "1 want 10 .talk over one or Astro matters.. Lor my is•O thts 'ole Won't 'be 4 160 one, An in a cardboard. l'ouSe like this •''ttslts•-•'-welt--tc-7-Jtllt-busiin'sntnitsrr-uo-Ori else Is In' Sunbeam nodded her heed, :There was ining 16 realize Lhat et ith-4he-Holso " arvei-o a St; e e neither seen nor hear before. What Wald 'he have to saYt be inedlig- ing_souto fresh biirgiaryt.2_ A tthiver tin ,thrOng:t urtheent'rlyon- .ta(Llather_le you?" Site Started. _ Lave s :She took hi s toughe hand, •bulv40 been, the of .fithers., itutOr you from tits bottom Qt• my ti" he whispered in- 10W-AflOte.05 prwsing her soft ups to the Itorkit $1tio. 110 glanced triumphantly at Ins' sts. exclaiming in, on exultant tone: , -heir as I've *wen • suelt gratitoofk Sunbeam; you can't refoso to. be dooti. fat •?" cormaipm,14ent. Who queStkina that be Carries heavier load than either of Altera? It is rtetabia that all three aro of about tbe sumo age.: • _hat *Ound 1641$11141104 in ft strong frame. The .1(410W/rig clet4i1$ vt. „tits daily life In the, I goine -a ace at the month of the Neva' showwhat' a Irian can 'grt'• through. ‘un-' :ASOlated.' • He rises at ololock in the. . trOrnirig- and ',after 711 glais'of-coffee7bew JliflS 10 lave the eble4--Of The dentlet-' Ainriit-Wintfa '74-1 "4----1-Ve-----enorS:t "1- !Ma- Ofeletir; hen ho takes his .1autchion't.:i.titeal Winch. neveeoeCtI.Pit. More than -2 * A alAittE11-1•0 AN 4101111. • He devotes •the entire afternoon to rek ceiving inerilbem of the Council Of the Empire, going over reports from the Stinister of the- Interior until- at iectoetcli Ahen he dines* alloring h'imself • only t4rty minutes. -Then ho takes his daily gdutoutis Wiled s Ile to 'Atti A Monitiand Other (0 • Bti toils 'Iriy;th*e; death of 4 wonitin in 13read- E 13-n04ml:title 4Sylion- 144 -vatic - -ot traordi'tern ,atinats;.- 14r -- and• 'Intlif$214414-'ns It;elifeated---'`="r-'- '3%anuirtnatar Afre414$1440,arilige“0-vitHV----- ItiOttier She, formed -it har as , .patient, of a local '11'401/cat Mati- Aralitiswite7After-aterio during whit% Miss Eitiounds' telendshin for the doctor developed into a passion, • ilia° doctor's, Wife died - under Ovum- aliineAs 'sugosting She was nolsorteh by anat„..:sundiassed.Jecttt. 4$4-1lielr44T-0-400t--loach the e. h u lea 4 'heart . nd mind., • because nature holds no eorrup ittiren-- 'svirotlittent; I suspect -there or 'plenty ,e1\1 ,of these uteri on ten and twetire • ftiteert And .isvettly 'dollars per week •"sii artes,*.1 tiring In lite towns 'from hand to month , 'vitlt °Ittler tiand 114)t Plctil.lit ever very ting sweet:mei-its. Some inonths poss- . _ _ .... ho•-htnte--thieesti . e u ti n el:4AV ta mplain .thst living is high. 1.44 not ,111 0 to be harsh or ard 'on an i . - 0 1 .0, p see some of he ntiaguitV o ,. lownr.seekerd pinched hack:. to their. ,torth-rtgitts in the country, -.- - • .. 'my_ re4dir -t44y-te. 'complaining that • 't ..4tm. ,getting'• away. -:.. Trom, .10$4-7 -$1,114e444. but..,,,rea.,,i •: 1 _"•e.:StIo. are• •-so , fainaslionally•-estabilshed - .4-Oit•- the, ,fartia' that we' agrieuthiral-.„rellowe who . talk 'ottit:flito* ontselVei• the:widest .kirld'' '..et, littitUde' and still not go .aMray. Or .Cotir.40 labor is high..Iiecause,:itt,' :borers-4re feslase---of--Stinply and -..41eintind. Personally 'I do ,nQt think 14- . ,t0:r ' is .411,y' higher than the; general . . prices . of term products. The farm' 7:worker is -net living, any better or .savY• 'leg any more tnoney than is due tiro, 'Mv com taint * ainsV labor la o! the rinittity„. '•"-•Vi on •-: ectle'paying-itrWir -lac and a, half to 4 dollavand-a-lialt IttanizbutribeAyliump-,OintMent 1-S-11.4v-74- tri6„. to ,workc so .4nueh. harder to, make til. the delicit, twenty-five cents. Now, . wt. have high-priced • labor and • much rt.c.--Ortbiki*lit.tilitY;--ufid- on'er-earitiO let-14,6'.eittint„ty,littitgitie- anything MixIl. teghet• than _ corn at seventy -live cods . fie: bushel, oats at -flity-Ilve*, hal at . tWenty, -dollars per ton and up, wheat ..bran at ,.t.svontytatx silotiors ' s. too by. :,..,cong lit4r-t,,,Gialti;d4. ttattisdtionorta boitelt,erafteextiluitslii - ctthi.V.41"1,,,. at -. •leat,i( than tWenty,kilve-110, tiaras, ' 10' stinhttened ..brother, there Is '.'net 41ielt Pleasure- and "-tertairil.yille -proi 'tit -In-- associatirtg-:. the -.Poor 'cow and Protittitliii.-beg,„.Abilt...• you 2hav ' ' r41rge1t-laktr,S4 thC LOFILH.arid.„.ottis• and .,th,.., hay does iiat , in the 1064-tino-liw 'c--i-.lit ligUres of values". .1f 4 .bay Is Vt 4 14, s1 he 0, , 1:0 In - 7 -littl44-setiv' IttTrreturn "triOat iithea--144.-A • feeding it,..•., eedt'Otf .6eVertty 'cont ornila' got, itrig-l'ittek"--kr''11-7:buitc.-.st ty-.. cents from 'Abe t'il'ot,v, the steer or„.,t1Ita :Mgt, is -.at;', ways A losing game, ainl )1,,ta.a.,041.00 . At •Whidi ,Iii; Vast nninber of farmers 4140 rl . flaying! or ''' ,ratiter livetiting,•„, 'They . don't.- it . vt,;.7VOV.--14, bay...areklioingit-tr, . not oCAttfin';'• would. -stop it,,..... Some •, would -keep. At It that the traditions: of - :their, Practise* might net be disturbed,' '. t's :It: 1 '7):4"tt.:':'o'L.,'i':v''t':ily:',::::: ; t tog -prpdtteti there are. 'cows tog•d and tor litieed ittoort butlAtie pm., - litif iretto. 'Olt -otwooirso4ig -that- Out, .4)f -thew 1114 .,fitiner ,can.,.SupWirt...a. !pt. ' (q Other tien.protitiebag„ ,ailitittila, • nOt wOrtlt •thitr.sitit,„, ii7*-404414 symotrat, ‘.,moitainiz ..140$-:e.sestio. houtw.'4,0vtatsintry.„ ,Ltcri4t,,1)0.1",-.14)ii It •:Twelot :-ittdilett, .: tit the pralltif or ;the rifoiwf'trilikarst If all the tinPriiiitabiti 'tows -avoid --ite• ..attlitrtieted from our dairy' prWtint..litiS" ,C,111 4g lititilOe'itiklirlet of butter Would:. :•ru$14 reedit fifty, cents A 00444, 44.e. $01/10 .Or the eottotephred Loysii Mtg.' ing on...the city', would'. begin, 10 hanker -km, tho,:creim pots` batii on itt4J ilititti., because of, Suaheam. heart. She's 4$ 8000 totose-botrib;is41 ;overlie -di .* UIIUg but dutiful?" Ira pin' to let yoti_le:so, more, by: asking •• you 40. a .shliple 'thing for • me. .11/4find you, a tririg. tie good girl °Would tents 13 do • for 4 parent 'wot "as e'ttinesIn-erfror-ier"1 tiS'Ofitddeieitlieflipgret)e:Tthrough' • Vttcould it be sifntg7,- : at her aunt.- The 'woman cat as thou h - 'turned 14 stone* a mortal dread_ hi t Thealglit waSt•rtit 'reassuring; bt. 45.5unbearri •was: plucky. - "What .lather?' -she -asked, smit- ing alveefly At biol._ • 0140 - hear your - vole end -see- -Aunt - Ifetifs facei-2-1 But 17": will 3tedlartti to -it :Mkt .111e:-...places.:as governes 01 thhiryou like, VISItor • it yot. tan. But few -4kel, i'Afse from his. liriss . Sunbeam was standing before hint with, a honor -stricken face -0.-00, hither, stop. • Don't iT Anything th,att_f cannot do it!, Oon't_be,ttrigr with ine, but 1 catirt do-Itils. thing you . • •' . • - "You carlitOtl` .1411, You Must. yotir father an, you must obey. Whereat the nut ' Ain't you beim blieated on InoneY _got thtit ways _you Hvin' Vi 11 now. WitaVr yOur aunt *iii savitt'sbut her .share out ot toy looliti** 'be,ox- 0141100 brutally-, though. his *'3e, 8s -ere ‘,11-1t ttverted Iroot- iireyiptivering pleadin 1-411Pliti-n -Aunt iiett; is' it -true?" ltS fa l. lered, hirningite4toritigw to 4,tite 01hp uttiv t bro -but slIapd rid as he so •bohind Innis Y ' darling. res1-: Forgivo irteOr .111(1 VOhI, hot yo. true.," ., "1110 that, all Money 11UttIJL)Ught tins, and feeds It% 13 illgtdt:n Oh, Auntie, WItett. yott Saw itlw &Stressed was to- hear how'iny cdue.ttion had teeit Pniid “fori witydid yo*. k(,ep- this from 2ause' ; 1 l'tva;afri,L -;u4f Ii me ioybe„ ycu-secitird 4r dead set, against. hit *logs," sottej ,staibeent sighed. K.44,5 a child I never knivw4 rnL:1 111: begit:It fo:::Lv.,00 1 s"z-. 1pt in gnOranet, 011.;1411ker. what Itali' yott one? It 11.0115.4 biliCe 1)00 Letter Ie. 1,1 4ie.11}cf mother." • Oil! !Green - oprar(g• to Isis feet Ills rstiortee,. 'tkAtot at any $ule, 4/tol 1e1 -',111"k otivrpmeting lovck for had na :content ,ovor his isnd23ai0 pr. ITt took' hot rough!y 1 y 44e urn. • rr) Le'entrtirdj. at's it, is it? id like to know.. where shed be if f felt as good as _told Ine441r. fur 14Y- Int*: that's rot! lea come totek; 11 11 doesn't, and ,he .giits..• on 'your mind; yeti- 44 -ow Wks do.. ,For ..goodnesaY.sake-tion't turn -into a eryhtg "females Sunbeam °light to --"Yet7stie Veii-'740711111:7-11-11---zitIort: is true to °-you. Put she prays that yolif. ustri wks:: !o your dY flils tape softened inten.sely„ "Yes; she's oilitilt117. red', chewing *110, PiPe stein to keep it from and beatififuller than t thought, 'Het; . rapil-r-Wo---tteautliter-fOr vyant."' - . 4"E'or' what you want,Billlilwehat iryo M 'eat? You eitet, oing- to orript Ilia mind, the child wot's iita, 'WO to US both I' 111?- twisiert- round 'uneasily in h'is chair. -Alt scrtoning expressions Slid from his fa,v. His mouth_set in a hard"- cruel line, you a .64,104' Hill 110 clif„tked frown, exelainting angrily tginthetonts, wing :.fo eir 'now; 11 r wo 1 i 41 S41 nuch 401* her. .1Ieirt* a good *gift, .sitel 4)ti6y. What was- the good of all liter inoney snitit (11. 12e if shit can't :repay: Never „you 4114#1.„ lIdtV, Sanbeam tv00,1 stiller,' and it she'll target to say •hes prayers for nte arid work 0Sf t wish, :filen Jil. time we shall Le. •rollire lu inOney,, 'Then tve tan leinigrate. and start o *oly lire, if S.'ott hke. 'Go: Over bi-t solilin. nu,I all lite girl "ere NVit Jot4uva-4VA* thatyMM taillAcitof for hti 'meat, 4!: 1116 gjti I: *ex *t t Da ;shell Soon i. ,you ritesit L& !C I11 11l4 ' ilest," replied las *iStre, ping. ilf-fors•••., • *Irlot tlett. 1,v* tootbike dOttge. II e n't 4414141 aitto Marti ,(1e 1r "What' s/reltrtied7 '14.$4i4ribktha ;"4,,oIl kneiwg the tvil 1ne. Hill, yoted a tient wlirre is it. nowt I the",aglit y 1 v1Sunbeato. VOLelnild:not beerhr itlI (t your. :sighlr „ • y 4 4ViSi$ toottgb.. oray it Ittiewitig ttt nt.s'itt. 1 Vive',tiot 1,c3 taxi 1 iii(Arit to do toy, Lost ty b4*. •tlieres ono or two on shok innat 'olp, ht. 11 rfol-tentle! Dart, hai lig",tt *•01,-.1 on nF.•., titre irs tne t„,,•2 the r;.Ittee. rti.141i to gate I.:1 -k fa 'S%P "t'54t, t fait 11.**vto 1'4..,11f4:T„ this 1i— Svlh 1 Shire 'with. na wa ur- ihe private grounds of the Elaguine Pal- ace, but before' 9 at. night at. his: ivritinspil fervate-:eabinet ex. arming -reports and revising '-.41o0u- -ile•-never-iniriloYs-v-seemtailr-4 draws 'alt.' and-Mitritertintitis' In bia Oyin„writing.,..11ta onmaitsitip is very swift and ,rather iliegibia. He rd. mains at hts. desk until a or 4 o'clock in the morning. OA never gives ,Iiimseir .rnora tan 1 re urs - yet, egeept with Ifs. Imperial ma- ter, It cannot te *aid flat M. Ztolypirt is 101PrOving hs Ir,p:tion. The electoral 001Patifirfor tie 'tint* 1114 Mitts .-: 047 toady. taken on. oppositional isamplex. 'a The -Ultra-re *Oats are as hostile jo THE SOCIAL RE'VOLUTIONABIES. lernerit- J great and smaH, Will have fit dominant It*:Ol4;'•-•ab.0 th'%nail land owners, wlio are mostly village prleats,' are. seldom reactionary."' Many holders:Of big estatet inch- ttie Province of Tsr4r are desyksping any rate to the oxient_o hoatililya *o4sting sdroittlitrattlite items Th constitutional `10emberats (Katiohil spooled to Win lis'Ain in- St* I'eters- burg and .1klescows The election' otrion. Suhbollleh *tits:- an Independent Ilberal for lhe apital pritetkally,sainintd, 'He waa formerly Governor •tletio and ying terlotisly-thir feto f October, 1903". "lint yi call fl otfitItt` Tat et '-f‘,1ti'4I es- /tf,,.4; a fMd r,u;„.4thto, Netherettyci 'twits) hare riweakd' th. alIa 01 an .1 Ilia. A %lumbar or paving tiles and an zar coin have been unearthed. ...ilk Mid the -mentbota, of '•tho Mere Itoxittl "41 41441414114that a pr011i, ,of "lifd. per heitil 4111 eery tgamnt Akii4 ,W44 *Pia& ier PCP^ his task. ' Raa"s'hy 'wasps In the fruit -grow;. 'or Botley, f1ant, have boot vry rkut. In on In7rice '111 Wasps' 440.trolt41" iri another "0'0 ered the s „hitt. • A Ytrmouth Weft' whOt new hom rom HourneinOutivin &1.111 iovo hours,,112,- a dialance o 'Mote then tw hundred titleii,* ha* won iSr Its 4o ihs s eup and ' At Oleg -Viscount. ft.,rriverly , kshttoi MA* Reach) ktring 10 th. fML Itio Abe Mayor eltliert yortr age, to tint littridrod itrds, ;taol WAS proparedlio sfl anytn* of ht.; for a; trille. Th ,toutit •Of ego. pir.elisser of : sn .hl book fro* , 1» 1aint-14ok1* Rood roteolly vi• two lio;ween the, low/volt if nook Mr. illad,iotts and th. i,tio both Salisbary, • it ihe 4Ubr4t' of Wienrea •r's,its for 14 PAO Ind oil it tnie• on ifiroftitthly trik1/44 by i. ind that is to 'Otto 11 tkod• Apply it together LXit 461 sortiing-, rut ttott esto be, toad Istiotott,, 11 4I ne heap, ittl'as 'Edmunds -poisoned Ili•e -tvoina.n out SLAYS .TO ALLAY- SUSPICION. Tberenpon Miss Edmunds Wan sys- _tem. and cunning set:lento ot dxstribu- nog rpoisOned thottolatti, to divert sus- te,rself .She..ent,L4,1,1-' 0y site_ int in the, street le buy cliccolate rooms at a certain -: :confectioner's.: TheSa 'she doctored with strychnine enhi llten returned them to the shop to 1e 'exchanged for another 4:14d.. Not sus- --coMeettener-'-rtiede-- -the change and resoldlhe poisonedchoco- lates to another customer called Barkers . one of whose- children died -a few hours -after eating, • *At the Inquest ,Christinia 1bnunds tory Of itav herself as th result ot eating sweets ,hbught at ttiat hop, The Verdlot41f-ttre Coronets' jury was Itiecidental death,* exonerat. tag the Confectioner) a man of highest '''•(:1111'I' FIXED AFTE114-NFAII. • Por . nearly_ ft your afterwards, hfiss ' 'Edmunds- diSleibiaeir 1t17e rags of poi - 'sowed clioboltitrs about Brighton, giving, thent to Children in the stmts. Six or en-ohltrite tits but survived to. give evidenrie agains • ; She was ari6teil In August. 1571, nearly it year after- -the; death of the doo- Apes ''ittoe,,, and WaS-tried;for thi . murder boyLulael,„kutd.Lsontenceil_ - d It was Shown, however, that iier 14 the prime •of lite as an epileptic idiot, and that bothArainiparents and other - .relatAel,i, had , Tito it01.0 '-'socretriry, on -a report front_Sir ,_Wituant 'Gull, an .eminent-phYtticiart..: steyed - e-sleention--order-anit-ultimately-the_wo... _ num -was sent to Ilroattin(x)r- asylum, where she; 11 040y -rive years. -tialot,Oftterti1..-11at1gn.1¼w01 istvre itt a loss for repartee, And his teo t 'humorous sayings are generally Spotam- 14 4 101,v4. overt ot4C, and with o serious look, only belied' by the twinkling or his oyes; At a luncheon party on one ,omitsion Celehrateo doetor_wag 4:quitt- ing biro. "And bow da y*on feet ,whett, ,yon.„ have killed a mini profevsionally it' akrj. ;•siih'.,"-Slird---Baheit,PoiVell. . &ill in yinTile-er under .1in', zinimi Cirou'instances • ri Mrs, l'Neittricit Itved in An expensivis filth -IUXurions jhat _.,eti,rtpixsintoct equipages of *city sort. were to Wheel', end pMpos(.41. to shov,r Alitit site kn.& What wits ,tabie fee etch occasion" she saki to •Mr IslewrieWs valet oris-arternoon„ with relit .dignityt. ant going to return . 'sante tells thisafteriteein, and y-oti may a to the livery *101* and telt thein 2' 004, -4, -the beattart-dolistit •they-haves't .flubby: « vil gel the easter wader book -ease to *orient ell, and "I've oiled, them fit:kW* liVirey: °But ,did you castor-oil, tittrr