HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-10-10, Page 4 (2)The fair •h.. 1,1 y *ref 'Fri.
Ay, Oct. $' A 4, Under the Auspices('
the :111An4ard Agricultural Socist
IIVO5t succestsful one* Alihoug
iltst day end itifsht *ere tteate4 to
vy .showo* ram Stillthe exhibit*
it he artiele* tontAlly.AirOughti': :in the ,
t day, were autnerouit •
14y.tlio wPtbev
1tniy *rt1 iehifll but • 'I
t New Yorker** .
son; Pearl of Savo
• Beat • u y liettreaJterti
.1 17' lotrit; Jui
t ° AVeitri • Geo
tt; PPM • tcnt
esra on zsi beIug
¶Eho Taylor for another' term
k has **slated the north,
Liso for another tti.rro.
1 ki ,;(4: '
'tIlnu 4 1 . I
ite "Alt
tbe twO 'ace were u,tezeitin1
id i '$ doue 1n the thli
ar thtresult was.% ...)
* .
. 4 r;
Jiv; 11 0 *
A e
0 .4 'ler
Ili '
bleatiteky U
• ucv 1.4. Th Oreen trut 1
Jilintiers in the hurdle' were
,order. leek Harlow, Choir eiti. Jun
Nein.% Petrie. . Among the .,guestsof
the directors on the ground. __were
Hon. Nelson Monteith, B. 13.tunt.
liect4ra fee12- well" with the
.tl exhibits an specieltieik being
satiofactm.ytan4 the gitte receipte be-
ing_ oVer SWO. '
Following are the 're winners:
Ittx.io4 mare*Tholk
'Nest; foal, llog ;3.yr.old, John
vu yDelbridgettr.ot we e
. ito lit( W ,
Martyn; 1-yr.old,Atkinsort Brosgetsio,
Miss- Doom John Decker,: Wm Hyde.
.Agricultural. -Brood ruikre, gitirc
Duncan War )3rock.-foitl,R Birch
it.' •
4/f C 1,0*Tartirg
tdtls one more terror to waitare.
ror the ant eight' Iint'Us of"Ablit
tar thelotailimtnigration to Oanad
ite 210,80i -en increase ---of 0,058- as
tea.. witlX, this firittel ht, months
0,04 *Yrtr.
rilo4-001,0t, North
theoe -70 otat per
cbarged n, a at *Ticttle**
to. Se
the Federal Mat ton, se le
aells land to favored tap Whits
*, At one shtth of the
price peracre tbat is chsrged to far
et, purclattiters.
Tbe goverrnnent -' -1111 shortly
es for two. pulprroaci 0011
iil 1 ems to which tbe
• have to agree
will be found thekeyooteof pollcy
decidedupon itb regard to future
treatment _of the pulpwoodareas of tbe
provhice, n*mely, the
he raw material in foOtate-0
a On
The question bas 1atey been inore or
Ose* truiAtot for con.lderstion by the
cab1uet, view of the many Edqulrles
made for . ip
e e
'rhe areas 1wblch they *111 Inelude
me y
celled becsu.� of non.fulMlmsnt 01
he terms af the agreements.
• „ Is zslmple tietae-Made
,Stilfe0 by an eminent auttiorit
uuiduOY....a_itomteeL__ makes the
leme t JD daily uews.
pa.pert't w re elite' 0 " Wart.
e$4. of Kidney . trouble it .taken be.
fore the *toga of BtIght's disotte. He
. *tato* that .such eymptoms Ignite
beck; pain in theside, frequent dire•
to urinate, eve:10y at night; p01n4.
oveoowe, Here it the c
own ist here in town
authority that the.e ingredients
.s.rettit -harmless And. 'easily mixed at
huttio by istuitingsrell in *bottle. This
mixture has a 'Oculist, holing and
'sootbn effect upon the 'tire It
and iltinety *tenet** •14u4 often
es the worst forma of Rhetz
• atlmm in joet * little
• Ixture le *44 to remove ell
dlsordez-a and _cut* _theRheumattsm
by forcing the Kidney*
strain from.the blood*
. brit acId and foul. d.00r
W Itoweliffe„
Olve„ Chas_ A.
toli,J Senders;
Sadler; yellow onioni,".4
311 6$
Robiasoofred onions, .1" San
;, coL
yeget&ble, W Wier, Mit Zeraieson.
Special potatoes. RN Shier;
Hodge t .1lievys„
,itei1tricurireit4,14 rho)) _
Arrxxo, oat040, .iSattaatts; Wort
ern Spies. T Sande" 3 Hodge; Talwati
Sweet. Mrs. HarthIstaktiletrposla.
TwnpkIn, D Balfour,
Maidens Blush.Dewson
Mann, W Sadler; 3. Sanders;
, le u .
er Sanders,TrinonGolden
tiler; Rlbson Pip Bretbour;
Yfig, oPeu
w deli* i*
Streaked i tim * o-
Ieskl--i'...„. ab,
- __. __' tley; y w-ctoh applee,
Ilinckwire; Mrs.,. 4_11„ettherrJelL
, -
Mr. And Mr/. W. Cooltlit- returned
.Weanta4.1ay otter o few week*" visit
with friends in Theaford, Forest, Port
Huron Detroit and other western
sonsversisr/ services at ' Suns -bine on
the day with the--iiiiiiiistop.46..„.
Mrs. _I Andrew*, r., have. returned'
fro,nvionie_weekiLlspent stt-71,VItaitli
returned O To
studies atVarsit
of Gunn's Iloapt
Du2andk3i'oId,Th�s Brock
team, Itaiseltkoti. _ • es_
• biea,t00.0x044010,
ltOad.Ster*.eaA-7Btl:C4r31;Thret— ir•AnderaOti
Peidluttn; foal, 3 Decker, 3 Pvidkovn;
2. iota, C MAUS* A lernOtl,
O st; roadster, G Noteris* W..
tia* D Belo, 3 Decker;
litpetrie 1 and
*geerood mare and foal. 3 T
W Elliott.. 3 T:
:Neer, Wilt* 3:
3 Farmer,r
0 Welker G 1.. Bentley.
--Special.- A. 11 Creighton. •
_ John Couritey,;.jt
• ear.o:
Hodge, W Nethercott
ourbio buil, 3 Robinson, A Spencer..
• Duihturt.04,1*, " ore;
*yr#01414eifer;A-it. hatn„
1.yr-old heifer, And 'heifer COIL J. Rob*:
Iinson, AS.neer; Ibtilladf.3,Pdtibara.
Jersey -Cow, 3 Hooper 4;
POW: AngtAire:,-COW, arta'
heifer, Hazelwood Oros land 2.
Grades. -00** 3 More„ Atkinson
Bros.. Zyr.old heifer, W Stevenson,
Dawson Bros; 1 yr -old heifer, W Ste.
'treason, R N Shire; heifer,- calf, R N
Shire 1 and 2; steer coif, D'Haviewood„.
and 2; 1 -Yr -old steer* 3 More I and 2;-
firliiief-Kitsvencer 1 and fat .*ree--ic
asteviVod Be*AtItlaa.011..
- -WEEP- -
xford:Dositna,..7.11ionA and ram WO
Ioeliontaint ewe, *beetling two.'ewe
Iamb, 3 litontsittland2,
- Leicester*. Roo. 3 Roy, 33 - Wool
,iicatt; rem 1mh, 4 ,Wooloicott 1 and 2
1?teeditsst .ewe sbearlia
rod 2.
• ing ewe�harlingewe,eweiiimb,
Fenhale w'ouvr
ridepontra. 3 Mootain 0 P.nba1_
*beetling ewe, W „
RoY I* 11,4 t fat -44*** u
Peishile Anti2.'
.ow,Rthrcb,11.13irch, It, Sperling; ed sow,
Berkah1re-.Aed boar
Son 3 Dunbmr; aged ow,
Abe hatterat Wit4e
n; tabVbitter. u r
I. Vickie*, W Jamlesoo, A Robin.
a. Canned fruit ,Mise
Itohinaon; Plums, A Rorn.on, 3 Bob.„
inion; current** A. Shire. Jil Brethour.
A Rol4mton, Mr..flanhaim;cher-
ries, 3 Robinson* A Robinson; -1;00010-#'
14 Ovethour, A. Shlexi **spun',
H Oz,ao, MB r; itrswbei
1 toe*,
.Mrs. tTrqubart, A Shire. , col stamps,
F A Taylor;
maple sugar
it IAA week. -Vol, Boseenorn7
of Zurieh: iiiiif-iiillingtur-trien-dir he
last Weeri, -14r. and Mr.. Jas.HannonHannont
art_ n their son, Hanri014.--
w. tares
*04 Mrs. Schiffer of Park
town last week. -Farmers are lifti
their .patatoee. The crop is --it-
4ine.--Quito e number from here too
In the parktilit fair lot week but none,
speak -very bighly of it. -The cider
.in operatton. The .
mill ia also rnning in full blast.-J.D.
Hannon Is on the sick list. We trust
and. Mrs.
of Centralia were visitorsat
r. 'dimes last week., -A very
•eusnt'dine Was epentat the ho
..,SWeItserk-siktnilari .0v
Brenner was *event ,wlth bis
*mapbne, and geve many -excellent
lectlone,whtch.'WereenjOyea'by alL
. Miltie.
:er in liontreide,Me are pleased to
hear that Mae* Hod -gine Is oxv a fair
way torecovery after hiseevereillaessi.
Mr. and Mrs. Duplan of Centralia were
visitors bete Sunday.-Alleit Nellie
0000U is *Me to be around *gain.
nev. Collate preached 'Thanktigtrin
service in St. James church bat Sun
day. Notwithstanding the *et and
An stli went *way folio _ that
• weli"..repida, • e revere°,
n num preacblnglakexcelliktit-ot
home Monday* after a: pielattatT,tbree
Weeks' visit in Dettolt.--Miss Lizzie
Patten le hOMO on* -411,*
068101pm tout Setottlay In Lon.
dotc0.4-Aleit :Jeanie BrOwn hi. been un-
abIe to
ittenkhigiteebool for .a few
bas bad a.new cenient jialk laid froni
toe of the,
h to
tuffed birdsantanimels. F Fletcho
et; crayon or pastel Mee L Taylor;
Jamicoompliotas hA3os
Senior; pencil avowing. L Taylor
Iitmtesen;peintiag ougbtse,Mrs Wick-
wire; vitiating agave. Mr* Wickwire.
Hise painthig landscape* 13
ir F J3eaver'.Mrs Wickwire: intin
•nindai'tf.4-740Ticti-itir,-,Mrs, Wickwire;
01111Illim. L Taylor. S
R. asto—VA/4 V7*
• Counterpane
i a
•ato patchwork quilt,
.. *
bis cousin, 0.---ei-
t ,left- Iast,-wef
to; tlissister,
he will return to --B
• erkiliw-wiar inlowirlitat-we
moved hie , furniture Aand housebold
eect. to Clinton* where afterlong
"Illett 1,
Alex.Oar of Gleamy,-Mao.,1* home
visiting •relatives. He Us' -bunt up
. ulte-aeocosoful practioe in the Welt.
Mt* Ione, A.Beli wu In Clint**
last-week-andsoconipauled -her b
band home, from an • boapital,
eve be hal been for some •
Cecil Simpson and daughter of
Erinare visiting at tbe home of Mrs. '
It; soutbrou„--z Refiermittikuil wife
left last week far JitirlyWh-ere-tire for«
'Met hae puicholied * WW1 busineas
and intandsloosting..-Misa Tbomp.on
Line., -,-The TuOismo biont'all-104',
leftlitst Tritek t0 teach On the .
Mrs, Boht. Bonthroo and James
throne:0d Wife Were 'in.Dauk
-IffeekAtkatt% .-t1-143
noes gritadchutt,,Edith ifolifertin, .at
the *0, of 1 per. ,.'White the James
tildli 4,:enkle'examinvia-bythelt ray
:n::1ie-r;'te *' vwere ' b°1dlA0t h;Iboatr In
pastor, were very interesti
a!fetiicbrthe t
phatetAe elmionlicomiCTik7vir., 0. shoeing. sit_ 13:rest,,
on Toetidity the anim4 struck out with
Its hind s0akt_opktultt .:Lhim sente
a flietitig -sceciA) woincl--4-050 .
01 IlOttlieri011.11
till* hi thethird time he
a kitty:Land' his experien
that nom . do more kicking
tbn --„Wxvoztot.-4,A charming-. Septeniber
wedding took place at the home .of
Mrs. ThOnte* Dick, of. this -village, on
Friday pt. situ, irb00, ber
. MliaJean
graduat. nurseTorkOlty, waa
the- ti , 0.2
aud.formerly af thls vfllage. .
time, Theyboth. look se though t
*vest were' st healthy plate to Jive in.
Dxaxii Another broik, bas been
*de f thenobleitand of
t onft9014,17eitiiiira'51:! C
'iaher pa.aed *WA at 16 - the
Deeaaed a -tear-- il.
nd 0
oulagioijortit-mivmonthefi;-butuae6: aulteLholummt-it with;
on ti ORICOf 1"'"
with his patents to the Huron tract
insrriage to His* Ellen Gibson* who.
predeceased him two yeare.. He ;eaves.
it By Of two setts and one daughter;
er..SOutliern Mani be, and Mrs. Josepb
Hood, 2tid Mtn., Stanley. Oee sister
al.o-.survives. Mrs. Xolivi McEwen 01
GI' galley, who---duritist the -summer
ted her tottherhere. sr. mourn,
in his early lite, was* strong say/
inimatii, and knew .well the difficu
le* and herd:Ship* Incident to clearing
lt foto ftorttthe bush.IldgbeaeObro.-
to3041*. patience and 'perseverance
stnaigt after years was able to enjoy' '
theffrnitstitbielabor. in, -•religion he
was s Presbyterian and a member of •
St.-Azdrewscburch. in wereia
"few days 111 Z,ond
Milton WIWI 1. vi�D.hi
'this waskei-Vist. rraws and
sitter paid
ivIIt onLsat,-Beuben Goetz
W. Settler on tbe
she intends
tbe comthg win
and Andre
Iaue.er are busy flhlhig loe in the:vit.
t eXeiarest #110
1 11 0611
11 fair lot
it London th
irieft thie Week
krn4thn Hall