HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-10-10, Page 3 (2)upe , rdht diuI;!.
front '10,
)„. w l)kilic; I
, .., terostrm; t10 , tweitty.eig
1 Ormiteitt, aged eighteen Months,
t • I , *min stein. ugt tnt-
'lamas; -
i. ali in- li,ftebaerS Ilaspi sttlier.
leont--latterts..-tnitt- 1111004$ 'fiXtlited
ttAtifiliug ta esca
, ,
I'i(flflt '
'st,tetti )r ,
444* 4:1
UN 1
• I3utttr. Muvket flrjn
., (.,
, ',la:, •7 ' , ItiiIi! •ti
ILO Ok ft ' 1 • a_ 14)rt 1 t
At al
with txMI 4'
Slir. 41 ko ';4114
for largi, upot
1 kit
•ease lots.
I of the Ilrit rni
1undt1s. whielt
t I.:button frottt F
lotithwestpi the uwt
t-v1tt" atislics
rills, 41 deaths itnot 41 ittar".
ueM 4111 probably send a,
41Qiii, with. Ito, i�t
r t
&Cat -
Ute nsts
.t. Yet been scethd
osal xt,111,
whe114er ilt
it Uild ngs 111 the1V?st
10 ' 1
ded m the groAtids iot Crys
The airship**, 324nile lhk
e- eitertrinod.. r
essiatt 1or 1
rIS'regfrd ,
thaL ralta
.iipt:d,boot;hop are
stww waki WOO 'crt. N•o'40,,k."
top ,73 )r IIcit1i
to $3 fcr
iugsiou sIwibs
truant wete Sionleneq I lo
tte 1X41:Ce '.%ittgi.strate. •
epresentativesi of*United
r A Niti.$41(41t,..1
att- "t;fl#1ivUie 'xiiittrage
' itlat
.,4;1esttioyet.t'* v Mott,
* .bliiictutni
, I 'tilt% 'Oh n'Way 10 11,010,' v
town la: Tuilsday night , .when_1, tuct*
*114 fl W11.1, Or 4 reside • whieh is 4.
tOcli 1Xeryi lny btall$0\ .... )ke, "Vic
-friutl. made-nO-- reply. - tan - waS
baut. 5, feet lit inches 'tall, his- weight
1,,- .05 punJ. /to:, koroto .3 typown,
collar ---and-
Lnd'4301Y' Mat
4/* the. itVIS
for •manAtitt;T,Ilvot.
Owetiaorrtobto on.
t&ou tira he, ubsittitt
* ;goottee
"teve- Ada,
v. tering ha a,to iseu
Um crime. ,
flrown-2-arrested.---$1010 A41un..--41 -
flattest_ When the latter- tips w,ude4a*,
a 'witness in the Stunt -Abe antl.
he, le:4MM af-the- UIIs ,
wapook, when the latter faced 4 Orr
k charge of having murdered a
Praia O. rahvoy *,r4
Circustgate ol on ,froinl
lreeL tmtl the Strand to Ta
qure. Th0113111) tratell
bout fifteen mites an •h.
Iltittered: astern.
-ql1Hre the. Itirshirr-moreit
tottiplottle tionfrol to
Cl It . ptiSsed .over
ett about Nvo
tw-wt 1
nlinuo to brit* tili•l)o4s1111e. -pressure
bear to prevent Canada and Anste lia
n at It expense of Gerrnanj.
that Al
vthwh t,„
ft o ,nt
tb' winel• •,!,bttwen
tioloor, and s
-viva 'roma live to
the Thames
WIUd agalus
zonzetinws 'ha
Mug nTillttebs
4 ,
Love Oak.
i.*.4p.spIttel1 trant Nfontreal *says:- In
nolutt unhittgeti by disappointment In
aftate...ai young matt named Victo
Patin shot himself through the' Ifoart
tightPloPtl.f.,..;.,tiane,....aviat, was-
'irrYilikr$ 444404 and canoe rsoln Franee
mfl VerY- -Pang 4-gOi,
k.viwilh yumg woman
-adVarices Sitlnr-
t) iung Itulg,:aud, agiu tneeti
. with discouragement, *vitiated to' his
toitse it 117.-I41litVe,sireet. and $hot
.$4'lf tt}r(Ugh the :heart.-- •
-ovrit4! 11111,1611,4110N.
fleiun Show no Zflcreate
, St: ' .
„. 14'h Irorn- (3ttna-15 csOure-ia
h - that :tip, • tio .
- -,a'-' rim
tTii'15'', Acwr1.011,« aij.41
i in. tile corresponding a
an increase of .41,t3..... - 1
i oThe reduetton in linnugration
Isul.111u Unile1 States cordhtues„ teing
per ,ivitt. loss Iltert, last • year*. The
1neriiw-I oorksetts ituntigratik.M.,ptth.
coloal y I is 41 Per eerit. ,:
he Ite
rr aud tw.s
!t 11;kfl"Oviing 10, . slyeat
, .
iU *het4111,„ rottn4 11 Mee
ut .Worklitit4 ThUrs(111,1'‘.' morningh
her omit to the nursery*, payin
14'I.- outs for its keep. . The child was
hen., ate- elohtts, ifl excellent health,
but when- she 1,043k 1110,4'1(41A bottle =at
41/, And 8V41$ uralrescihtg it for. bed he
thund the little oan$,S -.hack black =with,
fl fliscs, -The and'shark was, showli
Mr. ilvtorder Weir„, and be .was
Utah iimpre$kid With the- seriousness or
o, ease that he immediately isSned
summonses ler the appearance .of the
!lett . WithIlrk
J„V_ibspatch It 1 ta says.
ri‹.110g item ,,Ek • -.
by sedilktus, taw ,
rt, dtoring,. vh.eh about _forty ))ohco.
tuon wcre wounde ' Tuesd4,--=inght,,,was
r newe41.2011,Y,11 vSt..Ittllit-Im.a.,.ruturt,
ir :tirnstriets -of Northern Calcutta
Welds and .hk-aalittrus..tollected,,on ..-J
p -f- 4f Y3On.I 33i1,',tnthu - roa41vi,',
n s vitli .bri ' .11
• • ,. -
ng1ctI out 14u'
alt ik.ck r*rk. 4,
.I11an,eI(r itie rtat$' 011. 1
liceI tilt' Staitlheritt allegthg
, „, , ,
it. 11)1)i1'.\ a1 of AVhlell '1,%' denied.
1110 titithOtie and 441411nesse5„
Thete %vas Ito 14:iss.,.„ oi lite, .but litany
persons sustained ' severe rorotitsiOns
nit $ealtt woUnds, and many- istroxt
rs damug-d.
e; shoulders,
,•• e tha
lays. „
on Ptittay,
onto wilt (Minim
• pen, the
, _ P
rush», "„The
111 toCkjauk,„
Istoittraw; ittre'ikwoo not new
Cevelapittents, local .1101te 'situ
04: the underto the ;market.
.'3ie spring wlieat palcnt,
rods ...-3.430,;••, 'winter , 1 t
• to * 1 „
leavy. nod t :1)1
in lierce', quitted
aliorbent lot-e$44,in barrels, S2.-
4.'Cartattor, ahortit in
1 rrels.r. *it. .1 nada
und.• in tini' of 273
S.; la
104,Uui1)411% ot0 1b gro;
9 to OVt.c; tins, .3 s.,,,in 04Ses
Smoked - Meats tits, 41
tb Ile; to IS
to 12 Itts...15e' I large
tt.10$o boner out! rolled, 13c; tto., 11,
th•tekk -Wirutst,or loae941,.
ileto,„1101t,1g4g; Windsor baconjtacks
lroct* spiced • *roiletr. Itroeort, •'--bone s
1440-r14.-..1,10; 414.. t
141re, htion4 $(141). It/(101)
1. 24c. O 1 al..113ctoi.,
„hre'se-1101ders asked ka
.fe,* ilnest -western 1240: t
Tcollsitipao anti itfge -to 1,44cf4iQ
• Zoe; Townships; .25
Septernber perrnita
alue $38.30.;Last
flUWbr Was 315;-Villt
)d ber a1141 thrte .,
wank, ,ro n h1
t 10o,d% tti 4in haVa
r /TOM** letk-IHtoa
'-'-despatelf-frour Coolersa.,Y,ST-or rriti
havtng board oVer 200 ptissentora.
was NO up 'Tuesday night by •
.1. -ear-on4
uttnurtirated to a w
vorni and children were
..'• . •
fSVn Talt.cs'et1nt
11 PIO r cc at.
'that w. ;apart ..and JAW
'tnited State.' Would, be i.tt crlaae;
ltara-Une. 1.1*s,oUltirted--...4 'plan
• h1tted:ditty7 and. eXcise. width
Le hopes will nottie lbe: WO Of direct
OPattese",ConSulk,Generat 41;;t1brtiti..:
r.:IttoS reported..,.11tat:„,the intik of the.
a arrese there- who wisbed 10 &Ole.' to.
havealteadrilett.the islan-ds,
41 o: nUtIIOriZe 82..,c-ontitn1o13ee
reerciat'Vtvers,,tutitet Alin,Mos.t4a,to1't
on ca1se .thitoick.044110..-.001
. , .
8 inePt41
�th f
Lhe 6. T. R1 and the
'-r Judi by •the CirOnd Jury in,
rat,Ses•sjohi because. of the tragotly
ittBay stre't trossingt. Toronto* ott
. The .136top of Sloppy. has prerlietet
that the hire1111010 still
CU -01 ,S414ial1srst ttrid'fitokoper fon,
ri •
wittt attvmpting to, defraud the
---Steinusbity.--Contpany,- by- sending -
used emigrttitts, to 1:tined*. ;
mho 44 -00,o -op.&
an luerease of, zeal
• ta*St-yetr. net Irtereased
,It Ls repart40.41 itt London that °the •
nUI annoutimitelat of' the engagement
Prince. Francis,. of 1oc147. Alt11`.
tett* Drexel!, of Philadelphia, will
on 1)0 outdo.
d' -.patch front -Cobalt says: The.
Otobalt, have become, aroused
"er lite reckless blasting that 15 being
rlae about, tile eartip, a nuolber or nom
tiro .1hat they have: narroezty (=seal)*
ing struck by ilyihg le,ocics•"frain
t‘iC blastibg, 4,14,o3/40,4,41 the railway to .the
south end of the 1ewn4; A pc4111100 j:UOi111103r Wh(1I is -buns
if aid en, and 1),,?..tween two
,liree.hnntlre4I eilizet,111(1” this* WI
q k
1CJUit: That 'will. 'ensure oe
pr4iteeti08't itu information has
ern out against the, Vahan totem u
1,v oneot the- eitiunS o the town,
to explo.
1 -fl*tu-1-
passengers conTrile
The matt ear burned urrinterruP
-fivo hours, destroying all the me
ed t be it
Four Men uspeeted ban'
amiss!. -10-4he -robbery were', Ur
laterin the day.
. .
„ .
ore Vhea1 for Millin,
Itls'ateh-ritiOrti- ;4044 sap
• -,.ttireektp,'•1pirirneuIaL
.who•-ki,.:,,keelitog,:in,... 10'
With trop: :6744.101010.:40
da itt rot igh a host. of ‘..corregtunden
-alteretl':-Over the":11tree'.1troVirtek..*,s,:,
riclirted lo the tenet: that the 14tintrilk
rptg.',esiituate 4.f..Ortly 4tol.".000A00.'•1101re1$,'.
0-T iviteat. 'fit ter:-Initilitg fstielbw theipatio,.
br(L)e .betweett flfty'4.ta.E; $htly-
nliltlon ittitottels 'and a- cottsidvrabto
:tri*tigauttlidtyvi-e.'„eittoi‘041,1adottkittt6 tiorterlloeet.4_,•gr8Valt,0,4ti.,
415.. million buShels. ilecent•repoths to ,
indeed. than wa :r1447::•::4- faire7tXea1c0071:
Duffel°, Oa, 8.„-WItett pring firm.
• No. .1 .NOrtherni 41.12gi Winter
N41. 2 i++74°‘:*1);!'tleGi.:4;*,,,ke..4*,:lirriet17t.)..C4'041r1;44%;74I4N(1.ON;',°e*I'i
white. s ▪ to;;‘,. $1,10,
1ty0---No, 2 O1%c. Canal frfghts
g.t110, totostly. of lnferkir qualftt
eiVed,ot the- NVestern- Mar
Marliet, for,'111#3, poor class
It4 frling. The,:,ottees Or toxin
-Wit 10 ot a cent' per x
port trade tortlinued at a. slandsti
$1.eep and lambs held -pretty steady itt
/tie*. The deliveries wort Irk tail,
8nntillini11001. cattle, 4,16.V oottip ,ard
amba, boas, and 2041
contititted Atow" ot
•ept tor jAtteberinit purpoSeS, °1-1451`,
-rtet%".--t-attle;,-4113 ki',$.1.1X1.per 4
fair 10 046414.7 $1.:50 t SiMO: light *nd
nic1ium,- St 14 $1,44 per cwt. ,
hutefiere tithe. .sold Itp $1.-
a Or el,,vt," and 'select lotS fro:tight
44.7t) to $1.,80;. modiotrn to fair'eattl, ii
loadsi were • saleable around $1.1'.:ilo
*tot por e,wt. Fair •to tholee cows. iting;
*I to' 44 'per ewt„
Vistitlery tetslers anti - built
attlnd. o',")tiotation's, ran
43,50 'per 'wt. for steer,
to 411.50 •.1or*
• Trade. was quiet in math co
tons ranged, (rum 4t0 to $50
▪ h -departmeit
y rerirli the. /4III lir,
L:ay. Et'1,C81(Eterkl 11 Ara*,
rtir, killed both his I nnig,htljtill°ms' ari"e:
kept ra awake ito
10.sor. a prOMM011. MORT,
4hd it Itrbtina1.'0111o, the 'result ot,
ire; a, plece,,of taign at the 'Logan
trlaist ugolv.4 awn
etv ,Yarlt "have been Indicieti 08
Ly-4)1un .counts of. perjury ;Ind forgery
out -o1
di‘Itiner given In bk howl' on the
se3p01._1thi, Proklent
41t1otinjeed hi* tolherettee to tite shertle.:
ereatirm a ship coat frOm the it;u11
the Great-10km •„.
tt splairate is (taking, riptiMI
ti 'orts oful if.teatporprte coinn‘rtilityr: ISoodu.i.i!etrpt
ports,saysk itititt new 011 fteidi,„ can 1,ye
eveloped there.
-Unable try call tor:Witt 1fl
deaf ;Mae, Nles ,/ohrt Itoullt, otlitisst
vino, was horned' kr death. at Kokomo,
Ind. _ S.ho_lried„ to ?,=tart 'Ore With koro.
desipalch treat
.1.441g1t44111 Wedttesday7-2 and'Thursd
IVAK),Inc.n 47.,n the cersl, ct IrOatut,
T,ittoot, b,s, •- .'$ y,asrd.'„=, -4tt4- vcIzattect,
w,-,3ttec1 IN Ohl 1L'!.. gtvatest eozt.
i*go, ard 414'.No1fin to crew
tilw French ‘sItt ILeowl xnj..tvtih,b.
104 tit '14stilftritiritt ig-,0 +gtt Spar MLitt.
\11,5, hig,h1Nti 11zey sAving
twist !Inkling t1irtki,.,-.11. Lut titte
,e"oitoot,tog g
7p.weser, lltat 1L yNV4a be ttioXt1at
kw lido.
thi-ing .s..144eslrttlergett
. • taK, crew were ve,-,Lttiont taed
int.oning. TNT, We* CS:4411ga
IMO hurtier tufa 4ApitIVItp.
Tho *re,,k ft",*,--mi:ttxt min
.*tts. notably In 5' ng
/ rape- of 11,''.. itoe. toss tt
sleonter !he 11,-4.,!4. *or Ilt-iratta
The teon wa.4 Orr
.."'"44/10 ISe rirS0 of Wheat with '•*shlit shin
"Wed. liorttant Oreirr.
boittail In
. 11*
1(.1 mite
Thebrave' Jri,ti
1,0$t1, which%
ithI'rnin More. 1I, kJ be itsettl:
tak-k anti .am
The Ctictv 461 .ione onlisod.
*,•‘-eit4. "tome - themselves barely rescued
• ya litel)(41# klit„ nothint-idauntedk
ft e.y resitroted their wOrk 4,1'nterl,
sbiovrected rum did ' their pltntioat to ,
Atm! Ittemselfres. 'When lety tide enk
4144e4" theta tlitend 10 the. toretleck
1L.ey made * raft. and some Mint
thf,y *nee.essfully latoneltilkol • It
with two melt si1' *rd. The raft drifled
towards the $tscrn and boettatelt 1450c -
f -1i II* men on it. ,AfSer this othe
ere. 1iounch01 anti the-rearners met all
- ,41ite Prench sailor statiod :le
31 t
„ •
_limbs" *old it $4 to
twilS to $4.40, and buck* at $3.
per ewl,o
Choke, bogs:, «iUnuM ti
lents sold It 1
Man 14lnruuiji 11oui'orici
L1k(l-etl. tt, by. an 'automobile,803)
i r Illoar and - Yonge siteeIN
. .
A 4.11W atientn(111. -(ottd al.
, ttlittintlY kittett. The unttotunate.
Vornint bad •••-, passed . Illoor Street amt.
S18149.t 1, ross to, the Ayes!: • =side; 40
Y4-n,ge ii„ whert she stepped brat, to
'avoid fl npprII:JI.hiiIg. trolley taro The,
Muttkgn rot lite Inoteltineo which •Vrtr,
deit 16.-K tt-I,1/441111011+-14113, tlartfo
'eeti 1 1:4 ter down.. and litt, front
vo:i.oeict passed over .hile above the shout..
1 - ilero - - The --„tni,itinte. Avasi.SItitilteol. tilinOst
litsuinIty and 'the vielitni W84 earried
'hito 1)4%44 4.1tvg litor'. 1-htk. Ill' 1., wi1so11,
1,1% /15, ' 011144, 1-014.1q0e *Oman, liVed only,
1, a OW otkintes4, , „ ..,,
'At the faquitable'lkOwder Works. Eas
111.,.1,A4104Iglow-ts 'or Powdoe,
Chas., M(4innis a
:pi .
1.f)11111; „_1k1Gils,..;Tit 601 thatt,
Ahritift:i1 (follcge. ItotS • joosh reetiv
more %than ',1.4111 ,volumeso Of tlitine
literature, thi . gift a sir Chenttinfrt.ian
(let*, fOrnit,r. lo the
Ssilidte141;t COn114ny%
tttl. prodtteed in ttotirt Nezv fork
‘VottfreMaYt showed Ilia' thk•1tik
(14 ds tor lilOtt *no:knitted tt's14$,p(0.4‘
tile, the. surplu tor the 'year I
ok u
-tesktr Oster*, address'Ing, lite, studio
:despatett• front London stops:
si, Itospital, sat1 !tat
tirgeIy a tittcslion oi priod l2e411h. in
smoltetli- 440- nwit- 4,0
ih,tdettWseettitod 10 ,prAy: .111e leaSt *tie
VOW -rtoittirettows;-
ount, SaSkOteltroott Iti,ntestatotlet
„ • /brook Carbelle Acid. •
\ A desplith, ft(int /.411,110$11iMt,,,
homestc•rnikrt Kos.
ts„_,tort„,yeafis Cit f_tgei; WOS, kliscovere4 i•trt
s 'shuck.; 'nineteen Endes titilliki,Vest
litre, lit a ,.lying onditioit front .itio 1f .
ts‘,0 Si401.1g
turn; of Ibis to%n, It. trYttlei,
eAtt„Catttratit,.. It is hello:V(4 it at Uestor
4111einpi4hr..u!'fk-, vng batf4187.41 eAr4
bolo a neighbor.
I eltarge4 -of e‘Irmagan
lo.tecount for millions of ,41019t
• mole Ivo the,' Allorno-..".kcienentl
*irk tary;ankl -,%10ropekitletro, 4te4t
ftwsy rompoinles. •
flather lbws milt The ilioartee oot tkei
• 14diy 4niure41,., Philp thoth-. of lot
lift. caught. On thOI trsk*WC.
zr 441.14 &yin r4 ancy04441 aortera
ntet orpri Ws )eir s3e4 er*41 11 oft'
*4 hit* iwtrin. *04, fort ilnd
m* hMconler01, 1/IIF thicain
, 1
, 141gtil' v
6us s e,uet
d'isle,ets• , that 1.i,g,;71ng
'1_4,w tilt)! bave suspendM nate;
tclacsc ttv1g473 44.1 fb
14.'443;-'; cr ship wiln?„ Ac:;„44Vis
liak.)),ed tt!ht, theb Ka"; 1
red them tu,li
T 1+414,4-404w in P. Soma ou„ck
4.4 '4pm $11,a!' beioros 'Milton*
• VOCIL The *44611, WI* bat*
1,,g and !NA ./1I)1",16,
,o,ng 3100 04-0 44
tsitJ'r. 14iltirt1*I11i-1h4," Lark.
Ms* 1, worynyystk. 441f wino?, In
ie;*. 1413 1144%** !low!, oeNet •)•ookt
ors* Lltises. 14 1..4 lors *mod Mkt
'1 1'
Itt h ((!TJInb8. in e 4-
r district, 4-_,,per4)it;at.
cilire:y)44 ed' owing to the rat s
the atkrizeflos; The xvicitto rolint‘ki
11 the 'yk arts (1441 Ltitlit`r in the water,
sod 111,3, Sittrott tAnparty lots •mk
1,4,tied, 10,,,!tp. 4,1 Aftvt,T 10,Outo..k4i)
Itoottoln.O.s 4 f. Itt!ttltit tool 1111,f) , hemi
1! t'. el' itito 1et111 tIvrtItcs
tk 11 tiwok-vt* begittl. " n
sot4tis'toIte vt,:ly to iw%ott
11.1 (litzttr4t74, tito tort,,fo, ttit4,
t ); r1/1p..00 4.1 Nvit'itw.
1,, l!tti* 4.044,*try fIo'rAtt
f k otti It
144 i;.. ch th.
'041..4' • n.f kertti.r. 411%,ttsr‘ ,fit
u.r/11 ott 1.4,g4itir hook •I
41101h. 4,11,