HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-10-03, Page 6 (2)4.04* qad** d . ".• • , ) N4 *4 IN! "6 /10' 3,14, . --7,77 .17 - . 4. 4,114' tat leXtIltdvi:16141%Ailiffded.110.411,461.11* ,.7,71,7",7,1-- • - 44,444,6tos, •!'' 6ri IS • Jt4 This will rtnoe n and pant An authority on -it that if now tiawaro. ttiIrtsIt lag and atom _00VP4 V.44re it Is wad11 ru�t fterwards, no manor how in la t imivioter. For stained tinware redtwe4 tho.be4t yawns., Irst noffee-pot isn the Wit ' t, #, over thia lottlan, tarot ,unto th proinisad • matt teklay.,,aa 1ru .d tO,,,..3.431.a; 3 74-ertil il r fleet): :we' think wrnnnkti,n heree. ',hat , theli ..0,t ,ittat,sof led ,11114.1149)ii100114$1,7, ; , 10 t---11-rn 44 !ing , Vcat0Q:;..-4 ' allil, lit ,00f ail , things:. 'The izi,;4144 - 4 etkeral7y t of slIsci„ ' *two:fa a ludiy me131, .0)‘t it 441 illitt thi.9 4•1 ti ‘‘, ti:_ -,It is .1 4s the n10 e1licsi..44 of ns, 4 j0agan . , kuibionis. , , .ar.,‘ otitersinblii.ras et 4 odor'', : ., ,r,ta,nce,', s'Itili, ,a_ the,treit, anit:lo tt ft ,. '. '.k4it ",;:, *Cil. at. '4411, 4 't itf+ ' ' wan tf I 1iur !.. '. I , / f I , s. p nk,, i. , i18 iiati, Jfl .igM. ki - • ,•;)thzjt 011 0 4.10' iehltd vou„;" itipso, com0 wity the •• 14,ad or toll mut droop.); we cAno At ,nor Isvai4 :ourselves tato ; Aro to be, we live daily wit this .4-eavenli C:ood„ lactwit ts idit•tates ornatur udt of the heaven ottoro -ate Sense or- Arian„__ iitst, o„ 4 *;141 • IF:wt w i A 'nit , t• 4 Oit: .. .. '41 ,, , inind lit . , , , . 11L1.1 " ,JA Ui , i, :M. his living up "olt. to ., ng pi the mind ,on .0t-td,rnea s girt •3, --prayer, obedience -and WOO. 1.Itero i a ao n fL that wili -0,1t4roti-lic4 if nth to :OA; t 4 0441 AO- " 14) .'tiet4100g,, Wee•Vt (11V11,1er tid mercy heY004, lo this iniallage, „an rescription-A0 „ oni.ionS; and- St:IPA:410 ng kt- -.Mir requests be, (d RU1 the , ' ,o,-.1tour .,Irce..froni. ,froitt.,:tattiIiittorts, t :bo briglifenc4,014, _:41Air,41tmg11514. through what rownittg- Viten ard,"buiter„. attswer -the -f!),1 ir tcn-1.t t 414 rins -u • Ttzrerrt t*honlit tM)V4Igh1y. MJ Notice If 110,eri".a...r tlge on glitos ',Vlach prevent perreet The tire Mayha Used' th- tug in -Allitten "edgej cr tient it little. To' rtuedy thi eal :ha Usual; fhtn plaee *de edge olgerelviteiver :fl ttii '4h 'LP. _oar). anti watts:it .faunmer, tap !Priori!, oi*eightit . of an inch and top, again Oordittuing,thiat around the edge' t , itt SOU 41:1141011 fl 4110 north, the.great ri3rEutobote,,t,. tito 'n -.t, 1011-41 ' tAwor le` Oitt_g tiles , 4$1nilt IT-e'toat„-i- Wetness, .And.•tOatuoi, trim - Ile riVer Daphrates, ,ogin. unto ispititti) • a .,ttlii•. •0 midarle'Ster lite o ow, hoine',ot fi ta te, It i. the Wily no,tolain. rattges , ".v 1 t , ,c4 s' .,.wlt&, 14 ,s - -and, .stittlatosi Wed 4 An .:? 1,4ift ,manyn, o allt or .t.•! Is:: 1 • : : I , _ ,iet', thWar‘linws* ;4: I 1 1,411 aLtittlislit Jilth.1,11,'&-,:4446411‘4'e447;w41' nifiu)::1:4:41:41tialtrE4PIrOe.r ili,, 1: lirt 11IIus: a::::::Iiii:v1111:144 ::1;te wi" ,1 mat,*tOp ,.,fp0Att.S.,240.51'0111,,4114 .-P• liSil tilEftl'it'ollak:t!::11::°'C'111:4---i'141703'11:12;41111114::13::::::47:!:::' ,1•11.• 1 itl i!fl 11100 11,01ca, 0011$00.0g y danger003, if they - -4,01-, by, tlit7aS- a xiconacOld• Z. bait mom 0.5s. .or 4 i;ine horn'," s "d 0:41411 '4.4•145' kllim' vittAtt ik .epeeto guarahtee ininto,* •w e -e 1, nown aty-4-,ftent thei evils . ka Mites Very lien these,,embli4ns are $101pPreos;04- 41.4 . ty i s Ike, lt . 4 j. t:i.ti?olltrrett:441 '10,,Iteitplp_clu4r4Of trtiit.,wikittr.t04,77----- , $1-100 lilt 1 :...4 agave visit te,-, One_ ot the, ou ettP.,,v(1414.$, 1 i m tit.„.. itti ',v say "lOwn$ lirear'-ftolne..t..sypt#11. ' liA it. ftfilititigli010*', hs 0 i'.' V' i 41; AT'd-re'V"e1141 Lst b44J- los hutcheini, thtv. lined 1h4Lr prescriptio 1-kee on" 4 ,tvur InLIl er )Lsyer. ineludin LIPP en' • .13,1 tug. Of -Water *n1 rTnO1nHg.th TIwn-Iv i a 1org' fl.sh ti1r wider vh1ed n iiIII g Ilte tr.74d -4„iril4Fiel7taifdrItiff43/44, 4ttj C'44t11ry. A. brOken, down trip,, .citt,' nor 4' 'Iorig ottstor* -forced ih& Writee ashort w1i1Li— tta_VSLL.11 j34 ilg.;1n 401)pa$ nab o *ey. as he who has that power Ls eonsiderations , - I41.ean• This peace,does not e 'or 'material things; it -U1 Tk-lit ht .r e ts stayed . piomises only It • on ts. diens, and '41111.01Ria; 11)41.10'01s,, ..hpaetuches and dont. • „Istrwtest ,stolles ,are itelustre,„, its .*pci .Itten&hips hoptw- w d pod does not leaveaItin€' and soid that is liwi. • vier present help .18 11nu of •Ores, and Sustains such, $nd 'Ana to5/1/PosW*0 01 on:a' • st oi lhe light that OEM can it .1 teAr1-1rhe Lord : rny tire; ,of whom n I t Ist'spe$eItit pr1yIr lbat lic% VIZ-) rartv lite. -sou/ dlwn apottlihr listr ot,„ that, in lilin 11 may „and, reg. 11 „goes 4 Step farther in:, faith.. r ng unotsitonintev, arning' lestow this grace ia 1lV3s14 ottuntiance‘ Hear flint; -“OhTtlitit thou had it r enIIntO . ben JS a, '1 d thy rig14t(-nus- I*,S, i114 W4tVC.S - ot , e 0.ap p ',. ilia is abUndan d ,rtever ',foiling.,11, free, ftil - teliales. oil ,Oilter divine .41050, .and the, nitwit:the 14 SQ stas'e4 on, t rough tivit in ,film#: Is kept in- :pre lolly and 7 happlitoss*: _Or Apo wri - . lite' tott fat beyond any 1t'i'a41lC from a artllly CflmiLy or - 111., there:. 114)w-S',114i1U. ey - a 011 th4 text Ot f se 4 tite: .ntat tv-t, tit ete,-Th ar 1 Testaniozzt hooks 111 111 i siinpr it,it flit' 1 as',-, th, .. sit .. 4 n &lion'''.tu4t1 , its high, puijtose w fll bang 144 ,ue ts;po'rr's4o:07:sa:msetite:sil, e ., *III .not. rail 44'00.: nor tOrsake litee-•-,-, ' 'led' bY.' the author Of' . 'the: tflSt1 „t. . . vet' or ,money; tertlertt .'10 . e . hairerlor hint:Self 1111114 suni, 1. in no %%Ise bit tWse.fileither -will 114 any Wise.f4)r4311(e thee ( 'L 13. 5. aro - alw -"Mut ,$10. :do 'areor tn;t tris.,rk to'r:. , lo beStrictlY00411w -, ✓ 'outfit 4, IlaIk, 411111 itt).‘"nrilty *flil 14) , ry ,t vise! tidier phasi Jciloval -,e w.sIW Pekaze of -wafers nitt A FELT:WO :flitii,001§Ts . ranger to the .pluee# ilen'st 4(1 the sta ion , Master -to hand It 10 - some one , vha wotild 1141i0 it to IONVIL. There Imp W • 44 th ittlfornk who,: th ierod. to deliver. I had disappeared in tortnot .With 4 Old to' • WhICh. was ..1-101N.r,: " OW11 40 ,SItY* -‘ At a round pace,- they the StePP:ineline to the :•!:07111age' and. 6trallg0 inelate;:as: they passed a -field wliere r Vat liziiY the shi-l. ,,,",„„s414,771ris lot nnim•-t,,,fiar 1T.. 1d Alte:=1„40east.,--21t 44uSt!.4 thtS,10$„std paologe1 ant ear.. • itrat'now, that I ,,,itrink or 4. :the, 11.1414 *Ito goso:A.To AleAtui,t, tt, slciatta_ • 's,nyin.m.he threw .the, 'wafers.* th : The horse' started, at the f inade .31,leat- inttithe, alt', et up :Sagar (xik ent1y in tbis, tti et SIX 41V t'ight pared and Coml. app ;Tango in shallow balting. dish; 'spans' 'VI thickly with, granulated sugar,and lake 141 Moderately hot oven till -sugar Ik'COI'IPS slightly, brown, 'being careful that It does ; nat Arrange on gligstirb011-40%,11-$YrOp41I1111-tbar4. gold -the- Appi 14 22tieke!Ot.t5..„0/1. "4litted ,-teent ellyor 4 tutztture. taaple sugat, anti spites, and • !Wit, hot pudding sauce. itntl n t, pples,_ _ ere , minutes'. rlake,,i,rort yIut11 then A$ 1kll Di it!y 111 ,ddres„ .ses- --i,13,f,,, 0._. r. itO.,-":1104 O ',Se ' divisions -„trittees.--, th iOVs ,fe tA",ettis Or I11e4 hiSlOrie.norrettiVi" front ihe -4)14 41tilne Bait the Israelites lett tile 4:11,st sloe 'A oil 3iir4art and entered, Ate Land of ,Prii, *.inise„ until they Were -flintily the atiital . aslcrS or Carataiti, The. ;See.30d. group, • sett .. lite, teoltery 'assigned _to ' the ire it - tribes, white the last divisOtr 'It s two itseptifide etpt in twiny .1=0,,,, .:iiiikirent- Afe4.ti$4 04-'-ot---40,s1/Ws. -,, ...,..„..-.......-.-„, mtimeito the nelkm. Perhaps . . ,ignitleant, rharatteri.stio ::or„ Ili --------,-,46,40.34-4frotioto-fi4.1110-Awitti -il, ',Unfolds el 3e,ItoV8les lel Altrongit Me' mediums le tO1Kftif 4ri* voktens" tvlintittrations or ,en, 'Acivatt 04 titie ,pevs.. .1.,----.4 visioti wit. 1:: (t 'i; cut); ig tvrti ' Ire ill' rift f c1nqtw•t and mediately t nuletiendent Itingd :4 'A Alum peridd or fo» eign. invasions. 1M341I 481 4lcsIturt really forma the .connecling lin between the narrative or - the 'Pentatetielt and- that or :the books, In this-7,,gmup 'fertr1liss1:pmp1ei`-'z1t."ivis-pkectiii0 Jtw.,with :the, talt,r rattler than Wit I 11t preeding-heolis et "the loAkr.„.o probas ausesswill ws„.auct., -assoei, '.ated wi awe . Atte 10,1r4 • as VPr8 twevee, fac, ,ship %Welt t feInToiuping oi ,g41.014.,_:111f,k.: sometime's. it 1 lg The Conquest of -4440011:`'i clt 0 relation these stiggfalLt,..41 dare the group of six FPS.' the lioxitieuelt. 641-sszaturatly-in 14 -frt the*Lairdllatt- 1*der ut, ug Shoiktita, ettarge,If ornaments, Iratf4"\ Ito flicev0"0 the I .11Iingness, When the 1.4 distante, mounted, esse , e 1: with a. wits forced raw to a nearby Owe for hel0;,' The horse, meanwhile, careered madly u he reed, again%t .4..‘0011, OIUt IeJ to (110 griiund. °When help -arrived Itt- ft r 113 e !VO 1410,44arai7e.5,..,, 45_,;iyiett7117,,,, - , tl. t 1 hp Atpt 1 22. ir:,iniAti oristtlitintIne'Arwre4 -300:1:11$1:41"111,1* I 4U11,44..- to t t• i * Within 1 4 , 0,,,,,,,,,,,A,,,,,, - 3 19. '.0 441I t A ' ' t e I 1ih4'14115,1V4'IS any v u ' Jud;* . iiiiiii,u717641C ticite4 'therefore , a tare, ' i metric lehNetiSevitvetiou of 4iftt flit';'1,,, 11)0 4.elit-i3i4PW fOe',-Iii) lei: tirue fn Atte filth to the eigittli, tio-ines„, astern tribes being Sent, duri Ili te ntierval. ', : , Th owner 441 8 how, Ppm', Vory iyaelted .118. 411X14341i ti 0 We Stranger,. ha1 it th a e wag: pick th. who r • try house on tOWn and 4very 4)141 rer _ t 1 \Vhtnit was Pap tong he wh ors# I priestsr lite 11441a,and tv h. to t f li an , ' ---kt 4 .24z4` , ' 4 ' r to it :71 h . .4.71010#' pisrt 44 ,'illi-ifferliE 0 sent. t certain- ,s,f,,'rin i 4. nt,4 it, is not tiouttal to se c 1 • 1,1111111‘E„. .hlg, tinir, a Iturt* 44 health ,4n4 engtht to Ittc.,, office ot a prominent frt- 2 ' ranee eoutany the other da *ed :kir At " • )-010.1g91, in any.. hazardous bus 0. .1 t lit tho, least,'" rplied Ilskyohr traktoos thaki, 3 vie”( .ett to lottulit loaded tirearti* et. any Itindr. • !id yotr 'bitairteSa tser ' where there', -14r ina.tante; riot 1 ktiowit 'matt • Completely bileati,te he is unknown, .ror rarY he is known too %tie fere sititnitert TO ll1;111/f ontinually kitEzflk,L ro!IIAR.Pk. :ctstiticias thus taken. The 3)F4flL- 3 111 one ooil''t fl 1t4?th!1flg Oxe .find -the illtiedirt the hand, clo an Ibe ofhei.s 4411(1, poltitiog .titerehy, al'oortilitit to r ntlioritY thrnwing or( Ill ft rut Matto/et?, .'„"this fte"tiOtt, untaking horns," ;and it is $tli *zitoi‘ellarin eilt.i.41.1tig of it , (4; 1141 or siivot hand;,' With tWo -7k qtri :or $11f1r • 1:11We'• against the -evil *, become so /Illicit a ,ltabli Itytte,,,Tn_ftntrixqlnuirstinead,iwt-ouly,y iv-oleiIidttjJ o; jettato4 IS ItitAf' by. -r will make, it whott slier 'et' hr .too' Inuett tittiratititt rt of a eritsS-graitird OO`toillititent, 4i1l fl ItAly 414 11- thy etinsitlited tintils the -well known V.V.- Vi. bettedion," Allay. Gott MSS ttid°'11•1(1111; alt elas4$ )0 1,n 113117 are more or UJP4'F'14. r '*1i11 It hag, been 4114eve41 11*81 , and all those 1„itInott, 10, 4k4.10, 1 hardly , K.11$10 , elptral 1 434 4'3 1 a her1Ie.,1"hes 7ra1 !torn, 4.01. 4 ri/f.. i h- aro aLsoltitely ittkr 0. the $ and roritAirn. 4,thei! 10.1 iti.tzatitil. and Et nibl:Itts; hung .1004,tythir, g. Are, * Isttrwh 'demi 4 i434t„11,01 .13411'IoJ -I ; serpent, !lir Itattf *Loy. n 1t.iri av.,1 fir 1,1*A 1110 horn-, all t.tit2e I,* li an4,- •1,0platri 0.4.1 intalw 41 '44410a/I filiti" *6* ,Vitfitl WO awe, ata nfil.-",01 1 ylhe ar, MO os era heintipst : rflo In ftp vtry ot 1 they:* Althantr. Vona Mott, A I Ot 0, 4'm*M1 11eP47 1r41y4 tnd1, iI,. ittat yoc[gtb1t. V4 " 0 ving 1,Wrt t -‘ .ere----travot „ tired 04 that them- Was *sea Marla, .had wonderltil, -..knoWledge 144 Wi2t4!1kee,i 1411 .Etrb,atintiwts4Yrtj&I--,-. italher tiveshoning we discoverfd Ur% 4ittr abasiNt'lftrom11431t:4wt11111:40, 1!5:trilliet"i‘e't4tetily 11 oyslerkruallinessrdtieres-the-said, .0 ,ye. Our itoStess was bonnet t: 40,cree.y1 but by dint , of judicious "osgsexruninalien Ave learned that' the kiveruoily. wiiich. C1114 1104 'of' her ills 1,e431 o$,,:o3;tmsetsrt.lediminit.inp:en-inlet#,'rtitt,,bitainotintesrll 14 *ax... motto, tho .rmAterintr,'of t414414V ‘, 't4(0-avord4 and 11/e p•tsOutt,,ots* ffl I •18144.11t not only ,h4ded and ture4 48rl,(h lit P'esontributed .01) g"hcr:,.,totudy-_,. 04:1,4TO _ 4710 tre in $4.01.6'114$SterlOtiS Way suddenly. 4'ore4t. on,4110, saucer. and 'which:tit man assured ILI. WaS.140- Of the evil; , • " 1, 'coottitukt itit/its,c45 ,Vith tonsldion,. °ear wise. W0M41.1 .1$ 84111 wonder/a away 'w.ih att .tc otorty she, hos. only to y tty. a,4 ih A that is neeeSary for 1ie 10 0 bin, oral cast the, jetlatura." TUX IONING iNITI1011-• WATS. -Ott ta • e 14. trile four,weeld. one '1/4or -poishtitirdik&inite4TAVIre"fe-63 litany wilt be au, .aminplished -fad. , I two experitnent station1. of' the legraphlo *cotnOny at 'Olitoril 14.1 Ccoriblidge. (1„, tristatiot‘rt ik.e -SS' <4 We' the POttl. System. to:§.--0-14ht- vf -Berlin 'tontenifOff is Pifea '4Nott., that folk know where: 1(1 (1?' said Mp. 1.44),[esi,:en„, 'ex.:. • vo.sintnentit-ore'741 afty „it rontmeneial g .411e rentlifOitt.' t4, ;1.041Y -easy. .1 •13Piliritl and. .i'r,ont wo Itti tw'sstwtos nteairs of. it 6titall "prtaide siaton With a: .,-Ixt-t4tiot *oast tgld 3V4 4' eireirtany. to ;Gtilterixtals• tbridge, tSoine 000.1. 'only Avitett:the stinoSPitere favor. ble, .ato under' the. Nvors.t . 4 itariae „d"IL I '6.114A -tests . eettnetnistio Ave !at; 'the reliab )11 11:01Y. incitt,ts W 'Are -it! ve4 von whew : Vitae:tat .ntiltng ehltsllgth [4) tye astdible re. Or ontrse., lids wit/ IA,* ti • if a vessel al.sea salieting* . 4;! p41441' t it At1. title attit j:, :11t ,611)" • 444t Ct'tilfi by listening.- r l'Another interesting test we, 1411.1 Ivir06,Sx nimatig from 00,v01 Ing 04.... • 4* 10 ityllin'gqtaintYllis$.*belrlitilf:d.14)tixt'.il.:ItlittriiiF,:i1;31t. itile.sta4sartal, 4114 'with 4011 ,rte.I'd it *ship ,itrar tile. .4"' d' 1 Mir 1,34itity Ataigork US nflik40.11 0.ve1, tcI.'pt)44nv a' mit as lelegtakIty 0 It 1.Stil.)PAV ;int Thii, %trek vse vl • trir ss ^0,,t04 ;000110", *A, , ,410111 * (01,r rigatrers. who ' have (117(7.1.41: ifren; ear,h-\ riteasitring does -feet. -ow ,rworty *3 INF ett,ss, ott l'bul's donto."; ,TI $VE. in I at at 144 te,l, t aa,,ter. nee 44f the " IdAraa loWigW6