Exeter Advocate, 1907-10-03, Page 3 (2)• 46.- - • -1;1.-.4.141,4i 4,4; ..,r,r,.,.,oC '' r ' as01:01,00,4euilitietrar Yw- WC,410,441‘; laiticagrigAt,Niter:. $ v.e44o14 ii4* !!^0,1.444;00,q,e Alar 404.- $hitbOpt 5.'i sta itoytt litho ' 'r• hfl r 'Ili. 11k14 di ad td tate ly, t r: 1 k n414,0 ig4ti 0 410 lie es a I. litst out cnnn1 \V1!.r rai g4ng t. :tilif-StiV44t4HL butt -thou. teleng, 1 - 0 i'ipritto.- I '14,.110,, gum • ...,1 4 • tot. lit4inf,i;fl1 -1 uv. i a X ,, , IP, .. lied. ,Tho 444 :(1.0'.-04 near ', . Alia Ittl 4r2 -..t 4;4 4f -y, Ott l each tillteallitg lsisis.;'ite 0,14- ‘Ttitl. ,li.1,01-,. ;44;i11 li,igivtLikt* lttilt or, my whin. :DO mat Itcae5r -- - 'toyed. wove's' AtAilted; ' Alt but „I .r Who, .1tratvit0 -Pettetircloi,t4ii.' .- curio 3 -low th,tt-ar.A.Ocs titee, he roan DA 1 ", eottkv 04 grvo TO- $4VP''' • . . . 4. . . Awribleu.--xtifiliffroP,4 .iittit-Avos- worthy 44 •no her tho, netter.otit a hilei , eve snort' tiseN ; eittssiettilehill ',-Wittlirle4P**rffi' - I ,/th trePhas- 4;1 fit,4..,ts tintelligen* I) 'ft1fl4'ftt UL r. t*t ukisItairs % i *-• 1 : lit ! tt 'I ` , pr tii1t IlMb. 4ILUZ1 it 1, • -tM. IIAL 4 i 6 11P.n. ip to Mt. nri. had t, unit trattsforniA • Oit The .4*,k,tir ct group in • liss. • 1l141tl'd 1i1• ' uli ,.k ocotillos o Witen-3-4.ift Morn'111 hate to,- rv. hb*s 'Grmr,,.Soltming h own, to the gatr..., 410 shattng•ber • her hand, tdie wit41,t41 hint Mining the totl*ers- , _win .t ny 1' 1-, by 'at- 0 1- l ti.* Iiug z.iLOrepes 1 i -orilelf and w ,, ii . r Vind-zar tI& 11 ti The now . at* .: ral 1i&h v.1ut. t at . uai fa a Oat/ to 14orii '`,f4 riding; neo - Ping o ,$,Ithee, lit t ks' • L1- r.e as the lap o ito mouth liar- . Twenty feel right or -to .11 tho candidate taught to ilea* 'UV Jitavy$il1k04 ere driVer4, 111.10 4040 ,41141 feota, each of theStt tan.s ek end tackle Connecting tiviitt ea -t and manste.d by len412izen when tat -jtF rAtm d..t ittf4. flash teisteg 41; d •*gen to thank- hiln. In4 1 Vj,as itt or a ttriostt 244 vas14 tuere vottluAr tiXi-4knlg 1 sureTY 41,0" nOt dg .t44 .111041#- u , egtrl111 tth111 i fln h le twat. room, e - 110 /XV ).101, \abet, 44W014 ‘4-111111*t11rt , 4---$4.tay INT'anotte a 1 to tam 11,0 •dint-v$tit=tin, the Egyptians, olvitisatioss„ vt, t t}* b1Qe1s 'itt-;*Ybile - the 11.4!',s, 4 ;I) * if,jr Wight% t .fitte,', „ lstittld :tight4vey.. but I •itoi ,rot katlite til.,;ot$ kite 12 ')4Mrk:q ter atove • reft,rtaeil *Jo. 40i ritto: t right-o.ccitsaletrally,-'lathea. 1110:105 bib • But since we -Ari* kJ tCt IIL od feeltog now t =between, pactier and - 1Liner any- ,sattitten action. taken _that termed unfair to cilhor party - •tut isniv"se,- *lien gene1'1l-1S' 4eZU ltn or 1hs c ten a produetiott 4f 1t)g n tut ed.ta bringing ibuy , 011 a 1 41tY t one CA it the. 'other, and that, tetWrOrriktIN fit 0 W,ti't 4 r 0"-ar-lililit‘f it tk- .C4*. iIgroping •nfmut0- clitglike a herd, of steers itit• d hi est' leans' a id , 1110-',.°Ptownt 4*.v.stc4-of Is' r tLtit1 tirt)t., t ltor i4ig4) r struck in t u int 1 slit 1 , , I t k" V stfn 10 tofter;., aslant- it regeiits ILS balance, the ells, crashing wl It a dull thad'on the strew. , tinily, 11,1m Ilse -'04tOtiv,orite :Stelae, irrein4:(.4,O strongo* to 114, rnlil24'1116:owl of titiVil tie lour' .gins to tettlizo ilint sakitithtt, in '.h4s* 'mid that. 0 very c&IuhforLal)le I is Old 4eNs. 1142Tt is VIA • lEt 1n- 1o1 c1ext4n1y .11' oe w*torti tight f the t! Th.'? *i Tht qe 'its I 0 it 1f( 4 e-tro. ',$a ulfect that Iti 0t1ld $ .It-1ti-r;t,6,7:tjAlti 1 ,ti11);etot.: 11) .40ki AO- 1)144: Vint'. itOr .niOVetnent'in Siien att r1(1 32.04ttireet:2111'„111e.ror. 1ttt 1.U1• ',ofttis, e3e,,1ireo4y ott , riUhtitt rden -11103-41.1qe4usta1=de,Lai Oly;a • itt Welkin ” tnthe.roa wits liefor. them. • tar Iteautitul'iles-w tienciL • Aliss--OrgerialspitiregailiftW It is ihe tast •hottse.' The -one, with, Wog. 14f01' t- luta :ntrotici$'• attWeti '-ttittl,„ort tItu Alto htitti4 '.41telettett' "further :that ItraVistkaatt atinbroken view the;4544.,1 Ittdr intrapitauts' - 11104,0 1144' in llie•1flUI... %';''C'I''k,C*--44T-IfItttiiNliAlf,ittiltit#4r-411!--!*sk-''', 8441' r 4i ha§ xsactins to id nnd ' I1 I r „ p., 1lUttottv iit*tutse _ _netittt tot • come tome Ilier-itittS1-'prO. lea 0 priismi., 41 fake im _very, tittle roo Al-49;.,ite)ir9ii4TQnlring:7ri 1tijii'• 34.1)1 *3, ail/ perSuade • Son* aunt 144,":114Are te, place Js tots, pretty to leave.• -...1 Al)) catty th love with, Its olo.quent "Oting 'es site was iihi!,1 lo :lite:1400;p 4)1.ini:tt,, Vil11- vilich..epake 0101C,' 4,! 1144.? VOflIUfl thttn the- anittlitc-sitea opert-ett Wielet ,-grtie • an*l. st-cpPed ,into the -brazinggtI - • °Au/slier -she °Nitliere are 'You • 4,..`he throngls the open 4,qt. k -t* Sinclais'a Itt ttianeil Isis rave 1 thea•tratAing sea at ids oy.04,-tvt,104111,1dol ifk% flet itykr bintSclf. *Ye it)? Fafe• Multi d .141e. If the aunt fib nt-..,k.-1,q.to„. If aki acmits, why' 141111 414)' -ply • 'Ai:VOIR ine VOW 1tng fJt,0418 oiler sue. this .-ettoce -*night the lantiscape,4---, t girl awit-It her licsittifut . tete a A conviat, Aleughter I (11041 •61te is only U4 1a'tr4y n. 11 ,that. N4'41.11.1 4.12 ne of id ell. Ant 6its 11 31' t o 414:11 hi tog lootqeps, 141414i1 s: i, igigittlittlyi1h 11* 14 ilk 0 • Ito nntigAs, Itnrlr4)4-stI iu 44411t13'.4. thezt* -tifici ' I ' %silt ;snots*, , it -a eelettett'dfiff. in. IA a'itig-,:itt 44,- t,t1W ,eltla atitiolgc your ,0 1 ought arlf. Ite`d. NOW 1.) lits nide 114 the.•tbst speak - het inat'ptillott at -Me tsrelY sinslii;ares, $he 1 tett It IV groinitt, IM 4J'g tag from. We WO, ° tag. clapped lh it ty iht.. as 4314-4 Attiktish, The 'ycs tekvie lufl ta tnutkord the artist iity who sitoi• iticakhig tiff stilire that itiAtftwol 'WU 1-,r IlthtfIwere, I 'tin 44.1stm," i.xe er kym rat ter zot alt 1) livy IV.4 ItIZl)dIfIycar.- itliwittit to friglites_ 1 angry withlam, t1tht . Mat ot late what h or love V' you, lo irst rale uu a- a lady.. Ant, by it was; t t* 7if Other th they- will g)4tft',t in . ,s-arit to cauFe with Otiter Infort fed from' the stand akItes, andalso wards litiinalating in the bog ill it proper fl4'dLU1n 11 'ONO' Ita intortu nitural ts iu I 1111711tit' IM:07e ea Ikxn' of 1114 41% 1 t 0 . 0 ' 111k b4,1 it , nto:Itif, Yt!ti ntrning-14 rcar, Ibe'ilittererte6 1i6,. .1 'that Athe.clatItts-fr.cm,..iAtittlitliie belly., A 'between'. the l',,JitSteed of : ise‘ qs:terrtilitter:S441i4t'l.4(44)4igletg-I141e4°144111114:14. ilith4!4' 1,111144 , 40 hrou c 4! 1 'cc oiutt-I y nOthisig t o p v .4,1) trrh3 and ie. t h Ind L$ 1. * t$1. )1,4 , VO'f *MI' 4 • . )411E14 those ',.it (I accepting, II * ick s, ' .1) Itio.',ex ug 1 , r s a 0 ` ) 1 is/great by a Vanl'13' 01 tneasu Woof 1.,,vilka!1, •ir -, iii*-,,oviMtee---(1 inney„ tti- re nr1111Sifig 03 117,eli; I. Ms inslante is. gtven 111 "Indian' 'Pictures On , li.ro, it .10 Itigh tirne that 1 1(10))t 41 - -;.for%--tOntey $ from `thi.-!, pocking boo* to he log p , door. It the patkor, ga 11olict_44„ Sart 10 4`1100ilrage, or, disOturage, Wats:, , liteeding. or &plain olasses of logs. t • 11.1h,okn7.41 mi too 1-ArtrkeillIk iet ill.1 11110,t, stir the ttoinal .,,,,, An En IA Alf,t'll!:' _ 0 al *atilt!. iittife-Orth,f aitteket-he con be sure that ';'• wishes, will bo expressed its tisir-, . __ .. ... , ................... _ . _ -, ant!.,ithe' lartne. r win lotO__w_. 'On.% Ile, t-leathee7s 11 - _ r coat a- _ , talking lir at tor Ise ut, ,r4!4) J.l414I of 1lt 11tit44)4. oftteer tar1e4l 's-nlkfng1 hirItwns 101,y pottioal I t known, and lalket the PoebY chieftain It ve (4411 44 Ids` away. . ille thingfor 4,10hi" atinito I" the stiltigt tiisys turn thia end, `•'01) me lickel 6 ▪ t, t4Ini,"ktl• KO Well ilielt 1304''to hiiIi, 1 1(H1*Ity allinv t to go alotit ik s i I 1111krlagid itt fit lititt the 111,1 ltePly* likb. ',41I pits ocior litr Altriit.,, win ,,4S4 -4,y011 in at minuteit „Pvii,4%-ett bit' kilo it* i,?tneli Iron' t tilivynt. The .11ttinfineil ,j1/ otoitto bit t, rale thaws isigr)let s1tty.1 sist.-as jfl he itrot it/111144*: vittlerelt In vi, Irn thet it( rlowtt,t., .14i1 thetvilikv, 04 b 14,.'1111'111Cssii: Iff Ih,iI '4 141). t st I .4.ur tiot t, 1 sax 11. otnt,1 lkitl'I mind really. muit4.,,;* you don't. ,uure romalit. - M0Jysontelirries 'it xieing," t•ntilfin thm.girth likq see., t think -,ith,ct 1 it is, itoi nutls.". we$• to live Ile tried in very Wny to 1.4 PriA, inst1a4 Sf ailking, but i1I4 Wily „nave nos „f .1 nnwlnte h 1st 'wax • 41P(1 be-ohM !..l'etote, it. the Wive said be must sit lit Ito 434-41W13041144--•41/1---41to tolled in $1,tert 41"ottattstit,lott. Finally, litter weikio g mitoic the ty,roloolied the, or •cont4 „upon...which_ tius Vitreiletir gave In, and deelstrott theta he -would. gre j4 "anyttatitsg, If only he might get 111$ hor5C MU* St- 114104342Ob11' 111111 1.4t egrertnont was ultimately ,Mme sal has never been broken, The AWL* actititt itarttetl- *re atilt fitst friends, oral tl nettle tonstaillly telts *hal,. svilh geat Insireir against tii1k 11 • That ansiatii f 1141111 o the. Ruin of cavils i:llzin.g valise. of over .-44u shoird have to par ill he same amount of .ollengen :it '''yon it it in the fcrIllizer,,...1/' you made you would *Ad :away only \the fa!, which lie, ttO fertilizing • leMing -the -skim milk • 14.1, scr p1js.,40n4relain at least TS An the, Prat ,p11.• t nt;t:of -cit-ninioe- d g stot-k itt;owtt, coo. here thtettli 1141$104,41°,00ttiorlitptt._::.$4,14.itiok - upped out. gradually *tresses in 'fore tillty„,, Flo* of- the, old eltyeste.isstak. ?Stelktiwot New Voi*,sitil tihtai Will' orndire 104,10$ wore than -fifty' pet . fent, .of II* forage and grain they dill 111,1,1,16! ,itYestisri;er,41.go.4,01404"histiritt ;flames wearsedost altochisol •fisant the tam -of nitrogen' and 41140tintWil°14.614g csauattekt‘1.444GliPolki°7 4114 roltng of the ?On of hums 00 ' 44-nitntett,04 *ad k . urtis ihoillintrort -the . i tlinkl. i• inwierekvni vorovikt Ow e .. esinkt.ehMt tivairk, ' lk 4,044 t to* to SW wir,t'i .fttAlin ,1it4,) . face. i ,t' 1 V14040'4,116111rt% I 1 the %1't **cities at ili*a*tt 4 iv.pi •4 . 4,4 • a- _ota