Exeter Advocate, 1907-10-03, Page 3 (2)• 46.-
• -1;1.-.4.141,4i 4,4; ..,r,r,.,.,oC ''
WC,410,441‘; laiticagrigAt,Niter:.
v.e44o14 ii4*
!!^0,1.444;00,q,e Alar 404.-
$hitbOpt 5.'i
itoytt litho
'r• hfl
r 'Ili.
11k14 di
ad td tate
ly, t r:
1 k n414,0
ig4ti 0
lie es a I.
litst out
cnnn1 \V1!.r rai g4ng t.
butt -thou.
- 0
i'ipritto.- I
'14,.110,, gum
• ...,1 4 • tot.
lit4inf,i;fl1 -1 uv.
i a X ,, , IP,
lied. ,Tho 444 :(1.0'.-04 near ', . Alia
Ittl 4r2 -..t 4;4 4f -y, Ott l each tillteallitg
lsisis.;'ite 0,14- ‘Ttitl. ,li.1,01-,. ;44;i11 li,igivtLikt*
lttilt or, my whin. :DO mat Itcae5r --
- 'toyed. wove's' AtAilted; ' Alt but
„I .r Who, .1tratvit0 -Pettetircloi,t4ii.'
curio 3 -low th,tt-ar.A.Ocs titee, he
roan DA 1 ", eottkv 04 grvo TO- $4VP'''
• . . . 4. . .
Awribleu.--xtifiliffroP,4 .iittit-Avos- worthy
44 •no her tho, netter.otit a hilei ,
eve snort' tiseN ; eittssiettilehill
',-Wittlirle4P**rffi' - I
4;1 fit,4..,ts
I) 'ft1fl4'ftt UL r.
t*t ukisItairs
% i *-• 1 :
! tt 'I ` ,
tii1t IlMb. 4ILUZ1
it 1, • -tM. IIAL
4 i 6
11P.n. ip to Mt.
nri. had t, unit trattsforniA
• Oit The .4*,k,tir ct group in • liss.
1l141tl'd 1i1•
ocotillos o
Witen-3-4.ift Morn'111 hate to,- rv.
hb*s 'Grmr,,.Soltming h
own, to the gatr..., 410 shattng•ber
• her hand, tdie wit41,t41 hint
Mining the totl*ers-
_win .t ny 1' 1-, by
'at- 0 1-
l ti.* Iiug z.iLOrepes
1 i -orilelf and w
,, ii . r Vind-zar tI& 11
ti The now . at*
.: ral 1i&h v.1ut. t at
. uai
Oat/ to 14orii
'`,f4 riding;
neo -
Ping o
,$,Ithee, lit
t ks'
• L1-
r.e as the lap
o ito mouth liar-
Twenty feel right or -to .11
tho candidate taught to ilea*
'UV Jitavy$il1k04 ere driVer4, 111.10
4040 ,41141 feota, each of theStt tan.s
ek end tackle Connecting tiviitt ea -t
and manste.d by len412izen
when tat -jtF rAtm
d..t ittf4. flash
teisteg 41;
d •*gen to thank- hiln.
In4 1 Vj,as itt
or a
ttriostt 244
vas14 tuere vottluAr
sureTY 41,0" nOt
dg .t44 .111041#-
egtrl111 tth111 i fln h le
twat. room, e -
110 /XV ).101, \abet,
44W014 ‘4-111111*t11rt
a 1 to tam 11,0
the Egyptians,
olvitisatioss„ vt,
t}* b1Qe1s
'itt-;*Ybile - the
11.4!',s, 4
if,jr Wight% t
.fitte,', „ lstittld
:tight4vey.. but I •itoi ,rot
katlite til.,;ot$ kite
12 ')4Mrk:q ter atove • reft,rtaeil *Jo.
40i ritto:
t right-o.ccitsaletrally,-'lathea.
1110:105 bib • But since we -Ari*
kJ tCt IIL od feeltog now
t =between, pactier and -
1Liner any- ,sattitten action. taken _that
termed unfair to cilhor party -
•tut isniv"se,-
*lien gene1'1l-1S' 4eZU
ltn or 1hs
c ten
a produetiott 4f 1t)g
n tut ed.ta bringing ibuy
011 a
1 41tY t one CA
it the. 'other, and that,
W,ti't 4 r
0"-ar-lililit‘f it
tk- .C4*.
clitglike a herd, of steers
itit• d hi
est' leans' a id ,
1110-',.°Ptownt 4*.v.stc4-of Is'
r tLtit1 tirt)t.,
t ltor i4ig4)
struck in
t u
1 slit 1
, I t
k" V stfn 10 tofter;.,
aslant- it regeiits ILS balance, the
ells, crashing wl It a dull thad'on the
strew. , tinily, 11,1m Ilse
-'04tOtiv,orite :Stelae,
irrein4:(.4,O strongo* to 114,
rnlil24'1116:owl of titiVil tie lour'
.gins to tettlizo ilint sakitithtt,
in '.h4s* 'mid that.
0 very c&IuhforLal)le
I is Old 4eNs.
1142Tt is VIA
• lEt
1n- 1o1 c1ext4n1y .11'
oe w*torti
tight f the t!
Th.'? *i
qe 'its I 0
it 1f( 4
',$a ulfect
that Iti 0t1ld $
1 ,ti11);etot.:
11) .40ki AO- 1)144: Vint'. itOr
.niOVetnent'in Siien att
1ttt 1.U1• ',ofttis, e3e,,1ireo4y ott ,
riUhtitt rden -11103-41.1qe4usta1=de,Lai
Oly;a •
itt Welkin ”
wits liefor. them. •
tar Iteautitul'iles-w tienciL •
It is ihe tast •hottse.' The -one, with,
Wog. 14f01' t-
luta :ntrotici$'• attWeti '-ttittl,„ort tItu
Alto htitti4 '.41telettett' "further :that
ItraVistkaatt atinbroken view
the;4544.,1 Ittdr intrapitauts' - 11104,0
1144' in llie•1flUI...
%';''C'I''k,C*--44T-IfItttiiNliAlf,ittiltit#4r-411!--!*sk-''', 8441'
r 4i ha§ xsactins to id nnd
I1 I r „ p., 1lUttottv iit*tutse
_ _netittt
• come tome
Ilier-itittS1-'prO. lea 0 priismi.,
41 fake im _very, tittle roo
Al-49;.,ite)ir9ii4TQnlring:7ri 1tijii'•
*3, ail/ perSuade • Son* aunt 144,":114Are
te, place Js tots, pretty to leave.• -...1 Al))
catty th love with,
Its olo.quent
"Oting 'es site was iihi!,1
lo :lite:1400;p 4)1.ini:tt,, Vil11-
vilich..epake 0101C,' 4,! 1144.? VOflIUfl thttn
the- anittlitc-sitea opert-ett Wielet
,-grtie • an*l. st-cpPed ,into the -brazinggtI
°Au/slier -she °Nitliere are 'You
• 4,..`he throngls the open 4,qt.
k -t* Sinclais'a
Itt ttianeil Isis rave 1 thea•tratAing sea
at ids oy.04,-tvt,104111,1dol ifk%
itykr bintSclf. *Ye
it)? Fafe• Multi d .141e. If the aunt
fib nt-..,k.-1,q.to„. If aki acmits, why'
141111 414)' -ply • 'Ai:VOIR ine VOW
1tng fJt,0418 oiler sue. this
.-ettoce -*night the lantiscape,4---,
t girl awit-It her licsittifut . tete
a A conviat, Aleughter I
(11041 •61te is only
U4 1a'tr4y n. 11 ,that. N4'41.11.1
4.12 ne of id ell. Ant
6its 11 31'
o 414:11
hi tog lootqeps, 141414i1 s: i,
igigittlittlyi1h 11*
14 ilk 0
• Ito
nntigAs, Itnrlr4)4-stI
iu 44411t13'.4.
thezt* -tifici ' I
' %silt ;snots*, , it
-a eelettett'dfiff. in. IA
a'itig-,:itt 44,- t,t1W ,eltla
your ,0 1
arlf. Ite`d.
NOW 1.)
114 the.•tbst speak -
het inat'ptillott at -Me
tsrelY sinslii;ares, $he
1 tett It IV groinitt,
IM 4J'g tag from. We WO,
tag. clapped lh
ty iht.. as
Attiktish, The
'ycs tekvie lufl ta
tnutkord the artist
iity who sitoi• iticakhig tiff
stilire that itiAtftwol
'WU 1-,r
IlthtfIwere, I 'tin
44.1stm," i.xe
er kym
rat ter zot alt 1)
livy IV.4 ItIZl)dIfIycar.-
itliwittit to friglites_
1 angry withlam,
t1tht . Mat ot late what h
or love V' you, lo irst
rale uu a- a lady.. Ant, by
was; t
7if Other th
they- will
g)4tft',t in .
,s-arit to cauFe
with Otiter Infort
fed from' the stand
akItes, andalso
wards litiinalating
in the bog ill
it proper fl4'dLU1n 11
'ONO' Ita intortu
nitural ts
iu I 1111711tit'
IM:07e ea
Ikxn' of 1114 41%
1 t 0 . 0
' 111k b4,1
it , nto:Itif, Yt!ti
ntrning-14 rcar, Ibe'ilittererte6 1i6,.
.1 'that Athe.clatItts-fr.cm,..iAtittlitliie belly.,
A 'between'. the l',,JitSteed of : ise‘
qs:terrtilitter:S441i4t'l.4(44)4igletg-I141e4°144111114:14. ilith4!4' 1,111144
, 40
1 'cc
y nOthisig t
trrh3 and ie. t h
Ind L$ 1. * t$1. )1,4 , VO'f *MI'
. )411E14 those
(I accepting, II
* ick
s, ' .1) Itio.',ex
ug 1
r s a 0 ` ) 1 is/great
by a Vanl'13' 01 tneasu Woof 1.,,vilka!1,
•ir -, iii*-,,oviMtee---(1 inney„
tti- re nr1111Sifig 03 117,eli; I. Ms inslante is.
gtven 111 "Indian' 'Pictures On , li.ro,
it .10 Itigh tirne that 1
1(10))t 41 - -;.for%--tOntey $
from `thi.-!, pocking boo* to he log p ,
door. It the patkor, ga 11olict_44„
Sart 10 4`1100ilrage, or, disOturage,
Wats:, , liteeding. or &plain olasses of logs. t
• 11.1h,okn7.41 mi too 1-ArtrkeillIk iet ill.1 11110,t, stir the ttoinal .,,,,,
An En IA
Alf,t'll!:' _
0 al *atilt!. iittife-Orth,f aitteket-he con be sure that
';'• wishes, will bo expressed its tisir-, .
__ .. ... , ................... _ . _
-, ant!.,ithe' lartne. r win lotO__w_. 'On.% Ile,
t-leathee7s 11 - _
r coat a- _ ,
lir at tor Ise
ut, ,r4!4)
J.l414I of 1lt 11tit44)4.
oftteer tar1e4l 's-nlkfng1
hirItwns 101,y
pottioal I
t known, and lalket
the PoebY chieftain
It ve
(4411 44 Ids` away. .
ille thingfor
4,10hi" atinito I"
the stiltigt tiisys turn thia
end, `•'01) me lickel 6
▪ t,
t4Ini,"ktl• KO Well ilielt
1304''to hiiIi, 1
1(H1*Ity allinv t to go alotit
ik s i
I 1111krlagid
itt fit lititt
111,1 ltePly* likb.
',41I pits ocior litr
Altriit.,, win ,,4S4 -4,y011 in at minuteit
„Pvii,4%-ett bit' kilo it* i,?tneli Iron' t
tilivynt. The .11ttinfineil ,j1/ otoitto bit t,
rale thaws isigr)let s1tty.1 sist.-as jfl
he itrot it/111144*:
vittlerelt In vi, Irn
thet it( rlowtt,t., .14i1 thetvilikv,
04 b 14,.'1111'111Cssii:
Iff Ih,iI '4 141).
t st I
.4.ur tiot t, 1 sax 11.
otnt,1 lkitl'I mind really.
muit4.,,;* you don't. ,uure
romalit. -
M0Jysontelirries 'it xieing," t•ntilfin
thm.girth likq see., t think -,ith,ct 1
it is, itoi nutls.". we$• to live
Ile tried in very Wny to 1.4
PriA, inst1a4 Sf ailking, but i1I4 Wily
„nave nos „f
.1 nnwlnte h 1st 'wax
• 41P(1 be-ohM !..l'etote,
it. the Wive said be must sit
lit Ito 434-41W13041144--•41/1---41to
tolled in $1,tert 41"ottattstit,lott.
Finally, litter weikio g mitoic the
ty,roloolied the, or •cont4
„upon...which_ tius Vitreiletir
gave In, and deelstrott theta he -would.
gre j4 "anyttatitsg, If only he might get
111$ hor5C MU* St- 114104342Ob11' 111111
1.4t egrertnont was ultimately ,Mme
sal has never been broken, The AWL*
actititt itarttetl- *re atilt fitst friends, oral
tl nettle tonstaillly telts *hal,. svilh
geat Insireir against
tii1k 11 •
That ansiatii f 1141111
o the. Ruin of cavils
i:llzin.g valise. of over
.-44u shoird have to par ill
he same amount of .ollengen :it '''yon
it it in the fcrIllizer,,...1/' you made
you would *Ad :away only \the
fa!, which lie, ttO fertilizing
• leMing -the -skim milk • 14.1,
scr p1js.,40n4relain at least TS
An the, Prat ,p11.•
t nt;t:of -cit-ninioe-
d g stot-k itt;owtt, coo.
here thtettli 1141$104,41°,00ttiorlitptt._::.$4,14.itiok -
upped out. gradually *tresses in 'fore
tillty„,, Flo* of- the, old eltyeste.isstak.
?Stelktiwot New Voi*,sitil tihtai Will'
orndire 104,10$ wore than -fifty' pet .
fent, .of II* forage and grain they dill
111,1,1,16! ,itYestisri;er,41.go.4,01404"histiritt ;flames wearsedost altochisol
•fisant the tam -of nitrogen' and
41140tintWil°14.614g csauattekt‘1.444GliPolki°7 4114
roltng of the ?On of hums 00
' 44-nitntett,04 *ad
k . urtis ihoillintrort -the . i
tlinkl. i• inwierekvni vorovikt Ow e ..
esinkt.ehMt tivairk,
' lk 4,044 t to* to SW wir,t'i .fttAlin ,1it4,) .
face. i ,t' 1
V14040'4,116111rt% I 1
the %1't **cities
at ili*a*tt 4 iv.pi •4
. 4,4
• a-