HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-09-12, Page 7 (2). -
toil,¥1't. *oweno, auo a.
• ,Sfit e int v
ti as! before and' per-
ther is right teV bear
t itch eve%
lriun'- 'slam
that„ he tM3 to make Ins exit, A &L
* he i gone., The hole1.--af which
the intimles-havesoon-hinionly
OS and Hewing, .And the otlw
r part 114Ve not Seen ht111 at Ant
UL hite hod their chriosity whetted b
it btttlivd hy hts hurried
V'.41 kite the entrance -halt, ssUn
tt41111g40"' 4.4-1144AirlI44)rk•M
tot b-.:' seen ananlit the
rirJur'dly 41.111010, and sympathetically
t rut group that, wateh-ttic exodus; of
to tittle party. 'Who stunt say how
those two spend the hour of Byng's de.
Jim* .out of their lbw? jim has od,
.1,4reitilt-iffitlErtrit• e quay
tion-pasSengers ft
th tot.
• * t ' I
.13yrtgi' .Th t, lh4t i fln, arid'
441 $14tilicant is)ighting ip 1h paintu
1 3im faeo, as'be $tfuld'shL
,s bedroom ' with- an oPen„ tele.
fntj it. It is inn:It/Ns .friend at 'Thais*
and is conegivol in terms which, elenta*
strateethat theiindign ton of the send41-
winos, a stringent reprtirntat;ox Of liis
ability any longer to (lance idtendance
upon Iturgovna's whims., end a_mretup
10y telitteStilL'ef Mid: to be 41 voile,
informed either that -Tie will loin Akini fin-
triediately.' or that the idea:of their joint
excursion has hee,OLOidtre4:4-4)141111006
ii1511-60,111;,1, haiing. the PapCr in
e:A1il uncertainty. Ppm by ,douldScrent
1! Jtait1raZiujio .the Wlflft.ow..
room -has verunlod sake. 1
own for flyng looks out ev
balldoor, and in front of that doesmolt group is gathered -the viconit
tits two ,boy,s, his girl, lier governess,
mold:slack negro who somas as kit -'-he
taltkeyi r
'Upper.dee1 and vatt1ie
turned, water lengthening
• • dwindling -high -
In he has a: feeling:that her
-0100-4*,WeS,Atit Troli -hot-Oswell as
.-tind that it will never again be
.thing between them ”
re gene..t•have been gone
* tor tt Atarolt- Is hero, 'Over
taeo..(he bignordas have bro.
'info riOtaus ilower, mid the snowy.,
) ed. fruit -trees, linit have put. on
in ) tr I ix_ )
• '
ten days
nd bis demi ssed by
iid vi • his- wea exPlor.
ti is of Tanis .11isthe
tot/y one to join -that irripattent
• hy do,es he still linger In a
Where, As he had pistly explained
ilia, there IA nothing for , him to
,lit,•,!hy indeed?' It is a 411est,kto that*
night and day, by- the insolence; of
4 40dr% ,moonlight whielx slides in
'his restless open, eyes by night,
n, liimsett, (he on-
-tr he ran give that it would be
in MO is- in the world, iti
1 down n the world; flute can
tti.t56 4,1)00,t that; Wen_ Iterlit;
h whet niig ,retoroed from his his wan-,
ings, must ber aware of , this fact,
hamt.:11iiit „it ike„,-reasou •
*nut*: her as niuch AS hal did;
thy he evert accepts„ with some sem-
of ,grartotisness, those., affectionate
teleful niinistratioxis which she
ri with "as_geritle oft osskliti
tile to her society; and
*fly divining' it, gives lip
t tit repining*. Ihe.,,one great
14 anti*
t. the, love
ert tiriv
nei-lhe Inn
t **lite would; be spent alone.
linso-tells ',hint.; %All swtt
110, how,mite4 his ao
*4 11115 1113 la11 right te rob
t,1411•-•Orio?' 11.$7-14
£ h ,breathless elatitiierings up
atiort cut to in Itiar, deep and
as her own Devonshire lanes,
t t gazing5 *lit .minnran , over Itie
ocked'ses and tlieJinianth hills,
y barin, ylliey may put a sting
inlo his' invti atio-We-41 sting, that all
lhe„empty years that -folio* may to
prikerlesti to , extract; hut 'to. her they
Onty.at rtareolie numb the in.
L.otUtat act
cs of ityng, 'has left behind it.
y, ,courskv, inrist
tlitt-Whi.Ctvlible: lite at her sidez
t $04.41 Pato tivr ivalk and
study her Dalian grotaltnar
ty hot he until
ah htts littie,:plitetiod up, Iterl spirits.
6oln 0h' sees any signsi,ot this
urring, will 4ult Alitkasuit. it
torteiltY,, With lite konseiousris
4o,tie ":#6.4ilatiir'ett 'thing,- 4
nobody 14 the la -orae. "TitiS the
oornprointo-4at *bleb arriir0 wait the
WI:41rd lidviser---isMseieno eildiramt,
1040, 11101at kyOtt itolirly act.
i.4h1Oft *Jilt la ,bovgene. tw.$
that her, retention 44f the oom-
sorbem she "1,44.40501.1t0IY
Tien ) het teinainIng, lehvas-s
f, ite ilfgt .teitilaYS afttre4tri.tiSe
interv NS With the: Ilyngs. inolhcr
'in:, I d Icft 11, she kills
„seek, tit 01.,eli thd• lira
vin lit'lle
410(11, instead,W1)I14 het
Its *tie
thiraeeds ot tlieettul.
that it Is =ere
it inthei tier dliniat.:
hr r ; seeking tattier
IG li tRattely
Or, •
"leoit to
Fr Mitrthnt lt
• guile
lam One Om 1kfl
titeret not the 10
t it,. rid T*te f,r,
t uf
4.` toutit
y niter*
'ilia genuine
reI Ickpot,h
• In
1 V:, ,1
tan hivu. 'Tlwy do . Pitt 414
•flue.Ations JO Min Asia h0..t1zturo pro.,
rfe ..bas ti„oktions,:i0 4L. but., To..
toovo himself and .011ew therw,tolre,surete
ti at happy little:duet '
41 •r•
ran sets off Sucti•an n llt;
.ly 11944, foinor'row inoming•-•$IX • i .
or thereabouts; it would hike three ttn.
get there t
niy inga. together t 1 1 moon. 1
,tia21 see, you again, of course, hefore*t
• - 7 - - . : . , \ ... ''
.. 4:111;.-orre'.0 "-reftliei- Mr.', Ie Mir,
int, in tbe asy and coinfortable-ton
ot ono to WhOTft it is a matter of supreme
.iiidifferene' e whether •Or not ;that for...-
Nte1tliiMixig7everialiiis plat*4e, and Ates_.
1,9 'Marellant says. nothing -at, alt.
He has addileeil Ails. necesso
ra met* '
IS +a
thing is furttier from his intentiertstlian
14 enter At once upon that. °cents -4(W').
'She has. %volt* d to: Biermandrets, In
live niintites li is wonting thither ten.
There are ,a couple Of roads that lead
t tete. and u 4.e,,...110441koo.1,744114g•
-one.the-samec-Itiat ts, that, she:. had
rik •
4111 Inuti eons*
ier r •fiek =UMW*
a '
I , .th rkh,
iI1 411
' rdly jraJe4jtue k41t1t, a 1nJ
lgret4f 1:$tEarliCgt
be h. again speaks i --4s
"You.verts vet;
arrow 14J.ioL Into
`Sikks. Thera. titod„,
"f 4t not UMW' how."
"%n4 1rk
its ,
I 1
;4,+.101,414, )y*04
; b
s• u tL not. bavelin t
ber;.' should ttiszy ?, TheY bhou
m4 another ahont, thetiiselyes
I otten wL,bed--o
tett you: about myself; but 1 could no
neler couldl 1 vai:t lett you Wday ; '
% If yoUleare to Do you,
aver -
Vt. .1
• efor14...111
&l 1spofli3f(fl'
in ati kind*, of Organic
inerganie •substancek,'
cJ'angs tttit tik p in xni1k
:niter ntirmal eanditkins are brought
about by bacteria, It 1Ia /limier been
werds -make for •the anger an
they evresis. to -light -upon t
Another long pause.
She" has .taken ett her hat, and now
passes her handkereldet.over her dainty
"I shill be ,...„_111x,c_i ht !dim) at
1'egtin*••-b01,414is had 10 make as
• .4.
4 I
n a [Ca i
r -
tarthant, As Jin .1dIks out, he
• unique', taking some ',strange freak
144,:..14416-bny031 head* Sits .011
*Ong 4t a prodigions- rate; Ond
gOvvii• and -blonde 'hair Ily-
g-gq.110Ps alter it.' As she is dragged
, racing pace *down the drive, her im.
moderato laughter comes Willie back on
the 'wind to the' spectator 0 whom she
The, latter lies turned away from the
window, and sat down to his writing-
* 11,e-ls snitch f L., a 11. y
amser to the missive which bas cosi,
hirn suelv-long deliberation. 11 tiaeS-tiOt
minute to pen now. that ,he lusS
male up 419 refilitt nor can it. be
ttian five tioin the ituniient, at lite
ttcys start to Iliat-4404•44eAl'egrant.
IS 0 •415 WAY to ilte--fteit-011icelir-lta,.
meth the 'p9i1ers hand. The die. is cast -
Whoa -this is the casp After long trees°.
lutkin, there must itilways be a seise of
rtifelt and. PerhaPs, therefor*, it is re.
!Jet, which Jitn's face, thrtiwrkdown Upon
his arms rested on th-6 table, '?-presses.
SinCe no man can see that hidden
him with tender pity and ruth; and yet
vithr alllis,excess of inertittletit. rings
lartingly in his ears.- Shoats incapable'
of a great constancy. Ile had promised
--hintseirto sfmy willi Tnr norex`E'''.1'.-Wilte'
were restored. Well, he has kept his
promise ham/801101y.* Ile Itas done with
her, and her oontradietioxis now. It will
be someone.,..elses -turn -with her
The .ticonite*s, perhaps.
,..and -bye he reuses,litinself. Only a
1 hem that he is going. As he passes,
lOoldrtg-gittss, he smi that his hair 15
tigliened and ere -.'ed by his late atti-
tude. Ire passes a brush hastily over it„
110,11104*Ll4;,oloIleillawift Joie.tiog„,
11 hnis Mr. turd Us:, Le Marchant
ting under the fiens4tree on the terrace-.
'terrace 3.v/itch, at this boor, they
..thousel- She is reialing-eietat
'„_;tran-shaing,..lis'She tie &ong.
Itis Fitt.ii 1,4 abed o11 a ar with
• glishnien of ti -Mand-
e 13 leaning bac,*,in a wicker,
with lii-expreSsion .of placid g -
"nor on NS fare: Actws his lows the
hotel cat -7,a plain and ill-natured animal
--lies, totally purely,: while tie obliging-
ly serriteheS lier judiciously whenever
she initizate's wi441 tOr• that relaxation.
ItureYne remembers, Mr. Le lktir‘
chant liad always bePri oh very friendly
'terins 'with the heasiS ot the field • and
e fow
the of the air. Nbetit the little'
group there- is such a air 41 utte
iarinony, o up In Itself*
Ilitilp.none opt) 42011111,Vs, the ideti-of a !hi
serson-With a in inlYilitng 'ha tirt
atilinde. 'And- yet iter6,45-.*
third fation.".wliose presence_ initSt. be
utinnally infririging itS.-happy dualitYr
Since viiche other .own in life she ,lias.
„W. you loulang. for ElitabeAhr asks
tnother4 'laying down bet pa-
per 44. the ,ttmeomer dtaws, near ; :Nake
ha!,.', walked to Ilierinandreis." ,
'The" intimato Itienininejs 'of her amile
lie gives hint thit bit id inferitation
te Matter Of txstliSe taking tor *lilted
he Iota see
be kiiglitr whose So.
fy lie has so %%belly '10OttoPolitedi
ti new *Mg in ;Burs sem
and robs him lOr Dot 'at
• I it„1
arid put to bial, in a toy.lxi,
„reached. it„-and-has,--inoreeverr-
half his homeward way, before lie over-
takes her. *the pall) by which he returns
Is a rinigit•Arah ,tritek, ent in low steps
hp the hill, each step a Mass of fossil;
shells -whelk, and scalhip and oyster
shells, whose iniuthit'ants .diett4tran o
; 2
P-1 ,
• .•
e t etvi an1 ltolk iide n'4
Iter. Sample in Itiews,
'ere *cored aeon 4Ier thy
nd ever„V Aeven days theftr 1p re.
1e-11010, It WAS fOnnd that
trie £t 4011" batleriktertor41161-NveY
rdpl.ny,t Hit li.ntlee inide hien) ;1144 '
atiett, begall• 10. 4otqw„
'that the tiutior outdo 'treat: the:
, ,Ctriktit,ketitits tin flii'r
1**.tWO $00.0.4, •
I '4 .tkitrale$11144'
(kat kltr.4,41 •
tlit. Sig, *. impel
Ars& Wt1ea we eottsider Mat by inerely •
coaltnitting a few rules- to mentor), we",
ntay s.sposs the,e'of a fl ful,
el"es al
a person.
Elio Position 4t tJe eyes 'as regard.xLi
111'11111 1 III 411
the-Charaeter o
. ourld In Milk. are 4e,s1myed,
Will keep sweet, Indefinitely,
'Viten wo,
We-ia'yrtriat-ive sterilize it, meaning
hereby..that we kill riti -the, tivhig
g60%2115 it eentairm„ There are several
ways of steriliring -milk. It nay ii
-$11,rtili-.4 b mans, oTtielt, Cold or Clic.
miCals„ 1,41 order -to sterilize milleti
means ot heat it is 11.ecessPrY AO
h e
dividual*s iitellecttlat capacities._ naine4,1
hY lite mariner in which they are seti
in their soOkets. -
ness of observation With doeP-set- eYes.
prominent out% Whatever wax -
pereeivo ii. conveyed to the _brain by, 4
_loans_of -the-optic nerve; --thus the, "
deeprethe eyes are set in the head,
loser their proximity to
ellive being _shorter c unt,
sterilize Itmo ,mtik,„ vox 3.
it dtjrab1e„ if utter is to 6 041e. ther6-
min,Int. t is stilltelent cot it to A
temperature. ot trona 150 to /80 degrees
Fahrenheit., and *then cooling it down
Mldden!y ajelaperatore abo* '
044- -Tiffs p pasta,
projecting eye nan-re-T,eitdiffrecelves.
puproWorts, froni surminaling objects; --
it Indicates wady and universal -ebser.
, ration, but a lack of close scrutiny ariil!
perception of -individual things. • -
People with deep-set eyesreceive morO.
"0' • IV
ie yoit .stayed vvitli,u-5_ Jf.1
l'atEttiat-there-was gwartalk anon
US tnY hill"
aring ' portrait painted r
Ile hall his, brows, ht tut. .eoger strain-
ng of his inetnerr.
"Yes. I recollect."
"rather, was wonderfUlly Prowl tit ,me
inthese-,da)':s; it Scouts impassible to be-
thought f, --before Adam saw 1:41en's r dieve-it now".«-wath a passing look of in -
light. , It Is 4 charming roail, •in credi4lity at. her own statexiient "but lie
port, tlireug11 the re<1..rock,. over- which All'a$*
tt S0011 ittr 's "
ic tern one* umbles, He hos
appreae - o- mer 0111 ,stio
.seesShe is sitting„ oa, oxlip,
goo hy7-uto--NoyAttei tooktug- VaCtin
before ter, :tier figure is ,rather stooped.
ratd:lier-straightstacklOent,'as 711were
.1 utt$tios.: with- upw
t 110 hod. not leattte ttPaii .her
stitttlenty. /to ntrata that this is
onefof- the aspects of her that willsstick
mnst-pertinaciously Ail his Tnehnity.
(741cliing sight -of • Itim; lter :whole 'Sad
face'llighis up.
04 „ti in!, a I 7., _..tspettntel, aolcute:tt
a hi -,t .u!ed to tile ripening of cream
Y be introduced. The reason why
ion after it has' been heated to 180
degrees Fahrenheit -should be cooled at
nce.ts- because heating to that temper.
alum dolt not, &slimy all of the .bae.,
feria, and if it cools slowly those
maining in the Mara Would seon mut.,
tiply to. such on extent as to influence
tile ripening process tater on. And, Lie.
Sides, if it fis not *veiled quickly the
erner-e-tiliFt-1title ttrrattgolg r"4"
bind planning as to who was to be the
l(utisL, and that lie Was to -Come aria stay
o the house to ` paint It T'
his,-.10mil up to his
ct fore-
wi 0rt„.e 140;11,1)1 oyot,Jb
ch?u1ep aurd.-Itie quicker the
pcwet% ,of :euripreliension.- 4 .
People vim show%vii
the iteS above -and
below,thetpuplis -the generally very re*
lesS and lialt You, will never-
lind.,this kind ,•of eye in clever or sexist,
414 people; ittS. generally as the
stupid eye.
cokir 01 11)1' eyes,. is caused by
Iluits of vierions lints or shades:, MA
,dartzer x.nore condensed in' quality.;
ceirsequentlY- dark eyes iridicate wee..
- tete IS, ne
tch thing as. inadk eyes,'„glitiOugh they
. ofte4.,inentiOned both' In- 1.vriting arid.:
..ealting„; 714,,AarkneSS. IS .datte•tt
Ondeasation, tlie pigment xir
• Atter,: •wittelt, diswived • in
there are 1144Vit on the market, appara-
especially dosigned for-, pasieiirlz.
toiled pasteurizers, Tbey tnay bt
ided Intl two ,etn$4.4* continuous an
Intermittent pa,stearizers„ gad!): kit
mit is yeti I was sure you wool
come; I told thein to tell You where
had gone -..1 Meant te.sketcht.,-witti -
atoned et. her neglected imidemen
"4-02-Avith-,43--sig „ id:
"Ari yon down on your- luck?"'Iie
-not.seem so7-7-tr,Ying to harden Ids bear
1:y toreing a recollection of her extrava
1,tant-galety-ft ',Utile white ago, when
you were prancing atter that jackass."
-"is not --be cries...she* Itir
ying up the end of Tier, sigh.:lo inak
-him; only " afraid be migh
die of sea.sickness going „home."
"Perliaps-scareely knowing what
Is saying. .
-:"Jt, should.. like to buy. It Ottli t
'tattiest tirt 14r,-,IsTich-liTotte,ICITNisvitet
now going, along the road, drawn by a
to,oleken.Ltheveturn ot those
dilitit 'atttAtttproisiorts-44f..
t-atranger and Stroxi
on ineitory*s Surface,
Yes.; ha "eats -not an E.aglishirta
tyas 115041 (1) lough about tau.
adding, Stroke- to stroke order to
nvinte Iter. of the aecuracy of his re.
to talL hint the '41-
tittitIttsbed 'fOr•eigiler.'1'
4 -
'Old we? -.Yes"-„-sloWly".1 remember
t. now:that we. did. her.
self ;up -tor a supreme effort, panting
ParifittlY, and turning. her head • -quite
aside so: jhauto,,,may_mve
oilier face -4'11e male- rind lit? t1 two,
Meatths.,,' and at. end Of those -two,
ontlis 1. -1 -ran With Win I"
it I,
-fro: be OottliOW
tiny b44'inrriqlsot •that. Might 1111.1,*e- 'been
Lt-inbriather lo mine. 'Smite Arab Chit-
art willi_braMb .ft_ntzlhat-ITeiat
fennel -Ids- king- kors-atid” litSlittle nose
'peeped out so putheJtkally. between;
notheiofretiikl Walked alter barefoot
itcodorkohlo 1:11$coiory Young thlott.
- ram-ItepOrteclo
rt the American gonstil.gen.
oral at opore gives interesting in-
formation on the new Malay opiumeuro.Ile stales' that 'the ploatt from Whitt the
- -
,stirte-th hrtwett
is a climber ot no 'hitherto /Mown; use.
11,Was diseltvered by, a young China*
/haft, ,Atti$ 'hod been totby ose ‘Ol' is
fthnd, .
ftritfit gfOwing7.41,10i. jun-.01.-;0447-41-!1A.
1Im. brew .11 yienteit*,•7 Tile and
found he could . break, off lira' 40phtut
Itrartitiott.S..dit,reovetr -Vitas no
Atiout 11, 004Set his 600,11e3 to 'collo,
the phint. The Chinese preachers and
young men enthhstaStically- leek stip
11i1413111g-0, grearireanthimleat-,
t -saw Anything- -so -pryuu
"int\st, break. Mine in- ler • lite,” sltIilliig
again, ;mit not hike none Ilion a,
,14.yeek, 1 am sure,"
it it did not take Imre' than 4' day
even,. ant ahtid .1 should have, 10,:,de4,
',aline, the appoititment*,..seiting this,
apenrng lo bittiVout 1113 noWa., 111 ant;
alt at si!t' Velock-144nortoNo niornig.
tilant, to *00 Al* Escurial:1 • •
She had been .iiirnost garrnioie*-n
s'n.p her. Initial he haS un*itht
Sli4r'ee414.1. „ • , •
the/tiaplind*COvor U11•bRflkl
ei 11a441,, 'They hive 0014e iiitti hill
11.01p.Tr $tate 11151 I1el)11:4A04,11114, way;
12111 itatiching.stem, white •bloitsetn, and'
Itthtt.X. "KO; here%V are In ,thotilands,
11 LS it eott 4qt-on:which, soeiliWile
heavy. Ond, their etrong.todor-Iltat 1
Searcely perhtirne,- And- yt bas an•
rid 'chart- 4-1•4111* the
"e'veryttiling must rente fo'litt, end he
lit ft' apPartritly. ntit golng 10 make
*'ItiOrO efforl to...detain tint than ,her
)itter, Ile tittit ievery tight to COMO sot
*here'.and when he: pletesesi, Sit**
,Mona ,di&I tin tuition& bring
table for ad. yet - Mete
it .titts heel, gre*1 good 1iek for me
LIi*t1,,iot1 have *I
1114 11 lt tut Of
one' ruOre LVV3fltrit
that Welt 100k Of
con d is AEL5„voring
• he Answers
truptly. 1 yeitt that 1 itin
411 tearii5n*w,"
The shaft is ape& -stlxsugh hek net
looking At ktr*, 1 A16014'14 he 1'.nows
that her face has Epon Mr* fe
on the) cOntrary,, 101,
Alnide A'of theattalsomi*
haat lti& reaWl. ony,
' the yettrigk *Ws
By; lad whoo ths leiui
'art aware that LI*fathet,bu
'but itrodittooty In Itt,
!ho 144 Soo** r
0104 at whir Itnut
0.414t.to It,
4t ereriOe 10 .1**.
thanks •
inuninetc is toning ott,
pasteurize _
eteria. tis
ripening the create. u
thri consist Of one sP,eehit .0lttss 444 We*
Oa' that has be -en:, Vinod to impart the.
-highest flavor •ta. huller.- Anyone tan,
dity see,the._ advantage 01 thisqias..
• curriatton, It enable,s the butter maker
In -produce- butter of urilform
as .he can control, the fermentation pro.
cos. Pasteurization not, of so nitwit
value to tho farmer who' ntakes: butter
from his ,own herd_as it is to the. cream-
lt-iible-for-ttiol-aritiefilt ho
chooses alway4 to/lave his eream of the,
sttate 'CittAttlY# bUt thlis. is not _pos..5thTo,
kr %it ;'03'11o1C,Py......41uct-iveoivep-oreattt-
tooro grPat warty different patrons.
• That'pastearizalion Is, of great -vitae,
is evident from the foctitirst all butter
ramie in DerIttlat* is now utattutrittlirtit
r: is considered to Ibe the
'that' country &SSW- a itqw compel.
ling everybody to heat tilei'r ocean:. cu.
tertain 18.5 dogmas
rahrerittelt beton,. ripening and elithat-,
toe it *to huller. l!or . number tit
ine.tontte,71int butter nitik.
en?. soon: adjusted, themselves to tile re-
quirenients_of Bib law* Witt 110' it is
tirlivetsatlY foliev-aA'AVithatit_ or,tidering
UAL • -
(Tim ,iiii,Sweden. were inaking butter,
from pasteurized cream, while in 190,1,'
eent; 44 Ott lit-&,4Wamerksitt-that
until produeed butler trOm,pristeuriz.
est erainT4Vtiowhig lhat-eveit Williotit
icreamerio 10,..pasteurw,.
5,2,44: twit. cream, r,tisteurizatiort rapioly
thti ',matter. and I 'e nvedleine..U.a$ Pre
pared -at. lho 'ills ton halt.. ' Hundreds
;came .tvei*Y. Atty fr the niarvelOus
1/140,1y,: •Iluding it, banished the gloom
owl :depression' eausid, 'hy ah.obAlin
erce from the aWhil tix ug, until • the
Mission. halt And street. -outside become
htoOko4 with: Theit- dente V
more I lafl. the supply, and: tw no,s
re...engaged -to help ,sto
'Th31 -Eiger 11 Whietf.
iirns TOoded tor itol,t),' -Children tOg
-f-t Ike eitre for :-.111eir 'fallier$, ani
ivivei for . their hit4S1atilds, was v4ry
touching, lite report .otativi.
Meanwhile the government *ales
4.triturn Are 'detretising itt : 'the rate..•
80 :deals ,per month; 4: iStriking prof
the'illleacy 41 -the new 'ii'enteity;;The
empioyers ot labor in ittalocii are .de-
lightedria under 111* 'row 'at** 44
things *their are,
strong and lieilthya,' *A petted. of *bout
two Weeks 40 neetasary, for the
and there lit afteratants110er$,Vitig,
thectirug,,, • need felt to ,ritintie
the ant ts 4.1:Octal
MI I tall Mr
u•„,o yd tv„. 1ere Ore nlant ehnrc-
--the coTor ot the
eyes, ho, ,there is 1143 unalontical hasis
tor them, There IS _certainly Imre pas.
sten end ;intensity in dark eyes, Whereas4
grey and light blue, Are4eulatingi7c.561,
and. more precise., -11azI eyeS are sat( '
b, to indicative of • intellect, agreeable-
neSS, ffckencss, love, and littstitis at
Prominence or fullness Under .tive'eyes
imitateslarge language: and persons
with prominent eyes 'have a greet com-
tom writers.
The organ, et language, or eloquence.,
os It ough.t more properly to be rellAl.„--
les-Irv/he- bt the 0. ,
eye at the top and-witetriarge -it pushes-- -,-- ----•
the ey 'outward and. dowilwatd. icaus-
ptairteritei. or _anterior .projection..
.veS thatiire,„„ninch...4,nuployed-Irt-the--,-
keen exatnination of robjeets. are bright
rt4-44ttsteltinity-Whereas.41te-eyeS ,of *A
ParolY Intellectual altd not. requiring
itinett ocular discernment„ Are_ sonicwhat
ltfllling'dull. • . •
,of the eyeballs indicates un,.•
steadiness of tharacter Ili: pupil
hohtlx-stRatrofireat-litioicOIiII 122,
nVe about-ztront right to Telt ani Up
and dOwri. limiest people with 'good 'xi-,
tent alwaya -look op arta Mriiglit beta*
pantie 4.arger,the_rp.
as thepupil. 4that. is Why 0o3
appear larger :in youthli than in old
NN lien hope Is small anit the liNpeation,
bivonies -anxions,-and-itelfttt -the 4,..yet,
storittl‘ and eiderly::: peoples, -eyes- nor --
often , very sliriml<en 1.,),ecatiser they haves
ItoPe an early' agt%
coming to the Tont( •
in Ibis country that has seoreit the higtx.
'Pst 4011(20,butter contests has been mode
- /rem :pasteittlzed -crown.
.11431, only does pstexiiizatiori
bacteria that 'dace tindetitable
the tirawintti,
ram earp.t. dun (0-tlay?'The 'toont
beautifully Writer ftrest*-
*Att* well, .1suPPoita. I will,
ave to' Wife-NAltd 10-t,
dear,hn white You ire Ovirti it, that,
oU ite it inintste of' IbtrOooptir
Itiett ,t et • -cortlatnilt,
„itr_Larn.. Furlherjnot-,', i1 -kill -4'
a.t se:.ke-pir ' g 'hactertt. 1Vitillt'
41 very important conalderatien, front, lite.
(lemons! ate'd IliaL.whett coital beat.
aulipett pt.pubEa 1111`111... ,111*1.1. beas
to 160, 41,-,!grees Fahrenheit and hell
at that lempoaturn for 13 niinistes, and
. tontains.,. bibertle. rAtaica!it.they':are
):111'EA," _ •
PastetiiiiatiOn i carried 3)21
inv.rmatittries on * large fcal e the .kmp-it
s vtry ranging; ttOtri mvAlfth
one-eighth'. eetilis per :pound -CI but.,
**I in igOrile, instances' itIO
evi.lt h.. Sorne objeCtiotis 'have -.trout
tim6 to tithe rgeil itgahat pas.
Ituritattott 004l. that it. pr41..
dtxtrn al(*4 jai Iri oilier
sorpou that tin from Pastearked
more tat than
tAttrtnilk from, Ail* \cresol. Thia:b.
jec,tieti, 1160, ilotr, dor* riot scent to lie'
w'etl 'Winded; - 'At 1*.istitiek.ntioitor
,hotterwloring «iflt'*t InIsiv
-4414 /*400 **ropier et butterMilk thi
oisat from rosteutiva ttso
sod fro* chtittlittiothst:441, breti me
ItrItt taw /CMS* hstve rtiheol!). bt.ot
14:,iteit.' The tiversr 44 'twit :14sts Ah4w.
\I that thor buttornitlit,: first_fily!
white tho 1,441 Aeri1111% riiw tree
o4.uhijne'1 4$W per ,e0.014; ot Atte,
AL the. Vilioirlititt 1)stri $chool,
p*4)1244 f,1 tresin wsi4 divi1O4 into threo,
506 poll* foeh. Fri t lot 1
sw liattet **A,
wu 134N1 without Wing* ..,_
*84 fhrn4d 18141 tsitier4 kit 3/*ma lot
* •
h ,
Wirt Tilt; (LO1JCISJ Ill( 1.*011E-11N1IN
The Pontine life ort 31 InaCtOra sehonn*
is not strentiouS. The Crew ,eonSists
, of foiliteen ,ineri* a skipper 004 '
• TwO ttleit 014$111Ote a. Watch* one aloft'
l' n 1ouko:it. 111 ollier.ot It e whei*I-
ac raan U141t tWu 1mi.tir n: dtity,
41141 len twelve ,; tvforer Ids
ftra rat3 aroundagain. - DwtiAtt
11e,o1w to-tat:at sitOrtett -
it, wash the Altekt•or to perforin °titer
fp,. Ital. of ;tile ervw. 'tufo their ,
tariver,1 with. 'the -cook, Vito iS
king of ttio tori44$110, titti the rest Aleep
;illi ,the captain, We viii.‘re as0:001,
tt ttinihte, hunk nit, 1.141.f„,re "W,e, were
tot trottbled" by willeyt-sinetts, but 11*1
oUr•-good, the
;r4:4 5 arid, reveli Were forward, TliO
are itt tilittS 41Ilifht, Ili* older inert
• ,adilpiper.rarhe :Travel , MapZIlO..
° ,
, I h
11 - tuning)
• thOok