HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-09-12, Page 4 (2)4,tVa
r4e4 er Usti eve,
..ointAatz *la dethterore
ing'a-few .-.41ey* thio Week atteiuUn
tht 0 se Item/ton teetnberte
r now and ' tbo otte Coerielievieltineltle*Rair
ot :the se,**ee't tIe reenwee.thi.**0`
#4011,3r.404'4014 11
'enoeth"ke. Arisit
ttie eek,i.stifNe
ford to attend ,-,The con.,
gitvgatien,44'et* A1)41 ebutvbe Mgr.
,eitton,, hoe tendered unanimouemIJ
4*:3034,Thtat. Paton of this platei lithe
WIAi terteeely *, /ettoriter' .foe iveraI
le be 'eoniteegatiortee;*
ts 'ow ing /10811 r
,,thi late D' o... , te
fit OUltinii
totter Paat1e0
puting for pantw
111 be irnp1aht, lameelf into
eqnIx, igetUnglotij
cely. etimbee of 'our.
'attended"'the' recetot Zdriele Leibor
Day and report i Acoatithei
ent to c1ooe
0 we --cannot
to know it.
John e ienti wife of oborn..
1ertneas, visiting =friende in and
atoned town. -Mr. *Mt Mrs.. Pope ;Cf.
Reitioh:OOlutublic'vthe b60,n
itleg the lotteee,parente Mr and Mrs;
gera..-Titylor 10 0.-"'-/ome
frieudir,in-„tovitt-dueing the
Wren, Who ha* ibeen,"prea
ing in Stratford, 'ha* returned bo
iti4,voritei.whotieve been residents
town for some times . 'have mtked
Zendeo.e4 DiliteTeonteetriebeiniebeldr
the 'Methodist Church under theaus,
• 1r; townsbfp rate
sehoQI to I f'#2‘
eah. n , be uri ens*
they neextmeney ' ^ -4000 .
rate.Innied.Will,mise the *thotinta.' dun
to thennverod ttons for this
0 petition 0 John Mner8 an
thers for drat 'work to ito rov
ovellteadc, en portione o y
creek, under the unicipill n
Act and amender/el/tie wee,app
the 001204 and Pawied o
41,4tigineer. tee -prepare --
report,- a
ante. plans, ertc.. for Med/wine
the area deeetebed in the petition.
"Accortet alnia,e,
-Counci -
Stb, at ono'clock
as err enday night to WI -
log *round Some residences at late
hoer* Ile did not have tbelitee Y to
the fine who „WAS sent to: Opde
attendingare _Won, Fair-Misa 0.
134)* in our J. 0111
were in Zuriett - Baird
and A., A -more who hwee , been cut the
etek list, hoe eeufaeiently recovered
be around.again.ftertittilth•pean
nt untie -Port
0 lie
hag n he ttn
hi-Onetia -41/teniut Lynch all
D. Ihntia (turned trent Toro
• ear i
a few 41010- ws pre'dent and gave an -interesting
Organize Marehall'of itir*toe
azraeo has reached Ontario af. talk* after which i44inty- :lunch was
tetivm.avrtably successful aeries of S°1!""11"114)3Atrng " a 11 •in
r4ect`t.-gs in Quebec and has begun his high Oeheel at 4.8431111141" W
Orarnr;a tour. The -most exact-J*00n, 1410-Nwt*:: Vir“- btoneanif.- R. ittorton.
with the attendance of these 'meetings
servwive could not fail to he, satistro, ettretlyld8.8anodtp' Eadt.itolir White, Vini;sossine,pv040,0:
oedit2.,....„4renthusirtsur. Everywhere the l',Ve1841-$181 Ethel wen 1148"44"e
,_.__L feader los' been heard withto
_____............15.___ ______ Reglee td.visite-4. ' esnet--,---11A
rad, Aliftr-f. el
ezie...-3u „y Immense ail ieneee, And , ,_ e
ki-,61,,,,,....„0,1 s•trardav the principles ger and ton,.Iteele. are borne tram' V
. .
ilzwri in the lialitax platform. l'onto.,:-Aliff.fl }Io Pudmore-inwacc
ed a popitioe to Walkereille. ur
heNeva Scotia and NewEruns-
'....,..etkOrendersed,thesedoctrines f°171131,,r tpwr'snuto• Mex. Taylor, was
Lautifestatiops of approval, reeerf“," married. at Saskatoon to Miss
- Ea CanaJlans have -net been A.ches°"'."-Milttin.,Prtrein blwg600 to
- . s nereisno doubt that the 14nd°u vlbet°
losing its bold- in the
sairaa..7e -e it has leen thistrotig-
• - ,
.t....,.,..,..•..•ar-Wiltreirs personality
1 -pr sufficient to atone for the
vt,-.0..1,iiat'ilences of his adiriluistra.
tzvi-azd of his eolleagues. - • '
- tbe'Preeiriee at Ontario bee
;5Z'81.437.,‘,0 from- the Cobalt
,rae...trgeets to liar as -much
ler;e: v, by t'h"is time next "year. Here
em?.. tr.7...;?-aracrant.s.z.
....... . 170.6.,72
reperty* I 1:5„
Lit reperty 1
Northern Ontario
Cobalt town.
take a toilVS0 iii
-tbti nufdneSS College. -J4) Johnston
and wife have return* 41, two
months' trip tathe. ert Eider
of ICaroloops*,13.0.-, v friends
in this vicinit er and and
efece Mettie are how e from Forest.---..
Mr. lohristout wife and. childrinh after
nu extended eta, in this Section, hove
returned to their home in St*. LOUIS;
The follOwing-.frorn this district, are at.
tending Clinton Ceilegiate,t-4104orie
llopper, Dot and Ourtie Stoneman,
the etieeee-efultuzifand.....13ertiut
luifile„ Lilly MeXast, 3141 ' and, liar
a -earthily, Sortie Thotrisbn."---Alex.
4 Peter iMiinti of -1104, receive4
word few days- ago -front Miehigan
f the death of their eisterpMrs. Wel-
ter tlyelop.4The_exterior of Carmel
church has been fresheneil up with
oa ThtrOddfellows----Fidl-
z t•otoiVay . also being improved in the ertme-wa
hat, Alex. Smith has returned from
2 ernmeot has re-, visit te,her-parents Mr; triiillfrs., Jno
Igoe where he spent the suminer;
$1,407,830 Mre. A. P. Ketchen of Regina is ou
We sem from the n'ti* •
%VrtCelebr,tpd 131 our licalage on Wed
01 Northern On. esday when age et our -west tippet'',
• wa.F. mission leased eer• Young -AIIRT•i-Xivile-,-----(langbtehdu r
to vaejoal mining of W.:Weber. was made the happy.
d itnder the- IA gl Of*I111101104 bride of 0. Hudson of ',Woodirtock
, t from liftrea Ng fifty t The utteresting ,cereown .1.Was -per.
"niiiiThii400,000. - her
Monday on the' 'to
re age en teed On Idea
Concrete 'machine, London _ the
Wiee.ele,rk at theitestinfolfouse Park -
lo the Place otitis, brother Sidney
who lefeVkuotla- for Toronto and
Cobalt...Mise ter Camp_
•tea eetropen, ifir ba
vtotoo. to her .home:in WbUstock,
accompanied brhergrandmot re.
Otempbeit.eeW. and wife
have returned from: their visit to Olin -
ton, --The eamperetite beginning to bo
Scarce en our grout14 arid .44 Mgt
Grove. COO Oighto, -0464. Oro
theni- to their--winfer, te41t
tot Ford has Onoto.Torontaw efe
• intirteepredA, Position aStrareellee for
.te note -the seecess of lerneeY:Oarrrere.
be having patteed-bieSenforl.fateieulao..
tion and is .6oW. pretwing - elite
Queen's Univet*ity, on Oct..1. Emery
lite be eongratnlated On his -faithful.
ness to his .studies obit now :he. tpee
with continued succeSs»-Itte X.4Ord'e
Supper wee dispensed wit.W It* r grand:
Peeparatory sereicea, Were 'held tbe
preViens,P.riday,-After few week'
visit 'with Merida in tlits. vieinity4 --Ztf
'Stebbins and' Wife - have t*flunted•'to
Thele.home in Dad Axe.
GlaeO has,completed the clistie :bridge.
-It has'. been admired.' b htitanYated
is tie'llittrifUt 'Wee iti(74slitprk and adds
itch to the pleteresqueness'ef , Map!
the. several degeedationeon„theeatto
rov-el.-tsoetoind-tvfllbg.,ef great von
njeneerto• tile eanipees.,,Owittit
• rit-Atapie Grove of late, the yrniL
te is .ettering a reward of Okt for
infOrtgAtiOn° tha•wileslead-40-tlacr,d
• teetioe of the (nitwits": -The ice-dal/ors
• lost nearly the household eltedt4 in
the cottages last springandthe
• areit- cletermineitirpossible to bring
the nilty, tree*
e, _value of the ete, ti,,,e,_ pnittedjily_ltier...._te,,,.„.,43.0 . .4
"'jt . OtthiFfiirsiftye-i-.4.?7 ' "-inrsetid--Tir feliit;.eir number - , r
es of the ode troetiog".Peettreei :' b
among . 1 . the bride ',and. groinunte.hotk'well4knovitt
1.1 00a;siot 41141)Inful' 4 itt- ;tel. ore ... voestLrhighlt....0teemed,...artd,
r'SirWiltred-Lidri6r when,wi",iiish Air. and Wee Builsott
Ministers but be elitoy end proeperity ' eitrotigh :their
.17-ZSt go to the Proviuritit Leg's-- id/ter:toy ;of life,. we are .eply. vialeiri
a e7r New Ek i4.. for pretnier ,,thelkietiefeete-of the entire -commuei,
, --,e,.- auitl-- thePeri-el/feed Legisia. lee,. The young couple will tveette. at
reev.earatt for the leader at the WoodStock 'where 104 ':filtiatton hold* A '
c",,.,. .'7A, r. Graham,: This -has, lood.position. ,, . , .,
_ I . mat'Intie& '61'00 .- Sit . Dptelliwie week' We . ere -,eolleri
, ' '11 'le .,r,fia't, 41,,,f the 1o. npon to record. tbe. death Of - .a. welt,-
"" ''''-,fici '."'"u• "1'41". known and highly eateetued rPisidept
that, tho opposition in the pemou of Jatvrea:-Stewart, woo
, Lag reitiforcenients
4.; W66 ealled alWny SaturdaY after 4,- few
'pkinefflt-°•Wqt,tAk-4,44 Aiayt'' ititiesti, at the - good age „Alt TO.
'" c''' ' '314-1°,14, '""rq`. ytyare.,. "Iiieettsol has Ofidelilif irome
, ....,, ' a tlari414.1'VmhttnOr-lt „ittrtb6 Uoilgios House for.,Initu,i ' Yofiii ,.
•"II'ttint!,44....„111....„,' V,- tie,,F,t21...„''.! mut it-was-there--,that-liis di .ttiek:.
'`" 4g'''-''' '""r"''''' plate. ails demise has. eatised 'Wide,-
.. atilotailn„., 15,411,,, .P.,0!..„.81i" ' sprea,d regret ;mite wee a ','gentleni-or
f,H...,:s11 -:',?„.„,', ,,I14::32.,,'„uig,i. "44 IV - In know was tiihotint.--ntidireo.fia And
'444''' 'It"'“": WWI' tdelae wet feel that We bave 105ti tit goad
r4v:11f.4•,:elit th.,,,,,,(IttcLwa '41"r1(' true trierld and Taeigifber. lilt -wife
,4, 3.1 traitry ass , . AL , not it .#s odeeettsed hint, ttirepty.eett year,
r:7..z.m cg mop', over and forte
c .1:01'4El/tee., ., he retnaine were taken to the, twine
' of itis brotherceist Of .11ensallo 'W. ert;
• . . he foneral will -take :plitee to the 'eft,
7.•;; -7,41
Mrs, Hannah Sandersand
eve returned-frent 'Toronto.
On W-eduestlikir afternoon ikfr, Jo
-Oliaritoeis boggy lose a wheel by,
horse making a sudden it thro
the doorway of I ord'e
Ribb'ert; let, Scott of the 10th
eon', red With a very pairifill and 'On;
fortunate aceideet 000 dal.- last week.
He WAS engaged in feeding 4t, thrtifill;
ing mechine in eiralp manOetvatep,‘
r ,11, ,fr the feeding -stand, with the..r4A,
stow, oat, he or0140 piR left erre yea
be wrist. Ile ivill be Ilia " off-wer
,or .
ed 'o1et xty
yott bin
**hoe used
64111.1.0i011 061110tetli.
, Stir TED 041.4.
0 -6
2011, her 4A" ,
tit were (mod _ eletid in_
r000) t 0 Qiieert
t e dee
omen had a ontr
Alex. Itetwirig. hit lee Thevcon
wornen. aeCrohn Wet o eee Ott ek,
thitiore They retired kat tilgetabout
12 *look; and the *omen were lh own
bow tO, turn off the goo, TWO nettehee
'Were left in eerie e Ik(ht W44 rittat4
throuelt theeniebt. Wei* rnortrinrelefrpe
Rerleg rose At .0sx', 40d **tilt 14** w*Ik.
'Returning be t tee Ito . 4/ewer
froin- the. Wernea.o tootle and thire
was * itturritot leo an enteritioe Witti
totiktil. The old lady veite kneeling §y,
ttt bea whleh ley theroenoLero-
mni. Both Uri besiii-itevel for sone
Oely one match** found.
rattle of town ***
Your)* Ot X0/114"0 Ott
"Among thci'ereateeliyi saYs 40 sex
etYy NOV6F-At tI10' 65! Grh.Va
11 w4-tidistribetioa of p'rites
he Shaftesbury leo were two broth
rs -of the cloth, who, theugh
ia derultneratiore got on well together
as clerics seoutl. At leuette as the
• vent of, n, fine '11:terrtia wa3, 'wafted t
no.qtrits, one puged out a -well -se
oar d pi0e, "Abc bk other," eaid
`, "1311e -ii shall 1 ,ettre you of that
Iti•L'Ihit st,wliinrIr. -1 With a tvoinkle
ite:Jed through 4
5mocp "There ate two pIace
t 631,,JL ,•lot9w. • ;One t
rsejn 1/k
log his randmother.--Mre. Win
/fled -0
-burg where they atte the 01
-Royeeiteunion.--Wm. Peal of Loring
was a recent visitor at S. Sliteitzer%
lbs. -IA -tie hes gone to Sarnia where
he bas aeceptwl a position on the Sir-
orlic„ one of the lake linere,-Tbe flax
• finished threshing_ last
er--eiturbe ready.
e_tve I kirels'of apples for apple
'butter arreldi .er'740g • testi of
London visited here a few dee* ago*
'Among the number who left on the
harvest exeureion were; S. and W.
Sweitzer, 3, Smith, O. McCann.Y. - Mc-
Phee, J. Campbell and Ezra, 'Witzel of
enur haii.
been comp e and the carpenters are
nowbuey.-Mt tottieSquiresreturn.
ed 'Saturday from a .Vjett tO London,
Rarvest is nolleflinediedload-'the--froje
and root crops will receive attention.
Edgar William* has reituned work
with ..:febez 31111Core‘e-Ohas. 31001)eri
who Exeterrecently o too u4reloyariii;tillmtnie11,16braytto
sale in Oetober and move to Exeter,
Thos. Vionsteis has rentedhis farm to
Michael Egitu.,-.4abez eeillsorr experi-
enced an unpleasant runaway' the tat-
er part of last week. • He was on his
way to leirkton when his horse- be-
eAtnetfrightenelLand.•he -was-Throw
lint of the OWt,. tOeeivillg some injuries
to his tape. -1The horse turned around
ttoci2irOft,bt home* NO severe damage
Wile done to 'the, horse or' eart..- Quite
a. numh_etaronnclAtere_are-attendia
t 6 Western fele this week. --Jabez
igillson and wifeepent Sunday at Zu-,
spent irrid4` zit hi horom-Mis3 Mut'
Gunning -returned horne-litursday 'ars
ter spending a week in London. -Mrs.
Eameet Peekleson, after a pleaeant
'visit with her rnotheraeft Alorday- for
her herrielmaryanstata..
• Aire. k;
itkiseo Jr'
o le turned to . London '
Man 'visit With her father Dor.
0.-4fts. IllePeako- Erie and Cecelia,
eve return4 to burand71$11et tee -
few weeks' *lilt here...Geo. and Leo
Marks have gone to 0Arlineforri to re-
stene their duties at, thesehooI.
es. Deownlee. reirbett.. arta Robinson
and A."Love ore' attending the ,
don lfedel.-511se ,Datmen, and
ff. redo Laiidou ottended.the Dori'
nuiteMcMil Ian nuptial on' Wednesday,
Andiew Pattersombasgonett.tOobalt;-
las EsthertelePhetion has toterned,
to reetriray-Wot,- .Pritaer ; 104- the
utisfarttine to lose-bia rnither4ire
in theParkhill fire the other day;
�. Sanders. virile Ana tinnily are
011 onextended.'visit to -relatives in
Enffelofte-Vongratidations 'ektend.'
ed. to eve:Voting friend., Miser Winnie
Dorutart, 'daughter ,otr' Ex.e4litecillee
Dortuate who .esnzirethe tieppy, bride
of Mex.: Melleillett of lefuneey. The
pleroin event took. piece Wednesday'
et, the ono, et the brides rent*. .
Ottrtatt HOMO 10 tOs EntianaTa, to
013N/41141, 1,144N540TED,
tr titfurther o CO 10404 00 $01130444,aut be
SaVing eank.Departmont: ernWited gout y10,90040 hodryearly as
• rotpoolti 0! Si iod upwArdr received.
gentruttliateterfor the DOminion Government,
RE,tPli; 4 ctiumwci,*110tioii. It D. 1171,4,
The friends Of Mrs, r• raok
olecnan will be pleased to ,learn that
she has sullicientl;sr from thb effects of
her operation, Which Was performed
at•Extter Ofetvereekit o. as ta
morning, Sept. 3, when Miss Mary Alm-
ond f3OnSitt. dre rat -a -idly -ettshing
LeIlan Uls. ditihr
fng tronger.---After :vollY Pie
visitat their home here the Al•
.Tobanna and Maggie Regan have
tu ecl to Detroit, .
mete pre y ding
.a.bio to retort borne, !Levan:00)4r pi 'chi 'Cannel church TueSday
along their new residence.s and- when
eapletedmilLmIke-o-great -improve-
ment to Mir SCrt
o has Wide Itia-hontoefor t
five years With bia grant/father
Troyer, lett IX te16, d6),(6 4)46. for Ciee.
mon,' Sask..; where his father reade
. .
tetincil met 'at, Town Ball on Sept.
present; Minutes of revious
leetiog read and signed. , Organ
urdy that the several accounts e
• • .trrie . • one u that to mat The i time girls, Rut
y-lziw 5 of 1007 levying taxes as and Marjorie Coughlin. looked. like
follow:County purposes -2 male, -on little -fairies.- -Philip Dityle-of Londorei
tbe , wneleleepurpost. AlteitreettesV-othee. =atetiihe-ituttes of
t-raltiebool grant for publieechooteup, best mot, 'At the conclusion of the
porters. 2'4:Wits and .-tiie aceourits -re; ceremony the bridal party. With their-
quit'ed by the trust*es of Public arid nests repaired to the home of the
Separate- Sehotils es tveld "it, first Ou.d. ride where most suinptnous a
•econd time, be 1101:0 read a third time- itepetitizingl feast ,paeti
4trat assed.m•Vaxti " kt
Lbat -bt "rhilballra o titme the bride left with her
Township- accep on the evening train en a honeynioo
Cer 'ad*. ,o8 Matto -that- irTotpnti5;Niatta4 Irons' arid i)
Ltw No. -itith*Atidri"if rift!t114'.The 7*(ibliost „gito:werc
tiev Collector e Vest roerooti tlatoty itod cestly and.ari
On, as, read a first eedoecoeil tieue,tee Oast ing tokens of the high estee
Oolt,IVad *third clog Alia passed, also zrwhic the. bride le held. Your ,seeibe
o t- s
tied. Mitrtly-elaorgan-thitt tly-Lew ur
gelia °Quarry became tbe ba bride'
of Uattbesietioyte,_ the interestiog,cerei
emony habit solemnized bit Itev*.• -
Forester, P.P., after 'which fellow
•byTattlers Forester, .Outm and
The winsome bride,looked the .piee
i re -of :being attired in
ichirtidsorhe veil ebd wreb.th resta o
her graeofol head. - Rer eister, Ikt•
'Margaret,' acted .66 eldest -aid
tresenter howitchin appe,aearie
Collector for the 1st n T, lei!. Doyle ail the pleat -
Thomas as Townehip Engineer 44 read .
ti,. first end sewed. thee be now /tend a; SAME '0111EAt$ HAPPY' 4
third time and passed*-ettrried. Coon not torepel serrrevey. ti Trib 'your.
, , ,
tit adjourned try Oet. /„. at 1.p.m.g back or liittlei this t- but Ant
:t. D. Dertrumond. °lark and take
t this World afford&
t 4mi
Mr. Pearon of Granto• n
rif tiering the, week. -Mise
keine to Seafortit to attend
ig *Smith ,of $t.
°*lpvr4''G. l°1tr'‘n'1.8eIini4nitle
11 ttieedt e0i1i:y;s;eurkitlatNev
onbirr week,--Msei'
chnell After a tedraft's* eiriit at' her
home hes retrir ued „to Detrolt-'.1iliso
Roxie Eilber lute gone to Lontlon..Th' ZurhIi (un .
14 new ternent. **Ike heve,
cen ropletret-eldiso lielms, ilebe
I froo.): ,Toto
. Igo ilaok
enjoyinghin.r.01 t, Toren.
to ..ilere Mien le Ehlers
of spiervi1le is,here or VISIL thi
ndervd en exeelient solo In the Eva
• lien) ehurch Sert.layoeveriltig.
raffat,,`43eo.. IfeSs r *164 Abert ',Held
ri have retisraterlfrom 4 Ilelightfu
o_trotortto, itiltitokr* roil* mod
1 —45114 poi,. *Ito itta loon
are mi., 4 ler pleeteirrteisfel ' ro-
roitoj Stra ' and Bernie
wi. eel to 0
ltpnsftt-r a homeLof
. has . et
4etedts t srck aim 2nd.sn for
i tad.' i
i r day .; . , .
""In 4 itetiotity Of•tattli the j$
not read. eor- teen looked at.
Intern/got, like to leak* * mart .tin
his Play bee been read, tier' if h
hair, to) tefret iti ,, When,/ 'woe.* yrmn
irt Tweet . s exeripts e
ager -to who f reaeds4wold
eral P1' - was tied vp in
a .with.0t pkink taloa
ka.w. , i **tit linkt- t '
P s
it 11 r1ttr sr ittam if
and0.11other Wiley d'w,i--
* py, eetzerpcutly otlicrs,,
40r, six)* ttDre1ortrn
.Thot CLUtittilallitat ettlaktik4
, •