HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-09-12, Page 2 (2)- • 3i,,,411434.44,4044 — 1040 ...vavvarveerr..**,•. % e rirrovi. •••,,116 .3 4', I . Ttu, Clnst, nOari tt.ii siaa- ever lie Calt"DIYA01.1 th long aiit is mottt • Is t „33 :. . ILL Lh lflWflI*,wi t t4 ' n . , ur retujge in, Ott itt danger be11 for afciyl, Arinly. „ 1 •the he , • Oh,. Ti10; Itwn ail: f ' 4 ,tii er neir ij3. W . not i necd wtLeh and pray 1,hitt ve eaLrnot tternptatk,n. Danger. Mines ste .us• laO,qront our OWn 401 n tare% We have in as litetertdPne-Yr ther -.thou geed. It is-tord , : •-01,' do Xi%44ta ilettY on 4 4,ft ator-ufr and- tolloW ri pie. They bore 4 - Ills• 'bonnets and rnuSt UV* tb,L Crfl%VlL W4I the t God. Erry e we go otit'•front Our boniei we 'et we go. So let us go about the bust; •mger,'s, of our Father's kingdom desp'ite the , in ;do/steal danger, anti Alt VLWTr. -V flt4*t 01 .sfleflgth IA el A 1/4; uL - Ther has -been--no-onerwito;at ..an t1rn It1Wot telt it. Dees not Ood- Make WS His op-, • riunity to teach us to clettentik upon Itriplessaess and ' raw us to the great Him? Owl Ile no( -.thus show- us* s,„ fountain head of strength ? When wo have some -great defy to perform we feel this weakness. 'We say, oti,, but we can't do that. We. aro too weak. We fee l our *maks:toss when Seine great -sacrifice is to be in , 1,.. all ro ‚1 " t; In grlef;'ift. oortv, Can gild, allr0 refuge th in. wealote", the mi Ile gives enera •nL ren h c things. The Altaatta Pant ex** "When 1. am weak then am stong." Paul woind glory hr hi-, weak* iess, for it was then that the sh'engthot God Would sildtie forth la- hint. 1! eter there wiut a man, aocording to the jud tote: this:ittnr - Yet he seetvin himself only wealtnesS and the. stem It of thriat:7What :ti•: re- buke to the e1f.saIsfled.' .„ " -W-iltiagg4ifoltiAtottSf- is one thing L11it Cked i abov' aUelse- that thing la•- 140, Weseek the retugi" itt danger, we use Ilis streustlitn 110q3, but we feel the heart throbs o God Himself whert Ile loilps us - in, ',amble,. It is a. pouring out of 111.5 love o ultrartliktkffirt 1117 Itur.- What' , ortiws.1-bhrhat a( hitt t -fore - h trot -44'11 to, Ilint thus, It is not .4 far off hope, but. it Is a •very poesent, one. You who are siuwwlng at the 'going Ilona of 4 14"4 - Ilo wattaloilielp you. -Vitt who wrricd by aaily rams* He would shore our burden. You Who Awe -laden- with sins, Ile would forgive you; ' Oh. fly 10 Him, who is indeed a very present help la trouble, our refuge and our strength! • DAINTY - 'Soalloped Lamb. -Into a:deep dish put. a fityttr of chopped cold 'iamb, 4 Toyer Of .tomatoes (tinned will AO, sliced thin,' and a lair)of stale- Ineadcruntbs.- Sra- son•with per and.salt" and it :little- nib spice. Put soittif piecesof. butter* over ,,_•„„ _,. Adt-amt ettough.sloCk tojnoistertslightlY. __,...1111STS_E:011._,Tift...nomE,,,,_.,..__ _ ' 'Bake till the craittbS'IreltiSrbrinion, , __....... then serve. Mint sante makes lamb, -with whieti it thee Cutlets, ---Doll a teacupful of ride it eaten; more digestible, . -until it has fully swelled, then drain. it To -fixthe' color of Oolored shirts, ete, • veil Ahlr* MIX ink!, a paste 'With Iwo rinsethe goods in a weak brine tor the - --vapor four-ourides-oic'ttrranko-nut' •41rskfewt•Avashings.- -7:----,----, ' and sugar to itiSte. Add flour to thiehett ye Ileinove 'Stains From thooringer , and form into cutlets; Pry in bollinit Ne11s.'.701SsOlfe a little 'as lie ,atht. Ini 1st Serve With 'a:little jam on,each tut. water, rub the hogero in .thrs„ t000toliso • -.tot as a garnish., thoroughly In, -cold writer; before using Stewed ..flreast of Veal. --Put it breast soap, • Lyea_fil_Lto a sart ji_und, well car To Takip.• fnarshirk A. , • with-Ookt?_.AKte.4-10 .•• it,"-•-aontet, Mitten item. then .add. two onidns; hire,' okra 4 every tablespoonfuf add the same. quart two turalim, 'eighteen peppercorns,- rd. ta3, of perfectly boiling water.. Rob this . salt to season. Stew the veal very gei tly 1 into the serge. while hot, set in the air for two and a ban hours and serveith to dry and then brrisk_wilh_s_tleint parsley and butter -sauce and a liberal cicthes. brush. If one application does: , garnish of miters of .bacon. ' not realwate suffloiently, repeat it, ..„.Savory-jiloo..-Wasiti...theao-Ourices.ot.......TO,„„,XV,hitt,..-CrelltinflaYei„ 'TIC° and boll Ili hall a pint, of' milk Lill .1hick avant end Stoat it 14..4 oemil phtee. ,quite lender, :, adding pepper 'arid salt.T..f..* whip lake a large basin, rinse it out Better 4 digt, tread hall the rice an it ' 00141 Wrikv end -dry. " In a Odki. place !Sprinkle -into ounce: "ot L1.4.L„ tra:, • ,near Thc aW, pok,the aeon) irtto • •Ibe, over, 4t1 Thi' rest Of ••:tt.iii,`rtteo, SPrinh Steadily till it stiff froth -over it another ounce of cnoese, ptit half it reqtireJ, flavor and sweeten to taste • ell Mince of butter on the, to) 10 stroill,-wi ster sugar. •teceft4ind-Itroton--itt -„,_ -- -----1W'' teri:„Youti---Piano 11115 me- 4tewed , Stewed Torriatoft on, Toast.--Tako 44. that, Too some -finely .powderedWh t. mow rim tomatoes as you moire, pour 1 ening *wit '4'.ipply it tO the noteS With a boding water over . Ulm to ."10oseri the "damp cloth or ethanol& Let the' lid re - akin. Let tlientstand, for -Three min- imain open, and exposed to the. SIMand Wes, then peel ad,4 put into a steWpan Joie as muelt os possible. ;tub' ;the spots :with it 10116 6-5l1 *ad butler - or good !with Immo! price, before applying the ,dripping,- Ste these very= slowly for -wtiilening., • About-lialt-an-bourc-Piitori-t4,,',/teVbut,;-7.,,-To-lottla--"-Peas- far, Winter- we- .Piek. tered tonst;duat, pepper over, and stirve,,- and shell your peas When quite dry, and shorttiread...,,oub two . <mucks or out. isottld, in. belling water, drain very -dry; •flier . into four ounims-Of flour mid toe psiur into-holitei or Jars, Witt #101teti With ,itunce of sugar- end mix well togetherisaluritteft-brine.••-' litive-,a; illhi-bt Oil -iitt 'Incur A board and turn the paste on to the top to exclude " the air. Wrote enok- ---,0-• end .1mesd it welli----fiten roll---4mt- 1*- int, - the' dPett,'''saalt-thent-- trt' vatirriNfatef. tali an inch thic!i),.--tiod .eutr.into oval, I for an Ito, ur to )ttr'44tti,, an the 30114 This ittaPes. .Grease baking tin, pot the short- tnettiad tiot the- advantage of Sintplkity. water. Let this- stolid till the sugar is dtssolvod, then set itin a Pan ethoiling water and let the ••47r4P boil for live minutes or More. As the scull) rises, nidni,-.4 1,71Ooltt pito and thick, and 'then stir trio it quarter of a pound -of Atte fresit grated cocoanut. Put theporbrick on the fIre niVOndOn spoon stir thecondy touttopousfy till it rises up In the pip. then at once spread it on sheets, of well -dried writing -paper, vvitich should be 1,varmod before- the fire before using. Whennearly told take away ibe pa and cut the candy into small squares. ' tigra 3,14 I brced on hi it, and ldt. it bake till a pale • bt6A,11 oolor, when 41 will • be done, . , Egg , and Fish metIlitirn. • Aired pie -dish with tolight vsatt7 put some bricooked rite intoit, and IxIke It int tiait done ;,...„1‘einove...the riehave' . rfatly tint* eggS al inIk,About ei7.4. (Writes of cold fish bolo% into Ilakmi gayer ell with minced parSley, eayenno and salt, and' bilk* tilt nicely broWn. Serve in alish- Very hot. - A Good Cold Stvitsettiosh 5jourico cf gelatine in half a pint of cold wetter; two hours, then dissolve it with four oes-ot*-White sugar by a• skive boot. r ono pint of brining water -oonAs the riera of *-Mtnalt, snd Anntneti 43.104)* (4‘)t nuartet. or an „liottrand:strain the gela- tine, sugar,eto., into it, adding the juice nf Ille ,lemorr also; 'Whip, the whites of nite 10t L'A*4` eggs 1* A stiff froth; and When II* leinort ati•Xittre it ttearly. rdd. , stir the tag into it rind beat all cinnamon if.alt it pound, Aber, Pour Into a wetted .M0u,k1 and Aol butter with half .ft patina or. sugar; *hen told .ttirniut and aerre.i. Add iineegit And halt An, 01MM:td-gtiffintd einnaMOng,lastly Mitring in pound ,llour,,'Nchich- shouId be dried: end kwly stirred itt. 11011 out thItt and tut Mk; round's, put, 10 nn tft1on4t n k4t, bi&tuit. -and, bake. •in & moderate ovn fer.leit tnittute. Turn umde Aiwa t. ' *they .Shou/d very trbp. Eiiiney.ft with 1gg,- (uL four aW 1idney4 into Min, atire6ii, Ootr,salt•tirid Tepper. shirt fry in tittle 41'4)010g, Wittlt1 WW1\ IVOleVe troth the 11 401(1'044 it in the oven .to t Otineee arttlk beat. 45 *11 11 Lil1 E 11. Lldlrg th kldnit. Art- , 4 , Virg TAME. our soup from the po ni ur *two, but lonat-- the aide. • 111h do not tate'a -dessert Toti 10- ok knik, 11 iht.om -tw nite us.,e4t trust of 1104,ati, Nit tllftt itoe it * your It 1.1 - puttnrakrnorl1nnen Ittaht rink* ,,14* )settir tabk na 'C ttng IV is Ito** itir Itps; otherease llattr,k Ot 111. 14,,,yourit aw Pio tiro fork,* VC 4104. -Apinviatintlft C4111011 from; th0 grist. After leaving ,Ittountlfor the lsraeliks m to litiVo IaWeiterienthWard 4110 t Weetern side ot Mount Seir to the , air or: Akithatt, .004. from thence, east- ward *Ad again northward along the eai.tern frontier et F4orn and Moab, un- tilttteythe ouYflifl , Or a thmt, t allackin Canaan weal, Of tbe Iordan. With 11* story of their'SOIOMIL In tht$ 411$ttiOtr, ere aesocusi of Bataan* (Nu 2g 2-23. s; 4-iflholqteviRrd- aeduction f thtt • ing J a ScOfld 4enzus of the pop1e ct6; the selectioi of -tia as t o 8uccsor of 6 ei 27. 1:k?.3); the mmunication of nuteretts,' laws and regulations (270 444; ehaliters 2840; 33. 141.36, 131. In ehanter 31.4s reoorded _the slintent „Of., thMi4ILanite5 Lorbaving -1,. the"&3grnntht', teribeit Gt,'1. ant Itie' 1 0 thpir4eti1qii4'1t.billie terrilory sitsigned them.(hler 33. - I.-10 contains a summary of the itinerary at' the entire journey of Israel from Egypt to the eastern border of „Canaan. toreentering'Ivory-eau of the. Promised _Land it was -.natural that e, nuMber ienportant thin S, should be attended to, and. Moses, wbo hod now groWn 'to be an. okt Mart..an. who felt that his death toold not be far distant, gathered the people togetherand alontoliscoUtter mariadarthent- he, post guidanft, and blaWitg of Tette. It and exhorted them to ObeifiMee and instancy in their.slevotion and service. to Jehovah'. -Tor a hi•itst diicuseion of the, purpose and nature to DeOtetonomi, sc 5iThe4..esson; Expositien," "A• Simple Plan for Tee410 ,tite "LoStort ,Datteeir.1 .. 4.1 4 u t ly t , • • tea Lj s I s .1. I se ?. 4 IV iU 40t„twin Airt 01. LOU )f PrOSIeI-.IY i • . to:„, DAMN - 22, 1 't•*kVA! '- 'Or 4-14 ,swears _144_ Word and,,his'-ittith--m*Y---be trusted. Molten he swears by the divin- ily in whieh hr believes he liana/1y speaks the trut and may be trusted to fulfill the proriliso entphaskted by nnoh oath. •lif; buwever, foi`s.Wiiiirs• -4t, not fits own or something of Miner ,flignitY and IntpOrt4nieeillt? 04th may ,not be couSidoed as binding, and cot - 14 -11-11..1 Jtat.-Nt..,mstideritif.b ,respoe antient.to na it is lliffieult 10 say,'bilt-ottarty' The Isr-iilite` is here exbored to nal( von no other gods' but Jeh v h to witness his Most snered proniises and vows. , ittA.• oath,:' moreover, is a peculiarly seleran eon - , .4'61Y WOMAN " T A MEWL In a Novel Wirmitred -Graham Disclose '--Seeret ---costent--Shrtite: qrra•,- verse , 1. • trIehaP Moses' attar reviewing the Ivo ,tmt. histiorY,,of.the. peripie and pointing, out lehoveit's /eve: 'for israel as revealed by ...that hiftory, earnestly urges upon the people' the duty of keeping Jehovah's laws* reminding itteni•of hisoPiritutility and absoluteness. Then in Warders 541,, inclusive follows art eXhoriatiOn which tatty be considered a.s...inttoductory_teLlhe.41nore., Welkin* of chapters It -28. 'FtteTapecIal relation betWoen' Jehovah and his people was:established, on the basis Of the De. crilogue which' is 'here' repeated Mout. 5- (41), Moses at the same time reminding' Ifie7people Ortheirrliroturso7to-oliejr-any further oonnuands which Jehovah.- might .gotsive..,(0.eiloehal,lehor40).0,-v7eft,leo7s,oitareerighOtt aatitiii-traude, and therefore- Israel's first duty is the - duty Of love to .1sho'vatt and of Serviee ti,revarstacitralc-furthevv-of -keepin a1moo4ionstantl3-beforeLtlielr chil dren. These points. are, emphastzed, in OW' preent chapter, , .Th coMmandnient, the statutes, and 114- rdinanms-Thoso.• additional •laws and coraMandnients promised ift verse 31 of the preoeding chapter: will *peak itezommandra stati.te and the ordinances -thou shalt teeth them.° 2. ot,thoul4nighteed fear Jebovah- To 110' hearts of the people. this -reverential fear of---/thovolt had been the ‘ahn , and swpri ot all tlio• instruction whiett Moats bad given Thoui•Ttral.thY;.iorti-intt DIY sons.,sri One generation' 'is to be responsible for 'handiti4the law and- the trodition ott,, thelathers?on to the next.' , 3. trierease inightily-Not in nurribers only, nor yet primarily, but in rink and position among the nations. - A land flowing with milk and honey Compare our Le -son Word Studies for Se tcrohes 8. 4. Jehovah our.ltetod•:•is 'ono lehovii'h ott. °Jehovah' our Ookt,-,feliovrihn_ts.•One" "Jehovah is our tiod, jehovait alone," Willi.„411,..L..111,y_heart,:Atith. al _My - :soot, with a11 thy ritigitt-,-Isio part <4 nalleA Intel ketteti, ,etnotion al, voliliontd, a* physical life, is fri be ,withitekt from tho servIO ot Jehovah his 'God. + G. Ile upon thy heart -Cnstently itt thy thought and inind. • 1. Thou totilt teach them diligently 141N, 'ihY 0.111dttiv1/2,,t41.i, "inliveASZ that II' intonate ,itirick in), , Witert -thou lsittest..• and -When Ilion vialkestAle.. taus of Ielmvali am • the subjeet of nonversatkm between - entt Mitt ehildren at att •tinies„ 8. 'Wed theta tor a slot upon, thy hatid-An expmssioir doubtless ittterolett only figuratively here, but interpreted: LterUy the ' -people ,., •,.. -- Dut iss ' ish a' having receivedepistolary"roast" from a high and mighty sheikh of the Soudanese •,Desert.' In the Worse Of it she and AIL -other -Women are told __ their pvalue t, wfthillich 'sib. e'it lk.4)-busalutil, theadta____„_trihoyviaa‘vre" of no consequence inthe universe, Op. C, ePta5P°tialnauless- VoxIdWttoutgn4littitta byA Graham, was published 4 ten? inopths ag*---Ono.- of-its-MostifitereSting fen- ture Is a detailed and picturesqUe de. s p n• Of the hitherto bidder/ myster- it_ Moslem shrine. This Mohnrn- ntedut holy of holies -Ls strictly forbld- den 10 the eyes, ot all: infidels and Chris- t.iaSntraiTiggt A.,: it .nliii 4. 4 WM' 44 1 . novelloun&itelvay -intotio-tt ele,M- • hieatpst, -t.a,t,i'CO,ot sokin,e-t,,sokturiSprti;•tvw-la-ciet 4,0soidet:40 Nile.- ' At any rate an Arab, pres.ent% a eopy-to .Sh.eikit All ',Whammed of I‘ ti 'llitiett-Dartour known aS the Holy Man of the Desert: • The laying baro of the secrets of rt: Moslem shrine ho Med him and the d''' , ovary that a woman had done this„ in-' • tors ed the horror. So -the learned thei h Ilia: crelarr'iwertar:ed---rand-sent-to-Ofiss- E composed a long screed, which; Oraharn,- through her publishers. ThiS 4e°' lunti)tehliet-Hriblemix:Ls' o ot,;f• God, the Moat. gra- okus, andafter seittling yourself: "We have received ene of your beaks '•• haVe-notedits-oontents thromItronO• of our teen& who has come to us from remotoitcountries and joined us." After lotliteh •,introduction the sheikh preoods to rebuke the novelist ter von - luring to deal with a religious subject ertOnWiTiy eareiul-htvestiga inti"it'h"edulindli4:rsio7„:xleept-1:: :h.:: you to- ight "You are.a woutatil otat,liave nO value be a mother; 'you will bring down upon yeurself the displeasureof Lite Almighty riot, and .he- wilt punish yon," . Thentollmvs a stern denturitition f it4,47,atutonies--witleiHyou-fort, liticattir eenteriirartitti-sorreiraitittlr ttOd in closing_tho anther IS lOgod 10. send her son, if stu: has one, !to stec.gu to: pray ,..tor, Liter,•7,tortztv ' iflh ha -be En 11,1k fttaipixo; .otron, ; 4 in Hole in st- ol Vateliftitjt- 'is columoii-Property* • oi like .4 good cigar," ' Said 4 Inall erritly Monied' from the Philippines. '11$0 family" etgar of the islands.is tt od cigar ---good in Material. In make, and itt•sitis; but tite Philipino family eigar 1 never mid enjoy. ' is from Aileen inches to it toot .and it bag long, •anil It Solnewhat mere than an Inch itt diattlefo. When not fri use it Is •thruitinto -allele in rate al the up- right bainboo pasts of The dwelling. Th le Is not,so-- fat-abOWthe floo youngest Wolklog members or the family cannot reach' °When any ritetriberet the hetoettekt;, the old, mart his teurfear,old d'augh. ter, tolls like taking a strioke, the how cl,gar Ls draggedfrom its hole in Inc post and tired up. 37ilien. Inc dor gels. toe abort rot 00,Mfortab 1110 tikes it* piece, tis -a' queer sight Ant pulling, *way at * tng blaok eior, ttwUt a,,third as long ita- Inc child Is *Al o tatoyearound that ittlistorts the little., :elliw fce into Vtlifett 11 Lsnaert family ,eiger is not taken away , h reside it remains always le-of--heopitable-co , i 4,- itril001-tin1. co Sair.h., , 44' 01441‘,4 't 4 r e asms ed a,tcLeg'••t , -• tt,e grL £uging that, 111 and wanted -the articles d; Mr. Pilot got, Ss td On the s : and dedneting 2d fOriter "Pro- ove.,40 # I . man ouL cl ()use," and the girl aIrnttted their 111, but Mr. Ella WWI (the choir - of the Bench), said Ithat as the renoltad. 'not b-en..prviously, he WO144-1,14.--accept the. state tsi as evklente. - • Ite officer. Went, On to titay that the had been Witte convicted, and • thal tifitte forced e • door Was mtite. prolesstoital -credit flench said it was clearly 4 Cate kir incluttriot sehoolo, and • the children will be sent there. Pt • t'• • nett Gkes Some Statistics t Make People 'Ptak. _Prof. :Chas., Ltu.stnelL4n.nt itite-41t---•Wastling1014.-Satd,:.14111011(.ialtftf 1.1 , 1 .,eroastng at the rate of _ 'IlltrititsAtlistributiort-ii-beCOrriinritt crcasingly fits -proportionate, rousing great injustice, hardship and !mitering. That the emilred of the nation's _weatitt-and through it,. of ilit4natio itself; is fast:centring in. the hands of a few, one-eighth of the families now own- ing seven -eighths Of its wealth... It IS Said on 1000.1 antitOritythat the control of Orie-ti,velIth .3f the nation's wealth is represented at. the ineetin I the twenty- ur--tiffeettira arlhf. . • Corporation alone. and that the ant railway systems of the country ate Controlled by •Just •six men, with only one simreMely,'dominaxtt... That on the -Other band 10,000 e -eighth of the: peoniti ok h rft in um:Stant „poverty, while 4,000,1 • if 111, That tlarot&gh poorly-co.ordinated and selfishly istered •industrial enter- prises near y 1,000,000 ignorant immt. grouts aro landed leachyear and von. „doused inl-,theomost erowded industrial centres. In the city of New York att average of one Intringrant, arrives every forty-two SOCOnd$, And an arrest oecurs ,every. four minutes., That under the pressure of these ab- normal , conditions drinking, smoking, -710bliery;' graft and social vita are fas- ter than the Popylutioni ea Mg finans nip las that more-- thanCounterintl. ances our manual nationat-gain ok .wealth. WIlEs1 DOCTORS DISAGREE. People Who Look Wise Do Not -Always' "Metre Good." . *l'iltiStratIon of the Old saying ItI:I- if "doctors Avilt. is lated by it p yeician of veracity: differ," the Toikr.iiing II lite course of 4 lecture winch he was delivering. before a number-of-atii,- dents he had brought in by the mother 4 child ..slx .months 01t1„,:, whieh, he stat- ed, was suffering fictin0_,-te .0t....pocullito a or ton=one...Wdont..,,seta,,,in.ilita4oun. t *..-and. he rohititested five of the Mu - dents, tacit' separatebo to diagnose Inc ase.A. , Cr + - . ._ Alt* Says The fiallintore Suit. gttve 1 as ids rdedical belief., that the chil.1 was suffering , from inelpient neunionta;• the second, after -examina„, tor4 pronounced it Itteiplent diphtheria', third. slaked his _ mutation upon Ls 1eing perikatitis; the fourth tatted it marasmus,ivItilo the Illth said it was nialarito-,,, When they had emelt Made a • tor -fat examination, the lecturer said: "Well# gentlu, ten '' have you anything farther to say in' regard le -the Onset' *Nothing more than hos• already been aid," was the reply -taken from each. • •"Weli,“ said' he, taking., the little ,,One and Wiling it up -before Olean, °Ildirls it thild that has never hid it .ilay+o Et. ncit-islgoe EU birth._ n is the most per. fectly 'healthy Child that I have ever leen." . 3:5 111 R N'S EvE 11 t• O )if 115 bdy ' ittca eek 4i1 geoik Itadile ,Or ered• a.ira. , • , „ •thtit itratt:'11 was1a•kfia• wit e, co ,art. - up hi hos eine* 'ahoivii. no Ataire slunkhor what , v riusc end sfinctiv‘t Parsing of its 40, and we farl rout uraindrionflYtoonthicoldwalisuo.rowielltd, 'floPoirridtraitietit; ot'awitking, -and 'then -quite suddenly' it tem (tied a long ory and 'opened ha eyeer.- We had done everything- 'Imkovitt 10 Medicol sclence to' arouse it,, and\ just as wehad sktt --ett:f2ttiLltalleAtitritta T helottIng rr thaneal•Wtniteuen4shealliver, 0, the indiejitteuit are that she will grew-intotio-aireng woman. She ” Rotor %an is Insult with,infants.- Another chi1d--a _boy of seven-•--whora • '41ten, .WF P011 OVEIN-A'AION - In this ease we were able to rouse.hirt 'tor Intervals of a; Minute or 4o two or area limes .rt..day. AN feed him•on_iniik.--=- Iltei 'lib-. had been,-studiolla 4:40%904 • ond itJL my irnpressLonthat.,,fiverwor . 4-4 1110(1 all sorts ok --things Amuse. -blot- - •bat 11 was no good. Electricity had 114 .pcwer,40-bring-,-about'everr tite7quivertrir of 40,--,eyeta,th, and at last-wo were coo peiled to leave Min 10 41114h his sleet day we weigh0-• him. ant. each day .showed that ho had, become 4 fracPorr lighting "Illasitese-idtracted a lot of attentkm, and wes-had all sorts queer "cures" sent to itelne of whick, Vi- tried.-•• 6 • Perha the queerest remedy` Was sent by a won an, who wrote z "I have read . Jeep, mind 1 write to say that 1 knew a . ycurig womanwho was similarly affec- ted. .1 made an ointment which. cured her. Ono application Is ell 'that is, needed. It deStroya germs • and 13 aS liarmlesS as railk." Welded this pec*- lier'Sinailljuit.all the effect it had was ta Induce iticeto take -on a new lease of r. -• was ,t-riet1;4. .hyptiortsin.„ fonning, toe -packs, and a Mindrod other • things; and fLnahly, When, we let 'him .ekne, he awoke of his own accord, and seemednone the worse for his long 6 *le.r7t. Of emirs°, such, a thing as 014 Mg sickness," but tids• is a dis. ,ease and not. tO be confounded, With these long :slumbers Where the body h ire a normal condition. , _ t 1:11k7"SLEtiliql-SICKNES". loarlahly fatal, and no. cure that '1 ha -VIP -ever heard_of has yet, been discev- OW, or anything which, will even retard it; pregress. _ A inert can, Sutter (ram Steiptng-41aneee for a year ---ot -Iwo years, and though he may not be abso- lutely unconscious during the whole of that litelteronly-has -momenta of wake. fulness of sufficient duration to make rettlize his. terrible 'position. The titzteuired-bra--gMK-b-ttt who. titer the „germ will ever be discovered I 'cannot, say. There' are juit.• now many ,scientirds on its .traek.' These long eleePs ere • found ,more. oftealimong-the young than the -middle. aged or old. As a Man or -worrier/ get on in 'years less altunber 1, remdred, ,4411,-eiten-meatz-tn4rrAnd-w sixtrend-4cer..- Whir vry *7)10k:wieldy on from two to four hours sieCp during the night. Heavy sleoperS• oarttot, soot are very ram -• Ilut return _,R) ',youth and long, sleep,. Per. baps you recollect the C440 Of ileiriricit Burgaitallitri the .Gernian science student, Who fait asleep on his sixteeptio,rbfriliday . Mid' was a year older -betete he awoke again. • ' • 10 this lestertee, too, ,:the'ciatselif the' long ittimber was dito to overwork ,atid enxiety. ,fitteroPts beyoott the sim- plest were made to awake Burgstalter. the efforts of the doctors -being direeted towards ..,trooping tip his strengthiland'''''''' weight 'by every. MOOS in , their power.° Ever, "Morning he. wasbathed la • Tar. Pt' t orottrit It's bedler to fall out than it is to" *KM out, ••••,....;VOrluivietmles, on tho and grins the inany. - .:. • A ibtlint perseil .1,s 'lotto make tho inott, elating rcirtarks., The Men wire is alwaya right ts nt. ways a. ntusonee. coquettes heart aft aliptY hent11,4614b., , SOttletiniC4 YOU I** * tot,nititty-icovw:the i- angr Never judge Avtutt a,' woman 4to byr-the-thing she . smiting pease* matt wsre, then 00 'Opportunity to *et bft# • r.onsMettesf Is *'.,Iftet, buk-sq Marry people -do not t are An* *well* ry. Aren't yeti itymt you 410ift • oW4 this earth When it Is bispeying ' Muy * Zan sow* wild) oa 1 AMPS , that ids thildren uttIWortent soot's ot tbo itor trails Ma tam. int0 *lint' hitt Vrefr •1711•Cluiptty 1S -with, '-ei fitettned tit the. hand. Itorttle,44-;betivOtt- thY itendcl figuratively no ,deubt, the son. that iho, ,ektturtandthenta.'of . to -serve ,us an ,OVer.preient rt minder 10 the-Istrietaes- of .Their-ekletion- Stifi-to 4rid 'Of Ina debt of gratitude- whith .hirn, in twit 11,4 Inlunotto ,rtxt 4 Itstetlit ilni";:nrallrettases they tbq in end l'orind ill* leathern 'finnigt. to ihr4 AfetilOki 114: Isrrork-the-lett-iteral-440-tirett4 tlaITv recifilitiodi of the fibthlit* Mid potion or, summary of the la tpon the 414)ornostA of thy, h4loo„0„ upon tire ga roretislort wet* atw stilt is, rattled' Alt literally by, the tven l' stay these tiny eylirsferi owloslesg. portions It Setipture. stritita V h post and .6 intl$ ges. 11 If the tiger ••haltPtrit -haps by `it 4***.loilii4wi 4dng•the a (ram Inc - mouth • proffer s It . to.the • la111 y. r_ tiered ,06041 tact 11 tursolinte endly Intention. Ktt*Ing t tTw average "finoly cigar; it It tient end tetnoke it who tut of Aeoloyment when ft is la OA -hole,10 the, post* hut it Is tort, harder tof tvoefve11 born thenwtuth af ioonarnornber ofthe- 141 Oter.• nial looking lanilly,. waiter* frevtliteatt lia/k * the telt. lit* tl ate ,•4 `,0441.18rfillsailIPPANornvi...ir •444 n at '*•mn ors' the T ber,vro drM tit* 134?; _ OTt. n 4,74. TIUN attAIZAt* ittAhe'belief :that:bit body.,wouU al -orb Mach of the' nutrition contained in the - feed, while quantities Of milk:were kreed own his throat, ' fly those Metes !tie rength was preserved, and when ilurg. idler finally. **Of. qttite naturally, , ter lora than year of sit.inber. bis Igitt had ...only "400efairett SoOlo an'al Nandi. • A. story was,current SOrne time* n» 4)1 flussion ehiLd rtatraXi., Olga Piatimwsko, baring slept on tad her, third to .1*.'" sixth bittittlaYi.. but I nottld not vouthf tOr' the tenth of it. According to the re - 04 the, infankwai Alto daughterof roor: parents, Whose fatlicr labotad in the too. est, and - whose mother 'workedin Inc Olds. Theehild Was istualitloctird,tato -tsinu tivirniglite- absence of - the par. .nis, rteighbor r,alling Itt every twit X&d)atid look, oiler it. •good- Violeta:0.11W s10' f�iirtri' Inc hi)dAstelqiing yery heavilytKnt lfV herrefortting itt two It baby still 4lurribercit, and oiintirated, slumber Whefl. the minter • ar,rivee 11 Nothing aroused tit, stiff when three.. MO* hail 'posted it fleeter was' Ovinted an , interest in the,, e stointl.tOok Inc rid t t. Nteni. .ht *het* wss wl1IChd!d kr • inetert"*_I fd artfici4olly, 10 11 nrtetk*:.re-t-yUtth» we ih igiluthe y iyu mrtbtrotot tt ioguo7 tonished la see or two Sleep apiteifred but' tiht*Nat Instaatly • ,Ilk,ra ittrAt a hattlaken tht:pliava