HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-09-12, Page 1 (2)Xntt bst etitunt ra.! isild quarterly.
4 11 eget at Exeter) Creditors, Zurich extol Dash eod
11, OLD Manager en�HBraih
. per ft.4 'PottBoroirlen,,
weetflc Johnir--Knight
.hat thetender of P, Ilawden, beirnit
he lowest, be acceptede.-Verried.
*n-44 0urninent; -
ior„ couplings to Toronto. - Bell
Tdephone- messietre to Toronto,
Tern Rail 84- Tim* *Print -
pig Co.,,ecount,S06.79:Weekest Brooks
Otting tile, Wk.; for labor: 3 Sotteoi
WIT Sanders, $1,50; A Taylor,- $1.60i
4, Gilles r.„.1jalldat, quance.$41
of b.
Quite n.
thie we�
1a Wrtt
,Chu. Zwii
lightftzl t'
Maio acco
sin4 „
the Eve
)II* Jr�wn '0
Charles and Wflhie
r citizens ar
fork at London,
n. Toronto
44' gio 410; "tcia .
r' • • •
Ir*. WI iler»
ant risitlastveek
fillse Ores:Snell, is
Jndii RuiterspenI
this week.
tvi:days' pleas.
with -her parents.-
' friends, ▪ in
I4» E1 «
l&tGilts Aug.. 80, to, •
'.1;frkijOi 4,2,1'45e,- •
'ed by b p�rents.
pv.04 Almond, the
ht, li in ' *trend is ,tioing
Secretary of
un -
un. rid t rly
Mr. MeMilla*i of Mitchell ipent 11
d Ifr; llodgee—Mbie 11100 IMv
Toronto is spendli*Afewilart, th
trot -Mee Sara A.nderso4r
ce Arthutspent Windity 44 Aden'.
Ir. Archie Ifyae who bete been on
the sick list for the at few weeks is
able to beout egairt.--Miss Maggie
Anderson s in St. Marys the _guest of
her sis r MIsa Peehree Mr. and MrL
Bieett, pan
fit W W Neil, street watering,
S Sonlake, luinber toe cone -
ter $32; &to. Cottle flowers for ctry.$18.O6;R. It- NV- hod. kotle.f
na& on eement,
sett, mutts for train
accounts.** si
when Ompleted
--everehown;--Thiwweek-weerama ug- -
AL SAL„F. 'Pi.
READY-IVIACit OLOTHINC respond with other ACM and secure ft
new bell as early as 101e.--Oarried.
The Reeve with, ricillore ;folios
and Beaman to inspect Town 1411 fur-
_________nac and re ort at the nextmetin
ou meat -
Senior, Clerk.
we, ,
he followintTpr&
ea b the Reeve
t No.8 of --19Y1,
°titled that t
dered UMW° them in Oct. MO, to
the north end are hall, is not here by
Monday, Sept. letb, 1007, that Ihe *or,
• der be considered as tautened and
that -the --clerk -ho-r(Utherized-to-
In Menai Boys' and Youth* Latest etylee :and Patters- If You
wrili_taluive a suit made to order weyou reith_the•
LD. 1411.U.
°curio and Mem
Manna sot private tune* to iota
v1UqtppsM1w r*t t law
'44tAnItsti *Marcum,. -
mac sc. "teeter On
Farm for Sale
oId,bpsrtsoliots4and6jnth.lsteon. ot
the teter, also the ilne brit% dwelling
aq,d en William street, AdiVent to the
hum. Therein on the Wm * frame boon and ell Is
well undetdvained, Zorn will be soldwithaut house
If deel. red, Torso . r
1Slarroge-,,Anyonelieldlog due bilis
bycallingat my house up to Sept, 15.
All ;Recount* due niormuit also* *et-
edbv that Shrumm. -
so Edna Roliof Slake spentSun-
day at the home of her sister
dt left batorolay for Listowel to vis
it her brother, Rev. , G. ILars
who is dangermisly ill, 4, Ret, Eidt fol-
lows for the Satne Place -Arthur
lerman. *student at Worth Western
College for the ministry, occupied the
pulpit in the Evangelical church, 14th
oir Z e's
uML Bill
otIdaY an St. Marys.- r.___Jetoes
rimy left last week:for the West.
Ate. Zwickeras. haven't learned
what the .tyle o will to but tope to do
so in the neer, future, providing we;
ideascan grupthe ough to.,write it
.--We dfcl±earot •a"Cbeyeu
st e -13
few de
.„."; 'Venn
it tiere with • friends,...
Atrok Albert eivoninghtun and family
are home again atter an extended
wltb friends in London, -Two .of our
young ladies have succeeded in seem.-
eituations as milliners; We refer
to Misi Clare *let who goes to
Forest a .,Salorue Ilirtzel to
WA. wish them,
* *big and
his sons In
Kerry eervices will
Sangelicel church;
'woo wiltAlteae
n oon and ening.
Zirialierr 1
Ariahea« Me
-gine for motiv
• lean the
able' to handle.
the coining
had the old board walk torn up which
formerly led to the obi school, an well
as up tU, yard in general,
thus greatly Improving the appetr-
*nee ot the same. -Daniel Oeetreicher
has tfoiohect luting his reeddenee. It
Host Hill, of the • trod, deserves the
thanks of ourritizens for 'lighting his
street Jainp these' dirk nights, avec-
Sunday. Ite about. time .irome-
thiejur. As done_towerds the_jighting
of our otteeta,117tTnr hiii,Yeen, receiv-
ed from Pigeon, Mich, that Mrs. To.,
Mae %Torts- died- Sunday. Deceased
moved to Michigan with her • husbenol
last year to:reside with their children.
She wee, quite' poorly when here an4
IttesirgroanallY boicameree.- The
reinaitureiere.interreitio-the Pigeon
citinetety;T7The'tneriy Mende in this
vicinity- join in extending the 5lncere
srnpstby to the bereeved hnaband
ed the houseand let st_preeent occu.
pIdby Mra. Sophia:Wichert... The_
r Ebenezer, XX:, where she Intends
residing in_ the 014 PeOplelk:. flame,
-Owlng to tliet,,ontinoedi Illness Or
lOttropp.- the ICOlkhts ef
of,the World, ot ivi4th
she Is a ioember4ho 'ire,gronted her Dis-
ability Benefit*, • which *mount to one
tenth of theemount Of her policy ,pe
year, andlirpokid, quarterly. The 4)rF.
derIs to be highly commended for the
ilteet good It is defog in this way.
throughout the country., ,
W*Dorito,;-A, very pretty wedding
took place 0,121110111 Sept.the' botnevi. „chat* '.131. goeittoWs
LinwOorl *Venue, Detroit, when
Kis ,Beetrice Hover., daughter' ot
Mr. anallifre«Mteheet Seaver of this:
and,31Vilson Oleming, of I)e-
troit and formeri
Tartente, . were united In
Iler6-,OstrotWollIcietria In the presence
of ebOnt fifty guests. The brlde, who
was attired In white net crrying
w hite tow* WO attended by
Unit Keeltiow, who • WO4001110:.
ttired to that of the bride end carried
pink roses.' The roinnit Were *atilt
decoratedin :pink and, white.Tbe
preeentsweltentrinerous *adroitly and
oleodylitoSned the iray the bdde and
rooIn MP( *Attlitell _to their ;friend
lo tbe 400 Mr. and Mre. Fierni. will
ni*ke their home et' MO Grand
a, • ThitrOlt, Where
hoots' in
lu th
10 abort time to resume his stucfl
Gillespleof Exeter wpent, the
past week With herltiend Mies . EMMA,
fileywdod ana wifespent
ner of this place. -Miss Flosidoftell of
House aiid Lot tor Sale.
sere, being put -onot 1, Con. 12, Irsborne.
On thlatwoperty there le* good belch eottlfre and
stable, Moot soldy111 be rented. Apply to
0AliElt01,4 Atlet,eraroutuir
Tam fOr-Sige
1.26aeree ot good land, being Lot 19, and VI'
COIL,12 Ilibbert. Good pihnetty, bat)
situated and must be *old. Teen"! toy. A-
, 'TT CAMERON, *wt..
Itetide Wbe Coat *VI he hed
ttraanttoTh.otete iiiatiso Act. by* ins
t 'Of St`14.004, 1007ik‘
1Oo'iock . to -hest tot astsesorks eornsatato
errore andootmiaslde,(n tih44VOW** ot the
•. _
de et ISM
Senior, Melt,
iltlettrioitt triectment ot distasaS Of
WOM011, 11041011kIry*
Mr. 0« E. Hackney *11 ,otter bristle
4criiib1it.Anctiott on -
tiutookxtootv. 20th at
fleTittti Etta*
* tholealot of
delta end
Bitter spent Sunday With her *oat,
Mrs. David Tietnen.-..-Sol Millen__ who
is, working at the tintinsfthing in Lon.
don, spent Sunday at his house here.
C. P. Finkheineri, wife and family at-
tended- the wedding of et *tithrifili
Sbipka 4`-ity.,---A1311111berOt our
citizens are attending London fair this
week, --Wm -Ehlers shipped & large
consignment of fruit to Seafortb Sate
Baby' has secured- a
sition in Preeter's general store at
village -during
the past week. -IL Hergott and wtfe
01 iitildma,verelititingfrienatin,tho
vicinity. -Wm.- Henderson of London
lathe guest °flits* Selina Red
Work on the new brick brook 15 10 fon
swing ima with favor*ble w her It
1-belliiiihed bet lei.
reit Stire of •Ditiolt is writ ting at
is home here this-- Week,
,hoffer and D. Siemer« took A busineas
trip to Louden ' Monday -IL' Willett
-shipped a Ofer1044 of Jambe' to .Butido
last week... -Ezra Tiernan is frOPuiving
the appearance of his homes with
fresh oet 01 paint. -Alex. „Zimmer
left for Strattotslowselisas.4,fiiiiintends
ng a worse In the Cen t
'ese-,'Qollegeo- Geo. Edighoffer..whree
hoestockw*sburntintho -blg tire
re * few ettoke eke. lit Ickated- in
Mrs. Kraft's shop until his new *hop it
Wt. -The dew -verantliiti-.--twood
oeteo dwelling: odds *lob
to t rote of the plote.
iller, aftr an extended licit .here
with her non. hscreturned,tolier home
Forrolordnot,i,*(the4,40ot Ethel ltel.
lerniati has gene' to GOderielzwhere
she will attenet
steiveriblie returned from bit visit to,
Toronto and Detroit.--1)r.'Matt*
ellit And the Mienec WllIert heye
turned from Toronto. -W. Matte bas
pbiced asteeni Not whistle on his
bolier at the mill Which will he used
by our town. -4. -Iter. JeOli Ehlere and
brother Emanuel bete refereed to
who, loef Mot
berdipoore ototkin theriseant, **V -hi
tAtra$ op.rdug up agsaaf in Ireftnion'
old otodi
blot du-U*4w dwelt t
or & two ,lotheke oestion4
Tho rvest is ill past an
the falYrners '4) their Ail wheat
sown. There is not 0° large an acre-
oree going In this year, usthe land is
too aryand hard to work.--Mr.George
Pollen otS
ticilurg las Mr. John - Vance
uuerannueu -
Das w , 'cholas Stites
to raise Ohnitine, aeughter of Alms
rennet of Rabwo,d.
the brideli preutr, Sept.,4, b y -
Spider), Alex. McMillau of Muncey„
to Wianie, daughter of Dan Dorman
7thcon., McGilhvray..,
Septil& by Rev Fr leoresters,
Doyle of McGillivray, ti, Mary
gels, eldest daughter of J 3. Quarry
of Aft. cannel.
sflu1sro-DoImIE-At Parkhill Sept.
Par il hie st
• ,.‘"41r.---linV titagm'40-
.11thi.by, Rev. A. 11. Goings
John Caldwell of _near Hennall,Ao
100-Thliiii;diaitier of Mr. and
Ma. James Ford. 2nd' con, Stephen.
Paocrou„--Frazionistiz-In Mitchel),
Sol* 4, by Rev. Garbutt, William
Proctor to, Jean Flemming, all of
Iltmeos-WEBER-At Rosa% Sept.
11. by Rev. Smith, O. Hudson Of
Woodstock to Miss Annie, daughter
" ebetcHernall.
ucker' ed
ancl -Reg.Turnbull koolkresurned. their
eta es at StZliarrs;;;44nite
fawn here are attending the, Western
Pelt this week. -Mr. John Stewart, sr,
has quite a curiosity in the ihapetof,
hichturs-only three lege. one
foreleg being 'wanting; nevertbelews it
hops around, and is doing well
Mauls Irene Douglas and Violet
SreveWaiii- etteildh-Ig the Seaforth
Collegiate while Weida Stevens is at
tendingin it Miss Eth-
el Stereos hes gone to Seatorth where
elle will take, a course in dresematiog.
Threshing billow on In full, blast
n11-4.---Thiesk-otir-threrber is kli
syi,--)41-setialey, after anenjoyab e
Itisitin our midst left lastweck for
Gir.uta xn-.10 Seaferth, Sept. 8, Wm,
'Gillespie, aged 81 yeers.
eiltwlkwv-iti-getlinati'fiePt. -
Stewart, irged 8 year*
her homa, 111
Netmeat hoe returned from an enio
ablefottimg at WestMinster Grove, as
opst ofVev. and Siw novidion--
4241(14* Witted wow roar* onbls
hons-Itev. Davidsonenclfetnily hay
returned frOnl their month's vacation;
--Miss Irene Douglas entertained it
number of her young friends recently.
Ohrli. Ilechletos mill *again in opera-
/Nemo Rol* Dorforecrca.,-Three
months:1n Canada and halt of that
.Brient in jag is the record of 'Arthur
.boy,whowas arrested on July let on, a
charge 01 haying stolen watch be-,,
jipartungtenrg, rorThwhoonimastItheti,b7),7 aii-Efieldirt
lug. 'Police Magistrate Smith of Ailsa
..Craig Sentenced the 'youngster, who,
Aha.way44gKilcalCt-at --Ieia4 to Cent-
Prison tple,.however, refused to
accept the y,and the este was placed
before theGovernor-General who or-
dered 'Etwaribbrough depot 77; Mon-
day at SO"clock a.rn. Irroni a I -
in charge by the Earned° II • me au-
thorities and -deported to glaiia
fromierhencelieWas 'brought by Bor.
*nide notnaegents. The boy is,siad
to be'ar "err bright YOUtigsfer and to
hate 1100ille knowledge .of drilling tee -
y Otreist In the jolt
tics" When therisonero Were turned
entfor their
yartthe used to oldie- bbnielt and the'
other prloonerst by going, through 'a,
series of drills with *broom.
In-Grantot Unnis --
Wallies age4111 years,i4 Months, 12
AP, •
otrart. •_going to 'exhibit-atr-
the Pon nit* this" season the
,aninegallesliseteat "tails. should not be ,
A little Mug_ may_g, o_ Ion
• va gents•rryotrir team, w111-11hortlie o
TAtt • Halter*, Bridle) Check,',
Collar -Tops. Whips And Rags.
It would tie wise to purchese
-npw or leave your order,. thus
hurIng eittrotettkin and no dig- •
• pointment, -