Exeter Advocate, 1907-09-05, Page 4 (2)t iPi houu a i ll 14. inrL b fiends Ir ttn Fuday. All report . III. t.ewatrIsen left ondy-ti nttend Votest MetIch -..--- its Esther McPherson isi visng in t MeGillivra .; Jocy itn ife,Pf OF414 LiI Iii• - go on t-ccOlil *r tnot njoyuble ciftaireverlteld i,hniIiv oosPiete. The weathe firSuch an occe*10t4ud juit *well enough on the Jake to matz,o the aquatics and. jklva5nrable fez ng. tienry Ffilhero •Mb tka VOA; , sperial guett •Lr tQWLthIna 1 , 0 there w grand -01 meet tare of t P. P9 ,u,d cont firewelil two me. leetc4 bolts, choice • b31 -ley wait stud sitljpg, waior, with i::';‘) • ut.cnot Q care. . AbO, hrk41402T' t plztper V. 774;4 .4 by bilk% 411.' ft4 t• t* 4.31. t: Untett pan 'Rog foe nen e uteth pantie A, beatlttf4 essorttnent-to -choose twin. If th Is* taste we ototiet eta, we have yet titknow Z.4.77.."0,11 dire & OreeoProPs. '41.24Wg&Ar-Pgz;24r4S4142,44440090****V.**4 , , 8uriihi *flU• ,Bean of tbe Evangel udcted the Quartetly serti here and delivered ttro. eloquent .m100,4114 Wilibims ," of 1WiotolOg''' 8penl a te!..,__dallVa town lett week.... u trottO 'orformettreertient lour burg,wsts monied In :Ail* 034 lest W .:0.needsky to MiuMinnieTaylor of Exeter.. - They wilt-residelirStriiii‘ ' where Me. Eng ,secured the net* *gooey of Domifflon Life latione and practicing bI hetet and make* things buni *hen :he goe* through town. Ile saya bell win • rst metier et -the fell feirei eig ,Ener"--Preu held at Grand Bend, lest /:laturday. Altluettier,,vesy- ettostit,,, VitorlentotIliktv: turned home' after pendIng A few daps. In Toronto and Ni Labor Doty passed oft quietly „bere. Some of our horsemen attended the meets in Zurick while the besebilt fan. tOE1Gter.On 1. prxeurnaticdt'iIlw "4- and won. Score 1 -Willie :While thent...barinparry=atirmAi$ -oftio-theureteettliggiorreiii:d4,0,,,, hete.ttgur-butchee,.. in trno;duo-ttrthe-twhw'sea.7 ti 411434 eon, it it expected that 1,000,000 cubic. Yards a month will be reached later in the Teat. The total excavation necess. avy to dig the tenet way figured at 111,280.000 cubic yards. To July the 'amount teken out was 8,001,002 cubic. larcle. At 1,000.000 cubre yards a month the ct&nnelLug Would be com- pleted in 1915. • zurioh Misses Tillie and Nettie • 'Well ,have, 'Torohto.-41r, tindenfelt of *Assisting John Deichert thatet MndILvtc dale. -We Ilth. dont with return They were acoompunzea_by her sister. Miss lite Seen. •Drunnuond re. ceived word* few day* ago of the 'death at Rap ClareaWie.ji °tilde coo Dunean Druntutood. Mr,: Drununond -Terly-n7readderit'Pf thIe town. ahip.1i in. on the farm now owned by L'turned.Miss Noyes,. f rnabip, fling for a r. - left uties atThorn. i "Am will,toon ring en relit atkil,ittle rhbzve'been-to ying rentso . orn. time, have r home at Toronto, ton Hervesting operations are well nn. der vray. Seversi fanner* will 'finish h*resttng' • this weeck ,t•tv.Att.'e 11401)q% Petliatfron Cream Sodas. . crisp,.„,de.licious s.nd Absoititeli and di st lupe* to any other, maim Say: 71,40000),(i Yotir. SrP.Cer! White bikiiiithe sat we hoot iti the West. We UP* tbrse t pi, Shorthand OA It leteteete4 thebtaletni: pm lee out mew eitillogue. OnKt ELLIOTT 86 °LACHLAN, PrincipsI" Mrs. Ferguson of Toronto is Visiting eir sister Ziltios Wm. Stewart. --Alfred, Ford. after .pleasant. visit here virith his father, has gone to Therndale to Stock has bought th fine delivery, wa gun for his trade. -Wm. Sarobroo Art. Zwicker, Vied Young, Chris. Beaver and Albert Movie* are attend. ing the Ezhibitioirin Toronto. -Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Eilber, of Columbus, Ohio, MiseesMyrtle Johnson and Tillie Bertrand, and Ben Bertrand of De. twit, have returned home alter a few deyspleasant-rvisit-witir relative* in our muist....Three of our young ladies left this week to take a six months,' course in the 13tistoess College** Mit* Wallie-11111 went toBerlin. Mise .M hada Trick to Stratford and 31iso Oar. hia allop.--mifia Eva Williams has gone rikKuhri' to .London. wish- them success.slit their ettullett,-The to Keniptville where she iritende tak. everl trig up it toolschool rauree,„mrsHigh Scheel Deretrat ofour echool 43.11as. Pritz atul sister Mrs. J. Kell. er. commenced on Y.. Mts. Claude 1 bum ofmiiibots-50:11, boo returned -ham :Blue% is taking- charge ofilihurii . their visit .to Toronto...40aq,, ton'e room iti the meentithe until 'her totrt, ofst;,, Laub. Aro,, vieKed friends r%turn• fromthe North.west.-3Ohn I°ei44vek•7GrrgttcKaYb„PPhad hie arm *env* cut tarteit1Yin:00etoalksin town. whilecutting straw at Wm. Witzers, ..41issew.Banna and Freda Thiel have one dal laet week. Fortnn*telr the returned from their visit to Bruce foJoriee are not eut merlons. as at Mit (rounty.,,,_,Ntri-3. /camellia, and wife thought -41e. and Mra, 'Ward of Bal- d ott$04. are visitors la biv-res, ids timore and Mr. Flannery of Detroit thweak.-At a recent meethlg of the *1°4100. -besaifo eirnan of omit* 111., was in town last are visitinis e• WartItittliCAMr. and Mrs. James 4 Evaintelicatebochilloirowfollowitt., Iteur-ir Ibittliiit church last Sun- • officers were elected: Pres., Elizabet 'day evening. -Mrs. (Dr.)Orme of Cert. Itantlie; Secty.Treas., Apes Hem Lea, tralia is spendinca few days here this der. Milne Ran nie.-Oh ae.. Weber and week -Beet Clark and Wee. Viokbeitt- wife and Miss Tillie Johnston have er spent last Sunday at the Bend. fone-owan extended -visit lo..frien hm Ran toiler of AellovereignEank rn Ehiladelphia.-Arthur KellergrumWeiffolliiildietwe week's vacation. of Napierrille, Ili.lioccupied the_pul. :grin the Evangelcar-chnich Sunday. .J. J. Iferner was in Toronto last week on businese-Miss Susan Webster of Luolteow-visited her sister tira, Jas. _ `TurnercrattLine,durinwthetiotidays. --the-awmisitedlbet, oaleeNtig. -rota: 'ColemIfni 1 an at. Xeter." . Colknanre- , cently untie ent an operetta' and her many frie di will 'be pleased to --know that she4irdally-improving,,And will soon return - to her home hi Hills. e Gar et Amy of Brantford is visiting bievarents-here. -Halt an ib. khan, who works in the flax -mill was bretntht_befertifkittires "2 °wig,' Svreit- zer and Ilirtzel, for common Assault on Gottfried Mangum. He wee let AtiNtt-sitsPett-tW -seMerieuutel oh ing the mists. green. Mrs. Robt. Stephenson of Hills. • ----treen-whotExeteribavittrun $ • %lee y. -During- the severe thtitider • • iftonn on'SetelitY.the Oew.bareptlw fir •Ter-,*07-4ukarr4Ainer-wae-atruekhy - erlorte an operation, is getting along Grand nd VrerltiAleel" -Mcatttgor-tif-Detfbi uteri/tined* number of hertriends to eardparty afteremen,...Air peak Mgbly-oT her kind hospitality cul the appetizing refreshments pre. fired forthe ocoudon; melting 46 on OhersPee4t,tftztelate,,v0it „ea-At-tit/cos.,- ir.zAftertiPenditig the slimmer very lighting t luckily did not take flrt the only damagebeing done was th sbttfrring ofthreepeen, Greenway ,Mre. 'Shank of: Parkbill spent last e 'Week with Iter sister Mrs. It 11 Wil. sen. -Ed. McPherson left this week b cargo visited her brother Walter Eng. . lend recentlyeatnes Hicks has gone v to London where he will receive treat. t ment in the hospital.--Amongthotte .wholettfee the "Welt Friday were - 11:entiViekWe, tewardeoth,..Thos. Stop ey and wlte left for their bootie in, Aurora. rvidakyt, -itecompaniett by bis father, IAA. aro« ,phey,-41‘fite rpsha1I left'for her hOffle in London After *pending a couple of an _ Weeke with 110 friend Mists Zellth Eng- ,"1 tlish 'MistMyrtleWickert -*lilted At isa leasantly . here Attorney Mamba eGregor and bunny ' and Mhos Ida Brown, Will return to their home In Detroit, todnorrow.-.Msts. R.Gill and Mr*. Schaefer spent Virednettlityin ter...Quite a 'number teem hew spent Monday in Zurich.r;Tbose who left ere on the exentsiott to the West t- Wes Kirkwpodwae,thleifeek-vhdt. ite hiks rettitiiWUTireutioa Para -or JAG- JikimPuraTED-Mrs. Moe.. Elliott, who melds; near Eire ton, underwent a critical operation o Saturday lest by having -a portion o one of her legs, amputated betwee the knee and satkle, For sometim Mrs. Elifott has' beettAtuftering from o nein the and some weeks prevent espreed- f the disease, bu ago' ad part of the feot removed to .this did t *tem to have tbe desired efttot".1.tenOttitwatt-deemed-suiviliabl to remove another portion of the limb. Three doctors were In attendance a the 0 tstoo which was successful. and tbe Petieot is doing nteely. quiet wedding Wok place Weil • ay *ttheresklence of the bride the contracting 'partiea. being Mise (Mulatto Itoltintoniof 1Xirkton„ and Wm. ,Get}: Hirt, Seafortb. ,The cere.; mpny was performed „. the rector of St . -Paul's church Rev. the preeenee of theimmediete releti of the .bride and groom. The bride was the recipient of many cootbr pre. septa. At th.sfeo usion of tint ;ere! the te-retnifited to the lawn where adainty repast was served and all joinedin wishing the newly married couple many_ years of happiness and prosperiy. The bride was gowned in white organdie and maleneiennes-trimmin travel - lin - suit was blue la cloth and duchease satin.. Ing pleaued leernth talvelyn,..thelittle-daughter ofEric MclCay, isaomewhatlmproved. Miss Carrie MacKenzie, hi visiting 'her sister in Toronto this week. -Mrs. Sproat is *leo visiting in Toronto. Miss Marjorie lifeivor is @pending a few days in Edna 13 Strong is visiting in Seaforth.-The 0 Misses Grace and Edna Ethanol:1s ha * -returned froni Dail* of London is vieiting at Ohm. Edmonds. -Mist Genetta Murray of Gorrie is re. t newing e.equaintances here. -The lutr. vest is almost finished here new and e• wetting halt tommenced in earnest. -Mrs. (Rev.) Johnston and family, who have been visiting at the. mantle; returned to Weir home in Toronto Monday. -Mr. Balfour left. last 'week for the Weste-Mrs. Wni..Moore, Mrs. • James Chesney and Mist Marlotitt Mc - Ivor sTpeorotintolt, tory,. Athlye xs hertrlatt week among his old friends. Mr. Dolg though still quite a young mania rapidly climiting.to the top in the law -business.-Miss Barbara Mc. Ivor has returned to Clinton. -Harvey McLean called on Sea:6db friends Saturday.=WAlillay_A114--WiltAkte. .Gregor left for Manitoba Fridays -A number from here spent Labor Day at littylleht.-Mise Ethel OttldwM has to Regina to visit her brother."'T v. D. Urquhart. spent a few days at Carleton last week.- The many old -friendtrof Malcolm fisher, Srd con Son of Stanley, will be sorry to hear f his ill health. -Rev. anstfdre. Bern. ah of Belmont vieitell here last week.' in. Johnston, wife and family f St, Louis, are here on a visit.,..-Mv Blair, who ha.farmproperty at flu • e It-left.for-tte-west-lastiveek. n s min ty were deeplyn • o learning of the death of Jas. Owning of Dublin: Deceased, previous to go- ing to Dublin( was for nutny years a metchantoLthsa,villagesndlew-were better known or more highly esteem. ed. He levies i and family. Heiman , . Mrs. Jame* Moore very leasantly entertained a number of friend* to it yero!elecirrettlitlintilir--0-her:-Rst Mrs. F. itesnien from Detroit. -Mrs. Brandt was in Ansa Craig Friday attending the_sala of herL--motteett household effects. Her mother re urn- edwittr berittgt-ogrwenorea.rn fn ture.-Mrs. Yungblitt's tatter and *is- lezepent Sunder *Uhler. Ewen, grain buyer, is tneki ship- ment of,.peas to ftentitula., foe Weis. Menet Kirktett is_ visiting Mrst._ Fetitntrinittitkalatanber trom,. attended the sports *t Zurich Kendal'. -The following took In Toronto hibition duriu _the tate er, Miss Myrtle Ben .gongh, Will ,Wels,miller, Vitt - Cook Id wife. es. Mc. `Moen hes retiar ed from his vittit to Voteste-Mies *deli hat remit to Clinton after a pleattent visit i town. -Mrs. Stiles left lest week for Raine, - Alice Petty has one on a, trip to New York.‘4011tt Utile ha*. recovered from hie recant rttiLlifeAlliater hetwJeturrted rom th est, where she visitedwith -liorneweeits,xerTeyfilip tisv. assisted In- thetierbe hp ng the *beefier; of Fred Mann* theexhibition.-Mr. Johneten Of St. Louis, Mo., Vittittng:11 *We Mother, Om Hunt. Mrs. Jan. on and citikirett have been here for • me .tithoo-Jantee-fleki. wire and tight" Whohive been visitiog Ont. 1 relatives left for their home In Tokedo* 'Ohio, last' weeks -M, itarr,. vinity student* and Mr. Knight of th are vittitinc twt, ,porrentirof met. Kiloton 414004 parsorrege.- ae qpitter'occupkt1 his father's °pul t on Benda; evening. He rery able tertnen *tulle n very outdoing tett bore ey ▪ wltb bit au. clerking n e I ep t * I 11 ilt tt were D. Wilsen, Win. Leyte end Lloyd Taylor. --Mr. Polloek, *the. has been isiting hi* brother here, returned to be Vest 'Tuesday. --Mrs. Muster is Onto M Ilene ieturnedhi . r. &nitb w Imlay" in Clint Arno. sp.nt a few days Lopidon week...4aestf (4rei- way was In ouv burgb Thuraday. You st tested 60, yesSixty of experience, think of that! B)crterieifot with Ayer's SO. tristills; `,,the 0404 Son. *riHa; the. Sarsaparilla *c. doctors endorse for thin bl nerves* genctsti dcbilhty at lier heine itt rhiloth aftsr a twa tithe visit With -heti TheMleeei And Etta McDowdd af 't 'Williams vleited at Ib. PoL last.';',0reelt,..+11. Stone an4 wlfs spent Sunday.Witit dr.. Dixond' .01# Ith 000.*:$10,11MlittAt. teacher In No. -15. Loadocio..44 ronp tbr outdo A. B. ad �auhIe tooaBteIlneforThL* Park d enieked the lint* Aoki 11040 Mit jaw to 'help witbthebar- vt.'---Miee diot Sbettitt lett, ailt attend CP7140itt Arodollceloott_ • o',144,,ftottoricto for .Granton day' Witlt hit Seltiolitete, Iris, ler "to gning to London eodei Septo, ILtertIRDAYS„ 10 go. tot orrxcx HOURS 10 a. miottp. tai • A SititTRAL BANKING IBUSIN835 fTRRISACTIII). DE coon! Receipts issued andthighest current rate of interest allowed further notteeltetereet en Ravings *emote will be aving Dank lepartment gistedquartairibluAdta,tormadzi- _ Depose* orisr lettr-upw teeth, Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. 1)tox zt di; Mutt% Solicitor*. S. D. gintbon; Manager, The Exhibiton the Peoplean LiketoAttend EXHIBITORS Arlo vorroits mum- - TOlio , KNAtinNsTrUE's Alitaum daily, and a full list of Attractions, with plenty Of Music. Fireworks - after pmgranme each night, conclufikgwitjt that grind display, "'hie Slew, Gibralter" -BMW= RATES on an .RAILRGADE Fiend to Seerett4y for PriZe Ltsts._.Progrtuna and all._ information.- - • ":"AnCIIUNT;Secretarf .ietery. It is tbILprn rrt of 'fades flaking 'Pew diet Science e4ii make. ' Send for Cur tree Cook.liebit fult of citeice :ter, recipes. ' Iteglowki Ptirl $1/4 etleinim ot_citi;t4d3„ 1414litted: htauktemst. EAN OR MAXIMO' roifiroatiiiit toilet tie '00141. _00 SOlti To •,ettetile Ail we teach on ash erinstainteet plan. : Wealso testily', personal etas,* At school, once* 'month. ' Clite ornate -1444n , law Tuesd y of each t tic; These le. Sees tiettehes I�w to euti Jit fed put tooth. r fatty gerent i from the teeist Aid: Waist suit, to the mo..tdebthots. *te• d* -,s. Ti wh�le testify can teare from urwj. We btte ',taught mkt- seveit ssd *king, end guarantee to '-hundred dello* to 101.7 oneithxt , . 'ten the ege of *4:sod v -in canat 1.e'sra tireteornatiett As , agh 40 this eesuse" teactte, 0, .:(3!;Y,P0 i 1 forleit'&* /eWitret ofifmta., oy -**-„-00*-- -not* i4s-...it lye ced:. urday to spend a few days" at the Tor. onto fair. -A, larva 'bob load front here attended the trtnon picnic At (rand Bend Saturday. A good day is re. ,ported. -Mrs. W 11. Keddy tind two children, of De volt, are visiting at Mr. Walter It t fit,tiosepts. 12**' udonet.-Iilitet Olutrrettelt4 ting her Sister, Mrs. Luke f'iligh at • afoeth.-TheTrnstees of the School - flood here engaged the service o Mitt Katie /Ourtohoner of Thirtilitti for tbk tweet of the Yeer....Fred E. fluelittrine'llitagobe toSeitortlio where _bellessecitted *good aitu*tlo],-'The Mit** Sadie • .4tW: Jbete li&Seet -*Ito 'bed been **eking at, Grand Bend for the linnet/lid '110000. 12414,' returned 'Geffrot. *hal httit *pending *bout ten 4teie In Windieir, An4 Detroit, hits returned Wother*poou 'Of Allsiteritig, contrac- tor who was awarded the oontraet for the( Oenittit abetment on the - south 44 wor • and 1. Puettiog it rapidly. At al the trouble he had too Hhatit hit - IrOm thelotke, -but bow.vtr- be otedettJnmavirX a read to theleits at - 1‘ britiii*as ditcovered. - The loss will be $3,000, on wblcb 1,1 ; Courting Troubto Icct our Kidneys and flung te9r0,71:tittlitijOit:c2 (1:0,1Adcrikett' out iffl ldca agsint idney trouble. bax at Dracost.staritae. eriblit. A • deetieiedAtt stin on*s here tilt* time itivesfeateltimt the to tb. botiI andde�roy It Tl watarsupply we. (WItttAt