HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-09-05, Page 2 (2)• „ tictu a a :as r 'A coin •• A despatch 'kern Ouetw-C inunense new *I1ieke.000 Skel bildee W1thh w.s 4 -eafe--ooristritelleif ..--e...opek.eeefee-eeeeette., • • . ees . --across -tee ilizi•tjiagn NP-F4-ike Taligd late on Thipiedee afteencion, ear. ryIng dowo 9.4, workmen, niosti 1 metre:era and The ,eollepee of the traffic/26e strue- lure. the great less of life it ens. tailed. has caneed: lite greatest excite, %mitt here and at Levis, end it Vs ail - Pettit to get torreet detail% ,It is Magid that the toes of 14fe will -exceed TO. Ten bodies have been reovered, 10 'badly vounded ipenewere •"e 44, I a. 1001.1103.1.1., itgo- ' - the- . ; 0, -rreyst--O ee-es.tueheeyas._.esiihseeihedebyelhe,_*.,Ee.deeal C-evernreent, Provincial Government • and City .of Quebec. •• - Only a few of the big staff of work- _ men vo.-laa are ertgagd, ire various duties vecaped.-The'eollaps,e, thought to have Lc en due to -the oveeloading of the su. •'rpergruelure with Materials, +occurred at an hour When the warkinen were ell In -their plae(s, preliminary to fialehing the work. for the day. • When The fall of the giant steucture ;came, -the big structural- work' evittr which i& was beeng buittepireeekeeted_ • many or. the evorketien from drowning in the Se. Lawrence: These who were .. stunned by the great tumble e-eie- cd the big steel girders o.vhich were ear - to the river boltem, and weee thue • ' „ Only a few of the dead and fatally hurt were residents of Quebec. They were euiployed'hy: the Contracting Qruis which are burie the structureund zrx-D4 o1 them live in the United -Stales, many ef them Wing from Penneylvanie, CANADIAN DEA:111 LIST SMALL. • There is no, doubt that the Canadian Toes of lire is small,: for the only Vairk,* Filen outside ol title steel "%corkers *from Phoenixellle, Pa., who ;were emploYed -o- thn r- 4ian4ndtans .1'he big *an whech oruanbled beneath 4ht -superstructure went without the 'sleeitest warningto the hundred or inoreewhoeivereeetreitentettee-Vinee-an4 ! tekeed over into lite watereet tratdre, .' feet 'beloxiYe like the frailest kind. area strneture. - k'eae- not torigeefler the bridge to that it became dark, and then the work' of rescue, which had berely been begun, boa to be almost -abandoned because thereewaseneriight-ervebigebonfireewne built along the..river side,. but did not help much. ----Erauretteellickeriavee-glareeetethrrieriree . fires. many bodies could he sten. floating .,- on- the surface- of Alter river, hut The Lad to let many of the corpses sweep. • on down the stream: Ire to bo vi neSied 411e -ester, in Fe houses three 'dead • bodies of Risley nemfers of each family ate laid out,, with( a fourth member one-withear-tral‘en-hip.-- According to the latest reports, the ee- cideee. does net ioteriere whit the navi-, retton. in Hie channel. ' 'Vessels have al- - ready perseed .through to Eis.eertain The • exWL situation, 'rite'toss is esliinaled at ie00,000. •, , Oni.D'S GREATEST BRIDGE. '• The viit1z to'Quebee os tte.tresses the, St, Ietwrenee EC.C-$ five tni!es • up the river the huge, ,spideryelooldne eestraKeirte-orlhe,eantsilever• bridewe; :vele eeeen completed, will to the largest etrucluee- 'et the Lind m the evirid, a distinction iitv I10111 by liteeantilever bridge cver the Forth' n Seecand. The jine Tie iridge Will haw 1 lidwith. de appr 61, y- i?t m 4.4 eeeedee... 41ur yeais 41.4.A and s..tnee 1 superstrUcture was bui nncetLig tlie shore tiler to The anchor • It Is tlits unehor pier -,that eol- laeeed. The; 4nehor arm, 400 feet: aboveellte river, wits teunpleted in July' last year, anti one•foUrth 4ef the superstrinIural %volt on the hridge, or ?Id feet, Itulshed aid this catililever‘,..extenSfen trent th t4 IA • 'ff" - 01. ti .iiad Ixn ere -ftiDai 11 WORLD At. 13,1 L „ , li .1 YS:0, '4 .S4;. i '4 r i o , ' to Ii7e oul e'retriena; ,ey. hefliateteitt‘li iit 0 . ftr ire..4Zqu A 1 01 t 444 et:u41,03,y-oul3... Iteasif....;5..-racliTils_tutrer * M4141 -t-9.14, Nti.e.,1- evterte,elat,e IT,-;14e'Petetel,IVo.:727i'llite1 .ViI 4) _i, gtict SO.3: _white; 41.'2 to- ).' . tarket dull; Ne. 2.0 tae. Vi Artie04,111_01kw-_-,i% Atao.417-a, -Toeantie-freighteeend-mhced..a 6 1o Canedian ,vorei WC atattutin: e 707' ez-ra°130"3zg'wv'XI11,1101:5witrt r2t37'70. rtr to• lndiits tttI hi. *u 4 a II fp .021151 Breit otedeat St? to $18 r, tu hulk. ia.U14.1e- Short's -aro quoted at *21,0 to 344 outside, •C011.44441TO)r PRODUCE. -Polatees-Neer, (wetted at 14 to ,80e biishel, and new American, at 13125 t . per:WA. ev • ite 1('fl4I1oiie4uilfoI • d'eeAte-hie spen. Their ornainental caps ar-e to 1ie 46e feet in tlie air. • The flooring of the bridge over Which the traffic will CIVISS. 1$ 160--fete-above the river level, so that ships with the •highest masts moving, up and down the Lawrence ean pass uielerrieulh Without ,ditlieulty. 11 Was expected...thatltte .bridge inlet be conipleted byethe fall- of 1909, but 1441 delay Irk 4.01.11,43ilIgJILO_EN."01 require hos 'kept- back the contractors andnow rJ4 ifla Se -ef south eillte-Togelliet Willi Me, week ilia t. ad been den° beyond it, will verso seri- ously liindef the progress of the gigentic iindertahirtg. 1.70- I Oen - s ~ 1J cavley 19 lo uii,,_strt 1 tku)ts:12,,,, $11,0 Z..e.S.s. coeil mat 4." ▪ t t" • Ahoia Ns1,010,tt elt,..qa4eter 3, it T64,C41;40 I „ U ; , li :0•PU. Cr 4 , V 1.'1.•''... a t 19.11;„ 4 ti 4-44v5t*4,' 8'4 tt4; miltIta,2W .151,5,,tk,r42„k*,c55, ' eot r :in, on, 1o 1 , 1 .. 4 - U 4 IN; OUP; 1. le 1 4 1 _:', 1tUr•;-‘11eitte-- retuterel4 4 JPWS,, 1234 to 15e.ie; break Ict, ii to 15140* ,Wiadeor bacon. tle Wet Itgih " ed abattoir dees.set WV. alKei-S-435 I:3 • ,,- . 1 ; dvy ah •hareete o ¶byxiU ic ctern, 1111 to CATTLE. MARKET. 'Ioronto, Sept. 3, Eeporl biteirte well leo imprevement, and will 114 will the right cattle' are offereof. Choice 64.7$ to $5.1.0,, inediami to geed f$4,40 to Bute a El 0.4 ged. wor d le 1 $ iU '-abut.lt-:01410:ou-ntiles174 24'%tea ragr,Z,'l' tiozt wijrit$, witoso tanlits 111 )0 'in 1 )g I °LIflzts. ri 'rie,t(i.ritergo°41:1PeCielfia11:0,07w,n11:4,1111;1442'L'Ilr')-1, the. men, eir* Allit 1 1 -:*;. (Ttx)eleiv oa•-.,',•lisi' 1 fk`ei1(:'‘: 11'"rety 11i, u'*6 atter a', :repine? Sl'toelitte,o, .4141'4,441e nq tittle:fent ii/itot . lied` lima ta'Rt4o.reti re 0004' and. . tile,/ the eeetilitnlieled 14f1JtZe , , t -444;i1 by 11 ;011ie/co bi"din‘an1144, 'IlilY'irovi-nill-Gc4;setl" t.tern 011aelea* 4 one, en Abe. on nektivan, „ , t • 9_IDIS ' TE . oceidenteley NS ;idetiliead or Ver,0,15„ Out, In July*, nod' litiled !Vise &a WCA$ prediet-ed In fewa it • a an :Other etate ei,e,et, of the OM Four healthy ' baby g"irl,"'s, ‘7""At'ecilelifine3544"t' four pounds each, were born to Mre. Daniel Marrew at Buffelo, Teen. e' The ' Connecticut River log drive 40,000,000 feet of lumbei. is etrended -Sunderland became of Pow water. Rev. Dr. Jewett of New York, a theo.. logical preiresor, who: accepted the Os - I theory, committed euicide at Mano tiro 4,47 GLOW eqraph Briefs ,From Our Own. rind Ofiter Countries of fleient Eventi • CANAD 1. 1 a ittehr".$11 MB Mt IN 44 rd TUG SWA.NIPEO. TU11EE IMOWNED. A Triple Outality o Lake Superior ' • •- A 'despatch . from_ Sault -Ste.. Ont., says ; Aceording to. advices re- ceived 10 ibie Soo *en. Wednesday learn- ing froni Cutler, a drovvning atelderit, resulting in three, fatalitieseeiceurred eat that- place at a late hour Oir TuesdaY etiternoon. It, appears that the tug Sev Neer 1.- log; the Alert, behind vvhieli was attached a raft of loge* The lines sla-hetre4 tor a moment, and when tlaq tightened,. the, sroattotieeeeeers---unablo-lo-estaini-thii, strain . --and Was. swamped.- -Of -theeflee men who were on tier, three were droveried. Their names. are Capt: Ken- riedy.,:Of feelliagineer „feeeph Smith, of Sudbury, „and a than Itallled er, ' pestilent C tier Tie -Will , a u e es were all recovered next morning and 1011. . for burial. en- reefeepee . 1.,14.4,,••••••••4•••41raim,..liommmillia "\--WAS LIA:NGW`TIVI •The Ropo Broke at- Execution of -------Mlnelleetir-Or - A despatch from 'Indiana, Pa., So . The ',Iltislautnetitileiti. thfeextunty,for Rife' fifaiti.te7irde r.§7. "WethieSdaY. . The vithn was Sellerlitle Rem, aged 45 years, oneteleeighillig 115 unds. Witight. Of the their ond the tveep atee a4 IgrIV teptett for shipment west of. Portage la Prairie as -far as the track -laying is- oo4e4deee4raineace'eptede-by-4bGe will, be. carried :to Portage im 7 Butter-Poundprints, 20 to 22e, art! largo rO1lse19 tOa. Creamery rules at to e, and -solids at 21. to ,..."21re. thOlee-stoek-Sellingeat lee, per ..dezen in ease lots. ' CtIe0.90---NPWOar.ge; 12e;, twins, 12/ie- MO PRODUCTS.. „ - 'Dressed hogs in car lots ere nominal. Dawn, long deer,: 11 to 11)0 oer A, in ease lots; mess ,Porlee.$40. ut,e$2V60eto-I„.•*'. Sled* trade AN11.9. .400 raranne.:..6240)-1-43:,.8447 t 'Milrtzerows'ewere;-rrntewatttedeend-b few were offered.' Choice $35 to 0.1, emu - mon $20 to Zi). Veralecabies were siow at ee 1.4 6.-e per poond. , •. Ewes Sold from to St.40, a slight &cline. Bucks and culls. ranged from $3 to $3.50. Offerings of Iambs were .9 Ut1R, too much for the demand mid pre:ves were 'a bit lower at $3, to $6.25. liege were eteady. Seleels-were quote at S6.35. •• -Tee— Grand. Trttnk Pao& is• Year. evelelerrortritfottredletayelifr--,:-0,--tWr Canadian pee& • prted to the • a 41,„titnigrftli,,qift thiexonte,of _ ete Whiter, Veneral Superintendent of the Grand Wank -Pacific,e etotes that the system will belt) a position to_,_arly_ pFriir mi fall over one of the„oompleted eections ot 1110 Itne IskiPeS VOL* entertained that- ilieTWII-eat might 1.* nioved-alt the way* front -Stisliatoen lo Winnipeg, but M. Winter declares that this wilt be Froa •11,1140 it, 4 • 4. 44 it a a Mteiigtk he, rope, -wtdch nap When lbe7 trap 'WAS •sprUtig4 preelpilatth 11011-2.0. to the ground; .The 'Jan atten- dants hiirriedly loinened theropearourld his neck While others adjhated .itnow rope to the. scaffold', . and the man, al- ready halt dead., WO, gaoled le the plat- firni and the lever again sprung. This time the execution we, successful, Itenzo Warne, aged' fifteen,' two yetkss ago.• . . The G.Pal. may,:rentoree their P. feet ,ty. two . boats.. hot,,-,-attse,OViitereitteie in trade with the': ter, tAst., It Is AIgom rce Miles • ' L ' ' 'A ',t1c.z.rj:,',v6e1a 114.',t.4)1Va sflys:• Qt.' trx, •tortel§, • 1.'4.fics. :`,1% • ii)..1f-t-.--."11",11*{-A...8, • 7.41:11 4 11 tt40a iptq, grea icry vioN eo(.11 0,4 111:13r..7..A • teet heel .•„T 5411"-L!_',4 Eat1 d1 1::ve I14T (2nta ,N) t'te u- v th 1 e 1s t .1r.IP Vta tv'Nfp. Ntuta ()a 4.. trtaleA.-11t.'ff • tteee. .„„ ce'ettee tee • I. 'I' Way,d t1t1 teAl ore otatirlor nta v.,AZ4M tv t P,CaS‘Jtek9 -44t /1:43e t i1iiLllt and aveop-, 4,•,t zzati!e-rtand 14' tsivcrity-lisoa ,,, 144-=.1kfie .SU rivs, 1•4r1,-4 Ilea the. Lend eel lerie e,',L)Seed there. 1: eveee1 .14ixe) scat' 00341 tette eeee, 111.4; it may. c4.,4z as ltio 1..44;:,.7, Zteee vat vi'414 443;1. 411WO tt4.11:0_,v1 4,111 reeto, •eee.:0 '1,'"if,P tit ttle, vgailEct orlte IpsCa,„ elzd it.. •••_‘1:1.4 t*,...c:s!i'rZy trsil f,,3/&11:71 to 'k?1qt • 1:Ze,e, n:gc:4 tezti , %et& 14ur,r,zfrIS Zs:31141h tz4:311, n22`iiCnIf r.% (Air.; , t Na'11ti 1. fl' Ain rave -ee Lot titt !eest 44 44, 4.000 • 44 ., ...,.. . ..... • .........,,, .4..4, %...., 4,4, 4444 ,:"....,444, ;AWN 4.11111141, 44, 44111.1144.0144. Na. 4.444 4,4, 4 nor. ion 44 +1.44..44. 4 . -4".. ., .. um -.4..1‘r41-- l...... _ .:" * .4. *Ig• .1? `, _ ' . -1" f' ' "' ' , . i i , 4, , . - 4,....r±Thri..i.._+-04144d..t....`_ ._,1_'... '-',4s.....;...2.- elm ,-...:..."." ilt,4,4,.,t.,,, u,,,-..&-lii,1 .'--;' .,,,116,,ITZ"....ir.:1•4111_ -,k.:........L*"..*-..- ''.;71..1.)''..7fr'IMIWt''' $si traneferreebe /ethe- r Canaditin Nerlhern and Rhine° trans- , tutor ports. Ae *Mt 1.1q9.1 -e trhitirt new. tran&oent hien I System speeial p Moms am being con- 45tr1xted at convenient point,s min _which Shipments be madeellrect-in- to-the ;arse Nifhtlo rapid p"rogress hae 01e -1e -with tlieeconeitiletionewolea, " e ltne from Portage 14 Praitia Iva Who R t 14 4.4 41 it RP 4.44444.4r • 1411 4441 44111140 nor will the See tion wbieli Ls 'being built by the Government' emaraetera beo, -iweene-Wiquipegeandeetake--Superior Junction. • • • FLU ANIMALS ith-GlIAT AIN Year; for Pura ArOund Edn*mItou Wed !"1 1444.4 ft' V, • ere ur VC41;.;74,74 itioteeterecateee in .-deudeitteGr,cetieuee 7-744;r: 'eh - tL:Montreal ts b1n 4x3ns1deretl. uitation equal 10 the preecat papillae liolelkeepereealeeeeleirged -by- en iLizuIed" 's ietz-IttorrVittr-Vieliitiller-e'tIW—Irrit-rreenoreait-gun-fit2ht'llearet twits(' act. Alex. ,Gronelx, a Frencinneneves kutillmed autbColasir.lt, by it email piece of reek The Railway Commission has 'decided to let Neviellardieerell13,TelePt,14)11e• .r.4.1" *Wild Vice -President Srntflters will inspect the Grand Think this year inetead of ! _Riveree.Wileone - — - On amount of the intro -tee In the price f Rom' Toronto bakers re likelv to re - nee -the, Size of their loners, The. Cobalt Mtners" Union will proceed egoinst the neneeetetiele, 'chaining that th PlifieNt aet' hae been broken. nieelinge. on the streelS are be . prohibited 107Caa3t uolese eance i(ntel iiy-the.--Toevte--Courzeil; The renter that the C. P. It will build. thpough. ihe Yelkiwlii,ati Pass has been - denied 1). NI-N.eltrit. The third-cluee armored German crul- tr Bremen is at peeeent 10 Montreal and will remain, fortwo weeks. The Quebec Bin* has asked for an - her re'reiver to be appointed in the cese •of the Imperial Paper Connuoiy. information ;has been laid...by the 1 Len.‘--4-ellar1e`tlreet.T1.4.5`0•', Pails UtelkeePee 4ozeiellingtolndians, • The G. T. lies plans for 6, new ten- tral dept :at Qilawaend U.' 31p.NV hotel ▪ been approved by.. the Cl'overn- te—e.e....ee • stalem eat .„byethe.,Japatirese Xonsulr. General furnished the' Department. *of Trade and Commerce shows the net Ja- panese immieoration s10ee January' to :be 61.1. . . Knox couniy fairgrounds,. at Barbour- vitle, Ey.,-two inert weN ItiVed anti' three other perepne, 011q,;4 woinan, bad- '.;wonnded. • Lockjaw eau -ed the di ath t the eoune lv hospital,' Chieago, of :Gard efeyersp, It years old. fie stepped on a nail 'at 1es home two weeks ago and blood pois. - 'ning (leveloped. The -n itaiingeoneelis_wainrig at Char -ester the 4,4nc1ust1)tt of an agreement on lite•Newieundland fisher, hs question- lurve-v.ereiveib-ieviiTris'elea---- rout the' State Department to proceed to L1u 1ishig• glearinds. . Mrs), 'Elizabeth Boyer, wife el a negro farm brind of York'Pa., has undergone " .ehange in color from air inky black. to The reeltuateirpleasie has beele, '1Iii-Ang place during 14 t Ipst five years. Twenty-titoe lliousanet men and women' wilt be required to pick the bep crep, in Washington this season,. beginning •Srpl.,?; and eontinuieg Ilerly'llays, dur- ing which lime' it ie estimated 40;ena Lk s will • to. made. .lttountain reins, hunters say, are iliT deer in thc, ilinges or the!eke- re reast mad northeast ef.Sacratu „.41,,w44. tt eletons„ of thirty-five' deer bac been found with tile meat picked clean _ from the belies. --Japrib 11. Schiff, the banker, in. an in, erview'eatei5arelierbone-.A4ee-4s--quedeet.e.e....,, .eteesaying -Thal- the_ 1noxi41orY..,tP9u.hr1e,...,. 'of the •o:iuntry are due ro the fact that. the progrw.,s of the mint** has inade r(prernenis greter than an be at present suppli.d. _ • TrE ;341IG 11„ Tire Total' to Ont.tk Thh Year WiU . , c3TheredtristaPvtle'ebeenit tri,.%stil ,anri:41dtr'do4tOs in llie tut -trad4--for-the-- -Pltst. 4100 -Soles, -itnd e are, 00 it a surprise. 114 4.1 )1411-1* a lean one for turs;said Mr.• ,iver, the xoteran ehletlactor of the Iludson's Bay Company (4 Wed. needay. 4!Thoupply Of tor in ttie. elis- feet mid in the MaCkentle River- ',Set - lien, Is not detretteing. Our returns ore es good as usual in the lean years 11Gre. totort, and, 'moreover, we ha; P the cort. sofattan•ot kr owing that *knthe lyn* or Martil,t„ ioe ilny whet, aiiiiiiat, 1.-14titt44 V' 1,..i.11tgik._4160.14-AILt4i4litiv#_- ini 10070 „east, or -west fo ltrillsh _ tuntbia, or ltrince Albert dPitrikia, scarcity Ilits:_yeitr_isc,11.61,,41ue;to.„ c e ,lty Ot .the. past -winter, hut, re Junati migrating," .. " • • . 41i, DEtitil b, FormerValet of Kin* t?ies to ih • , Pon, 4t (rem Milwatiket- Valle` nts!horpe.,, alias AVitsitri, ,t 1 taw., ken a tomr valet ot Xing t - - d Vili, • died on , *Itectiny rtt, lb 11-,16o- fiot COxelkiii-li-- tte wo,50,1 )43ar; rage. 0a.,1;ttne 18,-WiboTi) otriciotarcd t,)• 0.1%Voe t',ouvt. 41,11 a iclativge of ltltviAc„, tcra' n. mat Ile admitted tEtzh, oengo. 1141 !laq.cimrt he %Vas ahysizat tcr,4_- e nat'titt .1-,,e straighter .4 tItiti. TI‘t I ittsktif Al', a SVillrf4 ;',,i, tili,IV. 4% it give.' 1111vi *t: '.:t;. Alter 1,' tvertt tO, r-tath , rz.,,c.11.4.1 Iceart14,1 t:1.104,V41,1 Ile ktli• toT.Zow.prLiZerg 'Nit n t4-‘,1 4yt Ilan IloaiNTAkcl 110611:* tIctrip; if) -t:-_.VLt.,;',..2.V.!cit, 1:0,--,1owl., ,• A '411 . ' V I Onctid,Tn)lor.tirtes, I it tiff 'Iri 'way Aecklent, %„klef;prttctl • „. 1)31.4.1 itc6tcr ;a1fr,,1 itit- (4, illn; i,,ozt **WAY. Wica4liti1,' tri414A-41.1 114--ric'Ta7i1,-it-','7..' L !.' 11;(7ast It Fr -A, ,Gltery. 1 tu..11% her IS'AiO. • c_ fezie ttaa, Itt.`4Iti"-tiotil. I 6"it1T1 4 'AltYttlY *titr rtt,-.1*.• rtiziltice, 11 Atte -41'Itrt 'L -r- t'S 1 -a,sitvit,44,:11,43 C;i!,",xii„?' al Wr'..11,1'tvi 4c:t Me:A.1).c, r *Lt Tb*, C mord S,reamship ComPel.130Las' made a reduction. In its eecond cabin eindeet(.ageertileeenerossu,,ttiee-Atlantice The_Earl_ot_Ounanore, -the most prom- ent Christian Scientist -in England, is- t-Xrituloy--Manorr-rtear-eante r . Forty .NatfonaVsts werecommitted 'for .al at Loneoterde 1r1anLehnriM._wilit ,-, e4 dateliT -Arot4,--:-oronto says:: Tras-• tits talluelationi on therianiber (1twitit by tht 11.rovinetal...othelitls.'„atid-tite iurn 4r -- treet -to tho Pontinion GeVerhenent's eniPloyinent ngents, Mr.. Thos. Southworth, - Dirti-twr ..ot (be, iitatvau of CA)lonization„ think* that the imenigrants to ,Ontario. this, ,e4r will total about 11),000: Abo-at '60 er cultt„ 4,1 these aue. from the United' ingdom end the remainder from European coma. ltle4, lii.11!)06 ilie total Itnmittratiort trito- the POOVIII1e,O., :*.fi5 57,741, and irt, Itlirk 1-MIEC.;•-'11.1111.1 Yk,ar's WWI It.pliti1iiiii61 '- ?-, ithit..7- a ot itarnigraniS iii! ealeation esritered upnit fflnUC 260,00i). , .§47. itt 'Cense a elot, 111 feply to a riteiition in tile liriti& lifousa t of • Coutitore. Mr. lialdane - elitted 16 conlittlfis-putelifte ' L. -Acres to British firms. • him: AielConno, •Nationali.tt, oandidat for Ilan. Edward o Diali'S -tad seat .ol was orre,stal, with .solr. _nteen .41 his follat'Ors, \on a.eharge ei taking:part in on unlawful assettibly to canse.a riot, ' 1. b*ing the fluret p , VORti.Ufls les for Ver 0416 Are Ilundretf %Wed Eqty A despaloh front Nevi, York say: \viJ.cost Inc on3 forty mitMn •)11hro to, kcep Nett., City 'pin' Aidlgr the war 19, ac.:6(„0-141,1 to4-s,ti- tr3 raftrottled' tothe rk',-:ITS-Kot.13.,., bri4 AilyioLltkraft?,Pnt hy oUd.41,:or :111 1.4 or ItarG5-„Ariii knee zziddle .1 V alit 44 lettr.Old n id itre Mentrent Vott114 Ly4'1:11t a T11,- t4"ht T.,t);;;.!1,1c:...„•11).a. ritt 10 UNITA) STVE,84, _ 4.13-4.her--tieett:PiJerient froitn the „huh/cute piagua a Sart s.m. agial-at-gaull-,Siey', has .,acquitted Prii-ato GENERAL. -1*nelei.eiteieeeree. atKlee destroy peopeorty and murder e1enee- 1.ers. villagers. . Lereone aree)teede_eieeetesillingeoeeo t;r3t the Ceraes life itt3Ve been writ . pinned to -death. new tariff has catise.d keeeee.e.-2.-entiettegenteeaerteregetheeneereir-' 'ts weatern Atisteelia. Forty-turclives have been tost and r eiehteen theitser.id 11euse4 stib- t i fleede,ifl Ja Vinn'e has dee hied- 14, lC4)!UZi trial brother of the Sullen, who aims to be rider of „Nforoeoo. • The eeilor, „Matouelientio, ritig-leadtt' of the niutitiy 0» t!& lottleship Itas been etrested ot Odeesti. „ Pireeedniost destKie-ed the city ot date, 'eland Of 'Wm), japan, end. a Illation of nearly •0-,(410 Is honoree:le A Getinan ,seeeeeint „at Cofeentz ireasten in tai/Ing, Moteit -746r-ittit e:r'y it hundred itral elety thoirand peeeerils; rendertel destilit:e by iL"tve:releetteirreeteett,"edeteir eel '1ag- ti e. • k 4.ift4C 444/4 .0,14411144rt.40 i A 1,3 t 44,100..61! ,#'11td 3 t-74 tin Tttc.-AT.'crst;,°., - *fral 14 tlit e1t4 eiretrele, i1,144„cult teorieineriLl, frOm 31r,) GI! (1t;itt'.41)1, t /mutt St.' 1s 11.) .?) tAildtcls • • 16461,j.‘2-4 tZti: .141 rtit-F; .1.C.k.14t1.;.1 t44.4 nt ti • o 44 • , ••,. l'-' the ,1•, -,nn I! 0, 1 , , 'Jr' , let ‘-liy',.'41, all Tra)to.. 1,1. - 1,. ana-,"u-d-,-1,11r4 -,-: ' it r- ;o11 get, raee trotre the 'Ett''se,:lg '..ol:clic,:,, 0E4 1'i.:p;f:14z- . tnginSt--4;rt Me of,i1cc':3;iT.17,1iii, atzl a c‘5,,ziere,, 2,ing at ; 144) 1;34. -fi'Ll; • 1ati4514-,, . fexq It4,,, • )...re.,;-,tr.i.,Jp . c,,..f.,:,,mit4 ., ,r). c'Et•v . l',tc_'±fh eit'l leeti:4: lee "Eir...3 f, 5 ,1,;,,,i31. to. gig.,,,,atli "agattl ' 1i H4'- , I” rity 110 reeetteile ' er .,..‘FiOr111't '-i tqlti,C1 m',..-4 io-i 1- i."",1F4.1,,i, LF...•.z,,,i :::1 azi.,' ,11f 41 .* °S1,!,. -..',c Mts." Wier , ',% traio Iti...; 13%1 stand, 1h:.4*, ti,'1,. cf.cmily r.,,;•.i.aps.,..,..tr..,z-il cAn-,:.:1 tt•;i% tti:ie I. Mriii.r t-' n 7,t fr-,m'n •l$ 110 :1.414A it:A.CP4(12 .::.,3 1-1.:14.„ irl Uii!.1 .itt'il eel e'ee'rtl',dietb Ili hide 'es' '‹!!!' the iel;!.C1 reiltlit lei% te, 11.e.ioe ' 'tete, taken '14.eifie, wt: -; - A140,4,t0r1441,41V4"'` *4!!".1144,44,44141** P40400Pt 2 '4144 rkki 4.,,,,seeeeeeeeenateleitectelplitellreeteekeeoelreeeeetilitieeteeteleoltelaZitnitelle.