HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-08-29, Page 2 (2)• 4,411 0 1,1 rar,::!"7tIfT4' t`,"44"*"•-!' , u• titinneith ' Her de ititeeirtg. mouth, 'citilver-S butfit' is prktly,eilerneoecele .1tu 18 LI Much chance tine av I be/ wi wretched slanted lati gettinie.hint Away withotit slg oryotir Wt.* little yam knew him 1" Ellaebella demnot dispute the fact of -aviutt-eof actituttritaneo - with - Besigai clittracter, nor does elle help Ida BOA - merely tioes listiming rs teeith that &ring parent by any euglesetion. She „civil white look, while the partite) seta - mews still play at bade -and -seek with the sun -rays on tho wide blue fields ot , "ittallitlf,:thin(WCA:141 suy thee things to you' eayS-afte'. Byng, in a voice of the strongest revolt and ire enable' her destiny-"inseityou, in this improvoked way; but, in point of fact, you are thei only person in the world who can conVince 1 ITTI 1110t#-4hrit, 44raimirSzt iMPoSikkitt,twitetsini course he woe. be'very 'Inge and I knew bow per uas ve be Do not. von suppose thatie leis own o- etterearnowahow haralattais 'ea ete'ielt-eaeinaat -7aoIrdireal oantradie ion. ou wou atm gentle; dear me r-Wititaairnsli-Mons.a: eof angier -temorma-mas it you over maid be anyllting_ielsea, Thisaitomplitnente also itsepalet object ,VaCkiVCS in silence. "You know ono has ahvays heard that thero are two kinds of `No:" goes- on Mrs. Byng with auothendwarfish laugh, which has a touch of the hysteric in it - "a woman's 'No," a.s it is calks', that means 'Yes'; and a 'No' which anyone -Which even he -must understand to be final. if you couldea1edaray-1-am--as ing you an \impossibility -but if you could, make aim understand that this time it is anal ri Tnerels a silence between them. An billow -than usual, yet more masterless in its Titan play, is hurting -itsttlf-with-a oelessal-thud--ande-ban against the causeway; and Elizabeth Waits till its clatnor is subsided helere she &peaks. • 'Yes," she 'answers slowly, °I Wider - stand, thank you for telling Me what , you wish. I think I May promise that shall 'aerobic 4o -that I shall make him Iiuiderstand that it is final." ,A moment or two later they are' on their way back to the Autiraute. The ocean is at- its glorious pastimes all around them ; the hilaclimbirig, shining town annites.--upon theineleom its -elo but upon both hasiallen a blindness. The feelings of Mrs. layng are perhaps the least enviable of the WO. They umnerirly back at the beginning of the brealavetter, when she stops short. --Probab -when-eootrerefleetion- forties-, %vhen she Le. rennevetta front the- charm end pathos of Elizabeth's meek white preeenee. lovely and unreproachfule she wit, not repent her -% eiresenteneament-exteraptilieaantlel secret hid in /heir green leg 4 in talltoiVS---till either *-Tdf.F.at tie I hi ; , urf tit; tall .tpoes bovo"tkifri lends of Al ere' waritt pito, 'et °Sr in that :ter tha "Wo 'an- -tap him .on bis.e-Okt-a. it is, virtually ettrieet- well, so wel'Iltat 1;,:t(..:14,2*(19°-*-14.17taa*'19'be'lSeein"Wtt ihoegtit tier nearly as pale is it was poetailfitifor her to he when be iud first Como tipot her. Iltanow reaalizesheW many ctegrees Protor she then bed let to lose. While) he aPeatike she has Wen riteet4nipatp,,pwrtinximiltrattfaveistt und'aalieltowviwr . vis't*va as it peralyzed, end Tantalus holding her needle in the air. has, 00100 IticTh. For all her two drys' bracing, is. tale ready for it? °New . • 'The whieper in which this mortosylla- treterliampeafetvittr that borders on -Wive, that hie one as- tonisbed thought is how besrlo reassure ly • t htm, ee11 unt4e 10 uit,rtoffiltil.la to in , in it Upon Seta° SayS * teiteey, 440hreetvith st latigit y I ,meolly „COMO slay Itallitideof " ltd YOU ..titivo'net ONO rpeak"I'1141141;1414**:•113111;algs.11;*ihn' Vldittl‘:1*' ' #11,41tl4kI JWIMI.O gM1.tA, - ,.- - t P , tq „ '1 4* 14 (1" 1 weie(ter hatateelf ' • takaltalAke OVUM ,,e.•.T1341 a... rrrmillm ! b cap!ld hint lay the buxoiL 814 . persOn borer() him ftuld tr-the--laintest---iileas That wond sea* up his eyebrows, end throws a, nWd anhuation into his "%vim. ?"Do yen idear-etilt Chuckling -90 be told a Woe of Pm or lo Aiwa it?" Mt IOW tO bef it310. it." "Well, to dramatic pause - -"we are going to have a wedding in the family Et "My dear girl r tries he isranifig wrY Ilicrlirktifittr•-aleseneatiort th though not. violent, * the reverse ot 'annoyance. °Hurrah I so he has come at Intl WI40 is he? How dark you halm kept him 1" Cectii&Oakes her bead and gives a shiatt and rostlangh. 11:4 41 thg, tir fathert'::- beo_ALoonfa a -aceand nuli ;44161)-1-‘t!zymurl• tP4 • ehoekea volee„ ind llloitfeal loolrn' rt of n the p - 144, Recoiling ito e, Ife 4 &Min 4 of His Own biertgaanix, "I•Iteltra, "NO' little, thing Mat 40 ,1,01PPkint4 4 reetatly," '.1ettld 04. xattiitte,. “,h4CbrOtIght, Atifht,•00 *Olt 'Ityident ,,tlia,4W. .'Itfr413::j!'ttebe:ltst*V::t;yth4)IJtt,r i'tditailg'".0;41794tvOthwP' tr4to, '..',4r.41 tact gOttg, year "One of kt tIid3vt1 j)-31t4Ctitl, htving tt hs ktN ete t t,„ItJ)2XiG O!1 11.Wtt Otk!,, evett• Ito ...tot t$ Other -suceession.*:-and I rea011404. to veillia got&t'01)4 anYwhere. And then he loo);s,up - ‘gractaust _I haven't gof arty inOney. I tilust haw): lett iny ek- All)041t,,,011.111.,et Plattoe,-_ "This joke in its dayVT/is ronsideri a pod one, easy arid plain and, yet ,not Withati( sotne subtlety, it joke appealing' to many," heeatise originally it. was plat old not as a joke at all, but as a bluff, as eonaethirtg that was seriotesty - pro-- peundede and perhaps, aettensly, 40- emptedaa..-e...ee °Its. Original Utterer 1,4"'-'Supki0d-rif have been a man who luid put up Tair (milt, hut whowhen the pinek came proved to.have no money and who then acoountedfor its *absence in a wen to :ply that while he had no money wit 11118 he was neve 141P. etfitapl it w'ente:;::. 11711:0;;;4 )elt his Mona?' the Made. Was Intended to show. And nlhe plarTo: 11 he had a tattle. "Sar-":ehania,.. bet tent' (1.1 Vita islirElIgn' (L'rniCIMAttnn. porifinemCitt *111 04'-t'ivity of 1.4i, re- uctivo orga ilapere,lent 11j1K1X1, It t1111e4On C teitin.n seltieh suv.olte,s MO tn. their oseaa- • ' artia .et the ntttritforlt X c.),0:14ritit 1J encloit-414,:g4fir*-=‘.4t$04.1,..nvl$;:odirsiv),1037,11' . . . ts -tom um*. la 2*ell, as alt.otlikPmi.P$4,',411 sPin title; lnon then the'laverslie`e'es*t event ateraw will ,lesii'mtetleYt and. *wry 'eneetimase where .11 . • ° * LO* it or614ait t J1 *1 il',lid': 1 Ulu " 1 112.12 t41' or,iming !Qat to A. iVing iain,lound • 'w9rit, rubber „epat showed otte mou 0 ele&X2 , 1V 1 • t 9 44 . _difficulty in_ that you do not t ing ; that you wou - "Etat-1-avould- no 'UP suddenly, and with *trembling hands laaing her work down upon the, table, and beginning from dainty hebiti, to pin it up in its protecting white cloth. "What good would more nofir.,0-,a year's notice -do mer . She turns away from bim and fixes her unseeing epee, glaSSy end dilated, 1,11)011„a poplar gee Uiat is liatigileg-tase selled catkins out against the sky. Then onoe agai%she fataes birn, and, ho soca' that there*, oe cold bends agony upon he. :ordeal " "Wieh for Me," she says huskily - wish veraettard for/me, that, 1 may get through it -that we; may bean ne through it -alive tu Then, motioning to hint hand not to follow her, elm %rents (middy to- wards the hotel. • it le impossible to hltri to stay quiet; He wanders restlessly away, straying he knows not whither. The mimosas are out charmingly in the -.Orderee, sending delicious whiffs of peewit° from the soft yellow fluff of their ilevairs. The pinky alinond-tretits an out too, but not till long al -ermines-doter he know- it. • eeatiff:by-herniU7--'1finiaelf-stroll* Mattered by a ,gardener placidly dig- ing, through the grounds of a villa to t. Gigantki violets send their messages Lo his 'nostrils,the big and innumerable hluesblosso.wseeiredettlifiliting over leaves. Which in Englandliavele bo so -seurelietrikeiherm-----;Super, abundant oranges tumble about his feet; 1. L. • him understentt tap to it this morn - rattier have More she -says; standing, 12 1 ust distOvering the white site feels as tf the expunging of the last half-hour would be cheaply purcheeed by the sacrifice of six months of, her re- maining life. •ea_ suppose it is not the least use my ____ asning you to try -and forgive- rae.--to With unsteady toned humility ; "oli 1W sue -h eatattotaihtary-vinidna. yot. must. hate me 1 if ihe ease, were re. enacting there. I% has himself helped versed. how I 1,1101ild hate you 1 -flow to place it in such astonishing reality be lea will hate _Dr all your lifeV4 fore himself. Dees not he know the e The leal, ere rolling iloWn her ehMa, aaet-Poaiiion-naf-thee-ehair--sheeia.-to. wee and in an instant Elizabetles heed has ealPY 7 DidiWt be Plape it for her Wore .ne. out to her. As it does so, the gro. he went to fetch herr Nor can his rea- rAitaa. regret fla,,cbez, ncivss ib" ` eider prevent h distorted 'fancy from pre - 1.., weinan's mind that any future daughter- seniing • iho 1 ibavIeev-hs wife- between in-law of he: will be most. unlikely to WIPP), and cot fessed lovers. Even MO be the possessor of such a hand. recollection- of her features, ghastly and "Why should 1 hate you? you can- with heads of agnnY dewing them, •enn- rot" -with a beart-wrung smile- not correct the pirattlieeof Ids mind as be "possibly think Inc more undesirable persistently sees it. Thal. she meant, than 1 40 myself ; and even if it were when tte parted -from her, to..reliounee not so, I do not Rena it 1.3 in me to hate Byng, he has no manner of \doubt. Oat 4 ..0*.11% .11 iu:t`uot.• is 414"10 "14. A s • i; loCiamy• level fields. wh' „ , , s 3 y Se ok as-iiasity .us. aj hjd' garden staid alit be saved ler garden tract; and potat es. ...._TitoAntadual-depgnAL.the.soiLwatt, the costly substitution of chemical ter- tilizatton is redwing profits until (he prophecy is fitifilledi 'iTothint that ha% stall be given, but to latm that bath not shall be taken irway even that he hath." A poor farm growing poorer is a losing „proposition. The eoil is -rich ltallkeetlaiLlitteeel94-Algreatebettiftit arintiSiln15.-114-1TIualgtleyLt tilluit,y,nColle.eilLieltillnatsr:ild-1(18.1r111:111Seditulliirttievdc Witte oondition of homes. back Jowl . with water and metre a It you mix soil from a good field f alioularystriaiticatiana trail a ploughed field that has been cult:Iva ed for twehty years,,it- would make a brick when ba -e Tins is I e ere t Tit t u‘t 24° • 3 8‘,1,1.113 .t. or "'with - back . and .riming -ate...reel bird; and laugh- - • irtg, as if the rain -drops Ite wiped bout Tille'Wge-brit-V""'""Mild--were precious -- things, luckyjewels he was gathering, he helped ine out at my deer. 1 Looked at Mtn as the shdp slid open and -sent- the -full larnplight oe the .ugly scrap of a man. Ile was old,,fsince all the young jinrikisha ceolie,s have gone • ,the wer; yet he was chrvrful and IMpyo'rZettlifftliittr..thretatilDst _Nat -- that-rearrthirdcaeritirealinatratreartrrge------ •• "You have no trouble, 1 -can see that," 1 said to lam. "A full Tape and a. rici: • bowl„ arid the dark, wet, cold • Abe same as Sunny noonday to yon." lti 43„,k • 1,11 Three -Metre Hill. 1 am old and my wife is feeble, ,ette Ibis _aeruma feeds es. 4 Tice e in 448 ot, ciutjectur‘'‘.-7-- .pp -or- -father ! spozketbouk liontelon -the plane zmgh No. trldeod4- --Maven forbid* Taney nite b a Man Who toutd--be Irtietnit * with a-stepneither r • • "-sff at to fie origin and peffifineeati to Stlesnensee to ,gitie a shudder ALIO., Idea, while' lint gapes blankly at her, wits regarded as a joke only, in which wondering whether she has gone off hex: manner of , 'acceptance it Obtained :Ls head. widest currency, with its humorous eub- "Ob, no; it is neither father nor 11 tidy of meaning. In tals latter use the No wonder you keelt mystified. It is- mart to whom it was pp to to pay some- Sybil's- I" thing, and who found, as -perhaps *he oSybilitt It!" , knew and as othemhad shrewdly guess- . Although Mr..Burijoyne# has not got it ed, that he had no money said jokingly; on-hcinsclencethatJ bas I _guess 1_rayst have left my exptw,sed or felt anything but the most 1 meney home on the piano -.Y• "Out times have changed; and the old icke, with whatever significance, no kaiger goes. "Tide morning when went to pay for something in it store Where 1 trade -found-that-I-had-actually-lett ettatailt at borne, and the old, joke On- line back to trio 1 said -to the youngatnen lio kept the etore,"isiniiingly. guess I. -must have left my pocket- bcok on the piano: • , - "But the old joke awakened in tem no response whatever. And why sti old tiaa They have ,ii piano, I have a piano, everybody in these days has tr end so my remark as a joke had no _specter significance for them. It was simply a statement by nua That I had oney_on -the piano. I was brought to realize Ia.. cept tor those , old enough to recall it,. .this once honorable and generally en - peed joke had, now lost Its humor." et -.- EXPLORATION-BY MOTOR -CAR. 3W01.101,19 and entire disbelief in -Sybil - Jos maladies, yet it has never eceiwred to hire as peasibte that she should en- gage in any ,oecupatiort nearer akin to the -Ordinary evocetiona of life titan int- bibirtWonics-throttglr--t bed eeseriees out of ewe. •°She is going to merry. Dr. Crum I" ectittinusr; Cecilia,-nat an the "whoto dia satiSfied with the effect of her trpedo, "Wiese She told father., tihe- said thatahe had saved ter life, and that the least she ceuld do was to deditate the poor re - =tinder of it to him. She tells other people that she is marrying hint because xv., wish it I You know that that was always her way.", • "Sybilla hero mus thing jnIbe %%rind., as 'sale° the ning of the muter she has never 'once w'iiilted 'met goQd7byet and the houSe. timid upset the ink _bottle over the book O prescriptions without her ever finding alteoutneatrodethe-clinieals-therneometex 5- e�1Tlweei-V "Sybilla -"Iatitottght 1 should surprise You; it ; 9 bed of broad beans points out the phe- nornerion of her February flower te him. He sees and sniells 110110 of them. Have his senses Stolen aWaY- With lita tread into Byrnes -chamber?, -They-on •truake Tor mer She -Save -tteateeedorsasoa-or--beecotildano 4-u. • I. ; aliallin Straw e Places of the Earth .,, atter -which-keeps-it in 'or- al*, condition for tbe treowtheol Junta. POINTS. Where Only a Small run is available, keep only one breed, and make it the best by keeping only a few of a good, teeing aletdn. • Ito not keep more than twelve birds in a yard 30x15, and Lite house scraps witt almost bet sufficient -for their main- • tenance. aaSavee-patfro tiro Inattare-eactr-day, there will be no need to fear iliseate. Unelean yards are net only an ennoy- ance but a menace. • A 'dozen good fowla will furnish more eggs than the average family requires, 04-will-leave-a,autplus-tor pixt„nioney. Think what it costs la buy absolutely fresh -laid eggs all the year round, Nathea -,skitumillre:tateavailable_ give yen* the* plenty, as it is rich in flashtorma VFS. it, also whitens and gives ahcele. tenet) to, the 'neat. • July ehicks, often begin to droop when about a- week old. lace. uniter the • wings and legs and large Sores, on tim • Led are almost always the cause.; Rub • in some fresh insect powder. eThe elle& floor on the ground is a good place- to siert July sitters. Rut talte-=41M- Shed---eat-Preofe 'iskunkS„ too, are , very active in mid- summer. There or dozens of ways 40- break tin sitters, but the simplest is the best. tte�l.shut thent„„iti ete strain coo • 4 S S 114;411-4 , T have 'net 1 -Md 1114 -prayersatrny hause, go with us le -the- tempie. alehaveelinewn-anticheesoirowe-tredYe Okasamo.." • The old- -kurtimayet bowed with the grace or a noble, proudly. 11 IA as a repreof that covered me with shame. .1' The next Sunday there was a funeral, tt‘e local hand- was in attendance, an& the priests held service over the little wooden box that came from Port Ar- • thur. • The irJhi man marched in stiff • silk hakama, loading a sedate, sprendel- * ridingeborof eight as chief alortrne---- • er and guardian of the tablets. A con- course \of friends trailed Away through Ito town to a temple near Dogo, and the funeral party from the castle bar - reeks sounded the bugles and render. atetethe honore There.. Tinke„'„ riests ..,say.Y the • Ti1E "ANGELS - (Ilk A. flanher). , ' Ilow, beautiful, how replete with peace and calm is the 'lovely gloaming; the hour when our great luminary having steak in a blaze of glory in the west, II c Wry carmine and the delicate mauve and rich vermillion of the skies has - given. place to the many beautiful gra- dations of turquoise, and amber, and Watling- darkening- amethystine violet. And the gleries of the firmament have been ntire lamed, too, in all tlteir beeuty oil the rippling wavelets of the great ocean, • ..,g4intoang Ibe throning. expanse in._ aitattieslat-hettom-andasidese-atroi4-berritrspartiling b-teeititveinteda-n-atb. the biding* crate 'will- answer.- ;Give plenty Of tvater ," away t nu_ ThaLgtek *km svtender, a ItiOtterat0, feed. Let Mem all out wore sombre, nueless lint reigns over ivin an - zing.ileleeelleteittaaf -Mao-Como- 10-th oonclusion that I do not care now if I never merry. Father and 1 *get on quite happily together; andwhen ene is well off* one can really beery fairly content slngTe inal-deenot;d'e1;Y,y,.51111IL11" Ir I (;rum" -WW1 an eninhasis-so 'alms° t & ilia 1 rs s out In laugh of a More genuine character than any she has yet indulged in. "You will have to givo her away 1" she 4 S - "Father Will marry her, of course,. and year must give her away. I tun M:irn• she wilk-itteistaupett ita" - °She will have to make haste, then." returns he,' teacoveriag enough ariam • hie lits•ta stupefaction to join (Willa- in ber mirth; "for .1 shall not be here much longer." - "Yon aria going away r -raising her eyehowys, and with, a tinge of meanin noes in bee tones which vaguely freLs 4* ana nyone very much."' gees not he linow the plainer of ber .0on Their dgive 'Imp they ruck.,t, with lure it- is -not he earnvineed t lat the rock aerie or two little incidenta qiiite act 'funny ite the old Jews hietaiog eaelt other; but this time they do. rot move row. eliaa, 'atirtiughtem. CIRPTEla a • Two ilaya later she is called upon to perform "Rea task she has undertehen. Pretably she line smelt these two days, end also the appertaining, nights, 'in bracing her nerd to ilea for Jim. can iplairtly see the" martia ortliat struggie, though not aware of its existence, gwved tifKrn taCiil, on ;lac third turn ing after the mrar4on 10 the Mole. lie idoes vet find Iter in her accustomed • „ a On \rider iterlite,taks,splais,4tep,iital)ilityr Shauld not, gor he asks fill .ever to refuse anyone anything that thy his Short. and joyless, merriinen wittr suffieient, urgency or -wita eptite quenched. "What is there for piausieility peisuade.inier teat nian'to 4VilleteaT Stayed "alia-„-ai 41 s ean do !heti), a ./ziraltieFs by yiliAd. TOXIgiir Atari t 1'301; ki in?_ , geged to raett a friend at Timis -the jJow mueli Tit9rei tbln. Ow ,013a %ittrwhontiw-ent to the Himalayas tapabe3 of re_eiettng importunato three yeara ago ; ara going to make, passion. 4,A tier swie laeares chosen ofte„. ap exettifion into the inksior..• I ant or4ISt sottly itiq restless fe,ok earry him away tsttcliciki not go out of the villa grounds again. Ito finris 711 ,Tere flu • eattblY realnlvi" tenEes hlutself on the Itoutevat4 antatepliairtind• ; °only Mehl dill notaatoW down on the lo,w. welt by the itade you had. any &nett. intentio. Ilut to side. starirea -saisently at a broken tine, :LP wirot IT9t thave seen (.1, 't.!;v.ilste143:141'0,kftiPcrInt.'13;ttly.1.1,60111/1gtiliellei4ailitt4Tt t14)0°1' nity,ti,spat leofees bed ei death?. pre,. Waiting to; sernei.,quilOrul tittiiri„ Why teener eit the. terrace., laiteletetutigainten. - . and at lir* aAdett-,iftonpagj* ocli-. llt$ 111,thistraile, sees her sitting be- ' low end alone en a small 1'w -shaded plateau that seeing, to -have twee leitetled Is lawn -tennis ,ur, bewl. Probably the, in-0--anit- -ettAilleng„-ot-Ux. to terrace, Cr?} the' reititVtlitit 4i t. r. , sistent intiprirIttinitien. Of knee Ornar3 21:41 ' tillinCils, 1, lo4 tiair etibriol tvarkg• out. .sproad on the ,tiot flap. 1tt30i'e 01)Pfrisa,1 her spialls. Fritz h ,.,•,,, 0.-tres„,41 tilywn taw Iter an arra. eimir, a •ine tabte, and a 'Kea:flan itig kr Lae f''). and &he looks cis if slie, vt-kre c3Ipblistzeit for the Oy. Evng been oUt of flatiVNV Itas telurned to. twr cznhroi- dery.. ',Ste tg one oi thaw ccoltat .to \ahem 'nes:Nth:re-cola imaffoctially. deer, - ies !kat thornoin' ese waif her,n0611:4,), 11:eforo s'ho' catzlts ,4'f 3 *niches ,n, %„1 inotents, gilt. Unt.head and., 'tIng utito tingt-tv-3, ant atlo tO 1102 nanny !Ults she. iLi*e%vZng nta. IT* rattan. • , SCiYa. tur6ing; ,461.C11 the; and h.er. *No ono. any exatse Virg ,Ari,Invatid gay. la's lir v , Wii,ocOond t(134'ioto, he'statidk " throned high ageing the , verdure. Ile linowS that it belcag4 to.art,,Eu, glishman who Inatieareets Of (*.plain, Anal- the idle' thlught &tinders t' his wind itOU.,' itarigtialt-Isetlialareitlia-Ofenalleneshriiird lititi tineatiaa into; tauch ,kyltile t:an lhe 19144View he, lasting rill thiz. IslitIO? Is not it; yet .0'0(41. Xlloy not his torittOnted ttlege tgy D,$ngls sofa once again! erriply!'or'oceu. pY.ed by ittiK--40 or trictliert Wilt not Mrs. 'Cy ng. not Elizabeth hierseit.,, have seen the unfitnos of faxing •Ibe sick, man's. faint. tio%Vera by ,so ettrailrie, 6111411 upon tlietrit ,Ilut SetaW tires sugge$1,ed ideo'sbed ray or light Alton hi4 darknesi Illan an opposing on, e'otuts' rind blowa. it out. Ilas nOtilyng it d i:•Gtok? 110 bo" 6.4 .500114 #0, /et her koot.. Nay. bating onee toe, Ociiki,41 her, will lie ever let her 'out .1 144 Sight again Pl'he thought re4or4N him to restVsa atilon, and, otthougl with sedulous slowne4s„ ho begins to re. troo ,his 4.10pm towards. 11:!. hotel. .4111,t rt rinpeently, 4 anZe ! ha and 1 ,t,-.44 Xcv and Le Merchant- iving on tbo treri.'4 • (To be continattla lliadelAay. -„. A - It StCMS only the other day that em- ineat explorers like Livingstone and Stanley made long journeys afoot through the interior of the then rightly nerned-"Darli Continent," taking -rats wer-aesingleiziournereanttepructicaine -4evotingealteir-lifelisnes--44.- the -object they had at h,eart. And now comes the news that Lieut- enant Graelz, of .the Germ% Army, is `abouteleakieult to_ CrOS3 this self-aerne Akira -the, aleTiik riniiin&itir----ik 9i,o- iiikniger,--pn' n. specially cwistrtic d Mo - _term toalhose who 1}aelk to the -Ne need- of a -cockerel' in---the- broody coop. •• - FARM 'NOTES. 'loot pole. Pine or 'basswood, dresseo taw to IX Inches-squarez-ntake trod one. Cut it exactly ten feet long, then lay at off with a strateltaawl into lengths of one foot each. The mark's ntay,„„oftm,4ards-be-blaelf,:ened.. rurnvini business thanit ever was before, in all the world's his ik.,T7.c.411.• 117 11 aid. be will trAte _tory._.....A, man; ran di) all the thinkin easilaclie Itop-e-s;Tato wale -Hess regrons ,le,therta unvisited, The dread Kalahari ?ii slIthanilsuvamelanwetelitoe idsoso*°01abcitelil'aar,,c,' big,;11 Desert, for instance, Will be traversed first time ht... its entirety trorn sottiliihde neoeCidustoiset.,,.taidhoe,it.tarAmutl. asbeafolsr good , eit'estitohe west, and the "dry distriCts" et ,Great, airiaqualarld are to be lhado to try *ore elowly rising to thie fact, weridi And the farmers of\gits eon*. 1 ‘feld u r' Mir secrets. ' - • It wotild alrnoSt appear, from ttli viNti9cht ava'tylit4tliae s°winlild3'rYbkas‘iii,rtw 6011°Itwinitige iitil,te%1111e1Y1f4s4iPridisesited- willititnt°istl, le(lrint edttinliiirgrlt C4ntrary, . there are many stunt al el they hit roirot,,,,40 _,, the ,,airit,--,411-at,-*,-.,e, „stme-rtle„ ,ct4tildt,iviantfortatchs inoilit inteoi:onlItolealec, rottinaotnilltiemis 1;`eliteriallt Shacklekan ltal'is in a Ivo to use a entailer eieitntity. of manure. *tile there- lireeitt -..leaetalliree,eepeditions f ....4,-,',g6n-e:t.ta,„„wartiporrAts,,,,,evynorttiett .0:_gilol..ttli.;,:., 47treir. t4 aaalitg,nia,a1P--Wilti. IPOU'Ilispr.--A7161rItN . Cannot Make Ionia. not can a E makers. , louratilist 'cannot 1.03t0 iatak, bioU inalit,s the lar,vraakee. Ile is the si. t foree, C,very parillinent, the uni n taaor in evesk„polluag booth. ile prrsmt, invIsilae, In CVOS C30)14. 1100t1300kkil tO lam. Ile 13 -re. always. N'ttifing L'appnsitatt, mbis, not sPen. has the, Waster. • 1 - And -landwards, leo, -0.11.41ature_is r posing in a, traittlifil calm; except th a few belated Songsters ear the wo'od ar stilt trilling forth their passionate love# songs, the night-iar liaa commenced tus whirring •Churr„ and some shore birds,. n''the-,exuberattee-of-their-azest-Atre,stitti- batman the. ' rh ehmical and melodi- ous, though somew a mono nous, nieasttres.. And as the light of day gre- atly_ gives place to the shades ot ev- ng, the line of trees bordering the, • d progreaa'aaitathe attacking waves, :cliff: If ridegiiieT-whiCh.Agtr;1711/0-481,,-,... siattft out in shot -pea silhouette; every ful silver birch; evera fir, and synime- (Tit botigh and -waning ef the grace. Ideal larehi, and berry -tied mouritain nah, snarply projeeled against the sky. And now one by one the stors 4.f Heaven shine fortliellesperus, the even- .r.g star, brightest ef ettein all; so bright that a ray light from !ter borrowed res pencilled" upon the waves?, nut SoOn the greater •,glery of the now risen inieen ofenigletereigns p.pprente, paling! tin -less brilliant of gillaxy•of tet lee:to .motor,tiaeliteen-lotkrtv ,ozoontrated.food,:, nu_ ate litiating WhIalt genune(I the canopy to attack lho • North a princifile„ as. itMeiblee I do not .be. cyceat etiltaicrifit organizcd in tile sfune way, although these, 'Rive_ 144 .thil _plant le 'either egetiOnal, "Angers Pattlw•a:' l'Ciaelt like a sPlen. lattera ia al' 13 be remarked in Passing, 6e.,04onondeaf,.. The loveee the, prici-.4 -deritAustroim-Ititcls-ot- Rushing -fuel -ten -- ,will find tile ice conditions hi' the Arefic plvdife, the wore . impel -taut it. to sityeigT extErads aereSs Oteihr right far teA favorable for niotor tractiOn increase the •yleid in -order to-ntaintain .61-11i' to tho balm& than Wilt Mr. Shatkleton in the Ant. th tt Aye truly this carthof our.9 15 rq)lete O ea lie ,0 0 eiterea re eatm en .4. • . „ - , - aretie. • ' • ' erder , 0 this trigh larinirtwis essen- with. bo.ailly and tactile attainment. Then' tiketlxisl• 1116.- Frznqh Ineibr''ear nat. • High fariting 1045 1)111 riot mean ex. sttrely it, icgis- toed lleat the orb eeleetedi Oilman one. 10,111dit oPeralig I wOks hack fro A Tripdlit .nnd4 a ledge, the .,rostins ,o; they us but 'fr•every planet.in. every ton- in effecting; but It means r411 nat firm. 6tevi4tioti ,.11rt evorY lirlivorete Whitt() "unvisited .nottlwasterit. corner int4 tie,011 land, ,thorou ulttion;, tole vast abysm infinitude -,-16r surely td tlernion SaulttoWest lidrip,a, an arid and the prOVisiort of' abun tt• .01 plant: 111t5 1St bi) lie MaSter• rid 'desolate Teginit, .witere feed 'and fool . * picte of If :41-11ittiditv,r,irL'....But then lieflInt liter ore alfsice weihnIght unobtainable. 'It is. lire iiiiteri131110 Of. thOLV %1141 xplering ex (titian in the Ltike 'Chad. p(• lit en fariningt 40/.! Alto 4)1 by the ,SCri ° Gd thia Cine upOla 'lgion, of tim- Soudan,- -*Weirs et out a, tiztv jf manure:4 wintott Ity.n tow, W14(111 10 make atonement. t.i.ot only for, TI)e terrible Desert 1,01 00)1f' 1;b6 . ' $est wasiet,,yvas p,r0seill, too; 0 ' art neetintiad fr,41,,t1,. 1,_.1,43 ACI1WeS, , v And . 'Serve Iittl. and tvito$e ntig. to 41)!, , lo) Ilia rel. 1,4tri.,4 rANtitAlmigtt Ati,tit -4AtAhtl-4, , trittqt ,!.0 ,itiOtOtist,§; ""Ittitilii3; -, rse, iippt-#.,14-41- granilettr-o - 6ptc,ndim, ,-----..,,,,,„ tardly be sald to, have*bee n ' lihNine trill 50- !I1 hat -41: raust2 rx*,., , intereata, of eiploralion. Neve Itorly bey4',Aid ,il:e filawiT of the A I Vie full story of itie telt) cOrnee 14 ilia ouilKirlut Man, ei..-00 lo cony, I. ' 1 le 55. it la -eXereinely probable Ural, ' 'tetd, inewl gographicat Plels•*ili le to light concerning' 'that little. 3",,otrvni, corner of the glebe-. . ^ - 11 • , LIVE-SIOCK Otft. r Weir salt .where 11 • • themselves"- to ala4 great coffee - rid sulphur...) Tlic.se, Wes, 'anti 'liege ecent they tteeit,•,theut. • nal; re°ralti))64,1,(!itl°14uhrli'hlestltrtllemilaktuPtbefIrtf. Onrrounlings *a nearly like those-out- •s1J .0102 you eiinin-Thilaticans-give then' tade, plenty of ,gobd fma, ttittl) o' wort. to,t' ttte:r At1d, ttpply Atrial.; *our tnilk, if you have t he fectilily 'anima% fs, requcnt ty fathomed t)y changes in their our., Ond „lavilich theataelVe$ 'c'eaftd not. be masidotr4 tinfotoilble Ito the healthy *alai. of the.oyolem. It'has )fl iohoerved that the procre.ative pow.' ,era are impalredsoor Oven entirely want. rainy, iffild 'perk* what ,piti torifinetnerit. From' thlo 'we nt)ght atIpOse that doriteiditated are t's6 Iertikovihoirt ,10.141 on., 44 *404 We InuiV beOr ti*isJM 1e t of •Wvecrunerit. ean wati \.l).t advo4ilite wit'engag tbl , bang peace; he eatt reaTie rOs-olui bait evid€41,11Y conned It' 5 and destroy th,„qra Ile argititait lilt he knew it by,..lteolt ha the market, than the eteek ex- fera he !tail proorded‘fen tointites*ith INat 'the saateg tf.,te,4411tis, 114 oratorical ert)rt The itidge had deeid. 'et!' y sutied,to )2;13 1.11,11." ,syttft. ,lhe taSe liis fat4x;11iid had told 1.40 n5 ACCetimezw wot)14 'DC:Spite nil% lilt Feting lawyer ille Mantis Lttween outd /tot cease. It eleenactli that ;had betivi,rn petite to nA.I 'stielt a thOutentuat that lin,e641 slope Finally, the, Judge 'Mined fOr. titit and. itt 11* fieliteet 1011es.,. Mt. Riiitk, notwdhstetaling, your, *rot. Itit hrti i.e.illeinded. to 416, 4e 1h1*. twit ur bitstot.,Y, !rep ar:d int abctit It quarter. of 'a mile &taut, ':40kt erftrit 1,1ar1e1w4-en di%mot,raty *21 121 116 4.1.0 10111(.1001iit1t I4444 to the, Villa devolisni, tleticcen the 12t414 Wilson 411 14h 101 It* rotait and to,onlicth century t1 IL( Ilk • II 41'IJQtIIi alio into the rood hie &NS of 'the 5.111d!o Ile Is It,e(git ko newt* dkt *los ottchcAirgglit, a the 1cth. 01 „the Int.n , ,