HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-07-25, Page 2 (2). ".".4„.• ock. • qt.1,0 vtri',.ngt I c, V-. I , ter )034- feeling..41Ai inmeles.t. I los..:verr weak »1 itim,s..ttpectinte sO dim that I would fni un1ess.14.401- 1,Vbile tit this eondition-1 wal, ;Idyl .to try Pr. Wit0.41)1,§,Pink Pills. f dld so and by the tinte I had taken ten , lioxes,„1 1,3,,its in perfect. TaCtilthl„..and till iny duli 1-"wasir -great so ferer—to-day I feel ns if imever ifxas4:11 thanks to. pr. Williams' Pink 417i. 4.11:eV „"frfor,i4o nstitng,-,. !goo , •• t' the tire cleiankiett 410 t:. f L la -70} tge$.,. Put•thitt n n1-1 . gun., and giving LendOn a fresh sant- rrstart-in life, • reightine that Joiloived •did ,IAvel,..er,-make ,•-for beitittY, Gant it has 1 eribed L4illtion as, a 'tsquallid /liege." 1as Beerbohm liaS coMpared wit4t. I "Manellester thrOughloVvil61e!Igli., Such into/ trt in - ftie ThuIIi of s'Ati‘w• mit (, N'Or AffirarOtki onhi1n •% 1;oildeiti;', says it. writet; a 1$t• yieltled any delight 10 t1 the,C121$StO in cities.- • • • Trottt, bcLneve.c to periodically. h; And pow Are 14nV only to iTis Well te\XDOW a 000 11111411 Said Mrs. Stuttice a Mrs.. Icnowwelit_whe# 111W-ine:t in Ike Miieet,--,VItY; where Ne4i44.41241.-,fer,X,Wel‘,1Atti*Ot. stridowit Ato,,,the;,.*Ierett-bottle-t, Iiiloinas*, gelectrie. Olt," and Mrs,.. - who hates pun. walked on. und„ when she ;ttge utonier. gi Eelectric OiI.. : li• .4 n*,‘ .. ' t ugedl Nir won ; go4-, them ikit1ur Orike VprU xtetnitnaton.iale„..-.sum. unit 4 t fi'etuakTry it, and mark the finprove- nteit, t, in .X0Pr, vIii tairrAt.. No land so broad, no sea Ea wide., hat"' passing o'er, lose my.thaught •" - o ,414,s0J,Quir,„nr.,g,terstioNt-RigWs. t-Vielter is my pulse -- 1 know thou' lovest me. .` 'AN) .ttad ae4's.i it hapfttxrr Snlfllt. SOiii-sTife-baby'sfetit-tho sitiolO 4 cruci rou 04. this,*ria othor 3'04 1. (110,4111141444 Though deep h •:ears A • . modminir _dealers ce-WITW or six Loxes for from The Dr., Williams' Medicine- '11rOckvillet •Ont„, • • , ver 21. --Waled In (he 'World4 One of the pa"Stlines very popular with the younger generation at the present day is that of stamp collecting; and in thousands, of hones, after...sehOot hours, youngsters may be seen pasting the tonal' slips of water.matked paper into. albums with -solemn care. • * This hobby is, at the same tinie, one which tends to promote a thoughtful • turn of mind; and no doubt numbers ot juvenile and other philatelic entlitisi, *Ms will be interested in the following • infomation, on the • 1.varld's jaisiage stamps, - . -7-1'he totat-Warribef �t -tar RThoon viffoire7:. tics of postage stamps issued bir all the ,Governments of the ,world .up to the ,Present tinie is 20496, of which 6,153 ere apportioned .to the Oritish.Enipire, and 14,343 to the rest of the world. 'Europe hag Issued - 444, Asia fi Africa 4,4W; America 4,GS, .the W.est - • These figures comprise only standard •varielles of ,postagesiamps; and do not biclude, postcards, letter -cards, -sternped 'envelopes, or wrapper TOE 'WONDER.% OP FARMING B While Wait Street has- teen kl-l5Y watering stocks and_breakingilsAlkints ithif 'West has been busy watering laza •and making- farmers rich. • Wad' is a :mighty bad thing in' stacks, ;Ind a. thighty gocid thing in irrigation ditches, 'ready to turn on and off at win. " . The krage num • who has .never isholied the suldmiA"Milsi-iliat_Mick_need 6 . qr il'irrigalion. 1.4"a misfortnne\. The :Wet •its. that tile country where irrigation is •t on is passible it is profitablrae. The _-• ster4--latinerfertilize.sa-his-nd:-. -city. array' -7010 it" J tion.th*-v tell us IhVi» Par 1t i, lIley- declare,' pitshami y 'Brawls, Antwerp,. 11urin, Milan *enice41uniolu, UfldiUf (Osten briet.4-eternity VIII .searce, v „Spacer list tqj . _ min . cLnge all V a -Hausmann did for PizsIbe Inn -iii -C1. -PITO ttritil6r1I10, eariibiried iiith private en- terprise, are doing for 1..ondan. '1 lic work is going on steadily, if slowly, ail over London. . In Whitehall, neW...; buildings, which, wkaild be notable- in any eity„ have been and,rire being erected. The tam. cus 'crescent of Regent sired has at last had its regularity broken. The Winder is busy *in PicadiHy. whFie the Strand, ihr.•: MOM, faina0118 and 'cosmopolitan kithway in -Great tritann, can already hardly •rreognize if. 'But the most imposing Of the new bAktings which will iniikk f4C11 in Liii-naonag rebuild -mg is -One which is now nearing iL ompletion in a modern part, of the city. 1 -his is, 'the new Victoria and Albert Museum in Kensington: - • - 74,)IFE1,71' FRONTAGE. 8everi years ago Orki.li Victoria laid 1,1:4-14-Unda n stone, the last Mint she was ever to lay. To -day the great buld; ing is almost complete. All :butthe great central m*chway, is item, 10 be 'and ;that is only partly obscured by the scaffolding for sculptors and car.; vers 'perfecting. a statute or -finishing a fricze. The vat uildin 1 cts. voi- sialdcni you swIng around ttie PraniPtion road._ Bs inagniOcest propor- ,tious, its bortaany f sue and effect, 'attract the intention • at once. Tliere 7.s isgreat frontage of 700 feet. . ME. PitiNCIPAL FACADE. , • , 'tithe principal facade o•verlooks Cram. Are!! -Gardens and Thurloc-,Sqare. Nzir thy_.Orompten Oratory_ 15 0!1 (he live &mei which rise up picturesquely at Pie:, various' corners, and near' t5 dome ...spi14..4f,4ang4,-4egistA.--Therg-are two of abase -.,,spires„ the other •beyig 'Western former "Irriples" hts. If thel,rood.., liastErn taraler could Irrigate, lie would • Beneath, each :dome are windows el two different shapes, thas,e on the uo, ,per floors befog' rectangular and:those !Arelted:LITIre., ki.40.-41o4t4Rorfl-1ooksloitOuttvo ay be:described aq.a tiSy.. Thig'bay Ot- WIrldOWS iCitcpial . e luny praetisol in the Mile 14 -alleys of NOngside, titbs' Ifilliert.'and' laria ;Museum.' also WO* •RIJN road, is tile ,74te11 known Natural ifistam A;10v.u2). Just behind the. neic tnusetun the $.4aut11 "KlumingtOtt Ar19 Unittling, Also sewing Inaellire ril'40t1"abeo411710 . „ purity, and the -best itOdies and parts or all machines at Singer stores. • Look Po. the Ited S. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Write' us at 'Mannino Chamhers, Toronto,, for set el 11W Cards free. " WORLD'S LONGEST, BAILWAY. 0 .. The railway will** erx)ss0 Siberia Ls I,y far the iongest in lite lvoild. • lite tremendous distances travelled and, the religkiuscharacter of the people have given rise. to tile chapel' railway garrl. ages, for Divine stoke, .1",tiese Iea lip inside like.a church, And they serve not only` far travellers by rail, blit for periodical Warship by -the inhar bilarits of rernate villages On the great fcallakr It oat ows,or roc, wumiloto p40 twos, the *irk or oroptioni_soil ottior soroi; Whyuot, boy *.bottl* to-cla,y2 elil'OPe. has 4 aclivo volcanoes, Asia Ainerica SO, and the Asiatic trawls o fewer” than 110. "L • fitting boots and shoes cause Corns. flollowaes Corn Cure is the Article to use, Oct a. bottle -at once ant•t your eat . ZOiTirix •Itrli**; "A mit Imo your - °spat -lattice oat can say itiere isuothlur to be caraoiret *int -atfkorlitaa.0 . . guesser-alWayprides7-birn*, superior ludg.rnerit. SOme. people rise in, The social, sealer and others become tinbalanced;,, - Greet bodies move slowly., The trutli. never travels as fast aS a lie. Even .0ten, 104ti..,gets• the worst fit 11:fie should try and •inake the best 'of , stricted to high living. Odiousness, Burdens Lfc.--'FlIe bilious ..inair.ts,;never-a-companionahl.lhan- C411.We his ailment roroe ai)d- gloomy. 'The cortiplaint;tS not dangerous as it is-diStiargeable'.2 •• no 'one need. suffer frorn'it wlio can protMre" Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. „By '1,gtilating the liver and obviating tile efe, -of-Mile in-,t1wstoniaelt they re- store 111031, 10 cheerfulness and, toll vt. • gor of action. 111-13iiglilfilt ,--estiiiiaTrEd-IO'be just uidtr minions sterling. . xrc.(1, yang., Airdrie Scratches ad -t-e-ionlegious rout . need to fertilize much less, But irriga, • •:. lion is posSible Only WA Ortliparatively • "Washington, Colorado ,and Some other .'Slates. In Canada lir] ation4S ,StieveSs. t:olurabia; ari&over.a- large area.. . in $onthern Alberta, whore we have ttao greatest .irrigation pmposition ct • rikidern 'Ilio peculiar feature of our Canadian Directly opposite is the great buildirrigtitiOn operations is that ti t ,un. fur. I itt,i., of the Imperial. Institute.. Complet, Janslies the water. The Supply'is drawn (1-N,t in 189,a. it is said to lave ...b&rt in.- .. i from tile 1)14111 range of t 4' „Pocky IsPirect ilY Ten0Yson*s r‘taxirtls; Nitale. fl.'. !Mountains. As the season advarices,istately niemorial. 'Make it reanY 0„r.' - -. -------lits,---stifforg-tri g1tir4i1irtirtifet÷g051Iffirtillizauri tortircilTactil • •"tio, mountains, and thug a ,onstant,, .un. N-mboils in ornament,. utti It may' weal% . fading supply of water is turnisttcd to ii..u).. At* eenttitieis: ... , .. - . itio-tiqrs--- AvIliell--1)11-4110---irrigatintr-r4'W411*---the-414iklil)g4-441141, P-41)th 4 . diaelie4 during jho,. NifIng. 0141 mimmer 4 l, it !forms h tsmup whfott, ift A $301 at the. very time ii,oisfuro js,' trar Spac% it 'wouldbe difficult to mate As414.4 41 •liegn••• ..444 , 0,,shaustible supply : '• t lining ; (41Y WWII -1 omen buildnigs ,lfroin Me rilotultains,it unneCeSsary ' that, sall)O -Proviso,* it_is vvi!DCil 'o \ build storage drains ,,Or reselNoirs. Iii elinest group of bunotngs in ,Ixt" , , The farmer on irrigated tend Is. thus As- tured• that In ille, very 41404 $61411 ‘V Wilt have all thewaterlie ,careS to sgei, •. -And as' the gmund IS rich and lite ,eli;, tuate favorable he has no eatldely AboUt 1 1JU so, little (1114 40 'mak . his crop% ., - . "That •11„tobreeze Which Ifloivs. ' frilgallen i$' most favorable 10 filtrate. tay,pick.' me tip At 4u1y plaelh., Ogyo fawning tperatiottf,zgetting the •And, *oho tile Where, it gees. ., •alnaxilliuti,b• or..,cfilk4101 -i;.....11.te;.lnintitulin, Jittt.., ,t„,.111iii.Sit,.. -irTiVireage`', • Ailatlign large ,irrigalcil 'flit& 'raBy I eara see, 1,147g it p.1100. iii,vd viOnterto tc ....-i5.bou apt' to itnitri, err, itirl. iforals, tram quartcr 5e.t14-11,1111‘'V1rd4, are rit1W crder -a the day, .the teu. 4144 Nviti doubtless be touaril nvor As -Ian& beeo ottfore ' valqable larnicra .441 •(11 ' ofiltteir) 'ati„g0t4 et31ffilie, thdir_etterts *It a Inure. n. s'ealetq !mustier ttcrerti,v. 4S-1 at any Itor,y tinoitig Stat6t uhere have sfirung 0,9A.e.'y: :lied mid prosperro%, dairyriE.0,, fruit* ''...r,w'tNitig av4 1z..d farritinje liave 1:0Ohte thi‘ c,,e:buttervartet odei,tstikt T'ilktletosq.(si bect -nalitr. 41,• i'ly locate where the .pepttlatik-* i4 likhd tho,circate Tbc -value 4f a the stanJI ' for . <Air:vest book, use ape. 4-fterg loom dealerstr • k. 1. 3.KasitLcO., Eisbor FVissat,W flUF!FALO %NOM *Harr omit roam* 001,, OWN litAPII) ELF.0111C CAlt .BIAG11.9.0 EXCLITSIVEL'it FOR. PA. IRONS operate eiiriltnuously evei w -In • ness district and to all deFots and wharves for• principal trains awl •steamers. egelitt CHIIC 10, • I f g I 1 1e txt riot finding it. Vstittl at alt Tirnes,--In winter or . suintner Paltnelee's Vegetable Pills will -cape withantl overcettie any irre. gutarities.ot the digative, organs change ot; diet, .eharige of residence; 4'1' -Jv4ttiMiofr-ot--:-ietnvitrtxtttro : Nutt, i1 ti0y Slioirld Litt always kept 4434 onc,e- their attio thent, „ There is nothing nauseating. iD heir -strueture, atid the toOst den. Oil 1E4 Mont co ildentr* • ,-..01an who haS been trequitted .1 'ortaitt believe in thtl,. proe pry system* , iolora, and r • ('4aIpIstI viO;quick* iittir, action , that th f d-eatI1 is upon the victims they ate' aare that danger '1,4 near.:144. atfaCked, do not delay .in -get. hng flozt proper medicine. Try Aft' Or.!1.0, and ,.,i44:tu wilt' get iluttled(ate,wlier. loitt,_Nouteritti rapidity * i ver tails to effect 4'010% re-what-Inen---u te liteeS $10. .ibeir Atr tt. „ ent of the -Vide, rr. Trust COMpany,,, Limit Iti sive agelft in. Ontarki. Manitoba; and for the'site of the. C.P.B. irrigated 1kx*tfzm,--yottii . k 01,00 . it raistake.1 40 not iflVeUgatn the Opportunity for 11)<P10/41104111P offered in Uniting on irtlgatod!' land o • , • . , . - SOME', PEOPIAi .1414ihave not gone into_ tilt merila ' and itd-i vantage* o . oliptionAtnere ;putt-. the. forintr,'on. en• ,irrigatettr- i firm .deserv sympathy. ” .40etret, Irrigatedland, In 4, oounto w c0000rn# Sot*._ Plod- groMit ar nthtto*,,,o, gatiort preventi •the ilooribility of it -dry *putout ,litealern.ltrigitiOW -Clifton* he riever snitet*:"The siretwbstekriore, wet isemont, ,and " ensurea him. good -..eropa ••twor IPA% Owing to clime* con* r9trits towing /tom presertainty intis,c'eettalnlY, *vsge prire o1 Itetigata' 'elt Of tiOrplatigitted Iiitid.O. In -Southern he• 4 t preen!, vo)r.sUghtl, but ss,mtionoit - ..landf *al incritso very rapidlitn value, refuI i af 1U. *Mt lages. will ,Iconvinif-yitity`Practietit . Mt th.t f9rming ty thesn.tOf Ittlitatkirt let'llit,,ntoSI, at.* 14 upon the Caniklian‘:market. . - ,.. fatten't yO11 often 1tbe41 our rang' expfristil. would k. Si.001010440•4 ofirha.,.10,41),401,4004* vAN,,:egt4000AttettAilliseirrigitgoltoit 4,* ;or • ' •