Exeter Advocate, 1907-07-11, Page 7 (2), .7717
Aft ,
Few 1kreidiq la AL
414 ;
14.* *,e
td ra nth'S'
th thk e bn laften
i u0" - - •
hivtgah E» has led to it
i: :iovey-.that De • aylanis /nettle
it nng n.
• tightful heir to t e y th
itayien's-real itarste was Taletsky.
110 Christian name is unknown. 'Who
• her lather e., -as she did not knowand
In ftwdip ls referred to as "tlie
'atiown. isrsurtnised-that he vas
q4SIAN NOBLEMAN.-• o%(znHiiLMttk4
who -had been,-w44143-•,,ttu
re„ suddenly acquired 06,000rubles in
11 MySteritais manner. ,
When tto torti about to grafluateil
• uncigh6-64*loilee' th1S-Vettith. *heA
litaiiiled to know -the In Eery which
ii*c -t -1,0
-OAK insthat her mc
"0 VOX- M nue
... tfule/tt onder_tbe
,.She lant her plans earefully., Tier MO -
Viet was arrested. The girl had a prl-
vate personal irderview with NI: CCM -
14011,74i 'Petrovitek, Procurator of the
.1101$ 'SYneidi 'and 'such 'were her wiles
that she convinced the statesman. that
*he '0,7a0nreality a boy. When the ease
eanae- to 'trial the Proctirator Was thief
.vititnksi tnr, Atte 64Minnent. The mo-
ther'S attorney produced the doctor who
had ,assisted at the birth of Nioolal and
the priest who had chriStened her.,
heilit positively; testified that they
Nimitti was a girl. The Procure-,
t flew into a:rage und
tie CAsE.,...WA*1 DISMISSED.
-Pobledonostsett .moVv. found himself
He hulk stoot.sportsor for Nicolai
personally Supervised- the 'proceed-
ings,and sworn 'that she was, a boy. He
in flio rgssition or hating to can -
bad been footed.
The'story *as hushed iT
ecret poce 404 flussiawere placed
Hhe-frail Of Abe fleeing girl -and
led for years to track tier.
short Jime n ItelAingfers,_
eetheart he fled to.13elgiutrt and
I ler to4nierica. -
After a stay in Were. ester, Mass., for
tiree she :went to 'Chicago, where she
rialoealizatiort.„.papers„, got an
odection toHaivon '801i'_ifffien,
, and beta/rtehis secretary.
trit , 11#14
i''...iktNzun, flag 4ii,anitingte
t, rhavib" ' 'n" 104,
basi and.,a.uxbal;
4. a 'trIzfitelltais uteti
rZons traddrOn Etirl
Orford Should be driven in Ws hearse
An interesting announcerrient is that
earl et Albemarle has finished a fog-
eizixt bronze statue of 4 bugler and a
drummerboy.,t1lactrciliW44 (•1-4-1104
..Vord }epilog's peems. Ilis grandfather,
the sixth Earl, who died ut MI aeiene-
1, took part in the Battle of 'Waterloo
an exiSigrt of the 141h Foot, now 'thi'ie
etre earre-old-.-xit the time, and
•ego 'at ene-etthe drunts. Coming un
bed out el the battle; he lived to the
ninely.two. ' •
One of the delegates to the Carnegie
Pittsbar Institute 'was Mr, Maarten
.14,1aarlem te Dutch novelist, whose. real
. ., Irtitrewil*
4 fermapy end lives in Ifolland,
uteflmwrit*s big -novels in Eng -
a in
_ •ii eeptories old.. tine „cif etr.
-, ir-o Mon-eets-too--rinielt.---Instettd-er"
TESTIMONY or- -sow W110 114yE
ZiVE19,110 A-0000-40110.--
TIIE 110NY CP Elkft.
“SeitnythellasVen run qc
n autoinehile, I flow did it hap
'13ho; 'Tito :poor idlow isMner
Able. Patti has given aher recipe
tor reytiniut 0,1411).: yEee frugally. and
hti Scrupulously C1P404,1'1 MAY bo JJ
ted the ravages of tittle."
nerpt Booth, a .grand old mon of
'Anaifeliart *dried
_ sr
'ay They Are Sent In -Russia to
AvOld Extessive Freight,
RuSSiari ;exporters, to avoid ene.ces-
,oigjiton eggs ets-veir as to avoid
heat;•sbip them without the -shell,
Iruken and. :tho. ,contents put up in
.tght liteek tin boxes, with or without
itZ`•acceirding to the taste of the cus.
'g. -front,
hall a,, gram up to a pad . (some id
eaostiams). 'The ,price of the latter is
live rubles,. Voi' use 'in enoking und fnr
• Ilithe these tinned or preserved -
:eggs, !‘rein to answer very leen; that is,
trm the Continent.- tor England doesn't
.• take: ltindly- to them. London, for ie.
otowa, vhfit foays' large quantities of
thiasialt eggs:, pa3e. eight nibles a- -ud
lett, thetti •tagainst five' tor the preserved
ggs), hesitleS tlit iveight of the shells
and ,the 'extra freight tariff ion eggs.
atilt_ blockIn tax of -"Conserved'
ggs, whether% o I
e bear -the -date and hour of Its
The amount of eggs put ttp
h bots 1)41 ernnmUy tAfyirttd.
nbOl1S and nst'antly •growitig;
V ant of Imola, averic
_Mg. ' ,
hl very lersurely, end
aRes her., . .
SI I 01 stances tan pe
1 ix x e -mined WU.
- r ftni rettece- .
t :11 It then PLto.ui Jn4'ct1g
tt .i? bot,4„5.„,
4,a' may' ,suctred town ottiers-do. not,
J't.,, ieVfi. 40 OU, ,)'it never N'vheit you
believe.14 yeti/self'. ,
li.tan, is ticd'inerely the otehifeet et hls
two torluno., \but W must, Alit) kW, . the
,rtilis, hoti,srlt,-, - " , -
.1n:storice4 ,
laittt t tt),41,tliortO
as ]era! eia,doize. Ati jB1r's-.
,CX4111ii14, iS.,t144t C,,,t alAger n rentel
• ,at 1)8to, Nv't10 sued 1& ittrelicrd
sullietkti lac; 1111 inteleratIe„ritil4vire,
- theprocteihngs,cf,a ceppersinttli on the
goomild floer. 11e Ju 'i4 phows.
ki rotted 'the, tieund.%--tskImplitinto:t
• ana no woitter uaf 1LYitottutnettt
g beCre, tile judges %LAIR 111(,y' blot
nwit cirk diAtrAy. Cent -
*it*, *0 MI ileng 01 40...Miltig
hieh he ocughL
*VI, 1st 4.4.1111-1! itz,3
*ate!". r,,
irstur of 111. a piece.
even we brides feel pily!"
Dr;73atne-soirr. Colony, like like the late &eeil Ilhodes, is a
bachelor. Everyone knows of. the
famous raid into the Traxistaal in 105,
when Dr. Jameson. upset' Cecil's aP.Ple-
cart and landed. hiniself -in a Doer pri-
son. "I made a -Mess," the Doctor frank -
I3 said afterwards, "anil I got fifteen
months. That is all. No; 1 maY add.
one thing: I ,deserved fifteen years -tor
'failing," It is not everyone who be-
comes a Print° Minister, however, :so
Dr. Jamesonneed not talk any more
about "failure' Do riol'fill your life with 4 kit of s.,1 -
The Lord Mayor of Loudon, Sir ly and sordid pleasures, so that When
Nam lftloar, "the carpet knight," has, you cone to f,lie you will find you have
been telling some stoles Of his school I. pot really lived. ,
doys. He went to King's I Have a -PiireoSk in lifoothat.- predom,
end' ene.'deY'le Admitted -to a--niasterrmates-above Uh•-•eise,-- that ts-bertelleeat
that tier Was Ignorant:0 Iltelneaing efruto -1-hoSe about yea,- and not to your
the word "abdoinell-!* The /nester, 4TI 1(.,VVII greedy self atone.: Ittliere is elle
thing' for which. I aril glad it is that I
have found a .purpose which involves
not me alone, but all heunanity.
Lord Reherti,'-now in his 75th Year,
says: -
I have kept, myself...soling on pur.
se, _12 have riotLAM* nor SmOked
d 1 nin re,trItY not a prier
1. Majuba in 1880.-
irtet, teootalisin,no medicirie, and
no dector," is the prescription of Mrs.
..tlenor--Golertatni-rotii..,1s.. now j7. Mr..
Coleman,. who lives in Sotnersetshires
belongs to a remarkablybong-lived fam-
ily. Both her ---mother-- and ner'-grand-
inotker wort centenarians, and her
daughter Is nearly 80.
The litho Thothas.Lord; who is '4 -hun-
dred, and is the oldest, living -preacher,
has ,aid:- -
'I have no Secret for long
only see the ChriStion man
his own ethomon sifig6-,-47411*-1—vay
I I • e ove 47,,, a
compelling his stenutelr-to-digest rno
lood4liari..-itolumtaPeol4 toi
Drink plenty of water in preference
to adulterated concoctions. Water is
wholesome nourishment, --- Take exercise. It is just as foolish
t9 develop the mind and not the 'body
as it is' to develop the body and not
the mind. Perform some manual labor;
dig, walk, chop wood, or; if you eat
talk with your whole body, why, then
tolk, but do it with all your might.
1).6N7 irsiDULGs. -
brawny YorkShirernan„". at once struCk
hint with his fist, strting: "There, that's
your abdomen, and don't forget:1V "I
have never forgotten...14y' added Sir Wil-
liam, "and Lend that some. knowledge
of anatomy- is useful to a Lord Mayor:"
This remark, naidless to say, was
greeted,with toud laughter. .
rfile--Prinee4,01- Vialesi-wixt -hos lust
if, fa
red theliavy in 1877. As a midship.
man he 'served for a time under the
present Admiral Sir\ Frederick Itedford,
who tells a -good story. While the' ship
came off to pay his respects, to Queen
Vietorieg grandson. "I am in com-
mand," *said Sir .-Frederick, "and the
• Prime is an officer; but here he comes,4
At that moment Prince George, who as
iit charge of a -coaling party„.tante Am
The Turkish pasha refused tobelieve
that the youth„ black from head to foot,
was the Mire, and he left- the _ship
1.ike all Orientals, .he did
-realize the English wor
und by Dr AVAlianla'
suffered so much from iwrv.us
Ltyspepsia that 1 feaeed 1: would 'Lord • Givy'dyr, aged ninety.Seven..
cOnte:-,,,ipsane:s says M. Alfred Austin, finds the teasen for litce.age In II* fa*
Varney, Ont. • "For months," says - --*.- - --
Mrs. Auctin, "I was; prostrated..tville ,,Not stnoVng..• plenty of outdoor over'
twli trouble. I got so bad I bould, not eisei and mOderation in eating and
cat a mouthful of food vilified it. neapdrinking.' 1 ana not 4,vegeterlext: *rid
ly cheleing- rive. 1 was affecte& with do not ;exclude' any fora/ Of.fleSh. As.
such terribiel POMO of dizziness and to sleep, I used formerly-- 10 1,1St';*t,
tribugea that 1 !:ad to leave -the table alioat six o'clock' fit the morning, but
sairetimeS With'just two or three mouth- latterly I have been' a little later Irty
tuts of toad for 'a meal. • My nerveS„ usual allowance Is about ton hours 4
were all unstrung, and I grew so weak day.
that influence, and the forittence of.
tax abstinence„ 1 have prOgressed from
manhood to one hundred."
Another preacher, Dr. Clifford, has a
ber.L___al.,..lirPscriPtio..nt_ The „.,te.,plonS
(ho longer you ,
*F6k .00: the necessity
trade unions -with .anar
raz, cir,,,d Malatesta, the itolien eliarchist,
w4l, preen% reports on the organizae
•o1 ..iniultaneetis general strike
alI trades el all .ftv,pean countries.
ether foreign delegates; Duxks
Pcws, and 'Mortar, of Liege, will pre-
a es
A__ ,
aining 10 thevang machineS l
reduced Kites. lohic for the I el' ,.
Singer Se\'Whg Machine...A. W Ito its
ikt.., 11 noinge, tAtiamlie Toeonto* foe sa
01 1ird'Cards/free. '
• OF !ml
osee hem, I he. lady, "YOU t
h . e. A lorlit
--•••'Wnly',' replied-Tthe--carpenter-„
iretratierward-1 sifwatraid Maybe -tt
us rev
41! tenni, uropean countries.
fiamtrs,- liandon, and Mar.,
Parsi, will read papertivOrt
which..elight to be entploy.
,gale anarchiSta atnong the
obit et as
et MXId a de1egale,t0
'Mt Mt 4114 1.f t
5 ukson
from the .experieneeS
di it' Llt,
For 4hte Overworked,--Wh4t are The.
causes of despondency and melanchotyt
doserdered liver is 'one cause arid a
prime ow,. A disordered. liver_ means.
a disordered' stomach, and a diserdered
stomach means disturbance -of the nerv-
ous system. Thls. brings ° the where
body into subjection and the vm
feels Ark all over. Parmelee's Vege-
trble • Pills are a recognized remedy in
this state and relief will follow their
Man is- the only ordinal who possesses,
the projection of the 'A lower jaw -bone,
known as the chin.
•The never • failing medicine. Ake
y's Chrn -Cure; removes -all .kinds
r,ns„ u -arts, etc..; even the most diffi--
cult to remove toned Withstand nes
Nvonflerful remedy.
Aslate as 1831 einuiliappy little 1
_of nixie was,hung_at cheitnegOrd,
Pug -
]and , for setting burn en tire at WI
Ic "‘Torrovilt.1" 11 fs
et "mot *mow
okint,wbrri4,00,1:14.4out711 7.100.7w444.tains 'Lotus, ars _
flietiittes t 410414.
"Do you think it in the nature fty
lel -to object- to- 4. fellow:sr-being-spoens-
on tter?''' •
"Not if he foirks out."
etelera,„ dysentery, etc., in the market.
- It Ilas Many O1liceSf-13efore the Ger-
man soldier starts on 4 long march he
rubshis feet with tallow, for his first
curet is to keep his feet- in good tid-
It he knew that •Tir. Thomas'
Service' he would throw away MS tallow
A 4.
knapacL Tbe.notutog loie
The areaJef . India is *tie million•nnd
half square miles, that of the ttnitt
*rho 'length of the olti• of the toG
*mkt be equal to one,Sixtil 01
height o ii,frortectly,foripeil num,
Metther Grave*? Worm, - EXtertnintiter
does not require the help ot any pr.
ative medicine to Oamplete the CUM -
Give It 41.1rial and be .0011Vineed.
The printipal inrg, tovitili of Europe.
hal* one polltentan to .every 00 Mbar. -
_ _ u
An- 4 ared- lo ---be left elite*.
ogg_ at nighis„iiiiiil_uSed
to lie tiry,al'ie until 1. feared :itly -Feiii:lift
;uttl'./eave inc.,•...:. 1 was taking medi-
cine constantly, 'bat it did not, do-nte. a
t1 of graid. t had -iised Dr. Williairis'
I'mk .1),Ps on a 'ferirer ot.'casiors with
g4,04 iNTstlit, cladat bist 1 determiqed'
tr -try Dion again.- I zart7aay- nothing
tette... than. UAL 11;iese.pilis ha vg teen
a blessing to ,nte, as .they•liae Made
nte• a wellrivo. 'min. II:very trace Of the
luligi-sLopf is grne, and illy nertea ar
r.strong ,,atttl senral as they _w('t* i
girlbeed. Stew 1 eati•kat anything (hat.
e1rittirlr.114e,-011-07S1 giriiitiiid-fetfes1'
la g skep at nights. All this 1 ,we to
lie' faittaftil use of .1)r., Ntalltinis' Pink'
Pill% urtgeize I shall zetvr„ 'wise, to.
aFse.• •-• • .
Dr. Wilif'xi'as* Fink I)ille fill thielek,
villt rem. r:,,Mi. 'red tkiettll Th4115 wl
'Rey Slii4EliZt4C-11 the',Itkve,s ai -0
igan fix the roily. .-1-hat ira .. he
iat;41:2,, 011 $C-41t0,1*-3.,titiO to tad,
Ni. s, -'.l navs., Isitilt,,
Wttb :ttgri,iittiltig, weaVin
10, heetlae'lles sr.& sideaches, irlien-
rairstn ..s0 ttctirti1gza, heail ipa/pita!
' -1,, iirlost'tn. St.. Vitu$ 4aniv, pat.
l • tinc13;ys19,' ttidnpy 1t4u13,e,s, find
pe,".all •itilitigtits ttat render the
c so /tat, yeenfert and #cwi2n1z
ttirden. . But you 'must get the
i rils WI% the full taint, kIle.,
litt:14,-,Pi.,Itq Cr. Pale pecyte;
arpef itedurat #tott bat. Sold
edi..ne dcalta. Itrly ,ntall at
a Ks ts. att Ipoke$ kr .0,40:
, ' Dr. ViiF Medne ro?.,
1r Lauder Ortintoix
to_tont intted ..)•outtttul impro,
t r mastfeallen-Tol food -an o
LOirgely open "i;vintlews aro Cornparal,
lively safe, but throtigh whfch
,the /tie blows is 10 be' earettilly avoitled..
The practice 'of 'gobbling toed .may, to
a 'certain ektent, he responsible, for- the
In tiger proportkrtr:Of vanter--1,41.1ter-ato.;
;Mach,' wilier', occurs in Mtn Mere, th0.11-f
;81e lames CAlcliton.Drowite has strong
herirl'6t On the stibjeet. roapybOek InteS
ie de ' '
AinisL 1! 11$!Y men,
to ti$ hy instead. ci
Makin 't man' healthy, tvetiltliy- 'and
*tivis, ear, 3r ristng :lateen, bt vitalIIy1 *rtd
tt.sUlis in Irain-ft*g and early
.11i Opp PIAINC1114,:*$.,
la 1 y the tollovvIng
rinelpIes 1r th'e c, 6104 Prorrie
ttlekiyo th:
Er plenty ot aleepo
plenty et:exercise.
t plenty of istigir, rite., pe
1! 3d stpd
Rat' apatingly cif fish '
Prom. (hes' = WLIfl
was ti
tho stet o1 10110*. )1(40
lini abstinentst.° *Ain
gallaltd the, Jire of theli, jjrvnt
Gerinon if. !d- nr) *2 irt Mollke,•,
whit", ..at tht, ;age 41. ninety ',when still.
pcse34tdi )(,r flue intellectual power. *rift
retnatkobl, ,sty'L:41, filet ho hod
ianag(d,to five tong , and ill nett
twelleitt 'health 'by great moderation
all thinss' and Wgulir 4)014446dr
tend T&nutt, and cbiigs to 1
witil hi& hind
WEC-fliiiiTY IN 1 f.,
Tfio izeeent; increttse in tlio nte of *Ire
irkitt 10 Spain liaa been 'ea •rapid ,that
• titi,lat mport Mates that te.day Ver$
kw localitiCs' exist 'where, .the, eleettle
light, -is not enapkiyed. This is. garliktriar-
,1$ trite of p1aces.'situate4 near s.lkititit
running iirearris. Tito tortstmipteit Att`
.eleetrio lamps* even itt tho $mallot
logos*, 18 41%cril4'it as :being vnortivuts.
Ireit'erywhero, • elelelo mutor* ore fott
taking tho 'Owe of Istitlorktpokver. Yet
4':n'trT41kfl eleieetrit:' itt
Paln littS not kept skirt With the,' grith
' itaemPleednerit, tift per Ont.- of ibe
lynarnol 4/xd inotiits being lm
1* (.111 Most .ot 'the. tvh,
corne hut Ranee and Swift&
The Russian .delegate's report will 00
toinowovl by a discussion on the prae-
1tr11l1ty of introduring the bloOdr
thirsty inetheds widely and systeinati-
enny practised inRussia -Into other
exatalriks" ond the.a•ebates on this quest.
• are likely to be one of the toast
iatemting features et the congoss.
In site of the secrecy which the an-
archists haiae attempted to maintain
irenzaking the arrangements for the con,:
gxess, their plans are fully known to
authbrilies in this country, and the
Izetessery measures wiB bd taken,
co4eper3tien with the Dutch' police, to
goipervise the doings of the Internation-
al revoIidionEsts at Amsterdam, where
pplie-e o Post EllroPee.
count; SEP be represented......
TO RUN I fi NI 1I11
N r
R ver
The lculer a mon complains the
eta certain you can -be- that ihe ga
t 'what w;slue hint
cst women live on' the *hope the
will net jialge them as strictly as
lber own mirrors ..do.
Mo I a lee ' Purgative.--
PUs now kn. the n privet.. Parmelee's
\leg:fare-134s, are mere than a pure.
Lve. They ',strengthen the stomach.
'here eller pills veakert it. They
c blikirty---regidating-lhe-
er *Aid kidneys, and -they stimulate
here •alter---rillIL-compoutuis depress._
olli* of an injurious nature, used
fcr merely purgative pewers, enters in-
to their cempositiom
11 is hard to oneeLve of harmony in
en 'unless sone- in -Oriels take a
ce4se ifl. voice eulture,
-Th• 'most teinorniaai
1 High Grade 0111'
contagiotts Itch on 'htnitto
:toured initintrlitutimwea-beity WkaLiii•
Mier and Golf of St *tarot to
- a -alit%
it to* .
11$ sM r44 °If, soljedo I 1411 ti '
.141Kirfo bid* ,,
m. 4.6iAivtotiL7140603,14*Tilmout_t,Itiotii.tood0
iT 1 i wrolomlis try, 11.,t
In 1811 thole ere no more tha
• IeW5 in Palesti,ne; to -day there are
i0400U1lerusalem alene.
. orie rieed. fear • or any
Str.n'ancr complaint it. they liave hot.
.1. D. Kellegt(s .,DysenterY
ready. f,or- use. , It cornets tilt
4.tu lbe-,71;f1wets.I1141liPfl **mi
bealltty natural' ,aetion. 'This
adapted :tor the young aral
t popular rnoilleine Jar
ittx.0;04VfrZ.It. '
• ttAte nontill ELP4110:01.10'
pool ,holet tio,ungn MAI*
1 and -to all depots and
PrintiPal, 111k/nit