HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-07-11, Page 6 (2)A
1 •
eatvh I,nu3te 1ThAfla Of'
It was &I 'sled that, the buUd
*ngvulangermi Tight be rLdh
*40-ene,:ir of impermeable or protact!ve
• hot stk_far 4,1„-J,s;301,0_WiLltiAt
gestion has' not yet been acted on. An-
oilwx-plan has0,-,,,beawever.-elreadY-W.11
followcd,„ it 4‘.. round that by washing
crumbling lime,stone NN1111- a, solution
taryta a hard surface will be formed;
teid the chapter hedse at Westminster
411fi protection in ihis--way,
• :rite theory, IS that the s.Uipltnr given off
*Alt the .gases iron coal st • 0.
erel 't,hrlfint-,1**tetp.-„,
sul km*01.14,4041 *AL
tibueid .-dcids.- 'This ao ve„rTiririrnle.
stone into J5UU sit
TS-k.7.3.1iMiltistt Ord-
$, '1
4 'hie are Ilit
e ;
It at I.Lettee,, and then
t esiod and pure
hapeoof the cavity
dulterated the'neeP,
telt 4,de
11*r ttU
lit -iflsd1Ltary• thitildn
4 Urely- as Uieie. Sac 'thing a
it s & /mu.
I sphere conducive to. Iteaillt oSt
much is sunshine and fresh eire---004,
there Is a otiosity), lila which, kg
at, deadlras-Itte*
Aptritual p!zce
'where the atmosphere is heavy with
Late ,And poleenou$ with pOselon; le
Null -up the eheitters or de'epair and ex*:
elude the sunshine of Itope;, to close
the windows, of tile heart and exclud
ad as et *out
to Uro itt dark, uiwen i1akd ceflar.
Niltlee that PatilWriteS, as t tieta bald
te..power to select, their OWnAntellectu
,J101.1. -
• 'ee'
ttati%ity ave defliug,p ace T
ntind tribre desirable, than.- Alte.,region
7.071-0114.11YakIn111.0.4.14,.:-'7f.:44 ..„
to 1`.0.1.4b1,._ 4 4.1)0..etrite...511Pere. Ot the soitl
torDal v: 41.4 ;It
•-,,-Asktst1'a nL1sev4Qen
solution of baryta, however,. tertiox With.
:gokattritti::10401nblo-: vilphatfr---ot
• tarium, at the sante Anne liberating
• Stne,.:Avilich2-soceteror latex peoulltcs
converted, into Carbonate by absorbing
the carbonic arid gas -of the air.
• So, notch for smoke. tind the buildings,
There, remains the- question of smoke
ond the lungs. 'The sulphur oompounda
• ido the lungs just as Much harm as Vol
do the build:nip. Until \sortie .otio Can
suggest a wax with svhieh 10-coaf the
iungs, _or a solution of something
'other with which to wash thein, it ts
--clear-- that the, -anii,,,smolco campaig
*everywhere sigutid be iti-lhe very front
among-topies of pressing civic interest,
toloi-agricullure is the latest. Camino
elOtnattiall, Pot seedlings-ot-the .sext
sitive plant into four different 'louses
--MI ordinary conservatory, it blue
litcuw„ an ordinary green *use, a red
Ito A er a fcw inoiut)t'
eceind the little plants en the blue liduse
riactically just 0,4:he had put therh In.
They seemingly had fallen asleep and
ilass louse ,tho bad ;Town move Abut,
fel the ordinary ,glass 'house, but, they
.were weedy and poor. In the red house
elicHsee,dlings had iecome positive
giants, ••well nourished .and well- 'devel.
'aped, fifteen times as big as the nor -
Vents. In'the red iighe the Molls
had become hypersenSillver It was
tees or deeity..as well as those it
growth, perhaps lhe. Tose extreetelitt.
• ery developeent is that/ of forcing
- plants by the uto of antesthetics.' it,
diecoyery.of Deeeioleen
into which ether is trepottet
ed.. The 'hove. vaper,deetencle" and
ps the • Plants. 1Mte,r rqtY:!eAl
the Plenbian taken ,ottt Met'
placed in aCool-house. The • buds and
plants at onee/Ikgin to sprout far mOre
rapidly than theet p1ant thitt havo.not„.
been treeted :with
torn) also ean be meet. Dr. /Olumnesen
eeggests that we bete' Come on the quei-
Elting up * sort ot lightning condUc-
iv -with a networt -of , wires running
• illtrough the sell of field, an litereate
101'30 per cent was secured in' * pota-
to crop. The fetectrialy was drawn, from
• atinospitere.
W455 tftE
• 11.
• d
Sye" -
l lite-lia xt
gentleman ' Fiy
via,- ibis - ' to: ;,
. , trian,lor ' , , I ' *. 411
Veiled, e I.,
Would merry 1 a I i se .:1•41 . 1
liaving Stittiliteil 1 atitilial , n.
come." tadFesiiMing the,rewnsiie's,
%meat and oompetatey wet.* drawl).by
' • the adverteement tikellies 16 the. ea 1
- f woman .4 the bst iSO":!!MY# fili VrAtirSt
ck .,t)tretfs 1.1411f510$6*,, introiliteet IV
Meanies: 10 Ile.' tone etrieretiliiiiher,
elsertrately. 42i.. 41:0,21A441. 1'.i1.4,1 Milckissive,4,4,.
•, Negeffrite.' -,Ilet-vved, Dell% .1 Le'ts
-*royal. s.itede •trilitlIt'PLIl diee.5ter wari.
stly ovortook: the hsron, 'who ,r0a pott;
lieil to rkl"ase ito tadicq from Milo'
• Ogitted trAh.! ,4 cat they, Leine hall 4S
Elgidielit4 nl*'ilkast atwo!!.'4 dealiniNt lit
wurrAit efeee eine .iec.::•111 rel., 4eve tt
,,tbv tKi•roi ae.Ottlt p.r2t,r.,. On.tho vartimrp,
Italy W11176 viiNatag Li. !OM' thoir.
$6,,,,:,.,: , ti-* tio.,p, tct-ti tr,Ati want.' Tee,
*Arm' EN tiTs7' lit
alp •••• •
it live to, 'Ver
'The difference Is
u s
• 14—t -r.1
0110 IlatrIfl#
1,0110 physical, circumstancetit an,ther is
happy itt poverty becnuse of lits mental
ee yeresepeeteetee.
Ta1es here tin, road 10 success.. More
.,P,kweepee_tell to_achteve their :worthy elk,
ilions beeatise tby eulttsate wren;
Mettle/ 'elite. than ler eey Other one*.
Life is full ot splendid .opportunities
for the men who wU seize them„ and
rro•woritt r
115 Jn fat
o$e•min4 s
and. all.. the 'forces of
oet gnins.keeihe,
nd ponde c *
• thougbt 'awaits* eenduet.
10 , -MOO' iti4-otelitardwt114
pisoe. The normal man has power ha
iteetlits--Altoughts*40:ii:430:$ -10;
Ahrect, his hand. 13y the exercise of sudli
power he may win, succesS, character
and- righteousness.,
The mind is masttr of the body. Ex.
pertinent, • detnonstr les that thought
Pumps the blood -inti the head Or hands
or feet according as one directs
niind, and'that emotions, controllable
by the svill, may refresh or Poise'', the
physical system-, as they are godor
t lettite.
item whext 'the &e s
eo ,
Fine linen, sieelleetseintent hin
telget-harelleereteers, ele.. Utt hos
.flow, intlyhttened-,h-y.,-boil
in trol'4,*, ottdS xnade With . yellow
404 mak and wider, wash In or.
dnary hot'stiee,: rinse in clear hot war;
r, ;ova in cqg4 biw.waier.
It. takes than tainuto to put on
un Old pair of gloves when one has a
*dirty piece ot -•Worlee uch as dusting
041' d* 1,1*. re*.
ebeir vet bavt .insightly ingraifl-
blacke.on their lands, \ nor those die -
g eraelee thet ,get 'so .dreadfully
14:14.1, #e41, 111i
4 ., i! • :tit u
te 1111.,aielrie tee
itivevifeeveirlit evourethiughts,,lor
What iyou think will register- itself tali-
On the aler hlutd, 4J1C din oveyeotne
II the evils with Whicli hts inner lite is
besett__by_exercising the will ixt the direc-
tion of right thinking. If you would do
the things you ought, lo do and leave.,
undone the Wive you ought not to do,
_ t
A e
I 1
Ir of o
,t1efa, 1) -
5. Epett the: third: 004
fetirth generationeethe in,esorkihni 0 10
tiered* -Is .,0! '44s, *elf *4
(i1 IL nbIh zw wigrehr
g,ii.kojirodito ttlyttp.,„.inoto
eratiojt 1) In bnu&•eepeetell
in a •Itiet•eol Meet e
le I
l'ittH.16411417111411, frU:4
t t
etin i a(
,.,. ,
person ii -all 1. i ry (JrI ' TO'
'thereto . niliteceily or .ti'vrelArq,.*
., --
' it 11tiC lhi..`(`-iiift
i IStaalieti ' 61` tee, Wo
1 flt4Jfl*d1
ieetetnitl .te011 t$t
rd "UIOE
whielt habit, le turn, A'eselted n
tide or combination of lee -two,,_ trete
wile* lifie-Weite on tengltsil NvQ11,1`."Jelle-
-Beene-tuber 'Atte sabbath- day kiell
it '13e --The Aii-4r,4-t"aahhatiet 44,:4critut
front " a root meaning "lo desist, to
IL is worthy of veto that itt o
Lillie when . religion consisled eh/elle in
the observance ak rituel and'eeromin
Uiis uperior cotle :lace, in
1IOUs ijtilv. narr.iv1vt
0. Six days th 1 thou labor, .and do
I thy., work -Note that e the positive
conaraond to Work leasbinding IS the
Lesson- 0. The Ten Commandments
Duties Toward God. 'Golden
'Ten: lieut.
then look to e your thoughts mid ' THE LESSON WOK) STUDIES.
ID •
whatsoever thlro are inter, honest, Based on the test of the !Revised 'Ver.. -
just, purer, lovebe attractive,' virtuous, ;fon.
honorable, thee let your thoughts 1well. -The retweefeitte Ten, Words, --The 'Ten
F ()Liven .01141.1.,' commandments ot the law, are
referred to under the -Various titles .oI
'testimony," ..°CovenatiC (god. 25, 21;
1)ettt. 9. 9; rat.-. 4.10, ,etnit -"lher-,Dece-
tegue." This e last title meatie' literaily
"the law of the ten wetrde," which Is the
lame ustil Itt Etificsl. 24.St Dcut. 4. 13-,
Tomatidnieritseels viessettectiesteelhougl
more Leonitrion_. rendering of ..lbe_ original
ilebrew need. The cottinionly accepted
'view among Old Testament Seheletea
leaves Undisterbed.lhe tradition of the
Mosaic • authorship, ,ot •"an - essentially,
spirituartY And ethical cud Or etn-epree
eldee". It is. however„ .considerect prob.;
ble timt this, code -existed •orighettleID
ntuelt briefer form, to Witten iron lime
teeeeerieItions and mies
ening the appeal of the codelo the 1111 nd
and Will of the people. In support of
this -theory, it is pointed *mit Portiettlarty
that the Pentateuch iseU contains ' two
tersione,oe thiseode inewhieh are found
not * Iew and Itottalt4REErtifilifilTer-.
tent: variations, espeCially in the-rea-
so4lot Obedience' attached to the fourth
.and coniniandments respeetively.
The Veolott or Ezicod. 20. e41, Is general -
iv regarded as theolder and more
elitssic, while elhateot neut. 5. 0-210, Ls
admittedly of later, otieln. TA the dif-
ferences betwikee the •leeel_veralons •In
detail w shall have occasion to• refer
.• _ .
lad sendwicriel are -very
thIS time oil year. Cut sOme 'thin aloes,
%If tread. and butter, spread. Wear With
inayonnitise sanete, and put a good lay-
ert:o nto
o foil deep, '
• .
salad ,in 1110 m of Hue wig
Press together, -cut: mb quares,
Fried Cauliflower . -A „good
er irtust bee boiled carefullie so thet
tvide mb nicer.,- sprayk‘,....tdredge•icee
thickly with fkatr,"„ dip-. into beaten- eggs,
tum breaderunibs.atid 'fry :in deep fat
a olden color. Serve piled on a
troyley with deled telt or, grStott
ith,nbarb 'Fritter*,,..tMeito a mite k
ittireq '10 bleSPOOltitt ,flour, -one -.pogo
hod half A -pint inilk*.eddlog2a.pineb
bf salt; e.Whett well ,beaten dip P
and fry, In deep tat till a light golden,
leder.- Drain the fritters on. *eft. paper, ,
Abe& pike Ahem on a -dI3h, and Mew
thickly with suga. „,r, • • .1`.
Potetteive With „pusseteeeeTteutter,"
or eretint tenet
:ihi until Lhe dish is :Oita fu1. SmotvIth pitper and. :salt oover IM laste
wdh grated' elieesee :leeter 'neer the
ternatoder of the .Custeed.: apit ,helee Ire
10.' 14; 011101, hmatn,
withhall an Oettern
' IMM* -Of eAtitokrith
Dorothy •PudditreNettLele One,
'add two ounces Of larittrel dripping, or
better. a .pitiolt 01 ginger)and two..oun-
ces of sultanas. • Beat alt for eeveral •
tonites,_.graudisly4agrrjrig,Jo. sultictent
tour to • thielten to .4 Wirt' ii-ATX'70-nit'l
tercle e.,A Lfttle milk xnay be addede11
liked. :rill some *Malt greased triouKs
•71e-eiteaaelliTa-74-f -Tkinte:-Wiee•-',74-
•butterol peper over: eaceTe reklettakeite
„h 014 oven', Turn ottt, end Serve.With
ity settee ikeL
ti1leta-of Meat arid- SaVory ,Sautt.
Take some slices of eelderrieitt, *boa
tetteettlideof an filet* thick, . Shape h.eet.:
Ir.-leaving:At, little let on etkoh titeet.,
'‘Ilee • two etirthla And .ents 'onion,: 1400'
etre them:jive saucepan, with, One Ouflce
:of dripping, Mitring mitatottiy, so that,
40 not. ,Stakett: ell Willi pep-
per an& .411and whenlk,et a bght
trown„stie In a tablespoonful ot pee
i4e'ot the fire, and leVthe
'cin. _
I t -: • ftifo,
-fry th ettliets 'of
eVe it flat rno'rnd i toit**4 0144.
*tt •With, thripped pereley On it , Oh*
rrftng the meet oti it in a eiteree*04
•ttr 'vegetables eied-graey mend4.
with only It 011 Of
lei look too iity,; kitid loore aq'Ord.,
, g yoitte Mete.
,4$4, i1 't :Toreleeeteee a Small' shoul4
:dee tatillOn, and litiog it lot, eeveral
tittyie.lerike ;It and ort ettcppitig',
tioritrd, gm.: together Ittippe..t., and lil1.
it tcaspoonttil or natio, and with It exit.
Sf411 110. ntettl„ .,,trry On *this It
asitent 4-11--e1-rced,, mitul 141bh,1 rock14
•tpat, 6441 sew, dosS-ntte,
it,2,1 viand' tA4litia4 Plaet, :flee itt a
itieepett h tstpait
iter,„ add Ira; Off,On iStiti.'t:
find gCitio • Pc,PPers,„, plc
ecc,-..ely, turn lite, tt14 441-1ee wiWo i„
eeeke* $44110.' cr,,,o4,41 .1teleale seteee
et 01 the ,tapicir trout, Ito *:•,y5.!ct%1„ sea.
rtrivi:x with, lulls Ofpat.;,1c.ey
• 0 MD
ttisot gherkins down the cert ' ee,
The Meat. 'When 'choking the turtle, at
w eveenty minutee for each pound of
meat and be sure that It stunner.% slow:
Orango Sherbee-Foar cupfuls 4
water, two C401,11$ ot Sugar, tsvo
tuts or sugar, two. :coPtille .of orange
titeg--filie-10uigt-e1.--At-cupftile-td-1 —
ludo, the grated,rind of two 'oranges.
-tlakD h VrtiP 0,3)010012e water an
'sugar for twenty mitattes,,,ihen atki
fruit Nice and the grated read; cool
lccd Tea...Aro four teaspoons of -tea
'allow two cups ot bofling water. Scald
4 china or earthenware lea -pot, put fet
the tete,.pour en, the boiling water and
let the pot stand oti the back of the
or IF ir *44%7 -Ace or re
ittes. Strain lheeirdustort• 4 t
ime4ttlut full 01 cracked ice, and .sw
en to tate, Tine is a Boston woldeig-
vettool recipe.
-teinger Punch -Chop one-half pound
of Canton glove, add it to a quart 41
told *water and one cup or sugar and
boll teeneentnitietee Adtt onieltalt cup
eta% of orange juice. end lemon Julee
Lir-tis-lted leee,
Fruit 'tch.' Boit one quart of
two; cup* -oreaugier,e.ande-two cups
of -Chopped pineapple twenty minn
add One clip of orange Iuiee, and half
muck lemon =MO.- ('ooI, strain, and
.rve dilutodevithelte4ea
, and 10 two etierts water ndd one'
eup tttle 1. OW lh
peratere, ot about eighty deipeea .for 3
tOttpte of *Mrs, then, strain and coot
Currant Water,Pre.4 out theAtoot
juice, and *AIX tabieepoons ot the juice
tRid ,two cups of veld water. lf no
tweetenough, add a little sugar, and
hill. .
• .
tISUETiLs littsiTS.
, •
To preveill ilour1 nIngdam
irlittRrhAg driz *woe on the kqi
,Ixittitrit ,01theelkstireleitretee .......,,,..
In ventll&tIng a room open the ' win-
'lleter ar-fift-etoPeeetett_lailteMeeeThieretTite*
iiit- tusttes in.ono, way, *hi:telt). tent
'aft makes its exit the other. e .
To Olean e swing nottenne t 'attn.'.
paint brush .or,stittothige- brush will I*
found handy,,,parileularly to reach those
peels which It is hard 14 moth with
it 'clothe.- - e '.• - - - -• -
lelooteeetire, impenetrable it pointed
'with a soItitlen ot raffia and ',mai •01I.
They. g,%4,brotett in color end keep in
go1oendition /or *bent two 'yore.
, ableditte eboUld'be hemmed. by,
- Not n ' 41cies.it look *beliet tad
, hu1rittett-is,4iioveiiltill„1
411 aid under 'the ,edge slier being itun.
&tett ss With Mitehitie , sewing. • ;'
,,. VT :160+14 , -Preveentelanije ettnineste
from -cracking. ,,otat ition 'Into eold', •
*Teter lift4 ler 0 come to et boil. tiefore II -
teeing .,the, elifinneys otit . the Witter: 's
Shoeild' be allowed ex trieee " o
- reerripa should be tilled .iiiitlx, the
s• #
Ls. Thc lie
senple original er relonlY°1romwhichinbot)etrh
6 066' di*
letinge'versimis re derived' is -twitter
supported by the theory that the -fourth
OMMandnient as We new 'IttiVe it in
, • t1ear1y-7priqu-pr0.--(6-411
tto oritfeisiilloti
of tite
11-$1*ittrith4 at:Oofant%neetiond IneiGithille'
nt le AO the Lesso'n Word
tUt1i tor t Way.) .
Verse 1.. AbOut itiotkitt * half
hai etre:1,-We events,of ohr. last
0 u . Israel tinder the leader.
f cots Aaron Itatt'liroceklekt
on -Itis journey ...Wetted : Shosti, malting
scscrat stops by the: Way. The. stages of
fieurtity are indicated in Nude, 33.
.:011!t%O..; WOOS A ,
fiat "tg. iiiinirtrOtri----.84-iiir an
proclsiins .vorde of the lew •artee
in' the *kers ett lite terrified-
pmojle x fa. 4..14 Later,
I US- nti4iied bi:r, the, vo1ce. of
by Itis",-owit rntger
bief totte.,Xxod,•, $1. 114; Dmut.
ing_ :the_,ApOast.:10t.„the
Peof lug:from •The,
'the* lett tabiet
it later are reOlareit
othere, also item by 'lite littod of
Itiittelf :EEX04/4. a Theete
;s: re 'tteprOSited in the M
.geosit riettit,10.7'5I,' 'Thee the
f llw giving 4)?
lettill)1v.004,itee: .jc 14w.-lkaI 44C00_01r._'4.
•--1 i,iy• • .1 wss Intlf
tent . Tit pn4e1,4,
id st-,1 le tre by the hind
prpito,un io 111e,
u lugu)ar. The. imv. .14
(.4134 iodvidusi oleo\
" Htnolten.."! ete
tee liret tenettai mitt 'aeeerts',11te
fire OA t..47' prete4 ageiriel puiv
tee:iglu ste- the scceod empliasieee
sterettetetee end 44, preteet ageinet,,
eiolatry emit eielielisineeTlie-otnelew
titift.cottliethiscw-tAt this 4.41mtmuttl-
111-1It Las itP.;4n tuuti littntglt
tee tqt40,‘,**,; 4411,41.04
4,1011t 110 tt1114
.314 tt)
Itt111".. Pew 1145t:S•114
10 /110-,1'
3..4 tat. sopportt I lipint the
thittoteyk poti.§hed t1 nit saute tiro+
Ohrea etionthe'llber **eh end dry the,
oe,.113Ve t kifiN''.0 3%11; 11411f.
re-tierceitet ?Map, ,,Iyorn3)
AvitlxitIt s' 'king end. give. et gefelliele.
Leather untsi never lye ks.!Npoteil to
ikstrertle host *of iglowing Tire, as
lieleebY dePri5it"4.4 itfifl
tecetetee dry eel tient. Sheet or beets
thet are e'ery evel 'Ttittetebe dM gredtt-,
,ette eit,t plated at a 'sale,ilstair,LA. e
11;1 0, flee. -
flee? eltt
tc*I.IF by teeing ee f?.t nee, #.1.
axle #14 ir#!•ti 0114 t.!"
1...smor,„ tite`•#`.#
110,4•4,4 L4' lee
)nttitl ,
,pee34..it f ar.-11) tiovt*,,
Tito dint fr.att the toto,tr
rk 1,4 ,‘ 41 4,4 1.
me t for ' yeePing: 111 -'laws
(odis fare'
(41,4ir 7-1477.11TiCir-
e v me _earth), e-1, 4 -and rttedt
••;;Aatil_rea--.00.311., -
tnnt :Demi .111-etherePla.,,
ratflS V*1*Il L. thou -
t,,that- thouwast7a.eservent. to. the land
of. Egypt, and Jehovah thy God -brought
thee out thence by a Mighty hand and
an outstretched arm : therefore Jeho-
vah thy God commandedlhee 14 keep
Ilia sabbath day." 4ter the apostle
Mut argued eteongle for Christian
liberty and ObServallee of divine law es
a :masa% of Christian expediency. The
latter view also was ehergetically main-
tained by Luther, and vas favored in
aititTloertrinal itastVoinfw44.4171011:1071_001Illet°Leialo_egf
The roilieneee-of-the`ehild heiress who
has, been. kedOePPe4 several times b
out) 01 her parents is carried a tep
ittIter1iy ititorritattow,which haeseaelte
•e4 the Victor:if, AnSiralia; police tat
little Muriel Ipe and her father' are:
now Vo Vance verr
'e tittle heiress is eght,years
-. 41 wht'fl nt.itngih4viUin-.
herit, I and ar fliferest „in t
Wholesale grocery business e of., ilia late.
• lames Seevice, who wee Tretestiret.
and Prefilter of -Victoria for Many, vars.,'
The 'Child's parents Aro separated, eed,
-tending • '-•tor ellteeeposeessione ,ote
daughter. "'First .she was kidnapped by
one, and then by the otheri_eShe bee
rnade four journeykbetween Britain and
Austialie, • , -. .
Mr. and Mrs; ICnipe and teir daughter
went to London in December, 1004 but
disagreements.' arose here, and lit the'
following month Mr, Knzpe disappear
witlu the child. , Mrs, Knipe remained- in
for them, and s e took proceedings -in
the High Court toregain possession Of
lief -daughter.' ''OetOre-tr-decialortcould
ba' reached Mr.:Knipe sailed for Mel-
bourne whit . the Oliiht, * •
Mrs. linip0-164(47.-'-atidilt WELS-Tkeif
the. :6i:14,i-is-long er.ilreeretniiiff4-46,`•
Melbourne.. The -situation -continued for
'SO -Me lime, And Ilicit;:,irr October -latict,
Mrs. Xino, Jetd Melbourne *Suddenly.
vith--the Ohild, and Withent letting her
husband know, where She was g�in.
Merlel Was 'sent to, school at
England, and Mrs. Knipe took apart-.
nients' across the road iron the at/tool
sa that -she could *Watch her daughter,
mining and going*. On January 23.
boweivt4 Knipe, whO had followed
.frottli Malbeurnq, drove up in.it carriage.,
o go toil ett
• str;ijpng o
Oieettble• ore -421 it tetigete-
r tt11 whole; goWn* Can then.
the'..3aututty, ), *the .stitit.
,ijr in Mil
si lei -matter 1iW it kieletiitu
tiit k so Well. after being io t
u 15 it Ta'betore;*siffi it isTeieertit evhile
$ n1 it to the ittore costly, but also
rttero artiStiei Pneeeeseeof te.4trettes.
lenity _dainty in inalie toL.he worlitkeep.
leeteeittAltio Co.aree ,guipure
;ace and frialt tivcitcl are the nitt's,l, bar--
utopians trintitting or-- linen.
For - the more dainty Cotten fabrics,
1 as batiste and ntereerized
and 1awn. asetectien 411 0110 0t th
*n tII shades ot cre.un,
eepetting to ecru. 'The :rnbV;141eEy 0,1
fltent usuallY•i in'seltlolort but ,some
brigittened with tin flowerets of
nize titer
t 1
ft I
•k 4ioP--
attenlion;phone ' the
van:lite s be:goh
-itetiroro-4 eves
Uifs _cetedition. aro.. kora.
IlevtouAid- h '
her, Arid 41 if*
lentrite on Meech, 4 let, and Jet
16111016rre liik'e'n7Y4,,PitlIrpeteber:7 'to. 114
ituwever„ 'Mr, Knipe and Muriel 4
and. Mrs. Knipe 1163 ,ainee
* 1 that .they lett ,loe Valits0ViVet
April 12. •
hre e n
• •
titian& oetniottly
tc-r the rovery uf nn overthzutgt? Of that
*Mount,: ti and.' IWO
.614 -**1$ rito higher beee wet the
4to1np0113, ettileie
The sueteseltil litigant recently bnught
ticket:it 1)*ris raliotyltriniono
utteeed-friti-tralti-ueihromm. to—t
\Vette 'weiting, 'for lite text :ittie, sIibii
lett 4110111041'e taleeeleeettitlitileite
petty'skietitt lo paes away ,the 'Ile
-then lotinit eltttet,041
}toniodi leilItett$ the
pr4sper fare iktri (0y:toilet:oh, roku,,s42
110 fisked for 1l1 nOttey 1)ov,
• 110`-ket• 10111te, fait' WitMtxt retaults
An intervicw with_ gio''etsilontna‘tpe,*Att,
Itt4i) litril,W0.114014 aftetieerds *MI6
uteediet of tette:he AO II* Niupitty, tut
Ile iltat'begso on nIle won the ec-tion
otion toper -over Mel
Mt!: 1. -i Ihc)tirt, tett the tempany to4,:k
it to 0100,1,cal 411141 aficrward to
'fltr erowl rec,satiott. Beth,
ttAreitt, and
pay Atte pittiatiii
c“,./ittce;$ *
A genuirte nuislin washes like the pro-
verbial rag, but, of rittirse,„11te_fittelawn-r
01 the • 'painted puns the• careless* eye
may at a glance take for Mere muslin is
another story, and must ge to the, clean.
rse Enebroldered muslin worked in
thread *lone wilt 'west' as well as the
•plain fabric; and frills can be satisfac.
torily "got ue bya, torapeient laun-
"MY ‘sprigged dirnitY.” said the,belle of .'
le to' her tirewomon, when she wanted
te weer her daintiest. noels. For a hun-
dred years e and more the dimities have
becn Stiramei aristocrets-cool, fine,
texture; end with Patterns en-
Tnatehed for distinetkee .and daintiness.
The weave never ha* changed, it always
bus bebq the. -perfection- or. -b -est"
evorke .biltitemilteentakere: have. CePle4
-delicate French! florid- stiiped
effects and sniart dots. ThiS*year'S pat.
Urns cover 4 *variety or styles never be -
lore seen in dliiithe'
a --"The .cool dark
blUegt and eoft DMA bluee are speehifiy
appreciated, and -the lighter effects „seem
TiTereeliewitcleing ifitur 'ever.--Neematter--
What, the color or printed pattern, the
ilitte COrd'ShOtilit -run- up and,--4-1138WIL. •
and across the fabric in a score of pretty
ways --the dimity' hallmark of (list**,
h a,•
tat .
r 3 a 1.-1-1 ••
%present whim et the Paristearte
(1•Se,r.f.-------SOme ,the ---most charming -
gotvive display voluirtimete sleeve
-niottsselineAe seie set ,fit. wide arm-
hoieS ; one in ,braek Ciotti had sleeves of
green chiffon and yoke ot 111cl ince.
• A black.: taffeta gown that ,attrected
Touch "aperoving attention hall a box-
Pl*Ate.'4 frj!te.!4,1ert:=114.b°d.hiellienle
&Tejo uppet.,0.rt qte e9rn
blue and White Japanese* embroidery, the.'
outer ,11P„0,Yea In talkie and ihe under
(Mee gorditieliftiveifematiettleelleedet-
vith, gold. A start of Ilavarta.brown
erk broidered_ with hliie
'Liven; t
llnishbig tobeh.
Ilk the way Thew hive de chine
scarfs; which, are se myth •Setri: lust noW.
tree Mode ixt every conetivable tint of
brown, and give a oluircieterisftdnote to
tho siinpitat ,dresird:
Striped stuffs.' • more than hold their
tsprolatlY .the telloranade gown.
They are'particularly"iniart in the lorig
Straight coatS $40. mutts, 'Worn by, Parisienne, also-itt. the l'!ireittoire colts, `tsith
long, narrow revers .01)00 on * front
.of plaited frills*, 'The ktrirs, are 41%vart
up-verifeall •
04,,,curi, outs teature_ of sostmwwittetwermiltieeigl:eitinrest
gt Ott:
women wear ttiee no do tet*Ittilificogh:4i.rbetitk
t in 'obi reteeablee in
1,1 ae eitire haryest-veontanes
benriet. The Parisienne !Oohs very co.
ettleit Workt_t ot these itgwri IttiadAiver
as she ulters it well at the 'bark
her head tilted °Yee $. ineet of stroll
urls. tiettall,v the* hats *re- in•neuttee
tittle. One Of the prettleet-yet sten wee
otel with it lailOr 1;t0W11 Of dark eras
elzlpad cboth. 11 ai a subdued shitdoo'
S! rovereft_ altemodeviolete.„,,
the- 'shit 01 ti"
t `e u
vortising •vocon
ot tho card insc,f
e..uttiry, * whit*
i notifLtD
Qin he
114 .6444 ttilt#L$0 $11,1c),
• ' •
*bout t
•think I111 ithJ3*
4 ,1"., 1,"11115‘.1t4 1
'44 141 n9-:,.-444 4 .tirs,
.11 11,sct ittL'is* telt
• r