Exeter Advocate, 1907-07-11, Page 4 (2)^*,
stavaAfrart......a., sun,
...44 A. • tr:tetta • a:."AL roit...4.1.: s AOC'
• r
For n
ts 43.ight
lertgellettklormxPaa tcritie rortlient,e.t°
wi the,Ptivsn's.44t
• t
er4bittil4e,TDIrrthe. uintu
on.offtt' 444.
fit hil
Ill to,
ktte Dominion
think that
The fu,
Xi)W timidity) frora the fai
11:a4.' *lenge at goo, ocioa ,..th
reached, cemetery. , family h
:Ailittdirepett wptqathyt'Of the ent
little 4
be 3&Iic1 ebureb.1.
thiiiratulo ,
0 I
bo ate
, Huveyltretnily.1
-il . .Zirektion,,
tLfltiMrS, Mickley, Es
.4 f
Aug lit dose on.
. lith....Mr. Mrs. A.
ii0on wending their
0444 to see the
01.I.. or liaist-ati
tt, Sanaa I . The genie 1;1004 well
day^, Au Ilas-be;no and tit the end of the
entot Mit lonlyi stood f-6, - intlit4itrhiniags
Caftelpitcher Wes- 10sipg eontrol, the
n headed him out of the box end
the summer. • The -Janie)) street S.S. ,be.,09redst, tun jon,d, thinking
an4 the. of Ezetel pitkielred here on Wednee.
went in to pitch himaelf. ' For the 1st
innings the combination a *pit.ball
and action puzzled the Maybes,. never -
Oldest) 2 runs were scored, as the Cap-
tain had poor aupport from the field.
tiwgeasons. day. Pr .vate picnics are being held
daily but the campers ere not. very
plentiful as yet.
. rediten
BIG ox,simiNo SALE ROC.
or, 3tE4i
teautysidfluib anything a th
nd we have ever shown. We a
. offering some_beaptiful
u ft,
Having decided to give op 'husineas
we will klispose of the balance of our
stock at greatly redueed prices -in
faqt cost. Do not buy .before
. ltT� apant-hanter-pantless--___
paoting for pants
111 helarplaintsi *
; •
,00,441.1 .
Ed. Bertrand, wife and deughte
Thelma .,,of Detroit are visiting the,
egiMether-Alts.--Sarali Bert
for a few weeks, -Fred Smith return -
cd tc Ilislitigailitliatailtowort,:,150,tar -
to day, after a -pleasant week's visit here
eived . writer
' -A- tiamitifut **sm.:talent to choose
from. Ifthera iss taste_we cannot
eta, we baire yet toknow
tinders kt Orecoott. Props,
TillitikiDAYtIVIM1., 90
Regarding the Liberal nominees for
he Dominion noose Waitron OotatY
the Toronto Newa*aprz ',Ibis remark-
able that in Huron County_ three edi-
tor. have been nominatta tOr eat*s in
All Are re titativeo
of the Wel party. - Huron
tbe Seafortb
a 0 e
•experience in municipat affaira..EhIch
bas ett 331*yor of bi town, and each
bas Wirman
Leen has also erved in the Legislature
lturi-Sfri-litohnorift the Fe4eral Pedal*.
meat. Mr. Kerr is entering *Von his
1, first parliamentsry contest, but for
• many yeare he hos been one of the
leaders of the Liberal party in Huron.
other clott litw and medicine were
the training schools for ,public life,
• becoine the chief- avenue to political
ferment." And then the News goes
arliaznenrtbat they show an irides
erldent. spirit. We hope a° too if they
re elected but the Newa tikes *
too much for granted', *tab* that at
present the three Huron* are Czinserr.
• ativo-antintely tatemetinitu
rand Bend
vs. jetiereatt and daughter Who
en Visitiog a week with Mir
'lie, returned to their home,
near St .roseph.stitneao.---J0s. ofir
ne is all sralles-a.girl. -Mrs. Rdtiv
who hi been spending a week with
s. ---Asaph rave le las,
..JflC on a two weeks" visit to hie- fath.
ffad Axe, Mich.. --Mr. and Nrh.
itorl Mr. 11404 Mu. Wileoniment
Sunday:and Mender at Ail,* Craig
and `sehula
been herefOr week. motbrk:'
returned to Thedforki Saturilay.„-The.
frost done 4 10t.,of daruttge- in th1.s: *i*
cinity.-Warm ere -hat* tiiiiii)tie4O, -
haying...-Wtri. Dewey And $. Otte
t Q.,* deye in Pott
' I
ho Id have been automobile an
ogiy the 'number, *ea here.
s aughter lan&the Dittoes !stet..
late, We na
• they had. Why? -Art Zwicker. .was
in London on Tireorta riatal Revery.
of the Sovereige Dank oteff-is- enjoy:
10g a well-earned rest -with. friendain
Martha Either of fluft=
is visiting her -parents.-Our farm -
era ` are busy. .:haying ; This . veep°
make e hasitiesti-tlull • hi .our ;bur
laude flioett .• was Inl,Vorest 'a few
iys''''t loiweeir.V.r. and Mr. Jos.
roodallof Detroit are *hitting • rela-
ves in
tior-,midatie.lhisLetigue',Ot the
't.. .odist ,Ohtirch, ;iletteeto, Exeter on,
onday.eveninik and paid* visit to
ger o ten o
tbe 1iasbeent,ee, inellidin .it e cap-
tain, went to bt rnnd three bit the A
mos here bard. In the Oth innings
the aybes poundedthe teathar,
wjien rho - smoke eleare4 " Oar Mere
runs had n adtle& but this would
e n good shape. Pitc ere
Brown and Blitett flniithed-the game
with ea Addition of a more runs to the
beri1nel-icore-being-10-1 in
avor_of _thw Maybe,. The Captain
wairunt9rtxt-n *to but -any- pectator-in
the large crowd of. onlookexs could
Eat: -
7'1W MO'
. .
. -eisiiii bis rec.-7.
.spurslit..eirpltrustlityerlitioeng ad-c-rituense,-Cortriote..
wes)over.. It ls,obw op to the Maybes
to play 4 returrikauftoracknowled
they won by hie* After dinner the
crowd dispersed for 4 while, but at 2
°veto* egoiltilh.eere4stioargats.itt P9T;izeethetvgraeruelidsvettin
for the various contestsi inelading .*
special race for prize* donated by mr.
lorampoie,itoimit of the *Porte:, Olds'
race* urriletfi, A. Wein, 0. oioett, it,
Oestreichert boys' race, under, 6, E.
Sweitzer. W. Seen, E. Schwertargirle
race, owlet. 8, L. Smith.' G. Lamport,t e jaMekltilt, Methodist cho
drch. They ip,indher; hoe raeeiendees, tit tieetwe„
urniohedtheprogrera for the evening. 2,, Gorier , . wirtz4 nide race, nu.
xal in ed all.,r,4ir 0r- ''.. $„enjoyed-wibVse. beena elett t7 .4. 411. iiil ,:, ‘4treeii,40,0 E. *.AV ,:ritir4,...tilt,dflaer, ittot/:E.14 sp0e4..
High School, at 'Parkhill is 'borne for ver E. Ewald, Em latoseri gale rue.
the . eutnnier holidaysh-41its Atm* under.• owl,. ,L, -Bowl), it,,
friends hope for A speedy, recovery.. Ils011 4-'.1*ber1 4*‘`lindet Vli °*'1741iner*
rlY. Blither, U. 0.....P., attended the 4nt, , ' 1,M.1* Ill "Ali';:,1111.0' ' 0.mce 4:Peons,
ectora meat,* Pr the Hay ine., Co. at
StfR Orend *Ognittd,14,411,1tasfuTn.' torati vOsthraosit s'yesolebe;entiklervi:041::101,sittii70, Ira n, !toil Ottniriri 4:114*.
d ,
14 a f 41 t.*e1.15
fa Om* t 1
he tio:Irm"er-hiro'cl7.64' . .T4°1ted m
he' excellent. pitehing Of w tn.
and -thee Stetting of 0. Fahner.'
excellent fielding stunts broughtoff b
31_11alitt tind'0,__Eilher stiouldtft be
overlooked.Aheiatifoliverdeg. and
n, grand time in t4e 11.0f4v ended An en*
joyithIrt d* ' *•—
Boozier. is on _I.t*e .sick ltst. Her
familyand of DetroitIs el ng
father Mee. o Dyer
rettamed to her. home in Detroit kut
eelt)P She was accompanied by Mra.
Flora Welker who rill 'visit friend's in
the city for some time. -Mrs. Dore
days this "reek in Exeter.the guests of
Mrs. Wm. Kuntz. --Mr. entd,
Win. ,Ssoabrook and family were in
Woodhara Sunday Visiting, _Their
two sons Arthur and Nathan
main there with their allele for a few
weeks. --Mr.• and, Mrs. E:netehel of
Berlin are the gnesto . of Mr. and Mrs.
Sem_____Brown _Calvin, who has
had charge of C. Zwicketamilllnery
department the put 8e4800, returned
RESteltIlint/40.—The following will
be -reed with -much -.i'aterest by Witty,
ere, the recipient* -being farmer es-
teemed citizen* of this placer ".& very
itileetant social othirinz was held. at
tbe homeof.Smue1Bakar Thursday
evening, when the member of he
VollattOn waa.s. and choirtnet in
honor of Rey. R. W. and M.rs. Knowles
who left Olio Week for their newfield
of labotv-The-Orstpart-oftlie-eveniti
was Snegt In games and social- biter.
course. A. very dainty and elaborate
Initch wes then served, followed by 40
hup rrIpt u program.A nicely word-
Rowlett won fake tO aC&PtM presen
teonsistitig of a cut glass water bottle*
table mirror and -celery-dishy-indica..
Live of the esteem in which otte it(held.
b those present. ' Knowlea re.,
f led-in-n-vell-Ahla* feUing
ner. During.their thme.yett
tattoo they have wen -the bea
Alisa',Vior*.eideantle:at'ithter 01 It4);
land Outiraorejof town„.•who lute been
attending Chatham Buaines College,
herreetstrt-egrunitettitor- carried -
both thegold and oilier metisi,. which
Speare, who: 10.111 at the 11_003 n*
don, is, ire are_ preased.to latirn, rem*.
ifing..eitlisti NOW Petty,.who b
heenattentling Voreet • •City Busier*
London, to home .on
nntlatioiritrtieing4idd'-for -ttesevI
Ment walks TO# the Werit'aidei of the
rellietty track rimming along ;Several
differentstreetAtoong those Who
left lest week, for the West we noticed
)4 and Mrs. ..1.-JOhnston.:13, thggine,
Mrs'. McAllister. it.* Mt* Wood and
Harlan.: - Mrs. Brandt and loftily are
camptog-o-the Send.-*-.1.0bri
1el, general ulerchant,, lotsmovid from
, eir 1
Rosto.io IWtCIL
A .Cr.
. : iWitriltti ,,
be will Cele**
: , nd „retest
itlitity ar
than . ,
• a tv
s* SMdft.nd l3ertba flayte
din the, 'holidays. a t *Irv°
ester. Russell Mettitosbi-
tt. to
with Wr nen,.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred abetter*
visited leot, week with
Wilson opentlotet week at Undo
with their eon. W. A. Wilsow 'TheY
took' in the excursbarter Toroatti;re
trtraing via Romilton end Parise -40s
Myrtle Stinson, of Bayfield, has been
engaged m clerk to assist Post Mester
Sherritt, of Tot.
t‘ at nied y Mr. and Mr.
,';tfa •P'X'"
‘o. have itoprovect their
ing an more shelving at
are Li
itore by put.
be eitles anti
R1Isn ran
is spendin
Miss LauraFoxand the Miles Itob
Wisotittild,‘Wskt$**-:nrCetlt Vrefoixat At,tt
D. L..O'Brien,
**et. xi. 1 e
eat -A_ Wee,
capital Paid lip
Assets Over
s 331000A06 -
irxez VOLTS 1.0 14. Unlitmvs. za,to
DEPOSIT Itecciptss issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Deposits at $1 0,4,11 V: 4
deykutsetlielan v 01w1
number from here attended the strew.
berryfeetival at Clendeboye Tuesday
evening, and eloo the one at Brinsiey
Monday.--Ceiwe through the country
ventinue twilit& well and promise an
abundant yield. No meterrel damage
by the late frosts has been reported
from 407 part of the country.-.Mise
Kate Elliott*was in Ails* Craig assist-
ing in the program at the lawn social.
She also took part at. the. strawberry
festival in that town Ttle14141Y night
andttIldetredl"4Y,341:Ws, r ;emtughton of -London i
p a te.'
Frank Hick* spent Mon-
dayer•Aj 1re in London 44.4_,Ifora.op„,,u0t140
of ndortic ;pending a few day* with
her daughter, Mre Thonlas
The Cantrell& ;traitor nesensol teem
pleyeti-eritlithaltilnaley. team at -
place Monday'nigh.t and were.defe*ted
hi a *core Of 204.0;.-.1drs.. W. R. Et
'Lott leaves Monday for Winnipeg irtid
hots for a two montheorialt.-4rocy
itupoon bawd' ue of his barbering
-11 ,
1 1
Tbe Doni1nion Day proceeds net -'
bal*nceof aboutwhich showed
t at tbe affair was siso a flnancial suc-
cees.-OurOrangemen are . practising
every night for the celebration at St. ,
/Wary on Friday.
NattirOWEN.,1 Byron Hick*
'Met. witbanaccident On ThuredayID
which he tnimetilo ped serious
If lista injtityi 1118 brotber L�on-
was just leaving the titrin with 00
bierhels.rif oats on *wagonwhen t'he
hoots became unitraturgeable, And
Byron noticing the, trouble ran and
catogit the lines. Together they. ate"
tempted, to stop the team but were
.witelettee. They were " ed ong
it fors number of rode u -413 ron'
o1irst lioaon tbelrnes e 1 un-
derneath the wagon and the. inhetal
passed pee -elite leftehoulder, ortitaiMit
him usiderably and tenderingitnect
titittY for bitut to cows biAriett,arm in
sling., sr he ram witbout h*
, 1
cont ued
stusnoe but. tbi
erl *gram& A
we brought to
, Mrs. ,Neltion Case; whalhee been vis
iting at Tkos.„'Coe's retaned to
" hone they'
tarot still witb
many ,. hito lre brick oc
A little son 1188 bte0144.4 the 0
Mr. and Ittif. 1-.0411, (nee: to
'Y01304004 . Pittsburg, P .
Dick lead* in the way of, b
6 ., 0 Itvinglieet--notatortOw it
utttunts...--Vbe borne of U John
Oi tt. •Elitoble., Line, ittnothe noel* of
bland .Voingt-and toov•herit Wishes ig ' rwedding on FridAy,-when hie
, ..ith thew 44 their new tinln." : • '.. ti titer tatel became the and.
' Acelmottr..ilits, 14tuport of loWn sic, .. 0.,,,,,,. prosperous Ana 1:iiitt,1,0*.,
akid NI Itlarohali Of Exeter '.. went to etteerried yottogfainter Of. the $'4"O't
line. At 12'Ofeloek while II* Ittootop
waslendering the WOditiji Mateflp 030
beide., gowned in A bAtia1041,0 tre4t,i01,
,of whit* *ilk And '.oierdraist Of White
t, entered the..perlor l&ning. on the
ilu. or her father. There *he iita. * tile
hy theirootn. atkil: 404+0 lifts '
teadmon polfotracti the l of
Little ilifierlOewar made.* * Iittle
ileivergiti.:„ . •At thee u
etiternety this cdropeny. , o t
d.ining room whet* All flAbOrAte 'Ant .
tOn*Altpartako kJ'. The hattitt co -
left on the tet*C410g 1r414 for points
east to ependi.theie horittywoon. The,
gift o wete touraerotts Andutettil. *sing
eli tit token -of the high esteem 'held!
elite, ,, 0 4t)bri
or young too le4-1.itednestlity et
* kilted t auseiltgokuod.
r A AretY A IA end slitoy
Of the tate' W i tistrotOte. Avo
' 'West 8(4
united'. in Met i ' 0 0 liece4, $011.1
.esttlangliter nr theis te,Iss, Vont% tiv,
Anit ndvilla.. The bride wire ileiti I,
tifill.,0tt14011. At treoli."Pen
trite Ming*, Of silk. toils tory brMc
int detcoprit *slot °over er
I 'ere int hat to rosteh. 'They
th',otettirg tkain for) TOOntit. ,On
sdity.theytettireed to the home' t,
; Om *hero * reektatiftr raw, tett.
theft , Attoot 200 were in at.
an ,s1 40141 the ,,rverdrig was 4
spent In music* *anti 4,
ki$404ot ant )1+144.*;tato
umerourr**41 of* '
. " 14 wiaithagt
tpe eat* of :
ndo Monday end Tneiday.. rupec.
tiyeAti wing to an Accident to t e for -
T us
kind n
A cies r is
tied b *1 ft
medicine complctely de
hese gerzns. Then the !3
scalp eve* rich, hesit4
I** host ltioid et*
"Sold ter ever
, The Advertioer has ,the following to
say oftheectident,- "Br the xplos.
ion tot' agaaollne,otoitifeLn00)*Monday-
Mise Molly Pitaport of 60 Wilton AI&
,ttot.,. West London* Was probably fa
ally burned. Miss Latoport resides
witit tier brother-in-law RAO' 'O'Neil*,
'greeter -end *hostas pterotrinittlie
ner on the s tove when it exploded. The'
borntoit.Scsittellit -111
elver y:diteetion, *quantity t.) it -
ing, tilos tionportte clothing. She veil.
edierrild and in a very robbrt time the
fl *me* ***extinguished* However,
the young lady was badly hurnert nd
Orli et II considerable doubt as to ber
retstwery. fler •bandsand *roll., in
,111,t100 to her 'body, front the **to ,0
ate very; seriously burned. itlt. J..
,Wileott was cAlled nd ljtt had .t itt
tient tesnaltrd fo "Victoria 110,0100.
He 4100,til t11,4t it 1,l'it4PV,00b1C't0 4tittti.
At litte4.140.3iii*Liglipttilt Wt11,,,reC.ol*
losater;.ThtL, diettlat C,Ocentred. itt
Vietitie 1.16opitel. %lucidly 'nistbt
!Cow tamport. 1)ettia.,403, *how a
tgto, thin month, ira*,the
natter of Mr. and Mrs. Iitmee
flQt! cif title plate, Punt 15 nr*ivtit'
f.tur Ay/to Ana ibtte brtitifera ** fc 0,
Inws MN* Ethel.° Credittott Mr.- Mat-
tati Itte-te mtn. R. J. WNW. 61'401'6o'
d * Nrs4 KduLtrwk, W�taakiwarp,
1 . 3. LupGrt, F2lU, *kbi
- of. fiti
*t 15O45e Mit*
The Mis
A --
Is the very time to bu
Cheap Millinery at ell
Store. We have had au
exceptionally large season
in Millinery, but in the.rush we havo
a number of,
t,,e we must d*
'new that the wasou
utrover.,, To o are going to sell the
telOw 008
rice --
You an get. hats. tit ,your own price diving
his--pargain Sale. Come early .that you may
tbis chance if you need a hat.
Wrightreturnedo do
era p 8 811
Pearson h returned from her visit to
London:, aster Lloyd 13. Saunders,
after* pleasant 'brit with friends at
rt Burwell teturned. Ixonleo-
(Moon who the misfortune
'WOgalong aa'
and will ,soon
t . Oeo.. ,Weot and
daughter 10.,nobe* of Sarnia formerly
x n cOillivrwhiae goneo.
trip to Lbe coast. -Another of our
high r tea real4entro ha* ',been
‘ been cal Yin the person of Wm.
anadian-Nation Exhibition.
h annttal tretien will
held Toronto from Monday. A g.
261 Preparation Day. to Monday, Set,
Oet.AwaY Pay.'
be *pent 10 premiums and a- similar
amount attractions, white Sr00,000.
worth. of new .latipings will 'Or the
V ,
o • y
• s
004% trate;tkituti4angthilienstearitill
eti- veined_ frOin her late illness.-
Ighti*,r* t4"gettrni4.7:01:4"rri4;417. 4340.'11;h:itt w'rilAnii;iteerrt°1:11)71.1114:4•°c.;:taritirtetiltu
4,, S. S. No.. 13, for the paot two yeatit,
''rtd,14ok eitirotu4.:
Ilsitots itt Mr. Win. White's., 7
rittit fling -Owned by Mrs
John Willis* neenpled by it .
Clark took Are on Sunday about taut
(M1-45-4101.0-€766iiiing - finny *ft'
knownsource and before anything
Ponta beilone4os-consumed, Tbe
started in the *alit end of the building
where no Stove or fire hadbeen., tient*
the (opt/tory. Sti4-101iiik., Nivea Most
nt tbe ,contents ." riistired in the
Vey Mutual.
• ,
eng 00e **MOLL, ,.-.,0vx') efticientie'7:4, tateltiotainteilkt tgaktelancghAer and
1414 t4 ttst ' It intn..,, k -Stb001- couree,' :She I* a faithfnli.-
t*:,vi/4etel"ta 611e* their' ll he Mimici)th-e her inenyfriende ha.
- thannrt'nvire.olitod avuohonieleo:t1:01117..°Ar4;resb471t4wiiitttet:itt.iects:i'0"etsi7urr ""iourn.;,,p,,.4:41tvileds7tetisitstItii.lin-aslindir:.,
6 viiitin,g r rotber.- William ' el le, mime). irbo, has lion to st losepu s .
o re 'visiting MM.,' I'. , finery. rtierldio hope -he will . continue to Inv
-,' , 0 ' ,,ptolt Mies We, O'Leary, of Toronto,
:Ai praigt Moiler Leoiti.0..(tioltuter. ,who hus been visiting -friends in this
ranies Teitten.sdied at London- July :8. viciu turned home Wednesday.
hik to Ont.,
3, NM
' A oat. 4c . ty has been w�n hy tbs uae nt
errible au e ing froni.Seratica air
. •
have beetle great antf.rer fro thio terrible is.* et for 22 xes beck:
at tiniest, *mild have kaeheettid territae peinairicrity hips, hiploitits an
also down 'my lege to tbebattorn if tor feet. I have suffered untold agony
end only.thotie erhOrhare bad the discase know what! the terrible painser&
I tried evitry thing1 eiitild think of* batgot.nlirelieflintil 1 star' oBei.
Jo" the,geetle Kidney Pill, Adrettioed in flielJaPte* and r thOught 1 w001.4
gite it * teal itad 1 did so. V bought One litotOf "'Bit.Itil* and got great
then 1got five retire; boxes;of thent, shit *net tieing' sir boxes 1 Ain tomplettlY
curdofthe Aphertiiti'd and esti petOto end t hein to any pereon suffering
We iikl hay t giii,e Uri altogether
wiliper it
l , trettitndite:".thht'4 i tie by' the nee of 4.11u,J Ju", stel mon h
eta more fit rt thenkftd,„ 'note. the
1.7 t1d,ofit have beet) Sti,tt nik,siplietred ot their piiit)S, I Shall ries
t„thrm In the %sense, , 1 lieve lkete ditys and week* 'lira I toold Itan
liern to it* ,triy.chores. I hotif'to ittlIf ,tliffe1111t time* sod Itts
litlitt sietsy a time 1 ehoizlit lie A ,etltkple for life* lint ttiattk
at last to kunck it oHit, wittier 1 slot hold of ,,,Bitt,Jit ;awl.
orsid It 14y to ottkorit outfitting front the mete) 4111Sesio.
• . Irostalret truly.,