Exeter Advocate, 1907-07-11, Page 1 (2)Real Estate Oharige !,,1441v fo4 101c. terntti. iavc qualiol, fa rilV ,t tII li4ty:•vitjt? r 4 pectO)q., 8ANISitN .,.:I .,nontbs , ,-:iiuce 1 Iut wrote -•,h.ndifIhaye.ztforgotten 1 b. igon totbontineut Alit have bted in, tine but finally landed to stay a while in. Bodin br "(ltd*Mutt telt you thatI. worse places to Its*. ,Berlin. in at-, et ' surprite.to_rne,,„21,he4 tilde* It was to Target and beitutifuL Wby, ,it r tba, fourth' city in size in the world, hay* ig * population °fever threemillions, including its suburb*. Ibis also a very pretty city andot tbiaone never bear* truiehAustivingootaourprite. -;,Vt!hy is beautiful "West End" like London d Parli and otb.r P 10*0 or 4 su4*vs sq., , . 0 acnosazn, ,Esq., /*first\ Vier: Precid FAANt .1.1 vir . Stootid Vire-Pea:dent Olt r, . How. PimaUci,,,kat.,,,N, --., rMlEU, E, M.P. • W. K. meNA tin Err, rsq., it , , M.P. ALEX. BRCeitt. Esq., IC.C., -a-, avings-flank flep,artneat. t• *a 1 ^rterly. ...) , TfAlifff,07XiOilantr, Itegantiwchzarid-Resliwo' , iensa1fflr*nch. was, ue, to * successive eostly errors. In inniagt _the.4v-isittirtr.pIed than -tit runs, which Lxetr dujilicat. ed in-tbsk filth, Sandersandhnigbt were the battery forExoterandqerke and el+11-ble o or Ymrqub&r Tbe players were; -Farquhar;' Oodbolt, T. Bellentyne, Toren, -Borland„ MeNicol. W. Bellentyne, Clarke, Pol. lemb Exeter; Harding,' sgight,th. spaStgrude:nt:.tifitartnels.l. Hoiklvs 0-roq, Tbereeuft was largly dua Lo tIeJr that the Exeter . had a, . netting etre* ott and hit everythlo* in siglit, while' it Was almost impotsible . for Farquhar to touch Carling who Was In the box for Exeter. Monte runs were .01.041emon, .Boyle and Spackman. ve Innin were- )iesjts Old 'places like The T3we iitWrAbbeSri etc., in Lond ZIO0s but tjillit is st taut of L too Th_yhave The' u thingt. iratt_ellottr i a to iieciiiiie-tee old arnl haVe too great o tact ore• ni tsuirt. 'very on and uaany- an,. r Luniani r in Lbine rssent.-ati ..../4, ,,,,. .. - ":'- and•-0:AVI , t tndawe.'..'A-irbitOtli.40,11,0.401041,0 . Thed . ' ,' ..t" . ' . . ' lIinV musk,- s anwOurit , '',...040*1.... ndeoye' Tit .'f. ,..e. , Oink .i4.94.0:, well :.: . : .,.....,.. . ., t -otne throntitb in fi¥oigai bee rii1Vrepoyereittvin her The many friend* oX Miss 40110 C.Age Who reeides,with her brother, Patrk w ill be indeed sorry to learn o the+ ntuliverident ;which betel her 011 Tbueday dolmen& some tem she trippel and fell, break, ing her lett arm between, the wrist and elbow. Theitccident-will --necessi- tate her earryinit her arm in a Sling for tome tittle to come. --The mem- bet* of the, o fliddulph and Luesotn-attl..44uwtentled divine service in St. iaw the er athLia alway. held on the e. • -Ar arlisle e t thittWacber anI hit/discourse WAR 111StrOCtiVO, 4114 interesting. our Or. atorWenitItenittelelitektitgr me 12b at. St. Morph -John Clarterolear Clan, deboye met with an accidentthe other ay -141,4 necossttated hhn taking n. •-a-res He-wasengagedatra-slitoband cOseqUi)iitly voill reduce the price: 1I25 2.5016 2.00 .-.1.25 to 1L00 2,5q ,1.5() to. 1,26 2.25 to 1.75 • pal your elioic0 and wlfldui arding Pow - , Te.-Spirekman. G An kint_ Carlimt. Farquhar: Oodbol.t Alollicluil„:11ambly, Clarke. Council ;net in Towr, Bali; Monday, J uly!. at 8;99, p.m. Abtent Councillor Meamen. Minutes of last meeting testi and approved. • , • - correspondence from the Ontario Municipal . ASsochttiOn was 'read and ordered to be The following aceounti were passed and'orders drawn on ,Treasuter forthe Oonnor Broe., accqunt to line U-100?Plukl_ terlIttriR f ,14) -P013 Cie Baum Pouofst. lutobee* re„.. trance two! thls Saxon"; Fitton, iting In,t4At. 'beik clock for one • ear; to right In tile n_eett 0 be side beautiful. 'histories1 int Clutriottenb 04110 the Ve its Royal Palace at den Linden Stratee, this Itt **tato be ib street in ell Euro': Fe like•2nerican city. erefore ere 41, lava of suchas its and Perk Berlin) and of linter e way, eautiful l'uly it has very stromettaire o distinc- tion. This broad and:entirely unique street is entered by the Erai •gate lw cOrre*Pott arch at side Park, loniu! Jas. Connoi, so barian, $26tullarvey Bros., coal, etc. .1.25; Bali Tel. 0o,,Inestumet,' 40e.. Stitlirtke,,iabOr St, cemetery, $I8.75; kto do. ot..43 LE 100 Agree MOO 01000 in the Townthtp 01 htephe 5,0. 0. B. Lot,11;pon. 12. Thert la on t • We ST , • Uctings: PO orchard, and other cone len D.^',04114410-7And -iron* 3114 iltafritouiatarava Ir. • For Plidlcultre apply on the premises of malt to Wit. HOOPER, las. _ Stray Heifers •ere etra ed from the premises bi the undei.: ed, Lot 2 Con. ft, tleborne, two heifers, two year one red and the other red and while Vetted, t ears half dipped. Any _person ending same arm, . . I .1 TM THOMPAON, Centralia ?. Strayed Rog -Merest edl&irthisittettlitirOtthe Itildera 4444446)"n rritokwi trititt "113)(1% liittet oirti; t ea at t h wit 1,0_414110.0-#171011 afro 4 udmore do, 41 ihndfOrd., do „Wo7enreir e 5004 Wm. Creech labor and m- terial, 41144 W. J. Xlissett, part tater'', $183;O.W. Crows, part salaf cemetery, $27; Snell,. electric light for $102.1tM.,,town tning $8.00t street-waterirw.-: , passed on ArnotIon ofj. 3. Kai ghti -code& by rtike-Johtis4n future the *tree) commloner beepit sharp lookout to parties guilty of violating the By -Law by riding bicycles otiose:streets.. M. journment by A. uke. Jos. Senior. clerk, L4IeEIbLU o marble . and the • treacle R. :eat o ergitt- 2ral park ly along ...Artiste where tbo reside. iTbleTterstot, *toted by -several beau along these roe.d. are statues and fountaia., A One pasturelarm in the Township ot tisy, tit* Birepteione hundred acres, $5 acres seeded,, tram hdlae 4orgood stableisoodivitq, etc., • A 7,to House* and igq for Sale. _sre, being part Of lot 15 Con. . borne. utt 0116 ProPerty there hi a go4d ilottsgeand stable, lf•not mold will be rented. Apply to T. CAMERON, Autti, Farqubar -11wriparey MUS'Ar, tiaNidgins visiting friends friend*, in Landon..Mit. W. A. Mallard and Wally and Mrs. .11ettote are *Jilting their tathetGeo4.-Sherritt4*-4liss:-Sut. asPeridinzthitsurnmery" Thos. Love.. -White driving on the A - Richard %Ve Trightet a Man digg The Norse rooted the sWiftt, bursting ' leli_eauseditalleat nd soine-baa- Atputtiee.. -WO- aro a to learn,. howeVer. that be ,e1Leara.an. ,,be„ Au_ ip v ." ("Ip4h414exi 'itinr*ber;:111."' p err4Olr 4-,- _Mr.- - . :41,104.90:tes.r.Wes ta.sw,.port, a da. ugh_ ter. to Mr. and Mrs; Jos. tnajardine. a. - tomil-„A.t Grand mud, July 4,' SitAut -In Olandeboye, July 4, to Mr. -14 -cc. 44Mrjr4rirds. 411Fits_rwe.tdirn°11:11emtunLe:1:00eanuaA',341-10:13 ssaYos tin4C.aflb31-trelirit.'i a \' ' _ -,................wn.,..-----, , 'Powtar.4-4310Eivilglm At Mensal!, 'on July 10th, Bert Fowler. to Min .tea. • vies daughter of Ur. and lirs.,Wut. • ,:-."'f4,14, • '811APTOIst-iit Stephen, on July Oth, Thomas Shipton, aged, 68 yeara. -months-sod-0days. - STEwaivr LUOkft Oft July srai Charles Stewart, aged 78 years, 4 -t-- Teyloriirther-72nd-year. July7.--Fre /ffintriOn-hicl- • 11 u! 9, Mr. e 4- ititer'Attlt Yea 1- eY (Thursday) at 2:30 ..4m.„ 'from It-eme. • L11111114W • Mr, 004. Ejlerington and teinalli of .Toronto were here the ilrst of the week the guest . hit.- brother "'Pred.,414e-. iIticrOk A. Stewart of ,Londort ,opeut the -,firtst vt,tbe weeirwith, his Itie00,,.: Mr..., John McQueen. -Mr. J. A. Bolton bnd a dirt bewSatuttlay. 'Mc Queen4O,holidaying_ Ortst . 1tychman's -nigb. re turned - in and gave bins a iiiiit441 01110114 illAfig:01(18:r. Mendel afternoon. -John Beatty *ire. of and wife, Alex. ototatkuttamr,-.06t._ ton of Eacter,:stended: the funeral of he;late.::04*. Stewart Fridav-Mas. ter James Broadfoot-ht hoUthying at itarpurhey aud Seatortb;-% Berton and slaterEllen and Mr; and loIrs.*,Itte. roadfoOt attended the Drake-Vorris Ix uptials et Cromarty otr' Wean y are rushing tbe e WalI ox Grant- b-Matrit',boo. t Lue#0,01,*tuouths with relat,ii,es here, r has returned to tido iSfa1 bb and. wife -4 stance; points of intereal In Berlin do not strike atravellet vitistiongitbat the wholeelty taken** a unity Is vet beautiful and comparestayorably*It any other capital; ona. Gowan* helm u • ParbrienVitairt-T rns. to •fthe -educational centre of Gerinany and in 40016 respects of •the worltt _that many lame bo.pItaIe, nearly all otWhich are tpecial bospit. that are devotedto thetreatmentof eaCht particular group cf 4tseeset, such. as eye, eto...-sua.there. are,- here someof • the beat su • eons In the world, ouukitue at etc are--itnany-iither-tentresi such Straeburg.etc.,, Which are. great teat entree but It s only. natural that the iargest, city: sbould-bethe greetettlit er a* i * • / It respect by the inaln of OId. London w, 14 td*ngernusly congested with d tvafllc, And just now hat in -ti e pleceof ifty two torer teat once. and, two tits, with; good .stablet all In Arst4iiiss eanditiont. conveniently *Knitted; all niodero provement. Priaiit* *tut cod •ifrite The iiiteoeate-Office... • St�re Property 4N thaillitettikateiy, store sod the iitiOdbit Omen** the JOhDS filtek. If *Won erthelkli* the 10th 40 ot A aokt by ?Ono Audio° an th.-31sd.y 01 A For pomikes poromatoslrogyt�-Tho, Ci A Voirrtithat, at tbis Offittele ror 0210 ssipl Laborhilt rekfp'otth1*te Eye% well Setoed and kick bow* ' tate. I owl s en the irsan,e,. Tenders will be reotived by -the undersigOrd Lar the deepening, graightening Rod wklenisgi c1 the Creek Or Water Coulee known ea Mod Creek In ToWneldp Of If eCilltvay, uld Volk to bt, dote bt atzonifn with the report and VW et entrinett, SpeitratAme, plan old Prolilt msy be WO et the realilente of4. D.. Drinottiondi 71).• Clerk. Thle emo tfactor to *Igo bonds with isatisfatift7.. riettirt0 it* the completion oftb work, 'Owlet* Will nPrtire et 'Town 11414 Wed )1061,ilivray bn Kanileir* A Mb, ttxr, Lepan. Th. lOw est or kir*** neT twos, acceott4. I. D. latitfiMMOND,. IOUS RO-1000** • Clerk. Um. Tatra for Solo Ir.?, A4140 pod ' Itibbert. J0•04 United And Moat ha VIenna in Austrbi 1. . fine o c*ty and •its, famous bcmpital. ..the %ran- kenhaust' is knOwn all over the Ittelli.L cal world as alo'the greet sat -Reel)** Sehrithel, Irocht#'Politzer, But Ilude-to b, also like Vienne et. , . oa.�tmuch And yet you are on the' 'condition .eveiy lbw you neglect the Mass OF Mit. week another of lithornel* ,thost epected residents Waii tad to vest and he now sleeps the eternal sleep. We eferto-the•deanietrofidr.-0 • S art, whit passed to•hisrewe on e nesday, July -ark 011ie *gent /8 years and four months. The -deceased had enjiyed his usual good 'health until about toree years ego when be fell out fanappletree from ' which he aut. tabled such Injuries that he never re. eovered and Ark* *Mott time he, has been -very -feeble= rticularly---duryt the-pastryearr-14e.-430WeVer. to * 011,0 nituariltredneschcsr and bring home his cow And when nearthe home of Mr. 444.Nell was stricken down. He called for help and Mr. Neil. who was '-elote. beardfils cryand quickly went o asellitance.' He --lwalit-totr- e in the but after reaching the bowie soon expired, heart failure . below: the Im- tnediate caute.ot death, He was a suit. tive of Iretand baving. been 1:10TD In 41n4iiirg:algdittian ttoCantda. Portlio reni eda couple Yett*, Mrom there he Went to the -United mtatet, and after tvoyears.reildence theta ttirtlittl to Ontario atia eettled in the township Of 'Colborne, bear isumle where be has *loot continuously * tegrlty*nd. kindhrntt;rebe • If you haire rower -worn glasses or our old ones have been outgrown. \ come and have us examine your eyes. • - Weean aid you and preserve '-*CUr m08 prec . S liowey; Phin. Be Chemist. nd Opt c an, EXETER. Phone Mt OVA d'hust.workAn....the___mettufacture of ram battiest; of alt kinds. or In the repairing of old barites*. I trlia when you will 'be oonyiu t we -make the yeti best and give you *Miele. tion. 11%. het brick hitineto boy OrO ato the ii0 Wee., *Whet told HOU* alift•pri'ee. For oFanns tor...Sale or E torsos*, tt"14tetiffe iifi1;141"4,1o,4, thnierthers ontbarilil; 'There si .z..Usst' 3EuglandWbatisIaid to be est ew in Europe, the Ohba*. from Mayeni to expect WW1 front Soutb. New York *arty in Jul tw' leave ixd old Berlin ntlnent of Europe1 With *II, etc.* by its ve�k and hough It a pang to qult Europe, Ilitrebc 116 is stirvivea only by bis tged partner in lite, bit brothers and tisters batting all predeceased himiand. he hod no family At hitt own. 'The fun. ral took. plate to iteraitort'o *ewe. tery on Friday AO WAD largely At. tOtItt We Wive,* g Vases, Zan and will sell re*sonsl?l� eretit , to., on banc at the *nOl In the Wetter of the estate of John 8. ' 100/404, lett of the Vity of Maui tigue.4tt the Countr of Seboolcraft State of MichiganHotelkel!per, de " n I oons Agbilf