HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-07-04, Page 8 (2). tbMaiiiin *owe 3ill 14t pieeiit. .44, 140 reel lidek UOtvie tor talp vo in twn..epplY at thii oftice.v t Rev. Itiirtiett of ViroAk*Iiinit ttlokosmoitpuhltst 00 '800tay ttio:jtwu .04t#1*41.0 , eine ptIwee. 'I Frfdal, but: this.* hegiveIFon inthe ScbooIHafl to I'd `pllie coiflmittee. U. t.10 it ha the wrt _ hI head, erly few for stut. icksott ottishienable man You Are Sore of I:COMPORT ZASE 111,,E0ANCE tit -tor -moot otou lets spent tbe dor •11.tnia rtner, formerly' of Exeter, ha arrested in Wihnipeg on. a cbi theft of a quantlty of 4ftirt:11. iII likely be brouOit. ere for trial. Wm. -Beet lot week -took: the hones* otock And butane** of Mr.` . Rouse.Mr. Beer lo to competent vertiseroent in anothe column. The Itle: Visite took,place in the Oett,,, : tral Congregationtdebureh, Winnipeg,. 'OA Pzidsy ust, ef MIs. Ida, Lenore and *roc. Wm. • Pertsen, formerly of Exeter. to John floixsytor# of Toronto. . on, loyl te,who h* veehritireil oral wee jaell w-iatknow°°"0 to nilt48444 nenifiy of last. week married in that city to Ur. Peter Eingonertb. andheenrilatoweehrotitreate.clirinnftiret Henson is Itery dry towns to ,Meet in. Then telki gle dry wOrkariyway. Wairond, who t sue. . 414 o bike effect Immediately soe hall net let been engaged. A petition it being circulated to Or hicicliots to ride on the heck' ettrettel ewe**, The goatee's wor- thy' oft Couttell'e favorable consid- eration as long as proper rtatrictions III '`....."-TA ,7-,- '••-- , Y• i i 'boceeal-ilts°C;:itt-,..itrtirik1C_ ittn-, "Ile7.-71ti..-7.,...,,, ...1.Y. -.7.....u.,,...1*--- ..e.' priugstali. -..,__:-frai-te„sits-11,.7-age:ki-7------11',:,0,41entsPli:VVIllti4Hyeea:Sea: le tet:414 ,. a ealer or thine* big ea 110-",00be- .434 suit., . On juneisti"-tin_liki -,........... . '.-- ' - - - - " ' i '---1.4.1-411:444-, bero"°nterv4" - attilegot&-:"Tre-AditoutirliMaii _ rsla**-- - 4,, - -60 esoolation- --meetinkc---00--Alin eirifeifOid-._'silitheittO,.--.7Vrarilt :and , - 3--.Y- -au . In t-thisloitovringvaimiciv. _me -10;P-, ,:iiit - . , -: pieceotii-ifiperty Watilitinig-OtraeVeti ;ft. cd President, T. It Oir-ling-Wice. ,r:- .. _. . .,,,... storey reeicienee and two late* W.,- e - • vft *T. Weare pie note that mist 11 DIckstag grkd , „Pt- PlAhr ------ . . , geodstablevailwrirsts-clastreonditio ....---t.f.---Tietleifree lee. Devia. ViOnieVaeling,T4Ingliter"Of Mi. T. B. conveniently situated; all modern Jai- ?if; --sow' Sanders. - ' . ' '' Carling, has .tdone hem, itcredit in her provetnent. Price is a snap. ceii.,or S , . ' .f —nt mo , examination, at the write Th Advocate Office. The Voters' List for the township o. '''''' .,.., Toronto 'On ersitY. lowing Jleeeed nitta vittatad. , - b ta i th sin .. - • ' Stephen has lust I -been_ coniPle, senior untgroity pianoforte *nu pass.' with honors. Two gir_ wan - , no% Des a wirin are entitled to. vote. - c - ia, be 1 .d /11 te4 cook and general the nom er of voters A * tOwn - I? ed Intern) bite thee, ,tir helper. oorui wages, Avtliy at cent, A bow munio pai ejections a...A eel" uMplotion litietritontigecests to , congratu ate Tel Rotel, Exeter. . The cocksha tt is the beat seafflet.- tiOniftP the 140$140""Assiem14; '18a The lecture and concert of, Prof* , municipal electionsonbrima 854ttelec*. made for all kind of roots. Don tient to . the Legislative Assembly' ‘la'arrion and Madame itkinviol °13sien fail to ape them. W, Mitchell, agent.. .04. , The number entitled ,,to serve in "the Opera Rouse on Thursday eve. , 04% juror* jams. . . ning wee fairly'. Well attended, colloid, Noma, Papa for Silt_ -,. - ering the warn) weathen. Those Pre* 'three thoroughbred ' hound PoPet On Thursday' evening the members - - sent were pleas d s. of the hest hunting strain, cotion, $t the printing department and office ed delightedwith, twith the lecture and he singing of Madame ilack, and white, mid -block and an. of the London Printing, & LithrwCarit BettetPes Than you lavebedP Then use -ni e one j °Wore ant nourishin ood vObla_oyuL _ have, the beet !ORR Powder: - o amused alwaysin favor 250. a pound • AT GO 0 s Drug reserlptions our deity 17. Carling,"fly, presentedElmer weison, who* &Brien. ey intend leaving todayEXETER - and Mrs. Rich. Robinson and to shout to Join the order of -the bent. f°' thOir third visit to Stratford after l - daughter Lilly, London Road eolith, d.icto, with, a handsome chine cabinet severasuccessful weeksin Exeter. left, Wednesday for INIttionton, Alta.,' and an address ( Mr. Nelson., though Mrs. W. Matatm had an tinr. where they will visit relatives. tdkenbyserPrlse;e*PressedbutsIneere gesearit experience at Centralia ,Dr. Butler will be at: -the Central tbankeln a few iveasoboeen words. •IttrirailaY evening fast. She volth Ur, ilotel PridaYs 301..* 3.2th. Tait. Elmer is a. former Exeter bo** .The joie LembrOok, Mr. liteamert'sjim. to own optical, ce.237 Dundas st,* wedding took plate on Friday, the had gone to 'Centralia early in Louden. or local dealers will promptly. young lildt being ,Miss RmilyRortlett. -the, day. eau after. - Mrs. Iftlitmati had attend, to prescriptions for alesses, • .311-71410.arnai schworl sszaniinHateti*mtsitt, Int s 14' °o iUtrairitist.Wtos RietEM111°ttIllmerh • than el were &own in Exeter befom Every article hi our law stock of furniture is reduced :to almost east during this sale, be coniduced'before ta (=purchase Jiro. Morlock and Mary are visiting in Detroit. Mre. Bowie and children spent t e holidays in London. Mr. and MO. Marsball BO -9( Lon- don are visiting in town title week. Mr. , and Aim rt biker ite n 'week etertown, N. Get our Mari •e riSeli At the ni °re" and 'Aveleigt' te7 the . . . te °Moe. -:-. - -,- . . e • n re ' ri on 141. i,,, t t 1 i # Vound-,44 lady'A #1,:10V4 ca11,44 ,A - week are 'cartel ered very fair by the "thing* ri hind* tilil: 'Ittit:e .43became 4*11" ,t4mber *Ito timexcepgon_ of writ. frightened antitttrnizm stoun4,4 yottikt, onfe' 04 v \ Apptentlee to teem dressmaking. 0 it, -*41,42- Centakted shoot Ar :01reit ittleit atift.evertutned the .341104;15er,s to Mie Ten), over Snell '. ti vtegraent* tasigeohttwatotrknanntartitc.eedikett5 tii,..ggYporwi,,,a,u.lito.privretii10.41,10wimii4,4itifde4,ittbe. • . A action. of 'the 'percents monefluktely trawled out -from under. , tor.ii soctia.- - - - . - ‘ required to, , pasawitynkely be nee". , -‘ -th.--the :sig. -10,-thir 'meantime, ei • mr•440dies,..-401.431alustrsetMetb,.‘ earip.--whr -e*aelieerotioltke_eueb, nonsideeable_number. of_people btd \odiskehitrich purpose hOlding , a lawn meat ot isOnin paper nearly every ceeitt_eitatea . And things were put to . iights, 'Whitoiliti;I:Usittith' we 'social. on Priday evening, July 12, on year la a writer:1s .- . severe' . tared abe *aa sew , the cbureb la‘Vn. TonyiVita's Orcitea. on meildair caaadajana celebrated 1)1111061y and shaken up. Imo Ticose hat tra..T.Ondon, will furnish the program. their 4,eth Natal Day. ,ths'Italy I* suffered onlyalightinjuries and---tb. Refreshments *III be terved from 6 to 1831, Certain of the British poseeesione ha ktgy was little damaged. lir. Theo. So 'elock. Admission 2.5. cts. were united andoetued The,Dorolnlon Wiiiis• afterwards -brought them bogie A ' ' . . - -- , • of_. Canada. Ontstrio• Queb#00 1Srelw 16_,E...-etet. . P°'‘I'V'Ttititit Ve'lin our.list ii-Cheice store Brunswick ocatIllOwlace,_ ths,71wiare'tba - + in Exeter for sale at a v first provinces. Since have been add- Je ilgure,-Saridtiri& -Crete ruide- Wvafd Wand; - itta-nito . .._ British Colombia. .Saskatchiwatr- .....,....-..-.....-,......, ... Alberta. Canada's progress in ' , I . lines lucs been Neter great-Wftlik.these . forty, -,ye411.-4144tilt,ille now stands...4 propert resitting. one of the mOstlitosper430, ciluntries The Weekly Moil and. Empire and it) the ,10,16„.* autt-ber roue Ails xowoorkittiled tO4in are otutotts Online In'CanadafwYealE.W1greateiEtbtban GreAt" BE tato until January 14,, 1908; elrer. _ for 80 cents. Bothatublications for T, The miitticti meeting *of the Ware' month*. theperiod toentioned. )94 reg. lows took place In Ifentaill- on Friday tato, would cost $1.n.- - By' am. eveniog telt; when reports Of the di cepting this offer new subscriptions . ferent lodges in.thediotrict woe given save 38 Cents. The Weekly Mall and by the delegate.. The present Empire 1. unquestionably the .gegitteit tt* Stenhory, ores reel •weikly poblidation whichenters • for anothe oyet it o te next (115 let meeting column* of ter n June of 1 Arthe con o tit tiler boo nese, when Lie Initatorr degree n a erediteble men* news putdigke4 In it visitore met for select roetthe varied the mysteries o enstaiWer lin t, : alttontak the fullest Ell: 0 404 ' orator -4 fr3.e1in will.re inforomtiOu for Oa .$000 Ment 4,4 agricultttraV *tie Magatine,Sootion will also • 'of informatidn• Al n' snWee are it PitRAlt itttracting public lion. ';*rol otrieri o eof 01 4AgrIA;k- *te-4tfritli vld• ed Iti'• tea restau preeentoitivesfroMigire /The. 'Wile and R N. Creech. 3. Stan- inine Imo and W. J. flettrnan as ,district ViMI *Web', eriteere were ,144k) atten- AbOtttIO,Dlen 404 giris. (Lc factory. " r., odgert bee gene to isa Me ill, it 'Mine for the hill. ' ea vent the, Wilda u Mrs. Stitton was In London over tbe holiday. - • t - Welter 41aerling event . July 1St Is, tonaon. 1 Core roweli visited in Lii Mr-and-Mwcri-Mare • ter spent Sunday and /Woodsy at, or 4.100414 ItelArritsthiers ,ole -Creech , spent part of the Week a London. ' • rs. Snell and dau Itter of vieited.Mre. _ nn poen during the week. littewit.---tii-Sttinbarr son Surulay-andlionday .witti.the torn:wee_ ,patrente 110, Farmer and Miss Irene visited her Mrs...R. W. Rome,- at Walkerville this week. - Mr. Israel Smith of fitimilton Spent Mends in town. Willie, INtiO Catrt *it. Altgi Harmon ICelly and. children of ratfOrd are viiiiting at Mr. George Ed. -McTaggart, son of Mr. P. Me.' T London Road North, left on yliii.WrrArthur.7- - D. French. late 'keeper Of the House Of Bet* e. lettittet week to vio. at hit too in re•- Tc-toteday.for Strathro wilere;be has Oeteniedi.,A sit- ation. rity OLSOett and child Will to- rnado litre for 11410e. Mr. . 'Herbert -Gregiiry Scri ford and 1$0. eacoek# of Shoe e L. the holt t Winnie Carling returned day from Toronto. Mrs. Telt went to Detroit Saturday o irtia-mrs. Ltulturer Mrs. Cahoon of Moorefield vlslted Dow over the holiday. arll-riekts,of-howlere - go to week. oft .this week. 'With:ester of Aurora D. jelitle title week. 1,iresteott and Ethelbert eye io Ilanlilton, r. * Huston era :family left Wit lwy to to at the Bend. r. and Mis.. Serouel Rowe illdren spentinlldert rtt Ho• Iland on Sunday and si kr' risk aster icy *rents iere, returned to Lc accornpanle by er . of [1spId 01t3 It t uf ber aunt, 0. nksater I t on' Ione th o ta,:retatilreike MIs. Welsh of Ext.r).1 ir B. Mathew,. who speut the olkloky'bei* Stith Mr. Dyer of Brantford 'unturied the new flag re-- cenUy lettit frOfit*I0e, ter; Etigland, for titbit' on Abe Mernotisi cburch irtiOtt 'Day. 'telvt performSng th. trick is urilque and be displsyod It littloing I , • F real; Crisp, and thoi Slimmer Girl. - will find ev thing needed. eri mth4�go , now n t clean for gioo per 4 BUS NS•• ‘nift- for dress* partic. r yd SWISS not hinsuzits e and -*tufa dots. t * goods for *mall' cost • adc„per yd • ifundd shirtAntist.suit go ash end do up beutifuUyr 1 1 , Diaoksurntlos This makes a, nice Ineipenalve suit and looks fine - "2j, 1c.etyd.. XflEN LAWNS ea sbeer good oi " summer & great big t ort of new US And Were lO,1S2O,3O,4Oepezyd 4 INGtiti- k.ehMit or plczlc* suit. All the different cheeks. • ‘ete *pg. -Ow . linguish the, elettkoswe. make aie FASIIItOtto rn and WORittjA148#10,,We et:it4 tti41 wfll ituittela , 'with Iowa gerictils* 0100 440 *te, ere getting p‘lenty • .