HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-07-04, Page 8 (2). tbMaiiiin *owe
3ill 14t pieeiit.
.44, 140 reel lidek UOtvie tor talp
vo in twn..epplY at thii oftice.v
t Rev. Itiirtiett of ViroAk*Iiinit
ttlokosmoitpuhltst 00 '800tay
ptIwee. 'I
Frfdal, but: this.*
inthe ScbooIHafl
to I'd `pllie
U. t.10
it ha the wrt
few for stut.
ottishienable man
You Are Sore of
tit -tor -moot otou
lets spent tbe dor
rtner, formerly' of Exeter, ha
arrested in Wihnipeg on. a cbi
theft of a quantlty of 4ftirt:11. iII
likely be brouOit. ere for trial.
Wm. -Beet lot week -took:
the hones* otock And butane** of Mr.`
. Rouse.Mr. Beer lo to competent
vertiseroent in anothe column.
The Itle: Visite took,place in the Oett,,,
: tral Congregationtdebureh, Winnipeg,.
'OA Pzidsy ust, ef MIs. Ida, Lenore
and *roc.
Wm. • Pertsen, formerly of Exeter. to
John floixsytor# of Toronto. .
on, loyl
te,who h* veehritireil
oral wee
w-iatknow°°"0 to nilt48444
nenifiy of last. week married in that
city to Ur. Peter Eingonertb.
Henson is Itery dry towns to ,Meet in.
Then telki gle dry wOrkariyway.
Wairond, who t sue.
. 414
o bike effect Immediately
soe hall net let been engaged.
A petition it being circulated to Or
hicicliots to ride on the heck'
ettrettel ewe**, The goatee's wor-
thy' oft Couttell'e favorable consid-
eration as long as proper rtatrictions
'`....."-TA ,7-,- '••-- , Y• i i 'boceeal-ilts°C;:itt-,..itrtirik1C_ ittn-, "Ile7.-71ti..-7.,...,,, ...1.Y. -.7.....u.,,...1*--- ..e.' priugstali. -..,__:-frai-te„sits-11,.7-age:ki-7------11',:,0,41entsPli:VVIllti4Hyeea:Sea: le tet:414
a ealer or thine* big ea 110-",00be- .434 suit., . On juneisti"-tin_liki
-,........... . '.-- ' - - - - " ' i '---1.4.1-411:444-, bero"°nterv4" - attilegot&-:"Tre-AditoutirliMaii
_ rsla**-- - 4,, - -60 esoolation- --meetinkc---00--Alin eirifeifOid-._'silitheittO,.--.7Vrarilt :and
, - 3--.Y- -au . In t-thisloitovringvaimiciv. _me -10;P-, ,:iiit - . ,
-: pieceotii-ifiperty Watilitinig-OtraeVeti
;ft. cd President, T. It Oir-ling-Wice. ,r:- .. _. . .,,,...
storey reeicienee and two late* W.,- e - • vft *T. Weare pie note that mist
11 DIckstag grkd , „Pt- PlAhr ------ . . ,
geodstablevailwrirsts-clastreonditio ....---t.f.---Tietleifree lee. Devia. ViOnieVaeling,T4Ingliter"Of Mi. T. B.
conveniently situated; all modern Jai- ?if; --sow' Sanders. - ' . ' '' Carling, has .tdone hem, itcredit in her
provetnent. Price is a snap. ceii.,or S , . ' .f —nt mo , examination, at the
write Th Advocate Office. The Voters' List for the township o. ''''''
.,.., Toronto 'On ersitY. lowing Jleeeed
nitta vittatad. , - b ta i th sin .. - • '
Stephen has lust I -been_ coniPle, senior untgroity pianoforte *nu pass.'
with honors.
Two gir_ wan - , no% Des a wirin are entitled to. vote. - c - ia, be 1 .d
/11 te4 cook and general the nom er of voters A * tOwn - I? ed Intern) bite thee, ,tir
helper. oorui wages, Avtliy at cent, A bow munio pai ejections a...A eel" uMplotion litietritontigecests to , congratu ate
Tel Rotel, Exeter. .
The cocksha tt is the beat seafflet.- tiOniftP the 140$140""Assiem14; '18a The lecture and concert of, Prof*
, municipal electionsonbrima 854ttelec*.
made for all kind of roots. Don tient to . the Legislative Assembly' ‘la'arrion and Madame itkinviol °13sien
fail to ape them. W, Mitchell, agent.. .04. , The number entitled ,,to serve in "the Opera Rouse on Thursday eve.
, 04% juror* jams. . . ning wee fairly'. Well attended, colloid,
Noma, Papa for Silt_ -,. - ering the warn) weathen. Those Pre*
'three thoroughbred ' hound PoPet On Thursday' evening the members
- - sent were pleas
d s. of the hest hunting strain, cotion, $t the printing department and office ed delightedwith, twith the lecture and
he singing of Madame
ilack, and white, mid -block and an. of the London Printing, & LithrwCarit
Than you lavebedP Then use
-ni e one j °Wore
ant nourishin ood vObla_oyuL _
have, the beet !ORR Powder: -
amused alwaysin favor
250. a pound
GO 0 s Drug
reserlptions our deity
17. Carling,"fly, presentedElmer weison, who* &Brien. ey intend leaving todayEXETER -
and Mrs. Rich. Robinson and to shout to Join the order of -the bent. f°' thOir third visit to Stratford after
l -
daughter Lilly, London Road eolith, d.icto, with, a handsome chine cabinet severasuccessful weeksin Exeter.
left, Wednesday for INIttionton, Alta.,' and an address ( Mr. Nelson., though Mrs. W. Matatm had an tinr.
where they will visit relatives. tdkenbyserPrlse;e*PressedbutsIneere gesearit experience at Centralia
,Dr. Butler will be at: -the Central tbankeln a few iveasoboeen words. •IttrirailaY evening fast. She volth Ur,
ilotel PridaYs 301..* 3.2th. Tait. Elmer is a. former Exeter bo** .The joie LembrOok, Mr. liteamert'sjim.
to own optical, ce.237 Dundas st,* wedding took plate on Friday, the had gone to 'Centralia early in
Louden. or local dealers will promptly. young lildt being ,Miss RmilyRortlett. -the, day. eau after. - Mrs. Iftlitmati had
attend, to prescriptions for alesses, •
.311-71410.arnai schworl sszaniinHateti*mtsitt, Int s 14' °o iUtrairitist.Wtos RietEM111°ttIllmerh
• than el were &own in Exeter befom
Every article hi our law stock of furniture is reduced
:to almost east during this sale,
be coniduced'before ta (=purchase
Jiro. Morlock and Mary are visiting
in Detroit.
Mre. Bowie and children spent t e
holidays in London.
Mr. and MO. Marsball BO -9( Lon-
don are visiting in town title week.
Mr. , and Aim rt biker ite
n 'week etertown, N.
Get our Mari •e riSeli At the ni °re" and 'Aveleigt' te7 the
. . .
te °Moe. -:-. - -,- .
. e • n re ' ri on 141.
i,,, t t 1 i #
Vound-,44 lady'A #1,:10V4 ca11,44 ,A - week are 'cartel ered very fair by the "thing* ri hind* tilil: 'Ittit:e .43became
,t4mber *Ito timexcepgon_ of writ. frightened antitttrnizm stoun4,4
yottikt, onfe' 04 v \
Apptentlee to teem dressmaking. 0 it, -*41,42- Centakted shoot Ar :01reit ittleit atift.evertutned the
.341104;15er,s to Mie Ten), over Snell '. ti vtegraent* tasigeohttwatotrknanntartitc.eedikett5 tii,..ggYporwi,,,a,u.lito.privretii10.41,10wimii4,4itifde4,ittbe.
• . A action. of 'the 'percents monefluktely trawled out -from under.
tor.ii soctia.- - - - . - ‘ required to, , pasawitynkely be nee". , -‘ -th.--the :sig. -10,-thir 'meantime, ei
• mr•440dies,..-401.431alustrsetMetb,.‘ earip.--whr -e*aelieerotioltke_eueb, nonsideeable_number. of_people btd
\odiskehitrich purpose hOlding , a lawn meat ot isOnin paper nearly every ceeitt_eitatea . And things were put to
. iights, 'Whitoiliti;I:Usittith' we
'social. on Priday evening, July 12, on year la a writer:1s .- . severe' . tared abe *aa sew ,
the cbureb la‘Vn. TonyiVita's Orcitea. on meildair caaadajana celebrated 1)1111061y and shaken up. Imo Ticose
tra..T.Ondon, will furnish the program. their 4,eth Natal Day. ,ths'Italy I* suffered onlyalightinjuries and---tb.
Refreshments *III be terved from 6 to 1831, Certain of the British poseeesione ha ktgy was little damaged. lir. Theo.
So 'elock. Admission 2.5. cts. were united andoetued The,Dorolnlon Wiiiis• afterwards -brought them bogie
A ' ' . . - -- , • of_. Canada. Ontstrio• Queb#00 1Srelw 16_,E...-etet. .
P°'‘I'V'Ttititit Ve'lin our.list ii-Cheice store Brunswick ocatIllOwlace,_ ths,71wiare'tba - +
in Exeter for sale at a v first provinces. Since have been
Je ilgure,-Saridtiri& -Crete ruide- Wvafd Wand; - itta-nito
. .._ British Colombia. .Saskatchiwatr-
.....,....-..-.....-,......, ...
Alberta. Canada's progress in ' , I
. lines lucs been Neter great-Wftlik.these
. forty, -,ye411.-4144tilt,ille now stands...4
one of the mOstlitosper430, ciluntries
The Weekly Moil and. Empire and it) the ,10,16„.* autt-ber roue Ails
xowoorkittiled tO4in are otutotts Online
GreAt" BE tato until January 14,, 1908; elrer. _
for 80 cents. Bothatublications for T, The miitticti meeting *of the Ware'
month*. theperiod toentioned. )94 reg. lows took place In Ifentaill- on Friday
tato, would cost $1.n.- - By' am. eveniog telt; when reports Of the di
cepting this offer new subscriptions . ferent lodges in.thediotrict woe given
save 38 Cents. The Weekly Mall and by the delegate.. The present
Empire 1. unquestionably the .gegitteit tt* Stenhory, ores reel
•weikly poblidation whichenters • for anothe
oyet it o te next (115 let meeting
column* of ter n June of 1 Arthe con o
tiler boo nese, when
Lie Initatorr degree
n a erediteble men*
news putdigke4 In it visitore met for
select roetthe varied the mysteries o
enstaiWer lin
: alttontak the fullest Ell:
0 404 '
orator -4 fr3.e1in will.re
inforomtiOu for Oa .$000
Ment 4,4 agricultttraV *tie
Magatine,Sootion will also •
'of informatidn• Al n' snWee
are it PitRAlt itttracting public
lion. ';*rol otrieri o eof 01
*te-4tfritli vld• ed Iti'• tea restau
/The. 'Wile and R N. Creech. 3. Stan-
inine Imo and W. J. flettrnan as ,district ViMI
*Web', eriteere were ,144k)
404 giris. (Lc
r., odgert bee gene to
isa Me ill, it 'Mine for the hill.
ea vent the, Wilda
Mrs. Stitton was In London over tbe
holiday. - • t -
Welter 41aerling event . July 1St Is,
1 Core roweli visited in Lii
Mr-and-Mwcri-Mare •
ter spent Sunday and /Woodsy at, or
,ole -Creech , spent part of the Week a
London. ' •
rs. Snell and dau Itter of
vieited.Mre. _ nn poen
during the week.
littewit.---tii-Sttinbarr son
Surulay-andlionday .witti.the torn:wee_
110, Farmer and Miss Irene visited
her Mrs...R. W. Rome,- at
Walkerville this week. -
Mr. Israel Smith of fitimilton Spent
Mends in town. Willie, INtiO Catrt
Altgi Harmon ICelly and. children of
ratfOrd are viiiiting at Mr. George
Ed. -McTaggart, son of Mr. P. Me.'
T London Road North, left
on yliii.WrrArthur.7- -
D. French. late 'keeper Of the
House Of Bet* e. lettittet week to vio.
at hit too in
re•- Tc-toteday.for
Strathro wilere;be has Oeteniedi.,A
ation. rity OLSOett and child Will to-
rnado litre for 11410e.
Mr. . 'Herbert -Gregiiry Scri
ford and 1$0. eacoek#
of Shoe e L. the holt t
Winnie Carling returned
day from Toronto.
Mrs. Telt went to Detroit Saturday
o irtia-mrs. Ltulturer
Mrs. Cahoon of Moorefield vlslted
Dow over the holiday.
arll-riekts,of-howlere -
go to week.
oft .this week.
'With:ester of Aurora
D. jelitle title week.
1,iresteott and Ethelbert
eye io Ilanlilton,
r. * Huston era :family left Wit
lwy to to at the Bend.
r. and Mis.. Serouel Rowe
illdren spentinlldert
Ho• Iland on Sunday and
si kr' risk aster icy
*rents iere, returned to Lc
by er . of [1spId 01t3
It t uf ber aunt,
0. nksater I t
on' Ione th o
MIs. Welsh of Ext.r).1 ir
B. Mathew,. who speut
the olkloky'bei* Stith Mr. Dyer of
Brantford 'unturied the new
flag re--
cenUy lettit frOfit*I0e, ter; Etigland, for
titbit' on Abe Mernotisi
cburch irtiOtt 'Day. 'telvt
performSng th. trick is urilque and be
displsyod It littloing I
, • F
real; Crisp, and thoi Slimmer Girl. - will
find ev thing needed.
eri mth4�go , now n t
clean for
gioo per 4
‘nift- for dress* partic.
r yd
SWISS not hinsuzits
e and -*tufa dots.
t * goods for *mall' cost
• adc„per yd
ifundd shirtAntist.suit go
ash end do up beutifuUyr
1 1
, Diaoksurntlos
This makes a, nice Ineipenalve
suit and looks fine -
"2j, 1c.etyd..
ea sbeer good oi " summer
& great big t ort of
new US And Were
k.ehMit or plczlc*
suit. All the different
cheeks. •
‘ete *pg. -Ow
. linguish the, elettkoswe.
make aie FASIIItOtto rn
and WORittjA148#10,,We
et:it4 tti41 wfll ituittela ,
'with Iowa gerictils*
0100 440
*te, ere getting p‘lenty
• .