HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-07-04, Page 6 (2)• ritatto.a. Ott.- Alvan, , „. 0, • t4ee, I:t tait r , 'At , 11 v‘cut wiUi fermatg etaeet inueeljate-ettetion„ :lneit Were 46 revefl -matter of extrerae irOpotte 1 t, • attlaY. 11.0.7a,411a, 4.1.111. tt. • Itaiiigiaratiaianivartaw 4. j ,,,11,.00; ti tu-, ,of,::41 r II e,. ci,t,,, li,,,.l.n'' t.' ` e. 1 th I e ., I . 4 14411t 1) a iiine ;110Xit0 .fletta.: a t ., Pe..11.'flie°4*Vs el: 't 1 -evil 'rani• i t n h all SUM I ,!.. A. ) •Q.1 4.4 aPat. WULLL P1 IL Lk statte's, etipitneee, t'Oritilreta; preilteeedelewer jeiteloee.ft 3900 litea she ever produced in enY, yeer in allthe time the Pemba, • • .earl Department of Agricelture havp twcn,collecting information oortcerning, a nereoges annuelly, devoted to farm crops: Within the past few yea te the eeortertilientectio -polatomitrehts-proviece La e deeemeed by 5%000 acres; the 'pro - And y PPeoximately e,000,000 taste, lef4t P., .• taken leeelloidemot tniitele remand:gr., Bia,r Mese MTi '"'6tnet44/ NI:00M mAISt4tever be. brou togelber.' Pour 3 gowns of the btu tone solution int(' a *gallon bawl (an Ordittery batrel beide between.40 and 50 ga I msjt balt MI the, barrel with* water, ele-egetionseeole4beellaneeseetullete, iIU up viith water, stir thotaallglllY And the'mixture Is 'ready tor Use, For a 1yn,a quay pump Wilt he -*4.4-WIrektkliiiv=74,17 A -4- _ NS • , e" „toilette eJetta 'WIi e r e t 4h.A WO I lave end. rtIU eatoduel, frotn, one for erene nae etteetgly imaintaineet year"e sproyi g of one ,ecre sal potetoee arillersa-mt-the-eireht kind, or -Soft -a Who wm usually pay the eilliee-baSt Oi'ettelt ;have planted e Mod acreage to this tear ,att applierece, but if none is at hencla ft/N..5111;1g, Wille" teellettnx. nla7- b#.1Plified 41t2 146 liar" etestully britig' their' •ZillPlitTitiattleitY; tuatiner'oeTPerir rOtri'iAitilit'be,1101,teier teen larger retatets from , wet/14es 'than ht solution foe bewee---The object * to --eouldeldieliedeeiveetponeeeeet eredeayLittthe ... rrextere tla ell nd Melee the oitetro . Cee wets $2,- -T le 'iethiskeinting, Ile Northern Ontario' ' liway wilt be cottipleted by 'lie ted the present season. to 'the two ,bua- dyed-mile post; , emr„--elenry--013rien.„2-1e;Ca-in -at-letter to the ittayofi, elated that the cdraft Toronto were probably the weret, on Bit re Went, ai • ' :at aat Ma114 ni h they might. 4?ngagt, during thp tflsijfl n aItI f -ffetti ou biTellreiteortter tobRent etterre-erVe little-things-tba eedays-ra ei-Macbirt ' better _cot nunons hy an eve 11 a 41.g, wtere r . Mackenzie Mann her ,YkrY re depesits. • The Setithwesteen Railway bee „Atte. ,Walter. ,33,arariale. 41* Toronto, for 410,000 'in an accident Mx last Dotalittori Vas* tat,. EAT 'ORITAtee g is t� be deaneen_114114i1se, tiex re eores innig IOW e, hiat.Thty to etape•tatiATItt rtZe4 hee '-gkealeeett•W-elf -1,ailumente- tre-ing - in -Ontario, yet. tkAW.dOliareS" or -eri less, will enter the entire cost for material and labor required to treat one oere .91 potatoes with Bordeaux , Mixe tire, • and this Mixture properly made cortaistently and intelligently are , eplied is a. tertain reverie% e oi rot. Prem. evert/nerds oThin11y conducted at Outipb, at Ottawa, and at practtealle awry experitnent. elation in the United ''States„ endfrom the praetieal experi- Cfl;' of growers everywhere, Bordeaux Mixture has proven the only effective reviled), fir Potato Rot.' At OttaWa eur- • firm the post three. yeera, Abe average to crease hi yield from 'spraying with this . mixture wag 94.5 bushels per rtere. • Bordeaux Mixture:ler Potato spraying is made front the following formula ee Capper eteptelle pettestone or -blue .4 _pottrelse unsloked unt _5 pounds, water 40 to 60 gallons. As it is liwonveittent to weigh the Itnc and oapper at the lime,of mixing and,. quite impracticable to keep a, sup- PlY et ready.toixed Bordeaux: on hand, stock solutions- ot the copper tied are etsualleepreperedetead for Mixin oretelMie-To prepare ma triel eel/ cient to „treat One acre 'Of 1300100, four -"e- 7:UMW-procced--tix-follows.,:-----Place-12.. pounds ot bluestone to- aebeg oeletseet Ind suspend it .neer the surfac in 30 gallons et waterin a barrel, It will 4111S- ta $ t.#4 'it gordeaux by heir, . two where any kind fat sprayers are to be used, aTwaye, Striret theeltrott zelution when mixing with th'e bine. atone. The lime sometimes elattee totem and ..elegs Itt the nozzles. If re- quired Parts Green May be applied with the Bordeaux, Mictiog„holf .a pound ef Parte Green to each berm) of the mix- ture. , . . Spraying eboted begin about 361y 15th and- the vine. kept.covered :till Septem- ber. - Pour applieatiens as required, will usually ,occomplish. this. Smite have got fairly frain-'OnO good -spraying-just:at:tile time the dieeose be- gins in leinVtul., trod aswea,vain in spray- ing experience, the nuniller or apPliea. tion etuly perhaps beedecreased, but ordinartiae It Is best to use ihh 'mixture nls least, Bordeaux ie. the onle effective remedy yet devised toe elle control -of .potato bttght: It is easy to make and ow to apply, "and where ,properly •tuade and trierimghly applied is certain- to be effeee . tee. The, only precautions to'obseree itt making are to use-pnre fresh. materkee '6.___ettlx- these, ina-oorrot, pSportiotto keep the mixture on,' the vines durin „Theeeeaeon.411 tet,e teightele ere pear. i• Parliament Iluilding5, Toronto, 1907'. 6 am, laenia-Governor AMong Recipieens Kingeeltirthday lionors. '• • • _ --A .froin London The woo birthday honors include the bk. k$wilage.- efeeneGerieral„ Cortada. -EttghTtrOifir4.11:07-Niftrialiral Dilinop.;- C4airrean of the Allan Line. Order Of St, Michael and St, r.korge e OteN* erAOr NO#fir .Knight Cmumander . Charles . Fitzpatrick. ,r4unpinions,..„..Mr • Pitts. Newroundia ptiiin Aristroitter, Royal Navy; Mr, Alfred Deceiles and 'Mr., Martin Joseph Griffin. Knight 2 *Bachelor ticut.-Oevernor. VOTItturti-VotititietXtUrk ittil NI; Lengelier and tile nohert, OtileePle ioneotVervieee w 44% i a attend Virteriatt Order Kniglit Commander- tetirl etuntionted and Sir T. -,..e.e.--egeeeeeeere - „ .TV1U :t,- Bail -vow- niandtel the dem local forces with the, Peal ran r -General from 1 -r -GRA. Illiettste Government With -11240 * ,e g voteetavoredereastaletIMI �rn verrei erei • el- Board -of Trader.of d, will appoint nine corn- espondents .in. Canada. UNITED STATES. . 'batted Statee,railmeliers oUer a Perfect rail foe $33 a ton. Wreckicatieing rails cost $28,. Several persons have been struck by lightning and killed in New Yea; and district. Seven persons were killed by the MI of a tenement in the Italian qearter of -New Yorka-on-Tuesday., 4011. 11. P. Brewster, of Atlanta, Gu., was -shot and )(tiled during a riot on an excursion train by elench Tarty, a negro, . Because the parents of Onele Strom, 14 Of 'Chicago, told her they could DO,' aftOrd 10 give her a. new greduetion dress, the girt lett her, home.. Mrs. Bell, an aged woman f Medteine Lodgee None missing, and is believed to. have been blown away by one of the tortuidoes -which visited the Place lately. . evartant was sworn- out tor_the .ate refit of Clarence Byrne, of New, Verk, a • t lik A despatch..-freni London says: u• Stilted that. the Governnient-eirill award 'Lord Cromer., /who Ittlety resigned ' Post of British and Coltetd4erteral gyp , I uite- a. An r 44 teltiseserv 4 unt- • Thousand Odgers- t :lespid Pidvockels are busy herti-andl,n r ous .ifteltheitre reported., fewat speeteator, ;eves. relleved.of o idettoilare in the elevator an the: Bank jlataliton building an 'Wednes( afternoon . just' after he had cashed a - ruktnitilVARt AT ANGLEBEV. frio4t,}4e, ;IA V • Lt 4,tauttoba..-,,takp port No. et, 'No, I' liorlitetn, -93340;..Ne, eterleern+ eeets-No. -2 white, ate le 45,V, out. Manitelea, 45e to 4541e„.e.1 outsiee. CorA-No. Americece eke 1. ' 0e. * Iterley-Norainal ; „ 51$4tee; No. 2 extra, eleee to 63%o. Peas -No. 2, ,Ietee to 7%c. to ul then „ a I t )01.. 9 • ••,„ t p 41,111e, , a 9." e.1 eaVti a..' •) ft , 1.,:', 1 . A M 10 " ly I % lipiaii hi 1 '010: ZdT I7 N ilOp :• • " from to beret, sa The attack ert. th goat edeteetttee_lerieen'tiere, vciteae began lune gla wee, resumed Qrt y night by revolittiouNts, Pied the -turr 'endinct houses. t lqour.-44htlario, Oil --per 'cent petents, offered. at $3,55; Manitoba first. patents. teseeettets, 45.15 to 0.20; bakers" „ *eel- „„.724,a4z-i,, Brenee$43 o ekr CouNTtilt PRODur.w.-• Butter-Priees show nodurtiterellange. Creamery,' prints itt 11,04, to 220 do .solicle .. 190 to 003 do sotMs" 17e to Oeo 1270-tereee*.rgeelitid- 13e7 -to ealozerretn- . rzs 11111 V. e 1.• le:- died of pneumonia withent Metticat Herbert, Debt, * Chicago wafter, Viable& In court of being etrock in the 1.AW.1 with Uleinen pie ond.Jmiurell olltera wise by lames Vallo and eohn Aziato in ,rAF00. .1( a reetaurent, f" in a mill pond, ttillen.'-h a a . a et, , -wrier died last . week, had t $30,000. Geier bad, weakened the boy's mind. Guernsey calf...belonging to an ini- vetted herd„ :k.t; which ?dr. Arthur 'Meeker hid lately, pad Vet,000, iett'royed av he latter replied with volleys. rt fuellode lasting over an hour, a trait driver. was killed. The prison of.Kras- towers% N otte of the baltleg ellaces -fweeolitienteprisonete-eteeilLeireviat more dielant places of Sitierian exile. SIXTY OFFICERS ABIIESTED. I 14 fk a andeSiale le_ or prineee- -Potatoeseetie1owares41.30„.e6 $1 igar Jets eta teack here. Ontateia, $1,10 to $1.15. _ Baled Bay -$14 to $15 for No. 1 the- ethy and $12$_50- to '$13.50 tor eecondery grades.. Baled Straw -$ to $7 ,e5 per ton in car lots on track here. PROVISIONS.. Dressed flogs4-Eosy $0.50 -for 110 weights, itnee-tilee to $0 foe heavies, farmers' lots. Pork -Wirt -cut, $24.15 to $23 per b eel ; mess, Sal to $21.50. Smoked and Pry Salted Meats -Long dear bacon, to lige for tons and cases ; hams, medium, nod, light, 153ec la .10e; heavy, leep to .15c; backs, leeee to 170 shoulders, lege to lie; rolls; Wee; --out of pickle,eass than molted. Lard -Steady at these prices:Tierces, Wee; tubs, 12,eec ; „ pails, 12%c. MONTREAL MARKETS. .04,4 t tioartt ti:er desa says' It b lively I that eixty 4)niarg of tile en military edietriet. -"gewral- or Win" eonnected- with the Odessa garrisout, ve.beettearrOatedw„ aA fl- i•-, t L 'lit „ 4 ..t* 2, . 4 .. ...,zfl ), ' k;:.t - ti ii la a ,. Lag a ' TEttflOttl.63'.-A.TNEMPT. Ktete130.. • , -A-dee-p4telt. -Oren fit -Peleturg. Ar attempt w4as melte. on Tuesday nig be terrerlsN force on entre/x.0 into, f -the --p /tear t t rg, centainb ler amount , o ives. A see fired at and woended- by .tbe men cn. a ed in the ,altenada- but the enets iwed.a• pet rorto luillifferethe seat, and the terrorists fled. P t y the torpedo boat febediatilny etteic The -damage. do ght, owing' to Itie_detertora- . BOAT DAMAGED. Neeeire=eyeeeeae e 10i?.E7, • v" lielistniloba-Niartment Issuertr - esPatelr- emir Wiripliqt,t altrdeultteg-"gtifir7M07 Irefot Ortte-stecte„,teZill Isetied-eie :TaTifilifigeleyfee Explosion -7ot -S1rtd Fire. Jae -roans - 'tit Sault, g .elesilatch-fro ,-, , I. **-eAe., etinter93akizeve ug LLII,etWtir tettiltfat oeseety-Wil-re• one 0!tbe1rst-Winne . ▪ ti"t• local -Departliteittee-or aietteterseote thaezeeente--11 Innolgration.-- Ireporte-otecorreepondente Pointaefilty mks lw-est of the £l,V1on indicate proinising conditions in every Aria Canadian side. At ten o'elock fire • section of the province. A tailing oft is was discovered in 'the engirie.room, due rePeried in the acreage of wheat, but a it Is 5ald to the exploeion of a lamP. substantial incrego itt the acreage of The ilaine$ made rapid progress, out - *ate and barley. • pelting tee engineers- to make a hurried' The wheat acreage repotted itt lest esit„, leaving Me engines in operation. year's June -bulletin steel 3,141,537 acres, The Vessel. was Man *0lately turned to against 2e789,e53 acres this year. the eltmet one mileaway and beached, Last yeer there,WereeteeMetauereeot thi erev of fatteen men. under Capt oats, this yeare1,213.594. aceeee, blues Opel, all being landed- eatelY-. 'The barley acreage last year was They reached the "'See on Thursday 64900 Iteress- - - morning on the tug Shemroce none the As to Ilse stock, the figures Show the worse for (he Incident. The,Batchewatia cattle fattened, dttrinte the_winter and the carried a cargo . of iron oto from the number of mileh cetva Ileteir-Sfine for the Algoma boo Works •- • -Cattle Mitch at tbe "Soo." 'the boat was partly in. District-- fattened co vs 1 -red but the Gantey Line will test) South-western10,058, 25,6e4 beevily on the disaster. North:Neste/et ..,...e..., 5,956 *2,872 North Central-....eae...... 5..5.42 22,918' 4,fig IttAlte South. Central , . 17.137 _ • entreat. Int ed Odle -Vim ae.25 to $z.27%. per hag. In a jobbing wey 0.30 is asked. -;Jaalatra _trade- eassingeineoats_ en lit Patel market. lloidera are risking- •490 to 493c per bttshel for No. 2' white Matettobas, 483c to 49e for No. 2 On- tori-, 47%c to A8c for No. 3, and 40e to 4/e for No. 4. -tt goo4--dm et tiod bran and shade are litre at unchang • .quo a, tops. e- Detilestio trade Is responsible for the hilkror lateruese that is passing tin baled hey OW ;niece are steady. Provision. elarketeeThere was only a Jr demand twit Prices' 4110004 15c, to "or a 11 4 11 _ t, 1.t1te other day., • "eiviter.e - GENERAL. ,former "'We an Order lam been restored in Ibe rst dietrict et France. • Verest. A despatch from London $ d of.11 X 1, 807.7 Oita ItUP - anis et Nov, *eta d to be ' rtieteel lo tied o a dotrattkul. There ta talk ot a new treaty between loptin ittid tijo tJm Stat4s. . FA .$17,11, TO' DEA 1 O. 7„. ine- • •• e • • 111,SIDBeS. Eastern 20,001. , Amount Pahl Out leering Last Elate 'tear Totalled $1,128.876; . Totals ...„. es,142 - 114,64.1 A despatch from Ottawa gays: Dur. The eittploymerit ana, farm labor peob.; Tog the sitiort-term tiscal yeer ended lent is slim-m.0ms •Ntareh alst Is the malt su qttr Farm hande employed IS, I out 1,3y the Dominion amounted to SI, l'emrileaserva _CM eliseaLlteee1005-0- ;$164Ati6-11y4z-- Female servants. reqiiired 5,1 ' Ine• .krviee Tfigrind:-T116 Snbstdies to the Atlantic need service • BREAD IN sEmem HAG& in the last fiscal year amounted to $373,-, • 916, as against Meek in the, previous enreet, worn Raker to -cortioie--r eke -year. The tountiesepro urine the tis- --Avinrit cemarenele ceLyeareetaiLa total of $1.581,913, made • up aS: ron k-despatch-trotti -Winnipeg-says,: ..lettepetrolentle-. leorkie531. eade-14.9311- - cased in a sealed* oiled paper bag and taralee twine, $13,5%. direct trom the baker to onsumer, with/Mt. handling by delivery . boys or sterekeepers, is the way Controller J. W. Baker would like to see loaves et perm eaneelecearee men 12S.8 Ge.11S. agatnst $1 g27iis5e0 41 the lull . led leas weighed *off eare--at Cheese nnd Butter -Cheese exteriene.- 0001- •.Peteeee-Were.,„ tetehooged. Townships 20ele to zle, QUelieCIO,Ke' te 2('34c, Ontario, tee, -Ontario dairy 173eo 180. .The-theese market Priees drep., 41-40,-Ontarte, _41fedetio. town?' edlito7§11V111:atee .'Ego.L.Ptv efeecW .. helesele lots and 18,30 to 19e smell lots, • BUFFALO et' meentng, In be but. anct theirAontenta fere touch shaken.' Otherwiee the :sheet; was harmless. - Various st iSme- graphs reeorded much tittreet at differ- tittlet. Prot: .11elar reported /Levey Violent ettock, laSting Iwo hours+ 2.500 intle.eerem tedbactle. Mee Milne reported a 'great dNturbettee 4.200. mites distenti probably' to the 104 .ril,le fatality oec!Urr4d at ArnOrkir: esi Tln;rday m.rning. Mrs. AV. P. ArmStratog and her .1011r *Mg, 00- ri were burned; , to death,. Mr. nnd t1seir laundryin tbe town. At an Ate on Thursday morning Mr. WaS•AewataettedAyee ng „ink/ ‘. thee room from . the hre e1 Ik litiliiirdaaniatairik40150361-tiell ani fenrid the liowle 'plato itt flaws. tleherer.he could ,get back to res hi and i-ltidr4m 4iaioxplesien of gam: - in the %Midas vet elf their exit tile Agond atory,' and Mr. ArM. '-and the , children' peztbed. Arm - ng• himself eisatilted tr.:n fhe buittl- ith difficulty,* The tame of the L3 itot k4fltVtfl, tut it.'iateattetren the n..r043e/ St the retiv. et the buildhigi 410011141, Were 90eti°. 43111teceire bed, Oven, etretuns el welter oji lite ea aliort,iiriie„ 'The latind ANtli lettly 416*treteed, iiI Ibe wet • 1 aloAuly ing stroogr No, 1 hard, 1.04 k. firin; -"No, 2 white, *IX 'Corn. '; 2 yellow, No.:2 'white, Oats--tinsettied, weal; No. 2 le Wet; V I Offered Tee to. ti,541 Rye -Seem and strong; No. lt tile asked 611. , ' ; it 91 , , b 1r) Mei. luta f ' sp If . , ,ng .% i...ereg IN an 'inareeee .oe . , , * ' ClVtr , lin) corrYstiotelink nacnZh t!!,1d1 . I Tit:. lass, 'it„Itlictkuig dose ve;z1$ ,lipp treetly .e.teete .4 ,0,14iitro4 iait.ir '0.4 ' i"41 May c't :at . ,-ear,. 'rho SitCV:100 i 4t '-e itoe lo the ,e1rZke, .1 4'4411 nitnem1 1' $1 ''..., " Aliest.,-.iickt 'lot - lesit.(glererarti ','.it , ol. Tittle were Itaand Alt firma aid 1,007 ertwklee* ra1'fe4lett by the ' ' slOpia4rt",,, ' • ' ' VI% it 2ajairlk;i4.1 Upward teiklelicy ,„ziFeti Iti, 4 ;',/t nearly all luii. a of industry i'll-„erk, t'n*tilli. - Tillie to.t?..abeke e , tieiv. , a yet 141 g lflj!i eitetaie „ eke (1'1 al , . It , 1d pkce ied: stx ,ti ii , twisted iighllv aL,1-1It her 1:twat, argarell Mt, ,youig laito ot 44,1rhoet. n.catTentero living at 410Plhe ' md •Strect west, is tom& dead .frot -' AnitulattOn lay her little featteeemeeld a finite *WO '5 41"eleick' on I u -• Ilea, t II* clie altreetae 44. 1 Attlee,' *114 room* in the Istat 4,alra intortued the aullui •• Mr.". Ilawo -had been in fitlipait ' to: , some lime, particubnl: ttee1, troll 'which veal afXra, ni vated t Eving iri LtIC twO. teems AV . tee the lto4 in Itte.artiar 44 the L* thildern. tA9Y, 40;0 Vint ofOrtting heuse en letteetide Street tette told ort ot theft a OW NEVJ-NOOK, NVIIEAT ;NektiKE.T. lettir *kik. July 2.--AVlient-4'spettirin; !'o. -2- e7e.ec itt elevator and *1.004 nil 401;- No: .1--tiorikeen. Tullattitt 61,03„1„e attottl; No. 2 hard winter, ' Afloat * h4 ciirtix% lin'Tii°emtilitrui'ell,t,1Y1:'r)t, kw tett/0 'remit l'oV. teeing, mid Ilk ale/wild .,Wee only :mid-, ding. ,",Q00tati4ne. vete eboice been 'Sleet to 40.115e Medium redee 1III du14,' • ' 't.f.gt4-offering4 ',art& a better - Tref the leaturts Jot. the day's iradinit in- buteber, .clioice 44.25 ..$5,50. lifeditim uncliariged at ,Itt-t,W,, to $4,15, (thA-17.0 Nwv'''.aold loan $3.0 -to $145;,.. un*011 $3 to' 453,250.. iyers A•it „ and, keder "ca tl Torteel „good quu- It. Cheice. were 'Tabled: ;loom mutaon- freer .U.50 10 *3. efeelt oreq,(va staere' dull, et *34 to *50 , 0616? .1414 :SN to -SP' tor ,co5nitto Ve&esiv4.-Were tellet and. urieban tlejter 're. • • _ ew-ea ware anoted froin, littele mai xv444, t 161 IA att1a rice, lett t.v,:stet.1:11t.. 11hYtI1$,Ilito : lofts. t *05+ :With Proepeets 'Itat 1 --•11tedeet.to • . I I g-Illearoatt, ertm, thee _ba1ftt authorit1es,Und. move liongTilitiline in the near future. - .-zitIviavarunts.s.iY813,11 Juvenile Courts m the Province 4. Ontario, Canada,preceded those en- the. Western 'Stalest and, were established 11 Toronlo and ather eit1e -an %'-1. Th 41011.,4_114Y. been.,ettitittiOted and7cOnsereatiVe mariner and litive,,Anot, attracted ateethitig' 'lee the ptibt it iverete the nievetner.4 in 'chic* /0" igiony cliFdren from a continuance itt i lie childreril owls are con- ducted by the regular judge and Mag- istrates, the p(ipaIlatl-(sfl ff thevarious fies:noLbe to torrent o speeiel 'judge. - In Teront nearly one thousend eliildren are en- nataily Atuoir titles ea leindon. 'llamilkal and Ottawa the eutabeevnrk lrota-errie- linearetleattd4fitty let-tliree hundred. 1. MM ND 1,,Ta Apitterit. etween Two. -Countries to be Perelettetetla_ A despatch from Loedon SE, Sr: Sir A. elowereferrhig-tereh passagel to comillereell Iraveliers be; weee Canada and South Africa, says alletiferaWeee ra--robelste tw tr. the two' count:flee. 'The 'Eldeteee Dempeter Company welled do all they eoukt teedevelep it. mber ot Dominion Oliserv tory Stall • 14takes twiseovery. awer-says: Mr.„3. SC0Crefi4rip:Lailh*- C 00011.014jit -0b,SOrneet90 •day ego " discovered a tr101 t which is approaching the sit Wing more brillient Al ar4.4. an opera gtn i 1he M.Ymorales towards the ,southeast„. Alla in 4 few e*it • ---etM_,_i_ILeottetWalielteee - rat104. eye, le increase - he lie t!' r:nk 14 tteeattle I* St liceta Via . 10.tpitioaso WAX* , , na or ofl i •tvaluretiett Iute Wit titbit a y thp.,!!ecte-, la 4e4.4 ntt, and Shove 11 t 4 Very-liargt timpottforsit .ot Citra. ales netv 4 aligns l'rorrt tortip Ottoi., It 1 tiaort.oire::,:th:0:71,::tri anellOgilknet'' t.tr,ing Ai e year -the ,, riaturtilitatiot; tila1d 10 tt,•as omiparett with *At frt'The bialuraiizalkin ;tett t i If rii residenot itt, the DominMl 0 4 t. pt.1* or eillattiship can • t. ' Taking ixite) fonmeioratk)rt tht at .onty the ,helide Of tentitiets. men ver ft ,yearit4*se let "rth need to take the €41h, a *1 , raant.. the total of )0,24,4w' toe las * Stx.ign un A uiigra1ont ;thirty to tc: Ami since litko iyears4 ,(Ittired' it will be 'Oen It the Whole foreign Itornigratien 00* tit fioottto naturalized by, , - The 'iotal tieltelilizatione of, enntlii. 'frim ("Oiled $1/itet *ere 8. bicb, eompared with the Untrilerelinn ftgintesi of 1$02e011. ottotee Mitt Dearly ell ; the, Arrierictinmolt iettient irt the NVei4 ore taking', the oath ot allegittne to' Usa flritimhi'•, vl• The Iefat IMMittreliert Icor the," Month , of Apth 'wits 4,41101., as, Onayared,lk 1 Jr April of *A year.. an inkteso* per tent for the len toontlts,„ Aptil t)0, ihttimmtitralon wag ivAt1 4I40.41 Sca, Iha ha IS* lot* 4r3rr „