HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-07-04, Page 4 (2)Crcdltwi
1 Ann% SALE OF 011,0e.'
iLvug decided to give up busioe8s
we will ijspie of the •,batenqe of our
steekat greatly . reduced prices -in
faet',heloW est .I)o not buy before
vo fiee ns yon will never:get hoittee
, V.;;A.:.pitikbe tiee;Uretiton(
oet tt,i'alietellowintos the,
perrrnteotnikw or the,:„ Continue.
u PIC tke'.1,0til OA
\ Contra
' Mks. mr,) 'meicoo,
her borne AA ereditott.
tends leaving thie week for the, West*
Hasehellie,the order of the dei, the
leen enu1 the.fat, old And\ young alike
are intereeted lug ,001a,.,---XtViu
'1'ebtoterVOnt`O.,1* visiting at ',the
bome of her fethtsk ;Theo.: 'Websteret-,
Mimi* ,and IMiy thwe *otiOf
N'41,0010:, to*rt,
School cloeido ou, Vriday and *the
leachers are now 'enlOying their toll.
Oays.---The Children4s Day on June 113
wes deeldietteueeels..lit is reported
that we ere to have icwedilior. 'in , our
thbr week. Partieutere
,Satordey night brought herne the.
nal aininher of visitors apend. tiLe
L. K. Welt ,o0rolil.
I On404010r
rtfoir Kellerman ;took '
t','S,Sror e' Ottebein
tit 13
ftlysi *40
'410. Akikit0414,011
g to Entrene'e exarat
fancy mixtures,
em 1/1400 and
excel- 1t qut1*t1
anythin of their
inTe tor $10: and upward*
If 'a pant bunter pantie,
* Ispantingforpant,8
Ile pariteth Parititis
_tweet thoSe1inditoXisible4UttOt
11 ner,
Hetet, Benedict,. 111. Holtz.
r. Pt. 11. --ft KingAlOeetreleh*
Mia °Irvin Teacher.
Div. 1043r. orders, 0 Otte',/,'
thert PasArit EnglishiETreitz,L1101tx-
man, L 'Weiner. Jr.
L Haig: Paw, M -Guenther, A Holtz.
'mem 0-Lamportr
Sweitzer..E Sweitzer. Jr. 1t
Clark,tarabitiR 11ajat' -
• Miss O. Kienzle,T
tre-on & tnonth'5
in Mieb
t the holidays in
/114dat *LA
"now -en;
Joying theiri'well earned r.at Mlim
Msible rill 11,VegOtie to their resnectiveliornes
fipairki 30011Xionle Bat-,
in llensall and Fullarton.--Ten po-
tato from .our itCheol w nt to Cre4t.
ton'te-striteon.the,,Eit„ e-truat
they nu tssuftestfill, yft
returned Monday froina vldt.
on, iseEttla Coo bliti o
Toronto and lifelanothon.
Browri•visited friends in Berlin Os
past two weeks. She returned home
Kerr spent the holt,
doe In London and trigereoll.-Wm.
Sambrook and sons Arthur and Nath.
an wertin,Undon:
John guefleof gensalk.iersel .Smith
r tmrga flylng visit on thii 1
• reir-Loals$taht-etElktenr,Mich
with Mr. -k -and Alm- Wm. Lewise---Mr.
sarneday to:thei Automobilp,
returned Sunday. accompanied by
Miss Ohriesiellrown. who will Visit
relatives therefor a few weeks... -Two
of Ohse. Stock's bretherti of Tavistook
were bete for a few days this week.
Domiolon Day plunKid 411e quietly as
• .1* imffert..
the put fear -• *Ye „WitibP•--7,a7
were in .,ereor Wee „
when :We rePorted. the death.: of „
Thome* ..Eletoriffare. •-.‘1) .'..Preneh. Of
011itten.was •,guelit • her. sister
the bofldays.
Mteieline and 'Beatrice:Esiery
t 0.400 here-- on a'vi
.r-1. 7 'ers
r Ursa
bride. and Miss -Annie V. 'Washburn.
niece of the groomThe ceremony
irls. Miss Ida . erry„.nlece of the
took place under,* beauggul evergreen
carrleda, beautiful, bouquet of creain
carnations end ferns, wile little dower
cendies, end WM performed by the
v eo. . • rector oif St. If
creem ihe
e .13 .
A autiftd-aseor meat • to-choOse
from. f there la a taste we cannot
suit, we have yet to kteow it.
Sanders, a Creech, Propoi
VIEWRSDA3r*TO*Y 4, 1007
- - On Thursday of hist weekMt. Cu.
mel and Dasbwood howlers met here
eel* a friendly gameeithe result being
in favor of the latter by score of
214,1.,-• Mount Carmel pleyere.., were:
Shea, Dickson, Leonard,- 'foster; and
• Dashwood; Sartleib, Tiernan, Sehrnm,
Edighoffer.-Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bob.
ham-ftd-obildre -of Mr*
Patter.on, -sad and Mrs.' Strand.
e 13t Mar are here for la few
Till Volk of Parkhill Ira*
aney,at the n Mrs. Wm.
eschi Itobt. Pollock'. *any
friendsbe pleased to learn that
she is recovering from a severe attack
- of pneumeinie.--john Pollock of Man-
iteha is here on A viait.
The outlook for the fruit crop in this
Vicinity is splendid. The apple crop
peointion well, plurde will 1)e a fair ,
crop. while the small fruits such as
- raspberries and currants, promise
abundantly. Strawberries will not be
go plentiful, as the _plants suffered
- severelyiromthe.winter. Anseetpes
o s. As other y
- the tent Icaterpliar is entirely absent.
„ -74.4e ,P0PAP hal Itt,te in gettng to
work: but'Sellt itifY up -for lost
tirne.-This 'mit, service in the Nurser.
last by the Rev J. W. Holmes. Ow.
to -the-muoval -of -many---of-th
continued by, the late conference. The
meant members will go to Lucati
'and Clandeboye. --The remains of the
'late Mts. Mabel Tennent daughter of
-E,---V.S. were -to --rest
17, -St, lames' cemetery Wednesday.
young lady died Monday and was
• it? Anderson tett hist vr
---:----torrorouturowborea -•
Mtry Anderson. -Quite mber
from here took in the ciftusat Strat.
Exeter oPettr-.Thursdity t home
, here.--Tbe young 11010_ of A. (Jerson
have organized * baseball m for
Ufa. ettauner..,,Mr. P. Hewitt is engag.
ed'vritb Mr.•Cameron. framing at pre.
40-0 ve-
htcle wait overturned -',with the occu.
pant underneathtit. Aestote0-00 was
Ater at hand 'and MO. ftearnan was
In tie i
Knote. went, to Bend u
afternoon and
Montt Carmel% bw1s.
sore Mr. 000.i Wiuken*e4
of Nepierville issPending * few days
with•his mother .here.
Dim -Aida week bectefleir our
duty to record the death of ' Conrail
Eitaubtiorwhiclostd-eventoCeerred,-.- on
Sitturdsy night, The old gentlema
had been ailing for some time and
en line cent* °Teti
reg., •
.Atleinat.ScitoiotiPiestc-,The Olvie
Milder and Annuatachool Picnic
Diehirood'ilablle,setioiii-ta0k _place alt
o nd „need Park TuesdayJtio 25.
geniii,11700‘1,;. j8,4, t:aithee4ks'kity-tiodred:Ott.st auwdseel:$.‘wthouer.
oneof„ •
ileverm. f-vourseircei -144day
end of the inortilgeStitr;
favor of the boys beaded41-y114, 0-, Mc
by Itstetel.__..Thls.100-0
all repaimd to the tables to do lustkie
to the inner n2an and pertalre of the
one knows our good ladies know jUttt
.What to provide for occasions like ttiti,
and it was never yet known that any4
One ever went hungry at Dash.woal.
picnic. In the afternoon there' oorere.
snt* for young ilia old. Those for
the children were brought on atilt«
After this there were priZei given
the business men of Dashwito41 in the
ollowinsteteitestst2Slta..- -iipiir . given
by, W.- Bblera for largest familyontlie
=card- albumand-dm pieture-card
by E., M. Srokenshire for young lady
walking fifty yards* thread a -needl€.
and.returri. vton,b/.141eidttintelelnk.,
hatter; I cony**. hats by:NW-a Shrum
for bowling' match betyreen- MeMloc
Knots andlikilt 0** won by latter;
cenvae slippeestY Geo. Edighoffer
married wpsnan'eram *on by
fancy vast by_ Mark Broke
r r eating "oda biscuit, won b
. Tiernan; napkin ring by D.Tienutn,
or. ladles' running_racelLN01,g whoz:07, Alfa:
tore by Peter harm for mawa run-
ning race, won by Geo. Kellerman;
,neckyokeby ?bit. Foosold for throw-
ing whip, the whip to make a sower.
Sault, won by Sam. Beaver; doz. or.
-.114t4atter, - (We don't
remember the taco or winner), water
-pitcher-4TRE-0. McLennan for - rettr--
.ried women's race.. won by, &to.
'from% fruit dish by loci Wambrild
re. Qf for
Lfl be TIenutn; R. en. urnlrella. ing base woo All;
JO- itit; bologna by an for fat
mansit,:race,,,,,,,aton, =.2imitien
neckyoke by Alex. et, for fenn-
el,* race,' won by Rueben.Goeta. There
rescued Ikon het! perilone potation.
She eece0. ed a bad fright but Oth-
usual. The majority of Oklir people eeetedwissonunlauredhesninedwisarl'bloleort°0ePy7--
went, to the Bend and Centralia. Rowe, A:04ews, preached, his
irred and Will Smith of Hamilteu are farewell. ;lemon nu sandal,. evening
1*th* t'he3114 'II" rail)" this prier to removing to Springfield.
week. -Mr. and 'Mrs. John rinkbeiner
are ',eating their daughter in Oleve,.. rakheewooirgritliole:ivinegre'4,neadimroelnnnbt"nd,.
land this week, --,?P..1. Clark hae had 4 intely itilrecti4C The vliurch loutritii*ed
,concrete-iteP. placed in -"rant -a, -tdititi- &tom. --:vite:miti-ionefieiitgiit
roveinea.,nntry Bilker • ill 'Way chore. whasubored_ornestiy, and
karnece-choPs t11-44P-OtinItOtItMat10-*- here-thatle Is rernoved7-zo-another
_aeing_tike, gas piping in the different well and the spiritual eondition of the:
osioqes Placee....-Nro. Dan.Oestreither. congregation le tborraigliry alive. . Me' ,
has returned home after visiting her rting words were deeply.feltand hie
Idatrr14441116ter at, '-rfl.v1103°;. k. ‘-.T.b.ue- epartureiroinCentralia-wiltrintalone-
croP have made great -1,saatrar, -...P be.ireenly felt by the people Obis con,
past 'week end everything appeera fay.
, _ rogation, but also by t friend*,
orable. The farmer is tiqi,..0 vrea,,,,r4ls, hairnet ant road ..his. so, -
the harpy' smilepi-Mr; eon vire, -4- Guitt here. , The ac
eletto for. „Iiiirtr. 11***
Sarnia Saturday.--4aines feisrson th-o;dtit.otikultirtio.btae utlee-
ars, co
Ptir°11"e4'W "1/1-t,!MA411 P14°C4 she having been a worthy
Gewt Robson of ..e.,n.on was thorniest ember of zadierlisd et
Hillier* condition OS qU,1"1140.,, ta,Vorab 4• %1771 Zell set • s "Errhinee face to fae"
woopm-4, pretty wedding wit
celebrated residenee.ofMr.,,,stri
Xra:.4;11-Creary4 sPriugbrook Parro„
On Yune2Oth,when their raster, Mite
Levina A., wag united hi marriage to
which was,Admirably rendered by.Mr.
irlektittelveek-forlis- new -field -of
ieboret.Springileld. Theusti Wishes
of Springfle fortner ,paidor, wi
Afril N. IL Davis of Sitiotebort. At '5 again take charge of .ota. omit
p.In the bride...entered:- the- drawly bes- and we, hearti1115 ly' welcomebinM on the are) Of her brother, .31r. hiiek again...--lle-willartire this week
E. Creery, the' etreiris Mendel- and tal40 charge.othls pelpit Sonde
so Ws wedd* marelci played by ,DE4 Another ow, 0-141 nod
Orli Were tialabitY dressed. in cream
Bilk. After congratotatiomoar pais
towariii liatinty repast. . The presents
were numerous a ' OOStly. '--- The
grnditegt gift to the 1 ride***
tea; service, and to o Oh . Of ' 'the little
girle A handsomevold Chain and 'lock.
et. The guests numbered over one
--iridthleeilyiattree-tC-. '. 7-th-irtesti--
acting nartle1._130,100WerefftnStt
Marro. IZirkton, 'fl'allitreori, Mother.,
well, 'Georgetown: and Bonsai,. The
health of the bride was propoeed
th7e714- . 'illr;-'tF;:-NV,-;-Ita:
chosen 0,1:nark* arol WU "CO • appro.
priatery responded to by tbe :groom.
The best of good withes are extended
to fir.Andlfre, Davie for,.* baptirand
prOdnerttuil life. ' -, ,
1faltittamto-Tbei home lot' Mr. *04
re, Wm. Delbridge_seas the *eerie of
etent on -Wednesday of last
eek, when at Opm. theft daughter",
4ite Mary 11:41141)0th Warne the4orlde
t Mr. Milton Bi'oek. The ceremony • ti
IIed hence the person of Miss
ulialtysin, the sad event taking place
e Adayat,31*.tmet.thegood.out age
60105 years. She has always en.
ed the best othsidth, Up', to, within
Ith * sUalte*04011100 the%
duall sink , .2,
* goosi trio/
er death le deep y regrettod. The
funeral took place Monday morning
row the residence of her brother. :and
was ‘0110iVeflVta large. concourse of
laid to In then.0.. cemetery 'here.
.0aruiel R O.,
chareti was the *'cone of a *ory' pretty
wedding on Wednesday:, .June 21,
When Alex. Blergott. our .popular
phine, 4a ghter of Petrick
offitePreti bis brae;
looked very winsome In
eostutne of white mulle *nd
sows entwi .* She was vitt
e Oval's sister, Miss LidWin* Ili
gott, wit o watt alkt handsomely atti
Little Miss Irene Oratid04, 401000 t
bride, Made ***vet little flower gi
While Patrick Planta an did thedu
of best Inap1( The " ea esi
.-Irelkorman w
for fit Woman.* race, won by MI*
0Y; Whip by Ed, Nadiger for ho
step -and -jump, won by 0. Me
0.11041)01c"citters by Wm. Zitunor for
mart** raceover20. won by Sain y.
MOZ 110t1113 1,0*. gap ei.tVanalre, lc*, wit p.m.
A elthillitAt 14A1`410.40, 10011011614 TRAIISACTSD. - 4
DEPO81T-Iteceipte and highest current Tete of interestalloWed
tang BaRgi, 3r
witle*-1400040eStvlatilittoiratit will be
ovilepartinente emitted oaten/. Insteit4.0t b4ltrxny Iwox**0,
•soli-yrovaris uww-iw
Agent* Attl EXe X" for tbe Dom n o
IS the very time to buy
Cheap 'Millinery , at Our
Store. We have
meptionally_' large season
Miilitieffjbut in the rush- we have '
as, number of
lingcm EATS ,,,LEFT
which we must (tepee&noir that the t(tatio
about over. To do so we are Ittlitg. to sII
Awa. Below Cost.. -
Hats at Your Own Pzice
You can get 'lints at your own price during
thi$ Bargain Sale. Come eOly: Oak...roll may '
ha g iassoztnientix e:hoose, from.
sweetmeateatid-dellcade wbUe %O.
Elsie kept the crowd amused'evitli his
merryige.rontid. The evening was
eimaritly rowing, bathing
and other therit
was the hes rom this
inonrwas pertormed-b
Forrest*. .1,11te happy'
same evening for it trip
other places east.
rforolegi brit**. ro,tr of oh*: ;Ott ArriVoird at Ceiitrilia Mon
le in tbeprs.ence t tor*** invited roiblit sold, bawl* taken' tip tb
o ' itudertin *is% and
ttis, to bacH We hai
ticed ft was looking pzen
*ad rough° , stetiffutiatuftity,
dld not liko to stokit of. it. By
the ways Ayer** Hair Vigor
, regular bait grower* *
fect hair tonic. ',The atops
coming out ,grovei, tote
keeps soft got smooth,
Curs sick -h
It \ind 1otth
1 whil*.the wedding Merck;4ayed by MIs* Ethel Brown.
*even away by her -father.
as handporetelyviwitetrin white.
tsffatai silk,tritianted With Chigoe Eirel
rue iiigtehe wore it bridal 'veil and
ittge blooronla and tarried* beenti-
quet of ...es.reattoria Her „ping.
ay Are* is.abittek silk skirt and,
it ansi white waist, with- ,white hat
e 'couple were urnst-
ugh' the eerernorty., At its
-SC0n(iui0I all eat deion to s riun)ptu.
ous 'au teed on th. lawn. the
tabl. be -in ritriturd*Itit white rib.
Atioditsni t*Iteetra fiirn
pIendla .progiarn of: • 'ie.'
An t1Ona1l$111nelarrattif0
$:*\ 1ved„ anioniCtlieM being 1
f ktt the ".kontrieting patl
parrite egrootit's,presont of
, ifltir WWI *lib *et ot soptiattlika
04 wretary; Among t
11=Gortn.' M.r P4 ark
Vitt EX.' • Ifot ,sto
I the
,bit' abn
With wbotii
:....... ‘
r. a .,tlilb,ert 0 rkhlil
i .
'bomber from -here spent Monday t
__... _
vial ist the borne of bliivister
r a on Suntlay.4--Mrs; 3.
a- - ' , 0- Btr*tford
00 •nd
. ker'ointYliarirf: ffaeadil*
1 v ting friends in thigneigthothoral
-Quite A vanities. from'here attended,
the lveniort ee'r ' 1411010111.
on Sunday bast.
-Vnite a -number . froth here took
and also the trip to the Palls recently..
-Wm. Stewart is spending * Jew
Benry Passmore have taken s trip to
ed a w gay* during the wool‘ with'
the .bitter'S'parents at 'Brantford.
VA.*. litaekney 'had alarge barn raised
1 al 7feelvekve'7eTkhte bitior gortnitlwietb°P;otile
•e crop* in proepects
goodare sebool af
thebest oeciIieay.1n
that could he desired and the crowd
racea- were each ver k
testedand- -,
for 4 tiM X
teacher M1.s rfaMilto
kti :a!
scholars. A
le oleo ansi Ste
p.rapidly_iowarda- the las
Ides the baseball some alien
th 1 ,
tWitigin etc.Qulte a number from
34eter attended.. -:--Dominion Day ,
pu.ed off very quietly in our burg,
ball at itAticAlumena;
ow Ethel Washburn of Arthur via.
ted at W. 'T. sitiroes tot* fewdays
last week before leaving for ber home
'Ooseber.;--The three 'Children Of
Mi. and Mo. Prank Wathburn of Ar-
thur at ended The Wedding of them
moan 1)isvitt, on - une
" Ana ditto ' bter Bertha,
k and Mrs.
have uioved to the
on the 5th con. of
sdue the
The way *1
ore *tit
3tn2atthe�ndothe fifth nt.
g*„ elthough, we think If they had
played longer our* would
better, , they
L Davisce1ye4s
st7 se
ere kick from:* eol week"t.
dem* in the village.; Sisytheir pstb,
he Strewn with floirertroatt tbe4z' lives.
Withannshine le tbe triest, Wish of
their Wiallyt
Following isthereport Of
Ir. Department of Si Sato.
torjorte. '
Department.- I
,Itobinson, L Rottineeoti
WhitetA DuplotnE, atm*, 0
,Meettrtly,11 giston.
Bayitherit. Sr. IV...J...0
11 White* EDsvey,J Day
Callfas4qualf It -Calif*
ev 8r.111.. -E. Brooks.
Virairbell. •
Jr.Jr I)p 1„ V ffegartl't
great vie
terrible u1TerIog from
been *greatsui
t titnta I Would howbak*tI
is ,down myr legs ti the bott
4 only those wbo1**b*di
He*tnan. M Elliot et
0 Devi*.
,n Abbott.
nham. A 'Ratko*
Jr. 141.1-Vfrfl1fljj
V Davh G flaokney.
tit„ N BrokenoVite,,,
" Stmt
!No diocese to
In my Itipao titp.jointo
euffett,4 •'untold *gob
hitt/he tebelh4tpelnei are.
• ttried everythina*iil
•thlegentir ICJdney P111, sat
endl ditso. " -
no relief until 1 Paw;
*Ina 1 tboupbt 1 wool'
h and ot gri"aL relief
en 1 gut ftre morehmteeotthem, *Matter u*nK six boat*,1 m conapletel'
red of the *oho* arid pains. and ti4n reeommend them totiny Pero tufferingi,
s I did. . t
(lint ,
any ntliere
, meek* be
tatat*Intire 1 thonght 1 would ',hitie to '1 sit
ardlygetlattuod ort
'telt forgetting rid Of my diet* •'JhzJai
Sei telif alit •totvie been !getting' r
1tlfit them in the house. .. ba4iertieeit 4i'iys ansiJet
•erw1 t the bern, to do, nit thorea, 1,12,0a,,,to *op CUffeI
1 thought. nrieny &tittle, X 401214. tWit triOploc,for
gt mettitng.at leg to knock it not, when 1 gat 1,old
't.eibira.nd 15 highly to-Otheore soft.aI.,g 4** IA* srsry• •