HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-07-04, Page 3 (2)14,
• ..,
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Ir.fl kj» a.theee sitte).4
u. 1 ' krtiro *cr. Pelven reds.
Lit e 'I y that ' the ,,...ottehis • • `
;ij,...1) ,,, 1441ii,,i1",,wasa.
.-e- ' ,, i
. .,.• ,.
t 4,1
3 4 ft'fV
tie Oil
4111411 ,r4
!Later.the areasie'ian. when
inetgtX peessure' to upon. rails
eileVes. thiderethe bee tonditteila
h elle' ar0 -required to do eixese ser.•
e then tWenty years ego.' But svben
are eithlecte.d to the pounding
taq eraeLtitivingeet4ielsee.and.
reit* ere, reg. ovet lineS
lite tructed WIUL an
ri;tlitititairiffees '10,414 takeeetie-pm
ets,"4 •
In Int nee
ref beteli'' lin e
I a.
te, t
i. e .
e4a.. .,,."0 kl .• ,
• te. t. • ti
• .
9414, ,
place It tinder hie ehin, locate a tes
fosse* Over iL WflII the beweektseethe
-L;iek, „ hx.iciiig Up1 Marlin* ir-
targier over it. !Then he locked it: 111
JUT box *Again! No one ever, howed the
Possihilities there 4IY.t in te,. Wolin SSP
110 ould* make tsound like
email make iterint'aVitti JOY ewe. that you
essould, YoU 'heard 1W 401* or
trngtI&1 bid
y rose the weight
1 'trete ,an •everage ot 00
yard -10 11.0 or0
Aof thei a (lentsli
60 •
I' it 'WKS that
groa ellec
• the 'world Peak* to, U
Net rake* that malty Me
to hint as
b aVe
to expre
ti -
6e)er4 eriy a•
. •
r b
ter 111111 mio
cn tryalutt viith * 4-, o 4:or 'Os ,
roper. 11 i 5 ' AO blackens directly
it is tint in, Ate ,oven is too lien* kr snY,*
blot; if at lhe co 'or* intoute or Awe/.
Itol raPer bccomee ..of a 'dittii,,,.,stitot•
otelate, brown. the, 4K ,11: * lit ;ter,
an pestry. eueli 45 'Ka, tee, .004, ..1( •i1
' t lightish:. ' owe he ' titit tot a
•• " y t•7 i ktel*eltn
r * tut 1 ,'Y illew'efteelut
, ', .,•! e," t ler
itel u"). , .wv•telf.A'
6 iiili •tva ,',,
Ut ,
e eakeei
1 ti 1i $ ,• 4'1 '0,,I4ty
acre, le
• 'Ater veOtitt'
t41,1, :Cares will
s e ;telt hte will be
times that heaven will
nthigation, of • it.
• Perhaps the 'nest alio; need ot,eur
tone ,a revtvtil of Ode greet) of gen*
Ille.0-4v1:'--117+6-4-WCeryequietr und-'eruer
in our judgments teeday. Men who are
tell/merely trying to do toed are
• OVC111
ar.„ 9 ..,..-1401.1.a,-,-.4*
_6311seq,`!,,x,ettYl, fewer
MI_ due_ to wearing a
.niatted earbon Mearts less itrittlenese
sequently, fewer accidents
iy etiaPping of 'raft*. The right
tween 146 two is sUIi it matter
iof ij;tiir. it way be tree, as some
railroad Jllflhiag&rs a-ert1 that Poor
;OHS ,useel by the mills. It nluSt he
I1O as Hie mill Monsters, lieserte thel
tk 1 ads' have not sufficiently- ea
he necessity fir, putting, in
- Old. It '
Cu..'the OltIe.4t sueviting Gity iri tit,
d most •typiail offetitti
In Turkish t , es, but fur to the for
in juattir. 01tiia1. . • Overheett
y cables...are streets, and' a, few
tIic 13uidi riser eS,ely Station
for ,geturating. :•eleetrld:'`Molivo, pftwei.,
:the • street- ,sk"..,rvice 'wilt *ever,
Ave' nalee thieligh the.. eity
installed,. and are lightin
Dftmw*Isthe ,nugiber et -4,000 etrie
eettles these the company' ha(
In More powerfol 'lights in the.
and, Aktoegneeelitellteeepulate..equares!
and in'the..$era lights
ar''Wit': to be itilioduced 14 shops end
Cottle.of:414140y 18
of 10,40eirit supplies
and perattle,:haver Coale from? England,
• Gerrnany, athi": Prance,' but all
wot,ors, and dyiiarnos hove-:been--lioughte
street rallw derlitkh.tg.s have
. o .00rpOrations in Da.
kelt, Mew), Smyrna, anti
-There are s . 911141U1111Y
iulUplying and berorningpm.
.... . -4-1
waben1ng *kwly Is"breaking ftt-the
-Th lovely tiehens o! xlnture--lover
baw prOved a-*usefut reason for exist.
Tit* pretty plants are the first,
irek rocks andthey vastly .aid in
. Atoekt...„ •
es the lireinticer thoss.' are,food foi'
teell an.1 animals' in high tiertir;
'where other -Plant food i!4.\
liable;', -Another, specto; 1111. north ,
, vm-_4(ing dlitancisr,by th
'OiI 15 e's' is eateli, 'by own, end
suppeted fp have been
hie thildren ('1 1zaeL
luitiortatit for
in Finland, ,firOplariel,
it and Tito
initritive qi;tbites are tiile 1;+.ti it mutter
*torchlike compound. 1 Many' speeles
kpritierly •,*11.4 : ,00sidereti;
hhtny rids, puivies,
„bite*, are...*.:44.4'..,¶r the 06 nil
*iod• ette. - LitiIiits owl for test.
tng 11-'414 'and chentical, It'
, 'obtained, belle llelien.fly in e
Witartd. OirStille li 'two:them'
i* for Ittis,43re. ,la stippOtted to
ohtive 401 l't the; 011
)um tIi t&tIe,,a
riveted -
'Ftio ibi- -fr4211-- NArlitOff''
late 'It tells' esical
eevords the story. Of teriad's comer,
t reaches, its ellmex when: Pevid 100k$'
up into Go.1%,, face mid acknowledges:
thateall that •he ,bas- and ia came Veen
"Thy gentleileee heth rnede -toe,
greater he •says. Jut as 4 mother
floods ever. her 'Child. and shapes
i'e4 'ag,
14 Aleyo thrn sniifl„ aa tm
frt4 n; th.
'thing- A it tso ba
15, Wbat is r, le amelintea."
Ifehreive.,,mitre,ini, fa Kura. 11. 7.'0$. Ws;
Anil: 'the 7fao1lowintg .dieetriptIon ol the
• " sr: :'"And Ititenlanige Woe like
, ,the. pearanee-!.Af 1sie1hU1n hi
Pes‚jd ntabeuf;anal Othert.,4,-4
-gWutH1 jt mztu1J, or 11441::4044Q.
' .
14.4 410
,X (tLC 1411
Less011 tar 004 fre45, 14401 in- *he.iW1L*
&mess.. Golden ,TeXtt John
LESSO.'14.4 W0110 STOWE.%
• •'
Rased on tho text of the Revised Ver..
From Ogyiii, to. Sinale-The effect., of
nie Overthrow of the Egy.ptiene ripen the
!wade and mitide of the Israelites, was to
&Iiiia1 4I(MF&„ et
t.i 1,...• throng uttiltV 'A 1
he xeidalio , ' too'
• ...:.e. • '
,' ; 4IXO,',”
vt*r as j. tinous 15.L.ii; ik
t ,
••,, •
- 1ute changng e
iWy-1,4. 44111( IQW , C41-4
'1 over es a 10 thee, ground
Opirears erten ,,morning eilutingexertain,
niontles, of the per end is swe4t. to the'
Mee, being used for food'ln times of
famine. .A more recent, eXplenation
identitive the Manna with desert
grayisleyellow in color,- which grows' in
-greatealemdence 'en"rocks-' and 'Stones of
the, .tleset.e. s `When luny matured the
letivee curl up theeplant looseete`from
the. ind is bknen about b the
11051 rutal critlete• et, ,and we •-e fl-st
l*ere on eiteli 41Ker i,i th private
*Ike of life. • I,ertiaps-no 'other evil'
world Produces so _greet a her -
vest, --of wr•eteliednese as This habit- of
itaratily udg.ng vitt another.
Some Inert 'are eetuthied:aif'tenderpess
1*11(1 titness. But a man isseedly,de.
/0 'boa, 11!
L, ttnese
tre t2$ 4.
1, If
10 to eetpirewea1th \Ve :itiay
not hate great thoughte .to write. We
haVAAlw_Akiltto Taint scenes
autee. But efentleneSe and geodue,ss
ean attain by Gods good grace •if
we ouidthey etre More potent in
It* workl than any ;other tom ol great:
ness we know.
ek-Tillte Senall-new per
avid, parboil thent.,- novo tt
an 'With deep fat in lit And 10;4111 corn
,te the 'belie. throw in theotatoca,an
IOL Iheritook slowly till a, golden, ceior.
Airy by( the lire. scatter 'dry Salt -and pe -
1 -11:1 and .sery..a.
00,0d Plain Work four
talciee, Of lard or dripping into one
peurieleo11,144(141,,s0),;:, P.1.1.ie.0- of 4410r*
teespOoriftil 01 1king.pwder,eautt
piwh afl. fleet up one egg in belt,
pint aer rnilk, and gradtiellrbeat info
Rio flour, with half an Ourtee of carraw
waY eeeels,or letur outlet it of currants,.
Salop Pikeletso-Tliese, Id- be et their
ICJ -re there--is-2;
pint- of butte 'aVelleble. 'Werk Into
themilk enougb flour to Make tt
batter, ad to ilea little SalVend.a smell
teaspoonful, of baking:powdery also cas-
t°r sugar. -UK welic.diVide Iota evth
piece, make ink) thick round
which should should be served either toasted or,
eustetresillY hakOw
ri of • saimon
fen -reepeodebrande-ei
to at rontove all.*It
and bone, breaking the -fish as little nz
ressiblee Take' two =lettuces, west) lIie
leaves,' wipe very; (Isle and set ;wenn
tho.**itnon, being in the''Intd.
004 inayonriaise tenet lir
lettuce with .elice* of CUetutheri
lerV4).1 •
1164104 ied Tomatoes..- -Pour bolling
-Met -overia hoddoelf to ca1d it,
'and'ihen id it soak for an hour; " akin
it, renswe the'bones, and' break tit
flesh.. into Oakes. Dissolve one 01111te4
butter. In a pan, ciok In it till tender
Alt" 11
. In thesordi or 1t Exodiis nar-
I'flLOt, I eaw It -great work
which, Jehovah did upon - the tJypUaflIu,
and the peeeke feared letievan ark0 'hoer,
helieved in ohovah, an in hisscrY4111,
-Eant„ andeth -Powereend geoduese.
„Moses". (Exod.24.31). ,The eseepe Met. of
Jehevah, are inmeniorated In „lite Son
Moses ---and 1$r410,-*
ehezei of the Ited Sege Isr
tit V." heeettateet
undue amount of time ;being spent 411
ihetn. The easiest and best way of hav-
ing floors attended to Is to go to a tirst.
class :Arm that can be relied I1P0n-1el1$0
only Aliobest. materials. To do the work
tight lit ;oust Of necessity eest money,
i'ati• egfrord. 8 is; 11*frofore, alecessery:
osit.',eonfeellitug 004,1 the ,preeese
e best, way._ of ,,doing. the ,wilik; as
evideelly better.teebriy.good matte,
la end- have Mem put on by.,unekilled
labdrethen • to teeept a - cheap, estimate,
wherg only ,the poorestextutilty or italer;•,
to . xcellent .malerials. that --een be
u •-and, by Inquiring . the eetores,,
IIi navies of these can be obteined.
If a' floor. has -beenbadly finished, end
_elicky and worn. away In purls, it is
otet to :entirely Stumm art the origina
ajaja,yeaeliewir-goed eotectiteewhielt„ge
be applied on-Ate-..eldfrtinsh.;
eleftee it, and It can then be rubbed oft.
t best' to use ' tiesteelertool to- -remove
every .trisce• of their, ,so AMA Dieiloor
leokelike new wood. 'The next process
loagee, g004, fill ete .whether_the „Wood.
he Iiard or. ft when -the 1 " Is to be
light. It fills up the pores end "wenn -of.
the wood; and Insures. a smooth, hard
*Ivrea.% The last process is.- the one*.
en of hard wax flidelle. ..15.Jeaelly
applied With a cloth and polished wither
weighted brUsh A eleith can be Used If
ille brush-- ---ise-not-Obleitiablee-- tut- the
bruh,„ of pourse.„.1.5ares,
at. tan bought in .lighto
,Irthe floor is to be dark when
hed, the dark Shade is best to use.
floors. are finished in” thle nianner,,
hey can be kept good order tortyetu%
• Wine theelealt-emeeeeteekaliatiejet
loge-AewitrelinWthis,an easily
done by the meld or one o1 the
cin be eupplied for t price. There
, Allen tillEalta
°What's your whiner!
' 41%11**,4muiit
*V01411 41.11i*C4
• .,04/
"etleeitee2„, _
k,rnatoes, thenthe .fish itied-elook :for,
len. minutes, seasoning. with :cayenne,
pepper, salt,..and.ehopped parsley*,Ser,tre
itt; bOrdqt;01 boiled.rieet.garn4hed h
lenton and' parsley.
disuinwflTlI1 when .11lent.
not rieee,ploble. 'Nlitaell 644-4 anatteffil
pound' of barieett. beans .overritglit
'cold wAtert-.;iit180 end put them.. Into .11.
autepan,.. rover with told water,. add *
cele4. Onion,: sort let *41,SO* two tioUlls,
or remove the onion, drain
'Vie beans lox* Colander* meltthe bUttet,
in it sanceittine'Telt-the .bfattla aleafte, intfe
it. and WS, over the lire 011 well eaated.
.$esson 'Mitt popper, solt, snd chop
tstot.. Servo with 'Wiled bittxtn, end.,
iwith slices of fried baoatt.
Savary Mould., with .13e.ef.e.-11011 IWO
riots, two: turnips, ofid
t 'these Into"-th*In Tifl and with -
thickly line. ay.plain 'buttered', mould so.
that fia ,..orttertts etortot .id see11.
this :ornamentation. Next *hop,
utto meat finely mix it whir a fourth "it*
weith. in -battlements, .4Setiaort...`With
1 1; 4)*U4t, tifittott, irtti,Pri,141111,
,,t-nd rrs''1en I wlth
twa eg, beaten .up with it-eitthe grey.
, thlit nitxture Mtn ,the ntardetecover
t witl& buttered paper, ,and *tt*m foe
ow -"put or ketive at,lortilhg to the &bac
'the trtiould..1.4 TWA 41)tr, 10 IC 411,141,..
and pour „. some.. thick,' gfavy., round.'
$catitt littorented driedhrettdc,rumbeover
Ihe toold,tand
11 ,-1 POL11
JHNT F011 T1He.1.10ME..
riMited;on niArble will
reiflove a their) unless the tatter be of
trio long twitting, r
11 ked in water over night wth
To remove grease,',.,iattat
bortt11er mb
tht spot over r once or twIte with a piece • ,Iltinnel, .domperted wIlt. alcohol.
,otoon . tenttaly,.•for
rns wa Meta bites, if elle,
Rio .
.141 4U * 440604.1 Ink( 511005,
44Clif" 4)eteftheritrat.41‘ieltiliff"iiii
t1e corn or wart and keep them
t er.bavesoftened. and con'
11- v .
.the latet.,of
--a!--ornOtr flip. of :black •coffee *linnet
*lenity . OfiktirAig a 1411016, bet4;04!..'
The linest,Ot tritinteure, *olds' Mede by
putting a teiVeeetid of leenottAUtee info,
.e.,,eupful of warm water.. Thls,irentoves
stains ii`ront, the; finfilePt and. naps° *Oa
'loom the cuticle more than 'cart be
"sone "by the. rote• of 4, ,alUtirr, inslrumrnt.-
extelient klea-for pantry *Miro* ta
te'eat'lliefielivei coo& 'Or ordLnaj While
paint and Alien a third firriahlng 4,t10111 of
'White enamel; Assoon ** the. tearing
•‘-dries, wash t aver 1410 cold *.ettlo! and
then 11 will harden, rinkitty.; Tin net
,e,ewteie the shehalt arith piper, bat
/*eft them issit, and *Mite the, iMpeove..
1. Th..letettnelieetiteatliew
To: fletitote Dirt
Dessiolve it tittle fir
/obi wattr. Pat the boota In A
with * plece of stiorto h
rthorpuOrly Wlthut attOciitg Rio
wry , Wash off this soapy
pi*n soft tots',..., and, dry In 1
bonito:bat the 1 way.
T *Over Aeon
nt eleasing, Wh
*t$,tilt% *
stand tht
tt r M 1
rtn*,041 ter,
1raettitui inaptly- been, tempered- with -the
Meca_pilgrimage from ,CAleo. ate *nutlet
Phenomenen'in nlany'reseteits .slrnilur in
oliariteter. Indeed„ this gazollarltY ' is
emphaeized in elite word for
"exodus," whioh le "hag." and Bie Opi.
ficatie0 of whet is perpetuated In the
Modern luti, of Molumunedan
,The route taken" by the Israelites was riot
however the modern- caravan route
straight teeross the, northern end of the
Peninsula, but the 'more eireuttoue'one
famillai to students Of the Bible as 'the
ti aditiontii 'Mine' of Abe Exodus, journey,
and -*title followed In 4 generalway
the coast line • of. the peninseta ,eoutheasT
lir Stria exet.frOtit • thenceenertheeestelo
. _
Rio iiciniy of iitadesiv,harnett..
eataryeeette.theeititlerltrt f this ourne is
•givea 111 Num. 33. 1.491, whero
tegeseor forty ,stoOping,„. places DOI/keg
iiaare4Se.5 in Egypt and the filial -eneernp-,
-titente Of the Isreelt* at, the.. 3:0040
rttvt aro entnrierated-.71te Attie simmary'
the ales Of starting (the flifeentn: 4104
, of • Ilse, first month, of :Atte' tiret. leer) :end
f Avon's; ....4einh to.. the, -fortieth, year
itilo et 'the iittli,inort •
deserti:.rifirney are also reterehal, 'TI
merit reswelte:..ol,..1,leville have $e
Ued beyond reasonable dispute the. ilea
sagot neer Iliaretee-eindIAI-CIOSO -
nowIedge ot,-t1WSInaitir tieurneiWt-eal,
egtn,:pits; Ihe.,110.tetittult betoog-long the
eor,reetneiS ,of the traditional: site of
Sinai 400, Rio traditiOtiat :Exodus, VOUI0
as a whole will elect' be,establiellett bee
.01 the-laraelites. otter
,of the, Dead_ Sea was ,,ott a place called
Etim,'where -fresh water' was found.
This was -more Illan•three days'. loarneet
froth:eine, -plaew-ofe- '-eneeting.Rio
though, probably not tar too the,s
erse theasSumPtion that
1 m hos been identified with a fertile
,,nett c o •
14 the wayfrom Rio nortliern 414
01 the -fled Sea. )
;The wilderness ot ..$1ne-Ttio Sintipror
'betWeen th0 nettl.040; 410: 444'
freque-ntIy pointed
jt ofglitP
Zin JUrtroS. DO% received their namc from
Rio mountaire,-, Sinai houghin the f*.
odus narrative is we noW have , the
-6,Vo ,ttre carefully ,distingui$114, The.
*11.0rit05rnt 5114-11,1elhe ,name given to.
. the open Maio weat.PE,Sinar,,...while the
wilderness of ZIA Intentioned later in
Abe narrative *,N00). 13., tit and * el$6,
where), lies in the...opposite side Of the
• ..ulirjr)mtarr*Terio
against,- MOW, and
gains?. Aaron. -The hardships, Of the,
Overland desert journey;were for a larg'e
majority of the Individual ineeribert of
thk; great. Migrating hat Oda ,
t1lin.g1. A---aeatciteeetr4eefeeeaVat
then of fond were among the Arievo
• -1
. When *it tat by the flesh..
The expression They be ;taken IttetallY4
.04 in 4.wider figurative 'Striae it aitUltiS,'
fo the abtriultutoe of foot of. every, kind
att the teraeliteee whateVerliteir.other
elicit:tete, , been, ;bed- eteljoy
,tgypt*' A
4. Rata froth tuf
110t:beead in our $0.0.4ef of the .word
note Po v.er",14, .below);
T, people Shalt „, Other
every day,...A„' severe 'teat of
Ond faith, espeelelly When 'fito
nply or-,:eatir Atay-:Waa'aullielent-tti
inske :possible the gathering of *Urger
wont to *divot%
"4 -tic Tive.glery# lebev
quite dear whether the Merefloe'It
Lo . the glory 14 OW eleud, en toned in
ost 10, or 10theoLimiiiiitdret,le of Proltittifirit
ire ibm ferjre1atIn.
yflLbeY4fl1 --
fAllateen't 0,4$4
Ato 4,4 era
di ally '4
)\ .never n'r
gniIke 1eavetUD.U011.1, Though et
4ecturse. very inUeh plant
a not uneeeemen subetitu% for eeorre
eniong the netives In Abe sielefe 0141an
Of emigre.; ..etern, _Mkt, being ground and
baked like cern. It is dry and ties sin,
nelpid taste. Iteferringeto -lbeeerk
titer Attempted exPlaria•tione Prefess
flexiinder ktifiedlietereen.Lettieetinti.
Itibietrictionar$4 ;says; one litese
• ktelteeelheeeriia±Liaf„,e,t
physiologically e
food d eari koop indelltiltety," as the
menu& of the ,biblical ---nrwretive -could
Another barrier trabLe7aezepfe-elee
of this natural 'explanation of the man-
na is Mat 'these .netural-desert products
are • found only in 6111411 qiitoilitles
4t-ceriairi times of the year, while ttie
tlally provision of food for the Israelites
ce-ritioned daring the two score year* of
their desert pligrintege.
rnlud MasqueradesS House.
ienna police zecenhly entered
-Ceilfeetionery eetablleinnent- -ot M. tit
I3tidat01, and arrer*ed, **It!.
lwlee,,I1Pottle.M44:04;70-117):Set -6illItotsr4e,17;'-'0‘1.; being
Alexander Neillety, a youngman" of 10,
wIx tees Wonted, for a .series, of Inge*.
tous-thefts'a-atide:the,prisoner at oneeit
tented the identity. -
. eoletY explained thele he was tired
took serviee with Lukacs on the
steerigtstrof a ..r.ervant's--refereetteeseve
hidingtoirtio:ihie4.spootliee, and that he
he had stOlen for he purpose.
reesed himself la e• girr's -Ciothee and
(le celled If be Iiad not sh
ha,' °Ten' 'ealibes----lo revisithis old
haunts; and been triteed back to tne-
1101150. -Mee Lukace, toldellteepoilee_thett. Atha
twox-otToew the 71.).e41. Aervant she
ever had, as she wee thong' and wil-
.ande never wasted- time with the
. •
The sun. Weie--$ust peeing over the
hint. - „The Taves of; the trees *hoed
• ntty4 ond-a-sleettice-Annong..4
1) cinches said: "Mother I a hun-
nettY we I�ve
*les, mother, dear," came
vOtees. Nee are hungry. May we have
Sane •breitdditSt;9 -
somethingu t oort tit
:and.ttet it.'
Poor little., Mother
*.tk Menthe' .10.",1111,
;he Iuid Ave
t tt
Y 180100 $00A cach 01'themwou
10 to fly and get his Own breildas 4
Hflh nether.'" eriPd cne of the litfltoIn to *
aoet *tatty Ise1iout,
ingty long Mae •
Men ke mere , pop tar then eveT, bUft
in the sheer and heavy (mantles. \ No c•
flung makes a Ilion) sallsheekry lease
Mine for business than one ,of the new
earolt$ • AtTateS of -linen in one eff the
away serviceable: shedes of brown, dull
blue and gray now so *ugh worn. °
190e-eltse.o.-4---1411e-eva 1110467 fir 7ST1-fen,
itre 14:yiisitliareibom10
nil a�
reWwthejkienlal ore tAl• uittlinde braid.
Imnigtell,n,,seebn4"011 tilitilebei?!i-oderrYthe°4mehlinehrW4141e1;
.eeetilte:, or eerie iitit±ris
_note in illeir riteent •
11 -
R% WO it
if„f 4
is o
Aiti*.T.-Sometimes lice; -eliffi,-‘6-fii=iiii-d-- '
-vtre--li 'Metal': if ' O'
.yes1.14.,' t ulls- of rose -pink.
in Inch heeds :of tbeeatring-tokir and -
.outilited. by- u 'narrow line(ofieleck-7,59.-
. Melte Wald., - . '. ' - -. --"e'' '
. .
Pattern eobee of white linen Da,v4 •
elaborately braided designs of white
and hrewitieor whlte and pink, blue or
green soutache.
, - Dainty littie,,eille coats are much worn
:with .sheer fabrics, euch as ,voIlle er
marquieette, and nioet attraetive. ,enod-
els em shown. • SoMe of them shov..
loose drapery falling from a long
shoulder: line In looso. folds, others
have equare.bibaike tritomitig failine
loosely -over aegirelle, and still others
Show Modifications' of the postilion ,
bode,- - -,--- - .: --- .-e--•
' Little black lace Pools in lose hill.- ----,
high einatteti,..- flaring' info- ripples' al, the , ,
m-veitti Itimeno sleeves.,. a -re border -
ea with eceordienkplit!ted::frilas,Of pinked
ninon t4treta, Stich' 'Goats are very ef-
fective when worn Willi lingerie owee,
-ether colored- or kvini0.. Taffeta.: 'texits
in light, . plain tolors,., braided In 150tio-.
tectie,' are els°. much' used to elip on ..,
eVer .etinneter dresses.
'The three-quarter kngtli . wrap* 4,
heavy bl. lc hatutma ' leces are ex -
(e(vd'regly , `-tulsoine.' aarief-thenrate
a ade up over grey instead ' of Allifee„--------e-
eat onee,aiaseee,err--Ae.',---.
,e ----!1`11.--!y are very loose ,atid tulle Ate
n •Smoothlyene.the-sixtuidereetind lel.:
ling in detv ripplie., smuggles straight -
from the shoulder seine, again front ,ii
shallow yoke. ', One pertlenicirly ..hend-
melte coat of Meek d'Aleneeri tem had
huge acededien4i1etted bell siteeee la
ling well 'beloly .the hips. -It waa ' Made*
up over White. liberty satin. Shrouded
in pearbgray over chiffen. The (leant
had ,ehoux of *blade- and white chiffon*
ixt.-.4.1de*Iiiieriritla.'14 414)*Cai-ibel ffrefe..-
The tailors .eneresch more and more
et) 'the eltesitlitkite,-giving US,. ornate
reatiorteeete-4,' to,the ilnen-and-n.
111 utting a shirtwaist to.
'An14 Ui
ones, "you said you Wet*
urj, ht ,1,3yes"Lo Ily to -day."
•1 relnrn,*rid we7.1faVe eaten, 1 wit
Yeur otistertright gytOi to .0
"Oh Itright, EY.* "AO* hilOPY
Alit1a•_I9r .1401,
dear e.-
, ried
•it I be, v1hn
btorc leaj.in
rtor.e.-e060,„ thadk60,, ate-
ehti itev*it$ Itappyeas tould be.
e --
A littasebeyeettiod'Arithelosidaldte lie
behl a little ale4niii,,,in'hWhoid.
.1 aeot *mewing_ at.. *bleb .":1 :on
shootIs. he etlea, ,h6 oiled tho,frit;
Thire was *1604401, mmt':44*41, fen
.Rio poor IIltkz Mettler 'bird with ,tishot,
throtzgh •her brave littleekeert„
h„..oh r ttiett birdie*. MWhy
ttokspl. mother eorrast. We are ,so
- utt ta. tt
44 4
zhghkat tendoncy tolva . .1
4 setting sIeev. will be Ihs
In Putting the ;two . Wee sleevis 1
her-. the asmeeprinciptc is invoIve
e iteeve litter should be held' up In
he.liands• to put together, but lekl On,
PbOard or table," The front mom -
pinned flrst, 1 aftii to have els
• on lila outside',
or upper pari 1St ver4, 40 that
11 Mitt ta madej by iso doing is a
sinooli one --pinning the s4un.1n %Lc --
nottiner- threw, .ille properMinos sit
the elboW. Shoukt be itatherkt In .
the- *ref
dr pp
xnuat he used in, hztndllng tills
from the .rthi w do as' it is re -
bias And will *fret& lt *
et eileet70' 11 put tOgelherfpmperly,
fuIInOM always "will be thrown -10 the
'elbow; 11 15 only 'where.both the upper
and.. under ports of .400 Ste nearly
or 4einte Ahe zero size at the elbow that
the fullness OS rot Wine, 1! the gt.'
Ulm are put` in properly *Ad stern well
peteesed, .-they are 00A. tottoptble, *04
-loan * ixteleet for the elbow.
k..."Whert tallym Pot Into the tottolti,
go• • !sleeve always. roust be
While the •WOJCIS--
twos tonst be ,out 00
lht '„ wper olge ,atretehed
alto the: alms is baMsd
In and Rio edge, of the sleeve. tat&
wit over the Oinvitii,lhe hiss* .
facing t$ bmikilin on Rio Weeteg
sde out lor Rio linii ming down
tr tt faeing.,(Ione wit
the slev* wrong 42410 it. when lb*
ght 044' the
1 he fulled and
I, .
until the sun seat verv
igb. 1° y erted. "Yilhel, 1eep-
bet, a* long f' ' . ,
tUi MA In the whit afld
Poor little blr-
1 t lest Slight
ho .as , n Mild
woilkl try to III mother.
Ilut Peer little 'night Eye* fril uvor tho
edosi. ;tit the nalt *04 lay wry 4s11 Lrnt
hr. -graved.' SO never optned mic
bdgkt little (leis, egetti. ,. by
Rio Other*
• .