Exeter Advocate, 1907-07-04, Page 2 (2)At'
Sit ei
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4,144' 4,441/4
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4,71. a' ,"4:0404. '.0i '• li
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ftt*1 ,
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s *3t84,..! ie• '
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: .,, ., :r,, ,,,
ett' ..,
Titi ;sSd92s SiltIclit •Till'w
a$ ti2iU20; 1 ,riiit: grerktee liken'.
' r .by' teetiteeee ' ' tilde leeeete, e
etefeent„ ,, 9;139- I ,e.
eerned.on eapitareeles , •
pl evhleti le per rent, was paid to eheire-
beeeeee; -$10.000 was Written off bank
premise,s, and the balance carried for-
ward tO the peant and lossi.etefettlet: Mr.
W. F. Cowan and Mr, Fred,erick Weed
weee re-elected president andei'vice-pre-
dent reepectively.
_ .
A. despatch from Spokane, Washing-
teneTeeteinee: slides that Junes M. Car -
4.11501T -L4.- et, I work-
in en ine eeVikter o he ,
Orand Trunk Pacific Hallway Company.
seelis to 'penetrate witb its trenseonti-
. nental linee-brings to .Spolcarie-a, 'story
ot the dieeevery mere then. 300 fami,•
liee of Indians hidden reties from -chili-
72alkal..iti 'the noethem -wilds, They .0
peatJo_ ,,bn _prow eons and contente&
passing most of their time in the cites
-et teblegeriereeker? breeeilin*
-"Their storyeefesettlingein
-Feninfore Cooper ethate-eate-'10eleirteret
• „feel. " Thseendians glaten to be. Owen-
-dentSiefront the ow-power:till T-e-reireieuils.
liatione"wblclt wrought -so much havoe
In theeighteenth century. Generations
ago, they seye-they. heed in Illinois, but
In the illacktrawir uptleing .they were
driven from the States sed for safety
, were forced to flee to the Northweeteeee
"They travelled many months through
strange lands and territories ruled by
savage...Indian .tribes. ,They sought,shel-
ter welt the Blood, Blaverfeet, Cree and
Beaver Indians, but were treated like
„outcasts and finally driven further west-
ward. , •
"From camp to camp they lourneied
until they struck the Nez Perce country,
in Northern Idaho, going thence teeSpo-
Wine 'and Yakiratt settlements; but they
were not aliewe 'dee remain. From -the
'Yakima Valley theywent into "the Cot-
. eine -41striete where hall their number
were killed ineebtfibiet with lheeteolvilles
and Coeur d'Alenes. -
"Finally, one of their, antes told me,
they settled in the Pocky Mountains. at.
-the-mouth of Yellowhead Pass, and; as
no one appeere-• ternained7' je, to root lerc,m,„
teitriterSat many of the tiorses
'found in theentss re high -bred and fleet
.,of foot. The men deeotetrnucti of their
time to tribal .sports, st4ch as gairie.s be-
tween boys. Mot racingand ball, play-,
tog, the lase_ named-- pasthne being a'
tress between lacrosse.and baseball, the
bat being eienilar to that used Lty,
--e1ere_e,ewltk.et--_nete0.IeetteeAeed,eeeeeee___:_ _
A ' ; e , • .
in XI e .„,-,.. le A t .iite'l..e”
A itiO .SPOPe* I4tt '
-,-,.a Ittit., '
. ,
*nee. ..refeklete„.eleitt, 1
tie died, ',„ Xikee 41;04,00 ,.,
tilb5'..1V,;101Y, Mean ilete,ee
When. etre •Charles M.
enter seskten
a ,.
eie" '&44
ife.„" and, that he used to lie
'much hapeler in hie lovelier peer deyese
are .suetr stateine,ntseartetWpfeSSkitt
% peal desire. or only the j'ioutings of a
Opeeesed, mind'? 1,
The units are a new species in
eeolutiOn of mariteesleinnaeus ealled \mai
eapiene what Omit we call the
multi? Homo sapientiesimus ? Ile hint-
eel!' home insipiene. urely & pers.oir
oompletely raised PbOve 411 the need
and worries of other people, lives in an
t -here so pecullar,that lite -roust in-
. eeekoweereeture. Ilia
newee. unknown, baeely
gue• a •y lifilieetereirelitedethereeee
quency of seledeception a.niong multis.
Aleehis ideas were Weight. him by teeelie
ere or authors who had never met or
elfsereed a melte. Between his mentality
senulti .and. his Intellectu41 and eine-
tional machinery as an ordinary mortal
•leeDS OF '
iniltiora_pounde sterling, it 1.5 said, on the
intliscrittenate purchase eztf books for
The -annual ,report of theeMenchants
/Bank of Canada was made Public sit
terty-thltde-yefarly ne1Td tit
the head -offices- -the BOW in -Monte
eteiteefif WedefelelaY
The unusual position of stieregth
end- the splendid: progress -of this -ban
trig institution *aeriesa lesson in care.
u1 management, which' some of this
)ewer bks might, well !renew. This •
Isteralarits Bank being fortunate enough
to have on its Ploard of elireettits and
• among its : Officers many narneY,ef
plonfinenca • Canadian linarreial
Thuse Who have furnis of their own
. for trust hinds to deposit Would do well
to look -Ortielkilly Aker theepereortnet. ol
•_hanks_ direntorste, and %vela their
erepeitatierts •whein 4eci1ing where to
viace' their money. 'the character
The Roard and Officers- of a bank has
- jot ectriese;--,
progress and safety, t.lr the "de,positor.
• its a eesille Of traditionally Careful
alanagemerit .tbee tookbirked reeve
'fund end paid-up „espies!' stock of -the
blerchants Bank has this -year reached
L- the splendid total of $10,00k000. The
bueitteee of the bank tor the year earl.,
Ang May 3181„, 100, ShoWS afl increase
itt -rat profits 'to tho, extent ot -Over
r.00pod.. They havo oselied- this year
*he. enormous *mount of almost o •
written dollars to.be elosot .$06100•
Which evoke dispeeed of Itt diiideirds
the extent ctt too.otA.
Added to "'the reeereeeltind-.,' Th
• has gained in the year over
'-deposttst-,-- .
A, careful inspeafiori if' --
only serves to: emphasise/ .
• „gross Made hy Ute Ntertlien
ALI. F. ilehdorn Wis.** had'Iw'
• to Show his and no, 4)
• 0001 with the Sonia es thei
• A POOR torlei from
Iltderl'Iler'se,Vcre- lily eke
We're Tfieteet Ctlee oho way to ae
0011 ytur and that f..$
voang10,1,4-.44,suppasio rut p221
to terrot'Or:4. gteet of fly paper
•faat ttkityrt upon \rwAlca!ittlyt,`
ihrrq,ng nto trcss,,,tvSmitratPrr,
Nana; At Tombs. New .
4tAtZet. attermy trim ultat, h.
ra.thor *49, to wM,-,,,11 Ole/ wIttess. with
tiretierf.trAy. reepemdetteeePtteade
ter.dreepteedeet fteexery
be to 4N111 cif n-%4 1I'}
.1415 110,•. *Foil vity,
Wt. •Tho sheriff 24.6„scit oti tot !Iwo!
"okolot fistum tina. rxtliag L'Jti to,"4,,*0.
1111 1s 44, ti,*.Attoriti totcwk tit *seMet
o ere Treasur
ther 401 I a
"Pe.at1llig',7, 010 tt..
1#41A-111."' :unrei fttng
.4.4tnitixtt;':costr:Lti‘tki)4t!w-441.41, • Alik l
.1.to bringin 11fl(1IC
tbQis1Jds of '
ailknt, •
ult ine tlwir
.furniste and the pic4t;:u'1''es;
-eiereineeereeteettleieefiteleg Jo bed in
ttiei-rivineet Aire -Iteelieftelere reeding
on earth -worms" le It is to be hoped
that the new Cariliusiape of MultiMate.;
Will in the end brew us 4 new and Mill
better Chartreuse.
And then the St. ,.Gothard is so com-
fortably inear to the lake, of Couto.
Any, -.multi • .whoegot -of-theeOrand.
Chartreuse mileght-might he not e-disape
pear a little to the shores of the villa -
studded lake and to gay Milan. .
It ,ts a lovely idea. While line erno
sett? A month in the wildg. oL the le-
leeletellifeethilrefitierizetitier 4eeke
into the exuberant life of Milan! I iiiike"
no doubt the id011,- would at okiee be taken
up by rich ladies, too, jtest as wontert e
the' world .used hi do in the times of
-public libraries. A few years ago I pro -
' pesed to hitn,. theougheertkiles in:a eon-
. temporary journal, to meet- ..at ? least
some choice amongbooks. My proposal
was that Mr. Carnegie should pay 300
great scholars, who, in groups of tee,
.oted each draw up aecritical Itst of the
really useful books in one) of the thirty
different branches of knowledge, $1,500,-
et,A0 would amply eufece for 'that great
purposee and form, only a trifle of what
Mr Carnegie was flinging away on in-
disctiminetre purchases of odd books.
elete edieitAvai ikeleitemd-- by a -host o
well-known scholars. Mr. Carnegie, who
was approached in this matter by Mr.
John Morley, brusquely refused to come.
tenance it. Books, books, no end of
books, he says. Diserintinatterk, choice,
selection -all this is not a book, but an
opinkm on 'el book. - Vence he discards
it with scorn. Whlit he Wantsis to in-
dulge in his fad. Ills fadis books ".for
publie libraries. Ile will not. listen ,to
eny stigeestion.lee Ile improvement f
-libearies. Ile wants ks. He will not
ree-aettmerig-tiereW emiestetiro
exeavationee or other scientific ente -
Prises e he willooly pile on books on
the shelves of public libraries.
Now, in this ease, the psychology:of
eete'maller eeras quite clear. _In former
llm-es_ ittsoamuttrern.
king, '4r tils: Inuiti3 lireill
Pt of king's loreenulteeyfool is litepree
sent not quite feasible. Yet In that office
there was an *biding feature of the hu-
netursoue in high altitudes, iteeinmit be
given up altogether. So, since fools pro-
•--earkeno longer be -engaged .end- en
plOyed, the niodeen kingly muftis take a
fait -instead. . t -e-- - • ------- - 0
Their fortes their king's fool. S. how
that expiainse terelltiillt beautiufly.
Arky new.J-rOpOS*11fl)3tlC to. 4 Willi tz eta
his to is like suggesting to Kind peen., that nu\ not married." '
cisi.: of Franc change his fool. It is
agravating to hilneeU eillifeese 'fest* s '''eSEWING-MitealeNES-FOR-B
him.. When t made My proposal to Mr. t y woo( or month,' at low ratee. - The
-Cernegie 1 had net yet completed -IBS, Singer, and 'Wheeler & Wri$4)11 OM ac.
studyof kii_:_%'s fools.* Thettev why I eteeeige4 • the lightest -running' ell
a Cr&
lia :i11118aN.;3017 Niiqu'19:3013E
11 ,1110YC-1?,111.17*
In 1.N91*
i glialikshire, tenglined,.lee.glieth letted!
, ,,i,.,..te,, he.iy14I hfou.4::4:4:411.0T.4;g1640ifit,.7457.:Q'::t71111.,11?:::te:..i..pbeel
i Ins,
t W' *9.: ltIt'.41villt)4r):!''):46. ;79..°41/44
Ile -,ai. st e 1,
v, -ftl.il.ti::rte,4:%:,!,.t:01 4C4:)! 14°4
114'.,',1#44P:VAig t 10 litsa.,,i,t. t.
--.T0'17V.i VI .am , XL:,
,, '4-11
're,3Y46' ' ailii'r him. l the -
4 K2
.,:i :7: .,,!:4:7,19 a if it
' , i, gilii
, ',
, • , ,. ...
How yeti find, thing5, key man?"
1.,. IiC ,p ' . But that was . l
r greideee
Alearly-nalleinfante ---areeniore• or I.
eubject to diarthrea and such ootte
plaints while Weil i1ng and tis thts period
ol their lives is lie knot critical, tree
hers ehould rot e without a bottle of
1)r. J. 1). Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial.
This medicine is a specific !:Jr euch
e0etePlaines reng is biglee sPekeee Ofetee
those who hive' used it. Toe proprie-
ters ellen it will- euro any cite° 4..1
cholera or summer complaint. .
'44'10, •
, _
Tbe-buildingvesedireeoreingelar 'mug=
podkrOd. The liTtliWira eyden
reireitsiteealel-effi Stitt und'Art
the exterior, ;with- a = view perhep.e...toeir
tract people Melds: whe---mighe. "Other -
'wise have Paseerhe on, the et is side.
--tekteekeeeteideeee,gentleeneere. to his. Iriend,
as they- Walked by1 whatee-re superb
structure!" '
"Yes, it iS indeed," returned th,e ether;
"but I. cannot bear to loek at
"Why not?" asked' his friend.
"Because." replied theother, with.
warmth, "it eeminds me th-
at the owner
euiltet out of the bloed--eese the Wed)
the aches, the groups of his fellowmen.
the grief of crying children,, the wails
and means of poor, defenceless women,
the hoiees end ameettellort"
" "Gracious!" exclaimed his friend.
"What's the owner? A Moneylender,
en oppressor of the pod',"
'No, no," burst out his friend; 'worse
-worse than that! Ile -ere le a den.
1)0441$48 MIOCE1111 AO MEM STeitt*
ID* iiter patohntiOsTStiskeltiittutherinta.;-
.,WIlI hi*** *W. -
Thee are Not Violent, In' Action.
Some persons, When they, wish to
-cleanse- -the stomach.- resortele-Epsom-
and other purgative sells. These are
element. good. Their use pliednees
cpien Chills. and it persisted' in .1.110
Injure the stomach. Nor dothey act
upon the intestitkes In a b.extefielal way.
Pttrinelee's Vegetable -Pills answer ell
'purposes .in this respect and have no
superior. e
•...ellektre engaging rooms-in....your,
house," saidthe bachelor, "I want to
know if there are any famillea with cry -
log babies-4143ring here." • "leo-afraid
There is," replied the landlady; "but'
weg ; "Well, 4 was just going to
ekeer.e0eLlineed tee other, "that if there
ere e want You he put rne in re room
next leetelneirs. .1 wart 0 w e n in
-the night- and- hear: their trouble,- so,
-that-4-eap-e‘ongratulatee- -inyet-again
44 4 •
,•ALLEGED SIMPLE WE: be convzneed4 Only tit the Singer
ilistory IS indeed it preeeeue ukelele of -tiook tiar.rhe Bed . Stager Sewing
1.0etre1riting more' deeply,. into the my. N.lathine .co. Write . us at Mtkeinfeg
etiology .ot' Multi,, For,instance, their :themberse Toronto, for set Of tord.
alleged love of simple Inc. their alleged CAWS free
oittempt of money, their alleged longing
for their early povetly.
What, brit rernhilscenee-ett
other -oosos, took
had ot Italyili 1twhen ri'ti 00010
tbey. did), and in keeping 'with the reli-
gious sieirit Of the time, turned penitent,
3nentli4$nt4r4ar,S.: %As. grea
1, ever charmed by ,1110,ive, igi
Faust- Ise-bewildered-eveill
simple.e.Margerete so ,gee
eights or selealmegation.
To the. erLeeret -day, nn
bets of the severestA.ders of monks aro
men who -had total .ly enjoyed ample
krtunes. w . •
Poverty is a severe order by itself, ford',
does' not need the habit Or e VOL** 0110
can theretom quite Preleretend that the
rodent' Mullis, lot'Mr. Iloekeieller or
Thonles P. Rya ,, are $abieet..: ftvro
inne .: to time Jo, Ill of, Wellfluelet; or
eld-flIgliteite,the-olenians 6611 it'i,'. eikt
WOrittI not altogether be Iptipealible .to
ablishes rattde-tlikrtreirge tOt 221111-
Us sornewliere in the wilds Of lite Moun-
tains stear iht‘ St. tiothard, In -Switser,
%bd.., -
ranee, , aS
s$106- -tor
t ever
t of the 'Mem-
- •
'1%Inny gnu never knew lhatlieetaki
hateirreemUl,"-lie .goL, out eire.
:know where to put thorn,
lollowayes. teem eget isittreenteelleine
lo remove all kinds of eorns and warts,'
and only costs 11 e small sum of twenty.
flour for bakers and:others demand-
trengtb. catrr and ortifOrmity.
kAttaS. ENAkrrlitiCitt 1001P.t1tO. WITH
'LOU* AND 11V:141014"TE !'"`
vet ALSO metre eiveete 11'w...A outage nowt
teeter/is terser* cetee 04,904AS 40441ftAt:
/414-140r. WM.
4' NT
e ets-Ouri ry
see tir Weis deeekkeeee 0114,01004-A*144.40
.141114.1"gbt.,414 ,11:14 TorT,44841,,
arreaskedether coroner; '---Seett -tee lune
e" ettreeetoMeeatrite ecervicetevert
nt eezen..eeeneettetileeTnee4--‘W.
d con Inge irtttdr
ueng on the wall,
There is nothing equal .t4 Mother
•Graves' Worm Exterminator tor destroy-
ing worms. No article of its kind hes
given such sa,lisfe.etio
Summer Oruisea GoolLatitTlo
TwktsrissucfloratRiwo$10144624ssfr. 440,oatelassioos.r;owomitrositaLlectris
setoandtwo:1".444; or,
-03rae4 Armen Sagrarataille, P.X11
114 at Qtkobse, .004p0.
C70/ C41
gas*. rhur, ifr 0**i-tic* tfrilk
41,14 eetteeletkeu
le tube. reek ee
Weed eve
uit 4th et
*4rM1th ,3
BTIIIlle. AHEM.. 'Secretary, '000We!
arna4Wel. New York. •
• It Avery ; dog had' his day` • there
wouldn't be 'anything but dog days.
Capital 'teed Libor chanced to meet.
"Good .areiningP theyeieelaitried in -
cordial unison.,
"1d Capital, elluete you end
ur ieages,
"Entirely so," replied Labor,-"tilid
trust yotir investment is bringing fair
returns. . ,
"Excellente" said Capital, and -with
warm clesp ot theehapel they parted.
sad 4 Cyctri
. Jr
I,. a
11A TtOtli.IMOT40.R. WORKS'14
1#0113:#01#, obtz
The l'h iscoud Annual WettiuF of the Bank was held at the 14444•Oritco on
., .
-II iii; N -LIFE WeduesdaY. Lttlt insteriU at i$ °clock noon. '_,,_, .
Tee ebeee wai oleo* by the PrMt. W. 7. Cowan. ailed --Kr. Oversee P.,
woe, ee,eiiieeter• eireisee4----eiettieeekitellieretare to the,,stestill:`,°-,-.Thes esterefette _
Boort era* torikeented i:, _ A -
rrbe•Dirocorn ei
se ieesentiter to tbe Shareholders the thirtriecourt Assiut,*.epo'
rt of the Dank. fuvre_foleasurs in nstitus stteutrou to MS" satisfactory ?meta
fe the yore* ikeitine Vet mole lett - . •
Meer umlaut the usual provittleti for 14s41 mtg. Doubtful Debts,' Rebate of In.-
eseestemeeneenietaredInuit eitsdee discount, eta.. tee profit* 10110tnit to $231.61010, -•
.berne Met per tout on 1U -iiir-oftto-rolttli-Atly espftot of Oa Dank for the year, Vo
this hiiii, beeu ridiltri s366„14S. the 'ortolan= _ort.' WM stock issued at M. vbreh, to.
• * gethet.with the helefiee of Went and Lon Account. of $31411.172 broughtforward.
. . • 5 ee -140,rikert Up,ths strut of :$43feeleee.
In rease over litle: . - 053,-Ww.------tee-- --.._-_-..--eie • nAktkaroerlatert se._ fellows :
o . es riteellesi lit: e ". %uee'ee".-Acent , -4
eentbereeleee .••.• . .. ; . . . • '24,e92,692 65 Quarterly,. Dist 1st flo..44,-Issul„ 1st, Deo., OK st..t,he_tste-of It per tent.
Inerease over 1905 .. .. t,983,307 83 eer "6"Int 0 0"" • *r 0 * -• 44 0 ** w**,.. **** **r ****** ..... r. * 40A5 54 .
- ---- , Quarterly' Divbiteue No. a, usrd 1st Iliatelt, 190/. at the rat* of a per . 44,01 oo
1906 .. .. .. .. .. .. ...-7-944•492144-Quartitrii_Tattotta No. !A. _payable 1144 ;tato. MT. at the rate of a , ,..t. L.
percent. Ail/ ' ...` ,V. Ur,'" tor. 4...-.44,..... -..•••••,...A.s. 4104,---4........441.4-1- .4_11,, ** .At,4,_ "MOW' gr,
400•04,ef so* Prst4ise-s- etc, .. . . .,,.......... AOC '
sus 'lio *est Acooun't froti*'iiestlirW on -new ;i:o'Cli 4:••••• - ••• .., • 3%142 0
rit-to-Preilt--arsd-Loat-----Al000u*V-p-4,1;47-474-.... -1.1.,--.-i-m,-k-----44;
Asirstraseie Ceimiaiay Cestada*
MCAD OM:1We, SIONT a 1414'
L-Sarne. Feti-Irout thelloort ot
1. Cash IneOrne from Pre -
•Merest, Rents,
And *a
elterteee iseektfeilf tie leap. ,
out feeht MU* Igo."
00 1)
'1 N
-Accou?rE1) FOR.
the middle of the sermon tin Sunday
"Yes, YOU kilOW he *elks tin hi
sleep."' •
troll Pio
r'rrir, scratches ani
every lona of contagions tch,. in luiman
or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wo)-
MO's Sanitary LOtion. It never -fails.
$okt by' all druggists."
l',4011,NIA1., CONDITION,
"I hear ,,ihat young. vl.roinii e
Mme Pail*** stylisli4ma
.4bniplx:11,:ti:M1741: Ve,rrit
44 f"
"Slifhcortirrt bo. 14her busiflc
to lea4'-et pattern life."'
to' is to. PreverlitAt,lho tiltner
It& work in eold water .1nost of' th
y would rub lit'elr feet and lege WOW
Tberette' teeeetrie: thee-
peekesetrear rheutualistu end' Orr.
der theleenethee limeis.prOet againstethe
illeffeele Of expeiStire to the belie, 'Ttiose
Stiling oat for ininin4 regions would
vce11.,0 provide themselves 'with a,
./itTply birs ,
\ -44 . 30hostc,e said little ,To.
y, Ott land at-st)%tarig".. “Not,
tk,y oliiied 401tnitart.
• rth *11.1 &Ill Apra); ittriehr
Weir 410. titoaght
o.;1,," 'Sea Pitlo mixetrugeiskrtAtd
..61.11ter Agrics siy141 Tattimir
bit hart' Vert waiti -r# alti the winter
It Ycuta:trg'cl.N.."1!:ica in, ho, -wit
212-LII2L 11ettvere IntilWri tist
catil *Rol, ctrr
94 Z22: 44! never:dee *vet
ply 'limo 4.16apitioirta,,
- 'NA"' 'j4
•Ot whieh -there w.dis
tribute* to polieyeolders,
tale -Ls, lamma r
'that year . ... .
Arid,' set ercirio '41.. 'piece - . ,, - 9'4.
issued -since Decerober ',so s OS '*fttlrlita.' asretaidatogiligtot***Int,th-.6! 1842taa,00.14" *°*,f5ulitiorrebued°14::alt6ati****".41
reserve's au 'all palicies• . wU
3let'•'‘ "(4t; °I/ the 3 Pet!' GrAot ',pat 4 ' LIOW Oille tbaltglitt tits ditto of the totmisit of iwai.etaa yea,t. from 3Ist, tisr
te,efik;will'be auteoitted. •for tItifilokokeitiote of tIke ?there o dere, eneftple
.0eitt,. haSiS .. 'iit,, „*!, i,•,, .. ‘4,1,..vP4 , A. of May to thcAlat day, or *January' I rilm, a y4** authorising the Director* to
11, **.etritut041°Cri_vlitSaltaLjerl. logrd,11:1., , . - i It•iI.Bba'"iktli:.:boirik:'c7;0rugtt:40;ltit:ttlihl: 11111:still.01!"*.illt:P.u.:740Itliginit% t4htial:clut itott,ilb:*,eiit*ii. nbIllullaltiedi!''_:-,:14tioil't„.1141:1" '0Illytleliatil it°:, .
Orli hi the 'Ifni, "'bible, '.• •
With 334 rind.3 per cent ,ti\ fiellairille. 18004 .11estl,,Catibriky. Cobalt; Cehonrit. Oraftou. lartributr_. ttswir, $,rlee.,
title. Strait * TOrooto,(eortter Charles iii4",,Tosige Streets),. sad wootiville.. =aro
rtilWAJL, • .0 2.e4147 45 rat'* total of,.fortY-Oo.:**Ir Branches. 101 in the, rrasinga at •tralart.. o,,,•_, - , ,,,. •44. -
A.--__..* *# 'A ** ,,,,,* • P * The sees oleo 10,4 errAttches of `the BOO4 AVs bt‘eir rtatartrair laltiOrtropa auto
4. 00k.ah -441111t15444tOrt'W-----.--------.:-,,Amr. tho Year* sad Uri duties of ft" lots* home roffroissrlt.. 41toclutrtse.
Entiowniefits,„ Profits and , , -
, ottr r 'pa "tents to NI, • i. ' Toroatta. gat Itair.1,17...._ ; • , ' - # ' #' --Pfe#4,44teet *
. War ' g..4505___.„.._ 1,0&),i5, 52 . "-------- 0010rirr Aso. LOOS ACCIDONT.
4,..1413trittritt ,,_14 -__..Miley.._: „„.=-----.--;f.-71-.,..-ii-iiti-i-tii•=,....,,bii•iiwit!?,1`.1.1tstiii".„..,_
holders ;since orgeritztt.._• *3rrosotot,-osy.--4ses ,. ----. . ,-.---41.1
St *relit* for ' leolt eillititlif#•.•'$fet .
tee , .
do . 'paid, itt
t Aeatirarree% -1.5Slleci and i , May MT. Otte Aadatiirm . ,* .............. .
.. tilto- - -Asortrapers ,111 -". victim. 0* *****-vareet *ilia.
...paid for in ea:eh ..... ..... 174410,05e p i - vramtuvo*.fitit*, ttriftt,tebikto. $.7ritittt tittidebil , CI* (445, 1,11114 IS
latidOrilt lit% 4:- lai'sti;fo; I
.worob, Inv . ... .i.. ,
, farce Meeettiberl3i$ti.ope-i.oeitaxe to i mad atatrig troititiroi, for Juni, . off _ 4tt 40.01.) 00 ,
0, 0 .......„.,4*.i,..,,,,,,,,. mot stombot 1 e.e.. -- .41.11 44 Writt4 „ofi .,Vi;$1***;r7estsillfreS, - II.
....... lit* Oil raw *toe ..,.....' 44,144 SI Me. .. ...." .. 000 0 -,
1 :s.4 Who hae -made Unustier Pre, ' ,
. rekkeirt14;ii ie. ifiet 4.4eteetkito.
1 its:Istry& -tewards the:end-Of dirt- . ... • foreaAtais iss"..‘sint stook • AStatt,
Tii,r1--.1%, -_-_161400, that. It: be will bring , *apt lord
CiIrot tirrktot ....
people bane, irtikifii,-/041y, Atv,--,
they Must toko ;first what 10 have..'
. .
.pnest, (wishing to put het, et het -eaSe)
ecOhe tilers all right, itfra,i."Illuttet; Iln
....traveller? -used tO ' ,roughlag. It now
.nd illette-Yeneleneele..
An 'nod i nittorrs Ileadoreirei,
stem. which Is termed by
Itt Aloe Stomeich, lute 4 marked offee4
up -
(d the ,rierteee, .end often inarkifesta
slf by icevere beidnehe. 4,111Pa le .11re
Moet ° eilstrtesikkg treedetlie Ortee :tan
bete. Tikereertieetreiolaettee..foom
froin lever, and from other cause% but
tiro most, excruciating of air is fbo. 1m. '
Atte hI i4Iflvlt,1. Iherfitelee's Vegeleble
,Prite will cure 13,..4ure it almolt Inatire4
dititely. It disappear es soon as"the es
46PertAtOo 'There ts. nothing butor
.10 iheeetehltene:4 LuhOU.5 h 06.
• '", '1
e-$.1.1103,444 •
T 041 -14*** -
0. YOrile, 1St
e. 61 01 .1i
All 'al t
lottriet we • itrieinee
r'tad itt IboNV't.'t .4( freland
suiturier ,days and- .stopped- 1
Itin Ine rotreAthwnt.. Orr asiiing
(he jar-
'Iey 'it he Was dry that worthy'.rW,
*Dry t Thd honor...say 4ry t1n so
dry that ft alapptit.flL nt th,s,
dust. Alin! oit
„ ' -
•.44‘frio, „;•.• trk."
4:Aso too I. • * octit/4,
t' • *lilt .1**11410tt colerr
**Ott: for weeny of ktekto
eireeletteet • XI.* 4 I. • filok I *tit iF
tftit 41/142.0t
Ia eliZikirti •••,ait.r,
IS. Viiited • Stott* 4...:.irr.roor.'
' b*IiNfor - „ $13
alt oooCtowerimouf.
1gI*l &n4 **ter lest.'
sylfeks .......
4 and A11A;$644
"1 _ V.*,1;'***461001,1.
• •
1,:, P
10,40 ,111x*