HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-27, Page 7 (2)" 1;47 A4211411WW171 zsI u/,J'xitijdii t t40d in Z . at ... i '. i `.4. 4":00(4., ' .PX Milliktri t: 7 'Wert_ 114II...,,*(Viy`;'.. i Uf',L.:4442, gradttatfb:;,' ° 0 s'Agt,Oe'.' ' ' .'Ue WitI' ,tc V's, th0.,'H s .110 ' ..., i • 1' -:rt$t , , .....s;c1 ot, .L1i1 t4:. to 4414 ui xntd.1, 041 . ittOr dte1 onkstrtok, ff4Uteg(,1/411 4-4r; ; 484 u ftv$: t ' ),41l4lon. g i bru'wi bce.1cw- wE U C ---)IN "74 tO di 'Main eonnWntTr1i tut by fletIre 14 , Ft44.:!0_,1ows. J19., *a§.... . _. _ Y. .abte to' t4• .14-Ort.i. again.' St4iflZUy eonZ5 1 *farce a- ttd •the Pill, 1 r1 A atc troubles : Atv , -4 , ,14.,1,4'2tire4kfr t nOketty opplattilett` heatas Ito-, Ring, Nvilo,,,,Te,'-interest In Alte.,:ente.$ .1,vtrievident frOnt, Atte way' in Infianteit 4c1 a. the milsieal pair f the ,fterfortnanee was ilettelted *hen 1,4sior Willfred , Kershaw, a bOy yoars, played Ateudelsshores ('Ca. spreo11 unequalled by inan,y 4 rant - pored youthtid prolIgy. The 'second part' of the progranitne Ticse . totir att the. sani 14 4).e. -14fputill i'latt-41(1*. ChildiOn like it. "Are .you h Aut.. t. u. hat tier ',you a iliatroan4rrin Olt, -aut,--nott.istorte-ilett,M li it'stott4t*tutya 4411,1 tallo tIs *0;1;44 villb 0014;vtiktot ctriloi. Wittb, 4otIA 00;4 wiA144 Ifoovorlit . ,t1 ;a, ,theu rLri paralyast; t 4.3.bet4m y Mote rich,- red Jaealth,givirt ' Sad by al', mckti'cine 4.eti1ers nanl at Me. a box or.si.N" hoses I InThe Dr, Wit " mekvil*,-Ont. N' r 4 jt d 1w Ibe, paralret bars or i61,t1,40 , against. '4,1ellOw 'that -one rea1l04 ,,,,./un,jvathOs ,t4.t., Those black, vee. rs that;unseettk''' e : - Ato I hall 4 AV) tul you!. tow slckv yaiter "Fault of soup, s 43WAYS„ Whindel 4'• r. . .Great. Thin* ' mr ,LIttle-- f 4ittio to der h : oma h lite 'Leans:a May heist* iliii:474-Pii:otIfilitif,;- et worry . , Pie cane. CAMPULL MI LINGO. TORONFEI T1ON IINT '4 A IA , , t en;tiO .10/31: ' 6 u tn,,, .,. 11. i: *WI illA ,,i,„,, xlta 41'1., \ ' u ,;11 ..,..;,-, .. -,.. ; t feVeral'„ tog stri .o e iiiiiiirt s how, that .tlio slitOlic habits of the A 'iestle servant az- 11 rocegnized fact. .III rne-14rinAlterit-45-141 - t I ! rlor rottilt boverein.aid and t Enjoy Ilirtr eigarettes in . company be- fcv stair*.. . , '' That the working girl Should taUo >In n.;1,)14.0g-,4.4 .11'nP11,94 0.t.,140.4.4)r!,14'..,tV o means sulprisir4 :So Many •.‘"vOine 1 the tItielteSt:,social e1ia9s. now,a416Y` olio in restalurants ,at'kr -meals, ,an V i.t.t • bon* 'in 'hotel lour:1401 that ihe " IC- . a taste tor the we r-nr,..L.11.1Ftlql.:*'t;f,'..',/,',f, ), „:1114tits :11*1•101. siS l 0 o ake- . tnal , tigareties 05 a -molt as 10 clothes 4 hdts,ari4- the lady of ._ the hotise who ci.nsunies herten to fifteen cigarette ayCria iegte and vo.o. isteneY,' take ',her lieuseinaid-to 144 ter intlulj,ing in the, imitation vailett qoe, - fa4t titat 11, is a 1 idden . pleasure Tho nialdsert Tit es Ai -sail -100 Willi lus ,n r(ifl MmFianci. s 141Pried ' f highly sucekssfut.'epo,rtkneittS li n-.xtotilorro -Of-xiartot4s.- Prof. I) 4110 Vtdue„ who is the Itiventat -of be1ivvs !l"' it will:presently 'supek- reoo*„.. by drugs. the palls it aptysjti. and he say' that, it ex. 1..110110M4 methods 41 ,Produeine, Ukit no injitriouS _-.quc1 Wjutcvr.. ,71'ho ipatient Subjected to otectronar- Sis otbesy nI .totallY On- e t4 Pain as long as -the mothO4 plied. The moknont if. retrxed 7e- enso in their lull atti rio4 of Ci i1iY . 444 xtrary s�!a.r as the &4ttt. tOblee • and **hi , WIteW beft1Uy n&an is sLjctu1treat • t lie awnke$ with a ,gerteral feeling of 15, resultS. bora 'a g .tho ease of ti,44. rgOing4-aurglgal. -0Perati4n tL is peeted thatsiolek be t las experiment bass not. y to e pNre u1 an lias ta1n the &-rep dvry it.s tt eq.ed ihtettgl ..of .,experinteniS rah. and plum -pigs.' Th,e Walton' • neront,„4.ccording to ItsAstrength; (t'4.8.111100._ h. &'rai, '.$.1apensiOn :of the Opera -1, nip-. .tUngS: tA• t5t4pp3ge• of the .roetilopletol$ doadenthe-b-r-yria " A , uift4-4.00y.:-..-11-gurrent-i1 Orte Of ion iolts 41ysio' f iho breathing ap-. v;14 always rosult. ite doing, of the brain, ectikl Le V.nucdtor hours WitiAxint 4'igtwst ' 41- tr-ixt-7,-.rifrirK. Saiil 'So "-5:,10n.-istitoklitg14 -was the --te,kser:PA, eirtitioiv for w chfCilt,o yiein ollected 0,et-01'.. 'the •larges.t price ever paid for such 4 InininrunA Ot, Itnetlicol advice, This c,4$q tbsi answer of Dr. A. Evans, ..ciliOWs health cortunis:Sioiter„ to the :question.. Is. to- bacco injartaus?" . I'm to givo !tip- , .1- 110•vo' to step smoking,'" :the. man who void IS Ink:tried to have said. -when iie tReeived 'the hill ,for the modiettm of a vice. . t thatIt'S.'W.Orth.the price to have the :g Of. your -eyes:' he' added,. tor* charge :by:'reSults, by tiout$. of. t , . 'Charles Mali .who -r e • 4 Hc • -AO diSCIOsti .1 --ani fi ,, who is. En lowa,,,-;,and Isoconsider orthe. wealthiest- men. the kkirteliard*s patient4Cnt ell.rogo luollbeen to .6010,01' normal* - arid, theAigh 'ho- had .avelteel to specialists all over the world. ettild .011 tments, an , Pingloird decided hat the- only ;untried diagnosis was tottacco-bliodnesso- ' swift' —to-thrrn-,--i it a,wrkatesvf.e.lniattil,insii:cithotupea;tpliellglevlaroxit,e, ottititat conputing the valve .Of sight 1.(ii a*** 0, his „wealth, se,nst,...a, t)ellarj,e "; *11 - 4 t but rood r ori Itif,AOISTIWW E -Magitrate F'. fiasniuSsert' ot 111 Mar*, *tette Si, 'Montreal, hat lust. cured by, Zain.lauk $Itin. disease w ti;tor years luid 'dotted fOntInter' N1') h • 'intake MO in e s. -a gilt+) 1 tollosjo onses 'no kolth in time. Keep the digestive agora, lus in healthy° oridition-.-and" 41111Vill ne IVArielee'S. .Vegettiblo-PilI r. cond not be, pro. itheut ea ng k&1i. T rOtessor incidentals1 is iuelho.1 rulght be used thC4l l putting teinlinnis to Jutlib th.an .41.iit W f ue in this oomutry.. death As -involved, he yin the 1tf hi 4parratus tc itio hareolic state, Le (&U54 ULe rength of -the current, ean 1cbt.Iut41y S'oriUnell withiu 'the surely Liu Kr.X.P BABY other who Las used Daby's • ets 4nd she will ti 3r-ou there 34 ne t icr -Medicine so good. We p/Oge yell , word Atiere is no Mao meth. tatek-we give you the guaraii- -. blots &plains no tp!ate-cr AEOothing.. stUif. The 'ratite ellt' tlrtt& 1I481S iot 1lS find young tbild- rat V. Arireigebusb, dolls olflaby*s (hivirTali!ets are the lies.t tirut reedi.drir-tor bcitii;s wait, yi Ilion* to mothers fiyatzrnn own -ee." by ,,all.rixdZelne deal. r by Intuit r,(.f.1.,,Zi eilitS a box 1,Vglistpits' Atedicine firetk. t "ti. 1 „toys 4'..w A:s,"*.•kretits, , . ., . 1s .3 eVer stoppi4 to tiirt..R. how t , tto: and fonate tini.,:esitts it • A AtintOltii'e liT1,13-1.9r- Fitzt,t -,tt -4k.irefiv,, it NVaS i)Jecesi.;aty la 141;0 4 Istfierr And inothOrt and tho !oft:At aid Inotitei*: ot fith ct us nittat have' ItItt ,o, frillti.-..r e,:,art4 60' ,(0* laii 11-4rugli,, ,liftYd.i.oix ., golotrilioptis. , , 1.0.c. er ' ° 1 clirist. A ,ri fitl.:Oaldutl tete . .4441,-s. I at, I ' t ,... :.. , ). ., at: fig, 4 u t. .stcetZ4. 1 • lhts 8 o1y from Ih?''43:.$4c1 f12111=-41., a 1 ,Lejnnlog '0 trio ,uor t Otlautiwrityi..it . fr(nt. i -upl * Ave 'tl'icnottirid ytzirs *t ht.sIsjs4 ,-,.'svitfo, had *Orr' - and theft b*n, r ' , A 6aid t i qutte correet. rCir years I was troubltd. With a 'serious skin disease, Had not orie.bUt,severai *MOM' In -Wu Tarred -to to -rile 14ny—g0-0.-C-4-2any.ltulc' teemed to act like a charin-; *.nd a few in co t A11 steres, sell* Zarn-Itult at .56 Wit* x or post froo., front 1,Zarri,430, otos kr priee. --0 Dot -es, for $1410o. • :, "INOure always revenges berstItt.Ofl loony' 'topics it is intidvisabiQ 1,,,) be tool. lownotie,as inoreasing_ icriowledge shows to.day to. ho falsewhat W65.lielti true yttertlay. Thom are.,.IXOW4` -over, many things .whicb; we,e4n dettion:. 'Strafe ,Witti mathematical .exacincss awl certainty. In fact, thefitre :to ',oliviously ani4 eleirientarity . true, ,that, they require t4,ortait- ei; 11°T at 4434 IVY yes, 71-7.tgali-eriftei8ritIltliWe'To digestive organs.' they suffer; if 1 sub- jec my- ' ervititei-lunircwar)---at Sent ,so pat'on I t t requtCs.ftft proof. ,And yet poeplo laiiy verload• Their steruallis,:. and vt -tioartert ,ruusli- ealcd. It would le jliSt ,fiSiettsallkkble ti ,the .tligestive COfl- tnie perform Its functions indefinitely uulvi uch. oonditions .tis to expeetyait o to run continuously ‘without, .woutil be .thought a 4,:dtiverAvtio nacriyOk tior..,:rtin. ft itiOrnottre- tor It' Teti, wittiorit r_ We'Shotildlightly wider° ,binatio; - And \yet he ,would-tc,it be half iso foolish or- rwldest," us .1tio triton Vtlio -i14 -!r1 to retain 'health •Orr4quicti•:•ItrucheS." *the different 4! a Mat hint.... which* 'wear, Olt rE"pla(,.ed by 'others, tut seienea lleA yet -round a Mt art5 Of sufplying new .tegririss., nor itshe ever totdf) Nalvre is absOlutely 1.4ifOtieP. the •of •Ortirir RhaVlarif brit , tyAkivivting AVrAtti, 111141 Nic•NOs (11 1M- hit your Piety nor Wit , itire if 'bad( to cancel half * , all t i out & Word of it better than any other tor, the purjxiso '„. The. Chinese olatin'that rice wino w manufactur(s1 .by 'their, king Chin Yang as: tarV:0*1004 On For we on swing machines, bteyele nd nit purpOses ,requiring u fine kth rolesitt„-the.:best.,,iS pheapest in the en Oeuulne Singer 01 cntt-, only be b(aijiet at Sin.tet Mors. Loch for the Red' Singer Sewing I1nehine Ce, 'Write .0 Gharr,ber, Toronto, for e • ret'Vata,$ 11 yiu Inge -twelve noughts: after 5,24( have itgures-ibet' Alirn ' ecnting ',ht. of I tin roUlidtri TflflI 1u _vitiy',7tooro'. isolotEy0o01O•ook trilwortvodwithimt fAvotisotof I?z to to -day ft* 04* 0,5110111010111 am The hen "owl OtttarfhvdAtth wo tt**0,11)*ANI4c41441) • 1401rititIt1aif 1040AiR1TIAS, .010t4;44. Sol,k . Tortmzt?f, - , YOU Atiltt Atiimr, -Am ' tan t�1)00040.one, Had00.‘.1.0 pAk, 1110141 you 000 or ..10t,attoaittiorio .4.1**notic •coalboi Autos,took omb roi00,0* Ono to 4110047**4.t7f Magn�tfo COnMar00. Eft, %It bitt*,' Oro4g=i1 :se 1.1 isoottor- good auce for n - what is ilikstair 'N. tpomrobuliPtuit'tioiu prove11 the .eq.0ballisatext rlliit.e10. ant for For this "fe-**Tr'ladie$ In search of ervantsrs,hould-rualte a potnt--of-40-1-ARK trig -whether the new Ouse Aid of nurse just engaged IS a u -smoker. „ . oople appTud tho vilinin on the ,tag for doing thinga they would have Or AoinW-in---reat-life. „ edietrie, are me piltti win ye no other purpeSt WiltlY than to beget ortinfut‘interiiiii. tw'1onces in tho tjatint,. addng dpWint APIytit WI 0 OVAAPILT1410i 4,011.4414,-41,1P44-411- nu s, ford'. Sanitary Lotion, It tes and edtits- rathe A 10. Wine .00tr4Siv Ina r • a e Vegetubto Pitis ha uot this (JiFagr(N'aiJ1e ,arid injurious,- j.,iroperty.. aro easy to lake, aro v0ti'IMPIfta4,. to-thec taste, Und Ahreilt 40,10)1-, mild tad tthutg. A real of hOirt prove: this., --They ,i)fter • per, 14 .110,1, 40001144 " it two andfound4t*COt writ. r•L-wi aUBonyOTowt *AtrbOtk— t144 dwitersor. ideN ttiv, 0 itwiin tou Mott tfilv 131,1$1.14 T want .4t western nd them,TheJ businces broker*, Tzlercepitte--",M,y tii1nd end • • et through corrapoudgnoti. 1fe pro potd ki me. *tore over hosaw mci' AilgS Sharp -"I dont.doubt: • 11. i an Elixir iii.11410,";,iyAti,iii-ifio -WA* scekin the 'Ellitir'of Llfe, w1irh tradition say neexLsted. r. l'horirrie-te1ectr4 lf is on 'Ellidr,:before vridch :pal)), eau.; 110L live. It is wade' 1.1p .of ix Essen. lint oils,carefully Mended that th trative Propertiea. 0e:ton:central t1i . na.toqiiitrIn thefreatinen, tinktiorgi-Ji a irect light 0! the sun L estint iIghted wax troll If 't • - BUFFALO IOUftN:10 -04,* 7 .0114R '0i1/"N ItAi41) SOCT140- CAR* EXCIA.151V0Ar POrt :PATRONS 0PERAm daNiltittAIPSLY OYER)* VEW''MINUT fit04 44.01Elr 1111tOtin1t WAINetto telt AND TO 41.,‘ OtiPitt* AND4. WtIARVV.$ PRINCIPAL $TAMIR. isistO 0*.rtt* .4001t4 , A.49 per t14tAA*4 7). ighir • ek rilivay$ talking about her pies. Did vtftvierpot anything unusufll to them 2" Ho' *Nato Lon*, abnot.buto Um in 0114:45110e 11 other torn preparations ty It4ill2w4yos ()cirri Cum No pain 'whatever, and no i!ICOflV(IIICJSCC 111 using. it., 0 t44100 ( * I 4k iiktt Mos , i . onawto4antootiolotta . , f48 gr,rverm 011.11itleta.0141 licaltrAltA at 4 0 441014:14t. 2lith Mari look pm . 4,444.2,-L;;,It• eruhlk4 ItieLyouth,Ce. the7door, otethiri't mutt; say to. you." • roceed,' ' "tin -with xt uraling hough' 4, ruir only a, -r--ifice 114„....61401111•Crfoli merer pet fectie4 -titan ever, '1 * -i tiv but two ideals in lifo.,--You and my.nir- • NVitt you niarryin !nor - ,511e'1410i.t , "Do not .ltatwee too • qideklgo„ V„*'4hinir otor*. . „ wIlt_.tornit, 'wan, J3r my•_ answer,May 4&412 ',the thi him. *Ana 4e$P4r$ he turned ihand. Sfr uppotte tst ii.oftw,tent4th,ditythotdanatint:erelift*-140nti,ve... no. fhHtbvv4-Pitivtiliototv and you OW' .ex - trash air whi,10 going IP and frQ. on didry d ?;4-1t, Et)A T1AI10 4 One iai fh qtiesttna 'at Publio , *ohnor *itanitnation .-******, -.I equated” . ,, ,Itie ettn*4-4 ** ninelcar-bld bo A , itor running roU041 the cntt-e th (141 1 tly bring* on -1 , eittiliv, biitytihg: thetr li, ,as oktoin. ete,„ 4artht v . No tntethot $1.Y11647:Cti4It'1:1114' a'ilkieltilr;060..kin' ,-1 . oi arid them' It nothi y ivith * sure mitt, hand, 'rbi'h tfteriVinet-Uves great, uttering nd tratmently valtialkit Vivo. AA iat brit gitried , lor Use* * ior d reptitation.,far *Wording t'rornp 1 1 front ait suniniter toropiints., . , . and Wive almst ex* tii tht,it*Int pOptilittittn.' 11* vIctor. rsts. Tolkri A 'tat, Jobsontsbint and (.ardttt Pt t h, eitors6 wit iiith h A* build ) up to date. for the th d ° 40,14,of