HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-27, Page 6 (2)' b °
1 topa'SSienate mov
i4 iptl ti h
1iatz4 • him.
, t.„10,40 ,
• pricesteroty-;,-Agrett-t4 me to
soy that much but 1supp04,,,IPL.polft
- Of fact, lite balt ono iiet. rolling, it we
past your power to top it" ,
•t5,1ie listens to his 'philippic, with It
- Ites4 trieekly *bent. "
"I did not, try*" she answers, in a ttflt
°Whisper ; then;- alter a pause, raising
tVP44141Nekigt$14,4 LLW1'J'
of Mitivelit, a1mot Ii4rettti
to his, I -said to moat If I have any
Iuek I shall die- before t ie muesli
S'1, it-woul4-st itset be.
had , never hart11yJardyir7
0,7t3itg-tter,selt; as it seetliS,
inr-"Atitertli011at=“11 uW
-- knowir-svhet:herAtotw
' oitl ..Ohl't, ',Witil,;4 .-groanof
.° **mar at. eat% rettated Inti
litt-trbtfr 'worst 9.
- hanlly- evet'.-knownllvit
*; i tiant "tertlqi i
' $
nind's &v i.tho rit-att hmfgi
• itu, -her ritous)msy gety; butven t
lic -doe,n Tiun a eorn-
pftIien.in of iter $peeeh.-
ti is.110t1 the careless merriment o
'childhood to wi)ich alio is alluding; it
' Is to the happines$,-par excellence, 4).
life. It thiS As tile ease,- w byShe-1
rect herself imfruiodity her neg tive With,
4 "hardly" ? A jealous :NOVA of. some,
one elSo,..sonnxiite: ' beside ' yng ; a
jealousy none tile 'less keen for being,
,, vague -for :not, knowing on what, ,object,
Jit, tart lay twolet-sliarpens his tont '04 bet
tepetils elmid,*ond withan accent ,Of.,14-
oterrogelion4, lice qualifying adverb: -
'lltandly,Aver, that lutplies-1! , ,. . •
Out stie, breaks in', iturriedIA- as i
frig, and at the same -tiger'
r own power ''. lisilling*"'
'-iuttktn uportlhat subject on'whote
der*: they „are tontifinAllt hovering;
,elking otherpineno mato onalhin ,
unhappiness': doe* not litt We both
'ow snnethlngaboutthet, do not we
' on& be:see. she la, allud.
lerAft •
re. nearly.
r must give but ,e• ,'
imatitls: quite
on -the sub-'
t -.1,*,,,,..",. *mg
y. nil 'a neso o __,. who 18
treading swap; ground*, that gives
Wrath his -feet.-
4.We saw it„in the ,papers t'. I ,entildlio
be ieve it at 04SL It WAS Atha -last ,thiri
• w°-_.(- ird -..:r4
i,riting te you, but X did 'noir"
Ole leeks, at hint rather wistfully,: ancl
although but twominutes ago he .Ptad
bet'n conIcsaing- to.hliti 'her ' foissiOn' to
nether. Juan* he Sees that alto -18 arm-
fou.slie sliciuld tell lier that 1te'-yrnpft-
Iby would hiti* been precious to -II
. lie tots the same .sensation, to before of'
' rifixed ;anger and fascination ,at the-
dtictility her flatii \chat- bitslness
antl yetis "lips-nt thi's j'0,70,0,
‘the iniptilse le triune •
• into s„ gictoiny tin1It.L „
"And thought. that hct WouItt,li
he alioaRa.lt open.,Itis
OVY 4bAt ono of the ,,'hyotheositStht
haver fonnorly , Occurred to him .t0 0 -
count for the myatery that hangitov
Toad; and though he
rdoned the 1044 her Whig her
d biOUS beftnt,. since
UflUM(4,.what tits .sv
u to .hint with a
lookingon and ap;
a in hop #t tit
auchudz novel, o
atett Pall Mail or •
czea , ,
ont i
other weath re
sit I
,‚itt,.i,„ 'rip 1i
hilt : , .1„,,, , a tit
jnto .-ft0c.k. VOW.04. s.‘ '
)„•,' .,,
fn.::: •:: , .nt- 1
i 1
•,rtlIIitlnb.intlw • wfldruW
.,. la -eller ov ,Or
*al u 'n:it ' 1 ISiiCtiatIn
s to,sh'id irnn,,kuuk1 it. ' caught
by-, lines A
VeSlitee we ' have ,,opet out lite, ; colt
I* (0110Wiiti atter,0041 end after a few
t ours' leltposure Ito -suit-and -liter haued
in., the' sameeventog;-' Titir-0- *der
i llowinti it Stand a", day--or-twoi,allat
likt . A sufficiently <dr, haul It 'hi ,directiy
half without sproodirog., 1114 le -s expo,ture
0 the hot nun, dew Or 'rainthe root*
sOvod., While We ,alin to pmvent hav-
ing 'hay o dry and crisp as to. lose
i h,.i.,• ,,,, ,..,,, E., .,
1 Ite24,04
,67A4M, r ?ve '',‘ 6 0 .1 pa V4
to the eoiLs, So 1hatwhen 0t0rM
th 'will be Ihr. ter. fermen
exnottnriaiznitid 1Q04
the blow either of a suddenloaf
Ihs lteart goes out in gt'
to tier at the ttiouga of wh
litilo would nt*
•ofh13. own pet'ac
which, la generous* 11 not ver
says toropessionat
sort at wrathdown wino
shouid thlnk it was a pity J-
W. word t Tho whole rthing 13 pit,
last' her lyitolo-history t -7-1f )-014,'oniy
ho lamas off. ,
Ile Is Intent, watting..10 nee whether
,thet,-iluptilse' towards conildenee in her
*tit o any -further; butit does Da,
silk has ty dently gone beyond her. /A-
tention, and ls passionately" voiced watt
!wreak:it, ha* ing done se.
!II*, °were' so well suiteitIo each
other," continues ' lint slowly, but still
gotiennisly. Poa$dbly Vs, generosity be-
tentes,inere -testis- 14 twos AKi*. hoe -
less 'is the plea upon which be employs
it, Is it',4 do not wish to intrude upon
,your 400114011001, but'inthe interest of
MYfriend you wili. idlow,not to efit,that
nmeh-is- it-41dte:-out-otAttsAuottAknr
11}pitel‘ guitar replies the mother; in,
painful exeitenient; "what, ,poorvlsoul;
is not out of the question for her thittk
bas any goodor hapPintts$ in itt and
that -that *tribrei than anything t - It pit
have any Ineroy,in yu,' 40 not pat it
-into-her heitiLthat-i
•oft At4a,noLin far e
cOhld not put- -it --Ogre, ;
gravely; •44.13Ut 1 wlfl not.: -.1 promLs you
I will not,*
As be Sneaks,
re w ea re
with ft request not to nrg�A ng
it Open Its object, and bow cheaply
erecter? _for: Inagnattlati litiat; 0001
,bought.. ,
rhat ,recifeslhe
Usti 41thillif 1 eV
o- for a; -turtd' ItOugh,.
wes filuek apperif • 10 -meet you
yet yoU need not soe much of her. Al
though it to Ifiaq
OUt of • ritind, wIth bee
she is very toilehtittilnented'by the ob.
*Ls around ber and !When, you ar�
dar ay you do not -mean
n I
nd not I *it 'es
A' in, her e 1 thy
'APO.; Om
ry4 the, hem beng 411ret
40_00h itio
11 hit' uslijiatanclit" itt pilin
l'the1i znyterlotis
sfterwards how
he g013 ver-titivlionOilliet-Interten:
dinner-Whettir sleep conte*- to las-,
Whether' he 13 atter'alt reduced*
to 0404 in tthe _ Court loutrial lite
and PrinceeS. '11ofity of ;Itattentairg' took
their welkin.' in 'October. OA at ..length
titer-m/400in* bell rLngs, 4w -swing $,-,ert,
.r two „rtliFea, the 'banging ,„.ot, the
wind, and". liotet*,unwontedlY
punctual, r .in sura -
mons., seiiret4
.ty exchanged:- word, • have eyed,- each
other -with :hardly- veiled Oistrust, nowshow.a'fevetiali„, desire to enter into ton.
,anOther atter
10 even1r advances, -Jim see an
,n antong * yotmger porUon .0t
npany to klittnOlt 4orat into Ito
littitttitS 104 'Duni
-tfie feels far from traposalb
1nk it. fititss Strutt' s eye IS on
hi nti,iurnh0 he wilt
l'ele one effort on his ONO beilitit,
desperittrresOlption. Ile 1
ikititehatirs etln their
es end her -.mother "a _burr
to, tell the *It Ilva
t 110,110 to go upon,
n4 10 keep lila courage _up
thecer wddrit
sr Iry to ,S, epool nrn up and ' ott!
.two St up in the.itir.#.catch
it falls t tit arounda 0 spin
abote n you do* /ou' ' Ai ay '
b your gain
libel*, or rocket -ball..
a .,300*.iilmt gt via *to_ ;q,) , . , i i
P*rjstbe - 0%
40. A*04,0
lien_ it will ...retain 4 _
naturaltnoisture, and when fed out (he
baf'wUl be lough, ,and,, Sett
anotna :which 'Is 'desired'.
It cloveIS left' 'unetit, as many -40*
.111-111-ebkly,i7-.,,ni ingtiriellb-orrht,',Iltbne°r,6;414n111
beoonis vztuab1e,''.1lart,S4are' 10.1 in tha.guri
„ishottid it be
ofrO ,vaIue -• \VIUK1 tut
;u tite eariy stages of bloom, ratildoes
shower and put - up - before It gel* 100
dry , ,
tit emirs° the ideal weather tor clover
haymaking should have neither 416w- nor
ram, nor ,cnitch. hot_aun,"_but the altsuf.
fielen.tly dry to, CatioieitaPla evaP901/90.
Then itwouldbe; dill/cult ,spoll' the
crept 11 nt, tntt tinte; but with *the un-
certatrities ok weatiter it ,requires con
starit watchtuineas to againt
the loss 01 tiotritutnt In saving Clover,
which 15 one Of tile raost vaitiable pro-
duct, on the -Sleek
iittp:tAit 1IOUB4 FI1 1'ge..0'
ance et ,
rl,hottrs, bpti.
an, "lot :lot; hogs which bave
la 'wait atter..thelf•regular,:-Iiinefor ted,,,
:44',•bew ,:„ciotty' theY".
t?aint. And what lalrfio -otthott
teat- nioestire of other 7.411040S.
a man' who' is-tegotar, in :his -ha
caltngat. 'vegOltiOhour, wfl1 other'
1hrng being equal,llitive -beat and to
itiest -and strongeisti 411,d'wbat i.
ok-• in this . rega#1,' is corre-
of-feedtng his stook tvgitterly And they
, ,tearn, to expect ite at° a regularAims ,and re..st patiently until' the
feeding period cOtheS ,13Xperts
writs in this directiOn'woukt, ,seou,satia.,
„pe.pan-of :the,
truth :or' -the value .01 regularitY7W-
eetling. ••
or: 'un.
quite ettfilOteit
mate one. 118 knocks an
tau Answers ,,,
elear hst.sho takes hlin for ititt,
'walier, Vribz. silos' rowans in
lie even akter ito lias•open
dnoe he doeSnot at first look. up.
, at
1- ..& otiv u Vartithit - 'Ma
lay —iL,flt hiin- UjlOtt11 1tiatliK4011
It,,- finds Ilia , Iambus 'to 40,40and Jitn',s .'uitence sutfleientlthaty pioves
w14s1t-IltAt Allobetii hadAied And. lit Is not going ***Ow..
e lc Ititeds , ., ,•sedueed. go 4)00,4:iiips° 10: O.
tti4 ie.°, 14 manitayet lite linie's Alt,- - • '
there ,is litaliatitY r • '
414i isideedt a,' 610 StWatiS -the •
. otetA,t and 1Mrs",',141",11/4teirchorit eiders ' Tlie,--nekt morning provei thelruth:o
Ler walking dresS, At the 'sight, ot Aril, ii4itss stroll's words, lliiit',..wo.nro;1,14 :
ft lank. which c'PttaihlY, 49 .„e$.0.0t betoken: green-bere'in Algiers,tor nothing:: I
004s -tire, thpugh goad lireedinwprevents, 'weether changes some, lino- after' dirk
Os rePresentiiig Abe, oPiPosite,* etltotioni Imo Wien. 8 mighty wind arises. 4411,1$
• crosses her Itandsottie 'worn taco. - slumbers are broken ,by 400 tact that
‘!:1 brought Air. tititgo:yite in here*, sornebedy's outside, shutters Intoiti'.looaa
licsi-4.:Ittri4bertr,Iii Wliat'Se‘iiiWriiiiiiiijite. and noisy sitrtigitt4 Th* $reat:21101 at
Clpit*I4 ext44,0114,4*'‘..'"iklictitisa :WO tattItt t top,01 the -hotel- SWinOs, •Od e0S1011;
---ilortlilir eiJiiif&liilirreilifTuTtliTiliifTx,re , iI ionn,.-.1if IRrift4iiiits- "4"lit,
— - "tilertioteir4wrenit- 7.--,siT71l -'-Villtifiiaitfrait; - .14-01(the
111We midi tong esrAt4 Wow, Wed. treen-ellea,1114US,,,' ilelt, alonepine-aro
Man arid Miss Strutt I" • . - 1 - lilt' ivivering snit stoopingt4aifore ,,the
,1 tkp not know What State secrets yet!, wind's taSh....:',The tan paint •.,b44'bre Mes4
fluid Mei, Ifurgeyrie, van, halm' to ',dooms: Ntsittnitt14:windowiwitti lts, fan alt
e, *onto,with,- s :,sh)-iwitta, pineteil . snit. 'bent 3 liti;;Atig
tourtecats, but iii 44,iteS, ;the flie gole One tlannot 'emitetve what Ibat
ng -anxiety. “Vdes, deer ciiildt l' niitucky Lropicai ins1utiiiori be twin* itt
- very trineh. ,obliged It you will thlii galley,' it ' :at
' ,bcomet upstairs for ille",.-,,,Itile-, in effort ,,,of t.e.lisort And wifl to realat
to , little tender overtures 'Ault colwietion ,litat tite otangea nt1 i
h, ,overtures that osnittd.lina 4 *relied upon th shivering tree UI.$teIId
V'$110. 4-1 410_ not ..1010,* I growing naturfillY -there. ,
tie yet ,161:itii1 4 114** 0*. "And this* lAtriel4 bootliiit iiittllur
, .,,- 1 , , -y, ',•-iira-to,p-iiitristif, oitlor -114bretig.
et In the Mille' ft miner, througlr whose
tr ter Unln her tone eh*ntM. thut.wIndowa the road ',Nail „force* 11014
'What luat.' ou b-' •tn1kifl about lo and" itiif blait*'emning to hit *et Stator*,
itt ,-,4,* elle inquires, idly; s' burets thew open now and, again.
him r .' i lintriarliotootousty Mhz, -fle
I cottlii mt"fielp At ; , atit asked hratigivtlio4ttorning intecatiywelt
?dm. ite Marettant Mr'ike er' benJz t Ilthitet.writin and tifier,Ifte i
bell, and gives ..littera a c,1o'k deuner he fateia the gale 11
nistio4 k It. ' the levrt., *
and, shapeloss"raatiosy I b Inch
reseriltive right to exp , •, the 4oftruue ot his wide *a ,
„ ,
•tie fel1..ute hicieus *mutts o
h t Ittf' N mornorit' later* .,am nre Iromendous in. 'Thit iii*path„13
-Ur' yOtt Will wideratattil that 1- dO, l'ill II ,, • li*ilatine* l',' ••
red $a-
m4'att .,, to, imply' any 111.wi1l -lo -oiti l',,- e woh I'. metotot, speed
and 10 -
It 'is •iintucky ittat we shotild .h*Yet littP- Ine. dowrr hat *keep incline*
tteit to Meet You ibetet it, timblv(litt: atoothotiyitates, end ell OwpienUM
. ,141:baLk le tors and alto was. list -be., Uivierlrowthi ,Airi iiiii,•Nnit
itining to pltik up ,her *spirits ailittle Ing.
*Old ehe-olid Ott tekt it otd to lwirtr
te as import'iu'it. 0',•4
'other, have been intelligen
0ittitleyt7iartivast7Mrii:iiive're4411irsni-Ilrso' ggiii?1,111fie:;41'114e.,
itsgrirvorteen---the-,fi'great Vitnui
inter' dairying, - and. without ,,it;
er;4. e
tairf• *0140414outo!.
when. eken ,with this meager ration
,th eows*searcelY paid -for_ Weir keen*
tlia*A to the greet improvement 'Which
4,43tho 7:0:11,0:4,004. 4:touolly.lit:ttoye, oln,hedeirivoritt::tt:ur
nkiht hoW-Ierge.4 part it .plays,
Ilte r„
IIPTEtt. TFACIIKft$ .All.11triti%
Third Chisir Certificates` te bo Abolished
.-Surrinter School* and trialtintes.
Orte evt,114+1,g
Ison. at the ,polare, \Ve lind been Mind.
ng- for 'nearly , -two l'unt
twit 11 itioSt-hirat and oonsiderato
the'.' uudiers,* but the visit of the Lng-
king-lwas, such 'au hortort-mich Tul. She, forgot to Sit 'doWn. heratit, or
o ive the order t 1'1
BY ,soino•• it is: suPPO•54. ltiat
ttviditeis, really a loss of th Coldi • that
The cud, ,is-;refl dxoppd frGm ttio
Wit and' that the 'anirnal not
the 11 1t3 ienea---o'ittt that he
-termer Visit, cursorily
'chiefly used aa en_v_Lt
d. 3 ok cudis not
fiLAPPelltit:. 0-
au, by *. the animal eaUn
dily ofono particular. teol,
in thhprin when it lios
GovernmentThe Ontario propost. to
a glic
Institute, WWII, will meet for it.few
days in'',Septeinber of each year.
100105 be asked attend-lhest
inalltutost which 'will conducted on
Professional Men.
from the of the.-.uew'urrnai
SchotlIs.' . F -
tettchefe:, cerlUicaks are
ti be abandoned and teachers , holding
thesu ,quallitcations are to begiven op.
tunity:,10 eouro eitVantett
exandriallon divided into
four annual' pet •
Jelin iSerith; •aptaking: otticially ors
belt °et the Minister of Zilication, to
the gathering ,of York County teachers
in the Normal &hoot auditorium.
°The atm ok Abe .Department 13 I
vendition of ;the teacher..purticnlarly
the. :Public 'School. „teacher." said Mt,
Aesth, Alt 13 telt, that for the Pot (en
or Hain -yeti**, this subiect but- not
had sufficient attention. We desire to
improve the qualification and the salary.
The, spinpubory. Patty*, of llietha„utotnhei.
nium.naiers 'has teen abandoned for ou
Ming here, all alone,
flyngT d•
'ho„be in% and at the nt
voi4o he looks up witit
h,it m your, she says in EL toW
lancing, rather apprehensively t
the. 'closed doer, which ieporates. Ahem
Wm, the inner room, in'a•manner 'which
tells, ititit' that her parents „are within.
x,itite"4#h :1-1/**141010eV,;'wuo
stienAly sinking to Wales -et hers ha
&idol to:him° askIOU 10 lend ni
A book I" ts
with another and
glnnc* at'111014hut Afoot; 44
Ibat they ere, ati
'VW, it le ot 111) conwquer
utopia huitily, unwithn
word* oI Ibe Intniortai Mr,
"11. dom not uuttt.t Itt the lout
there is a ,to$s o
comedy; the Jetiovvirig la
Powileted' golden
Un4est powdered caraway;
• n tine ounce;
berk;,.flive .Oltnerg.
Mi 'It, tllvide Mb o twelve dates and
y in..sort teed'1111 tol
are to.
eheistr m
• tt e4InversaliGfl With hini
0, railed forcibi
_ .
ilk, fed trt Conjunction with ,iteratriefif
intent ztation
tXiv' that kim whept" not 9 k or° Iwo watt,,enott poOnd
that 424; Pounds, skim' Milk
feeding • value to log
owtd etimeei, With three lo flvunth .
ItISSITL'he!Ffeatirilednig.' els? °1;n1kP;;14ichu
110Unds Alin' milk; sith-
orturtettl, , it, required'
ounds akfm nit*" to vita/ la *MOO
The -average Of al) the •,,,e
«Iments 13 that 47$ pounds *Mtn
r say OO, itt round numbers, Is euat•
*1‘impfled. we 7trriorii4 cav reeal;,enStiberlii tint, r
tister has re..,In,„.go•14,0,1tn,PYILL
eying their leachers well.
*461tintner seloOla are to 'Is he
Iffpo Jo, centintie.d, the uper
l'ioi'it laiking to ovol,
sr';‘1'1;11:etwattL'intilvitees:sin:::$:::401::41,410411,1;0,Yit.):;;;;Ltis:tilltil"iertdesttetik;411::::: 500
you are •werif but by standing ,So lorig,.
Sit down if only for a few- ittoments.
StAtt slava lit •frOlit,101 yeni"SO no one
his word. ity and by he wen up to
our queen': Vinifit he said t don't know, .
but she sat down, and gave the nignal
Nititott. her fait, which means that we
Idelied. us opt=1„ netinvieril
- , - _ _
ta4a0411,1:4itt:41144:1111611:rde:4:Ital'it'i:sti;111.1:}e'n.461-1"°I.::pollnon4r;.,:iet--i-u. iitIssvit4)Jraukt t„havt'°
say that ni4111, Whether. he is a- king
Itle peasant, who ,11Mos of the little
Ittfitigs„ten taloa tare of the big thin
Experience of an ntgiish, Officer vtlisi
bated and trained; Tito*
aiets by. •
another Is thktr abiiity to man.
* • with the atuatiest amount of tnsits-
Polit owing to ;the hardy outdoor 1110
and climate to WIdelf ,
loulodltt41:, to, , !Ito, fact that :they Itve.l.
1..ltruce iti the United
Two Other points in their favor Are that
'they ,hrivo n caste poindices„ and have
already- lcarncd tho-- virtue- of ---d&sciplino: -
-btforo they enbat.' Drunkenness ts. pow-
tleatly :tit own 'among thent„ but they.
'have the liatioruil falling of gaMbling
and Opium -awaking. • •
My • oWri expetlence 1ootInut to class
f irtjj:a:
itt tr b'eCti:altnnatrier de*Anlog
ntiny toys to open th
lutes In every ,eourity -whkh,ptofes.
*tonal -work wilt , be ,conducted : by mesi
o ewill be mode
for lha tenrhers to attend' these
tit day* itt ' te
lnlerywwed by the, News iconrerning
Litit ntionnpornent. bath' Iteri* Dr.- Pyne
and Dr* %Noel, said that,nething Nether
hePatated,at. the pn,aent tine,1 be
piens are now 'aviin/ Oavernment.con.
ltOn* •
'which hive
titildreti are
ti door to under.
Fizmnea3 bo
not only appreiat&s but
, that jq,', Once fie realizes, as,
boy say, that it is "no sine liVitry 010
Above all, he Sitimireir-atid will deiany-
things for theakwhoni ha retillzeis are try,
ing.trostisbly to. be ..just-fo,iiirtw'
'thee •titrelititile to la be set dowit„ es
tharigyr13lR4;0pittt0114 ittity.tilltero
Nly'-own is That -he tog it, or: wotild
exhibitmore did tr' theft
,' " e-hottikt
vani100$ by4itaett Chineee ,tmwritten
stimunds him make it -somelinlos
Whelover feeln10
'inay the-bettrt*-41,-IttOSO,whri
fifle itwaS. to go %Mogi*, the unique
cktol” 'King EdwardVU b
;endeared' ithn to , the hettrhi of' people
le of Endnnd as wI its 10 1111
own jeer* Ono' ot theattendenla al
o t-tteseribeit it re,rentrv
ol • h attd nprea-
ls.onTeo, of. Ott
13 an ,otd lady WhO, h IM4."
rourt ince her'youtti.
king tione. tiO mil
-wo, wore betnififix n.
I ornit yet 'theta was no tsttfty.
It. foil'. tq.0
it 'fit *Wed' ;our queen's hend.
t onby *tett „sic* thin tit.
Te telt ,tliiit114
tall* fo
lactiliti thing to •
11 511 come frni,MS' tient
yto that the Menlo
*lao trained them Will
hnppieit recolleelotts ot
ter,* amt moo
he blinding whitedelii� he live
tuts ,,b104 4.• lone ot abilest as, 000 the villaut that bad
ext isWerri'm fltroilietit had ssupleyed talkie* yeateritar with the 101410 spittidor
is quarter of en lout before, lit ,put- roc Itaaoeiatett with ; Ittke :city 41140 titaketta
0141 netirly. the mune question 'with reof and trialefid at as yoSiterikty,
SIM , :.*116 heittepeo, twin *be
°IVA' *he 4410* * Itt titled r; rfDPak Me4t14ianan it whiiesisig lk� bay%
Wo. Le, )40xthant,, iesi1lirit4 irritation= 'with Ma Seige'pairtalsers•
«llat bit,*Ili notmove„whl
Ii • fiat. *
, So -Aided'
under in
thta1I4 znak an l4at irI4.flwitu
ii scab *I141 yollot potato *eta i teat
Ibe potato' grower need* to Silk!
atie•total..014,4i trivot;
rtifteletio indiss4ty and totelli
crop: but it takes
•x4 jp*4joidgineat $0 *tit adv