HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-27, Page 3 (2), a , AN» CO it .1 1 1 *l,g fro ut Oir i 0 u Wt1 •r• IUb1 '„,, . , iz I. ; lsult, . flStitv.1hiprt,1s oft Uie.thti4 ,i at t4fl'w1ett )jMhl,ttII ‘; ittOdet, it'was•ei11,111 a 'it1tT'wander Yk - ,ana aa. .'1i 14)14.111er Woo mereIintattc t rt torpedo .., which, ha riannTlift3,-gt,yett Wt1St4)1tLUhUt7 1.3, present invettlion isthe-result ot Larnily-an t kk, Wthielt he uses is laid Ilat, 08 L. nutelt Ithe-a present railroad track imental ear %vas:six feet Ion' '*1 -io u Four wheels, Of th it 1 ..01",, tc'iit o: 11'14, clt WI 1), . A .4.14 . e'n vitoo • te r aft .L. „ k ; 1i i4 &t.efls„teae t at, gu4 ftI&:a r, latellige there; in_ t 'other.,th who j,1% • tTh�do 1ijOfl, whiol „What ,sitail we oay abotit the t401? What :41100,,t, 1l 'iv0r4•41. ' P4isbri4.atta,- 0-114%.' affectionsinordinately upOrt ,therit.. nny v1io love theatt 0000 'OodI. Yea; wo roust ooritess that • he ,idols ,f •-•fortune', • richt'; jnotra .t aiiji ittere. ,itra 'multitudes who itre strng,, harder to gain succesS.,in • 44” er litan Ittlryf it is °Any wor,ilt ort i4 Ut genie:** say$ is '"anylltilwg • ON% tket"Zeal,a2- awaoh , NVM fr it t uot-only .keep utT a , . ,- ...r I r 4*.-eoultt be , turn ._, . 04 08 Un'uto ' • inclined. a, little in. ittli-atij Witiii=iiiz-iirdfai— .,..._„.....„.„.........„..„...- , * Wi,:civ--: 1 • ova' a ppetLte or •thiNir 181 'tfl AV ki 1t grftarti, F.'01, anon o sittfulnes or the :human') WtoTi.vrort, .-Tervit of 14e0.404-0eMetIt.:44-rottett de eno. • • ^ auraart not• idols ttiet-ean 1mi:seen, 'fan :or* iheIrry. nevertit4.' $' ARE 144.,,L. OF THOM. the net dly success; w unnuttl--ef-our 'oft ti,r yourse1vcs ireaStIres lutaveo. Whe But h )(Alter Mt which Orals •-fon ok ardentatui an #10 tv. ',"1;;aMai.;;144=414, 9 hoot y ncierS were -acComplisheit by . the . gyrOcope' for • steadying Tho. gyneecope,.. whichevery knows as ,tt special kindof oretotorti been whit in lc tifle experiments; and it luta , luggcsted as an insti'u. Wblch Would •stetilyt, tahips during t One.. .,tit ea. -Mr, 'Drennan has pro. two gyertsoopes, their wheelsor In IIsc I 'vortical' piano. and their rotitiin tiorbioritat ids odel aril* ivera-se lEghtthey COW )iflcd out and 1teld to One bawl. Tho ,roflnCto4 o that 08).' angular 't lit k tin ,0•1 tiapjy. Bute, dol and lacciontes siottiVn - i alt'rv• itinotont 11;- Is in itaelt, . Oud, in, the, heart's.aUeetion when it becoines the-aulvaine thing in vvitert. it. 101,011areS .witlt the 'duties • Wo owe • to .Titerei- are theitsartil& upon-ilantsmads of ,people to -day 'who, •are giving little thought to the Wogs or Oe. sPirlt end paying .little ;Or 'no..attention to the cut-. ure,of the .soul becauva they are )01.1 .r with the pleasures, ot tlat J 1/ 1 v I IC • 0 me* t .114..-AW10-4 he 1 s wit*c eath id it 4) Odi .0. i4-6011161 k 1dobtfru ..teintenelts:- kw 1 ifay Jere • 1 Tit wth t1 ifl 4' illOt SU Itly t tinY tWkse allit,ot.15,14 'yiteo,C1-:Stri .0, " , I make tw lot NOUN* with -,deep hem cr 1, and you hay* .two id lace and insetitort,, tharted *tilt ru „ Ht t to, ; in 11 • t! itt 1 Kt, 11 1:91ft i t • i e; .1 a . , , .„ 1 • ' 1 Ott tilier'ini atHI jn- r41- up 'eon inaka stri ends- and, middle, hit or miss, or as y . hooss„. and $0 -AV rage in lengths, it e. wej A Id Vilk Utit k 411 • kvoi. XitN.:5, a It .44k er. ring lhe gusM ft tt, chattel t 1 Ole stateitten ot it. Iri tin" ft 4,1 w It '0, 10- kte, 1 r al a o 1 Cr ft, ra It tkin '1,04 o Ite -t•r ta.t ', I tneirt reality at tiutit-art(r tZt it' 4 es, aCttin .kt .not to % ht for , persons, , having ii.,onseitsitious ..Pio41),„•;atty..4spiville, polut,ot 1141411 judge rashly those' who ditto fon em on .1.0 Point irk questiOn and who 4IUIg&' thentoetv,in 4 'e ter 'liberty 11 totrxittit t 3tristion vi loe roacter-visiom-theoI1e 11Y i 04,11,4 113'; attoilier's ewuce T 11 I partake with thankfutoese, why ant 1 evil 'spoken ot tor that tor which 1 give thenks tn. nook °,0 4,40 tied of the fleYie41 Vu - 0041011o* e • l'esserif',*iiing0; The: word 44100) once!' means, literally -f-outtoreSt-- litt,*44-X0 Itenclos -that' are ter. .O4 The thou-' who know littre or 'nothing- Of , see_the Altettiands . who 'aro gdo. Yint titeit` tiOtOS by their sins, the $);1-4*,t(teling, OA arose to PattIV4eart twist, be aroused la oursr., WatitSt be -Ora And Inspired. to do ,something. Save melt from the idols *till* de. atioy. the sonif' We -.must strive lo bring themto a .1;uowledge, of the "One who BLV,es,c • - '30I1N- LYON q,AtillfiLEY. , ti rt Itt t (U1'l,"Ctiofl (Ito rdinary loy ;Yr. la ogle, trent Ps point of supporVit tends awing aronrtd 1110 point aupport. , ThLs retction -fa what.nd ALL: grt for it oar 100 foet lo Mr I)toVides for .sbt giitoopes etut"-Mx_ incite*, to diameter, ii:,•ttret te'revelie:Itt, 1,000 revolutions': .ininute, Dunning, in • a "vacuum .11 le goo:041)04. ..,Antlin.d...of- „gist. electricity or oil -- 'd, . ,Ittiottitio ',1* 0;0w.0- ttt htq prlfldpl4' is ..right.,- Do has 'next tether any intportaitt ',Montt oj, note/gory for larger ears. 'Ldevice-Tuitit7,1rb given ilie rai'tIeul tet itt tortipeti1101.1 with . our tyle. et -trains, It Is , tee earit.te rodiet. th,ti the final de4is1en..w111..be, ' 'aratriWytt,1-6- tow it, and it use utter ratio where...speedy • ' Lite ,tered s 'rink rr i*iws. Onions. pat; 'drippiflgtO 1 an gravy, and' its lent when served coId, Tirop *logettter in alt, saucepan three tablvspoonfuls -butter ,and tour% ot flour. When., 1 ese. are' 'blended Pour Upon thezn hait.pint of batting' water and stir • un- Itt *irk and .40109111; fold four, table: ,, . pooratuls of grated -,c1WII.4'. 4.4,tosh f 4„P.r11_, celery ,salt antra, Plott ef cayenne pep- 4111101,0,00.. :remor.00.k.v.0%,..stliri4rrirrilogitittoonstAflre,n, tlY• 00141' %.,/otidr,,hrl"Sa.der • v minutes' a eased_bakin so far'apart, 1 .each -other..- zi is ArrXe K7' tn;_241; ...'„feretitpiass • -7'grc 11,04ranstallini leaftlieArtieridttit shoat t ftevisio4 Intakes ActS 25read: reasoned Of -righteottattetfi. and ‘raelheentrol lames *Votsion lemperaricel, and the Judgment to Coto”; •4!ellx .wits*.territted° (compere also g Pe - Tho -practical- oxiterlen$,-of „mart,, , kind, lieWater, has • dentottelte4. the fad thet' alcialualte, liquors, in evory,'''forni: :are •Inest. treacherous heverage their ittilueneo th0 'physical organist"), •ilven when 'moderately 'used; being .10 Mato.0 craving, for strong *kink. The ...element. ,of risk, llterit,oral, even for the,-.41totierato driniteri is: greeter .thati prudenae war- r,nts • one in •assmorn44and" the. only 40 '0,41tirs0,0 esperlettre,,ha'.O-lithitattaitt--. V :Proven, is to betouttd •14.10tal absti crtrAotn 1.11e.• 'lIenee-,thae.• 'so t tiMorb 'are * 'Op t 006 14,'Iriettn,::410tat. apostleS,,- argumentitt „inoOlt.P0O. attack:- t1011-11 ok Jr- ettehinC1* ',- loth 1110 PILIIOSOPIIY and'practie If -restraint 'and'inoderationin swhidt pertain. t' „carnet 'jar s •• _- ph .1. vasiltfl_tipOS. tie 1 'ett: v bad minded 'the Chart Corinth, .ike rigraVition, Consisting, partly et,..Teivs arid portly of •Olilles. • _As waS natural Inn °twilit', city, many of the. meth *41Welturelt-had been but reet4itly. froni,:kkittatry.,;..tinti,-,10-allt LIT 0.4100I1*.---thcrc'fore, - that many tple4litins At „arise • on ,Which the .l'Jewish1114'4110 tientile• 1,00011)0„ re01 flie church would dieeltreo,;; 4000 else: that, me• disorders should'.oreep • into the practice of lite etture5;. 11000 of IWO ..disagri,..4emettles and disorders rattehlif,„J 1 le *10000 _nfter_:Itis .derarlure from tor titia-,-prolnpteithinvto-virite-a-tetter. -adMonitiOn and totincil 10 the rt-cOnverts. The„ letter 4,016 'written, probably, from Ephesus 10. 10.1;pring- of ea • ("It Pe Peri *MI add, 1 _ PrOP thes_ at --i*y xt. shot,of browi YfrY Rare Orra., forts. : ri lice . their duties nOrl,..00d eat!, tt antlia the apptovol of 1 arta- the-adinitallon of our itors. d i• sir ilow„ard Vtacen 4''>u� V iratit , Hn-4tlgntton at rtl n ISIS; and litts, a close „The wort& I! the truncheon Kit views 1.'Titt tlit whOlo,r 11,0a f‘'S0041RW $4.10M h lanlY weapon our ponce n OUWr *amities Alta IVt', 1)841sotnetitnas savant ye41r *g Orders mul-aL oe 0•.* very ntt them were.44 •intiny''as •1 Ifl 'a year 'in London. I pork* in ettett,Atatiort, w'ro'd to 0* ,* ty,' of the nten t wetild Involve In prat'''. world Mut it say rod 'with rWuliIV *n 1' ry than erre here poIJeenien of g' physique( 400,Ilia.Pritt i..stant* would a' VI* tib .4....14".",•/,116 • *V * I are etriO4 t 1 * C01I. 1/10,1600 •1 US • Coca Puddipg.-1loii f bait Or milky pour it OVer Sig .oUneet; c.t brettilartottbxnibced Witha labia- APoontui of- eocea six on*nces ot sugar,. and, ono lableapo4ntoi ot,Vardll nave Add two beaten L"ggs. Butier- lairt-mouldraift-auger,Oyer ,ttr-P9u the 'tobtione, COW with, it buttgred Peri and eleam for one. hour.' 14 '.with -a- hot- 'custard. flavored itelicatery with „„,Mtittoo and -Potato ruffs.—TakeOnC Pound' Of bolleCnotaiees, add to ,these over' 11uflre one otjnce 17 -els 4110044f; on. and PaPPert and ittkc "all into a stiff paste. -Poll this out, edging lit a little; rtouri, cot, Itioto ca mantis, ani dace on •eacti IR •4414It 4)4 it highly seasoned. to a bell:And ha Mg 1 a try ,r011,114- rt. in'deeP 11 when 'Ued i4 'tapped pars1y. a_ atnall atort-iniriced-vie and int,popper .and •salt. :Stoat 1,10s untib thf:, .seabotiitig 4, OOOkeit, then tidd 4.10uP. tot of ;tonic and a :little flour Va thicken ihe vilgtie. Doll tour ago hard.' awl eut Them- . ab�uld Make,..tive flive .beth ;egg* and '.1t,tioa, a, • boil up, and,„serve. .•-piece.• or; buttered, tottSt. • A -064)41---P, lain take NViditout _H41 Per this ilte required Ingredients are .' qunrter Of it -.pound, of 1nittor,'•0110 attr,* Itartartot a pourt4 rater ugar, poun Ia pint- 'ofrooleVntilk, •ter Ot an 011,10,0i‘ kOtAllafi011alt of Sod ;tub lite butter into the ()lieut., Add the sugar attn. curtiants. the. whole With cold 'milk,* in witlett first disSOlve tie carbonate of ,sotita. The ea* sltould .-put into -the even as,44)f1 IL'L "Mixed, and it iH lake' LW0 bolo* to take, Rhubarb *iltl Stone cwam. Thi I 3 'Very 'simple re•'. wit 'time thot rbu est alistiol halt ouric' * lilt water. Tak. ,a button 4.1tice,thuharb, wipe it, c.ttrefully„ h • eut Into ,two-inch • icnglbs,„_arift. Atte *cared buin leee'lot-t* 7 i 4 it. 1 it u ta Ott g i aline .'stir 1 • 1 ide °fill:red& , thubarb di'th ltrtngtflg 11 its 1;Oat • Pont at' oVetil, 1 StuffetI . ready r1MtIng plot ot bcet, Which Iaiishut) r, several altiya. lit a. sooty „glut. ‘11tIg as° follows: '/Wirice an onion. and ttound ot fit bacon, with savoty tt0rhs,,, *tut; a 'pirteit' Of crletyw.sell, i1epow41eri4d Oktvts,'Itad.allapier, \Vork littanongItly logether„ and bind -with at ogg. Lily _the heat 'in the pan Ur ,which it to laa mailed, and with * *harp (knife matte .inclaions on It; *tick the knife dealt tato ottek a84,2twi4't,11 ound so tt.s, to make lite plat.* large, eL'ugh to 1)014'1*. stuffing; Utth• the. tr with, dtsolved ljulter, tiredga t,ith gel Set souk water t* to* and, pit in tite riven. Allow a, irter ot Ott h(ttir '1(0 tlith, powt40 Mune ntstarttlyand dredge Ofl moot, 111ksor., Ik-t j)44 WittltOdk filo rOakti 'MC** thil 104***V140._ biscuits aj)tlffttd done, rexnovetbepn and browa thetn, SIip a thin Us late caretitily.-•under the IGOSeIi frotri-ther panand rV - ,- Its...they-soon' f_all. 4 - , • ittn tat noiirc,- . 'piltshing. foam* add * 14 vinegar -1,o the polish; lids Will get 1 'et t -dead oily look se often ' noti , en Ma• king a fruit 'tart, ahay IOW slit in the centre of the ci t. either it -straw p ne that, the..Artt _ Moir ; • 1 roily a sign of tho •usuaratintner reat.appotra. Melt Some rasto,cand addt. widi soft, sweet make. it *ben' Ad 144 Iowitn t,--1,0-r-onstA•enot-,of--ttons Spread aito%tt --paper [)11K' Itt -convenient, ploceS. The, pltper wili•soort be 'covered' •%%ii:th ran, he bona,: •- • „-• To, Visguiso the ,•TaSte of Cd -Liver tail,••;-;;Wilh *deft ounce of ood.fiver „<ti loot belf teaspoonful Of this mixture: *IWO: ounces- Of tettion u1ee, on ounce -stilithInie Other, atut 10)11each.ot gan- get", • eitivest- And carrawa(s, finely, d. Sorne pie- Substituttl.pep !LO ?Pan/ Ht13/t 'lo Ck'an r or washlngend 11 d tor Mut,. t, v II bethataticti. Ttst. It* itent f Fal.' Frying put lil a ibm Slite of U 11 t *hills you ritti-roun the 1*1 Is bQt-eneUgh, for rat,* 111,a1eria it you count forty, it, rght,•for food Ple"tcooke h al.rtin—fteirtea.' • If t4enty ot fat ar ' • • • 41 • , • 10—Thisre he surface] td oft, will 1,1 1' Welt t , wCr ibe existing then cus at o fdols. Th vlut a tite tritiatiatia; sider not onty'their eivnitrent in deekl ing 11114,-questiort, biti-''Iko welfare: Of othera- isof; And this . comaidertition and. impart for the,scruplan 01 tiOterti; .and the persit.tent ende*%or 10 av. giving-offenstr*lo,'„Inn'intako up the principal "part ot tite apOstio's exitorta tion,:which4s, at once it *IOW of 'Orb.- rtAitierty mut a warning:against ,10 t .4'40 of such Utterly:. •• 11.. All thitigae-...lI the, tolnIs .and toot** nr notion lender 441/11to,; telaWmer her MOiw not'ex wise, eretrantributliv nd always atti tare - tine away Itr future, Your umiture. test , an 'Wee who' 'undertake Ihorough loaning quite fergef siduoitiptilat. ele4 that; 'bed, labia, *rad --do- er6 rimttiting the same ettot tioL This, 'biht ettorgleit to is a greet tiing the how, ,sind ,hadsteeds# mangle, etc., will alt move_ without the 1 ity ustatilly experkonOed; itt feet, WM' *wing on their1 Mkt* ,Turn *hie oti it* side, tend oil, the'Phis of the otakettst, row OitY. -r butstAt potottits • moat whilt kits* *minor, statist* hv 1ayin ifooknreetat ot '4a* ac>tt Ver Hera, thint vatting y *041, aeits 14 w , but not aeon*. Sof,. hot **Iris the hest t sortioerolifil IT hotel hick Muttt beep plata. lag tor taksaor three cloth absorb* the 04011,, the 2010$4*,W* fititit Orsr0r0i11 *Icy. s*"‘itill toe rhLk1rn,., t'utehlt.34, rr Tanortis white camissio plonks*hitt mad with ruffle of vateneietarte0*ee serii4100, 1141001414. ittatt' Otlit itOtairg Itt tai0; loallatr 'ay 11 h d • ire , 1011 4' t41ity-1,11.,,bitild up. Our *attain ttniS ,inelades, the ti&ouglil o atilding.up,_lbeiaphituat iI)f the, 1111 11, 4041 Intaulding P. * 24. Oleh hist0f oh" nor . r * Att....ara„neceAttri I 104).tratislattott 141 of ,eteernasta. 111Es votti e '8014,1 tite groat ittmisittertlat prinefple 4"; Christian life, whkili that of unsellisit and acit-torgethil ortdee In behalf. Of .4111e.. • _ 1610,1' titifstk)1$ of *it*. :in buy g a piKe If ,,rAtt front itor„public men, the-Cortuttifsn cotild-not ,ectieht 1144.het the meta had not been tits 116,004 IA an' itlett, U, irn*r ter Ilia.tarlesil to 1 1 itrtottto • otriviotY their pedant of the hes t senile 14111w 1 2* The !earth 'is 11)6 ;meals ant fu itatoireet-Jettite possibly :* 00.0. rinotaikaw frnfl Psei. 24. 1,*pith WIIICIt he apostle 041% •.„.1YrtittinlY tatinliar. Th tire voie in Isaias, tenth eh's, .stuf tits, hitt 141114 tory fot Diable ° t• W.* •., s. , 4,4 i ra rtti• i t A , ott , uhr tii iN*.Pitt . '4t Xi1t1 `r. ••1 n',ot 'etc mit stitcher$;,,, Its Character, '13,1 "-liVery ;into .who. r tabrOldtry node • is tit 1, •t"t t. • oath egioringss. tiod1o1b104. !among the ktv%.1tett things of Ibe yL'ar Olt be Ilia tiota Chine gowns . deeply, bordered wall ft C.,ttioe floral design above a. pronounced kt. • a 4.• Lak, V In 1;11. win them$ • _ ndiffereneet but there' are No which conceit:4ply ; lends fishu o 0"t ,'4 4 4 7 at kin or? •' r oh wUh ;a of ing- • -the same princl. prooding verse. othcr• to sharable hat person to firO an ;economy,- sinee-t no extraneous derma °OW orleee about, uee1 ancj d 'not the filet ,or eoaratt tut. -bon* .0ft 'applique, or.: atimpi face,-fritowever, capacities 1 adanahle. - tier, aetion for 1 e'S 1."-otheos; 'The ,ter dIvsk,n, ok P00% letter at this point unfortunate, Uio.ftrst verse ot the 1.101, otraptoo .belertging, PrOPOriY whit what tinnediately -prociNlett.. pOverse roads , yo intilators,•of Mei oven as ; ant niso• of puod.o • UOW TO E,tT• A •0111AN01ii. VOinent Vay to 'tortoni' ,tands. flew is ori-erange. to be eaten Ls the Vont that •• Harlin Writer tries to bOlv4 by describing Uto, customs 'Of var,;,- kitut countries. A gritropy ord naval WU- Arts ',quoted as baying!, «1 prefer to tat 8)1114? In a _bathtub?' kat Atte :wttialt -,•testrains 'Iuinr person.s• from 'aitacidng . the in ptibtic.: • • !Allan •Attloia ' orange 1n the, moat tit r•fa t' - nation., idolater, Skid.* .y thatlisreit the , 't 4,40e.,00,4011r1V1110104441/4044 no t y e nd drlpping flngers ,or :11-ittat„,rit'ittnii,1.,ht0 he ini yshiti _r bos ntbarras..tut area o c. -41 ,a1X irort4 a , ;am Unite - ne, itibt iieutiI.., 1H4 - With - finely ittakeid while- -Malaita- true. . • . „, yed lace has reappeared ;upon the smartest French gowns and Is • greatly used_ ter "the___--deteration et. ninon or thiffon dres.sas. The thick and heavy makes of lace are the moot batistaelott when dyed anii, should be of rather ,at. ihenitel adse$4.4.gttrottilift.h1Ooetnire,, toeascciervilm,enti.wite: butterfat and terms most decorative tends for the • fronts ,of loom plain , skirls. Lace, for borate tinkitown teaslan • dyeefirt, some colors'better than others. And fortunately takes the,soft intitionea of, '.cotar quite. as satistactodly as the _ 'under shades. -1310e01,13rOwtt and grays are Itte,:toA0.,lioforts...,tr+ ...d*Liace .4t greatest tatirittifet be -liken theithi Iueo is . of prociaely the Sanno•sitiode os• lite Owl), or it -invariably has a • cod. , affect • Witostever pot-, "It tie:*.dy,ed, Specially.. roc: 011 - Ain, 411n11)IO onotity0 13t he docsnot swal. the flesh:of the, orange; only the jUICC_No. ,consideration . Of -table Ana 1ieta/AVOUldo.tadue0 11110..,;111 tax to, ,st0. tacir•Witti the.fibre atter 'he bati p Vitte‘sweet4ess, bet*tenAtitr hrirriplear.,:cotmtrics-:-,et, ',Spanish; -America erecredited with a Manner alt. ; their-own:et solving the- orange .propost. titin,-1701r-froit is-ol thelltin.slOrtncit, lOoSely 441teetug species. An 010001141 i firiteJs'Artrot about the .00.6 ,*itu 4., dertoks$9-0t. -tottOt that aVolde all .the frUlty pa • The skin is then turned 411t----to*tard,thu poittr-regionet....:-.1n• .1 orm ..an Inverted cup. 'Then 11)0 h halt stays, ot'nnge is cut thmt haltolo.d ;oh the,,to luilds cell:Lehi) -in*fle.- lli'st having t •11 11 0 t-i-j.t u oral) spreially P it saw edge." Next a 1yerga over 11. Ito are•dug out 4) *AM bitter ,fabtic41tt4. for tt orango -spoons. wittt „it). 41,10.,1; Itorthliterhoo4liedranitgoett. thin/titan Odell atones -for' the 'Ilea Attesting it Willi Ong -4r; This' 4 4Is .WIttareti•by 4;1)1'01)011e ttrango:, ughly, cvtvty particle of th whlte Iiitlng lito Oftt belt! Veti*, it' is tut, 'Ito at banana' art& ,a(tti s or iee1 pout.- it nuty be flavored with allass4)1 alkerry(i)r .a little ruin or with it 4141,11 4)1 ttairaithltio. ;The -..fragratwe end taite of ito„.14,4 tnittitiettiritits tire re icy 1? the' soul' In ignmer,- • on lite 'table whole.. .No • Man;14 In ,Ciarntatiy the orange -la tistuilli man ite6"ill*, Olf1.604'"e-tkatke‘1441PTIY•bljortt *6"*,,,I1et 014"; partner, extricate the, fruit from, the Skin and, share it with' him.' The Pert -nen way Is to inisa the niilt kinle tinit. :orange L10 311' the other itateral, 110i*, dirt; Jew awlions. then MrIpiN.cl befit like the 1 1 I I p of Jo 11,11 I nly Ibe jul 4f:he at tack ni a s nO ('*11. ittis t ,speetally p in Ili:jIliurdee'fron't ditillitki ore ilirt little (11 11)1' aromatic, i"4 fl(' This is 0115,444 with watiT,, ,e4to eTt'41rreMit*hrhfol f 4184 lu°e 14 litstilt: hes' -it*. tiltarht, relti4tet)1 rmstt rmpartar. ItInttt If, is „a aittbkl, 4 palm, intro .4.4 nits ;navy ,nigtat, helot* *tint( *414(444 tritest be ba gia 11 10040. 4 a lor 10-throngit the th'y---flthitrosttlitiol. ale" 11 4 '(ton and all thei- tal*attLio They also Are . • Iha tr UniSh„dosi '• are to be ha 1 a kith.: of trIpd design, • k4 • D1iMLS OF/il.Fr:sourr \‘' ';low many ,n man bave beenottyt.. lel,' at .pea., reganling many of Uztt kIetiuIs Of it shirk waist, end it is ow' aose details that the saceess or 'ill success of the garment 'depends.. in iho hot place toucli better results -will 1-).0 obtained. it the material, .1.011i for Atte_maist-szEtitte_bittabee lolintng for the cuffs- and neck band, *are well shrunken before cutting. The. , ingjn the sleeve alwaya'sltould Let "lh. c cuff; then,possible to epot the Oft is to „3,ao a link one, tbe hero on de- of -1 t 1.4.4 uU. ILttze utf 13 .080 tit. *, 11 11, that, it, Syr n' a lift* atoned the front, ututer •artit. ;Often: it is ;ortly.xteetswy •to ,b4rrt4h ‘tha Arm,. holt * little. 08 ttt* t,100i0.: 00W t.h6 under arra, where curve* Ittotd. Thew.„ always' Is .40,44 ger of culling:an .ririu „hole too low;••• and 'perSoft is. not Skilled. in dress. 'snaking, lite, safest:way Is 10 measure. the itrtrt kite. then draw a new 1180 'ttIiere yon 1.1,11uk- it Heeds' to he opt, le* the line Ei 41 g904 . 'The 4 of titritStirt frati- mutt if/ end ogw' mnd on' - hall inciteit:'inore than' t tha neck«This a1lows7lor the laPPillf. tuttOti 1 in - the UPI( „of; the'aaatt4 Weld b o t erase, and, atter ,one been ,out fst the -band; r4ltEt- t Ittionokistk: ithe tSktto!t4t *411.1" t 14 hole, so it *Oche' pwi 1 t «1p Of ,ihtt, bat' :Should lie. Pt., the' • 11 , 7 t 4I4 • fle----Iltert it It *tattled the 1 "eis ' • . nd you 'Are s ' trtf, .perfoid rn ti -040_ both, ptoililited ta to *kinkily halt, ‘, it*, 1 trig lite 111111; ot ittunan hand 11 01, . 8r4.04111r*, "So; the Ariatt.' tg itn(i The other ,:foo 11)141* i'oratett ts' sin wants she idea 14,L,:t*Itai1ta4'400. 4011 Thi d**sal worth. 1**,t414' , 0-0 4 •