Exeter Advocate, 1907-06-27, Page 2 (2)t . 0 Airy, A • A r •' 1. Ji Aelted.,4so, sLVliave root ited.4 tit io such a4kr1ti e r1, AAA . • „A. r.ar•••• A .0116.A.A. Sii• sk. ; I'S VOA r ht nhti n'nre,4, 0111 84'.1,1111143tV: .0.1txt.Way t1iing. when - ul, 4/10layor -•-$.16.tallt"..i.111)LifsfPa t riUig t re is not ,stillictept. . 'That Vern- oP A4ei;' A A.011"' 4 4 k ifl s t r 1 C 't -.'rezet 14 • 1.0 4111111 1.-%414(11'.61ttipt 4vtt!Ye- 4' an 'Perikt. ry, but me'1avingifl. thel4 t ssoldiers..• ' , •- *711171:: *'''':;67.7t11).71,11:Z1704:17147 t,OPITO 'Oirl • 44.) whiolimittreattna: arby•Cartal.-:-Ite, thottor that the, • itawever„ 1 tat tr ve rt'sulted see‘Ve gMer iutIe$ while. -r a cafe, o e r 41WU a t . . • „• . 4,1,4 fria .ratA 011610.114,A.4 Aro' r • . ONIVEN WS ITEMS oTtish 'till •St4t e 1,6011 v 4.01,lri e•-' ; lec't --lneltjaw riOay, Ast.ttli ,"tstf.Oft:: fertisty_naii.. , " w WO in 1) „ .429 a: ref& City; 1,3ilulte -1as 1 .,(itSbttlitc(1111.0i1,iVe to inves.tigat the, Nous*. zunty-Counrit*Tit'"flutterin-traNt i14stiflati011 of the. admin.- 'four-yearsold Guelph boy fell out window„ ot.t Saturday. 2ittok1000,1404-,M*4 'N.Vrectang" defitrilianY of 'foist A I11 111140,101ib it1 raise the frid., sunk to the. vieftlitY •Or 4,444 'Arm Is A ;•")),•A tl•Or ...AAA 0, r wed ;to le ,A1140A4t. !dim 3-, wa baIwo three men n 1 4 ' I , • Narbonne aat t)i' tow' hI tJtIaae was' -Moscone* ITADLE clook rotating. in tt - Tnd T=ArrArr Arr, a' crowd dnvng a 4 , vitirt kicks and - '1/1 'Aift c(mpann- dteetivu iMitit the chvrnists to ',11 own hall, ii the Lion 'steps of whk-lz were -,ti,vo offiCers and many shifters; The Wan.. asked the Captain: .to receive wottraled" deteetive, whereupon an 'order Was given, to the .soldiers and -they tined tiP*,. ready:- b4 Ore. The meneris 8,Vereastounded and tinned 'to liee, when at, least tlity shots were tired. 'Into 41/10, reSeners.and litecrowd fol,towing 11‘tion. „ military authorities at Nartionno hOc. taken -the 'direction of everything. :Troops Occupy 'every Street and sqnsare. irresh. 1.troops.. are arriving Mere train -Dezters.s.'Tboloase and htontaithan., -- Faicrn 11jistiOk ;leo --Was:,1114.-seene of rioL_, 01..k6*..:_41tOtS -the, disturbances, then:411A so rged Ifl 411..dirtetions, clearing thc „alret,s arOund the. pretectitre andgle- .inotislang barricades.. ,Notody was — 0,0.14,1? • 40.•4:41..g...,,11.:4;1:0 • r. nutin hid to 1 tO t ist- utt ..e *s.i log 'disrietsot thc tiottlf,C.Men...o1 th ' farary had in 'the -1)011114s' and y. wa8-4eCelVed-e 4t nar1 gr4 ined1he . A &ars .s a P. V 11 $J. 3 to 17'04 rt., Um' Gni in &nits APa V 4 11 d haya t 0, nod he eoleiters ita4 . toryz'artdway Pion_ ridges ca -h. At 'first the routto-- area' they 'W-06 oottig'10.• boone • loilf the Cuirassiers who, had Rio populace thew, but finaily hey marched, through the olght,,, 'watt drums awl lAtakss .playing at their (a(1, to Dezlers Where- the tna4Ority <11, thew, 1114 been lecriltted. ond vVitere they ar- -rived at 6 on friday. moottrig. „, Alt remained at Audo; or- riVal• „Beziers the Mutineer.% endeav- trell turn- i:egittient which. had zqaeed the Set,,enteenth, 'ont ,of lora . this, .they at/por- e 'Came to Totalize the gravity :of theict Outwitted, and prOpose4, -to, de - condition_ that :ItO 4 1 - felted a !lellCeau Int e fepri. - ditionse /and that esr.:„4.0 Cal,ti,net folly Aps, action. AAA,AAAAA 1. 0 Nlites*A0Itt** toe s' rorott1 and 01 INA -.2A-ilesPateir frOntr days ago an einpiqe Lpartment tatted Illartineau tappropri ea borne blank checks- of the deparitn.titt. filled then tint,. kir. certain :tattoo/A* ,ifaged....lbe names, 4s,f • Mei:. on '•,ett,Shed thttrt at the b Obtattletti-..som •$70, , and notr.. .serving. the pi ltentiaM- At appears that Isom& one w s net .30,1 known. has been f I- . Ifswin rtineau% daring forgerie.s ard- bec success' ed. to ilte. bate ,ar, • ftw litlinired-441o1:ars. it has frit leaked out that ovia:;;',4- dezt.1 - blank cheeks - 4.170 bon stolen from lilt Inland" yes.1)04tJtnent AVItttn .11w then ' VIS"*OS'itatidtrttOaTtlf.:5, ;Y-14 titcrics, teitt Deft/re .11 et done; a couple . he blanks. had ao4 the obtained.11 i - ' MO - not loiwn.. The nais f the offci- ais were for*d. To allay suspi n• it .Pald' that the cheeks v;•ere eashed,on' 'the; 1St and the 15th of the month, -Gov- ernment pay, days Stt ,11)011 niet. In- tr road: at LO0',Ilost, X od two Vontad t�ibftk n 4 * HAN erapIic ntn EHth t- ati tort . Its ifl 1 1 I 00 :a1 Jt 13,s'' Vt.; • 4 1111 .411 with:heaclquarters Wiekett, ii young •inn wn 1svid by 111 -in tr'f-roin a yacht on Stnrday 1404410 loronto bay. Ile atbabeglittio run tl;sotte.;,yrtcht, dpOVV11"10.7se wos Two tir4f,saving-Ootions oI tbe mos efltcient type wiltlao established toossthe rOartli she Wort ''Prince f.44tord lainod this seasort;. 'Next 'year a' thirdwinter steauter,,•••the...toost...powerfUl it is Pos- etae. tektio,' rut to rim between the island and the. x114411014- e 113.1.4:is suffering EA'I heart trim „20- D;ot.sttke•li '13nitITAI 4 411 • - • •••• )", , - s ; South -40/41-0. 4 sehente otunirorm rate anee pt'Tsarols.. Vti) "ST 4$4itt- it ".1.4tteg.7 MVO Selintitz an e been removed, tram A- .fabulously rich silt* thin; luts. reopen 4ralia.' an r the Wrtirey.s, Oda .1 IUi , i" • Mirity 454, 'dA, to •53.,Ne-- s NO. '2, 79c to $0 • Due cos o ts rv 'Arr t 3, T. e r; o - .4:41444r44444.41'...• 41....is••••,14110,4•41.441ruir4.', • I #111 )104,i, 4 -utgt . C. t s vith- a. po -Alike*" ttie dis.9olution of Parliament, Involv- •1:11-1:s":.arr;i.1117F.sot3:14r1of:y1Latesv111::::00311.1)11$1. 4.14:hui,turi'dlinsutlittratIrisa: e. Plistililtnit-71 'Ih indrcd, egisfilareum'eadti ullitv:e4otris.!iiilettfrtrtitlelly ttained,,,..sossesfsion or their t . •tor of loaded Cartridges'and' then otarelied to the, camp ,gattotr0 and fired the air. .„, ita , • r 1afit Istlt n§,*4$.1r, o,- . 40;k 40' ArAAA, NT 'V D AU; Ar, ar .1 17 1 ...I.?, 7 _ 1V -ie. -for _large„,i,ind 13. ni 101) here --17e to -1816 per -1,1ozen , ti,11! LA: - 14'4 untl 4 0-$1.40 ofa k " f r 6 t lots on" tree r n -Lo, .$1,40 ..r , ," , — -tt s. ay --$14-4 15 for -No. 1- Um- . and $1-2.$0 to WO for hecondary grade . .Baled,StraW4--Pirin at. $7 to. $.74..)pe n, in 'ear lots on track here., ' .. f. t.A.- Frm all (verdistriet report , the Tc-irat destruct -of prOPertY by e bush.. fires '4,hich,are raging -in every, section are pouring in alid, the lows. are; now ,rearlang astonishing. proOrtions. The;-Pire-14--tkiNV-4161. nroft-tharr-V.Ventit- naks_.11•OW.1111.41.011.....'„Oltd il.it'iisettiers,-*110birts. and. Pitty.tair, resiti- tng $'late ItiveriloU4, to teual were ort .Tuesd,ay • total -W. destroyed, Alto .ownerS getlittgt-Out, With liartly,,,theft. clothes Oh, their backs, -They are.in.'s and the Meat retie* Sticietych 'Op? plying 'them with clotheslt . „ Practically ail telegrophto coornmunica-• liOn. W been out off by :reason of the. burning -tit Itlegraph,-,t>ote arder.,- et otraelers: of„.this.11aces. lost 20,000 ; 11.-StVeg 64T -tines 74',11".tattir „ 1 it 11 peasant Iotn. a n _Saturdriv3; ;leph. fs:blehester was' stator, and other wen ere uncenstfloits by linnet from fat, #4eil in the -14 waterworks ,SaturdaY. 3.. . 4 4 we oop and People nigt A I AP, the system of i.tov --Whittled- byt..lisnator 43it4 1 tit tr lite disni1,-..sol of 'Pa !moil .1/a3 had tot 4-utant4e111 bard de lighting' between...troops 1t11 4t-' ople,, watt much Voettsittil. • lito .3-0tt1.' d jouory in it t1 1'tttht t poPutir 1.04 .11 tAS,i-P11 tskti2,3n cud Oport " said , tkil4.3N4 lite,' 014 419 it 4,1tto if;!.ZTiq (het Prenrie'r WAlt- .1,attner4 En ()lace Gt Pigs. itua tp- 11roi,a, It -'fl, t,1 4 et' 141 r, 1n0b34.1161•11 1 a f.; trki.IX t.:1011 sans/4 dtta 41.1t-Aitt tit IW IIL it -.i useJ by. the ert•i,w3. s. ,tcas• -41bering ,stflisre tv,th V..',Ign&tt Nit 4)11t iIt Vi %t-. ralc,p41. fis,:-;14-p*:? ° %1401.ttsi,"S IrrAtt 31. 1t/46.4k fisP, "Rita pror!,,.., hoof* %gfilit t4tVi 11 Ate •Noldier*, *Iv* tire4. ie3te,%4.11 to.dh aprons 11111•14!'ii-'. 41. rrrr rO,A114. trPrilied miss les -to the tidal ;tag ent n. : leaders itorangsteil pie, to tot. Male/Wes were ,i1i4t Aind ts,ittes, invaded, "lite-toob,, g 1111 furniture for :their. extent.. -Tht, lalifkt,Liit4on-tate 1P1etely destroyod;'The -mob With z•eat fury. uodismayeil eys cl the .troopQ 1rItiag,4,•as ttitYarittng,lar dead. All 1%94'T .iippear•or 'with, deep blitek. othecs dud \tinuseS italf Ws Wow. draped ifl ere,pe. Prklay t.t'alit 11t trofipe werelitling on tile. the' lautslie sttstares. Most ser- e eitti.,icd. Tire, spirit of .ad‘artil ocusersitip 14 VAR. , • \1.i44 • to the 'Pails Nfalirt- ,•; f.ist 111 . Nit* 'T410004 le to lite attive Polteitaiir-, Ntio3•,,4-.1if..erfrortoo's bottle_. dn.& bing, IA"Cilt44 Sctltjf Franco resAilt'ett lot taintie . husk,' ittiti4410.' OS. ditAkil ibecont. were ditngerOug. Tire at i* extending lo''*11, ihe ptvtineett. • Setlerg tow* beta Oven' fo intereeiA A11S. ..tf'ti ttitrts4N4;004111.0, pttsfottli 1-4'. 11 littiht.stiteeti #41 $11111,1414 *0 ,011,nesasspapkits. --1 r A (trios; II • 11, utnahoning, In _01-100410.0- t iditchelr,Andrann,,,w faillolotat-itutt rirui ,AestentOn stovers lnjurei United . States ,flovertunent, pri a -relieve China •of Itart 'or 1 tkier dernotty,!antounting ted_by the\Anieriu lotsi 'end Itt a jotting ray. 7- o has s. • ) ' A Vi Dre ed- :for 1 vigittS tt SD for btaarleS„, farrneW. lots. Short.0114;12.75. -tet. 09 per bar, - s, VII to ,..$21.$11. Ittti and* -tlry Salted 'Afettt'stiong clenr bacent 110 it,* 'for torta..,and t-ases; ,Ineaturn and tight; -IVO *,415kt.: t less4itan smokett- . t I y :pricks; 'TiereeS, 11,00;..1,ttb.s., ,* $1,231,14%. al lite live tonged. rid • ; wet hi4.1 • t,irttlafly un - ling prire„ror te100 r tars is train $7.1-3to ,Ate Or.011. WY, 111I Tont r• rsutolt ,o3„9-thent Fs Out. and 4 dr II t ti r ted otit onother-buttalltM* drew te en, up and led -a eltar.ge on lite twain- 114--tire1eritig Upon a 4-1it rot...414e t tgel,t ‘,10,1,40 zen.„'S4 111.3 AV.40*, tt), Onieq.4k Vit t • 4,,jr, V iii 11 111- 'the' •) .F.1_ *i. \1uUrirv tav liC#11.ii 7651 auto tglire.- troop's. I lt tird fantry ilivisfoll, • * te ' 1 't.ta -41eitet 41 .0 _ Ism:Teeth in . thiF. of regarded as' Oneof tile r* e (IU.!'. 5tt the llossion piesnaisjittrriedly ,ilt ••• charge of the garrison. at Xaluga.,Nti Intormatkinis available. AS tc the jin- jini' if ;the traubte.. The ateltes o ••-t-• - 4110(4-- elv u,h1. 11.1Wire,44);r ,ki twontyfirtir. Orttivy tve-- 1k a1rc,t5' 'ontUue rt • 0 tTIILETE mt 17 . .„ t44)RESTUft '7 Neck tun at Bllcvifle. .„.. 41 1W. fromtiowaIowa alley. . says . tottg40-7$tuart; liettetatiowiitir ittlionicaT,-01 mittakia,. Stuart, the lantotts hockey - player at -:.1.11 the oily on Thuttlay.r.-saYs the fot*-0.4 Ottawa. wet an untimely death in, thls, fires, are appallin.t. in the Upper tyorsonotS2unitiland• ard45,1011•10mocko.,,,lielot:i.64,*0)cliiitmlnityg „IT !pd,:tiidtmay.s thott,seaiiseerntos_keof tlitotte.i - viatahr;1.$artarcii tf°eciradedPate. i.fliofls i(ta;:br41145/1,(4,1-4 the. 444-%Ity4y). y. Atter disolAng fie. ithytit *04 -the danger Witte elm* the otattreal niVer” vitarf awaxit 1014o. :',,TOPortsifi4vo reaelted 'Iklattawai usest?' •Alistante of about .109, yards. ,conV 041%11V .114d!eq. ' isanions itIld not verdure' into /.11.16 iffaip,,...;giuu4ewVAs Inrnan'401.11t0 on,v, "Itod:t after tgit4n,g. upon ' the,. landing the Umber re,gioos.. The lumbermen NOW of the lighthouse for, 4 tecit \Unttlate, omt11 HMOS in the. Tomiskinning. Disttick dived offs and this was Lite last.. -Seen SliVjpsP Oniotrousil.Y4 Theta trotoulledi- blot Wive. Notst 401144 an. alarm -wok '•-rw.4,8•911 tot $nen an eon. titnear !i -q1, ;and parties in arOAVA0a.AVVilt ;'$-•.(/111106t' 1n1POSible'f43 8;YV43-4t*- -VhL au 0-- fitt"1-thWe' bo • hem -17-1'0i or WeittnAartighti Sp4t_,.. _the _turforl unkies"_ Man -AVTIFTv'griPlellOY',IrAittgP1$1101, hush fires .wlaemekageupis 00-1;_rttg..4473b*r_.:1W-34$ len 6 '41 le1:1:41,11tri,"'Wtirt,10.PittflP1114t,kelitt IritottrYhi'eoPfladril$0.1111.1e* ki The was extinct. Dr.- lihomatas.WaS". SOD great area OVLC th1.64.7 SweDt» upon 1110.,450,0„.41,01 upon.,exennnotion, petwt-txri- AlittILAVOSKti .11110 '14.0111.11q; ./.01.*L$ ' tho. v,,thp: in, diving fi _co:sutler L0-111aine0 orthk ri-eVi_-.8%_,Stde t hadst° n-11-644111 Lh-ground was laih n.il filtCnallt.s;;T 11.6'*heAvez eY ia°1.14311 f 140 'neck* '4t12 WaS. from Uie tiOtt;4341041Y; were pra0 ktin-anttinr.„ l'ivta was 24 yea..4 of a WO. .1 unknOed, the ' .destrge n sailersof J1 , blowri-to atom powder factory 11, Y*11 Se* 141 have been ace .-P . '-lut the butter inarket aikot.% Were: -.-3, N S1 1(4 I 4:: 0.10 1ese 8 , 41 0 :.:', 0: 4 1, , 1C 8how1 Ontarlo,„ I dairy .".4- ' s t. ships;,--Mle---- . Iii Chei!'g Oka- ' to , Qiiebe 11eio. 14:L11nc,„ f eggs wire 17c tor hksak -#741 i.W, tor -small lots; _., 1145 remain about 11* Mine, wi I Oar demand/ Three -pound pick - re at $L40 to 11,45 per, bushel in A• c _ Atte construe- ftlaple tyritit noted at 6e tion ot tWo battlesh10 of the Dread- pound tins* •end5 ' tit nt)41t -- *P1.0 stittM. . Int*, . et for v having II e eon- J vv, springing TO i -a, nett* Iv d the.s0 , u rintendending luts..\.. haw, the, ri.g4,6. J. to to0181,01:14044itirt,CtlYse:s'vu'Oel-p34. *ott the .4rill shed,, 14040, qtrako-§,C. rir„: Deceased .was married, and in. „ ,. addition to 'bit6 widow.: two .sinall cliti- aren *leer i'ne .. I, 1110 titter: rtri.011,g1".p;e8vArred4.. Setnatir.--4:ati' 4.11/1-1d,s. t n a cool' jillitt, Dots tfontatie to , . - , tont-et S2O,OOQ. , Mrs ;01:# . Whitt 114: ', -000r comb litatey'T.1 41062et-O: tinapAAt4Iniverod ItitAL„vsititk,,,extra001,,, ham K. Vandtrbiit, randseit- pander*: t • . ash rental/Is ni.sttott Patrick' A. Imam of without. - titan a -b1i61ra4 - iling4hour sat.cealdittxt pcty C*i(1 otty,' ail "co. deseirideed ,upftit en oren- v Army racetro ‘Vater4 i.r by Conn.,• for disturbing thfirst ottst 'Church services.' ilevvelek, worth . $1,000 were ittt Atli the '14110v4, Of .4 .Deover ;bate', and tovered.by ibe owner, a roonth after, PO* to Los .Angeles. * hen -211 do.va% ingsoulta ryskisiontt CA1 re than., .$1:3000;009 worth, of. propert ot Itresvers tietit04 of violating the pro- hibition laws in XititsaS has been, co* 11•:,;catl'Ly(he -State:. - A; livtiltian- Itsittr "ifittti1Perf, nd,-Avuo,:te(eittly te; nn JIThuii county tiespital was foundto hase tee,a- worittzwore,4114.1tVift,009,,,,..-------. --- Jacob KnooSe, a farmer of Seats rove* Pa.* *xelotliged 3001 railroad' ties 'lath 'proved to be -rotten, for •40, auto- tobile whiOhrwattltin't AlLnitmetOtt inmitts8 rbl 1 ists:Le1 'CAM •waxidered, lite 4age- tndd atter belog gone. fronftorn t orterdaYs, was found alive rand unhurt., rtittitterted ttyit:drcant ,or noirdot, *i.nriessetion Miser &posited in a bank- .1W1,000Which _Ate inal-„,kent bidden 'at fruit fit's4 about liis tone.. . Itev. Vsresley 'Grisham. died recently it ”Inkikti --,'...X.efitto,:14,-hgt-:-41 .06; after tinier 1Irt11ctaatz.,,,witti6at a mat IA r4) inctit, . In 4 ebturcit, of that place. It to announced d'i.ctors, atfOlteli 'and trattimen01 .11te DetliWire ',and Stlitsan 11144441 Wit ittc• it•ett ..10' Per lofettii: intritediate tkor Vt% .141e.. of' New tort,, Ind.4 ttgati4 inurdered in his fittyttio•w• •Sti lay ,Oight, ;wait 01,000 lullieh be Ittivl receivs.,,t1 'fisrlier in Atte day kr his farm new crusade against tobacco w 14 on in .i'lliCagq•ly tv,"o w4:-inet1 111 Ville 41016.1'4A 1114 at petite1. r th fasthemming. lieresiltiry children' and 447 -peril to the Italica. 4eiv • tslINEDAL. Attilian Pr net' and tear Ober c, hem' killed l it Motor Slim ris d't..p.atilvortnettnici's the rem-, treaties , be.l.wort. sin itral, Britain and the, lapnnese. CoursAtittt- i rhave pan** msolution 4'n Itw Aim kart quessjk to remit/1w* tog caliareetsoa E4p - up .*Ato,istki,1 Buffalo, Jwx . 2•---Fk,ui' trot. Wbe qtst; Sioditern, $1,#„# 'S.Vt„ Trisell . t white, .9.9c. Corn. t 14o. 0 W 5130;-'1‘to. -iit. rw,hite, Oah Strong; .Zslo. ,ll• white; MI , 1.,2 In *V.' '. - I3arleY-4,40s0ttted quo to: 63ci, : Be -No. :2 fkrtd 'Out! Oa Ireights-Vocitartged.. 'NEW'Y. 1 Vis,1141.:AT, .11tlittiG1tA III 'V JN lifers ArtiVear 0.0011)t oi 1 - :destiatela .:10one Vanenuver, . .. , ;. Moe .ittilliOn 100 -Or Itanher •wer. sinved,by fire.at titi,prOftses,•of lire. • N,tspeotiVer, ' :Lumber 'Cottipaily, Saint day. ' .afternoott,. entailing a loss; Of ' •S2thOt10.•:,L,,,,,, ...„,dtpateli friin---W- '6I-H-ThetitrOciartedinItitVdrYlifiVream and walked .-"IttitiSh, intro of . s reAtt raPidty•-ma-biall -a•rnile'br huta riv .,0 --ed -#1401,rieet 'high. was 'ablaze; • 4 i $.,4411.40y, 'i I t tanater"war Osedvtritri-TnaNvot- . v IiiiVe"ttk ,erly Innagrao ' ye ' 1 .. . l -0 HilaratAi but' it, . WaSc faille* et/tttg..0 e, Iy _,,s,....;•.-,i'i,::-0. Y.A. 0. tfi,t4A.;-seittts , .6 qt 30‘ 16:pCanible. Street-littifInet ;11vitt7411Irtri.-o's11.1gih'itt.t.— '14411 t ,. 1.1. 1,,',Or busitt-, , h .1„, . OStitanCe*- ' 1411 Mal° Z1l'iULOd The inarilgrat Itt '(oiiiitry S.-abotit 611\per rent. ofthe; , o 1;990.: 501110.44 freneh and '15,, norinS I8IVL polite In, waking .4116'..blit'Kifled ce. OrriPareS .favorably With .otho scartut."•season. '," No. '2 red, -97%c; No. t *1.00 afloat; No. 2 .nortliern 1,..9/!1„ too.b. afloat; N. 04,4% to). atiott I 'NE r., fllWIE ...111AILEV14:111t; . „ • Tilt' ,ctorsa, tr. 'll4., if .A3e _ es t 111 41)8its ,ffly.. ., . lurday nig llallibuty. datryn.an ° .,0 ' En -4. - ',)(4t. *Wittn4$ 1 111".t.* lost litres ec't , Soot , ruffian Int: 11 'califs,. wall `the ir ado of an a,stN t &._,./041kk..., Co oweft tourat tad*. and..th.0. :third (IP. , n SitOday ntOrning., 14to ' Ore will LiOt-Out the -toil "cob; • , . ' ,wfit fellow* 41.f1)44 ,4). . " "Winnipeg . , e llarwoOtl. pianist' • . att '1 Englund.-ritlrie4,1;1Pas a -coi:i'e' ldt— a d .a lt-avy- drinker. A pmiotts must - ti it tvitteatraloritotaxtu.iotro tot 8Atyagtrtiti;gnoti, tilleiild 4.11 Rio,. 'tar wanner... = s vs. al be I141'4$111 1.non ti1r operasto vte lty fini t 1 tip t vs:01J. tee attiMals-. I;it-y tuielier,s° cattle„, 00 laj f0.4.10.; .etituntoti!cout*: 0`.40,„fo St pet ,ikt.siock.era vt-ere„;4tasy at , s? _iteriedero4/ypc 1„.! grailattl-ktinbS 'rt qtwted a 250 ;pre 'CW10; ri;1; expert tws.4.45, Unshorn. • ;shorn. -.CZ' to :0; .50.. • . ' • , --r» ijithh1tl- OitatatietiA •u $6.100,, andykr liothts .erti.t. - 41 Nt'it.14' ;lite and \V41_1r-ii trairst ifettarte* .1,y twt.li t'okttlial telttr k y's to *earls' 41113er ,c;ty* • *, 'along the natemt .ef Cent 1arri..4e 191"M' fl ta; siwiya rt by II 11.1.4itth fight. SIM ihr Mgr,' 014'141•Atill 10/1$441 fl1 e1at1414 Shbirdt, 4 nnd GeOrge . nitti ot liatuilion. WitotkOefss . train:11in If's-priest: stao4 ot,Sa_t;trrd.:43,11,:C wat 11 'Cindy store vas lined *10 kr. selling 1 . „. 1 4,iliY oger ,and wOwided 110 to a ' o t --. 3 I t, ..litri 1110.1„..' , roe inprisoned in the: told front 14.1t14,n --: wtrion. /lust dio fl thiC Iflifliflo slistrkt iflit before nal 'Can, reach lhotn,?, airy Loonatil, w1at7 tit/tette of Ameu. an Legalioit i1 Pekin* 41114 .0rn Y's adthrtg:u-,-,*erite people of the lang , silty, Over sixtee the troyed their loat irrop, law* ling on smile and tile ,bark 1 he &so arid oat* bring-. •44/4.$ tat. *the" wasting in Ittat • it/Welt-1'4)414e. It Was •qiiitt 1 tell 'Pekin that the hopes t.;hintit therudied that 'food_ .11141 afflr. in the (amino district frt IIPP411ing lotto of lift • riesiatesda tookiastalialost ww o el t , 1;214! t ')Ilet tits.1), i et'll kirek usitd 174.ill 11:litttiart It ,slipplieS sls n i tr.. le. 111;1 •tv,,t-e• . ere peri'sliiitg )1 too latt, Is, 1 1, " lined to do * lo tra:°ititirt, (1 isd 1 tome attrieriniCrAlinfae. tn. lesi I tie.* crop. dtie in istiy. t Jarmo,. ,- nditiott .,,of OW 4111.04(11'# POPISillik01 Wilt be an4.11 a* te., t•Notirt st artentit bt 64:11401e aid. The dant"; that thnettien*"the 1,top bes In the issial,' it oil Ito '14,itgitell1ting to oteritiliw Os hank*. The slyer t* so errant. ,ihilt yseir, that * ts,a'operitively Antal! tkolvosgvotr lion, itsoukt outitta * florit;'' 4 •,t ,