HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-20, Page 6 (2)f
zfl u '
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It 4 , /1:40K
it I\)rt4d t yin Citi'svalt‘
•.he I le 'tett. " g t1fee- •
'The lviOlent shalting a rintie
along he troepflzey, J8( ft,;Ilie.dah-
r the epen forty riles) f lho Royal
Oareleon, Artillery and Reyal Engineets
'Pere injured. Eleven of thole were eerie
PlislY"bert and fifteen areln the hest+
"7--* laL"
.14.4 11,44.4. eee •
tet 4' 3.1
fl. ft t
.eettatcli antiego, .611k1ee
k vtr ear atte-'wasetepeteit
eneed ;en Thtlitedee .ett.• ValviVIS4.SeV
atilt buildittga'and the 'ettiarkiter beldgee,
there were "destroyed and; five persette
were killed. ItalvIvitt Levu the ee.agoast,
about 500 miles south of Valparaiso.
lias poPulation of 11}000.
Toronto. Auto 18. Wheat -Ontario
white winter, "90 tcl-r•ItUte-INte
.. Wheat -Manitoba -Lake ports, No. 1
*eve Wife; No. Isnortherte 03W; No. 2
northern, %etc. • -
loitti, • • ,
ottntelatnet 1.7.50 *.etettlet 47,0 \slleej and
lantbs, 700 hogs, and 51$ calves.
Exporters' cattle were ''steanglo. Merge,
and the supply was riot ,t0o plentiful.
exporters', $540 to 46-teltutdium-
ndAteltt, 45.30 to 4510 per cwt.
eutelrers" cettle teenemetition areong
tee classes; of cattlo; $5,65 to 45,00 was
paid; good to ehoice.buteliere' ;cattle
eold at, $5.46 to $S.60; lair at $5 to $41.4
staffNo. 2 MiXe.-41,743)40 to
Toronto basis tato and rail, , 63c to
yso ali rall Totteitto busL5.-
Barley. -No. 2,, 55o.l. No, 3'extra, 51o:
Net. 3, 53e.
PeeseeNo, 2, 81ce
-Baaktititeate414-..- • •
90 per cent
-;$310se-414,este3.e0easkes1a-eitean1to aefirst
•• •-.-1111tent5,el4tl57,-erctends;-44.15-10.-411;20
Laker', $4.7i.
Ortet-419 ‘-te 420-t shorts, $21 to 422.
Butter ---,Market is easy and unchanged.
'• Creamery, prints ...... 200 to 22c
Dairy, print, . leo to lect
' Cheese -13o to 13eic •for large tomd
Mc kir twins, in job lots here,
ggsse-Quotatiebs are 17eec to 18c per
dozen, ki caso lots. _
Honey -Palls, \no to leo lb e combs,
$1.50 to $2450 per dozen.
Beans---$1.50-toe$1.55 for hand-picked,
• and $1.35 to 41.40 for prelim:
potatoese-Delawares, $L25 -t 4140, In
ear lots ott track here. Ontario, 41.10.
i5 "Mr -Noellintelety. atette$13 -to- 414.50
r No. 2, in car lots on track herte
Baled Straw -elm tt,t 47 to $7.25 per
lon, in car lotA wi 'Ira& hero.
t:,t3,4: •
1.75 e owt.
-Lightsatotetette were itt increasing
mend at 43.50 to St' per cwt. For feed-
ers, 1,00 to MOO'lbs, $4.75 tO $5, and
even monk, was paid.
. Sheep and lambs were sleedy. Grain.
fed lamotitbriCkt at 46 10Z.50, per owl
prig& atet.$3....dee earetet eseeeee
ewes at 45.25 -to 4510 per ewt ; unshorfl
00Per etos
Hoge were unchanged at $6.96 for se-
lects, and $6.65 for lights and lab.
Trade Wriest) for *April and • May
Eleven Millions.
A ettespestch •from Ottawa says: Cen.
ada's trade figures for the first eve
months of the prexont (Weal year/tend-
ing May '30 last, 'show an increase of,
ne less than $11,003,790, and nearly r25
Isper twat. in the value of the importe,
as compareet with. ,April and -May of
IfOile Imports for May alone were
33,935,525, an: incteaso of 47,275.56,1,-,
This largely increased importatioe ea.
letrallse_ Vitt Iteelestet .. A. Porrieefieettdititeitte
:tettoeseers,ekesateeeteetteeentiee.----Forib 0
Iwo moallts the. duties. collected totalled,
$0,588,690, an Increase sof $1,$33,201 over
1110 Corresponding period of loft year.
.0n. the other hend.., tho exports .ehow
a considerable 1411101 off, due lergeey
ecet •
- nategation an . 'the boreneeitet
14tht-weightt es-tritetoritretth----: -4.11
.„ m r beavette sitars 71*o meanthe totalled 430.020.340, a
Pork--Slierc'eLt,42.11O-CIT.51) p---efTs arc 41-04).brli5",226;89 jaw year. it
iel; mess, $21 to $21.56. - • decrease for -'May • alone was $1,280,0(11.
Smoked and Bey Salted Meats--Long:Exporte Ot produces of the fewest de.
dear bacon, tic to 11Xo for tons' and mast* $717,.V11; animalsand their pro.
lasee ; hams, medium and light, • ltirse duce, 4123,345; agriculture, $928,615.
1a -16c ; heavy, 1,4*- to 15ce backs, ltteesee For the •Iwo months the decrease in
; shoulders, lOteee ; ricultural products was $2,507.276„; the
Ileese . out of pickle, lc less than products of the mine increased $634,334.
;looked. • --The -keel-trade for the two months was
Lard--steady-at. these prices: $903k139,--arr increase-ot 36,670,898.
12X0; tube; 123c; ,
1 •
eL 11'.. I I
- Montreal, lune, 18. - -Haymarket
iteady. Prices aro quoted from $16 to
_Ittioreleteel., $15.50 to $16 for No. 2 and
------ •
Oats -Market is easy again to -day
41anitoba-Noesit ankle
No. 2, 49e to 50c; No. 3, 4tIc to IRO
.No. 4; 470 to 47,4"e.
Corn-Wces afe tflieliangid at,P30-10
&kr; market dull. .
•-.Butler 'a -Townships eves" ..,,stutated_
and .dalry at 18c to ltleec. The EngI.ialr
marl:mt. for 'cheese wasweaker in, tone
la -day. The cable for colored declined
te to is, but the local Inareets wee un-
changed at lige to 12c for OttlIndo, tvge
tor • townships and letec 10 ilete for
Eggs -Small lots are quoted at 1130.#0
18!,,fac. and whole4ale lots at 17e.
Pr.ovtslons:.flarrels of short' tut Mess'
t22 to $22.50; liall-barreloi do, St foril to
UM; chief lat-backs;-,23..50-to.50;
hcilf.barrels do, $10.15 to $11.50; dry
;alletl long clear bacon, 10.1.1e ,to 1lo;
barrel_; plate beef, tilt le $10; half -bar.
rel$ do. Se:50 tei 88.23; barrels heavy
mess beef, 810; half barrels, do, $5.50;
compound lard, 10,140 to 10e; ptire
,lard,- 12,110 to Pelee ; keine rendered,
13e to 1.40; vic 10 tete accord -
ng to size; breakfast baori, 1.43tc te
15e; Windsor bacon, 15ete to Me; fresh
killed abattoir tfresgett !toga, $10; alive,
to *7.40.
IttitTALo mA1tKerf-
11; wttrat.
- -Spring, dull ; No. I northern, 90
winter. easier; No. 2 §I.02.
Vorn-Easter; No. 2 yellow. 53t ;
t woe. 5e. Oatse-Bull r NO. it wbite,
e 'Seto; No. 2 mieed, epee. Itarley-teo
thing dente Byes -firm ; No. I, leese,
Canal freighte-riteliettged.
4 , tiLV Vol* NtAlist •
Noe ; Sane VOn-at-Spat
wer.ik No. 2 red,' %tee Oevallor
cd, Nrge elloat; No;
•• ter -there DnIuM, $P57; 1.013. afloat a
•tee, 2 VIZI wintete $1,tAb
' ,E htxtIttvr.,
' tate e wee
, ature•at
3y‘,. %Vogl tr-avy •cliertftgs t
e Ncet1,30 Sz.111 taat velvet: v.
it rmaEn secede.. rut 4110
1§;33 ocn'ikkt;ally ISCttlr then oit ittae"
asy, tolctt satfe were tnieltetetreday. cluj
$SoCA 11.1, 71figl,
,o3crings *3* 210 1?,adts,,
•They IntbritidateA Men,,Worldn., g ai Port
Arthur. t .
A despatch leant Port Arthur says:
one hundred and sixty men from Win,
• Wednesdayo-mornlb .
place in part ilk longshoremen now
out °restrike. After workingabout two
-tears • forty of them Went out:with:the
strikers. e, The remainier, together with.
- fewsotheree-areettoweivetle_Oreheite.
se at these iiiiiiKa.-About 10 o'clock
on Tuesday night a nunikker ot the atriK-
firs went over to Canadian Profile Rail-
way' shed No. 5, where the titeurrier
I`tltilltia W"..s allloading, and threaten-
ed to shOOt. ay .1rtan, wbo onotteuee tr.
Nv4mq.c intjter. After a 'few shots- were
-fired, in the air the *men quit. Theyt
turned up etext Morniti'g, however, and
work is procreding as fast as possible.
At the Uanadian pacific Railway sheds
they are so congestedwith freight teat
-tiotilsthee tattegetenett Reload- the tars
very -stow. None but Greeks a d Hall.
ans aro there at the.present, time.
,Rxeltkite'llentteeettnettfliencouver has
twins -appointed atunittredoner, -Of the
Yukon. ,,, •
The 1, C. R. will hererate'e he 'Mown
Lt e lee Intercolonial Railway,
Caniebt. -
The Duluth, hanky Lake and 'Winne,
ret.„ 13ailway bUs..-.14110.--erect1ng„4
bridge dowse, flatny River. •I,
ighteen itstattrant keePere at Win-
-ni ee were nod 41 end costs each for
se ling on Sundiy.
Pr. le W. Belt, Provinciel Health In-
-spector, reporta nianY eases ot email -
Poet in Leeds and Grenville OonnileS.
patty will give the poor of the city free
•rides in speciel care during the hot
ca ' • •
r is to Meet the tr*elir due.
In p itt ee104041•114.eta....
TM PrekIent Of •Nteinlittee has, ,
t Ibit heaStete he,S,:elitelered eat,
tlit pa
frit t
1 their:1 x
1 wilting, 1
eller •
• .
et "
sfIt• d
tty .
‘1)1te1e.les theelransettel haVcr
:Sued, ; ;• •
"Berlin ,treegeblitit" atiti te leeittie
that the French: lapenese bteetyoon.
tainssa clause gueratiteeleg thc open :
doer In Chime for 'ellenetteete. • '
eeelltglIT11111,-.11PP. fAte$5.6$."---
Neatly Threat Million. -Dollars-Ili the
— Past Six Menthe.
A despatch ft•onielseentettalesays: There
as treoeived at the City Hall on Wed-
twtitlity a striking document from the
Fire Underwriters' Association, seeing
insurance companies these eampanie$
bud decided to eurteil the antount 47.t
AM!, PC,. e!
It ts said that ati offer well up In the
milltens has been medtt tee Goverement
ter the Miner -tibia *ten `Of -Atm
The United States acheetter Rollie E.
Prescott heti been seized by the cruiser
Canada for Asking within three miles of
the Nova Sootia coast."..
• -fitilley • Beltway- for 1006- total
,.143,736-.00and- London' receives -len
perte eentesons all receipte-tigteilakte:
Mrs. 'William ,Althright, "prophetess,
fitteraierned-The -Mayor of Vancouver 10
•gtocane. out and bring the people, as
there willbe a tidal wave end tnoun.
tutu ertiptioritiet
A hobo fitted himself , quarters in a
small steam yacht shipped on the C.
e. fl. from Montreal to Seattle and rode
'across the continent unnoticed. -
Falooner eternally **pled the
Presidency of the university of Toron.
io at -a meetUtg of the Board' of GOiter-
pews on Friday. ,
elit propased to store sante 60,000
tons of coat In . Saskatchewan :during
this summer to prevent weathers fem-
.-Me next Whiter. •
The O'BOyier, Brothers' Canetreetien
tht. vontoet foreeheetletiniektentageltalle
vtaysetores building at that plaoe.
. „
The ,Fronterreo 'Geoid Jury was re -
fluted perntistion to inspeet `Mit letng-
atett ProniteittfM,;•;e0d saelet.'silott.Ahe
1..• •
I' t4o,
Vs; Patterson,' 'both .614 e residents ot
-Stretfordetwereefound 'erietheewatereatte
rithuesday. Witt bad commiltede Md.
eirie at different places and theft.
• number of hay dealers of Montreal
have entered suit, be the Exchequer
Court to collect IMAMfor hay Mgt).
ped-br Wear -TAY Situ% slettlea dittraigihiS"
war and not taken by th Government.
Three Lehigh Valley- freight r -cars
phatged- through the- elettlearcle bridge -a
Niagara arid dropped e00 feet -into the,
river -below on Saturday. A, coeple of
'tramps aro believed to have gone down
in the wreck, •
.611E -AT elltreAIN.
The retirement of • LordDundonall
• m the British Army has been ail
Crop reports from Europe tridtcate -that
lien a
first expeet
• The first reading of the amendment
to -Abe ;British -North •Apical= let ren.
tiered necesearf" by the agreement tie
I •
, S.; t e knewirtt5).
1 *
iitir.44e",Itt.4:'isst:nrs'erst.fkeicret'lo.tee etion
wane to light Wheat Colonel -ftenteetiroff,
cOmmanstMg tba regiment., ordered the
penistar.nent of several soldiers;-bilV.Ute
other soldiers refused to inflict tt. TheY
also refused .to shout tho„ Usual ealuta-
telejtietheeeepreconteit truesetspereelee •
The, upshot ot the effair was thear.
seevenuseee-- 41, 6( -them Arn.ty board _cadger, under.
r4.'t 011 strong guard of the Pragelet,Ilegiment.
• 1°14 sf„..
,‘ ell
.,..teretelerati Iteratt . i
''etteeerver ,thees, le e.4tert i
e ..thetetatits,i.tibl tette- epit tt:0.i
0401 ' ' est, pre1 L' 4e, fel tete
'.41:' t
l' ,,' *nit
,, er 1
, w „
A deep:deb to a London Mews agency
from ,Sehastopol says that VAtimit"re
al Wiren, who eeeently, was appended
successer of Admiral Sltrydlott, in own-
mind of the, Black sea! fleet, tete' sittell
out tend arrested tee desaffeeted sea-
4nen.--a auidepiacede.600....31__
the commatuter of the relied llusea,rs,"
General .Petrovo Solova*. aide-deezainn
1.0 and Stetson -al friend ot t2i Czars The,
Cenral was conveyed to $L Peters-
burg .and placed under domiciliary -ere
feet in tile Winter Niece.
. ' ett-MitheNtrieireltetiiiittei
bate beex . deprived of the privilege of
carrying the regimental, stators. Alt
• ett ,41.44.viro
eaatie. leis at p.soxespeoesseee In or_ itegime.nt will probably be. tean;ferred •
der te .give•ett better' safeguaret 'te-ethe eteetetets..lvw6.140,,japanese prisoners
'041PRIllest- -71'°'-.4()ell'Ine.* A146 '"14' ltv0d, and ,- 'where - the Preopeatensts7
open. the eity....kseete'once 'tette ._ateps 10 neglmetilew eassseleit 1.8.4--yeer by *way Lf
have all wires in the eity placed in uns
deegeoUnd Conduits. Special experts
have proven to ` the underwriters that
easays fires- are due to - the- danger- et;
IS0,-touches-iipon-other-importent-mat ,
tem Ave Wet tbe Uaderwititere" Aeso..
son to believe' that atone or tee recent
dteastrowe fires in the city areedue to
-defective wiring'. The report ale') .states
that during the past slit months fire In-
surance 1osse in the 'city have been
close; upon three inititon dollars. This
meant seven dollars per capita of pct.
Such Josses, it is Opened,
besules being enormous in the e4reme,
are. unnosessary.
4 New York Syndicale After ,Property
In the Wee!. ir
A despatell from St.'' Toini.1N-Le
says: Negotiations have been in progress
for some time ehrough, a 51.- John Ago
Oblo tracts of limber --eleadsinearitish
peluMbia. The land isesituatott on Gra.
beet bland, one Of the Charlotte terottP,
oce the cost, and, .ineludes setteety.:
tight equere,nales.-everysloo .,teet-whieth
" wive
e land rims, allsrot tut' tbe,...shores
ft tot
ptinistunent, A Series- tit 'courts-
• follow in duo course.
:Prom personal investigations
c • restilr if -.the-We-86%r -6rall-trie-
.4,04...-ot-4,_*_p_or hoe -due -4o the -present
-long-drawn crisis. The soldiers are
vaguely dissatisfied, but they dontknw
exactly What Iheytitaitte ll'ence anat.
Moro -probable Urea 'a swifts;
clea.racet natitary revolution. The sin-
gular factabout these inutirties is that
they mope in the eegiments most close-
connected seith the Czar, The Ilos.
Additional arrests are being made, and
it probably wilt be necessary to ilt out
•another penal cruiser. The seamen
• the fleet aro exasperated, hey, ause no
charges have.been prelerred againet the
reetettleettee,doiset,' desattleitgetteR
nous outbreak is likely to oceor.
44 II4,4110,4
Et; -
,A despatch front .Ste Petersburg says:
Ettmetter; Nteholas ailexect las signature
GB Sunday morning' to an imperial'
tat- Mateo abolishing the Dome, and order- ...
Ing that the election of menthers to its,
is successor, which to meet -October 14,'
lield-under lbw -new .eleetion •
irweessiteie --Vsettwv"--lifee-e eteetessettenteseaa -
lietaegenceeorltivesedt einettsclatetee"brthiy,-------
9.lnedtiolett. inasIes: aPt. ccOsti-
u v al---eouertretate end over-! -
ridea the specific prOvisions ot.the. flub!
damental laws of the realm, solemn -11
ptoelaimed by his Majesty on, the eve
of the convocation of the itest. Bunia.
which declared that th..efectoral law
could never be changed without the
eon.sent of Parliament itself.
Arrested the Wrong Man Viral, and 3
, [treeFIht Occurred.
A despatch from Dalhotistp, N. Be
...e,eys: A ithooting affray took lplage ,on
ellettesdait moratogebe_St Mauro,. When
Peter Fontaine was .shot dead by Ito.
leerliin: Stella the town --of-Dat-
llottstae. :Staly and Coteetabte Gallon -
tett ',uttittatt*' early sett . 1106, ay mo -
. ng„ Wit."4_3V rivards7Tor--the art*. 4.,
Andrew, F ta e and ' Peter Fontaine,
eharged/ w h assault. On arriving at the
ltente.of" nt1 eve Potiletnet they plaeed
biteeender -arreet.- atiet George SellY
eat a one -lo-goto the - next boost.,
Wh-o-r-e- 'Peter Fontaine made his borne.
On -Se Irsisarrival Melee he met George
4.albert,e with- -who* PeletreeretnItai00.-
Bred. • Ile arrested lalbert, by mistake
ot • er-WetteiraTee," a . r , no la
ing committed any /offence, was sur-
prised to find liftmen in the hands ot
the law, and, not knowing vibe Sealy
twee, ariersOetpg he had a revolver in
las. leindsiteesays he mistook bine for
a burglar, and ,inade a fight, as he, was
very.....much afraid. . hicanwhile he .ealled
on his wife and Peter Fontaine for help.
Ventalne came downitaits undres._eeit,
;and, seeing a stranger with a revolver,
a general row occurred. The- policeman
•notictrig his, mastake, let Jalbert, go and
mule- an atlenipte to arrest Fontaine.
Jetibeet,-having receivete.se severe Wive
made for the woods. Meantime Gallop
came on l the scene and toilet part in the
scene 'Which resulted in Fontaine 're-!
in his liver and another bove the'
le r -"death etietatigeTii-a
"%MI yleTeeireetidered himself teitiee un
. I
eng, more than lesto znlhis teette *titer.
and is 'estimated to oentain:
000 feet of timber, Including spruce, fir
and hemkick. The land is ttow owned
hy a number of Wostern Canadians..
Pecently a New York syndicate has been
egetfatingr /or ite-and ore-erhuisday
made an offer of one millien. Otters
eash. The -syndicate heti stilen putdown
afteeteethousand dollare, for a. threenxnabs. option to permit of a. final sur-
vey. This offer wilt be accepted,
MmemmelmMemmee.40 memeeMmm:m!rnmm*,
Bolt Tears Willing Off Man's Body
' Near North,llattleford.
Sask., says: With • his wife watchin
• hini -through- 7-tlio
Orosjean, rancfser,Uving ty 'Wiese
,tartheast, of liege, was instantly killed
I e a bolt ot lightning on ,Sestuttlay tifs
terneon. Ile , was brought here. ter
When the accident occurred. 'Ibe
hose was knocked• down,' but. recovered.
'rite bolt literally tore the clothing fr�in
Geoetearee .body. The deed Man tees
,141. years tilde netrried, • and ted live
Rao Teethe- lero's Chief of Elate alive
Corivieled ot tklortion.
despatelt from San Francisco says:
yor Eugene Sclunitz was On .Titurs
• night .--fountee guilty -set extoet •
ney from keepers of Freneh testa!
COnvietiOrt 'in the anti -graft .catn.
intutguratel seeerat menthe. age.
Ii- offettree, pteaded gulitY to the
cliteegee and eppeared as a witness
ageinst •Seitinitz.
When lee Vereliet was ettrenineed
seheetz sat ultesov'cit, with his tett hand
10 his Otte. Ile Apparently dift net nit.
erstencl„ tried a4kett flatrei.ltt
itr 1it. : ,
oatatty,7 liaerelL ' hnelzse
Mutt dropped" to the table, bathe 81
ed no other sip oVentolion. co/* • .
colAmmatt,,,,,,N AT mom NGII.V.4.
pa•rative Itelptesiness Vfas, t,t
. #.11enils;''
A id;epitteta tesna 11';iirnitigtaatr.'.;
laud, /1/4V,Y, and Mee4 eeeeptt
eeeta:o arteScaliere e.,n;Ilttiteeltiet froen
Lhtt*il1;',741111 CirlYglitvN
'kt4tS 4 ,tereett; r.tteek to RI
ef,pnit.43, %.‘-10 'cl(-1.5rAt:.1 at lee ttaStietel
as 'car,
KAI ktI Irt
ed n the British tPuse of Cotatueals en
uNtraD STATES. •
TMO Operators et the -Western Union
Telegraph Company are threatening to
The terigehorenten at New 'York have
decided to return to work, on the best
terms obtainable.
• ea attests Ili the United Stales blame
het -for the race -ttota
A big white eat Is the loving _roster
mother , lour -Dalmatia puppies in
ti Neer York fire.fitation-
'John. M. Parker, who says he is from
Toronto, ,:has confessed to the Philadelt
phi(' tiolleit that he is a burglar.
At Winstead, Ceuta, three cow.s ate
hearedy.oreeese on mditch had been
emptiee seme pares green. They ailed.
• Two women were killed and three
other 'pereons ' were seriously hurt in
antornobue accident -in Indtanapolies
e lintlett'Stattre'raatietetleent h.is of.
it Britain tIte same trade oonces.
-OS were, given -Gentt.piT-by -4h
• rale Natiott, aftet haranguing a
wd in freht of 3 (11=W-to1;n sateen
in 'Washington', was -arrested for being
disoiderlye ,
Mittel statententa trorn-the hity4 crop .
reice place the lotsea -crepe from, 17 to,
IS Texyeent. boiout, the\ir 41,
,year finify_. .11 ,„ ,
1 in 11113 41011fee !Mill' valeta& 'bat 111114
cauf agal oeyen years, 44;3S tlial tote operatiOr 0,1 file Illakritur!,
• .
xrureitio Train' .Prom St. Thomas to
Oeltola -Eroke Dawn Near itlerline'
A deepateh froin Tbetriatt
Per!" -Marquette excursion, (rein,
which as run by the Salvation Army,
k It St. Thomas early on .Setar.day
morning Itir Drtroit. About .400' pessen.
gees were on the treble At Glenwood,
IWO mites \ West of Merlin, the tender
truck of (1e engine Insikee and the bag.
a e catt_and. two paseenger roaches
were -deettitetritbe paeseogera Ltd -a
nerroW esetrpe. Only three- mien, Whoe
`homes are in !Aram, Dutton, iliti
West Lorne, were Inletrfsleelightly„...,.
pa,ksaigiles- on the Oodles;
ceped with e •shaking -up. ; •
Quarrel Stalled in Stretford Illetel Set.
fled by Arranged Battle. ,
A. despatch -from Stratford says: A
man named Noah Mill -was killed here
on Stiterday evening about 8 o'clock.
;Wfine under the- influence of liquor,
title who is an Englisbtnan, picked a
.quarrel with another fellow-country-
tnau named ---Loelder •at one, •the ekty
o e us was t5b-lmiutc find tit
uefourned 'to have ,11 out with* the r
fists inethe vicinity of the skating rink.
Two companions ' tiklere also "present
entitled Cliaprnait sind Morrie, end it
vsillareat, with-these....hvo_
to, tell lust how the- killing occurred.
ft -appears that in the ,course nf Tho
light Ladder struck Hilt a -blow on the
•nett dor paw, which felled the latter
T4 -11-e riiitd tefluclt.a way
that his neck was, broken, and lie ex-
pired Mstantly. !tackier was arrested,
and wilt have to answ6r to a ohargei
of manslaughter. Both Englishmen are.
married, oaeli--hav1ng-a-4and1y--0f•lour-
swan children,
11 1 t
Mr. 'George Wright, of - Gordon Lake,
Lses Ifia Foot.
A -despatch from Sault Ste, Majele„
One, e.ayet, Mr.600.rg0 Witght, a prier.
eltant, of Gordon Lake. sees rettuatio4
'front the Soo en Teursday .‘tette af-
ternoon, train, awl itt tittemptlitg to
alight. at Desbarats while tile, trainwa$
in Illation weeetrattet underthe wheel,
his leit 'foot, beteg 'ground to a peep.
He was brought •back to the Seto and
his,--fordavvete, -0011Altated _At 'MO.:General
Itoepitele e
epereuth, art Italian, was Allied 'Alit
the Algoma' Central Itailtvay 'Through
the 'collision ,.of tramicer on which
Pasullt Was Iriding, and Nof 3 engine.
The car ,and engine met, in a rock cut.
The , "of ' the Improadarig etigine
Watt not heard until , tea late.
' „seer
itetill PAST. FATAIAbSto- Stitasittiv
Terrible Vete of tin EtIttiOer tit' °teen
• Ceraent 'Worke.•
spatelt frotits0tven e'attet
iblo otteurred ',hero qt
flee:day attet mesa 1,y ellteetiing
'1'' 111b4' tted. Lit lite .Itnperit'
men( t*IiipatW's iffa, for \banditti
het and jest -lolly teeeeehee thcqr and4.1,vhde 1141 one saw themaceident On.
rnt, Tante 'mks tot,Ift of Reese%
Neb. ' • . ;
,ot S.Vm.n. ltaywooJ at
Wisp.. Matt% 4:01rS3ttirary dor 'it woe
te'eve felines:et; tendmiv
Urni-ltmlb or ti4e,,,Staty 1flat*
tiv11:114.. •
lairtivy144 trn tide the
-P.es fl'at!s)4h 111 ls
ether etstre tetnw .oteseleais to ttes
.pir l':)04-03,N`I' tr4ritling-41:40 ,ou,
‘, ,
ar..---,„ , ,
•:'''..e4i{ttt 0.
.4v.,. 2z..1P;;:m et leo
1, ,ra OL'-;',, la tl"•:i 1.14:it-
4 ,r;1-,4tj'4"-1
4: ;61
Id 11'0 crtt,„411, Came, trent nut eeittlitimi
tha aeperatus afetr the atec4104.
wag l'aite eeiltalt that: he bad tliblvd
Ito,1111 at too 1A-Av an angle,. and \nt
Itattint a a 1.:*41 rate thq
1011 4j VIl,the ttl1m Prank, was
nstda, the 1I15 44 mks ,otttnit f.$
mire f4t114, Cit&J teed et feral a
lion that tim- ,s!earil fiNtattt rI brcIen,
the,. 'upper poellA I
, tee eeety,1Y parli(,,Z14.4 hint, aiti
rIoi (1,01.1,-a ,1115 i a t into his Ittnia,
Nai'l LA' 414.31til. aril a
t1OrIf1!„1- r/t1.4I to" tNe tes
, at'. it sass 41 '
taiW three 6.101
" CN
011et 'W0414 --Off/Self it litirOlnr
and *tares, Arrest ,
A despatch imm 84Y8: lh
prove Court, oir
ten.ltkAvos."-founit-gullty-ot burglar
--egranglatii lite ,Ittatifat itt Ittr.
Atribter of 'Qu'Appelle," on May 25* MM.
Mailer stated that she had slot with
a loaded revolear, folder her pitZow
tseeety yeare. When. .0tui.ori$,t,pin't; Pres.
ence in the •Itoticee WaS. ilc10.ted
NI tette eint a the streeL, and •Mrclive-aid
n teusing Cons!able trite1S$0 WhO tirre:g
the 'Man. was tleferre'd
Voie.1,1eitm -otie
•01/14.004}: OA%
SeVeiti„. Ste** Ihote
' 'Cobalt,
•21, dsptit9.4% tr-im rotralt tr On
day- at:the- C:obalt terAlral 'ileiton.men
'ere overeentee igaa In both' dr1fi
**for' happatiod• to be at this
tfrtivttsity mine „andt woo ' not calleali,
Sonit .rif' the, Mtn w41,0s, ttrOOVIEfoIll Witt
bc,tirss, Tticy yeettitt-heve feted 'w6lete,
lett tor bctato. *et* freiriltift, Wililam
licrideflta,wbseikept •leetel evet itiOn
twiT7o, folewomt, Mute% Ihti, 40tor-lt
1:4 alMittMer hyrytennt
io aotrit Ito ntels.
1 44
'A. 001.0431 DED • CIAIME..
• _
A nuttalo Man Shoots Ilis Wile and
Tetepbo ler Peilice. • 4
A ;despatch from flnfIaio says : Prank
J jation, Walked up to the door of his •
house on Sunday and' rapped. Ills wife
opened' the door and Jackson stepped- in.
side.. Then he shot the woman three
Loolting the door to the room -Inwhich
tee murder -oecurred, so -that I& littio-
•triltdre.u. couid-not-ciame--npuri their-----
tatother's body, Jackson went to a neigh.
• d-Ff61ep1teneit1ri
tit there tVas trouble at h use
thenlifirvaou toorneet
• Who., laver* hurried, over, and' gave him-
eelf up.' Jackson told them "it was
either myself or her ; one or the olli
had to go.? The pollee say the man had
Len tilitirrelitig with, hit wife for 'soma
lime, As Jaekson ‘ttess, walking to ltid
telephone front whichhe reported 'the
killing to the police he .patisest his -if,"s
fattier* Ile bowed and contented ot-4t hi
way as 'If .noteing had Itappeneti.
normous- Group Discovered at Observes,
tory at 'te'aslibtoton.
A despatch lean ..1Wasitinglort sats
Ast etiorinotts group of solar spots was
,tserired for ilrst time on. Saturday
by Iteof.-George- trteeters, of lite United
Sitaittoeso,tatilriseil observitjory, with the ph,ot, 0. ,
*They probably appeared on the sun's
tost:epsal,,edidg;r.tiestc.erp:terevra.oiki,i ,,,;pflirmeetirtiloayrits
observetionsellbut teeing to 'clouds ,
observation$ WCIC utiohlainable here
111-11Setigrturiltit:o7a*ii. p.resetet consists'' of two
,spot5orkatvie4- by, it -soitereehat
!tUcr one., 'here tire a few dallying,
15loTheilcee,1:(t)v1u/Iltliiielllitlellibe4)feeltilite't it;'er111111;11illi4t.
• hetes. 11 is no, on'e.tcntli 1116
Wel d".a Ott the elm, met edit
s 441111-4,,,41,,lor c:1,1ored ,
ilg-5.111sfot ,kne, t.16 'Immo
gr.zap arinaarri-it last eirtirtiary." •
• ate.„.„-•
PAYAL SniErt cut.
. • '4, kit
1ite*t Injured. In (101110.ono,
Vantouver, °
ob tit -Vont:Ousterr
cofllsion between t*
ide and *. hall trom
ts„ Wedn
ter, w ki