HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-13, Page 4 (2)t 'EN" Cror jot on drew Streets. .it 4. 1-Lbrau, Ante .44,4iaire kft FAVORED WORSTEDS , worsteds ate, in lu rid 441nish anything,p .s ..011SORS AND WAsa vusTs 3 1t• bron:$u eat the 11t not 4,447 • tb. 't t 1 here " se nt of a u t tlt Mt* Johu F. Brown. to. Percy 14. Humble ot nibs on Toesdayi the 1,Sth, at 2 p. rinkbeinerand Mae& Ffdst *weze In Ziwi *00414/, laightatthe n. sicuom__itaniversary.4i, aerviceo Will be held in the *wan Ical church next Satutday and $1111. IL Is expected that Rev. Wagner of in, the Presiding Elder, w he 4-nAt uiet Wedding toz*,:pla� — at theMetbpdit parsonage onTiuve f; ant -hunter pantlesa. he-4mplants--tritneelt into one of those fashionable pants-orde from 11. ii()ItZinan.11 .01tEDITON , 'A beautiful assortment to choose fromif there is, a taste we patina suit, We have yet toicnow It. der boor Sanders et Creech, ri.opts • TILURSIDAY4PME 134001 011iarty Ati-§s Fulton, alter a .pleasant visit here with her friend Miss Xenet ' Brown; hos gape on. a. visit to Steat, ford friends. ' Marty contributes to the *wpm* of anot er neighboring to-Via:rut henterwei one of our fair daughters. We refer to the marriege of Islisa,Almatieo, young daughter of Mr. and it Kersioke,04.ral the fortunate groom eras Herbert W. Colquhoun! of , Stilt ford. The -young coupleAtv_, vALiAffen. " sail where the nuptial knot IRAs se. _turely_tied Rev..Smith. The, bride was attired in a hindiaini -suit. Mr. and Mrs. Oalquhoun, will , make Stratfotd,,their future home, where the bride Will be at home to her many friends after julylst. The host of friends here join in wishing -the happy couple, e:long, happy and prod. Vous Married life ..14 A. number from. here, Attended the ----------Alterldingof est Parkinson to Mai , Vharlatterilaver ta • \- up heuseiteeping at Bryanston. We - 400 With the loony friends in wishing ,therti every hacees.-A number a Arm- herc-Attel the anniversary APPZ.14.0t at zifiltt, 9 ,illitatil,- abio -Ice gardenPititY ' -Monday 'oventitirt--- • werit-to qtAnt0o-0m111‘41 tt• .i .tr, sermon. -Misa Belle . Morley of Heporth is on,a; visit to friends here. -Miss Gillespie hat returned. to; Ott- e . Parmert: are 3;PLISt 061VIOS -COI% ftna turnipo* ishieh makes ) the Mat of -sowing/or 1007.--W . Brooks is busy I a irta ail w k....:David Lours .... ife ii n n -v s ere loot liv :-Ftitirshra atthetroton. church is *about . einnpleted aqd., is . reatimeitovemencto the eiti atyle,' toiteetiaryserviees-wilt;be--- held in Satnuel GunuittWo. orehard neat, hire on Sunday next. Preaching -at 10,80 1 01; and I pan. Mts., (Iteviy Stitelifte ttl 1 of Grand Beta emit ho thief:0*k%* for :the oe lon. ' „She will. Oho addrese the So hitt; School at 2 p.m' The fol* leering Ttieedity a picnic will be held la that:erne orchard, Adat**** Will. be tvia by .tterglIbortoot ministers; Mom tatioot by Mb* Olive Bern of nee, '. tat. Woodhant choir will fornielt.dthe , ' tuusio4- Tolit. ivitl,'w; **nod teem 0 to 8. Otto of all kind* Will be i in. very, welcome. t; la et 41bIcp., ed relatives„In avl8tock u -.-RevFear of the Mainett*. etch t Exeter will preach in that' Val church cm the 23rflinst. It ,voss ible tor Rev..Bean.and bim to excbana -Meura. • -Ile 404 'DuPlan of C-en- .tritIia-sn bur het v garn-Mr. and , 0,7Sm Brow nt last Sundayin Zorichothe guetas Mr. and M. John Preeter-Farrn $ • t ftr a vo $ 4. u , Beu he bridet* -;‘ - 14. .(40 rat eitiy * 1.• 14 We$1. (reek tetilopsk .0haticti, t 1.1,) Afft the` otetafiti sr, visrye 41 ; A k V AV. ' .411 si'4, • LtEirnu1ed wi h ruchi estrielf:. vett of tul Ith Or01100. b10100111i, et of ¥itchell, niecb• !tedlas riteLbeltrei.,She e evergieen areb from which* large The ceremony IsaS perter0„le41 or Am nct-witiou• Oongratulationa over the guests wended their way to the dining roonywherothetable wite Yety—reitexiteo, .0ttiOne Were all ilia and WIlites The presents were bwmtiful and costly, showing the high esteem in which the ming couple are held. The groom's ft, to the bride was a silvertekeeri .14 71. '111$ a u te Vitt ung,led s their, uture;.--hearr-Uninterrn - honer, moon is the wieh of their many friend. 111 12 t* $tarY4 rro, „ T Luufley firtin-MeTaggitit-b Jai.. Norris of Ortonarty for. $45. .M.r.artil Mrs. R. Traquair, fipent Sun! day-withAtriAndikfro..-3:-Av era are-eampleining *heather ramose* Miss Ma Ellerington was in -London of the wire worm to their crops. „on Thu ay of week, Gibb Whole:fields of bats 'have been ruffled. b";,4 a raising an filaturclay.lost,„ Re and with the cold and unsettled intends having steteiw.eheckheu house, weather the outlook isn't . the best, and hoggers.„.„-zt. Vtutgeiruntect friends The automobiles have again. in*40, Rarpurhey on Sonday.-4Gert.lteb- le "-YOre- St. Georges standa and never loses itssOcn .11/4.14, fir forgl (47/9e opt Col: Pow ik Chetah* Co X.illAttotA**4440it ten . . J. Foater, who has been quite ill of We arepl Itichood Speare and I0 and son. Hermon* ofFrobysbire. r4ottn- Shutes rt Robinson bas ;tiltt:ilis 0'7 hour fr, • n WO BRATIOHES IN THE E0010100Noi 0.4,IN1A.D4 Stephen .,. i. 0 istotiog Its the report, for Stephen, :,--,filif-May.z...--- . tehel), O'E', King, 47-Sinis;,11 A. 11111. r IV L-HaIat,E-Shns,A:,7 ,Stahla;.' tiglandie,-=-&--dIff,-.....,, ' , orniah* 0 Xing* XEngland.- A it* Agan _Stahl& ktr,11.4,4.1Sion.„-Jr. Part 1-0 St,h1e.Hattie Chapman, Teacher. The following to the. report of-S.S... No. 10, Stephen, forisfay.-Sr. IV.- Carr:Alters 70, 1 Carruthert:00, A Wit - eon 00,' M Hayter It Sherritt 00, R their appearance. One went through , kirk has iMproved the exterior of :hio Ricky 40. Sr. Ricky $0,,,E Love 'here on Sunday westward bound.. residence by having it nieely planted. 00, E. Wiskettl, D Isaac 00, Pi Ilayter ,,eatne Vier *b°11t,tr, mile* -Bert Workman of Exeter and sister 00. Sr. Turner 00, Csonyn ‘°''wn Pu uilo Pow” tlatiuienr#44‘,.11 Lit -1411lien bf Rillsgeen Were here on Sun- 04, 11 Gamble 02.,..W Hicks 40. J. Car. almost all day, tryingti) get It wurl** day, 'the guest of their Bitter, Ws, :others 80, G MeLinchey L Ridley ing order. The Majority of AIS think Grant Itychnutn.,--401te a netriber 30, F Turner, A Mellin, 0 Isaac. Jr. the good old horse is good enough .for in this iricinitY, are growing the Duteb /IL -.141cOregor 72* A Sherritt 70, L us and atore reliable., - set onions this Year. They have re... .Mellin 55„ Eagleson 40. Sr. 11.--0, --P-ehmtnePorti,44:110441°witng-1"11-e-- vexed their----firs'toeintift._andlike, the OrOn-V11 58*.it niater_45.14 Igagle‘ton 44. regort of Creditor: It 1 f -urMay; other crops *re late. IS* 'Minh nor.' /WU-0014' w „Love. "tinuati°11 elat"s' e°mritii°"* ton tuutreturned frotn:a lengthy visit • it Teacheri Followmg is the report of the Sr. and Deparfment of S. 1 Stephen for May. .- Sr. Department. -I M Hepburn McCuraY„ Rieke, A Enbinonnt ltabinsOrtv-fil Elston, 'Wiloon, .11;Ditplan, , Sr. IV. Bainhani„J Bowery.. Jr. „ Anderson, E Oallfae, ft .1.1thltei E vex., A White, Brooks, Eesery. Motterill3eacher..,- J'r. De r. Reg:lath, g • ftt s't. n McCurdy. Sr. M Beaman, /1 Neil. Bowden* Xe.lt-IMeOurdy, 0 Davis. Pt 1-0 liveY0 A7Robinearir,D-:--11rook ZWilskitt...-SrPt.L11- star: )61**set A .130`,-+:5V 1411173- 1111- * to her- parents in G SWeizer 71* G Short00, F Beaver Rogers, engineer ormitcheit mkg here 'ELAleadd.43. W Morlock and MBrOwn „Friday survoyifig thellobkirk and P. Geiser 04; A 1101tornan 03. Latin oenu •Aodentou .1tas erect+ Classes II and .A.d.4P Geiser 10. 0 Short hodsome ,fewie *hid, is a etedit $0,11 14":14 72- 8 "IQ 714 Sweit*I" ta the neighborhood as well .7att.the • lt 0$4 owner. -Our teache,r, R. T. -McLean 11.1111if.„Rroxighliiiaq 0troddityLeeeni • turclay-io, lock German Classes; A au 11.- tans :Gamer 0 Sweitzer. G Short 00, - W lidtorkie.k OS..M Brown GI.. E Hill ICionzle 53. The nututes ofthoifrvi obtained over4V.inserte& -7" W-olitett-T4iteh i v. fit -Entrance class.. -A Geiser* streicher„.L Finkbeirw• .W treicher, F. Smith, P.. Roast. . L-Gaieeri-P-Treitz. 0 UL -N Hill, L Brown V Rol zni ----lifisyRobinsofri-Teather.- Div. IL, jr, 11-1L-.0estreicher. G 'Appleton, n'Illuitt, M Winer, P Hill, E-Evrald, Beaver, ICittale, f WO, Sr. Holtzman, 0 ,13entalett.14 Clark, King, 0 Ewald: Sr. Pt. II., It King, 0 Oestreicher, V 11111„I Wolfe, G Erb,' II Pinkbelner: Mies Gierin Teacher. T.--jr. 11„.,1t English Guen- ther. L Weiner, Treitx, Z Redden. r.Pt-,11--L, 'Hoist* e 141.±0011., Guenther, A • ottoman: mien , Beaver and Sireittertrittal. 3r.Pt 11. 'Redden,. Teacher. •• ttitS1),V1004 • -Tfrestlay-Jhror: Dabwod-tn&l hold the Annual seboo Bend on that, late. Coix Miss, Annie Hey Of line Wit0 WedneslAy Mr. •Stelckof tEetith rOUtrasiOtt. WIISOU of Zurich 'WU In the:villa .on: Wedneadaylast.,*Several of the young picfllc in TheY h -tto-tdouhter:- ev. r). Oisehler et. oe, eupied the -pulpit in he 'Everson Ocle'ottrSoneday4ofternoott.. noffmsnitod.tomily of .Pokbill, spent. Sunday With ,friends here. -The work of alogups.the Walk* In the, village tontnienced; When complete ft ' quite aultoprovement.Vhe here are Oting themsel. ves over the:Anticipation of hovel - Hen., AYiestworth 'with them et their -convention on Friday. :: 'They.ought t. make an effort to hatre tint locate * mind. otointieltere in the lomtlity,sto be seem* to have been an **pert et the layinesolit thepast-A very ,Ititerest, Ing ottame of. bowling took £T*ce Friday night • between the Knots and the 'KtdstboAvo plsos.. In the gosito the the I_ Oslo couH Itittfilearivliosiever in die* near :their vlsi d and they . bitit to' tievrilde uelit on*iti ir rite Whielt hatl Stink * to ‘,411* began to strop. stood 20,10 foe' Knoti ere 1$ *4 it- Llr I 101 _ 1-1.04 IN 4" -f t , I 1 1**11.110W a. tastOrtfttr*...i 4:Vara 1 te 11 1040 hot' 'hnellmart ed to her 'botne in Centralia visit with frlende berei.-Mrs. ertiraieli 1211s ptirchased the residente. and property , Ifileroer of Eloto*.--rottrtatoottt-hatrreturt '.•frowtioderieh---where-lio:Attended. County Council: .1 im.aumart form" limn. Ilogarth, A, Hackney, Jr. eily of town Is 00 "-a: bui1001111 trip through the. western provinces...Hi Zbitinernians Who has been III* IS etde to be out sgain.„-,Wedding hello are 411001114- Mitt week .on tiii :Babylon- tte.-Itlist Ida :Sipple bee returned from At few niontlisStae-in:Dattolte.t- Miso MInnle rpoitn, .who bee' been regd.. Ingiin„ Winnipeg,. hae,gene-to Minneap- oliL-It 1. reirrtettliat 4.:**,11613on.,• ell, of Hen* InulbOnglit the big brick .blOek at St* Jottepli:..and -.Intende tear. Tug it doertanthoteoi ,theznateri denof Holw- motion of S. idt1 flew, Man.. and osro.• matialt of Brandrew. the appeal was moo *don Mam.- Are on an extended atigtiterrors were cm* ,• Ne11, V Davis', to Ilackti Hackney. Pt. 1.-1: flicke, j Ifslats. N lirekenshire, P'...Huotab e. No. on roll 00. Mabel Sparks, teacher. _ , • Usborne Count:11i Council Met- as court of-Revision,- a:one let, Ali 'members. wete_present and duly SWOrOt Jotienli Hawkins Iteeit:e 7 Was. elected oho:Irmo of the court. The appeal of jobb W. WeIsh , v In this vrettilt on utatRin--Atkitiewpret4 Mobtc lesuerLaP4 highest eurrent ra IVbtar narti'oS1:-6-4;i-otlo-lgaseio-tsyi. t I*en.areditqutte17istt4 halyessformerk Ditartoof an•il tflokudirreertv • - -- tRxeter-fortheDominion,GoVernment, uto - 0 tm. r Contimied humetisi. Success • bV. AND LAST FEW DAYS Ii g,xe:ter, of • • CANADA'S GREATEST PrinesoLOoLet and th only genuine ,-----SOLENTIVIO-PALIVillirtiweanada-frourTormato lye -methods --twerirdent_ onstratetantapproved-ofbylitdgeend-Jory at the -110o - vont! o mai Session* Marc1114, 1901. • en will win roraa o r a folioult7 .„ Everybodyighted hisgrarible.instruetive, interesting* scientific and httil delineations -which. they elaitittobe a elationlimn the_nonaenst! cal dap trap practise4 00eatiomea mountebanks. • . ' Speculators and tlioSis contemplating a 'change •business should not -miss -consultinftbloc- ,-Calland-aee-thtoutograptiavt prorninentpeo.pla-.40-11c0.- aro-- hecoma rich'itiOethertchaidingprotolti-ent-positionethroerglrineprectiea :eound PrOk011tleteS work le all done on scientific,. Ustie., 'bine oitaf:-.ParenteithourdtbringtheirAtitarettiourfititroovAftett-titer %re- adapted for ts,he *a. attecess In. lite. Volyler's New York Iliteot 'phrenolc 1 chart ;toed. , , .: Your .0A.ez,,ransrr and zzoloNnt)iteof FUTURE event atIner NaturenejtandabyLeorreetlY delineated. WOATING DISEASl . Ordarrl.,,,,AIARItIAGP4,41-amAxtmerknominitirm.,,,413; saityar pnwIt. Character read from photo, . 'Terme within reaelt of all ' „ .„. -$000itte: WOO* let Attelidnace Oh is your only obanee' to consult such AO ,entinent man in WS. profes- sion ,your town, you should not, tots* the. .oppertunity given.. -. Everybody knows Prof. O'Brien and hit ability. Au, ekaillizlatiOU from him 12:1W will be Worth thonsandis Of dollars to any one itifitttieti, years. . , - - Private Office at -Central ',Hotel' $uitti 11 nes of July 1 , say47,,, 8 e 8: A A 11 in tb:r t i ithe ti l 1 : ite'rtot 0-13o01eN the well-known phrenologist and' , intimist, who.' togetherIth blot no less interesting wife; is stoppingat the 0 . n 01;t4riVi,-000 .. eogaglog intoner. Bei* thoroughly abaorbed in pbrenology and ebirom- il Cy,. *orbital beta* studied from *scientific stondpointeed look* upon thea„pert and parcetofthe.arts, - A Times. representatiee:visited -the . professor , i it b 41.the thie meit.)10,140:_. liu estOltai 1.110,,,01010,4 to reniti'reffi 10' traduced his leeleter, 14J V UW1 LPI the ash raneil-of °atilt, 0 ' - 7; "--- rettai*41:Ittilsiuttialigniol"afiareigitiktbtalitqlpolu4Bollitis4o4 billeg#4:41iPtteitliai 43_: withiihlir 0inbikieent . -1 T" ttCueintiwinittuteom°0f4litteettioeC°04trtetlIt,.witeltite$41".: du nit praos future. and to be directed 'WOO Wistakeltor otherwise of the mtg. *fretting :at their apelollitlee for the various eitilitigeln. life, finding but 80112e - and, ' approved. A deputation from 'Zire"kritirtg.:;11°04trgneh4tbititrinlikoliiell:1;1114i.tbcelloue C6Intientniirt''. '-Tb:11411;n:1418dra.mtiltreulillea:1141v1440.:14::;c7k1":47. b:e***:ro-thar,,....*011;:bee:tzes:sg"'n14.**tied."004""01) ; tiri ortt. ecyi e,nt In teirn fe 1 . :174 I. To; ple-io the . pie o 'prom nence in ormito and other, leading Cann:I:an Ode civic' `see'd Vrt AttiOSOT4 - : Ot Of - I.. O 1Prof. • I, 4 .e1 .10 tile testich- wi In tb hi i . re r , already totidue ted ituitty reeding* 11-- tO .. 0 I taY Promise* to develop Interest In litifetiolt).gy andi*Ituto; 1, Waits 14'evok.lteeoul of Feb, 24 1005, aeYa; *TA:Z.43We Mut bad .rernaticablet aueemis in l'serlitt; *04 has convinced hund, redi-414.0-altil And114.4440-1tEthclre phrenology, 0 and MM.( ilyBdenItove, Perlin With -Me s o h 0 petrel*: and friends th ,‘ ‘ . . , :.. Uie grn *Oki O. I to the Ob... Greybielletha is toiklug his 100;e:00.4 Of the London eft. Wednesday for lksloWicotia, ropotea by his wife, where :they . Will spend .the sunitner. Zneich. boo root:tinted jute 181h se be the it ftb 01 M.vs nnft 012 a ' *CV oo cncw ld-Ateltgraxn Was 1'014v-4114ot ,frietolevecintoying-,- the, IAA; ,the ot Deniutb,, n of Ittstua Deniuth of Ashland, Wia.- rAlotituth-leftZuttritet.-411:hi! parents About sixty you* *10,04 en. tia,1*.ote bakery bosio** in. As Oil, Tha newt of his death 'will ,,be rettilted With regret by -this , etiolation- ity *rid the Patents will hate the tym,• .Ext.tby of a lorie numberof friends- in 4 the lose of the only win. -It *Ow* that the relative* bete had no intitmo A tion of any ;nom, in the family. I 1 wa..ven or Ort X cbased emerit for sldewalks. Ac- coun'.s °tinting to,11$5.47,...wire pase- ed and 'orders isauta . in peyment* (YoirncIl tbenodfOurned . to, meet Weil., WM,itt. on*,igeleck.,wben , the Stewart 'bine tat wUt b read and consldered.F. Morley, Clerk, ' The funeral. oft.3*01ofii who died on Saturdaytittnot 104 , plitee Moodily to 13rocelt emnet yo,,,Pret,Iterr. cleedi soot, With friend*, here. -Mrs. Tate daughter Mrs Shaffer of London! were 'lotting at the former** Mother's( Robertson, , the o weeks: The tosbyltie4o Df Agnes 8ptost,•dangbter two Ni7.1111 titietotoleuft.f::.t, 11.1,:aatr 1* veiy low. The ifs t her tofu ti- -Ob*s. ltdnioudi isWog: i1? tnn rparet*blss for n a ; to the reportof the S. NO. ror May, Islarata In ordo. Oke, 0Moir, tiT Ito 1 e. A Rovrcliffe, Oke, eh Sr. SIrang 4.JMo1r, T Dnttsl1 Wbite. Sr. ugall, 0 Rowsllffe, . Jr, 4r. Pt. M Sitraeg,'.L Oke te.la„ memo eitatiovroteloop* VBeH # ft fuLl , tuln, r, !V..- . Skinner, Webber, . 4 Moly, e * 1 le ' e \ i ;a I Fn d,TIThlniwr,FWebber, I" Y('uIbert . R Web*, v 11 'It , week* in 011 OA' I yeiirs. He-ertis it brotber to Dutietm* *04 Arcblbstld .• Tuekettniith .ant also lotisees,z,„ xtobotioti and Mr*, Grote McLean of Tuditerigmith.,---1**0 lairot tutd two in unfi ,cettle.. -train on Stott:n:4y' turning ;ea Itt, re be lextd i.Robinson late of' Hotest,.• Clinton* has the Commerelal hotel froni rte.* Ant took .posaession Durward- met with nite !dent. While re. ii-om town his'horse was which meant onite *105 10 hint. Dr, 1,/ frighten b tralr: and bolt- CecU ItOes of liydio rot 'tot ed. iuir. Enirsrot .thrown to ed Whit are well knotrri ' eat 11 tbe ttlit And had three rib* brokenA Flourlrnt AI tile* istitrittre and Io ibe saute tooted near London a p*,*,h,teil.in chui tbrlr 0101111;41 gard 0011210 grounds. on 28. TbeldIe�tl4tfl vt ot the in making* Ifoo Ata year I I nlorit Prater 04n Jy * , GodiDore friendo here finsad Oh their e Vil. Jr .t 4.aVe tt0. with t he 1 , lo* h WM, ks. yo!,.;,!, tv il t kook has* t )1 t 11 Ti gler A tal _for44.4.4. - 4 00 010;1 I 01000 *1'0 Ttv. 1 041' 4* s '001