Exeter Advocate, 1907-06-13, Page 3 (2)Jolla
.IJ.4 tne IfL theeto
iiiU.ate tented throb
gale •itown an hex uit
ping p hist6r5e to an
e„, -w
W.I(ash 'hews dazzling through the
Bougainvelle fire blaz-
I r its front.
WJ 'mites later Jim is standing by
I, couch. fette is holding both his
hers, and there is ,sometbing
. her -face ,witieh tells him that ishe
ItflS thet Iieeltalt kise her. •
\iuen. lettilnlie-when I 'think of our
meeting r shesays hysterically.
4:utitu1 vele yeu hese.
u ,
4 ,
.noment„ he has not the_ 1 a t
✓ neer- it*beautiful or nit, ii,
turw hi,tormented eyes round Upon
tI es little, court, with its charm-
bititiois, of, slender twisted mare;
at mellow -tinted, tiles" of low
plaabmg titan. OiiiiriI1y IteeleiLS
be ipen; leeeeCle711-,:weeTeem'3fld 1110
me rains of heaven; but 14 .
baser has eovener it.. in
wiNi gbus,fand set low divans ,and luxe
tee cusidened bamboo 61'10s about
e„.6*.ybtlle heslet fall her -hands, and the
reeeion of the wish for a sisteely Om-
Uttelete,--eiteeppeared out of her We.
rOt •04 .few moments she. Outten% aI*o-
Iut.y siknt. Ile looks round anxiously
ilia, but she hes gone to take Off
met.. and Mr. Wilson has not yet
Under pretence of,seatainin
he walks towards _the levely
tWa de of borseshoe-ateltes that
onn the urt, and hLs tuteesy look
I ,seeing ttem. Upon the ver-
1'1lines• of lovely old fa.en4o that in-
eisct the with so test blues
and yellows.
\Vhel1 Will Cecilia return?. *Beltitte
um he preeently hears- ...the invalid's.
reice,*titeadied and.voldetted
•ix-e'et beautiful; and, of coerse,
erything for weary eyes to have
letteent 'Obje'ete. 1o, 'rest,. upon. i
I te?".,,,w,itit, a little laugh-ggthat we
take.ii 441)4- if our
u t opine
l'Alleeeteeit,Yotir etre:, Thought when
ard the 1E1ml 4
was, .10-•ty
i Lo itteotricr •
needIe's to say how innocent of
?ntaI tjaculetka attributed to him
ha been, antelhet. coosciotisness of
Mikes herrinquire with „guilty hastMfle:
ett .eeittetvere none thee %Omer? you
OW it all Ittotr.r:':
vio.',really-wouderlia," -replies she;
sick people-le-41th a little oir of
Hytelitigelo glee you welt. 451W4'
tee* eurprises soinetimee; :but / roust
letatisehteceidit to myself; it is really
ary,1),11, duo, to 1)r. Camp, my, new
..selee /sea perfret, marvel of intue,
, eleelye tell him that he 'never'
.....lettLetteineee_ho. ee', One is; . he
•s be.1 ea entre" bundle of *term bere-
t that tsest 'sup -poet, why one can
elpore_subjeele that are sealed'
One's nearest and dearest."
Vete hies a:suspicious tremble in
it which trightene Jim -anew.
.the-two-tiersot'curving epittrart
ending arch, WhiCh,ift.aie in eoot
lhe AtettrO, Cecil:et leantrigeoyee
IUstridu tht:funs along the ‘tip..
ler,,and looking down upon him,
eile.Inernent etre',Witson enters.
u a'very pleasant
Notre Dame d'AfriqUee-Our Lady 0
b eek; and the chump that ';"i 4
to her is ugly too-nowand mock-
tifeorish; but, like many another ugly
ledy, being very nobly placed, -she hoe
▪ grea.t and-soletrureair. It is .Our 1.110
ot Africa who- first gives- us our greeting
as wo etsam hi from seatverds: it is
to Our Lady ot Africa, that the fisher,
people climbto vespers, ,and to the
tooching Once tied follows, whott priests
and acolytes pass nut e of the -ehureit to
Jetetteseetteineeeteetele,seldelM _
against the sky, stands a, sniall I.atai
• watt- tillacitt:tgen?,dr-tkaStr.mit-
7111116117, whictl
%."-.70rYtto eettx, _gut ont
peri 'dans see,sle raer, et one ole ensevelts
"All-titoke "Whet lieve perieltedeinjelee
sew,. AO been •buriedeinetterewaves-V---
ered with one little epitaph 1'
No treeThriffeleMique, steeds grandly an
the cliff -tops, overlooking the sea, -whose
01140 de..4s.c.iikloislko elgenizedly-pray.
tt; avert", whose cruelly she is eortiethries
powerful to asexiage, witness the fre-
quent votive tablets with, 'which the
eburele walls are ,oeverel ;_ _
"Itterel, olx m ruereeg
"Jell pre, et raj elite exatiee."
- "iteconnaissartote a
"Reconnaisente a Notre Rome d"Atiqtteet
Sliesdoee not look very lovable, this'
coal -black Mariewho stands in her ,stiff
brocade, with her ebon hands str.etetted
straight out above tee high altar; but
how -tenderly these poor Sisherwives
must .have felt towards her when she
brought them *back their Pierre or their
Jean, ,frena the truculent -deeps of the
ocean I * •
° leurgoyiki 'has been told, both 1)5r the
gulde-book,end.by his table,d'hote neigh -
bore that he ought to see Nolte Dame
di.A.fique;' nor is .ho Iellirto pay ;Nether;
obeisance to -that high lady who -el-
eeade yesterde,beckoned ,to twa across
e Nutt elooreolehte watereeeelleedees
not .telt Cecilia or hie intention,: -as 'he
knows that alti, Altetlitt tatifeejtt
pany him ; buten leaving -her he tikes;
along its Arabeunriede istreets; Bidet
Zoun and Bat -et -Cued, towards the vil-
lege of Ste Eugene, and breasts the wind -
In& road that, with many anelbow and
I, end, heading a deep gorge that runs up
feign, the- se4 to the citereh-foot, leads,
him within het portals. • The eimgeega-
tion is sparse -ea few peasants, a blue
t, , ,
ni.,' M ' be,11,44 ei
ly ad Wttt 4.dxt
41, enti sw1 1
..40 07 , * e
•°' ,! •
,14.4riltePt '',101`4001,t4,:....,,ailit
i ile -,'-wit , .
heartedness.::, ,s,ri :We- . ti, dttr
thing, Ou, Ate 106k too rittiettlousr..,
!her-latighs-toor and,,,,sid$,..her.
tighter f 1 '' -nor doe e it seem t
S.tzthern chat May PoWlitY $trike tto
delicate little frame of Elizabeth, noW
btlyienineti Lueolr_rtweed gown,
wish-you had a. looldng-glass to-esee
yoereelf in." tries-ehe,. rippling Into
fresh mirth; "does not .she look tunny,
father?" appealing to him with as little
resentment for his past surlinessas
oWd beeshowneby•a good dog (I can-
not put it more strongly), and Yetas it
deprecation, -------- -- • 4
Tkc next tnernent ono nI theiki--4t
ceaZ t • 141:4
.of. blrnself,
Siken ft
stakinteetands-wittsalt-teme8 is dear
that the feet, of .his presence in Algiers
lets- been notiltedeto-Mr;eleteeetarthant,
for ttiero is nei_eurpelee in his coldly
olvit greeting. Ile nialoa,:tt•LaS::Sliert-- as
'poSsiblee'eand • ralmost e at "'once -turns.- to
Witeeittliteesideeand'hie-laughter =meek-
ly following. Doubtless' they da'not wish
for his (JirteS) company; but yet. as Ile
was origirtallye -and- witheitit • any iceto.,:
enoe to than, going in their- direction,
it weiuld• seem natural that he should
waM along with them.
Ile hesitating as to whether ei no to
adoptites coerse, when he is deckled by
0, vete' slight movement of Elizabeth's.
head. She doe* not acttially look over
her shoulder at him, and yet it seems to
hini Iasi!, were her gesture ,completed, it
would amount to (hat; but it is arrested
be some impute° before it Ls more Ulan
sketched. , Stith as it is, it suffices to
take ,him to her side; and it seems to
him tha.t there is -IL sort. bi ,satisto,040.11
mingled with the undoubted, apprehen-
sion en her faop, as she rettlizes that it
is no. 'Her eyes, as elle term them
upon. him, have a. hungry question in
them, which her seem Afraid to -put.
Apparently she cannot get nearer •to it
than this --very trernblirtgle and hurried-
Ottepeds with estiniet • glanCe ,at her
fathers back, as it elle Were delivering
herself of soniecomptemising 'seetelo,in-
indistinctly vexes: •
. ,
-"Aeete-great manyethings have hap -
petted Sinteeseinee we last, met I"- •
biat, . from which, unlike ekoiliars rain-
bow raiment, the crape band has not
yet peen removed ;---and ho-sinderstands:
that she •Is comprehending his trouble as
-well as her own in the phrase. •
"A mid- many 1" he'atiSwers
.11e-IULS not Um .cruelty to wish to keep
her on tenter -hooks, and. he knows per -
and red &leave, reel several Inevitablo teeny what". the...leesteme that is welt.
gnome Now ane again a woman, clad ter. in the wistful blue of her look, and
▪ hurahle that tetis-e)1 prayers in. whom it eoncerns; but it would be ine
veto, goes up with her thiet candle, and, pertinence in him to, take- for granted
liglitittg it, sticks it in its steatite among that knowledge, and °hewer that, Oneo-
nta others 'that burn 'before. the alter.
sity which, however intense end:0par-
tor awhile Burgoyne -node it pleiteant eiew has not yet engine the -current
after his elitrile -to sit and watch her, and eels eespeeeee, prate* sho:seesee at he
einem-Attlee effeinglyewithe_whale hope _Of • „enollweeeetineveling-,•toeleepelter-,---for
Ped to herself' she is set* she make- another tremulous effort.
ling her slender taper -alight-now that el hope 'that -that -all youe friends
her tretieure has all too obviously gone are we/1." '
down beneath the waves, to it and spec-- my friotede te eepeats he. half:
elate. anti smell the heady *cense, and
-lisieteeta-liteetatirmur4eshanted sup sadly ; "there are not such ritungeous
na I-bave-not-nieurefriendeelett-estilt
oationT -but presently, „growing„, weary :alive • • _
ot the tincompreleended service, elites lite thoughts:have reverted to his own
o tq1d _1 theeelittleepletetnes-willte efeer.ereie auheseeeeetenreemeetor re-veiee
view Straight onteeno 1100**a/etc lend- presen - kr- him but the wards are no
object --interverarigt.'4Oard4, -the sea, sooner nut. of his mouth Mut he seeee
stetveyetvieeh a stainer is coating wee false is eheetnproeston produeed.by
hee way; it'd on the herb:en- two tiny his eapie....sees le written -in Site sudden
shining stele are , Release_ of her .eheek. and the tee: -
Here, on this bold. liettelheit, it seems
.. !—
with its beauIiful old ,piereed stueco
ahhanging braes !anise, carte
tribeke - Hi psrt brineeoinefy towards
-what ishpt-ld ir enjoyment, There.
•no-oe Ai, fan ely qUarrel, but just
4nough. 41.:covori, recrimination and sub -
..acid. 'sporting. -t make ,en enatsider feel
thOroughliy,.urt: trifertable and to prove
,b0W Inh*rznonious a whole tir esoured
flov..t*rtits.. ' ,
"WO:40a More than we used to do,
not wet" etlys, (leeilia, When elle, a
.ti1e* later,' lakes letiVe, and .she walks.
inder )LM 1('d,:sunstiade. 111) Pea ,lieeed
sellared gate; .
ammiI to -day we were better than usual,
aue you, *Ile by. Olt, I wish, you
ny by
Ik not echo lite -wish. lie had
hUgt1L that lie' bed Already held, les'
dttnellik at her true Nettie; but
mint'10.4ery, has he realized
putgrikity of si).
nis•tilielind.passed to tier re.
sou will not drop us alto.
urse,. now Ilia the link that
10 you Is beekeit"e4tee.ok
itt he letta neither"the leer nor
*Ii;elthettottiletion tri -Sy
13 110.
ittir longer; , but .1 44
.41 throw tr5
0141, girl, Why'. shottid
Ibat *300811411 shall always, be the
trend, and thal before long I
settled in s; Mtn* s -our
t 0 lif
I 'V
ter eye. -
and otia lies to lean tar over the km- anybody eriy of frien
11- -Meat
beeetatumera Viet
wall in order to realize, that there is tetely dead le
some solid earth between us and it ; that • "Oh not not' he extes, reassuringly
two full eines, of the dead -it Jewish and "you ere- making li mistake; 'nobody. is
a Christiane-liti below. Poe ttaq by the detele-tiebody,• •that is," -e -with a \ sigh-
ligtirof that plain. inseription upon that you do not' thee** kiwis, of. Ali
whicei his eyes are resting, what is oven our friends -all our common-. friends --
the azure Mediterranean but a grave? are, As far its I know--",
For the mailer of that, What is all lb "Ell alieth• I" breaka in Mr., Le Mate
but a- grave? ' , , elentt voice,Irt severe appellation; he
. ,
lias lily , just ,titoonie aware that his
Viva our plea$ures .die, arid' then diteghter is' not Unaccompanied, and the
Our hopes, and then out „rear5, and distovery Apparpritty aots uot.piease
when . , , him. -- , -
'these are dead, the debt 45 -due: ' , Avg tout -1, ofootidis delay, despite
Dust elaiips dust, and we die too." twerity.sevo'n yet" sht has Sprung
Ile turns \away, and, mutt-el:it ng itiese '14,*ard' 14) 01,1q- the, talirfloaa; .
words half absently., between Ins lis has time sere to, make no foil) fort
begins ki-nteke 'the circuit of the ilium to reteln her.. 14*. tit thne 41,111tt I et*
rind in doing so CottiO5 anddenty upon ettiV tL 01114104,, and Lthey not *Pin
three persons who are apparently simi. retehed the front of the church, vespers
tarty employed. The party -tonsists of are ended, and there is a movement EOUt#
le Mail did" WO ladies. -Being 4 `Mire win* among the worshippers. They
attend of him they are, for the gest nue etteeMeellot Very rititnerotis-olt ort the,
litent or two, not aware of las presence, little -terrace. The priefila "follow, tette
,ari ignorance by w lett he, rattto to hts .sttred, but.-Whielt, 1044' strange ---„with
own dlsoomiltute, profits to overhear a beards sad '4114:ers. ,--The-hoo. Wes, h41.
scrap Of their conversation c ertoinly not their red thasiAblest aril a olatk and
\intended for his tars, , , - •I white pall,- and lay it over the ineniorlat
ti suppose that s'ou Were wbottlier. ,SIOno belowl the cross. On eitheit hand
ing, Ss usual'?" Mr. Le Moreton* sepal atarid a baud ot doeently efad youth.
leg, with ve invent ot mkt ;overgrew eons eof drowned **omen -playing- on
daught "but ,Should have thOught, bra" illstmgatal-s* it h. 1100,r1 little,
that even you might, hoey retitembered aubi(ilt in 11106; hotieurrift 11°
roIl1ng.orgint,* Ito -papal ,e 'oh*, could
touch the heart se Much ite simpkt
erienonittl, !flit little Latin etnvi,4. stout..
g sheer out against the sea sloe tstiett,
I thrown ow the stet* tiett ,60m.
totes the stale innuntertible.desie
bring a wrap of, seine t.ittud for your
neither el 6 1
•lhu$airittg, ,lettelleeat llevtrig ;hat)
- 1,0) 'uetexpectedly %tort :the. jifore
e:e eaten marry! Well, lent, pertly In shoeked Velislintett
eeettereette to that lite harshness both of vo 'and wOrds.
° $4. idwtitys in the old days Eli/abet had been Mit
t , ' it apple of' hot falltt** 'eye, iii- oppose,
t ,alkiee lightest , anti W** * C*Rit*"
Itflie64 tor witoitt,tio Itt,vriliteilid be too•,
,_ atSd, no loOks to6 doting. - Yet now
tot 4 ab. - Wets,. \ with the 'sweetest *tad-
iiii4,4eillietit ihteoilighleet Nip of
-kwk' 'er itritation, ortany. irate -tele -el
eteetirreettlee teettet le teiteettiet
•a a
biiukiow tootild have
'itoats ittextuitsitht 4if
..t9 ,.
4.101 :ire i4U wtuet-. 4hearinga li
e •- 14tgain, t c ,I.
. .., , , ..,0 .„
, .. , 11'
4tittil.#4 ) , r !eat tjks t
thy WOW; cease to be in
tbe sseseeh ea eOXIttilkOtt tiL very aeld'
I would eat robab e t
ng be ne,just after tho thearing;
that it the latnhe "he dipped twice with-
ftle Interval 104 saYe let days- between
the -dippings,, that theseieks, should be
practically -cleaned ont.: - The sheep,
sitoUld, however, be put In other qiiale
tere imMedettely atteie the dipping and
net Affeile31/IftWed Jo eseeeet .the old
quarters for some eteei4ksesubselquently,
Alteteing 'the sheeP to go hack again
-o their old quarters is largely reepon-
and yt -it is not easy to Wholly previmt-
,Soiiue o these have arsenic as
some have tobaccoand some have
Other , poisonous propitiatiens. '1 would
be. safe- to Isar, Ilitreffearly--ell nt the
are good.: but it would not. be 8attt to'
say 'teteeteez:arweeltie: 'Itestrettlet-
Would•-notebe safe for -me to say etas.
,Reeit•wouldeeirebablere. ault_th
a cheap preparation and may be cam,
pooretted_ aod _prepared-- by -*-the owner.
tfis piste effective, but the evidence ,ts
pretty clear that it does,' to seine ex-
tent, injttre the wool, except when the
sheep are dipped just after shearing. .
On the assumption, that some, of the
proprietary ',dips will be used, the direc-
lions given for using them may le
safely followed, hence that need not be
.1ftwelt upon ixt this paper. Whether tho
owner should invest in a galvanized
.tank or Make a, box that is water -tight
itt Which, to dip no sheep, Will depend
upon thre size" of the flock and the con-
tinuing of the work. Usually- it will
pay to invest in a.galvanized tank when
the hock is kept front year to., year.
feuelt a tank is not costly.* It is durable
and it may be easilymoved if necessary,
,from piece te place.- It is always ed-
visable to provide a dripping board in
eorineetion with the lankethat will carry
the drip • back from • the sheep to' the
lank. They should be h.ekleort this tor
a short -time While the drip is squeezed
•outeof the Weet.
_ . .„,_
Alt course in_latg,e_lieeks.1
metes are MOM elaborate., A long and
narrow trough is made .througit which
the sheep' aro, (*roe to swim from end
lol,..e„,rele, When they-getto the farther
-end they sh-Orilebe
timo.on a platelet° that will carry the
drip back agent to-thestante- •
Unless is known that ticks ere pre - We
sent, sheep should be dipped every
spring just* after * they are sborn.,
they -have •any ticks in the tale when
going into winter quarters, they should
be dipped again, as the tieks will inul-
.tiply rapidly through the winter and
May prove a source ot much loss in the
condition of • the sheep. If She sheer'
could be dipped once just alter shearing
and the' Iambs twice, arotillined above,
And ifte whole- flock then-removedetor
a Joe to other quarters. the expects -
,tion could be Cherished that. ail the
tteltee Would les-tice-noved. Has any one
ever acsomplished this? ' • .
Ib. acelYtell otanding with 4t.3*
AtkOt dowti,i, holding ' Aloft lb* high
tapeta, who'se, fiteltoriat flan* titos,-$4,4t-
*1140 twin pitffot mit; lotd thot *ono 'Of
the Altosinied indlors, nuiting‘thetir hoofl-
rott* to the atteoreptiniMen4 of the
Salt ,bteetti. The little Service ill brief,
and those wIgi iniVe taken pert inIt ant
Mon aiiniieritirtg. Att they 4,o, $teii, Inn oneot
mete finds himst.4,1 to et moment clot*
to tlititbetti.„
tio, be ootttin
The hands are such dear iterate --
They are so fun, they turn. so son.
pftenethey-reaeheoutes - - -
With trill% ecareely- thought, about;
't in- or' inee, tor you--
their fond wills Int -stake
We May well bend, not 'break.
Titer are suelt-freele-trale-lips „
that speak to us I Pray, it love strips
Theni•eit-disoretioni -many times,
DaYe'teet lereoffe-whert thesesmall wordsmaybe -- • -
ed not as eke* or eeulok.
Or out of plaoe, but dears- 0
Because the lips that spoke are no More
They are such dear, tamiliat feet that go
Along the path with ours -feet fast or
. slew,
But tryIng to keep pace.
It they `Mistake, ,•es.
0 tread 30010 flower ehat wo would take
Upon our breast; ,•
O brviise some- reed,
Or crush some tame mail it
We May be mute, ;
Not turning quickly to imputei
Grave -fetilt; for they end we'
Have such little way to go -an be
Together zilch a little while -along the
We will be Patient while We may, ..
Set minty little tains ive find.;
Wiesee liteM ; for not blind
Is here. We fee thettrq but if you and„I
Perheips-vernetether therassome bee eh
They wile not be I
rtritts- nom, grave Itrilta. to 'you arid
tit -just -ode-wayseemistakesisoreetten-4,44e,seteve,110
less, ...... 135e
Days change so' many things yes, 8
hours! 37$
• ourstiti"
ers in suns and show- 10 " ••••:. 600
it " 4' 405
More Erequent• as 'the Week and the Day
ssehettlegelese.W.MIONT seeeescsesseeese
--French statisticians are making a ettree-- fu' investigation ot indtestrial • accident*
kes- pee
'ere any la wean Met a
thu 0011dit1011, of the workers .in respect
to tatigue. With this Idea ,in view they
lave -mule -tabulations- beeed-both-onetlee,
days of the week and thee hours of the
workInte day, • -
-Almost everywheek it is linnourteird,
duetriftl.- dareoterest- -Ferelnetencee, ert
theeffertuelt ehernit works there were
during a, period ot observation 44 acct.
dents on Mandayee46 on Tuesday, 47 on
Widfiesday, 57 on Thursday, 52. on Fri-
day atid'et on Sitheday.
Again, in Belgium, thee figures were
obtained: Monday, 307 accidents; Tues.
day, 385; WeSnesday, 410; Thursday,
425; Fridaeo,' 420, and Sattirday, 4354,
From all the indications •the deduction
Is made that 63 the time gete 'further
front the .eomplete day's rest the men hie
come les,e sure and accidents multiply;
The curioes drop in the Friday figures
is -generaland-it-puzzles the theorists,
no explanation that will hold water be-
ing found for it. •
It &ems to' be 'established also that
:liability to aceident increases with the
hews of work. The. Berlin 'Institute of
ensurenee fields Mat on thiraverage only
per ceatof industrial accidents oecur
it' the torenooh 10 72 per tentin the bae
ante of the workitne dey, end evett, in.
.11101orenteTti-only 2 per eenthappen be-
tweeo 6 and 7 o'clock to 10 between 10
In : nine Industrial departments of
France 5,533, accidents were notee. These
-were distributed fee fellOWS :
r ilitiny . lettreereewle • llteeepririre pig,
writes -1,- U.. E. _Colbe„,e-The , keener.*
vomes the earner' he can be marketed
and :the 0,,tileker you cap get yaw. re-
turns, Itie early...pig, Iteevever, die -
mends special. -attention,. ' leettutse the
little fellows are suseeptible to sudden
tcheni gi esesend _the weather .et tiles lime
Is yeeeeireble.An order foTh-ref
,-p4,--xleee-eetriango' Ilea thy."littere, give
them especial care tor some litne,before
farrowing.- They are -separated from
the rest el' lite her and put, ink...pens
where they wen not be eliettirbed" er
rowded. An abundance of .bedding is
ireseded, and they are ,-given warm
seeping. quarterse
nesidee comfort, f provide the sow
with nutritiotta feed. They Uwe a Roe
i ply .of bone tine musclapvidecing,
ins\ and theyare fed in :melt a way
ttu they will •get some, exereise„ 1
liketo sprinkle oats on thekeding
itooreeso-thet they havelo---wcil,--* id -
tie to get thin* This feed 15. licit tt
proteiit end heetie build up the bony
structure and keeps the -ingestive Ian;
zeteatue in pod cotatitien. Conte I he-
lieve, Is leo mueh of a heel, pieelec
to be fed ,extensively .at this time.
'I ink that the sate- needs- som#thhmg
lett will prevent - fever Slid Mniiltw
i iieee. A little traii-suie ee litite Ca
Meel is OW, If there ore signs of eon.
istiption. It is- frequently. difficult to
get he $046, to 'tat the .011l'itettle but It
It Is seettered in the tnaugl brtom ilie
Inash te ted ••4-41te tilt tiettelly 'lean. it Up.
After faereeten es‘he .should "be breurthl
tact to item). 1 - 'eti
griiiiinally., ' If' pine
etpoesit it encerit is ept, to derotigeher
eyeteiri, and %lienn that illIOS ,place *he
will not ' be ds pwilitable an animal., In
order that 'the litter They, ell be laiseti
The how , it t be .etlitte well Vele
contented. .
Id the shtung*
*red . Otte my
sow keeps . her 1
lItir;t1of the ftit '
ttivei',. the ttelta , i
iiii. 401 killiegoiu
ittOthing biqter Iti
Thia. tuts,of Ihi'
_1 P. 51,
5. 44 It • • -• • • 750
12 "- $$,55 7 " g'
6 44 44
May be se cherished in to-mornes
light -C
We will be patient, for we know
There's such a little way to go.
•e -Selected.
mime I levee thein sat-
ssr kIt sud 4aeIl
of gs by itself.
kR$eaozm 1 151,1,-14
Ott the, 44ul1i
k.1 ,finkt
arts i
'"It strikes ine, Mrs. Bragley would
niatie a tine ther-in-law." 149ther-
Irela.wt Why?" , "She's got stilt a
charming daughter.*
"e;eorge." she sed, "before we were
niarried • you were ahveys giving me-
Preeente Why don't you ever bring me
anything nowt" "Me dear," replied
George, "did you rivet; hear of a fisher -
titan -giving littiteto-eal-heeshad
caught?' s Them -the -kettle -Ito ell -over*.
"Yes," said Miss'Passey. "he's oIt.
fatly* inquisitive bore., Ile was trying
o find out my age the other day, so
I just uperind told him 41 waa line. That
settled.hini." "Well,"' replied -WS -P -4k
pety, "I guess It is best, to he. PerteetlY
lietteevilltest glow -of -that sort" '
tits Witee-J'At last ruse eyes int 'open
to the- feet -.that, "-e•ou married me tor
tray,money."' Iter Itelsbrititle-"Welt, that
ought to be some consolatkos iny deer.",
Ilis Wife -"Some omisoletione" Her Iltes-
rbatel-"Ires„ You now retiljze ,that t am
not as big a fool' es you thought t was.
, Meteeleirt :British Colonies were later,
tiled .by the .Act of 1833, and in all late
.000 were set .tree.. 3810 of-.ittese. be-
totiged to .Cape Colony. • The oWiters,
were paid And,en-mity at 'the rate of 81:10-
:-.4-"Ii0i--el.;-' ----7-----V7,-,:,,
lien you don't beltet-o in higher .oht.
eat* if for *omen?” "Ckrtalrily, not. I
think it'' 'S .shaine lo wen teed* "eve te
'ed. Ita WOIllati couIthest,teee the
•argaitt dvertisetnetits, elle: wOuldret te
sel ',Unhappy over the lots ot-Iiii# he
Ain't otford to buy." „ , ,. ._ , .„
... ,•„, •
Mr. SamPleson 15 a .„ very, iriseible
Man,. and Is itt the-h'Ittit-ottouttiA0g
his'boes,„ very • sivereik.:
obserVed*lhat 0I6 kit iiif!ti'Ons,
:needed a new' pair '.ot
itoktiO the bor.. or -weitring out, his,,
.tiotties, o0 fasi Ph, 00
;mit any sptt•;bits;'..;*,
plitd the ee)te-reptnselmfuIIy.i • '
The midday drop is title of eeurse to
the lunch hour; that o 6, and 7 P. M.
to the coneparatively small nemiaer of
men ,who are then at week. The small
figure for 1 ereloeir -is at least in some
degree attributable to the. effects of -the
noon rest. The whole array of figures.
4s interpreted as showing that accidents
are in a very large -degree due t0. men.
101 if not, to physical fatigue.
, ee„
"Lk -lathing is easier than to say disavee-
able things, and there tirepeople who
labor under the mistalen opinion that
thereeis-nothingentere .eilevett.
ane of -those mortals who was *atkednot-
lontsince what was theage.01 ktn_ajd.s.#_ ,
VW ofhis
riot, know,' lie replied; 441. have
never studied, erelesologie'
i•As foto' woUld have it, the lady An
question chanced to overheat ,,hirn.
. "And yet, if 1 remember," she said,
with a ',suspicious satoothuess in her
"e.e) <vete
$ V
hat I was born the nest -year that you
we old enough to befog home the.
waseing.” - • -
retort was tutting .and the 'pas.
sage was not oveeerefinedesthe tact
that -the rime was moet enxious to eon- •
t eal, his origin giving a sting to the
words in 'which ibe other took her re-
A POeI41)F.11,
fiegotte daughter is a skilful performs
the, piano, Is she net?" •
iiressereeed- Mee'Kefintele. • 'Tile '
way she can play tor hours without get-
ting an earache or 8 sprained wrist_ .
proves- to rue that she's uncommonly
rator Otters things, •
-mart no -less;- '-
Iut the paothimger takes the,
h*letiving (A' it mess.'
believetin taleing breweri
Y** i1tI)*fl4Ic14:42tteex
4coLlo ihei:r litotes" totitiollYZ t41
r'ptfrd 4Pplut 11101 Sy,