HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-13, Page 2 (2)•
Pei1ejetis)1 ..tesekel etlettethe 'et
• Wettites40Y• with 4111e. ,tua-tit,cte
ty!s thh peirieM e's-eleretieby the,
heeernetteet 'enetteeseot 190e etel 1 '
Prostifele ,. iiel•eiliodsi
' 10:-Traiht311$11)55-475-bre-100releie
value Is $71'4,664,635 in 1006, or en 1n-
0 ereese of ef31.611,460. The deteile IlY
ems arid over are ,:ee
vol. • \-
»cattail ._.,.$04,02075_,4014.60304,
Brie. Celuroble . 19,447,778 88.013„514
*manitoba 1027439 270O1$38
New ferunewlek. 20,972,470. 224,m3,681
Nova Scotia 24'42,513 32.5151930
*Ontarlo . 241,5331489 30,692,144
ec 158,287,904 217424,073
*The ,Territeries:1 1.064.987 745%4690
It TIIE•t:rtirtS.
By cities the returns for 'the chief
ORM of the Dominion in 1000 and 1905
were as follows :-
Plage. - 1900. • - 1005.
•$71-,00iti7r e99i745.-,77ee
...... • 174 .,3• 4seete716-
,wienelneg 8,510;248 e 18,083,200
'1•4-nutun"8,12A185 12,626,844
Peterbore •1,789,164 '11,e66eeeee
Quebec. • . . ... . 12,770,50 11,38045
Vencouver 499,152 .104067,550
• Ottawa . 7,638,088 9,33e,024
Brantford. 5,564,625 8,546,679
Halifax 0,927,552. 4,145,016
St. Jelin ...,..e 6,712,76Ie 6,918,638
• Malsonneuve 6,008,780 6,666,107
St. Cunegonde 2,901,381 5.175,586
Berl •• 3,307,513 5,449.012
S. S. Marie,.... 2.278,472 5,251,013
Hull e,182,505 4,892,381
Amherst ....... 1,151,907 ,4,174,920
• Sydney ••••••11••• 631,396 " 4,085,659
058,950 4,658-412
8rockville . 1,551,506 1,645;940
SI. Catharine', . 2,070,543 _ 8,042,243
St. Thomas 2,248,846 2,213,503
1,260,947es 1,715,100
• 1902. 1906.
Guetph . 3.00,183 4,814,925
Kingston • 2,405,1.73 •• • 4,329,607
• tri towns of Ontario of 1e00 population
an(' over the figstfres are :,--
• Pace. 1001. 1000.
Alexandria -... $ e14,870 $ - 374,259
Amherstburg ... 71,100 103,024
Aroprior .. • .. .. • 1,117,322 - 1,408,460,
Aurora, • .. • 213,539 -428,225
, Aylmer ..--- 313,527 • ,793,114
Bartle .. 367,338 774,366
Bleeiliehri ..e.;e. T090- 100;55$
Bounianville- ... 632,500 545,250
Braeebridge .-. 980,200 •2,315,407
litomptort . . 248.915 819,608
• Canipbellford 354,087 714,652
Carleton Place 392,735 597,160
t:hathatn 2,714,977 3,590,200
t:hester •,. 222,950 487,649
t3inton ' . .338,225 386,$18
Cobourg , 949,968 871,812
coillegyteeur ... 3,2324609 \e--2,93_7377
cornwell ....... 2,159,809 2,210,901
Deseronto ......• 1.666,047 1,838,136
Etresden . . . . .i.. , 63,170. 156,000
Exeter .•. 142,411 e48,060
elsorest .......... 129,240 -248.42
eleoet-Willionteee- 1
,, Galt . 2,22 :343 248494155
•eteattenoeue ,,4•. _ 863 AP 11384446
&Aeridl . . -278%614 2404;847
eraverthutet .... 5211,04,5 743,039
I I a f lover . 450,016 808.830
!torte...ton ...... 575,930•
lieweeebury • e.. 1.101.019 1,757,044
I tespeler ...• • . 925,61e 730,208
ledge' ,
11111 e,e100,657,
356,19 •
1 elle • 2,107479
• •
!tee an
velarton • 4*
3 5$
;421ANit PE*U411 IN. 13.0 Ontiftsr..
Tornados 'Sweep Illinois, elediana and
• ' Kerducky.
A deepatch from Clecego as
enteetpeeteenoleriet testes anete_fort r
ties roeulthig lexim _Storms' it wind and
rain wlech _creptover voethern Mee
tett- ante Ideal _Kentitek
vieltatiorts t eine in the elleee odeo
berets, high winds andetteetriea„ dism
terheneee. *Thee propee0,- dernage is
Thane theusands of Ale" of peeving
pops. detstreyed.
Kerittleity; wo' the w&.t
8ufferet •Ae1udh,i4seatteed-Big-tfereek
Colesitti- extetetteeteet-
StiTu ,onr t ptruzL'eerern
drowned or c ts1icd by-fitlfing lietteme
The disaster was due to the erratee
beviorsefelliet.„:Creelrewhiebewas Already
;swollen by recent rains. When tho
cloudburst preentitated 6.1nebes of Vali'
in an hour on Gradyeille and vicinity,
the eteett took a. new course -with the
force of a tidal wave. Inhabitants of
Gradyville were nearly all in bed When
the foaming waters struck the town,
carrying away six residences a mill•aod
te number of small houses.
At New Mindere .111., a tornado Satur-
day morning killed five persons and in-
etred eix others. 4,
At York, 111., three persons' were
-hilted and thirty injured bya tornado
which descended on the town Friday
At Duquette lite many houses were
blown dowel arouod the outskirts of the
tonfike tind four persems wrre injured.
1,017.150 ,1,79040.51
26096" 4,e4e40
,mton Milt ..
• thinISIVillet . 171,827 1,601:250
Ingersoll . ' 2.515,469 2./19,460
1(emptville ° 106,537 206,815
Kineardirie 219,223 , 202,369
Kineeeille • • 116,762 180.084
eteinnington '.... , ▪ ' .72,825 . 286;428
tenderly ? 1,773;427 1,939,787
I.istewel . . 358,2e3 440,179
Klett find . . . . ... e28.0e5 0,11«154
Merritt on ... ,... 1,030.350e" • 70Q.180
elidlahd •-e..... 1.638,312- 1,807,110
ellteliell ' 237,9e.7 230,492
Mount Foiest • • 244.6 ; . 494,034
eletrielmeg ,-e6e1,00, . -.• 16,066
leoputice„.,...•.ee30,157 408,206
-Netvtuerket ,359,000 - 1,32e4600,
Niagara Fails .,422,12$ 774,142
North Bay 16.500 418,802
feateille ....,267,342 ,..s,„. 492,200.
ttritlia o • ...es,„ • 636,40t.......:1,140.X4"0,.
theaugeviite ...,,. 33,3r ' , :I:24..1
Ottawa. East ....
oetertea .••• . o., /.313.1 - -
-else .
(tete!, Soatitt 1,173i4 ' 2,191,78e
l'aimereteri 807,6e4 , 80eiria7
1,oris ..........0 .1,071,06e 1.601,875
Parry .Soliti4 410,998 • 601,050
Pembroke .,-' 616.581 913,015
t tertelarigilisliene 740006 1.160,412
273,369 227et45
Ph.1a . . .... 2111.493 718,434"
.. 36S•157 869.3ee
Itort Arthur .... \ine,000 G86,97
fleet Hope ...... 16,60 908e
eelstrioutli ..... 1.239
191.6410 397,273
P\esten : e57,4e5 1,412:164
Rol Pi:imago lion.
867..tv 1.311.316
etcrerew ........ e"eteeee ' 1teg.36.1
iteigetewn ..... tteelee - ite0,001.
le .,.f le este . . . ... . reit. Vet ' 1,247.S00
Ste Nletees • .-.• ileereee 7e9,0e3
'S'ilithI ::„...,... 2elp'-',.7e7, •• -:',0•15,414
Smelt etre Merle. leee472, l'051,613
„sealivall ;.•;. 31*,217 ,, 31440,1
S,:lrasite , , . . . . ... ; 371.9;li.- v 435,15i -t
;Smelt's Feilf..) .1 1351,015, ' :1.14,115,
alliantpttn. :•4. 115..00 161.110
Realfeed „„e„•.,,. 1eeripte6 , eee21,5$6
`eetettlire,y ..,s. ' 3ee,0e9, „•.• 41/lee;
U. '1 '-.,e, 311.946 ' yfilit,VS
114354:01,ttrit , .. ttli.L1 1 I ' 1 linfistifg
'T'; t.)/.04 4,7,; _
t1`;.'teele1e9 . tiee7„ 1
A Tragedy in Alberta Colliery Near
-A despatch from- Stratielona, -Alberta,
says. :e The eiteest ealemey in the history'
-ot Steitheona occurred here on Saline
.eYertightrevlierreiteeMerrelostetheieer '
ss a result of fire, evlileh destioyed the
equipmerit of --elitalterst Mine, caused a
loei ot $10,000, threw 50 ,riteli put'of ern-
ploemeot tied' test, .a. gloctin over the
whole city, • . •
The-detteteurere-1. ltetti-ey-o-Bareavoine
Furness, Letneteehlre. England ;
F. Tlie-
pot, Brittany, Fraote; George Hardy,
Neweitstleeeni -'ryne, lemetwinbeiettend
England, pit foreman; P. J. Harringteb,
Essex, England: William McLelland, a
termer 'Scotland yard tletective from
Durheen, Englund, and George Lambe.
deo foteman of the Mine, from New-
ettetteeireTyne, Engle -rid.
eleprelesentened-wasetoe nettle -1
itv,attempting to rosette the oilier inc
thrift he, died this afterncion. The fire
which deeteeeed The' eeetinnent er the
Strallicona.-.Coa Company at the Wel-
ter's Mine, oceurred about 11 -pelt., and
was firse noticed by the engineers
• ---
111(1 %A1L FELL 1)OWX.
Craehedeseliroughilie Boot -olso -Livery-
• Stable.
A despatch frorn CalgarY says:- On
Saturday The whole ;side of the well 'Of
the levee -wholesale -•butidi g or • tbe
• wit ,
•telesgeetih Sonw;i1y I irt
•,s -le Ls %said 'teat a
• 1,4
Privince foe the ve
men s en irtg Miry was $3...ele,000.
'Thrcitpkring pertieseererbelarg-sent•
the Bureau f Minee into northern.
t •uteetieLeLlee enueemeeeteekeetele-,
tem 'tent -Wit liebreilifle-iieweetation
kr that city.
Otrateetekerellave fricretitedlhe price
.010e0f.e. Kee • fr,orn ten to eleven cent per
Five theusand dollars have -been
granted by the Government to a teehnie
cot School at Sault Ste, Marie. e
The L R. te.completing mid stme
• I i $
5„,1q.ggral-MIA;SE942,41 4
re and linemen on the M411.,
liave-receeted a sub -
-Weide* Ranch Co., f souther» Alberta
to sett -its 40,000 acres.
Two Montreal men etanding on the
eailivee „ near -,Vattdreull, on Friday,
*ere -.struck -ley llie International
•ited and tinted..
1 oflkiallv einitereiCkeT-MalheeGee.
sernor:„.•_4t -Jho Toronto - Jail.
Murray Stephens. •WiliaelY"renterie,eie
was comnaitted for trial at St. Thomas
Thursdiy on lhe charge of man-
elaughteree ,
Ingersoll Council Woes the munici-
palization of the public services, , begin-
ning with the voater,worke, .
Major _Beale,. of the Brantford- police
department, been appointed chief
constable of Edmonton- •
Arelibishop Bruchesi has consented to
ant on the Board of Conciliation to set-
tle the Montreal longshoremen's deli-
;weevil. the pmposed ine'rease to $2,000 of
Itfa7r Stewart, of Hamiltoe, will not
In'. salary,. which Is now *1,700. •
Si' brothers -named Beleh were ar-
raigned he the Belleville Police Court. on
Thursday on a charge of robbing Greed
Trunk cars. .
The •pronerties of the Sparesh River
Pulp 4,1300r have been .pur-
chased by te. Milted States syndicate for
$4,509,000. e, . ,
le Macdonald, ex4reasiirer Of Swan
River inunefeipality, Man., has been com-
mitted for trial ,on a charge of endive-.
elIng _
The British- teoluinvere-Logetersseetsso.
elation have Ault. cutting, ciairnine••pro-
ie . re toteleiw owing to the titeeeeeeneteee
getteig pee the logs. e-
A.despatch from efontreal says the de-
niand for freight ears is now about at
great as eeer, and the prosp,ects are for
4a,miser:tu:nalrediiinitobrill;ckr, oar atoth,isenifarilt.ftds
,decided that. the insurance of any mein-
ber who ;commits suicede within one year
after joining the order will be forfeited.
MOnmouth, on the China sta-
tions is on bereway to Victoria, B.C., to
tOn ttbes..11
Wirteitt• •
r t
thetarie Noe, :le 1 t r
d• or rnieee,88 to
.rtbern, 93e..
OeteerNo• 2 .sehitee 41e be 450 enlist
No. 2-mixect, 4elee to .44e. .
Anieeican, '62e Oteeo Tbkonto beets
lake and •rail, 63e to e3eee all 'rail To.
towage , eee
a 1,131e. .
Buckwheate--60e. I
Flour,Ointinued-unsupplted-dema d;
Ontario, 90 per,ctut. patents. $3.30 bid
few sellers; Manitoba first patents,
$4.75; secends, 14.15 to $1.20; bakers'
Bran -$21 to $22;, ;shorts, $22, to fell
e aperarstri====trifaittle:L.12tvaNKava.....
B• uttereeMarke gee
. A
teeeeeW. e egeere
Creamery,. prints .. .. .. .. 20c to 22e
Dairy, printteose ,,. •-•-•„.. .',.. 18etolee
- Cepesee-116 to '''13.See, folir lerge , and
133ecefor twine. ._........, . ..........,....
EggseeSteady at 17%e to_418e---.‘
llorteyeePaile, Ile to 1/.0- lb.; combs
-$1..50-to-$2".50'Fiereeleerete- -- - '
- irn-14-1130-16fleehei
- Illtuesetpetateenereee$145'14 Statteel
car lots on track" here. Onterio are
quoted -at $1•15,--„„ - - -
Baled flays -Prices are _higher ate$13.5°
te $14.50 for No. 1 timothy ande$12 to
$12.50 for Secondary grades In ear Rite
1 or. track here.
Baled Stea* $6.75 to 17 per 'ton; In-
cur lots here. e -
Dressed Hogs -410 for lightweights'
and $9.50 for heavies, farmers' lots.
Pork -Short cut, $23 to $23.50 per
barml; mess,, 2,1\ to $21.50. t
Smolmet and Dry Salted Meets. -Long
clear 'bacon, Ile lige for lone and
eases; hams, medium and light, 1530
to 16c; heavy, 1430 to 15o; 'backs 16ette
to 17e; ehoulders, 10eee to -Hot. rolls,
lleeceout el lo les* than smoked.
Lard -Steady at these priees:-Tierces
•12X4 tubs; 12eees pails, 12eee. I
Montreal, Juno 110 -Flour -Manitoba
'sem a, $4.25 to $4,50; winter- whole
sprinn; wheat patents, $4.85 to $5.20;
patent. , $4.25 to $4.40; straight rollers,
$.1.75 to $3.85; *do in bags, $1.75 to
$1.85; eekes....11.,55,...„Aceseeteetiee
Rolled Oats -41.85 to $1.09 -in begs
of let pounds.
Oats -No. 2 Manitoba, 49* to 500;
No. 2 Ontario, 49c to 49,See per bushel*
No. 3, 48%e; No. 4, 47X0 48e.-
- Intiter-sTownships. 20e.ee to ..2leeQue-
bec, 20e‘c 20eee; Ontario, 200 to
20,tee; dairy, 18e to --18%e; tone steady.
Clieese-Ontetio, lege to 123e; Que-
bec, 12,eee to 1230; tow steady.
Eggs -Wholesale 1012, 1730; smell
meet Prime. Feshinii and staff and oOn. lots 18eece tone weak.
,, , ,
evey them ee Japan. Provisions -Barrels short out inessi-
Adtiveoltdminnatot, threecaivo
The C.P. It. western division has been e22 to. $22.50; hrdtbortels, s1t25 to
611. Peeeteincteenadet!elleoecre6C-s-se*Suill.115te(avy roess, $20.50 to '$22; hall -bar.
'dear fat back, $23.50 te $24; 'Ong
eeme-14 se Lawreettee.` John -Nibleek ante). eels do.41e19.76 fir$11.50; dry eon long
G. Erickson as euperintendents. ,clettr. batten, ii.go to 120; beeves. plate
0 beef $13 to $14; halt-barrels-ela.e$1-lee
Marit Twain and Rudyard Kipling nee halebarrels do., $5.56; tempo nd lard,
- -$1-40r-barreis heavy mess teefe $10;
te feceive,honary degrees at Oxford.
• The • ellritish Gpvernrrient has •at _kettle zenderede-13e-te 143ecesh
Mc to 10c; pure lard, I2eee to 12%e;
,nounced,„,ifutt, A willepreketet no hiltieT,;:44-45.-gef-aeeerdingeto.--sizeo-breakfast
with the Irish Council bill. bacon, 14,1ec be 15c; Weidsor bacon.
A necklace of 13 emeralds, ' 6 large 13,40 to ice; fresh 'killed abattoir
, .
three eerie and
, •
• It..en' Wearte
t Witeeeeeth
se ,
ry f crimes and btoettettieti •th-
which no •pereen in Abe 'crow
urt reem had'eVer ineeghted•
Pearenese on the eland of this witness
upon whose testimony the whole ease
einst. wood
rounding ini n Such • a position that
s r t i
Mineeeete based. 'It was a !terrible, :ie.
.:eolting,. siceening story, lain_ lite toid' it.
as simply as rehe plaineet narration of
ithe 'most oteli ary' Iticident ef the Meet
Ituuldrutrt existence.
To Haywood the story was of„vital
interest. 11 e t with. bis lawyers. sur.'
he could fix hie gaze on Orchard unine
tiliCtlee.' YerstlYWera;111141r;491ftlitst:e441isli C11:112e:'47st7...
wavering . ettentlen, and ‘vben ,occa-
p i a PrA,
-pearls -and- -130e-etteetetise )014)0 dreased hogs; -$10 - $1042,5;oalive-
liantse were sold ae Christie's, London; to 11;504
foe ...
Au extensiori of the scone of the An-
'64se; Aailatireo BulTallie,DJUliFneFAIL1.°-:11oAullrel-itEtehiil. /Wheat,
4. 4
ertteh, and crushed In Rio roof of the
Alberta livery etable next to , lt. 11
thede 4 twig about rifton lee% squaw*
through the reef Of theseetebeteeend
eraehed through tbe floor- of the loft
andcame doevit 111 h stall 14 Wilith,13W43
horses- were tied. They wore *unhurt,
but one horse that was loose fit the Mr.
rat at the roar of the stablewee bt,trled
under tile debris. 15 was a new
ing'artil an addifion to thk„maitt
.ing, ',aging the lane at the retie end, and
Was about fifty 'feet Jong. with two
Stories. The damage Will likely be About
$10.000. e
• NINE sioN4roWneveN tE,
, ...,... - .
Amount Collftlecil trivto March 31 sit,tait
'A despatch trout' wil says;
rf 11
finenc al stilton*** • i5MNLby the ,s,,
portal ' '),t • ..ot Elnan, iatunthy
shows hat the revenue c11kckd for th�
auto Ynonthg , fiscal period, .ending
Alareli 31 last, 4,low amounts to $67.701.-
1105, and the expendilure on ordinary
acconnt ,V4,18Z,050,(1eaVing a.surpttfsot
revenue over expenditure of
039. -The expeilditur4 on --capleal account is $13,239,490, or a e urplits over
all expendiluies ATI' '$2,20,458. A feu,'
occotints ot the fiseat poiOd Loire not
yet beet, sellied. 'RA, the two irefliths
el PlIte liseat' year ending etas' 31st ease;
Rio reVernie was $15.120.997. Of Ittie
amerate teeiee95468: wee tee" Ntee'• f
ttU tO 'Cantata, tenting On Conte
Man Steen -ors -nave no head tax to' pay,
while settlete going to United •States
infest pay $4..
Sir Bober Bond, speaking at a dinner
et. torelon, declared theft the einiert of
Canaria and Newfoundland was tit pree
isent.neither 'desirable nor prectleable.
- k , \ k
# Ael persoos we Monett toepleces.
liftetkakete Ill., by the explOsion Of
ear •-•0( gitt, powder. .
The, yeti Woe Chief Eecceutive in. the
'Mien le N. ••0„iirelttli; thirty years of
oge. Governor o Arkettesaes
*- temenle Grate* ' Teton+) gift, reeittiinft-
led suicide in Muttliegon. Mich.* 4n
Thur8day by drinking carbolic acid.
A gilt ,ot $1.100,069 -hes been ma
rtottyntously to the seienee depaiheen
t Prineeteti lerilvereity. ..
„ A-Avotrian irt.,_ Ohio._ became in€tatto,
u,ith grief ovor her mother's death, hiad.
emeg eo ti graveyard at midnight ex.
emtne&the body; . .
Witliam, A. Jones, u C.ivil War veto'.
no' eeit bis• 'Wife and two little'girts.
Was fe rel lit Les Angeles destitute el
the neeceeitiee of life. '
'Abbott P. fArtvrenCe, 'a milliOnaire
thottrufaeluntv of Taunteet. Mese., siety
yea. 4 'nge 419 to Wed his little grand-
daughter's ,nurse, M. Edna !Iforrelt.-
•A tertlear4)1,11 gal; daughter 'of well-
teedo perents in Cleeelapd, O., Is iete
teader ot a gang el • yotithful 'burglars,
on4 hes ea:Witted robbing several.
A violent cettelfingi epee! cetieed $20
te A`teeete.I 'in e ire' to be cletiodged \from the, mouth'
4.4 Jorin:e;:saailli'. d zim Ilav on,,\60,110,,,,
) ontut . 11.‘Ina In .110.4ii TivIr.;k Ellil proteslcd 1r ilmoco 4A).t o it.5,
. .,
,despateh "V Fcal detriArtIng the
A ,q',.16.,.':zt.1 ty,-Felient deeteier WW1' e seal
on !Ttluillay, ellealo t: 3 W peneetteent ee a Ilet,
titeite te, the hose, tee Mother hey-, eestleire to teeepe.
ie 'ft, leen fo,pae a visit„ rpon tirfee
e, e, Merstitill ritl
01.orn hes utts !omit I,sing itritvitsti'eus,. gefo:::' ili,..i'!haitt riin
IWith a gun ic lw.lOn. Part , di ,10t owbcos-, 14 10 'tyteottl
Wes e
. faee eln ve'me:VI and' cite 1103 - I *1---it(T 10-. the'.
'‘rk'relcy burrot
, that.
• r, • .44,
o corniade witem was denouncing,
emeet.thergluentrooarefer ,4dinatutnnsitirt40$4--ngoly04,
Mrs. Haywood sat beeide- tier husband
all day, but their•daughters did not
-pane o court until -the -afterheen: Hey-
wood'seneolliere-Mree-Cto ers.-mdelite
half-sister, elles-eerittree-satenearehis A
04 his liottSe %01,:ilh
,1 nit Peteder. • •
N1011E-TALES 110I1ROR TO CON11.3.• 1
whits moro brutal' etimes to tell Of
w g lost 4Y 'career
to Caldwell, Where '‘'vith e great bomb
r o -anxious, e w , w I,
Start les watehed every entiveeneut -ante
*Ord of,the witnessee -crowd Met Vette
end and grew eary of the retiree'
Orclierd swore that after his visit to
Denver when he got Me Money for kill-,
trig eteCoortice and Beek he was oon-
et either Haywood or Moyer or Pettio
btine..Perkins or Dave% levet one or ant
el them suggested his various crimes
eeese ,.;
s we w °ottani
• Tinn'sda$:$ Murder. record exhibited
eitieueis of *pealed attemptseto Resits-
i tete Gov. Peabeatere of Colorado, ex,
utanterserierat 'Sberietari Belle Who -
tielteeettef.eimileolereekeineeteelejuteke_. •
Gabbed, and ,Judge Goddard, of • the
Colorado Supreme Court, who. had ren-
dered decisions egeinst eteikers, met
-Preet Hearne, manager -of the Colorado
Fuel and Iron*Company. None of these
Was successful, though one attempt to
get Judge Gabbert caused the death et -
a mining engineer named Marion Wal-
This, aside from the Steunenberg
'murder, was elie most tragic of the
day's etories. Orchard said that Peel -
tone and Hayweed urged him to get
Judge' Gebbert, and that he and Pette
bone made a bomb for that purpose.
It was Made like all the bernbs that
Orchard has described.
Orchard was not asked to go into
detail about the Steunenberg murder.
The. storye has been told often. But
he gave ell , the eseential pareculara,
told how he and simpkins has Peseed
der the mimes of Hogan and $411-
nionds, tow they had made ono bomb
and sot it in. vain, how he had tried
-vainly to shoot Steunenberg, and how
tie _and Simpkins made .the bomb., that, .
finally edited the ex•Gevernor. fee `
how, on the evening of Dec. 30, he saw
tbe ex -Governor sitting in the lobby ete
te. his room and got the bomb. wrapped
11 up in a new,spaper, and hurried to
Rio Steunenberg house and ,,planted, it'
outside the gate, with the usual at.;
tachment of a. string, fastened it JO thee 7.
gate -and •conneeting with the -deadly- •
little bottle of acid. ,
01 nurried away from the house -
then," he said, "arid about two 'Weeks'
Levity .1 passed the Governor. ran
as hard as I could then: I Avanted to
get bet* ,to the hotel before it went
off, but I went Into the baroxenn and
helped tbe bartender do - up a package
be was--havingtrouble .with. , Then 1
tos_Loon0 •-
Orcherel sale he had left a giant cap
in his pocket and a bottleof acid, and
eerk came out and set off the cap.
It made a noise tee e gun, he said,
and he Was afraid everybody would
hear 11. It burned his ooat, too.
"Thenel •-eventedowneetairweandewene-----ee-
in lo-edirinere,---ettiletheeeesittiesereind
the dreadful tale was completed. The
crewtt inethee••eourt-moneetooke eetieep -
breath; the first for many minutes.'
•Oreherd _blinked, his eyes' rapidly. it
was. the, +Only tree* ete,emotion he had
'shown during elm two dreadful, days.
Hc was net near breaking down, how-
ever, for while the lawyers whispered -
Ismifez--;------"' - -----.---------- -:-.7-:-
Harry Orchard when called. to the
stand- and sworn egaveelits -resitienete as
the penitentiery. - .
"Are you 'charged,- .with: any criineet
tesketeeMee Hawley of the- proseekitkilt,
' "I ani _eleer.ged • with tbe murder- of
Frank •Steunenberg and waiting, trial
Answering further questions, he con-
tinued: "I was born in Northumberland
county, Ontario, Canada„ in -.ISM,' one
am, therefore, 41 • years, eel. Harry
Orchard is not: my true name. I have
gone by that name- for about *toren
years. My true name is Alfred Ikese-
ley. I came to the United States el
1e96, first to Speltene, where 1 remain.
ell a week. I- went to Wallace, Idette'.;
In March or April, 1896. 1 first worked
for Markel, Brothers;edriving a milk
wagon, .ane remained there ontil obout
Christmes, 18e6. . 1 there •vent to ' a
wood' and coal yard in Burke; 'Idaho,
and woe engager In that business until
the spring, of 1899, arid on my own tie-
-et:mit-for two years.. In 4898- I•sold a
bait interest in the businese to Mr. efe-
Alpine., _My business, in Canada was
melegg elieeseeei sold all iny interests
in tea _weed yard and went to work
inueklug in the mines in Marcia, 1899,
eteninuing at it for a mopth. 1 hninedi-
liTell&eanee -a rileinbeeTeif treeetereafern
Federatiori of ellogree e
- Otelieed destribed the Cour d'Alene'
country, giving th.e railway _tonnections
between the different- eitieseend :mining'
etienPs. • • '
"State what unusual occurrenee there
was at Burke upon the morning et
April 29, 1899," eommanded M. Hawley.
"On the 'Welling of Alma 20. 1899;'
said _the' witneee, "when ,, I get through
breakfast ,I was told there- was a special
ineetleg of Rio linker end everybody was
expected to e present., I went to *he
meeting. Theenieefingeweis--eigle&-•
order by the secretary, who .said it had
been deckled that elayeto go. to Ward-
iiir to blow up -the mitt at .1tie 'Sulli-
van and Burteer Ilill mines and to bang
the superintendent. ••: •
o .
-the- Wires- along the retiree& and take
poSsesskm .of the Northern . Pacific
leitillee --Ar teirieeseeeefete la -le 01110
b) the .6ein 1jniort. end together we
were to. proceed 10 Worthier. While the
8eeeeittee was terthlg us what was
planned by the Ceittret Union the
sident of ot r local. collie 'in and said
he had not en rt orm ; o e pee
Ing. . When told •the puipose he eib-
Voted to it end. there was a discus:0On.
The motion to go to Wardoer. was fin-
ally tarried by a 'Small majority.. After
the vote nearly every triad deekled to
"Paul Cochran and • six other inerebers
of the union took. charge eile the train.
We went to Gem and took fortes bootee
r I , 1„_41fArder.
"There were about 14000 nien on the
tenet, twit Of Meth armed. At Ward-
:itel" ‘'Ve were teld by W. P. Davis to tine
-M• -.The Men evit, long -gtins.Were'teld
'Winter, stronger; No. 1 white, '$1.03.
Corn-Eaey. No. e yellow, 58e1e; N.
2 corn, Seeee. OatseeDull andt weak;
No: 2 white, 50)e,e; No. 2 mixed, 46.3ee•
' NEW YORK WII8AT mAilliET. .4
New York, June IL -Wheat - Spot
firth; No. red, $i.00x, klevak)r; No. 2
red, $1.0I3' f.o.b. afloat; No. I noro..
rn 1)u1utt, $1.10,11_1.o.h_altota_No. tt
aird winter, SLOG f.o.b. afloat. '
-'i, , .
Toronto,, June11.--Devite the target'
offerings than Usual . the supply _of .ex-
porters' .cattle was not large, vnd their
prices held firm. The genqieral tenons'
were ;--Cholco exporters'," $5.501 $5.75%;
inedium to fair, $5.10 to $5.45 v,r eva.
In butehers' tatillaleg of, good lots
eregjelte...1,300 4-$ l'.Protigilt_.-1M14. Pet.
vt. The general range fo,richol'ce ani.
tab( 'wag $.1..35 10 $5,5,', "gdn4;eleette,
feel() to $5.40; fair -to mediurn 1100 to
$5.10; common cows, mixed,' $150 to
84:85 per ewt.
` Peedem,. 1,00 to ,1;1001tos, oiold at
to $55 Per 'CWI. • ' .
'ore recorded\ at 1$5. per cwt.
to take tbe front ranks. f011otved Ify
Inert WW1 41*.$11140,terst. NVe were tout
14,tire upott the mill as, wo.approacited..
This, We did, tied illo liro. waS returnett
lot the guerds. It Soon eleveloped libel -
there were no inert there, and we took
possession:. Powder was plitood-aboul,
tite tuill, and it a$ Monet up. I lit,
-one flc; I' don' know who, let the
ethers. ..• . '.• \ • •I .
Orchard said to ,..tnert wore killed
Tito Immo of then tloverner 81.
berg, he said., was inenticzed at 'llt
ti otitis 116 lied, described. , 'Orchard
.4 that' ilayw•ood paitt him $360, f4 -o
trig up. tito Vindicator mine. on
o;41 will], ,hiiii fee elliet.,enurdere.• •
;4A7.t.-.ATALtIt'it% OF C1110,i1E,
.., . _
in, addition Orchard confessed that
Le sot the tieelleteap- in •Ilea • Vindiettler
tietie at. ,Crilip Pe'leVek vehteh killee
Iteekt confr.s.s..si
trot beeit,. pti
eteli, CO iti II
tietse erotte
ign t , Matt
. tuelislicot into the 1)041Y, ..4.cl ntltzlict
Lyle Gregory oliktiver, eilerig itine .
' atillA confessed , that. kr ,4ays
414, sged" Geivertur Iktaloty ,.(1 • 'fJclora 1.1
about, tirtitter Icr a 'ehanos, ti toil IhEat:
.0 i COX “ rivet coreee II c
One (hetet of his k story.
) , - .
A elespalch foam. Trenton, Ont. says:
. Alfred Healey, alias Diehard, the evil -
confessed, murderer ,at Boise, -Idaho,
was well known here; his father and
brother etill reside Mr the homestead
in Murray Tewnship. about eight miles
room Trenton. Ile bore ft very Unsay-
17----rOPUttttion-. -tees 0. choesernaker at
Wooler and •Brighton rectories, and
left C.Ittarislit in 1$06. -Before he lett it
wee teed tliat he removed all the cheese -
eitit Of. flee *tog in wbieli 'be was
,work,ing nod then burned. it down it.?
secure ille ineurance.
When Itorsiey left the eountry it ot---
said Ito vont eeith a ComPleeliford
Merl, Who a mouth later returned to
\ \..
• bet, blobatid- • His wile waS left de.
;taut etriti liverle, t Wool( "up to title
•Spre_ Mewlesiee • `slo etervotel. herself
by Aorking in An vaporator factory.
She lies One little gl -1. "She ti nos,v gup.
posed to be somewhere in New °Merle.
• treesteYele Said by Moto 'who knew.
hith to. .havo ikon ,a good efeesemaker
end an iteveterite gambler.
stietv litaito•were uneltan HI
Grain.fed lambs brought '$40 to 87
evit ; spring larnhs, ty toe
port ,ewes, $5 to $0 per ewt 4,
1,•3 $450 ‘per evi31,7\iolves' so/4 at $3 1
$1.50 each, 'the tharltet lor these WAS
gtetted PY the bringing forward of too
*litany "[Jobs." • ,
!tog§ Ak,vre• eosior tho drop of tic
po* etvt. :3eieeis sold at $0.03, and lights
end AM at 60.70 per twt.,
Alee. elettilere 1121.
Alo.„, Olt
t1U1d and
pta in who
et Qd
fearatt4: nott 1( :)1y
•',that l*ctimo ,had
for his fir,st, attempt Jot
Vindirater mine, he' was
his tle.4tialce Warn.
re • of the 'Petrel:le:7.e
omit' ito
. A
CArtei ' Alfittbf PretillIS roulatid
, Township.
\Adopatch ‘131n Nivi'37ao 4 8.as 4: • tht
T May Willfarn 'tonna, o 'farmer bin.
ling in .4,:row,trurl tewlishDp. 'was bt-ily
ltithetpy o, cued deg. The fog,, e ler
biting averal tatt:e„ .1.4.411, to I -rt, 'WI).
iv.son villages and tit a ittunth-1, cf'.t18gs.
fv-feA\ it wag s.t.4., Arangetizatilt are
lietrig\\inado 10 to, Mr. 'itliuma\t...1", tee
Pasteae lrietilt4e, Ntek Neteketee ee Dr*,
,Parli*. 11,r14;2; it very Ectxsiory to, its) 80,
1. of t,,,asts, fot\ having 33 pounds Gleat alarni pr,;,,vaiEs in the vicinity,'
10- poutids Of 'sausages, an\d' fear' Mat hydr4lte.,40 mpy
pcuitils or Mutton lep sate whielt *ere, tho
unlit liumaktoed
, 111,/ Ihe death, I M. lottit Nliteltintosit
Alkilleon 'hits lest Ttruatkahle
nom, mete, Ife Ole Ierian "Cleilittt,
tier! in Stella Avas. far be- that hit and Sto44.. Adams: :itt
tito Itutids tit big icounterp and dIsehorwil lito fnin.ut4cr tiAit' sta.
'belt •if elAtetee
%I1i4 Is:
f-1,•$ciC1 )L:ocz
,t1L 1i 1.ull 144 .0-•-•:t'e
-4.44,•0•' A. A,