HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-06, Page 7 (2)ittit Ofig..,11$10 ,Lie�V OillY.,-V1e1erkal**e e[h 'Mk -001Y n't'tZrow(V4,1'n i44101Y.; 'f, trsnuifit4,4,:. riOrk‘ 'qy7. 0 '4,veak' ha I 014 IMO A i ilotti, • Lwai o st • ty'fitslor „. take Dr. ‘., it fLf"11glitenit for' tem/ km., n enjOying good health •nd have, a gdcolV. I think every 'IL s!d .!1II• shdluld tale Dy.'1Wjd., Pink Pills." De,• Avittginw. pink pots maJc nog 1 „, ,04.1111- -this- werstrike right holoot of sueli troubles us anaemia, tn. Igesrort, rheumatism, -• Vitu Slt tIONt and a t -(f ('flRz 4V4?ry- day roubles and cure Wm. Ilut you Must get. the genuine with the full name L'. Williams' Pink' PIM for Ptile roo. 4'4irt ,140- Vrappo mound- eVery box Whoeve curcdand 1 bite :tiie i11 l;teat, -.*t 50,00.111S a bOx.-' • haiitW Ont,.., • .,. Me.* *t Frc-neh efilcer, Lois de Chantilly, .-ts in Paris 011 Bas i,f 1ii discovery •- a, fluddhist- 4uivelit in the utoolltailiTrof of a dusty inanuslript cntain- CIiineic version of the seven ages 10 years old," the writer, ante has,- long In forgotten, tits rt and a brain as,sott tender shoots of a yoiing. bum., A *0 --be i Mc a green banana ; ustbe inning to ripen in warm elimmon sense, - ' "flurly years 3seeS. Win developed tate itiffaht, ,,Ife'lsTstrOng and lusty, full diltand remittal' vigor.- This is the -gge 4'A, love -age for Ulm To TY at. • • • • . oat's' the rosIterous man ha% own'1,0 4)6 a mandarin' and Wears a But it -woult 1.4e lady in. •creet_ confide to. hint et This 'Cinqy Any (unctions calling for judicial,jn nee. er3w..1,1 50-,year3howevet, has iuVI1 stout anit 11ubv, WWII • daYa 1111,: wp 1 ot:Emyngs va9 •fl4 r,.na;ry or Tircu 4 trli Ito, 11i.Are* tua05.1 ' 411-11iST '1044141W -lartir stlen • • tfilr„ rernirk. iseenees of th itet;ohenel Stewart, de. ficliteS", Olt EiMUSing Ineident Which oc. Curved when the colonel r.lis -up" -4e floers•after Ladysmith; :Oil Otto twe45,.3116-4-611d- , his, black. Orderi$ tra4.vied up a hope to reoennoltre , _ th.! to he • n. va surpri'.Iin an enemy's vedette. There waS OUI} iine thing to be done, Having no wea- pon available, he threw lip his glass t Itt-stioulderi just as if it werelt Mat/S.04',- nd stiOnt 44flandg r The ruse kikl Upon which the, 45tut6 oil eerselzed hi victim's rifle and tOnve his horse tack to, can . The tain nititde- St4ndtird'- ad Walgi"--lhat •.*15 11 hest• n u the wort* 4s no tong P(lIflSSi!It\,Nytille-fto0,kleller-lias-bee 0., „Li can_ On blister a. city or pro, ;Terfor1A-411$ 0013,11 7 tit .00 years .h As nId. 11311d1 crafts and ailactive bodily activities an MI clients' ,advice. That ,Is all he is fit; he is just a dry rite straw. He only otte ore:. to. husband the r, eth, Or life that .islefi to Vizi, to -pre. firdit7Weirby'Ti1tilTo1a1 ineanc-flig assume the rare of his estate, it -the performance of his :duties.''. .00/41.111' .,0044riinteed Without yiphi " 05haW.; l.there fire -proof,, �uisfl1tLia4 alAv kk1t Iti Eityg. 1RN110 n4i1ARIYVANeIss PensonalitY,• 11 built.' up 4' ''11:{0itt-011:6"6 111S -e$ something - 1.1w. -457 bdipn 41-741411a1 rang i m ruse Weyerbauserstorted life. as '4 laborer On n Amerizan rathtad. bought a•sbiall. Wrest;,...4114. Sinep then his hie has been a sloW.,, 1414. ceasing' -gilt& 14nher eheaP, selling at a 'profit, buylOgluot‘liniteri then oequtrifig stilt tOtt'ger estate§S,,,11: eslintateethat fuUy 30,000,000 acres of Umber, , which are increasing ITt value every day, sore ,under his control. • • Hero is a pretty story Inustrating the, genninc . kindness of the -Prince Wales. it .appears that the christening c.ekes: wilb, which the 'froinipg, ceremony of' each: little, Prinee, is t'elebrated. are. Mode' by *an EdinbUrgif Brat, They are sent South in...the-care of con experienced krewoman, Who„ in_tonsideration :of twr'' long' journey, alwayS ,SpendS -4 night t de rik,,r'2,42f oinwir.floyal Ifiginte4,fes., " ..--7s;-rwhe„ trais' it rule to hotintoTevery-_-_gue.st-Aiamber tefor fl arrival of the temporary occupant _ is right, makeS tio,except.ion in lb Are-workwormut.--..- Prt---one -occas she-nedieed *That no flowers had been aced in the bedroom of thisNisitor, and 6 r-oltiptry•---gave-litr,ectionsAluit-th oversight Should, Ie , generously rem died; • ; _ It is doubtful it there IS •*itollier, eao in Ahe wholef worldtose skill in ouli. nifty arts IS Nuet. to that of M. Mona er„ WiNr Iliter.itii/-101-41Ieq.:44-0104tfir 11416.eA).., . For his serinitees thif41-4.enisittie1', M MernigW,:11-issaid, receives ,,re Salary if $10,000 per nnounr.- hil, duties lastipg:about two bouts. each • VSTV. :FOR CI1111/114N. daY, if the tittle ottupied in' pas.sing.ilie - luncheon menu, draWiti 1fl by -the master a. anips,ndhor „. sense anybc - inintoof buildlir rfght with "O81081/* e . ) -Steel - Shng1 dno cleats. The lock on all F9u1t, Madein -only-cap grade— e eenn-ltarclettea t atA*11 in thep.t"- , ' 4i 0 the' .Ati:Ohnortua, Pose t.f 'WIWIIIIIO your r. bees. rightrot ne.ss, , .You can 'never MiVt, the nee44 irsty world by pgclitng Water -on, bol Outliers, . • .1. - the light o.f..howen-Twp nartanit, treatest heroes hafze,been hidden frogi :oak; be-Augo- who• never ltleofeer, ings ot oiherS As sure to be devoid of A man rfever-irea5101.r bits Wh*fl - IIV S tearried UVd hy •wift. teat Work, • ' man Ls likely to king abotit • grigte $v•s-soon, gs: first black ot ongow: .44 ot t, but, \VI 0 longer Itave ane. Ppplite for, fttny t e.'on t invisible devil that there s nein* ightlmer tea lett tor men. • in 4 afienrt tun*o.Orititteti 1n Oool Latitttriort- , ,willficreivreb344 .71riorithisl ilightA'electrto -bait 41A Oat 10404 coutt/#L tMILS ,41,0n.tvtlitilAt, )4461,,itAirti *.-12k-t, 44 *Wart Atiolti,__ 0,1141, tortnigullt tioA-4nortot AM". -iptorp,,114„ . — etit mfAcr..4.4.,P ierole 31U1 divhie than it Is to praclie . tnlngs ordingrliy-tium and oecent„,, Xidgrotans '330tintutt ...Tatto.'stftt flt y tits new,..TItin ,50O't,0403- ssulag,sta itd lust 441y, /4th ftnd a 2th septsmur, th ':Ztt't Nnvrnn- " bloom iterdoble •••••;',.: if.°44.1; , • than1OOfam • damaged -r in 044, • year by ligbtxdng.-.NotoriaOt4liera have been'. jiarnlaii.i • 'dhaan.!':‘04.1**.e-roled4 tetbnild. *Olt TADLF. .1.9t/E1T . ° Lnnddv---91eVe is• tite„, 1ia1i Mr cnox." Mr. 1n\ -"O intrOdttatiOn $ttryi irladom. We have met. ,befor 011,,$A1,li 'GRNEIIAL STORE FLTi. NESS in progressive town of Powo. nst,45elt.. about $0,000; will eitlwr ell or lease store. Apply Ilox 15, Pow. .ssan, Ont._ Artv1) Vint$ SEXI), X MK. A iro Old wowIU se -BUN 13UMESS, - IP YOU' itt -a- 'Western- business wilted- sts. o ftve stables.* ,ONIEts1 . • The number of women einployed 011 * /16 Ft OSSIn ulereaSi 'cording to mg", gre-st returns there are now- working on •the 2 liussiart Stat. railways- no fewer titan 22,000 women' as gatekeeper.., _Clerks, telegraphers., etc-. Tlie-average.weige .varies front 130 to 1.1. 'roubles yearly. .4;$05 to $10). The ex.• eOrtes are great, .1:11Us,0 the wetnen clerks- receive on on, nveOge Vont' 440 to 4(14) tynibles..or.about t130, While' the wo. men attending at the statiori' get only, 40 , .414140, or -about $10,130.a ,Y*ear,, iiiAda-. t1xitiTlRIPWging 40 a tow..ektras. essitniSt has abaft -Icetiti and -Ot Pia; -Oro omit It-071tOtZt.. $ , 'DEALtKS •avto.t*110E 40i1't,tra Wilil i.eua .0,14 reco.0 *Aire- -.VE:At,i0MAK,Z 041gE14 41-T'Vr. A:441.4)67 FIOLR THAT IVA CAI1'i,t3) 411,‘EAT ,FAVOiYAS., A iattiplA4. :.,091,fnliotto %IX :1,0-Kr0stlit rt,GUA. THE CAMPBELL M1LLINGCA) TORONTO JUNCTION ON .„Ye.,' •" wit Ta'blets contain no 60; or rus matesty,s4 tousettom ex6viod 110' nOreotie. no 1)01S0/1011s drug, Untihrxis st/st 64010eU Nts Winger three -sneiber- who Uses these Taidets tor, Ws 5te0 towards -the 'kitchen., %viler *trivitV-441"1""1111'447 Its-i4ithtetrhave-Costi--not-:tt has the gUarantee cif 3 „Wen...nil) st01,4)0Palt.4„....141,d- tttf.4 tatentients.. This medicine can, -001 There ere 4M00 knives, 3,000 for hewn 04 nolusively 1Liit It r eitiai virtues in even (l1-dlllury growing up amunt • valtio.„Xma..,,cannot e incited. It, held by, some, 'that rkiltire proVide 'cure' for every ,disease which neglect; liol.vever.;- this May be; 117,tre1,S- 'Weir knot hat, Partraelee's Vegetable Pills., distilled 10,uP;9:01:ag130,. emedy in edring all disorders 0! UIC 'geStion. _ 1-1.6: "You wouldn't marry me tar my.. money, would Our She :---.."Why you silly boy! 1 wouldn't tritarr.y you tor U113 thing:* of re, bevosed with absolute sfety, and 3000 spoons solely employed in tlie preparation of .ilie.disites; while the equipment4 of tbo kitchen. .provides for always cum such- troubles as lion, ;sour stomach, constipation. at.iind-coli'ef.--The-Tublets--oure le451ds•V-11-estWir aridiuttite teettilitg easy. Mrs. vn Tablets as. nee& r and would not e house. They Petting babies er minor • OnlY 25. tents 11, « and 'ad front Medielne dealers or by , Iron) The ,Dr. .1‘fedielno • rOkvilletOrtL VVAS, NOT PflOMOTED. etched' the cloek. alvaiggrornbling. $ always behinditand. Ile n'tt .telieve ifl hiinselt, 11 eked :404ty ntany tiuestiOnS. stoek, excuseIts, ill forgot.' , Hp lwasn't ready for the next step. lief did not put 'Ws hew in his work. fip rtroot, 11' 41l41' lit$-Iriend-s-=atittinge'bis itifer.;! . • rod 10 ue1 on hii*, .0_flflu1 t tertttiv.V.to to r bluff° bike-. the:place , a illt sli - , tuellIod , ... 4' I est iaIt . r , no 1*4 ti Vtr..,r1,;i0fleft.' AT-- -'- '- Sir John, •See;lortnerly-prenderTollsle South. Wales, WhS Met t3t Australia' Olittly'-:1661f41010----iTWO.-----,4, learned-to-"ronar',Itlat farm work, get- ting what ,..edUcation he 'ooul4 from ft primitive school, 0114' at $evenittft oars ot a te: he farmed on his..0134Vaee0Unt. IcVentna ky e a ir n on . au went, :to .Sydney With .-Seln his packet.: After four' years' very hard. struggle .he Managed to buy. -A SIMat $411ing iitsi8e1 lot carrying - pUrJb0S1, OW fortune smiled on• Ids enterprise. Ile became if great meretiarit :and -shiriowner, and„ entering' polities, , was irk , turn PoSt. ntrister.General, Colonial Treasurer, 11/41irdster Of l)efenee,, Prender, and Colo- niat Setretary Of ts.leivouth Witte.. •Ife retired in 1004. . Sirl4ohrt waS, barn ..10 Huntingdon, England, _Vitt went to New. South . Wales With his parents -when very yetnig. ' ; \ ' •- . '' ., • • Queen: Victoria Of $.0010 '.doe$ nof.know - the taste of alcohol.; Iler special *tipple rititil4:-frotti Oratigt,•-4-711taTtres ' - mit: ti squeezed. ittfoTa glits.S.•,:whidill -fliled With 'aerated,. 'older& 0-raugAs, a - . her, fe-vorito fruit. For yeas PrineesS Henry of flatefillerg Was a teelotalter, bin .'of tak,. she, haS suffered " ' sO - riltielf ' tiFiim. riteutt4tisin that istie: host bon ;ordered a Iiitle-whiskey;„ !,eillieh sA16 vegnt 44 it penance. Wili.Ilitc6s- !ans d .‘, waghter,T•tooare 1 ., totallers. MI 11 chltiren of the Pritrct and l'eintess AN% ti,i4 kak beir4Ittaglitnti strict t(i.,e totallers4 and they ikiulAv tfAil/filit tif alCo. Princess 1,4tra of Courtaught, and c.." nitiri'kil 4 S7Ster; uts0 alkizire Us,'Ille. totter 1144411 14 .:::t•---- ihiehess Argyll. and lite itVo1Tatighters, Of 'the t'aleeR.4, litoya. liwir. 11 -::t'-. Alex.' 41ra • taut Maud, ',Itave, i:::' •n Char totWited Now, Giles, can you MI m eLLy Where you feet the OW Well, str,, Ws a hypertitteally iri,. me,nriger, on it ther'; -1-1.outhek-whem e. to,' it's in the old Idace tat the of have rooeved ten .corns from with Holloway's Cara rar.ils."• a and 40 A. quite 'heartrending hear yen* baby tryz, He luis been cry. ing •tof.. en ,bour. atjeasl." MiE4 13. but Ws all col* his' good. It's re sltiotry arid noniti$sue4es1roying 'ors." Vat oillmt Wow Cara. et' strofoo. . tit slow biro, " It 14 61010,* 1't-3(dU knOw thaeit.htkrt niothor ti pindsh S'Oti • did you, • n "Yes, but I- reek. Ike- I h -a :45-'-tertatt- sti1,4neSse, the of ilia, I ry, eg 3wrttirm ther IIU'h1'S rt'g1itiIy Ontributing, caltges ustlidly di_S- 1-Parittelee'4-Nege. 41,0 ININ, prepared ori prin. - aro so compourgled that tektaiti lots in 'Item itttSs' through.' the il4nt1o',2L and act itPott ILe 1)6W -el t4 , 1.4oVe \,,t1teir,--lorvir told ari)tte them it, jux)per 0.li4n. Stagy thou. 'tt3a,A4,13 preitated .foo.1)ear tesiimcrt 'Op power,n likis respe41, It Is tho Partner's farm - r v11 lint- in, Dr.: Titorttesi.' tierectrie t eniNly-. ft.r,wounds,,or, = espiratofy organs and for Ibouse. d use generally. Ilo Will find it a convenient- friend in, treittutg.inr-: Jived, horses, exittle, ole., or relieving ihenTifilefLalifteka.,_ any lihidred alltrierds to WI they re pub , 9eur 'husband, is so different from other Ineit„, isn't; tier "'Pa; :but hovl diii you -kno.tv, yOtt neVer met hlrnT' ; but to suareied you, you lteeW,°. • . , *via iiiiitaitios timilkomok 01 ta, !vs.!' urcidid with **saw. ill* .wi twisamaottaito. 146014*- odieltio Ss Ai *tut woomeit C.rat. aod Spitrut Ids 1;46444 wtth . YistY40 . • , . Littielohnnlo-JVothee.i .401- ho*, pa • gi)t fa„.know Mother44.140ita ,43 frli .intOLtho,,water„. • 4Cfeteited- toe Ji1fl "•40.trtow: tolh!flarg won't• . . 4 IS `the cry in these siren 6 oSt, when -business in R Auch .dOok _ ...., n! * n ands upon ..• ,. - - =-,- -- - *•xerets,o d li. fresh 'air are nee0SerY if we Would be strong, but ilia tea. &no of lite 10 -day is toward S ..eonvenienoes and mode* at hying that deprive ,,,...,„1.0,t,v.1 4.211tv,Ifittertyeir lal%s retpU,1(„eeicsoplOigy,i461.)era.'St_trrerikt&tt ,Italkid,tviectomith7lturntlitinizired„:1006. _thi . . .,.. The . natural renk y -'-t practical rne-ana. f WitiStatidih. 1 1)ntlr:1-4f°1L.— lakathe oh . and *oh n I I o _work., tueitinbers--it r oid, "Jen fruit" to litany' De i tuted . that 'Alte-least-intinig ate* ,. . , d. _by, attacks Atttholerla, : 40W 4 iplitg„.,ete... These persons. are _\Xiol awarei-that they . tan indulge to Acertis oontent if they t(1r' hand a I. on lite of Or. J. 11, KOlogg' , 14•.'seturs., , 4)0444 ,,a, inottana 4itati „whit give int.. Inediate2roliet.,,,and Is a sure..,ettre /0.1. al! •kStumiter coMplaints; ': , ' „ ... .• „dii , ON'Afells4sAernlY),-"WItitt Wasgo n parlor lost night th t p y/Olt ;1.4 Itite# ytitIng 14dyr Pretty 'Daughter (hoWittg up, her hatul}-4Ihis engagenaenttling, DWI« ' U111. 'ft 01. beatityr qu1e IN1434ilgtt8C-3 tO itt ' t OC111't vin,tolg oVidenee -shows, ,Mrs. lhi zthrcwc t6 at, 11 (:cs•Py." i .,,,t(lys mime, theit that, ST. , 'Tt•4•Avs that Oi tail; . beat, Ittit tork. U44t.' 0.•/: '1.,aii, jt ict, '1,73a. 1 ;'-i t '''(:'1 o a., 01,1 , ' „ .,L. ii.A-'' ".i'l hit nivalh. iesr rnr t ihit. an , IT,C,II4 Itlange4, ,Pralrlo P•tratehes ry of tontagiou$ lief' in hunt .anitnal3 titre din 30 mintite$ by 'Wel. rirs Scnitdry. Lotto. It ncvi'r , foils Id bY all druggists. re' Unable t:exchange 1d 1h* Ettornkintito as 11 -2:t opal for destroying W6r143, hi!thiCili and *halt,' Sf. that 4.,111A' gl-1117.10nWiL ,orchasing.•