HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-06, Page 6 (2)01.
ai •
• ••4444 4.4.-444
* 4
1, »ng,
6 4. Chit ,
Ilion, He ell known. ai
luttortary, 3
•'414 14.,,,st JnUty i,fl *.,01 eotoll
agoinst 1h(f'epoyertittion Thir.1
, leen • hundred, troops, NV. Peen -de.
-4taletted for. Swatow frOm CantoP* an4.,
another .01aclunent iNto
A despatch from Swalow, China says;
A proclitnation, issued by the Svatv,ao
.revoluMoary sodioty -dettere,s that the
. uprising is- not 'diivicted ,aga4nst 'for;
eigners .or ordhry ctitumt.,•ctfitemil
•-butAigainst- the ciiiverrolient,:the itittite,L
oek and Eanr tw.ry yan'i and
ate the elitetalS. Wilt the obleet ct
er1111wititthe (kivertitrient*--- „
.niission4, :with the etteptiiin
-0,,ernoin'intsoton at Ltenche%-, have.
far bon unoSilested, bi4 the;:inis,
,oge- .
;AU -
40 ,
• s.
I frrn Canton, China 44
revoIuticniski to, the neighborhood
of waWw reeent1y_caplUred,41iti entire
family Ctnnegie Drigailietqleneral
and v4mpe8Pd them all to drown, theM.
savea ltiro well,
-Jt dt 1011:, from "Clinten, soya; A;
igagentent has occurred between
' In a victory ter the form-
er 'The lost over 4 huridred men
killed; and the Government forOs
turd the relief- leader, together with
number of No and a coimiderable
I11t*1111 'of amintotition. *
.. N. ,,a, ,ka' , aat,d,awariaA.7a,... t J.,. ,,,,....,";•,,,,.,..,,..,t, •,,,„ .
n depatched to CIiaochow, viler
tJu6 Malcontent,are active, i -, .
.he. Chinese , ,gu 'beat.. _Sum hong,
iiiiiing on -hoard- th ritteertili ftegittion,
'er* Chinese' troops has sailed from
) ere for. SwatoW„. To .deftott_ that city,
inst-*-tile attack OA- the art:t1-'
0 . 1�r3'
rem Mentreat Says: An
nually ad -fatality occurred on
•ard .thVirginian, which, arrived in
t from Liverpool on Sunday, .
Young Englishman named Alford; end..
grating to Canada with hilt Wife, to 111• '
his fortune in the 004 IS.14111*WIntt
,during * fog, and teat
taxing hi3. wile O� her way,'
to a strange land, without Triendaand
*cslitute. The oimple'vere MO,
aieerage pitlisingers.
o go. fo paigary.„-,,,illaaY had .their
.tickets to thi ic and 1„Weotk pound
tellir*" .*01`.4t0b01141 VITrYing thatfe. In
„at:C:1mo" pocket, of his locket,' On the
. *ming af.the first day out Alford lett
tO, wife to- go ,for -* strohi *long the
She meter$1_1* hint tigatti1r. „Thep
ship was. running' Iii * dense fog, and
. 0 some unexplained svar he fell oiror
,„ re,
were searching the obi 1
, but in vain. Tw4-4-- boy
along the ,steerags ptiszoti
.ontirseirslorfet n
• pathetic. interest wos, &pi* * b
other -passengers 40 -board,:
tten.was made tip among -Uinta
aVethe bereaved wife to tither 'return
to tier friends tri'lt4land orto ad her
fo-start the bkitie ot 1lf nartada,
nd-ihe' ied 0,tted ,34 port
or., #1
I 0
. to Kill
treat -Winnipeg says:
death ( a' little ainti-d-liriteit
. on SIM t moon: The child
lilayint'arennot-hean0-4604,--pok-ed up
Aire cracker andlint-it mouth.'
few mirintes atterwards lie was s'zed
convulsions., and tiledoetom were
a loss; to Understand tlie.let)se.. The
a-1 14't41 siJittl b'j
roe was ,sugges
i1 Ilit' 411.'t4,15 ,anal
d .104 sitekedi Makin e
1 ry that, it ordained en
on o kill a hundred -Teeple.
1.1811APP ,TOOK P014
I 1-
-London Man-Drinks•tabalic-,„'Ari,,
despatelt hook \koth.litit :says t -Wit.
tEC1•Au.steit.,. Ks:A 2f, year
Pf*aget-on. Aatinitay atiernabit took a
large dose ot carbolic-..aeid -on the lawn
ii front.ot hts tallierLin.latV's residence.
Austen,-ifttplioarstiraS had -•iitne.
froubleS during the year or two
in, -which he has been monied, ttlid
deserted leS, wife a few days age. On
-Saturday atterociin, lir 'Went to her, house -
'Willi it fLtlll, whqru- -S,ent__Into,_ the
rise. NVIteit retitrited AtiSteit wit*
1444; about fat' ttle laWo, in awIu4
lie:Was".,-ettred ter, aril•
, Ss etvell, as ma,
, -
From iKeDist
depa1ch from,. TOr0010:,
Measles, caused asmai* deaths as sear-
fevei'. ..o conthine4 in
during April list:. .The returno
from 753 itivi$104,',.registreirs, to. the ,Pro.,
Vincial-.1-10ard 'Met At.
-oast* of the titAlluOliolle4:4406
of a. total of 15, proved to'ito:T;*. 441V
;scarlet -lever* 441t
ord. The deaths from tottlagloir* dL.
ease nunibereti ii alt 275, an 1ncreae
ot 34) over ,the same month. in /OK
these, 203 wer caused by tut:keret;
Frain amatipox thero was one deeth
among 107'eaffeters from it; from sear
fever, 0 among 225 caseig-diptitherit,
16 oaths 'ttriOng 143 cases; whopflig
ortugh*3 deaths out of V, taoes;
phoid„ 24 deaths, '153 oases, Tho total
number et, deaths - from all causes ..dur•
2, 10,15 Iv all
• t
t t a
• ,
\ Wheat Manitottat'.*Lak No,
'hard, No. t northern , No.
tide; No.,, 2 i 41,,edt. WO to 43.
.1 -No. 3 yellowMaori
lake unifrall, 62gcs to tl3o
1'v -onto basis.
Rye 71 t4)
No, 3 extra
to rtge.
' Flour -Ori e erds,
$3,25- MI:no sel lobo first pat-
ents, $4.75; Secort $4.20; baL-
au, 40,04
rouNim PlIODNC
•01401. 0 4,,
litte are --plerititu
epia1Iy largeunt of ,oreame
nutter, a
rruiory. priiits
airy, prods 0.. , t
(iLeese-43t- for rge-an
53 1O',.$2..
(1( . riV• primes, - Le
e * .-1 ,
Delawares, $115
81.30.c g car kits.0a.-.traek here. On-
tario ore.quoled itt $05, but .prices, are
proctically i'itiiiiiital,„' - .
ton 'for. No. 1 ilmethy,",,and1111.50til,*
Ina to, NO. '1,thoolliy, and SUM' id,*
for eoflbu7' .0401, in oar ligs if
RaIM Strd--Ik&tdy 'tn. 0.75 to ,
per n„ fif_titt . -.15 here. • •
- .4,-
1,, airl,410:4
. •
liamilton people taing, again f
buying' the stmet railwa
Dr. Young, ft Voneouver,
in 8100 '
-110ward 'Fell of ,fiore "Day. has
.appoint,ed, Sheriff ot Manitoulin.
A rush, Of prospectos -,ts roarted48
to 'the iiktentreal Rivet' raining -district.
Spurious ,eolos, alleged to be franc,
ges'i, 'axe being einmiloted in :Toronto.
I'orl Arthur,to eost $30,000.
NVinitipeg ,',police are , busily ehge.ged
in" forcing the. anti•spitting
emaiontS ditties tor May at Toronto
wtre.41)71,-831,,70, e IA4;4,
4:114. 11;bet 111 fY0
1 012.
• •
)il',t 't tften fataLl.,_ `The 'ball
o the hip POor laf a' but:1410g a fe*
oots -lertSt: Mt. Notre
Dante street, And! the fire started to ire
'basement, the ',Oohed floor being Occte
zis 8--dr2frgoodr .store hy G. tt.a,r"
1• 'c6
Crowd of dancers upstairs became
, _C
triOien, bV, the ,f,ush-r.pt,.sip91;4i,
1luf'Wafer, rul,iretifigiititifitiliiiirt%in
the window,A before the grown arrived.
One man. had both legs broken and an-
other his spine injured. The firemen
rre'seneit uiony by ,111011118 oI ladders,z
The-- gre did-oefi'amount .40:-/aiialt iid
T. 1 ton,. Liberal M.P.P.r
South flrnnl. announe" WS: retirenten
11:0111 1if.*
/0' Wkt ttliterteed 1l Pariy
Sound Assizes to be hanged en Augut
head offiees.of the Soverei
from_ Koko
betivieS, fa
rt tut; $23
„ ;$21. Itt
ed 41z
el -con, 11
Oases; -ftrons„
to 1 4.heavy,
• u 4 ie
Lard -Prices T
c; pito, 12.14c,',.
ai."4. at. a
a ' a
,. . . .
A patch, from Springtleid,'„.111„
Carrio,, Lederbrand, 7 years old,
nit here sister Cora, 17' years" olds,
ilattibtera_ot losePlt ,Lederbrand, alarm.
Ar..,,.. were.. murdered. knit ..thrOviltito
_Sugar Creek ",,cat Vitecinesday, and the
- dies were found on 'ThursasyTiiiglit
the • rt's . fattier., , The girls' left
home 'early Jo. the • afWi
noon --Their
t -e
'her . 'bee, an* alarmed.. ot,' heir, als(
mot, and went to search, for 4 m, with
eighbors. Dr. 01014110 found (hat
adh girl lisd-A, bullet hole itt-'the light
unipte7-.-----tto. estise-, ha* -----been ags1.4
for lite 4xturder, -neither. Is there a 4,
LIVE VVIRE (1.0sys DEtikirm
7- .riibrectSiteati7,,
patch from Xottora says kbout
our Wolock: on Friday' morning- a
.13rowall-400.44 #engineeeirt-eherge'ofihe
wer,hotise, reettV44 Shaek Ironi
kir wire while standing near sivitelio
o and was-Tn,Statitlf
altent 60104( fi,row.ri was caught, 101*
delY 111111641 Orr ft* f0i11411$ 1010,11
Rrawn fell liaek d6041'; 'HU len 11404. Was
adly burned*. the eurre111, "Omit
tiOugh him, coming out at the left le
shove the knee, which was Al$0- badly
borne& sect 3,1.11S *bout 55 years,
of age.
artitoba n
simgern. an.......40,K0 14n
froni .anotitille, 'Tennessee, 114-0 $50.00
rinked in lk)ronto:, . ,
It he been decid61 to bold a. nationaldnirsr .,
hereafter, '
it4 aanuary next„ '
show in evmovAntiv- .-i-411.14-1: , , :` lot
d'uo more lodge proetieelfill be done
Catharines doctors have Organized*
ot Niw
-rk, is to be,
(,* 1
An • Acadetny ot Mediernerhn been
formed in connection with the
pf Toronto. , •
Mr.' Wihhiani litagemi twelitotyear.4,1d
son was khlhed b.,Y* the kick, 44 a steer
ear'. Rodney, on Saturday.
1( 13 said that Vitited ,Slate a parties ale
delivering to *tour* pulpwood coii
allow in northern Oat'
Montreal .peiltee hoe pN'eented I
y ,Councilr *.ith * tillt for fo
&-* 1
ℜ lune rovislorts,-Oariei
_ tut -mess $ to $14.50f half Vs
r $11.205" te $11.74; clear lat-bae
U150 to. 11,i4; hong e14,hea
W to $4; half_ boots do, $i '',
431.50; dry- milted long elear n,
1,X4- 141- 1Z4-- haritlel/late beet, 1.3.
14 barrels-Alc rto11.50; ':barrels
heavy -mess.' tear' $10.. belt barrels 4o,,
$,$.100,: compound, lard, 93c to Mk; vitro
lard„'ityke to 12.1,'.0*,' kettle rendered, ltie'
to 13%c; hitois„.1-44-14-0.No* acomling
to'size; breakfast bacon, 14)-4e `to -15i4
Windsor bacon, 15%c to 10q,l'ass.h. killed
battoir dressed trog4- $10 yr '8104;
ahive $7.5 to, $7.50:
• erns. 12)0 ,4.c. P
ii ferAM-74-ibtia i, --70F4 I
Mice creamery is, quo
20,11c to ,tie. *Receipts, of eggs were, .
Sto cases;-- No.„ ---1 are oneted•OV-100 to
$ a, and No., ..2 at'15)40 to $0c. per
4 '11
wilt 0
ity of T
on s as »ni'nt tor 1907 shows a
n' int -
'1t yeer.
,,h• ouStittctS
-and 'trin't were -Ctinfisestect in Monireal
.lifeek as unlit for food,
John . Simps.on was :struck- by an
-iit11ei1io410 at liamilion, on ^iSatitkda
and ft is feared hi -bock isbroken.
Negotiations are pl**04.4410`:: $0.
moo' itti, the prite or-,selmol books, tto
ablYe4OetliteSi...•_titStories and irithrtie;e
0 The OttlarkiNtedies.1_ .
cided to take:steps' t& secure the -,tab-
hisinnent of Ortinstittition for the, treat:.
t of inebriates.,
,Ontario's -output of theewill 'be be
w the „t-aterate because el-the:la
*itifaus.,Pr-1 - •
Ot-.the- tpo trelon gsltera
on the souttestore have boat large.
It -destroyed by the•loe,-.Ind -the-contlit
'than of the .people is seriou,.:.
Pliar'b-rairb J-1116:-Ortint, u, ...o
day, in width.reman
I a
..111011E UtE, Vt1151',..
General Attvancei hi IlourandMe*t---
Cnued by Shnrtfle.
'A despatch frOlit s t
Vour.,-,,,snA_,,nteitt has iu1 ani'cd all oweir
The -,cause oti*----trierease
fk,higii.priet efii:lreot in the CtiSt!,41f th
goo, and the shOrtige Of prime
la the rose or hot '
woe,4iLtt ViMbI •
41 to tiavo
' • ife, tt is Slat, Cilitetikto 1-4
tri 111i104141.0K1110:070001t fl tht C
1neIshola itliOrted be
$14110,3T. Australis, , liorlher
. • , •
On Msreh 3limdicahng
rtptinel, *114Phdippi
land, of tilt was anti
and'the 'Willett
kdkd *i0 peep**, Ds
Orel, (meted
409 afI
lo, 1h kpm of tht 4'
SO Kt*
t 110111,150
Yap *oil tit
Wand* Wet*
ale q
Pa 11
No. 2 whit
t 40)0 to 50c, Ontario
4040to47opr bubel.
flour otetaltr. o
125(0 ; Wel t, roTh
, 1,4
1,85,; exit o
1Iiy...!rhere lit 'ft, Cumuli lor
bah* ,loty. 1 St0 44) 1.1*
,$M le' $10; clover Mixed, $134 to $14
and pure -clover at $1i to $13 per ton.
OtitzVALO 144414.th.
uffalo, hue Wheat
.4...Northern, $1.0:
'Winter noin nal root -Firm; No.
yellbw, N Mt. 0ets-
$trong- No., 2 white, rkinet
od* 47e„ 'WesWrri offered, ,to
•141 * Aarp:„._
Might ViellittlagOtti:-
•NIM YORK V, 1 W-1,401011*.
s44v York,'
ftriii; NI. g 1,4 $1.411 elevalcir;, No.
Loll. i --northern
:AU a11oatz,14b.2 hsra,
1 „Le.1),
and I
, 'Minister of Italiways.
for \the'app�intnwnt of
their -gee
R. nutcjtinis
ro Offered al
of '4 ents
.: d11t4Y-
U e v e „Itit
-On-account ot whlett it
incertain the eet
, Arthur Duperaiflt,
g'tiu 1h t h.fl
Ill,. tr w l.
. ,iti , ,.
, ,t,
. ,0 ii
I' i Joie i
, • ,.'-i),,i,,t': ,h •
a I„ r a ininsettjuilip.
' tile,' i4i..et and is',14-ilie liespital'
v t • 4 rt''. ,111rie ,Itlaillenet is,
I al
broken back,*,,
crancal; Ouse:ye fra'ur-
thigh; ,, JaitieS, llasette, fraCtured .
, fleeter 14Sitin.,`.
,Tivolve other victims ti
,,o at variOus
stittetigil Jrain seitre-Vhit in
'scene n. the 'hall when 4.1o) lire was.
.eoverect was :terrible. The bait is ott
he thirifStorrin-lbelroat of' the hall+ .
ing; *but etzIp ttutt.' way was,. cuebtt,orit,
4 .1
• 114.4444.0.4;4.
t 'In ow's w f
t is slinated at No1r'
Friday, 1mgal-
-ins ipoins o
• -
efeptiled Eo be worhh several
'CM Bellingh▪ am, Wash, ,
1/eCat,140, of the, presence ,of 'a. eiretia
Iri .Kfi:la:ttliahnoitiy0-4---y-01 iooty,mpPevtilltgriVrInears,,_
totteripc tguilt &iv
' For-s:etting fire to the toptiSt ClUireh.
o t Saratoga, N. y„,•Pitta Ellick'*sti
'kneed to serve' five years and seven
months In elintint Prison.
to cotobtne
tilz,e4„ in terests.-..,.-
4:41,11111.VIAttiVold'' 01114 of lidin
Pt Newberg, Ind., :drank. halt :a. pint
vhL'ke vatidit 11. found on adreser
and-,clioittlit*fetv„, bon
New,lersolrraili ny company
have to pay, $15,000..*tOr, causing the'
toss et,o littie,girre- eye' In anaccident:.
Which ', occurred :five, years 40,44.
114 Wife f Achilitalf!Cbadivick or the
totted $latieS'itavil144.111110041.01.1';',
rietcAiy "4010 y.be
tnrup-:::trom the, battiSli
et4 inn Uprightposition. - :
4 MMLOK nit AN
4 •
despatch ta*ci,says
tortes - was' d'Nivned....
, isles flnjiiL, L.ake • of v •
.A.Totintains,27o,u..-Saturchiyi, under
liorly stid;,' otreilinStance4,. 114! Arts en-
gaged with a' survey party 'ot.the tleor,#'
' 1111Y CAW staff' faking itydraulic±
measurements at the rapids....'A gasoline ,
'lanneb W(4,!.3‘ used, nml Mr. Atatieoli
tripping the '143:410.tinclier. al ihe .end
ilie:441/* "ororkt, (40014,0444101
'ItIS leg: and ho waS overboard *
ito.,,the swift Citrreiit4 111 veigtit of
able andkedge...anchor faking
w. ,the surface. It Was attempted to
end,' the lintroli fop :speed itheadt'but,
the engine olatkeN aott tho,boat was,
..orteried half a tulle down streairi. Whim
machinery, 0114 be started. %leo
the ,seene- et the accident was tidally,.
:reached halt an hour later the 'lifeless
:body -of •the, young engineer wa foam! ;
:Vaught to thecable. DecoOSed. was a son,.
or Rio:tato Dr, titalloeti this, city and
ileiliewAlloly- • °rant, 'Ate. pot_
. -
clladren. 4/t
I ing....-.1m4Post_tiltt_ 'with -41
atta*Atit$aNtilf" e ci
$260,006..10,_ *
Flower has recently been made
by. ltw brother ..and_daughter of the..
stlitilkues totinder, the late flewe11 1'.
-Cartneki..Catroneo„ wound"
probably fatally in New York, det
lifrf.s that lie knOws-llts asSallant;but
will reserve Vongeari, _for ,;.b.intseltor
If ,
lind 'are living in
h• •ltoPtt, ten. canvas, tepts,
sAiericts. whoitig,,,:bLo
tiro last , Winter.
Twelve -1016A 'girls of the Chickasaw
Nation L. T., ',bate written' the President'
t the,' ,State • Aga:anti:trot :.0,1reloi
Cliarlotte„.__N. C., oskiiig- his aid to •get.
vast tracts o
Thie People's Instituto Atitrine Lea
s been lotred for the purpose
having every. -excursion boat in N
York waters "..inspected at least once
Ftt'ftainis inbre,prt„.
-iqon for 'debt; ,
Ik,Fge B. furtos,i 'father of
halfpenny paper itt Londons 15
ph; Chattit*rbilit abimlied
7:0106i s,W lopger
- 5 '
4,1 1),
tine 4.
-leL-*t 41
7 iA14,4 +0'
CI la t
n Sat
' decilitres,
routing the bill ,e
El Pt ertininott appgal w
by le Di olisit U.iu'i, rf tkinnion
111.0% 1114
I ' rihrixt
ritv e
ot 1 n TeS0.4..h
Ite 'opt by,,a cloodbuts
rms.. ,
In he .eily 01 Nolw 1 **
ag lifetime !tod sbecti.
ts you* to Hstiiee ifl4,
About .1tritly.iwo thous* ‘,1
h ' p
• Ai
have breri
it 11,444ftlk speeeh
$661 ibiat bikati
p e utions
. vt-jlittlitut. - In
taelvc itt: 'the: provinces' t
. ,Tryp,Sitt isit: tIernilin ahirgeon.
Cowry tbr the tore Of cancer.
The::: Strike . . Situatioo. ' .rn :Santiago,
f:libli«.-7-',14-.-,:groiVing, busines,s-'. being : a
chit* paralyzed.
thassitt has riluSedtore"-cite back. th
' 041 Dernocrals who: attended: the r
itt'congres.s in. 4440.
A 14'eneral 'strike Ot . 141,.'retteli, smote v
fliti?f14'X4' ,to . Completely ' pitertip* t
iniitry'S; e4iintierce. - ..,' - ' . 1,
,Sprilit -is. eirolving a. plan for lb v:
:trihntion of all lim Slates undultitet
'Iliiiid.aniong the, OnnitiniK
:Ilie Netwegirtit barque' Nagprre wa
tal eleveJt. of her ere*, I. St.
A, JUllitsry war ,halloCot at. 1„lotne waS.
_melt by 'lightning .on ,..alorday Ofili
the aeronaut killeit.iiy ,1114 . toll,'
Japan ba* ,proleSted •' to .N,Vashirtgleit
,tittiriSt thic-tilitticks :-:- -On -.'.isapantise -and
r...stros San • PratielSoo. '
he 'llanaborg-AlteriOrt line- pro ..
8i,',c:ekly *tote j)el,tv*It'clIII11011,Y .4111
•Conitils,. «then `it,,,,tarift Itiliksini id. i.
are and:
voittx KU
. .
-A• despt6h room. Elyria, Ohle, says!
Vont" Persons were, killed. arat
.were,...114nred, ,three of whom died* in a
• hosestertv -Traction - road-, hero 911
.evening. front- carwas
filled 'with, -holiday excursionists, nearly•
„ail Or Whom- reedited' more leSs
sT4rilurtes1,-Aintlifo *At 1010ittOs'-.
botanees and---dottors' were ;sirounotted -
:and • the; *bonded, taken- the, Elyria'
lioStlitit, where ,three ;Me injured,
$114$0(111entlY Plight, Of the re.'
Alnif 4 both
- 011
janottiWit' 4,
it -'g- broken. Motorman '17.rairralu,'
Avas 'in -charge of the *Or which, "
raused the 10**k, wakititrested
-varrtult siVorti out, by` PrOSectitor
.a he.
pai(h fr,An eity1-4
fi of Ile Canadi
Liioiteil„ of Montreal,' It motion
r$9 'made in =e,hattiber4k I Osgo--0iid,'?. frail
Friday for on orderwinding ijt
titoliati,fitlisters, Limited, ,of St, ICAI
peliticaters *re rreditOm
if 4't1)t 4:4 stlftz..
si-s.stts *
$314.10: TKor
-11(4a.., it •
$441,009,,, 411 t
s4i1Airit441 knot 14it1 top
ies.k reedy pr4iit4. stipple
ere the 100414 itglit
Stitt Jot
11,:, 4,14,.
tit 11. F. h, •
1 tow 1
0 , s
ter of
despatelt :trout ,Stratford stlyst,. Woid
I 7L:ng,:kst. ltarr:moti::,
t o1ragie.111lii1re"ni1
Vriflay itiornitig he inysterioosly
tired froin her hOntee !nit 111)011 a
befog, instituted by Cle,..et Young
s!ie'SV&i round dead /it the eistern at the
rear of house. !file lady'S
fin -,4.,pi4:t1e1es werci .toond nettr by. 11
1tPintiri441tot,, itvirtt
hLk W5 diiiiig 4?
.1 r
cistern vits r&4jtlt tive feet :deep,
fi-. fait* t11 *boo 15 tir,601-..orirse
' tith;,&iaztuigtt
t fli, 'cause paa;itIcrah.e- •hat4iC
fw doys,,roitintriving Alsy 25,. and
la-inng on the 25th and 2611I. it estv
vet* the prairie
made intr.) the! wood* and itko,0
ie east silk., At the river; itwoing tip.
miett timber. Ity surilay 'ills fire lied
Soiree. ortel, J., 'White viod.
,lier,4 loot to fight lhe Nunes olt
Cite. i!stised Ityllie lire
iituOtAi 1,1ethiteres
impti tomlie it
,teit ‘fit;.1:4410,11* .fleri*ra
friitt5 1(mitiort
4.4.0 tut firers / wow fielt, abet
-;A al at 'i•4 ft.414.1.