HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-06, Page 6 (2)01. a ai • , • ••4444 4.4.-444 * 4 the t 1, »ng, 6 4. Chit , Ilion, He ell known. ai luttortary, 3 •'414 14.,,,st JnUty i,fl *.,01 eotoll agoinst 1h(f'epoyertittion Thir.1 , leen • hundred, troops, NV. Peen -de. -4taletted for. Swatow frOm CantoP* an4., another .01aclunent iNto NOT 0.oitix#,..foktavat.„14, A despatch from Swalow, China says; A proclitnation, issued by the Svatv,ao .revoluMoary sodioty -dettere,s that the . uprising is- not 'diivicted ,aga4nst 'for; eigners .or ordhry ctitumt.,•ctfitemil •-butAigainst- the ciiiverrolient,:the itittite,L , _ oek and Eanr tw.ry yan'i and ate the elitetalS. Wilt the obleet ct er1111wititthe (kivertitrient*--- „ .niission4, :with the etteptiiin -0,,ernoin'intsoton at Ltenche%-, have. far bon unoSilested, bi4 the;:inis, 'ObandentirtfrA. ,oge- . ;AU - )1,a 40 , • s. tgo ;a. — I frrn Canton, China 44 revoIuticniski to, the neighborhood of waWw reeent1y_caplUred,41iti entire family Ctnnegie Drigailietqleneral and v4mpe8Pd them all to drown, theM. savea ltiro well, REliEJS Dli`,FEATgD., -Jt dt 1011:, from "Clinten, soya; A; igagentent has occurred between •toops„,so4.a.badt4101,44- ' In a victory ter the form- er 'The lost over 4 huridred men killed; and the Government forOs turd the relief- leader, together with number of No and a coimiderable I11t*1111 'of amintotition. * .. N. ,,a, ,ka' , aat,d,awariaA.7a,... t J.,. ,,,,....,";•,,,,.,..,,..,t, •,,,„ . n depatched to CIiaochow, viler tJu6 Malcontent,are active, i -, . .he. Chinese , ,gu 'beat.. _Sum hong, iiiiiing on -hoard- th ritteertili ftegittion, 'er* Chinese' troops has sailed from ) ere for. SwatoW„. To .deftott_ that city, inst-*-tile attack OA- the art:t1-' , -1,1)4i.r6als.' aa, 0 . 1�r3' , XtisetIty-twu r) rem Mentreat Says: An nually ad -fatality occurred on •ard .thVirginian, which, arrived in t from Liverpool on Sunday, . Young Englishman named Alford; end.. grating to Canada with hilt Wife, to 111• ' his fortune in the 004 IS.14111*WIntt ,during * fog, and teat taxing hi3. wile O� her way,' to a strange land, without Triendaand *cslitute. The oimple'vere MO, aieerage pitlisingers. o go. fo paigary.„-,,,illaaY had .their .tickets to thi ic and 1„Weotk pound tellir*" .*01`.4t0b01141 VITrYing thatfe. In „at:C:1mo" pocket, of his locket,' On the . *ming af.the first day out Alford lett tO, wife to- go ,for -* strohi *long the She meter$1_1* hint tigatti1r. „Thep ship was. running' Iii * dense fog, and . 0 some unexplained svar he fell oiror ,„ re, ided-.40--Aliefr111414 were searching the obi 1 , but in vain. Tw4-4-- boy along the ,steerags ptiszoti .ontirseirslorfet n , ing,ito tightened. • pathetic. interest wos, &pi* * b other -passengers 40 -board,: tten.was made tip among -Uinta aVethe bereaved wife to tither 'return to tier friends tri'lt4land orto ad her fo-start the bkitie ot 1lf nartada, nd-ihe' ied 0,tted ,34 port Conhaim" or., #1 Pa I 0 . to Kill treat -Winnipeg says: er.caoseti'd death ( a' little ainti-d-liriteit . on SIM t moon: The child lilayint'arennot-hean0-4604,--pok-ed up Aire cracker andlint-it mouth.' few mirintes atterwards lie was s'zed convulsions., and tiledoetom were a loss; to Understand tlie.let)se.. The a-1 14't41 siJittl b'j roe was ,sugges i1 Ilit' 411.'t4,15 ,anal d .104 sitekedi Makin e 1 ry that, it ordained en on o kill a hundred -Teeple. 1.1811APP ,TOOK P014 I 1- -London Man-Drinks•tabalic-,„'Ari,, ' despatelt hook \koth.litit :says t -Wit. tEC1•Au.steit.,. Ks:A 2f, year Pf*aget-on. Aatinitay atiernabit took a large dose ot carbolic-..aeid -on the lawn ii front.ot hts tallierLin.latV's residence. Austen,-ifttplioarstiraS had -•iitne. froubleS during the year or two in, -which he has been monied, ttlid deserted leS, wife a few days age. On -Saturday atterociin, lir 'Went to her, house - 'Willi it fLtlll, whqru- -S,ent__Into,_ the rise. NVIteit retitrited AtiSteit wit* 1444; about fat' ttle laWo, in awIu4 lie:Was".,-ettred ter, aril• , Ss etvell, as ma, 1,-11-Y.1144 , - From iKeDist , depa1ch from,. TOr0010:, Measles, caused asmai* deaths as sear- fevei'. ..o conthine4 in during April list:. .The returno from 753 itivi$104,',.registreirs, to. the ,Pro., Vincial-.1-10ard 'Met At. -oast* of the titAlluOliolle4:4406 of a. total of 15, proved to'ito:T;*. 441V ;scarlet -lever* 441t ot ord. The deaths from tottlagloir* dL. ease nunibereti ii alt 275, an 1ncreae ot 34) over ,the same month. in /OK these, 203 wer caused by tut:keret; Frain amatipox thero was one deeth among 107'eaffeters from it; from sear fever, 0 among 225 caseig-diptitherit, 16 oaths 'ttriOng 143 cases; whopflig ortugh*3 deaths out of V, taoes; phoid„ 24 deaths, '153 oases, Tho total number et, deaths - from all causes ..dur• s 2, 10,15 Iv all it at 444. • t t t a - • , li 0 \ Wheat Manitottat'.*Lak No, 'hard, No. t northern , No. northern .41,1% tide; No.,, 2 i 41,,edt. WO to 43. .1 -No. 3 yellowMaori lake unifrall, 62gcs to tl3o 1'v -onto basis. Rye 71 t4) PIPS No, 3 extra to rtge. ' Flour -Ori e erds, $3,25- MI:no sel lobo first pat- ents, $4.75; Secort $4.20; baL- au, 40,04 rouNim PlIODNC , •01401. 0 4,, litte are --plerititu epia1Iy largeunt of ,oreame nutter, a rruiory. priiits airy, prods 0.. , t (iLeese-43t- for rge-an ,EN V gg, one'y 53 1O',.$2.. (1( . riV• primes, - Le e * .-1 , Delawares, $115 81.30.c g car kits.0a.-.traek here. On- tario ore.quoled itt $05, but .prices, are proctically i'itiiiiiital,„' - . ton 'for. No. 1 ilmethy,",,and1111.50til,* Ina to, NO. '1,thoolliy, and SUM' id,* for eoflbu7' .0401, in oar ligs if RaIM Strd--Ik&tdy 'tn. 0.75 to , per n„ fif_titt . -.15 here. • • - .4,- • 1,, airl,410:4 ady . • liamilton people taing, again f buying' the stmet railwa Dr. Young, ft Voneouver, in 8100 ' -110ward 'Fell of ,fiore "Day. has .appoint,ed, Sheriff ot Manitoulin. A rush, Of prospectos -,ts roarted48 - to 'the iiktentreal Rivet' raining -district. , Spurious ,eolos, alleged to be franc, ges'i, 'axe being einmiloted in :Toronto. I'orl Arthur,to eost $30,000. NVinitipeg ,',police are , busily ehge.ged in" forcing the. anti•spitting emaiontS ditties tor May at Toronto wtre.41)71,-831,,70, e IA4;4, •4patv1r, 4:114. 11;bet 111 fY0 1 012. ' -4tWeiftlitittiollititisaireae • • " Itaor":31(1:4:Fri 14of 1* )il',t 't tften fataLl.,_ `The 'ball o the hip POor laf a' but:1410g a fe* oots -lertSt: Mt. Notre Dante street, And! the fire started to ire 'basement, the ',Oohed floor being Occte zis 8--dr2frgoodr .store hy G. tt.a,r" 1• 'c6 Crowd of dancers upstairs became , _C triOien, bV, the ,f,ush-r.pt,.sip91;4i, 1luf'Wafer, rul,iretifigiititifitiliiiirt%in the window,A before the grown arrived. One man. had both legs broken and an- other his spine injured. The firemen rre'seneit uiony by ,111011118 oI ladders,z The-- gre did-oefi'amount .40:-/aiialt iid T. 1 ton,. Liberal M.P.P.r South flrnnl. announe" WS: retirenten 11:0111 1if.* /0' Wkt ttliterteed 1l Pariy Sound Assizes to be hanged en Augut head offiees.of the Soverei from_ Koko a' C4) rk betivieS, fa rt tut; $23 „ ;$21. Itt ed 41z el -con, 11 Oases; -ftrons„ to 1 4.heavy, shout • u 4 ie Lard -Prices T c; pito, 12.14c,',. ai."4. at. a a ' a Fait/m-1 ,. . . . A patch, from Springtleid,'„.111„ Carrio,, Lederbrand, 7 years old, nit here sister Cora, 17' years" olds, ilattibtera_ot losePlt ,Lederbrand, alarm. Ar..,,.. were.. murdered. knit ..thrOviltito _Sugar Creek ",,cat Vitecinesday, and the - dies were found on 'ThursasyTiiiglit the • rt's . fattier., , The girls' left home 'early Jo. the • afWi noon --Their t -e 'her . 'bee, an* alarmed.. ot,' heir, als( mot, and went to search, for 4 m, with eighbors. Dr. 01014110 found (hat adh girl lisd-A, bullet hole itt-'the light unipte7-.-----tto. estise-, ha* -----been ags1.4 for lite 4xturder, -neither. Is there a 4, lue.„lo6tho.sloyer„,-.....,,,,,....„,,,,,,....,.....-.....— te-., , riiete LIVE VVIRE (1.0sys DEtikirm *tenor* 7- .riibrectSiteati7,, patch from Xottora says kbout our Wolock: on Friday' morning- a .13rowall-400.44 #engineeeirt-eherge'ofihe wer,hotise, reettV44 Shaek Ironi kir wire while standing near sivitelio o and was-Tn,Statitlf altent 60104( fi,row.ri was caught, 101* delY 111111641 Orr ft* f0i11411$ 1010,11 Rrawn fell liaek d6041'; 'HU len 11404. Was adly burned*. the eurre111, "Omit tiOugh him, coming out at the left le shove the knee, which was Al$0- badly borne& sect 3,1.11S *bout 55 years, of age. , it CO) s artitoba n tiow4terv ,n celled. : simgern. an.......40,K0 14n -g -Gtv froni .anotitille, 'Tennessee, 114-0 $50.00 rinked in lk)ronto:, . , It he been decid61 to bold a. nationaldnirsr ., hereafter, ' it4 aanuary next„ ' show in evmovAntiv- .-i-411.14-1: , , :` lot d'uo more lodge proetieelfill be done Catharines doctors have Organized* amCS-Voi- 1 ot Niw -rk, is to be, bulit (,* 1 An • Acadetny ot Mediernerhn been formed in connection with the pf Toronto. , • Mr.' Wihhiani litagemi twelitotyear.4,1d son was khlhed b.,Y* the kick, 44 a steer ear'. Rodney, on Saturday. 1( 13 said that Vitited ,Slate a parties ale delivering to *tour* pulpwood coii allow in northern Oat' Montreal .peiltee hoe pN'eented I y ,Councilr *.ith * tillt for fo &-* 1 - • 3 ℜ lune rovislorts,-Oariei _ tut -mess $ to $14.50f half Vs r $11.205" te $11.74; clear lat-bae U150 to. 11,i4; hong e14,hea W to $4; half_ boots do, $i '', 431.50; dry- milted long elear n, 1,X4- 141- 1Z4-- haritlel/late beet, 1.3. 14 barrels-Alc rto11.50; ':barrels heavy -mess.' tear' $10.. belt barrels 4o,, $,$.100,: compound, lard, 93c to Mk; vitro lard„'ityke to 12.1,'.0*,' kettle rendered, ltie' to 13%c; hitois„.1-44-14-0.No* acomling to'size; breakfast bacon, 14)-4e `to -15i4 Windsor bacon, 15%c to 10q,l'ass.h. killed battoir dressed trog4- $10 yr '8104; ahive $7.5 to, $7.50: A 14 • erns. 12)0 ,4.c. P ii ferAM-74-ibtia i, --70F4 I Mice creamery is, quo 20,11c to ,tie. *Receipts, of eggs were, . Sto cases;-- No.„ ---1 are oneted•OV-100 to $ a, and No., ..2 at'15)40 to $0c. per 4 '11 wilt 0 ity of T on s as »ni'nt tor 1907 shows a n' int - '1t yeer. ,,h• ouStittctS -and 'trin't were -Ctinfisestect in Monireal .lifeek as unlit for food, John . Simps.on was :struck- by an -iit11ei1io410 at liamilion, on ^iSatitkda and ft is feared hi -bock isbroken. Negotiations are pl**04.4410`:: $0. moo' itti, the prite or-,selmol books, tto ablYe4OetliteSi...•_titStories and irithrtie;e 0 The OttlarkiNtedies.1_ . cided to take:steps' t& secure the -,tab- hisinnent of Ortinstittition for the, treat:. t of inebriates., ,Ontario's -output of theewill 'be be w the „t-aterate because el-the:la *itifaus.,Pr-1 - • Ot-.the- tpo trelon gsltera on the souttestore have boat large. It -destroyed by the•loe,-.Ind -the-contlit 'than of the .people is seriou,.:. Pliar'b-rairb J-1116:-Ortint, u, ...o day, in width.reman I a ..111011E UtE, Vt1151',.. General Attvancei hi IlourandMe*t--- Cnued by Shnrtfle. 'A despatch frOlit s t Vour.,-,,,snA_,,nteitt has iu1 ani'cd all oweir The -,cause oti*----trierease fk,higii.priet efii:lreot in the CtiSt!,41f th goo, and the shOrtige Of prime la the rose or hot ' woe,4iLtt ViMbI • bunkk-,4 41 to tiavo ' • ife, tt is Slat, Cilitetikto 1-4 tri 111i104141.0K1110:070001t fl tht C 1neIshola itliOrted be $14110,3T. Australis, , liorlher A , that e I *I A fliis? Aittod., , Sto:AL,'• . • , • Tit On Msreh 3limdicahng `0.1*11/31. rtptinel, *114Phdippi land, of tilt was anti and'the 'Willett kdkd *i0 peep**, Ds ,L4estak. Orel, (meted 409 afI lo, 1h kpm of tht 4' SO Kt* t 110111,150 Yap *oil tit Wand* Wet* ureausui ale q Pa 11 $1,75 No. 2 whit t 40)0 to 50c, Ontario 4040to47opr bubel. flour otetaltr. o patents, 125(0 ; Wel t, roTh , 1,4 1,85,; exit o 1Iiy...!rhere lit 'ft, Cumuli lor bah* ,loty. 1 St0 44) 1.1* ,$M le' $10; clover Mixed, $134 to $14 and pure -clover at $1i to $13 per ton. OtitzVALO 144414.th. uffalo, hue Wheat .4...Northern, $1.0: 'Winter noin nal root -Firm; No. yellbw, N Mt. 0ets- $trong- No., 2 white, rkinet od* 47e„ 'WesWrri offered, ,to •141 * Aarp:„._ Might ViellittlagOtti:- .. •NIM YORK V, 1 W-1,401011*. s44v York,' ftriii; NI. g 1,4 $1.411 elevalcir;, No. Loll. i --northern :AU a11oatz,14b.2 hsra, 1 „Le.1), hour and I , 'Minister of Italiways. minersThe -- for \the'app�intnwnt of their -gee 1`,1ailivity• R. nutcjtinis ro Offered al io ti of '4 ents .: d11t4Y- " t4. U e v e „Itit -On-account ot whlett it incertain the eet atm, nit tat% , Arthur Duperaiflt, 11 g'tiu 1h t h.fl Ill,. tr w l. . ,iti , ,. , ,t, . ,0 ii I' i Joie i , • ,.'-i),,i,,t': ,h • ,. a I„ r a ininsettjuilip. ' tile,' i4i..et and is',14-ilie liespital' v t • 4 rt''. ,111rie ,Itlaillenet is, %.ill'a'irarti.n0-skult------;----- I al aiitt15t101,11t1er. broken back,*,, crancal; Ouse:ye fra'ur- (41 thigh; ,, JaitieS, llasette, fraCtured . , fleeter 14Sitin.,`. ,Tivolve other victims ti ,,o at variOus stittetigil Jrain seitre-Vhit in smn 04f(riftifigaiMiriltrinVrw'reir 'scene n. the 'hall when 4.1o) lire was. .eoverect was :terrible. The bait is ott he thirifStorrin-lbelroat of' the hall+ . ing; *but etzIp ttutt.' way was,. cuebtt,orit, 4 .1 • 114.4444.0.4;4. k t 'In ow's w f 0rou t is slinated at No1r' t Friday, 1mgal- -ins ipoins o • - efeptiled Eo be worhh several 'CM Bellingh▪ am, Wash, , 1/eCat,140, of the, presence ,of 'a. eiretia Iri .Kfi:la:ttliahnoitiy0-4---y-01 iooty,mpPevtilltgriVrInears,,_ totteripc tguilt &iv ' For-s:etting fire to the toptiSt ClUireh. o t Saratoga, N. y„,•Pitta Ellick'*sti 'kneed to serve' five years and seven months In elintint Prison. to cotobtne tilz,e4„ in terests.-..,.- 4:41,11111.VIAttiVold'' 01114 of lidin Pt Newberg, Ind., :drank. halt :a. pint vhL'ke vatidit 11. found on adreser and-,clioittlit*fetv„, bon New,lersolrraili ny company have to pay, $15,000..*tOr, causing the' toss et,o littie,girre- eye' In anaccident:. Which ', occurred :five, years 40,44. 114 Wife f Achilitalf!Cbadivick or the totted $latieS'itavil144.111110041.01.1';', rietcAiy "4010 y.be tnrup-:::trom the, battiSli et4 inn Uprightposition. - : 4 MMLOK nit AN 4 • _ despatch ta*ci,says tortes - was' d'Nivned.... , isles flnjiiL, L.ake • of v • .A.Totintains,27o,u..-Saturchiyi, under peit- liorly stid;,' otreilinStance4,. 114! Arts en- gaged with a' survey party 'ot.the tleor,#' ' 1111Y CAW staff' faking itydraulic± measurements at the rapids....'A gasoline , 'lanneb W(4,!.3‘ used, nml Mr. Atatieoli tripping the '143:410.tinclier. al ihe .end ilie:441/* "ororkt, (40014,0444101 'ItIS leg: and ho waS overboard * ito.,,the swift Citrreiit4 111 veigtit of able andkedge...anchor faking w. ,the surface. It Was attempted to end,' the lintroli fop :speed itheadt'but, the engine olatkeN aott tho,boat was, ..orteried half a tulle down streairi. Whim machinery, 0114 be started. %leo the ,seene- et the accident was tidally,. :reached halt an hour later the 'lifeless :body -of •the, young engineer wa foam! ; :Vaught to thecable. DecoOSed. was a son,. or Rio:tato Dr, titalloeti this, city and ileiliewAlloly- • °rant, 'Ate. pot_ . - Ao. clladren. 4/t I ing....-.1m4Post_tiltt_ 'with -41 le atta*Atit$aNtilf" e ci $260,006..10,_ * Flower has recently been made by. ltw brother ..and_daughter of the.. stlitilkues totinder, the late flewe11 1'. -Cartneki..Catroneo„ wound" probably fatally in New York, det lifrf.s that lie knOws-llts asSallant;but will reserve Vongeari, _for ,;.b.intseltor If , lind 'are living in h• •ltoPtt, ten. canvas, tepts, sAiericts. whoitig,,,:bLo tiro last , Winter. Twelve -1016A 'girls of the Chickasaw Nation L. T., ',bate written' the President' t the,' ,State • Aga:anti:trot :.0,1reloi Cliarlotte„.__N. C., oskiiig- his aid to •get. vast tracts o Thie People's Instituto Atitrine Lea s been lotred for the purpose having every. -excursion boat in N York waters "..inspected at least once 1 Ftt'ftainis inbre,prt„. -iqon for 'debt; , Ik,Fge B. furtos,i 'father of halfpenny paper itt Londons 15 ph; Chattit*rbilit abimlied 7:0106i s,W lopger - 5 ' 4,1 1), IAIIN tine 4. -leL-*t 41 441 *4 7 iA14,4 +0' ‚4. CI la t n Sat 1 ' decilitres, trans/Ult. routing the bill ,e El Pt ertininott appgal w by le Di olisit U.iu'i, rf tkinnion 111.0% 1114 I ' rihrixt nobtine te ;UNITED' ritv e to:i ot 1 n TeS0.4..h Ite 'opt by,,a cloodbuts rms.. , In he .eily 01 Nolw 1 ** ag lifetime !tod sbecti. ts you* to Hstiiee ifl4, About .1tritly.iwo thous* ‘,1 t h ' p • Ai have breri ofTh it 11,444ftlk speeeh $661 ibiat bikati p e utions At .fitg:Ntri'gon . vt-jlittlitut. - In taelvc itt: 'the: provinces' t . ,Tryp,Sitt isit: tIernilin ahirgeon. Cowry tbr the tore Of cancer. The::: Strike . . Situatioo. ' .rn :Santiago, f:libli«.-7-',14-.-,:groiVing, busines,s-'. being : a chit* paralyzed. thassitt has riluSedtore"-cite back. th ' 041 Dernocrals who: attended: the r itt'congres.s in. 4440. A 14'eneral 'strike Ot . 141,.'retteli, smote v fliti?f14'X4' ,to . Completely ' pitertip* t iniitry'S; e4iintierce. - ..,' - ' . 1, ,Sprilit -is. eirolving a. plan for lb v: :trihntion of all lim Slates undultitet 'Iliiiid.aniong the, OnnitiniK :Ilie Netwegirtit barque' Nagprre wa reekWolli1ie--60asW2South-Amerie tal eleveJt. of her ere*, I. St. A, JUllitsry war ,halloCot at. 1„lotne waS. _melt by 'lightning .on ,..alorday Ofili the aeronaut killeit.iiy ,1114 . toll,' Japan ba* ,proleSted •' to .N,Vashirtgleit ,tittiriSt thic-tilitticks :-:- -On -.'.isapantise -and r...stros San • PratielSoo. ' he 'llanaborg-AlteriOrt line- pro .. 8i,',c:ekly *tote j)el,tv*It'clIII11011,Y .4111 •Conitils,. «then `it,,,,tarift Itiliksini id. i. are and: voittx KU . . -A• despt6h room. Elyria, Ohle, says! Vont" Persons were, killed. arat .were,...114nred, ,three of whom died* in a r,eardend.' • hosestertv -Traction - road-, hero 911 .evening. front- carwas filled 'with, -holiday excursionists, nearly• „ail Or Whom- reedited' more leSs sT4rilurtes1,-Aintlifo *At 1010ittOs'-. botanees and---dottors' were ;sirounotted - :and • the; *bonded, taken- the, Elyria' lioStlitit, where ,three ;Me injured, $114$0(111entlY Plight, Of the re.' Alnif 4 both - 011 janottiWit' 4, it -'g- broken. Motorman '17.rairralu,' Avas 'in -charge of the *Or which, " raused the 10**k, wakititrested -varrtult siVorti out, by` PrOSectitor vensteitargin _ .a he. W pai(h fr,An eity1-4 fi of Ile Canadi Liioiteil„ of Montreal,' It motion r$9 'made in =e,hattiber4k I Osgo--0iid,'?. frail Friday for on orderwinding ijt titoliati,fitlisters, Limited, ,of St, ICAI peliticaters *re rreditOm if 4't1)t 4:4 stlftz.. si-s.stts * $314.10: TKor -11(4a.., it • $441,009,,, 411 t s4i1Airit441 knot 14it1 top ies.k reedy pr4iit4. stipple ere the 100414 itglit Stitt Jot 11,:, 4,14,. tit 11. F. h, • hi 1 tow 1 0 , s , ter of despatelt :trout ,Stratford stlyst,. Woid r°iv4oh;.:7il18.ir;.Alftit1s4) I 7L:ng,:kst. ltarr:moti::, of 4g:.11fttt1rrli" t o1ragie.111lii1re"ni1 Vriflay itiornitig he inysterioosly tired froin her hOntee !nit 111)011 a befog, instituted by Cle,..et Young s!ie'SV&i round dead /it the eistern at the rear of house. !file lady'S fin -,4.,pi4:t1e1es werci .toond nettr by. 11 1tPintiri441tot,, itvirtt hLk W5 diiiiig 4? .1 r cistern vits r&4jtlt tive feet :deep, fi-. fait* t11 *boo 15 tir,601-..orirse wiittFlittoit Mho- ' tith;,&iaztuigtt t fli, 'cause paa;itIcrah.e- •hat4iC fw doys,,roitintriving Alsy 25,. and la-inng on the 25th and 2611I. it estv vet* the prairie made intr.) the! wood* and itko,0 ie east silk., At the river; itwoing tip. miett timber. Ity surilay 'ills fire lied Soiree. ortel, J., 'White viod. ,lier,4 loot to fight lhe Nunes olt Cite. i!stised Ityllie lire 'ft\ (.44144,4,S4). A 1 and iituOtAi 1,1ethiteres ions impti tomlie it ,teit ‘fit;.1:4410,11* .fleri*ra friitt5 1(mitiort 4.4.0 tut firers / wow fielt, abet .tc.- -;A al at 'i•4 ft.414.1. $014 •