HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-06, Page 5 (2)-
cunuIatkn o $44
rntgeu.ud dotai
, eve tli of stmt
it riclwitb cool k*Irsnc1
I1tterl3aWav. niadtelnal aa 11'
but *re natrumenta an
fully guaranteed. . Cozads
best mehtte are found On our
floor and prioes *re r1ght.,
.1.0pArit •Bicycl
Sewing Macbines
1319altherse inoUier iuts
i, irni she is entirely unit
infiuene t
thelr nobia ani Itioni,'
experience.• 'lie' in v u
pronounc� tIie
lhe ittlfitiaollotswf the author's miter bkirjrn—t u
ttis argument*, his mina Xtfla to
t in consonance with that of the A
thor 444-14101* lifikgrOwth. He inay
look upon * work:Or-orb but It he falia
Lo , tett the spirit of ,the Master It will
solfoogitPagsmoint °tly'coualterelosimi?net tuf.141*
the faculties with the ultlm*tepui
• wrionobierr
• f0 negleolknktaentyer0.pportulanst not t
ening And deepening the euentia
complete life. The child judg
hion and ai be begin. to,
VOitiii4, 1Tin
)0141 o*Joir. und Tios roe to;t.
*dr r*Antall•
omen et 144
e I , oneimadi
is sobool lite.
In speaking of the status of .
t e -words of the eminent French
statesman,. X. fittizot* ma. 1
"We most ' 10 procure for
the'' publlc sobool thuvUlm
muterand worthr0-t
eVir4hill‘ 11,
mIUaln theyeara
Do you experience
cisential with mt. -Every. with **dew,
0 10: we -construction of. Our extxeme. -
Plecesissitspod with tbisond eesi
They are made to, kstjj
ood time and give god ,iintiata
I)o you feel- ome
ing in your tliroat
. • . tb
long time wIl
it 1.) having intenze
'a MCA and Ytiws.si
tw la evey ininth.. 1 issi tired an
inote y01 thetimeand flfe looked vei
1 sn4IbduodeIretolIye
o now* much more than P*010'01411,
npon.ti teach witty intelligence and
ate, who is to live in *humbles:010e
d vet Ire noble ,00a. elevated
inJ, that dignity of mankind and of
pertinent without Which he will
vet obtain the roapect and confid-
of families; who posesses * rare
tioneast and flrmneu
none a man
I e lookslit complete
and up-
beat-atThey are tbe usual'
ow prlce.'d Inpect our gen-
Advice to ..,:,
' 4140
in aUckwmentown1etol .
tvons , - Mr. lititec exp
' 40,-,Vegotable female troublea.eitali ' her tOagt , ..
' 01
:0 - 4 . will charge you -nothing
or her advice. -
tht Ile was &pparen y reiovtr-
t when.be toiceu
0 deceased leaves ti. Row and
,o ' :atoll ..
rncefleld: o of
*Mutard, le haine from Knoz
,.....„Ooflege, Torouto.Mustard
for -the ht*I
lnted by theStudente Missionary
to a 8aekatche
1/ wan fi will Vend the moonier
work there.. 111111o1
elity mlIee trom-* `Whim
he likes pioneer, work and it will o
im up phyeica)Iy *fter the_..iittailit_ ..of
- eat-
tskipoints ...'
ice m. by
. .
' e I G. fip.. ticket
and ocs . twill . Finlayson 1
Atex 01114ly to Wlnnlpeg
Roost of Btu
dent.;ottovni, and
noploya In Vbe 8eaforth flour milis
wear year., , IA Wednei
r n, 0 40n# Om *. it**u
uon In
inhigh, sill to. 9, at filo.
45 4*
Plovr Composites "
r of doing 0
is mind to live and ,die In tbe eorvlce
of iStokand his fellow , o - TO
rear teachers approachingto 80C13ft
model, is a difficult task yet we mut
succeed in it or 'el.e we bave done
othing for elementary actio
'We Were to take, this paragraph
ofM. - ti
0 • 1
itt the g0 die .041:34.M"
that blowsSuch teac
oaly lower th. t
the peopls and truat.es, but
Board to look wltb distruat and sus
plclo4on bbs more honorabis ones.
Let s teacher Improve his status
looking to bit physicist' weIlbelng-
0004 health is ourential to good work
and a teitchees life Above sto needi to
be freet_from„-Witabilitr, nervousness
and pettlahneaa. Ue wants 10 feei that
he 1. At Man 40100ff men. ab1eto enter
into the octal life istol tete t
trtir coinmnunity
and keep a resit of the times.
it a not uecea.ary thott a tesober
.tarting out witty bit Itnii0X" Leaving
atanding 030 in the*, for tue
4ido for, a tga,,,,**
1' 0
ing 11 off in four pmrts, and 0 t
wbo Ire On know 0 A
speoitl nalish paper 13*
(ioocl as tali, la, 111. nelther right nor
falrtbal any 003. occupy
hool hours or eit. aii bit
surplus energy outkoo
pursuing ineb AY course.
eupy Ur out of.
he studies -in bbs medical currlcttl
Ors0014 otber profeasion.
"."teacher finds It- Untwist .
to .titudrlor the *. Senior Teachers'
examination while. teeohlog. it will
poy ;biro .tcyarop out for 10.- -etir,or even,
Iwo. After that 1 obtalned be can
secure; University standing for bkn
it.be II! wiliing to 11404 • ",0
11460it7 '004r* an , ,
"teacher secure bit degree e
nityhas b
A course, but it he doesn't hold
rt, right itt anyway, -c
pleting the -course In -three
Senior Leaving or tour after _unto to be able to trsveJ
•Leaving. Be mar take a general 000tin Ott
so Or branch mb Clasaicv Snglisli;: there 00113011 a 4.'`IV
erne Atit len00. etc s ',two other aol.
Lng Senior Leaving now Ave andnovelty lo y
cots one reail thin -land' improve
t we would find the k�y to
blic, in the eyes 0 ttik pupile and
sobool board and In the .0
;gni o Oitt to
improve our eta10s ip the oyes ofth
woul4 1,e ott*--litg.
position More *Stun* and his - future
sucocss‘a.eured. The teacher must
employ aocuracy In thlnking, quIck
't SpiritUATi Andliti01041 ult
tfi.00,. to :the
be wrileno"-ouatt4414elit....16:efritarY,4tirtig:Shthat
1. Sjjuit,,n041e-and-gooda-
By accoroPlialang the best servloeof
wbicb we are Able. 'we exitit the teeth
ar's office,-:theleather'S reociiir positio
and influence. Itis 000,01* expectea
tht 4ilitabie Aba .0.0itble men and
--wurzow-aw040-4,0a to ,a. vstlon
In which ak beet 1:0etiniso!nuuneib that.
-we&r1�me and there
IV 0
By tirepoingourselves for our du
by alOrig course of achohiatio anti
fee.ional then 'givin
yerybestroeultsof this to- our
nd sohoolhoar4we-eattibiltaist---
nminenostc.4iorlotit Antl.g4A
ouxselvesworthy pea.
Here again are -three preat clas.esof
teachelL,the one well
well eatioa
-1.'40-fault the.
becomlug the ounidlest, ix
' fitartinpopoluity thanforAtt
OD tOr better the mental
the lgjiorant claim *Iiipltabe w11140,
alt itt diftrk-`windoetwat huts or wlJl
they.ornetime4eslre bulld a light
and siry higoe tro0s-vailelt the, must
get clearer Mental vtew.V The ques-
tion should; not be How Iittls ktihw.
lodge need 1 get to cloak 'Is mountain
of gnotim The knowledge 11101.11.
I itt pooseselon oftheeveregeteitch,
r may not 'be aooepted as the minis
muni for h. II admlt,'he is hampered
' bit ignorance.Thetrained teach -
the azperlenced heti the
ceeasor to Joseph ciobbledick)
or or the brilliaucy of * wing.
0 nob mote force.
pit," 01*Mile
wrlte on ve SObjectIC a year but tb
1. Seneloailtoutuderea a heavy ye
ork, extra ; muraily. -. By paying 040110Ati00 13 held at any CO
el 44114144Itie MO wisho Adler ox
.ni may be found7ort this
1.0001by readingt
literature, Macaulay, Pope
.001410*. 4etc. Bybecomln
itb tbem he will find 11
sperzt.:Theo:too* aye'
Teachers' Eclncatfonal Journais and
iteading*Ottri**11101t, COntitiO,graino
.0* thought *na.,:advitticeittent itt our
particular Ilite of WOrlt, and for tbe
04014 reading ,0t,,sdeu 'Woo,are
granted by-:thoxinister ann.
s doctor,'thelawyer, the clergyman -
ch reade op; his special line and
e discottInueh tulles aft
o has posect bbs prescrlbed exam
• Whh belter salaties let ns'gl
,00d value for the MOO
. M&uy t000110101 UV*
Us too through corresponden
hoc& *Vett give excellent...Comae*
..allthehranch As.fracUou .0.11
eostit to ooll
hear ati orao
iveralty �ducation or * Senior Lesiin
oertiflcste or anything hlgber
be able to bosch
'ifyou can teach priniary read.
ing.well now yOu ,otio bosch it inucb,
better. by securing a Senior Leaving
Certlficaos?. But youniy,
now teachers who . We,
Leaving certificate and who are`
teal.r.liali worth their sitlt.1”--;Iagree
with,you, but it isnot becexiee thay
. Senior Leaving cettifitate
h they. ire an ge04 itS,t44413411.
not, Mae,* even 0000
h*ve*dostin degrees *fter thei
they would never m*
teachers. Ityou'as * prhnar
, feel that you oim.t
combialt s` to your
that y lean
lotInItely bet
actusily th•Out „
througbreading kna we CAti Sie•
even to those:ter *Wel utionikBalI
let us not forget the need of good 00
nionis.In ,Oittier14-41:-T1.0,0 or
ioflueuces that wili 1* uplifting.
There is nothing else in whi
tion, t4O
tiMviltsdirinclined, become fawi1Lar.
wlth 0101 ',la:M*1640i A teacher'
ritheit bit *tete* by being:Pro oleo,itt
mualo and be also owes it to bintselt. .
to e _ttaiwttwei)eekinfor0100-tbat 11
will eeon_re2P0OMpt obedience and
atant attention without any unnecess-
itty.Of auttiOrity;„
The mercial CoIIeges have been
profststou antl we
find many teachers .doublinitheir
datriet,oeandotzticoos*..atosail;tbilltY 1ip the 1* -4.
Our00 curriculum thus obtaining
Speclalist ideates in ,a 000
and pMcing thent4
seliel 00 *0 Infinitely higber, levee "
attendingnce of One Teeo
obit as a oflmprovingoum
Vhis Institute binda us 10
totinalinc us Unit We are war
e another—tor our proles.
or our own selt.improve.'
.et us do,a/1 we can to further
the interestsof tholuatito to *mines
abient onteerves from these gather.
Xergit'Ver the -runoff, med.ical .
*0. reachOdThe clots. of our
paper now bott04‘thet-wto oust leave
one - more hit) w1th you thb may
poselbltyleldfruit. It 1. *polnt(need
, °old-
pbase 0 feet teqnhlng-
hot the.lady bosch.
ers should do to Improve. thelr status.
Ile s.ld, "Let them all get busy and
oonn0,t. osy wbather
th*t wouM le an-huprott