HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-06, Page 3 (2)-.xr.1h3 tain op 4 AlgierS titat lite ..SVil,Son --wittleting, there., .-•Arril yet he a meeting With' then inexpres. AVitert 'they last parted teLy er having stirod together round Optli gave. they 'hadall been .$.-4..a-10011,pressure ofcinotion,.,and,,PJ 010009tratiVe. affertionateritss, whlen, tithing in -their tusles; habits or oa. tULiS iijt k' -fl 1k4'txintir.tuot1s. itas liderible fear that they Nvill ex. s • relations . at --•the' which" 'he had lett 'theta.. tl d outdo but Iti.feeta' gOitt 'the. thotight.i -upo I ritis.7. $te ,f OS lir t "wiafolt Is the only' mot cof aliPikutets; 1Cir loan beast 10 lit high -perched hotel, ite luta eltesert,; But 'leis young, and pre.sently the .cheero ftti, clear loveliness of the day and thi. sight of NattirOs Superb' '?t'lgor vnk .their ltural:elrecCuportthinl.„It mlLst, knife• be on itiveterate grief that - 1b -,Eden. What a aerosity of .v(1;0101100, evitION-4, bytFt.t'.%enTiffir*-44- great.leaved y waving from tee ta tor seine perPetnal foto▪ ong 'l i,titiat ro.sn in t n1ent0 -1t jeth1 "Amelia"' is foreve elted.„:,....11.3 is only. Ur deepe‘st-Stittnee ant Mode that be permits .Itituself now and , 8aiIL-to" turn the,---4ey -and. sparely -and ainfull _ht.': 'flow wilt hei heal' it , thyi ensist:on 'throwing the rortaIS witle,_ dragging, ifs,' disitsed furniture to ir tAt tits :ItstItight Of. 4 -he t in 1oing itnportitinito Con- •1-10'...:f.s.71re teatAITby'..41.1Stied.:yet Painful dreams, In.vhich 'Amelia and „Elizabeth - ;Jostle each: other impossibly with:311mbled personalities and changed:. Extrava-gant-tia" tfttr"Vial011$ r0, 1Lyb&Lve yet such a solid vividness that,. at Uis 'tirSt, waking,- he feels a t - sense or misurenets 'as to. wirtch two VOineirrAlfat-tirtve'beset his !low is the dead, and syltielt the'llving 011ect In dreams, how often, our. lost ,ntiot., and those whom we still poSseSat kw hands together on equal tetms t Even when he L. wide awake, nay*, Moro, and, breakfasted. that feeling' of 'uncertainty,- Bad sontethitig akin to the 'iltack misgivings of '.aTic. .77 WO. t-491; ,..n.i1.44110A114.0 " 14iting -ri.°11811 iitriln hit lc again' to lit0 list. 0 It _nee hall in order to assure himself '‘itis brain. hes not beerr-theAupe of ‘Ittp' plant. has br,n1105.pgAds'er Tile' corrected ,y45 • " ineoltV and ahoost st -nanlOs P1P‘t -upon* those of htr., ,-road, . eucalyptus. real. A ,lofty cads -Toad their fairdly-scentol . h aloo draws Ilea poteitt-;$word, and • litiek.nestied ,prickty !splays tier ittiooidir„411.1.1110014Y- - testi' andergrowth Of riot .grea _oltaged-*planits.‘licatillitts, an a IMO. drt.4 :other aeon --sistersoll. tiourishiti ..:•an -wir.litlic;:''''.$4 tutstinf „ Jar ending., or -I) Ile los 4,.. alted the mainiva dY, l't - ''" r Wil$011-1$ Ma' -..i''..iitt-iiiiit.7-5:leadby a..-1;eve, thert-r4cteraineti- om...hfustaplur-Superleur - - -flow- shady , it is t ' Pepper-trettang f• h liat'!titey„ Ors, ge - ii'"; is *1 *ty, lit pe,k4 .101'',. VP31-0 4i,.:. f, but 104 t ' ' , : s.410 NO., itu ,1 I ceilhat, ta' 4tWot tk; liybil ' bgiu t " tattly,'. • llit,:' $ t :°' . . i41,41 t ti .5.,-, V 0 'seven: moat lOng Sabine and sablettc even 'theft the cove,. trout- her,. weitod bilk a graxo ,and black one, This 'IS why, although ,he is on'. the 'lookout for -her, yet she emu upon him at. last 0-* sUrprise. 1V-rilte,:- pitched a gob dtat-Itigher-than-ts-wont fo-neake itself heard within preelncts ot church a, foliate voice of delighted surprise alai 40,41Att-W1P4-90;ltqA4likrorAlPre Jim ri pargoytte-turtiAOnd seertrititlY very salad hOODAti'ltlit sPThig 3101‘** t rt fae; Ituty. 1010,50--lippettranee paesents .abotit- Wide a Pentrast to the serious: and inky lentiatL, seats it is W.f!ll pti_saible, to imagine, ra, hutted, ()king, what her ier before taiawry_ 41 --band is a -very norrow,,o TOytt their 'green hair. So thick and fine, over nearing it a vanishing -point, n ansWer il and -lie's% hold - the lhatei4 --ot,- thelri to his daughtees,710yous-apostrophef be. little 0Ork-grearritu'i _Palt,,,ttie Goy- answers ; ''Sli; Cecilia! do not talk so ernor's 'Snorter. palace, wiuk XIS $11<ivitY IOW. BOW are You. ill " dome rind Moorish •arcades gleaming An4., the meeting is over -that first thfough Its iron gaWS. Prom a. Vila ineeling-which ',Iitir :had , shrunk frOrn garden-a-llowerintabriab sends-a-inixed with .such ineipressible appresio----n- perittine ot sweet and bitter, as orlioney. as certain to he frefight with intolerable and turps, from its long yellow Bower., enrotion; 'with calls upon hint that, he least's to his Pleased nostrils. . %•• - wiatild-not. he able to rtnswer ; with bear. At it sharp turn, where the hilt tails Mg of incurable WOUltils; The. contrast away . more. precipitously titan. beroire, wIth the reality is so Martlitig -that- tit the JAY, the atob,. tho shipptag, .• the, first it zookes •Itim 4ilinetst t.14zy, Can dazzling latio tititi. burst 1.1Pon litin-the the sbawy-,ereature, beside iiiittpreening Ilittle city Sagattaing up her 1111. from herself:under her toy stuistaide; he the, i town -low ihelitak--of--its-tertmgle'rin meeting:tie-1m r ' ..the•Cashith and •tho. fort of the •now exe- "efultrace? Her theerful ,t,ritswe!s crated-Mb/temp. Blunting white, ardent,. for hersot .L . , bloei, Pte._ round ;green -what la, Plea$011 .,!*It- is so nice to see you again! t 1,,,Vitert .ft!tl,oture tor' a,Snittaier-Sunatty morning!. did yoirciattel, We -dia. not expect. you ' , And how gay the veil is too, as the East, 'quite so soon; .III your last letter Y9.11 gne-aS to dotes ; I can't verwhelnied, sitrtittk 11 -the Azure ripples, to where dren-h elAIOATTAVIttellr- . d -fold ie the-strangest,,spectaeles 14) 6411116 beta ot Le ;gibed 16--$,witait.V: kind, The visitor proceeding front antiersteg walks or rides along 10011.111414 ,path,, environed on all- Sides by Naltieets_glorie,s; at first- along the batiks ,or looming' torrent 'eddying 'and ' sWirlixtir past *Jutting rock; now leap. lag over a nature,hewn escarpinenti to .4 seething -whirlpool beieW, new torn , into,slirtl),y-art-.7freegitlartnitss,of bretk. en; roek, IliSiottgeddfreirti above, •or .now for it time' Calu,ly and placidly ilowing ft' 41: tkit.:;,„ int tea 4A% 4,1 1. $ der 'the shoulder ot the -massive rit orn....ond-,-those-who-bave-tiseendiW-4 the sunaralt of this snetwy peak $ay that 'the • anoraina. .viSible thence '.1..."1111.01111;. liceitt and, Silbilitte-Past- the sitores-of a mottetain lake and. on -to ttie foot et the beautiful Gemini pass-. •the Viva of nalurei Is re v-61, Tit'lleinlettltddir '-,140trb,t"Iter ories, n :eitte-side-410414 VI-00ting ntonitrehs-of-- ittelFlofty upreared-fhata-beTeei01,17 fleecy wispa•t (2SM:cry vapor, the mighty AVeisshorn reigning supreme over .11ton all, on' Other the outsfiread -Winding valley or "the Ithone, the river ,glittering like- it silver thread. and, at a' .giddy acpth far beneath. _the, little village ir,f gierbad:,::- -Arriving length 41ttiis - One:ride nattire-adorned spot the vii - tor proceeds. to the Baths. And here' a strange spectacle meets Ida view, The principal bath, a.. large covered in sheet t I alkaline,or gulp/litmus water heated yinatitre, a, genial warmth, is a very .Babel ot tongues; for here .are canoe- geted-A large •crowd Men'. Mid mr-o Men Of many 'nationalities garbed in -- flannel --wito---spend.--severat • ovn-titnnc--iinnietltately , f kav tt etit due to The faet-td-1 t tt i Ira being 08 one floor. Elltaheih i, beyond ion,- -beneath tie. same i .1s Jiiineif;nay, even now, she nut :, peobabIt.,be stunting herselt like 4 witite'pigeon on. that terrace whose red I 1 sees Ainitigiffme 14rtiog $tit ''.1--ttn'ougtt in ' Open' side -door. - . . 1The thoUght.is -no sooner twined' than ' •Villow.a whither:it leads . him ; but she ot _on..the terrace; and ittottgli 4. motneitt. ago hi.s nerves were, tingling at - the...Wight of speech:with her, yet he ,is •.conscjons• ot a feeling of relief that their - ItteetinOs`;'7forAhe---Mfiblit; -deterred, '•Witaterin he say to her? • .Wharten She say lo to,,-Itina? .. , • .- - ,:.standS ,lOolcing-down on the green. iie'sbtnfltW unfuufliaileal-ypttw;`- r :verdure- tit the -soft South, Froni the ilercely.blazhig red purple of a 140 .htafsdro to which in.our Onsoxv,11''' leS,we,giee that name, his eye travels '6ov'r',- tro-tops.-.:attit-.stiowy villas ;each . ottherpotoee and doity mosque, to tile ciitviflg round 'mit& the Atlas Mounnus their-ttrins; cape-Matefou, with • the haze .of •4 Young.printe ,abOut .11, is running -dui''intolie Mediterranean. \ .4tr,SLAgA047---- . t L l P .ctrnt forth:, 1tt voleitult , or once ‘ 'detiveri t, from_ 1' 1istering ivhki-w, sits down • vrilli a Pf o f ../NeliWspapers to 'enjoy 'himself' sun, which doesnot: yet tido .so git tiS te 14.i.sntrstrokey. .linCslaSt -niglit's neighbor In, the red skirt cornea • out toe, bonneted and prayee.bookiil- ‘ She is ,goiftg' lot thurchl :so is 'telt :hut tif,, 414(18' Mt , lell bey .so, ler fear" She should iarfli, , to accOmpany Min., .Slie ilserv('s to '• hint, that the elitnage, fa it fritud * that this is the. lif'st day foe three - \‘'lli,e'll- ,Nhe i',4 4,1110. So igo .4)Iq'• intioitmOsh atm unturoda.: , 44 Ve arelal so green :for 'nothing, I i len you: ' $aYs she,' with a lauglt, 1 4 tamer 4V:4eritriti glance sat sclendid verdure .arinnut her, *and ' 6o.; ' liatei :him. - : -. .. • • ' Ito, -too, , as' I litik,.'e said, is -going tO ntrili,litutl..S-presentiV-miting-hW-way- Uri. .E.tigilAt chapel. ' Ile p.'14on fatuity will -cpttainly t. (lyre, and 'ilittiS , **Wit ' itillt, that the e•drodeti., meeting will be robbed rit .tralt lti'• 1#110Ut-•:01**. stardite$s it It takes Matoitypuliikie. ;At a Critifili, porith. croistial ' Willi- tizsteing ' -.itgrollatiolt, ..tY•billii; (;8ottot ta4 Into.: it is , true that S011iaer *ltetlL1 tlivirie • sr•rvieP---itior .on. co ,1 werriogly throw lot Arius about 1it ate•A. - itat W11t110114" 4.101‘114 Ivy -May tit ' I) b-iisen the ,,-,infOrt, and,..:tilart , I, and Atte -West SteP Along if, togenter ratuot. airarrt tearing dosat the y that you hiifl0as a correspondent. back to luncheon Nvith ,1. s". and Yet,- vU gar vith 1is shighL-dlark hand5'-gra4)101,-1 taiti- IS, i tUU Ara ,*draped-witikr-the gtavo grace ,of Ilte 'Vatican- thenes. 3ut alas! tibial 'even upon. _Iihn ilte_West has' laid its claw, for a- poor• little thin rs coulA emitter meant lastYo otne, Will not 'lout ybilla-,wil fr glad -to -see -yort-glad-„-- that - 0- her -Alma Av1W* . She rids with a laugh. which lie lis to -II silence (bat is •Olutost stunned. _ • the tram .rtisites pat,'Ilin's Shocked. eyelt,i,The sound of tier voice, :.titough key, to,so thot-litT-vtbo- ttitie tranhit Ito -bad' anti-. 44"%t red the; ks_. of Labatt h1.• ...cipated, has brought, back the past with 'radon -antra, ,,t'vetirs oft •116--17Fot, (1--P1lipl such ostottisitin-evividitesstoldnit -bee oh a etitstioNsIti Here tiome - chattering a ecniple of • smart Cliasseutt dAfritne, iil blUe 004 red, ..folloWed_ by :a wetuart, 'dressed as Barbel ,..1.vas at tile paliny dress. cd, that iS to ,say, as in ber.,Avlitte shimmied .tipper---- wontarif there is\ no reaSen.lor supposing t Heckel wore it 'pair, Of Rol; Hoy tartan frousersi Past ilie Plateau Siettliere, wherein the_lichialoof French.' a 4 t, hide° hanged WeeU ; • WOW an ugly suk. bite and past' a little"wood; through k, 'I -1W trartOr1i1Wi04'411 1orie CV"- sly„, tiII at length ilie• Episcopal eba 1--NrhY oro tbe :Pr0Want.-•.:plte.,eS or 1.-01's1ti1).',.Foottoo,d :over 41W." bobitoblo everywItero so.,friglittoll-stind5 betor0'..1tito., 1c-Itoititiodg4 iilatiettio goo( In but he: must have loitered' More . than if had been aware of, the ifltl 11iI xxoyb., tok'd„ile otor,,i .0$ 41007 door, le biulding, strikes damp ow eising .despito the-Nwirining: presenm whole Englislt 'relonyi „emptied, out 01 lite •four hotels sticri.li to Anglo- Nonst ond .010 of jnaiiy nx flex -shaded, Orangisgroved carapaign „besides. The boilthngs .quite-Sulk.widelt is, no doubt, ttm, oastal why tiai14 40' eot4hany glimpse Of the 1,1034son hintliztitr(jklinitt the Ser1 iee4. hIi hos plenty or time to lb. tOrrogale with \1415‘, fye.. Buy • liuttneilius COWS;.ot,baelis before Win. as the sermon "s king. Inn bad ',down that. it would he frelftt the moment 1,viten the tilrkiiiamaii, •[dead the witit art optlallihki to written- '&ertittm.;•-inr hi's hand, ntnit of t-14-ogue timrogil--,-- Isn 140144* tbo. giving out 01 1Iie text, jo put; iftu pk-esession „of the fur- ,ract that he ,is biotite Oltitelies. and 'Winery, 'or ,an entirely uneducated. lOnstv-•iluelittrtilintart' ' lizabf th writhing under 0 ever, Julia) M4izt :days, was he (IT ,patient under prolorti pal 1 cloqui nee. lit enn se,, hit+ 'with et.uory'.'s'eYet 1,ery'-covcrily rinftiig ltyintaoill,;---cAnNhear her toot 1 , g. SqoPal po(iptiv rturnd Mtn no. net 8ery voveFtly, Mei iv rut -books, Da site is,,mt among Ito% L: s rt6 snore sight .of litr 'than he has • 4,elia; • but in neither, esse,,,_sut JtIJ, the i dvantages,. Of hts verY- Beer _at, Sybilla S1Cni3 o ,nittelt, :part of the 014 tite-,that ite half turnaltis head, expecting once more 'id . 'see deprecating face, Jo. bear her pette,e-making voice put in a pleit„. it donebus so many hundred times, fgr 10 p4rViSh otta-0- - 'hey- have been strolling -towards -the carl*-ages-Waiting outside,,and 1ia now reached one, driven by an -indigenes it .dusky as Othello, SOlentil as charms set- off by a Striped yeltOW while Jacket and a red .aasli. vi"tifr,sanwiloot ber:4.bacw:aulifil,.%;.12.41aisits Cecilia, tts she anti Burgoyne, set f Upon their .lefeftautete 11601 Mr -Wilson geohlgi alltiarentlYilio,.ittiSaili In the tart of his alurgoyete's) appearance On .the, omV. for departing 'trout his imartobto os"kiro.ot, Virtfigrdg. • 1101.14 bea4litulit '‘."1410:1171irgl, we conic here we were In mourning ; )1.4;e herself • with a stilled, 'sigh "Uiere.410tat*--artY-Iteett bljelt Ahlittl hour slataferirtg watery eiroli •a er av ng • tor4 him or ter a Wet.: testify Ion the Bel bility Simplicity and Durability of II:Motor Cars. IN avitopg. AusTRALLAI. AND mosaic*, 04 (tit aidesi-Bussellitenowned-ileliabilitrintsliecome4-1)y-wordv-4 tho Car made hero, lit'Altis country, at your own door, tag.- table or reading desk:, •Soind readirig4 some sipping tiotfee, ingand trytng to laugh,. -11ut..as the :majority '.aresufferhig-,..lrom some Skin alirnent the sinettitele,•is unsavory .and: nattaeotis, and ,the visitor glad .10 eipe fOrn. "the -, stet:tiny ritietarnitic mosnitere- • the ."( meuritain ale.' and Tenter :wanted to Kit, mat WILT wolitd-likt hear of It. •iVai flit ,1\ight? tie would have liftri nothing in Marl; ; 11 14 Ids red and yellow titot•gtve hint„his rachet." ". feets:,ineained Lt burst out lough. „.tkoto.ig solnoiitig.sojititietots itt Ibe tlisproportion, betWeen:bis tear_-, and their tullilinent, itt Ilie:fitet of Illes whole Ituportarie Arailia's death resolving, ltseit iota It 61J511sO1? no sash for int Arab milehraitir„ that Ire has'sonle ilittieltitY 10. ,finsweritlg 111 ft kt ot which...the irony not, be.14o patent '1. think $•'1it -1,vere 'perfectly He does ;hot Itnow--ultellier-_slie „iter. 410105111e 81i-&-c-t4,01.4. Ito tlitaki, hfl,1ab1y go,e5- ou to risk lain ties, ete",.; It and rathet. eat runty questionus to bts seatVely itavittg room between mOnosythrliie-replies,- • -nItngWittellte ejaculation 1.4.4 to see *gait It81tli2 $ott,..1 1103, 4tiknotylOgIttet turt, that, after t Ite, Ouristraitted JO; 414141 Aug to if. That soffit:Thing is, the and 14.411110; 1%04 0U -- ow hiais •viu 1 beet gdting otur 't4dUt sh,rugs her, ahoutilers,..:-,s wo are bettCr- Oft titan We %vett t you Jot e. Nobody 4!Ver tight, tlial,fallters brother wott RA wrote hm4 wait 111 'you it a -it is 4.-,40 of the stiow YortOs ot oourse 'it is very pleasant hwvifl tnrt motley .0*.eannot helpx itij that it Itad vottly*olitt." ,Sltbkt, iigt he ; tot an 1tittlAtiott*,*1 but • nriet; hi rtitlt Witt leiltore 01 rt he MOWS,for 11 think that mei' Ina .• iritt1o1416 and ther.ared 1 *ray Ititeinseives mill find no plac$ here. Why, •Sonte night *We might be Wetted in our beds! Give-,xne' the tinder, box." --7,--- A Salon, Mass., newspaper of -lune, 16„„,,sneak..,,Latifieb.kingly-ot ofte-of the a-gfrints. or us town.. . - ,,,, - t qtandlint jilt_ convce. enien0 those dangerints ilittrirelTiik,;-' In almost everybodfs'harula,_ but,wb With alt„Liteir charms, bid • fair to pr Et-V6VY ,eurs.0 on the .... conlinunity,' we /earn there is _One moil in Scilent,• it re- spectable, tradesman _who. keeps ar_2.stOre where we, should generally . expect to Itlid'77Miblriltring%---bitt---Avito,-1.45,41wt told Wein for-allmv4.them 141 be ",vise& : o11. his prentises.' tie stieks to 'the' Mut. steeA and .tindeil he ShatOs. la •wigdatit, , tit sq doing_ noir patty more con say, (1. 140.4.14t.,--- , EOlt, CANADIAN ROADS ON CANADIAN 110N04, mhodtes the:latest features of automobile excellence. ittetat404netid Oise Catch -Shaft Drive -Selective filidIng Gear Thin* Intaston-ttlilina under Bonnet-PoVitut Double Set of Drakes on 'Vicar Whaels•4--Nickel %eel in ail Gears and Shafts. • , ite /or Catalogue and Book ,of Letter!. Moelet Zeyl. Light Touring,Car ....... T•41. Touring Car 6......"J40. 4110 401 41 a IP • *Ar •el 14.--44- Toutii*,0tr ; Dana, '.4:tik---CPYCIO--iltritt--- . TORCitoo4ONCT,10N, ANatht. riltAtIOHOS--Ottivitts,- %Imam Artnowtrver am&Vaklbalitit*-Amatralla., . • bier_ roan e e • sma ic ttthk dlio-te-In :lire- evening, , Slrangt' Ow midst Of alVthis altd---ico-nature. shouki itaite prti- vid-cd a medicinal hot .httilt evadable fce the cure' el disease. And petimpa forevery11110which. -peor-ileslt is4teir resent in • many . cases undisCovered. Ot for by-tar:the worst diScaselottrion. kinds: -because- it unreinedied tis haliful and deadly resitita 'envenom and blight the atter-lifeSin-a toll. complete and perfeet_rentedy...has been offered to all vilto will "04-6-ept‘ it, and WithOutinottey and Without price. For the Son of God 1 -it hlis-toiTe- lo -7 -111011d144 -4K0- 0111? ins in His dwri body/on the trossrartd by His stripes we tita7 be healed - , eurlett, on eIi her side of the lace. I.)e. li acentling Iron tile tap of the bead to the hem ot tbo p rait leaving lite face titi- overed, is the gracefully draped rhader -a _largo 'wrapping of ilnesk Jottstin, filmy gauze , or .tfeireately ni e c u on. Illaric l&r IS AL:vogue ' ainong_i °They Were Considered a »AFIn� mid • Dangerous' , In •,these, days of rapid' progress t. t‘es oat take long to matte an aPpli. &nee old fashioned and -,011t of ditto. INI-rit ,M5re ilia/1_8000y veva 4go tile latatch, VaS ,cousidefd an• innovation' Ot a '. ar. Itig anti ditrigerenstim. Tile .consery vative sI111 TsCrkped away :twilit Ids stgol' and flint, Wilding the -sulphur dipped ' 1_10* ' _i_flitateltael'et.,Plailiftisre,itlelb141111ii story- 41 ' . , t W. _williltult fAtild A'VeiSeitl'i-iettt ,18-..ildori.' - tiro rrgu4lit tack with him, besides Ills . stories of that. woritierful torn, rt•box of the new- ly .invent • I aittlettes,. 116 extlibirod ii\ Atiotn to ht Vondering tuateS ',and. as 'it ,great ray ti presortt61 one, to Gibbs. Tile 1.)pv took ,Iiis-prize tiontiv strttelc it trt, the rbituneypieee riitd.gleettilly' Waith. • tit the* *reprise of -Ks oval/ter. , "Now , you moy .11frow astl/tty 11 e t p.' der box.11 he said. - - i °No. such, a Ilting:' Vosprind.-41 the firitk 41eitt'. • WOnlan. ”Attielies tViiich light Court - Is.Less repular Than finite l'Itrust lnAfghanistan.' Afghan women, who possess, a Jewish tastmc_L_,-,,,offerittmelt''Itro-httrid$ontel-4,44tiv cornide:-k-TontfttsairPrt-tlorv.--Itu time rosy'. They are kept rigidly se- ehzded, yet intrigues ore said, to' be 't: Uiust more oflen Iltan-) tt idivoiVe :court. lieir.Costtane:i 01 a Most file,turestpie description. :Ever to ..0 plain and-ottlt. ward Avoinan 11, imParis min& iipkkratoe, of grace. -.8. ptratt. or'eltemise, ,extends from, the throat to juSt abo0 the anklesi with sfee,v'es that reach to the wrist, it is of cloth or g.,hlq velvet, silk. icrtshtnere v•allim, and in shape 11(4-Ou . t Y shade tiflairness Or %VI 0,11$-Ot turning gray, the'vain cre* tures-,-- adopting the custom. 7of their Western sisters., attare dye, thezn. their sex, to they 'delight lit " twellery arid the use of ebrispictious rnaurents.- ' - NfIGOBTS: . -'' Cheerful leoki :mato every dish a feaSif. " aka. ,are lighthouses erected on the great sea of time. • One in lose with Truth need never ask aboutitis reputitt,kut. Shabby cloth4s • are no hankeran towable- eccentricity of ,genitts.' . Fho hunger- of-nten for rielie:srhas,:ro. dens. Ittirelndleatro-superierity;,-0041---su---:- riority improses others. A rough, .rude, coarsemanner ereat nstattlantoimpreitidicerclosertZ and bars doors, against us. The Janguage af the fact and manner,' arc the. instantaneints short.tiand of the, mind; which' is •vety quickly read. "SOO co -551%0411e._ tootto it Otis. itily 14/Itidiety w •• tvr • jIIs 0 a ;old, 6i1k. ra1ixtitxe or eahil:'o,'fin- islied off al lite outil !by a Pingo ,ot diamolida, giId ot silver. • •." A, round,cap wOrited allover' with told thitadytv that- it LOOk3 hik gobi 4401 is fitted .rlosely the.back Of the head. Tlielntie, Parted 01 OW rentreiSdot' up in tiny braids width are caught. in "sllit„entbroidered bag wort 'ander- 'mom ,14441.0og tio\t'if Ibit baelt tit Is the AvaiSt. Married wouttjt .'vfear it , fringe_ o( hair, oilint hizid furnished oroP. '-`Witati did, 'you tclI herr' riIget,"stioc, ote,, 1 lowid,. her !hat: all ottr .4oitts. Were, tittlitsited„ . Sties . ioatjui: Ati the Atr.flittA4y, •114,y31 , "Dfp'au 1114.11; );ott coulttlearn lovo, f lite young man ntquireit, * earn lei lovet•yoit eirlatined aKtus' void. 1:4au2dgiv - vett le50114 at it.'' ,