HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-06, Page 2 (2)OT N 4 ea 4 f ; , iten ,• u" tter , . 4 • , .1g ')V..itt 414-Y: 4111.:'/ 411 faded tualw yersr 4oit:; Pi fl MoktuLat unich, ; any, 1t5k,..exatO,40.....the.fitOttt._.7.414th tla I IiiiiS "ilinlvereal,:!' anti which 15 I 'uaIid tupplant What he, calls' nirictentin0,--rnit7. Xona4torted_oti1 with, 1116 itica That it'was-nOt, sO Mulch a 'question o "ereating" "fteNt.t" world language as I was to collect, sysitunaticilly and..pitt ft tit rt: or build uxs u rtf Otis %%Tay he has, noW Stiocceded ncreat, 1111g -o coraposite international language and.-,uniterstood,attrst by'.artyone-711:We thcraverogir.' 1 $Q knowing a, language that is anguages are. ttk ; er 1.01.T"In n roT 1110.4.$04. an CflWWI ugo tad. it'aPpe ' I • • e , "ble • ifttit4Ir ) It 4 Ito ha -thorough Ii vlcdge 1 •-sailtrtg„--eraft, aitltailor. --tferItt,OW--littit-Ide-preotilted tougbt from the decks afloat,. resits is still going toa dug --.and vOyittOng with, is y($):10 Ito seek - ung Measure, or dutY, or -business iii "great waters." But we, tilte these-, di's- tifile-S-01--Oltr,- are prone --to leavezillut hind %vixen we 'sail, ;Jonah Was not the first, nor the, last man who went out to sea to emlpe tii resettee-ot--the-LO _ Jurre. ore, eatrlie71kli: fluA-7-eti.41.0 1Y «11' any ordinary ,person. Or. Nfoleneat bus just issued WS new grammar and..sOcab.. Wary in' "Universalr and, for the me of internaljonal learners, ,in five modern 1010111gOS ),V-Itli.-1V4/941and,poelit; all -in • one benidet. It is a, 111st-rate entertainer •in' leisure and mares one passably ito. _ quainted viith 'five different 'tongues. • "Universal"- is. not less easily spoken than • :written, and is equally convenient tor scientific, 'commenciat- or literary •po sons. All linguistic students Will hail with delight iti:preference to,.Espe Or, possibly, as in stchography,.we nt Itave'severid.systents ‹-M4-a-vhtt peto Milt each other, •the' Mt -est „ versa" surviving in the end. The latter replacing Esperanto already m Eur- ope, and will do So in' America. as Siam as It _gerteeidly known, and though ESperanto fats the advantage of years of Its premt adher- enti:.will desert it -tor t And more scientific $1.3.nixerstil." t, ay era recent Instances where ebil- 11 ite -set-toed:4-- the-.-ellielenoy-."01,,Alie tire drill from possible.panto beeauSe of the near. the building, ;have Served to calljened . attention to Atte yalue_ot this:_fetiture ot 601401 discipline. It • cannot, be too •strongly commended. The drill ints a -two-fold. Influence, It helps to give to lite-rpriplis that, 6ottratintiolTitiiikh is one • ot the most important. eleracnis .01, Ally ort of. training. It is safeguard ,bringing •1.0w to iiiarly Wines, " nUt4(, it a nto-lime•-in-our--livm„ and. • be. about 10 fall into the sante error -again this. -anti-:Seagoing jiten--11.w.lirst....jmnortant Net we eagle. upon is -that of their reedgnittortst lesits fa .1,11.1S. ne,Av,'_$11.11.4,11,011 ° 11111_§clp,IFLA • --Wit:647 Mg' isetejt hot*-thett oarth,yet each outcropping whert 'found tiS tatted n. 4lstX)Very by -the pros- peetor, t'io truth . has to' be recognized o'er and over again' In different slim. lion% find new outeroi)pitigs _and the in. finite character and faee of Grid must be discovere oVer and over again in, ever age;:lit of life and in all the changing Scenes and situations of Iiistory. . The sea tuts aspects all ils own, and life -afloat is unique and set with .peou. ..„..C.InidierLare.ittitlIC.Oble_. They are not able to torn) the quick 'onit :cot- - - ---; _rect. _ jtkdgments, .vvhich belong to more latattire.years; They 'are'rnore,depentlent •' ; tipon -ilicise who 46 in .charge of 'them .thati, bider-Tpeople are.' The)k loOk for ilirtic_ITii-niii, Itmes. of -dillieult , •i,,,A,. This, is particularly true in tile ease ;of a titreatettini fire, 'where the tendency ,, is for people lo 1050 111013' lie,ads. The, *bilitY ,tei cairn fettrs to Iona , lice lines`, - • In*" . to martt . ilituttivil • from . a place ot-danger is a, praiseworthy quality in a . teacher. That* many of Meal are. able •fit 'do thiS Wilei.14 credit up9ri thfitiv And Its. of tile aItention vett to the 'II& 1 itself. •-• - . • Y,Titere, Is no -reason .for limiting application of :these wordS. to editeatio tal Institudions. They have---bearifir like - Ise lip(iii 'Ilto big sioreS Or ntanithiet 1 tiring elstablislutterits. where there ere \i‘ , ; tirke nitmbers . a ,poifto ccillaleti" iit work. It 14 an ea'sY itrinitto.neglect tite -preceittiom'whielti'expetictle40,44-1-.Pr,:wil- .$11ritiratite, . •Vire•'•j_espapes....iiiiA,. protidect with 'proper marks. gut thuo itavo tio, v.ktite. tintesi there, ore „perviits. near at ..ltaittl tildr$ tiiiitrgtand What to. tto Itt critt-,r1117 Galli who fcel the !jUl'a0 Vit', l'$'4101SiltiliTty , kt.1;litielt rt4 itport , theirt. It rottlitri.,!3 ozGustoutt atioltion t9f keep • saftly dovii,v0 in c,inutillart.• It. dclut'Atilp "taltie drill 1,4-ttiatie att Imrtzriniz2,,,,,, l ti,tigii o(!!:411.6, a ,ililaiiited ballF, '67 win0 tql.t)c).V:i.i..ii IX i4l.c.".. till tild clIwitt, 0.-ttir.:g.". .AT1te i &ill'. ttl, 41att'.0' a 'nal:ler of IftOrkl 1!4:1'.0,1,j1(tFg, 130, tinf.stfiqati!,' ry..,. ir.vto: .,,.ini' tfm(6s, • tiiii:tip, lifirii,,!:i'zIo.i. ft,q1 jt_tzl h_24a,c21116: , , , _ _..,., Utt, Ail $.7-, 1 ;.; tilta.4411t 01' $.01'.4,,apptily„,if:s 4A441.:3 ta 4-,t',..VIty tac,!,::,..i,p P1'i0... tk 4 -1.:24.1)i,fr, lIC4iiit;:t, ri:,?' ft'„.v.'.r.,A,'Ilt'4:-;11 g tr.,..,,,,i,,„,,:-.J,-, t-:4 ‘,.1,‘i,.% '.,„:,:„L'i.,;;;;;r,;. 'Yr.,:',- d! i 41 ;,c'ett• .cf,,.6•••:11,,htl. .1„!::,$•-_la',,,11.4 - ,ty. `1•;ri,lci Z,, 't11•S(22t'::`,,, •tii.1 I . tkilt1'1)'139' V, •,-,--- - ofre4,.,....,,,,r, c) 1;',1•.v tin,,,1 .t,s,$.“1 t ,,.? 411 441 1113 4, o -44 4 • d• . 41'. -;VtgaVS,'i t.141. iij zde t • trYdear' places;and sittlationN; a' rind. stlipS • • of u. , 14111•11 t IJ the mune 4•all 01114) WS the• tlyand helpfully kj 040 vire asi deepas of all altuattons.• kflte this scene Oir the $t..2 of Galileesepa,„ ration from our Lord darktless4 ron- biarT winds and wilelinhtg seas of heart 'storms *and -Voir* tertxpests •.and cif c .owding affairs ; , 1ht wifl help k keep h c o'ente time. The bread.rnOtt -hen stale, An apple placed tm %tall **twee -the **Me pu d„; ond ttl,Utd l ri,bine tue tji. te••1.. ftM1. '011‘,):iton J'PtJ, 3t $3 '37 giit c1 ',$'•°*thict'l-1 sil 1'401.00 g4 at .of 'the • Pers,01W.the,,,..taigtottitttrt 1tntel' -i1tst-si.itine1161v-'01:•:,10,-. ononmit-t10.,:#16n-ang:',R01*'4,414 thOittixikkfinjoitt-?41441 .1 /t.I.Wk$,OA9.0 , • .4t t t .1 tiss.,tittoit) i ity''.4 ,e-StroY1 ti 1 :. ,..t „ t' ' ,• e,l'oe, If: a CW t'acred:o....., 4 Vil '14 ' Yii,,,tt'. i , u ' . , lit, '.t ll - , 'flt4101.!,,t. ottA, ,, e, Ji • Pg. tot* ttY ‘-ilitl 'Ina 1 , , Bess 'in. 'inettf, "iin. , ,e, riVsitctvatetstilleicitt le tfthre.r:,ti ' .-ItOUrs.7.-.Xtik7'bonts*I„.$11im titt. ttn 'iron •SattcOan, but.-.WII f'i'uined'- from the . liquor at night 04.44.'10„ffi' seIniT OF .41)YENTUfig, (ver prone to take risks, Sallinweloscrto. the wind and rustling into temptation , IULI(", d -$ r ssofX. *he .!,,a$:soli ••!!!' • • ; '6 e • o 1140 • 4‘,4 • P• ' • µ INTIEBNATIONAL ItIVE. - $ settee., It was not OA ,their terror was allayed .illat-theroarne.„abOttlad,sittleted fluu to approach their craft. .--lit-leitte$ AC, count we teamthat 11,was not until after tie had made blinSell known and said to -theta. "It is 1, lo not. afraid," tat they_Were a • 'Avals_-mthe.*7-secoutt-tinp0rttut p1iske41,..„-whenL4110..eceived..4 Woad, but the grearest thing thiit"hap. pcned,-there :that night was this :-;They that 1-vere In the boat, worshipped hill), saying if0.1 a, truth Moo .art the San of Gott." Rote, t0. get him on board, 0 setijureri,and,serywand worship .1lint kelt as cordially,and-loyally as et home or 'church ashore. fie brings happiness • with lbw. near Ills call, ,"Ite of 1„Vit, cheer, it is I," ' IIEV. C. Q. WRIGHT. ' • mow* OME 13,8ThrriP Inoot -is. made ais• follows: -MIX• -0; eUpli4GI with -411e sarne--(pton- tity et! flour, add a teaspoonful of treacle, hall ttgispeonful• each of ginger, sett,. _ . • r - hod for about three,cluarters of an hour. Turn out -ter serve, and pour ;wine 6oltee ver. Fig. Pudding. - This original recipe nbinc's a.-,d_PUca0 of iiiistor which tle. lights-epicures-tvilltist-aingredients„ simple -that, it, can; Ire eaten by men under the most severe 4itratning.' It is so mmple and easy to Make that it is a , boon to tlie housekeeper. One quart water , leaspdoittut s,alt„ o'ne-half cup of grain' flour, one-Italf cup of granu. Led Stigar,'„ eleveri.figs,„ ontqtalf (wand of dates, one-half cult of tV, artia meats. Chop the nuts and fritit Ing,elher. mix ar4.__boil the or, and sugar, bo it-411teon finuthain--ilour with, buttermilk c,our milk to .tornt, n.,7,511tr,Nozdtkr-.4-..adikthe4alt, .ttto (ktlglI. 1 -1011 --put an-,1004-thic• 11 test the nuts; - el griddle. • intrintes-TiistirriftW „.1311(1 1 itituharti Tarts. -Lino some patty Eat, eOld With wtliPPed orealn, pan_tirts:willtslioriTertmt.„__Put_intO_pach • Salmon • Tilnhales: - Mince riot; the sortie pink. ,rhubarb cut small; iid1. sit.. whit& of hard boilikt-'eggs that. were :gar. little -ginger, .and a squeeze of laid. in. lee water as 'soon Las they .were 43 J1 a little gralett"rind;, Cover dOne;--ihi.s,leoPS then1 Iron) Anening; -vegetable-p-resS,,- to- get- ',Itteln-,fine enough. Ir 1i1UJ1 With_paste, nue ,taineetoics,- gent, lip to It to, best to 'fun the Nvlitces. through a over .ettelt rife, Astrt easttesogfir env an !Nlix to a Pasto with heaping table' bake. t . •SIX)01.41111$ of fresh salmon that has been Maids at honer are tda'r t allowed to get•eold; and inineed imp .pt, ea., It with a silver- lal e. Season tile mixture poll gently for a quarter•of an hour halt „v"ith hutott ]111CO3 butter, butter) Olen' $glit and Pint of - tablesix)enfols ot breadertinlbs,--two ourice.g: o[ butter, fi little tnin orange and leulon Peel, Solite loaf sugar, and two:_wefl.beaten fim$. Pow. this through Sieve, add two more beaten... eggs_.:0114,..sUfficlent flavoring, to ittSte.-:-ILIne-Taittiliaiii;iVitTi'llitIr 'Pas half Oil with:the mixture,. and bake. - Corea Jelly...Mx deSsertspoonftd; paprika ; moisten Wail tWO table$P0014, /1/16 *INiitito sauce and stir up highly Nvith ybite-of-three eggs; whip stiff. Tot), tio.paste into buttered. nappies set .in, .shallow pan • of 'h011ing water and 01(111. 'Run' a 'knife around' tile inside of 'each nappy to loosen the timbales, re. 43 , (11 verse -core ly ' p - I ed platter good etkeott.Int..,Iialt..aLpint..of Waterl..M.$e . /111 l'i' °italeut '. " " .7.ricilL-drit.WW, butter7about :them-, it over the . fire: liit ' iti:TiiirittidIC°.i.Tfeilift 1130 hard boiled yolks fpowdered),411 acenilling--W1he--'tOste--014141644 and: se 70. . .. Soak: ball int•atitte6,-..ar /emetic -,trt, hal . Pint Of 'COM 'water 'for ,soule-hoorst- st t tn. -', ititr fhb' boning, coekto; 00W -water. flo* vOrWitit'Volitai r Moveiltorn•the Store,' .. -Iill'I'S -F011 'Olg tiOltlp. , In' 4'.'"/4e4 1"1114;\ -...:SPr*--er-''.44.111: namort 1)1 .nigitt, lour •or five limes, . - . en May. be re. I'vriii•StentlY 'ng-4'ttrittitattr"ttr't T re`watis"itp7arstreet oil and chi. 'hiP1* '°e1/1'11' 91- '44 .0P4dH°4561144'' ‘' stubborn stains on Tott0ei.. three, meted,: ruhhing 1. .tntinces ,ItUtter. in a. 'brasS-,Preservillft- :with .ttit, on(t. lernonoinic It 4 V • t1:17,0i;" pen, and es:Soon to it' has melted,. add , one ponrat of- Sitgar.',. • Stir lhis ey'er hout powder ot a y -kind, and rub -moderate Ore -for -1Hiaatiter-ota,tir.hOtt ij .41T with ---6 Aott etothe-- - . Until' 'bit Aof dooPPed Into' ltidittrithber....10 preierve its elasticity ,kiolleet to this Obit, It muil, he Ottred off onioline water. tel't brittle. "PirOlY 14 101Pv j". wash it iiVe' 'OP Six tiles- a year Will or a Will be Spoilt. It 15 212) linproventent when ,nnvorlog 60ups he herbssIlollJd to oqd a ./111.10- grated f.olnon !,1.110' Olt, belied up in a, bay, ;leaf anti the Carrots toffee half.reolted- Scrolled, Wit/Peeled* ' • !den Text .** • t•.; ti)3 P n et t? te Vq1z-flim Ito fad, lp et, 4,toorati!O. it it ir forefathers., Abrabanti ; ita,•Z; 4"; 44 „AeOthers,:son, •.••tntother 11 ----thie`;hatewill .b a • ttings only, these a wiry „kind . •I • ti4 $ rhino • 2 at rs "OV 1 ecoraleit wit .of the „tong 11 put tn in 1 1 effeelS, as- a-thort What' 10eAnit Ye this ''erviee?" „fronted,,hat_Will..be: trinuAed--with•- :spot. 1-01141ntr4etillitle4t14.11:-411:tilt , .ineilrytvrelut ituorikrttov,SeettioAnfort. 'nostsetonprActbbajt., torintr t;..etnztlgtlegfathrtemftlayri oatt4ensodirungewrecrok, -Ceremony Witt ariut$0 111 laelf ,8)1e04s$1!0,1,411)010, the Aloe- ,of --neek-and -shOuldere- generation nalttral euriositY os to4-he'l is tied in a toeaning and Origin of the terenualY. ,The cottiluirselit,Millistlawil‘trAhttrIrtt 27. It the saerifice-1.,ater, under Mei triu.denth between the _real tout am venellt, to be nffered in the 'soottlar3,: tir"e, Ogle of the brim. . put. itg 0). the blowl to be 8P---rhihleu' g..-..-„Anoliter-new effect is Atte facing" rtin-!. 1114=0rt11''rof-tiroliftrif' of -it -straw Wit instead- ' 'burn Citrons O. VG; /5. If .*0 oder, as torrnerlY, This 'seems to a d. Num. 01)3 4.4 1 1,,Vo _ ..t.. vs,a turn ng ins, . when these • . —,..4„- - • .It is Used, ort Chips and er100.' 4$4,, dull. atfik Ja-r WOW. tittnetry v . Inc Place& pased_en...100,text of ..the..11evisci. . Tbepeuple bowed , ,ttie, 'leo _no „woo „puleintie-r 01;•,-sioliitt.vish-Aondiyarkirertnubliiitieoi„relgat . _ . ;;o' ultuni:- :,-.,,Lhie,zittert;'-uuo'dn'tittlotrell:deittt:„Poorontirgsrhei,, .,14:1-i,‘,11'.41'11:Zal'iillioilf'4Jeli*':,Oilvintlittgl. 71.41: °I°13,eYitt. Plintle,sdP,ree'lnirttrenLITe-.1)Q.leti-tthair welnY°-'itfittecleY w41I111% , The Plagues of Egypt. ',-- l'he: '$‘1,Vfe 1941"-1116/4110g 41 revileottal'attftle an ostrieh tip that curls' ever the. shou,I, P1, ' ttiet."'10Vtitt/6'1141101/14ei''''On(Vfl UTS . TiTortho-I.Stitelite•s--eirtillhelf WitStirt-- -th-!'2rgtl-a''Ndl°t.rs-they„..,:-77-tti'-::" . V-IiikiWifti-Wptomz'w 110•011vtklve:onnt" 9'" latrAtion.10A-eavy;v,pot4trk„.tanol, , . ‘s. . - . 1340,ei ,11: r'1, , :5-11„,"'"-aeizt_t t,,fie,aurtti6ek;,c,t:;,'iiiiv:"_mtk7v:e:6i,ajto:J'an'nivicoit: Zde,eruled,uttlegt-ciurl, . 'elk ) 4 t„ , d I11IL-,Tlit,.ti 11 -EllfqffillidNieltWES:kWe , A, ,i7-7 .4 NVIlilOr ililiiA1111-*, 401; tifid 1 • 11 --: he::: 4.4)14*-11-44..liat -Made over- a. -wire ,franie . 1', one .. psa...101•.2,10.4..,mreeitt.ok, an eonvnletng (tion.Orthe Ind). 01 all tbot which. any ..amateur --could make, Whe. a 14:c-to/Igo ..,,tiboiliii, is, given. Tho bad Jus'..t boo told 'concerning. slobov„olVs ttter or not they could .give it the cachet t.,..atitis narrative entoneraies :ten ., sup, beniteent intentions to dellve,r ',nem in trintining. The top of - the crown and :. froth -the. hands of their „OpPreslorsinside of the brimare. made of a layer eesstve lodgm( nta ; „(I) ' the • turning of vith4talit'OcannisO i . ' ku ills- PPolfinial).-giti? njt lee"' Nnii‘itial'Pd:rilietidritleiled..LINIVilee. I*1."rtl'Iltlir. : ti;11.11,-Ig'1:7c11117 ' Imei,°isteuPaPpilleatt°,1'r Valt.iavelielx•Ifebil ienl'ITI1Nt‘eii: el"Lgvge 5:1 ;431 Tra thh7:51140 ' VA 'Mesa, int 'Murrain, id), blots, (7) hati.,LM devastation Of the land hy locusts, WI --.21., Atmidnight-"About •utkinight will t- itle lower part, or skie, .of title -crOwn.. darkness, fid) the maying, or the_ orst.. I go out into the midst of Egypt" TACO. 11. - ' _, ' • '.'IN‘VVttilliititerti..entdxr_ .lai'(-11)9unsiethrttli tipP150kg_lroanlitesin'gtolta. "'; . born. ,.. The epitontized aeon)* in Pso.. 7't • oaths 4.• a, and 0, •and that of Psit, rr.44114: 111°' 11"1/4/"1 a ''PrInra6h ' • * ' the' tebulings: . - - known there are. no extant ace -400s or la the 400g°00 --"From the Rot 14)1)3 411 PtgirrIgr.oef.tsbiatie. Iseleacelettli Itilia'et' IbeirliturigbovTniTt 41r1" . Pharaoh ,.., , , unto ti e firstborn of Jac velvet, owl ithed with 0...succession ,„r unto the fIrsiborn of the captive that Was ler.t omits 11 and G. ..So tar .as 19 '11P -W 'these- plagues- from- ltgyptian sources. ,.;, , I, .„, , , 1, ,.,,, 1 „, ni The'.d.1-$triet affected 'bY the *Plagues v4'11:5 (1'Nea•;• 11- Al, floth eXPressiens.,therin the frills., ..%A. duster Of pink Shaded vises, 10444,4ser,titu, ,,,.a 4. ....$emr.g, . JO XXL,..” Tabor meek ,er. ecru Vraeneinstes. ini„,e, . probably limited 10 lower ,Egypt, 1 'tillie. 'tiling. nninelY$ that 'the' firstborn at the .baci . and a little black.velVet-. which sense the.word "Egyptf,'.• I.` prob. • • - - . • . length -of lime • . over: Which -the .pla- e,., tended, that is,, the taterVat 'between the first plague -and Abe 'eXodus of the , Israelites', iq not staled„, thOughthe pre- sumption :.In • *the • P:xothts;:narratiVe., seetnl lo.lie tlf4t of a fairly'regular :and ftfic4i--$004,4510t1 of Judguicrits,'... Preced- ing 'la* acNunt 'of -1W: plaTes lia4ver; iTleiltiOrt .1.8 mde a -dr tt ser es .Of filgits which Molses wks instructed to perforM • itt The presence ot iffel'inretv8 on Ilf,t . , itif1 01i,r7syn1eki 0, 7 -tip,$, ...nooari.do, titivitil1„,,iicif tP1,01,t.tararLowh otttarithe,170700thety,r,, . ..... sel.-4.iiSq.ktuttelltary„:-Thorke _ ot . Ids divine mission.To 1.vhat extett at Jon .uer,ticet at •pattont '01 the -Sea. 1 God employed ordinary' seasonal- Ate- . : , judgment,. -and• to 1,Vhat, -extent . we are tittle- agatas dsses the •question. at tvlitiklit.IftlYb.y8711a”- li*le'4114,v1‘ylertirctittrittrng•IlaSti'lltillY'e.'. ' :rtentena as instruments of MS ,divine 4c,,,, t,feheil. poleditai devoted to ..t.n4ri, to regard' the separate plagaeg as abSo., What: beearaca. ,of ,, wraed ,iships .04. ,bottotn, spelt as bands .of taffeta'. satin . „ .._ lute - -miracles, i it is 4141101% ta-igaiy. . . tackled, every' arrange,. ' afrives at the conclusion thatthe wooden '4*. he:"Y"' 'lace" • .05.1t.tbtteS,.S. v%.'"? ' have ,iii* numy 01..t.) huil§_itoliv.v...4:::gr:g0 _ilPat. tOntkr. tban-'1:111mtelZt,4'd43001., :II: tdoi'veir-1111-.4ktilr6fele-ltriv.tit111104 Innglies. .44',.itiiii6f4t61" "littiOrat" tald-zot ititiSebtiratt ,er,steer ,OoriStinetiiin Witeril,.. 'tiltogelliet" innts1.141 phellententi. eill,e,,,i1r2 they .beeotne buried in beds of sand or; ehr:_tici%soi,J,v_:deePtioi.ntg. 41,17.ftfArt ewrillipirre.14G : Ing ,siniPtY' in a*. iniraoutousW intensA,,tt,ect sink to the bottom of tholOcean,, , • 1 - The filtnyilf§sue0, 4,,,t t4ternon and • form. , Thus It has been'suggeSted..101, ' • There is at PresentttO means oLde,.. -Nne,i',:it we may thinlf ,Of -MO Plague 'as.. either hi disintegrate corapletely, but it • ;iyi'lli,:.t.:1:11'41.vtgtigluti,VVI7anarill":11:10..1:rellul.11114.rlY:04=ti'ggiacritt.ahed'esu7toll the' discoloration Or the 'Waters otlhe running. the length of time. it takes fore, haring 'Oolno et the flood season$.'innY 18. known- that Weeden vessets•have been". in- have:been :due to the ..,dettichinent of .0. dug up atter eenturies., net yet . wholly Ittietia.dhaact.k.k• giSrdlitt,Ztallgdis-Sts -iittpteptid unrIwar-: i near tho, head waters'. '.+Ot . tliee, - Strettrai '-sted-,Ntessets.t• ki rwst.'fbeany great •timo.. ,/;Yo...,,11-kti,-;44r-t.4:4:4Z -r712:4121-14:ge rtplizsz is great 4rtasS. -or VelOttlite nintiot far ill), m00. It ;not believed that iron or. „. i Qte. • ,t hor t f nem Y non N, o etti: tlff riin'--the--Sherttrilme--effeet„ •iti,--ttre------„,te-..,1-. ts, argaeoe, with the myriads „ethAng at :progress to. the betteat Is very s 0 ; waistline the lining, of soft -finished tat- orgalWnS ..wittlh itoultsVOntalni, might It is not" believed to be faster tban1„1,1roovi,t6ta fain° Or liberty-satiric:IS earefultY 'toffy, hvalittlised,,,b1ILLibeilik.O.klt 41100....1titoirtymi....vn,furi 7,!...ais iip4ohni,,,,,Ive,..t.._gh(v.7..tteit,e_7:, _.,,A.k._—(1741=t itio, out eitei:liFfrte. .0a11:1;id.51.1, P'bot)c): rol,11131:',;*13: andllieleatit;01:111611.41Clithabitin ' '111111 • :stre,401*- -roll"114-t.- thts- .P00 a 14Z° , Weigl0 .0..rge,..,,°,4,.._410,,Etriki,or 1?1,4),Val 0L4:',„,t,iltiri.:..otl,.:Ohiffon:t1,00t or OW white Inent.,,tht, A;,,,i0i,e4I%teri:in.,411Vartie 6 Oft,..,:;, I -1044 '10M .4ne-lunenes""""e10;i r'tm.'' Iiiillt :-Ctntty be 'gathered alt 111O-',0 Me V141,100 of 'OPiPts,!* Ili The flesline,-$.• ,ittgy if :the material:be mud Or 'sand4 the round, -With, Mach' more 'tallness at tha - 111i14Cts' 1"/.'•glille 4°4'114 4841t10.14,4"6'-hatk' than -:ettewbere. Wit tO. littit. strnetore Oland .,what , it mcivet_l_Livehihti,--m4fittiorha;41.1e4till="*.nit rttctiii.:Itittu6noleMtrattirrtitt'$17441)e)tel.71,tiole4.rf' ,Ihre''011.1:er10166. 4ffort,:i .I: itl'i,14,14(fillieslArintie:a. iititoe'llt)tit' iiiiiisTletrilrititter:,;1411:11:iit'sbttafeditektutil to)Ibibte':. the ' • It - Cea',Vi ii. ,eoitiperatively .few „ '-w':tithotithly around, Atte Istit. a kV/44th! . will never ..4,40turbed tator t4e end,at 41, hnit,' lit?, tilte,a, d11i.• ,,00f. rtia6a.beiPtig ,i0',Vrietr. ta;t11- week "Hes- practically in 4., -,quiet whiell • i • 1 1,re world.6aelori 4 me s' ea .N.,..iater,1 tint ,,s..er' y.,... .,, MAKING NM- WAISTS. raio,,-.4ittor„-: and - 'pOnt •proteeta the ,,A :011tisiad#17 vitaY, U1'111/141 14 bat' Shell, tik well :as'. tito metal work -111041010. of :lingerie, vaWg :IS'to:', bon.'the .hOlds 'it logther., The %took pl;-,,,,gra,..toge. then. Make, two *eh, OAPs, Ottell- 'SdpeiligYes,,ans.trd37Mlityrb.14o':_nlityllroe'lli.th6esea.Trirtint' 1°14:1117'01Vitteeb;s11'11,..jr1.-ellinsUcit1;51";,111. t!4111.' .-Soon,burfit 001;01 sight, :White 100.004 010 011 0-11 side 40 .11to mtwi-114):. 1114i' "°'' Occan.$.0(1. Intent 'stoWlY but surely Settles', bcttont sOf ' tho :hen In W01 -5't cothe'141°. ' -down- .0ver A.' ' gettier,„ . uty A 'small ackWard turning'''.' *mellow Ito! etititt.,.ittmos, $el. in Volt • Waist se. 'it' t tidies the henc**7--': work. -and 'matte' the tvreek the lottri fttui Sitelv,.Atm bvitt--,o-lOp • and botion lien -Mr their beautiful stractureg, tor a' 4,114stite of 000 Iwo and One - that "nitre end it, nuty beNnyie, the- faun, 4 Ulf inelteN Win edge. 'NAM the tist daCion .of . it.Trorttt, reef. Tbe inostAtlei' t.,, ,.'t ,:,b°11:.w:Lt1.! 11.„_114,.tilt„' on., :(1.,t,,,Yet• b.,14,111g',„1„..h,o ' struclive thing that :can tatipoi 10 'it IS' siv145 t" '''Ine ‘.K4:14 'untt ou -00.- Put,s ""0 • If , •.ihat tett. vogeto n. may iteeotuo Antietam • then Abe ' fullness' 'On! .be tettifactorilY•• e- I 'A. e oh ve ),,,it., to mom ihe5. wood wit ,i.e „moo ,,tkiljustedi' and the, wilt.st alwaytveen\t,,e .: Ile litM ons ' 'Voir( Jelig . t '1?-.- apidtsLL. ,o-itttd„,a' ,a4tivos,,ottiot4t4ine4 'OSity. Alid WO' ironed. ' Vtit pi,40' e.,., -,s Pirre41,1.111O.,, ni,iii1611i.ii'16°1,14,t-in, 14401-4t,t to the clinging:Parasites. ,. - . ' • rein-be',11611O''41ttrilt,,,,-lrat 11, iellT,Ill---7- .--(..,-* --,,,,r,,,;A,-.$ ' ----; .-7--,-..--.0 -..- . -:-- -when an 'WW1( .0r. wet ihip iIntis; pl.. ti.4.0 ••iot, the -11attldw.-oati.'-:- hooks on' the !IIT(lintevile"411Jr)as7s4.O17.e, 1' israel----10,tliAinoll - iirliett16;11:1Y•to:(,_5s,1471trar,e' 1,1; Itb..1,1)IviLI,Poil-e.4.1,;.' tit'n.tileV t(i'in6tillitet rultitilnittc:','''Ill'Ii8PpliltillatIongg...., . t and literal . 6431S0i bf °older' 'Thole thd, torg , ;she is ,tipt .to, g,:y ' Avyt veitti great old of bands Wilt, result,,. but- instead- a , . 1 1"ttl a P4Iti3wItlit t4014-"Iti 14-1x!su Apo ty -II -st tollition with itti, 1 'Ito ' l':.Polletti 4Alning .0\! waist' qnd 'ASA . . • t t . ,.. I.. ., .., Jo la . Draw out.--t)k) forth. - , twig go. tfir te. priwatt bef '.Wirt•i,t,1, 'Ulf eastty 'eatt, tuelie- a 11 P1 tilling witita.or bnypen.5,, mte toi.K. Ito torp44 standing villa 'tir Yt$11P Vt;UNIS ;joy. 140 cit filliOly :or grotip-a anallers f. , 'Ivo ilfeeN,,,4 the $4.ili„ ‘1404, 10 \% 11' zlig a'\' p'..ei:=0 .44 ' , 1-0-pi,A, , and 134 3) Meording to, ,$ our 'fatitilies---, and as *vett as. 'all 'or 10st.lot the fac.,..(Aer flOnf a, girarght edo. holt the sim, ' ' fterS 6115 3S' .si*Tilied in EAdjt,,, T4..ittit fifkot itte.wc4en'shif,„ Vtige.'•Itt itt, :11(c..ti ,:a .4..our 13 it Inca. ..t: **At lt,t,..,Int)., 10,1* 141 it.th , atiov sieitu,,,3 tit 1' '41 .1 1411 park ood;.,Lkuro :up fttAti ;flint laar%•atioit,tilie,ittolt lt4),11.,-.;$1.0tut 00. IILICI 1 ,110 ;•16r 11 411114‘,Illi% t 1116 tt.trot.,,,iivs And „:!-..61,11d..imeet,,,,t them, c to inak,e,,,, no, mit" .c.A..ar. 1,11e, tx!„ it. MIlb11.110, and Illig 11 . gbbor' xi. 4 '610o his. Ici.ivo utp, tii,,-, imtic. ,i1 flIcEniM pliong4K, itv:011,tho .1%* -Aid 133.71A owl 'llie, slaitt:, . 6(mo taRP -one' Acc4.3 aing (0. t,to nntithee .i.rmy stif61)11in. 1104:0310,Will-61ton'ing Ot front, Tit19. 1417,ff1 ,a 64.k111). eurvcd Of sciulgri,' aieuoding.:fo' every, tuan's eat- r col,,,g4-4.1„, p,t,,,,:•:,,,Ittly the 1-,nint its4.1% Trie tu 16tver t 41ga a ,C,,clibts.', Matt! tii.o, ing-40- Stlail . ntaUe yOtt.,,tuilt ter the valvti, tri tma $0., A, feAr ?,,,cars th-ore,, ,win. frcnt wad. tad; a The ec•lints.. ;my dc Itinth," .• . • ' ..'' ' • ' ba,. nc,thin - Ltd, -8, . gigtinliiI tost *Mitt. at sired height. being % tz, A.‘ binulf ,of 1t 'i'4,11 ef4. a Ito tx„licni a the si,a, to. matt 1,043re The ,Par.11 14::y4.0rot rir.,Ittnit ltC3511121C41 a tei0 . t'$!4 1-,,,nt grrik%141g4:16 16143'4° ttnilishilig a ves4.1 loon lie *tiling rm.-- .----- 444,42ive--.11i4•,4.1t... r -',.t,.,_ , tilke a ;s.traigti'! tr,,,c;-ttraictling.V.,leti7,, it't,4-,.-. - entilic a vine „ ktigth,:,.-not ..pc,ititcly ,,,, .1, . .41K ,40? trACAl. tie:-Vaitifr 4'01 icti:'•Iltifkki With' ahy kriOttn-plinat, . "Lte.., ' ''. \ • ...,-Ag,, hyssot 'Ives- colnsidered, as having:* i a t' 0 ;1;1* i',7a.tt lirs!;it ti,v;..-r-A-J4.4 porittigr410-plifiOdag'itaitie, and v.,4.9 t A, I ( Mat : l'.etl , 0., thi ,, - told L-.1•4 itt! ly,ilt ' - -:.-:' l'..1)4c.* icgOtt.:Ir for& ' V•t•.- Al',.. -,•i, 1004- irt iliffeMIt tertn4.,for caoliibilint nt 4..1. )...; ieleansing„ is Pie icicons;li of itiRt''' ft gintiing' , 1* t.Wkl!np;1 r -n. ' ,i- lt,$, laVeratS l'itotttglier'; It, 4-'. 51. 5t): (4'743, t;r:Irt : Ht liosAll. itrli '7,i0 ,Irot Ifflot, fp ,,,, t!,. le.y,,,t,,,,itt. as on element in the uttter of s$1-otatiAl IV' male tip ,tlit-tr ,, .0...,"; $10.:0' t, ' .1i, • if ,,,tywilf,!3_:l ':Iinritt it P. ,. . . ' ' ly tennio-arnsvc, *I. A rit ,p'in $'' sr 1,intek-The Wale CrOeshetin, •slar rof- ipactio.1 taw A: TOE 1.6SSON Won» SUIDliS, 'e „ 44,444 • alt persons,• frOm the highest to. the 0• popular toutning as an alternative r A,•,. • ,1 Of:cattle 'should 1:4' 5101)3. great a rage as ever for 'black hats; both ' 30. Not house,where. there Avas nor' to' crinoline,' fine straw and, lace, and one.:,.4104-.-1111 r•ealitY wolfid bo the all black ,hat still is In a partictilar' ninny fatuities having no children, and and popular plass, by its-eif. IrAStilON NOTES. • -.C.iingirt,g lines Ortee_Jnore prevail. 'mat ‘,vhatevei. the trial -Ming, the •shape. is., usually the saine-ii ntodttleatien. of the .duiline,--bell or- ,-ustbrena So...-. tiosely do iltese skirts chrig, round the., •.1)clow4 , that with the - ---ire-1-111- her,--bottout-thafir,of',We7"- gotvns ant, positively Blotto:us ets.,, 1-) winch, at tlid smile Utile, neither lats.- band 'wife 1.vas a firstborn child; ce. 'till of Milita eases due allowearze ut be made.. f"...44•114E,W.65. t 1 itanisltopaitcalte,s ore very excellent. Tar rtitt$7`be removed froro any kind of rat, half POilnd 'Muir Into. brc5ill• Alatiitf welt In the tentro. Of 4.1 t.0 11011.0h stir the of three,e Of Oilt. oltil a' 14131e*)°11 tutting out eon le. the best'way is to loth 11 you $4.turate the spot with tut, pelltine and. rub it well. 'Whoa on21 t-oxlinrshpr not used in brandy'. dissolve lottcounces of : titi low,. -it .unWards, It tvill,lhon neither ina stAvpatt, add to it nearly onepin IDl when tepid -add 11 gradually I thtt . atter,. Aeating 'wooden 006 till the hatter i ,ot tle,ifonsisteney ('L'4'21UL After 1110 hou s again Witt th tatter-,and-figittly4lir inthe, wItiteS.'.!‘.. three 'eggs• 'OW snitilt,thlit'Pallealtes 111 lhe Want unit ••••orre Avill\.tos.ter sugar iyOr • - tiPtulatt Iwo butlern, a Stetvp,att,' 11 teaspoonint c,at" thOpriett'enion 'oral 86-gOl leition•juir:e;;Itepper .olut Salt, Spit the kidneys,. and, ;after taking out the stiin, &hi theta' to the butter. 213*1 eczli ..6..16w1$ • flutter halt 0 '4143ze1t OV01.144P1414 Ob (a. with it litt10 . l'i0z0 !tall' kidney-in- qott,, watt. OniOn 1".. )11 VIOlgit for Cuty, ntintitt3 and tom; ony. 41'01: fi) Vi'..ecg '44 PiA1V14,--411131: 1:$41101' at, -1 4. ; IlialhEW liftt, 11,4.41(1 • and tcode.4sk two :t..-•pa3nfots.f,.(. ctr,-;;,00 •e.,,,Lth'i:a. naiiVal =it ttt'•.4 egg,4 t-.11.0.(7; a, 13.4;..411 fift c4_.40c,1 , 1,1,13t (Nor teat an tZ cg,tc) a stiff frclh tt,ith CitIng a lidttif, et-orit ";*.lt .•to ft.tit!crod 111$1.1idi ohe tier iimou1der4 To -,fudge.bacen. natiee. that the rind IS in„the lean tender •and adhering toll* rte,. told Alle fat firm with -a platii,SIt -4,4titArt..tiail, tole ..nastp_and-rane' - it. if filtta,s yellow sireato :Lft ,woit'llot oven. ("03 (11113' :prrietired witett'eltr the l'il•tieS ere properly 'tleafted ttit all "elinkeiss,retiloved., ,rstry. 01„.-0,1 that 111 ,ilaily 1154' lo ,114 constantly uLl14d tut.-and..tlte fl1Zt4, cleaned at 't,s4,2e 31wee"lc.' 7-oteoresq-, tit'W of the inest ,311t\i„tt alt 1ite 611/ad plants, "and ton- .•taits s tipintr„ ininex.1.1 matters useful to tic:kith, prePare alwityS' Soali it, fw4, or ittreeltottvg tt,strOilgbrine to kill all . • . I , • pmxtier, tvlile.hgives a 'savory t6 pea solift,, titride.tlius ; i)ound ,g,,,tiwts. cite 4lJI() Ault (.1 dri'ed'inint atul_sao,fl leitio_ifderg seed, 1)1141 ty Pith oll 'through.** .flne 4. nil, bilitle (Or' Ilse.," A little sit. tP11.0 te, the abott'.0 4,1vt hort f5 kept "litr,i 43 dry and •oiry 4,.*01111 turn longer than that 113. &OM ttiietrOVAi-no , when. emit toi „kept irt cr. 4s 1.4.1,'P' if 61.hr Its gam and the totem' 1,t'Ittik renders it leile4 tiCovverftil 10(1t-•> was tk fat *heti burnt. :ut et stice ttew !veto), obottt on i313 end place fit tho, tin willt the attied-t-UAtte„•;increot.,,01,*„.4d.e.t,,,,.. 4.114 Abx....,:cheinieAtr* flood seaSon. Thia. Vegetable matter, It When a wooden •ve$sei Isinks tiw,rate 01b1Pi DictiOftary't .eontinues 44'Stleit 1110.551 of organie .....triotter with Oa eu tornititntlittintal Nvatit • tioh under,.WItich frogs would mufliply •rapidly,„ • and may have been the' ante. ieedent Used bring bout contittiOrt of tlie secont ague # dew U),' -tot taw becti tni ite best po%ible breeding grounds VilfY Irtany kinds :ot inseets;; verl. _table 4010110Y 14.1111/tOge N111111114 titii 13311)30 (4 itiOs fOlitili'plague,4 The •15ults, f recent' bacterial observations show , great' Pieter in -spread or dbk. eaSe 'these insects ere,- and so the tiffli and sixth. •plagues tvould follow„ aSt lite sequenceS tite Ittir41 and fourtli."...Tite .sevettth„ eightlit and ninth plagues form a. new Arepending,,upori Atino$,;.- piterid .0ondition% VAIN the last. and, Sev(trot .judspuoit4 life. , slaying of .tho firstboro,'stanits'ity ItSelf as. a. threat, and terrible •interpositkin of .c.$04. riudie a lasting impresSion botit On the mettiorr; tub' condi:tat lisraet. ' • 1,4 4_ ' * - • r- ,fts't 000 4