HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-06-06, Page 1 (2)t4raternaI\
•allowed on
cc�unts � Corp6ritioni,
es and dividuds. Inteit
posit o and credited
London on utilea.rheited. , Afr.,,Jobn
Mr. Andvew Oke and little child
turned to SW \
Gundry' �fGode,1ch
Wet (Dr.),A.moile 114
lodge ,of the 40hosen "Idea* In TorOn'
vi4W're*ne islkjitiObeit,114 tethattenidliter °Mt%
. _ v4:4\ ..,,e'44,.,,, *•'4"
engoe or o er
ii*tu,dWJgg oToupe
the Ccntral.Hotel.1
one 2ht. D't- itt
p*tent structUres,
of Exeter ,sitTlebes ;Unison'
Wedding:,bellt zingin
in tjiis vicinity.Wrn. Broke lo mo
ing W s .buildingt this week. lie ii
k. June 4th, when thei
ditbte Ethel lien won 00It.
to itinoeltils Proton .of
rue• yaudios* of JJr Peter
endng Mt
• .*t4erivb•
t m Center.
etifitio,. Welter fler
test Onderieh.
nd.lobri Conn
„o ete le attires of th Oen F&lend Lodge of
this race, to auend a convention of
n Coultittoo
Dfl his way -home IutbeEjL
rn Vonteren odericil-The ...uolay till Monday Which, 1* being rum.
people of the union:. church. i **Play every Saturday *through the sun -ruler.
getting their .ohoslin alra
church is belag
Rev. A W. Oollints, of Exeter, Oa*
eupiektbe pulpitof 10.'1'a:tricks chore,*
',1110141' Sunday latet and preached on excellent .
Oro. Hobkirk, Sr, *pent. the past ammo. P,hin.. aleknoi we Are "
' In with his dou ;T1 to e, la sulreting from Ort,-:or4
1 on, Zurle and
BUItY, Solicitor*.
sti ewett lc**
esterdoy atteuding the
de was
delicatebite *Ilk Ily
no Of sn- To
t.r,av Jiing. j1,
Sharon ler n
u TM 7.1brir-
* • lo ver at. h 211,...7."Alila
out °T.: tb line but sy,,,e a
wing this. week very choice *election in wash
te and colored.
0 ,
,pink, btue, re y and oxblood.
ercerlzed Taffeta _ bit and overchecks
isir 'Taffeta Print at 12lici
4110 Whit* At 10e,
Another consignment of those towel Swiss*
insertions to ma
Get your choice before they go.
ay evening for Bron.tro
the wedding of thele son.,
lire. Ira 3. ltniglit bassos* to BattIe
Creek Sanitarium for her 1**Ith;
Knight accompanied beraafaraa Lan.-
Northoott, who ..haa been at
Dundas for the past week, rturned t
town So order...sod resumed bis dutiei
the depot. . •
John Oreery of Alvinstors bas
been in town Amiirersti dart during th
week on buelneu in connection with
• Bawd
who recently returned fro
weekt '. trip lo:Britiab ColuniblaLvisi
ed tattoo* here over Sunda
tIne of Clinton v
Sud*y. Jack
it .nionthe trlp
r14 who, forsav
ha been living with her
hem* in itancelona,
SandersMre who
, .
ratitOne..Wite an.
11,1 t001V130$1.404104 with
rtutn...741Ite.. Thom
.litchdli 11 Villitine7.1let*SiOter(''' •
1. 0-0...forseph.lialfadat ansif
t •
.invited were Are bitsidog two" *0140' holiday et
amilton, Lan-Aboliftente Lifer
Jerseyville, matls In Rockwood tbiweek attend.
10 to* 01 ed of her,!..hrother.
Iaited laaliter.,lirs. lohlr Olean.
ity,pot ',two 'per Oen
*Orison, and rural
the ul
with aconlldential
bat he pupils whoite'
14 the
t for ion to the
as preorIbcd by the
uranu 0
wood,-MIss E. ake
Toronto itt'-
vled here Monday to spend the eu-
111 4*-esneifiLatir witifile°4 Stlidpsick Ilst
ka vid
ed itt Jos. Brenner's on -Sunday e
and Mr* Daniel Sheeler of Duibwoo
anti Ur. and. NM-. Fred Shaefer o
resieou spent Monday with Mr, and
Mre. 11.'42tin.-"Os". Brenner is on the
sick ,1iat.-41)_e 'fisherman *et with a
severe, lbss duiiogtheJastatorm, when
heti neta were badi damaged.-Invl.
ta ons are ou o
Ittorla OM to Ruben
Ison„ for
ill 0
ire may
eots of Ca
extSunday the quarterly me
o -Evangelical congregetlor
1* held wben the Satramenti
Lord's sUPp will .be adminieter
the cangregati
440 delegates t
would ilk . Oulbert
pre*ent in it v ow state of health
thxugbas4litna. Miss Brownlee of -
b ting-iler*O114 -----4—
0 OA astit011 Of Biddulph
who was a .Thursday ch
with -using.*
elgbbor, Ed."Tildmiiiiin., *
over to keep the peace for
#100. wtritulytte
P10^40 .0 4
tilled on friends here Moilday, aftera
visit In '1001111vray...74 3. Hodgine of
noWlit, take, Who'll** been here with .
41*parents-be the post Mo. ntbivettsto.
ed lioine 1?rlday. It is about threo
years slnce be was here last:and he re-
great improvemente in the., aur -
rounding , country -.(i, • IlOtIgIns and
wlfe Of Brinalet Tbsited-heretbls week*
nell of Exeter pitrobeeeita 'horse- •
frerst Tom LOV0 on Monday. -The wire
worm Itmoking great havoc on the
,t" * brood mare root week but the
ed *eking- up * and sin
Loe'e,barn on • Thuroda
ported that I*111* .,.,:etwel,105 of Grind
Sind ha* offeredR.Tr1and $3000
biebnib Mbertirnstiiiigettingriesir.
on) -In :retort ott*a • ly; to
--At Zutieh, On Mav 24th. to
aidr. 'Mrs E Mier*, &iau
bylon X40..4
r. 0041 WI;
V eiTropfaV for
A Issi containing 5 rooms ilOWn
lrssndC up.stalrv. with Ulteherk attached 044
arunder ;*.p *ores of lord, good well, I, ,noto*
fralt tree. and e toot* solt the
Apptyet Th.
VOCAT OFIVE or cows LUKER., zoo, zo
e ore o erso axeter
met :Meal* tAke notice that the annual
tneeting of the thareholders of the Ex-
eter Salt Wrks Co will -be heid -
the,Town Tuesday, June lith,
1901, at 280 -
B. Carling, Sec'
"A flee pasture itsrone the Toiroililp of list k lteir
UriPtS;ofte kufldr 4scre.actM Seolede. tteras
irooKtstable, watertete_..,„
ord to
7,,,v1ro- was
married on WecI-
neaday to ifilss Iva Ilus.ey-of that
Bigabaw1eft Monday even4,
tug for Regina tole!), his brother -in -
haw, 'Ur. Geo. Voper Hewas avow.
ponied by Mrs. isegshster-and fawn
as for as 1.4tusdon where they will 'vls
for a fer‘r-trar
J. Smith, Boort &Shoe In-
spector for the IllenzleaShoeCompany
of Detroit. Moho, Arrived hoineflatura,
day evening Ispit. He s aceolnpan.
eotioni7.no te
IthOu .-cOtteek.
004 mi„'auth.
1arly, It _pup! lett .1),Ort„,_
teacher ran tertlit r alert. Too
0 ie. lavesis ..atuttints to see pupile
advance, but the tonacientiout would
not dare to allostpupile to vain.
School wfigira: bawl 0-xtr• on.
, r subject*.
Da*k at.4eite'webber
btthe community on learning the
Sincere,.*411-geniiirl --yewWallIelt
almost midden 4atb,„ of 401m.
Webber, of Devon, in the.toemehlp of
sborne... The tade'venttoo lace at
bad enjoyed
usual health 'until. the " Saturday
night previouitii Ili. demise. Ile had
been engaged in raising and putting
bonit'4.-onderireoth-'4110arn- -on
that ditY :got. wet which **stilted.10
bim tokinweold.'.--Heweinthoteilthat
night- thinking- - Would pose *Way,
butabout three o'clock ,' Siluday, mo
fog *Woke -with *Otters* . paln
t his totem. The services Of
physiclan t,onoer,ektpito
andevery effort, War utatil relieve
12 M. e'Pal* end aIet flature in
throwIng Siff 'the trouble. On Sunday
- *a f- being --zmucktelistvert
* bite Motive* . wore%
to love that the ;trOtrille Wts11-0 1
temporary'. Ohl that he would 00
illsiettOted to his former good health.:
The ailment, however, developed into
neuronal* and,Whilts Om symptoms
ts the catik *tato* ,flid not ...indicate
any ealise for alarm the motes of the
4100**e Wo*. performinglta.deadly mirk
sion and; he gross:loan weakened until
estth elahned Webber was
waitaven in the 1:0Wnship.of Stephen,
on the tato op Ito to that on which
tablc. The tfleetlng was 1d by
Brenner and
ilyof t Ord,whoWereherepart
o t wee t their 'mother left
ifortheirbomes Friday. -,44I
Brenner untier*eut .40tiOueo
ttott, at the 'bandit of Dr. . Wilson Wt.
week. She Is at present doing towel'.
*scan be. expecte& but, ,brirs sty
• 14, who *ill visit atthe hoar
of Mr.London Rosd for some time. _
Mt*. Alt Taylor left-orrlfriday iast
for l!f!tmver,..Alicht,-Itootisit.litiolux
7Willfe, who boatmen, very ot
_4.,short 1.1114';14,0.01.0'
partied by her [laughter "Violet, *bile
driving to Snovet, was Overcome :with
it fainting spell, and loslog.controt 'of
(*self fell front the boor to theluitcl
tnct. In the i fall the received
ahakinit.up-A0W-fratetti '
Her minty friend* here will be plea*ed
toile/air however, that the it now re
• .Notioe to Farmers
Th Exeter Conning eti4 Preserving Co wiJI bI,
tossed to iteace Stamm itemn honest for
and Vora., 4.14 the nomber of et,ms ritiiilM4 Is
ed Moe* death* to costrut wIli 44 well t� csU at
oboe oft either the Pres14tot, Joe., ir
11. S**deri. -or 11"tey-,, 3. (f.,,Intle*.
Cr vet Tenders
owlets will hi teethed h
Wel** 0640413tosoeicyt*
Ioada ot etstme044,144
&Wired suitor thilttdd
loattI okrtit* todrring
fros any ot theethrIthorlost
er more teem**
livery of the mac
rot utfo-Couoty ontorto. mt otatt*prbloptliii
tinittit to Itlett4 theAdobeete lotorsorte.
died,and was bi
iglihori±:_e -
was aei 48 year., six months ani
premature death 11 regretted byiulI
o WM Mt adheiet at the Methodiel
rah loci In polities it staunch Oon
sstrvathe, 143.. -Withbtrilliavesik.
ow, live son* and one ,aughte
jnourn his -loos.'Timfdnerat took
.Sistisla the' r ,cCmetery
11 4 wife vIsIt
4)14 on Su
..-Andrew Iiicks 1* hovin
0O rpelnt.d,Mn.. I3at and Mr
.-Tb. sonlor aix! jun
Weak C011iiittotkrW0:00 pteae
see our Old friend,IfirtryZiminerma
of Znrich.in the village on Tueods ,
21inmermrn ill -A loan well totettue.,
in,years and in it runaway, ateldent
*"short time -ago got :serious), rt„
italata-aho funeral' of the late
lforman Quant took place on
delzugliftil"AliPtrrirOti'tbiZ6'11-6'N16.111(4.0 of
-0,0.14th coneeselor4 Revs, Thur. .of the
Lutheriatt Oongregation;ltia charge
ofthe funeral. Interment, wort., mado
10,tke Brotl$014,line cemeterys-s-There
pasted avraystt the home of bisdauglx.
broullgthrt esolinti; ':110enmert awlf.1.00.f, ter,
Pfaff -
*lox t10 expeotatiou of being interrel
in the 'Lutheran burying plot oft the
ronsowlinekvvere -00trie. Othetttt$003
hers of the family basil:root hurt
but owing -Lo the fact that, son* little
:dititcuitraroo between mr,,Pug and
some atilt congtegitlell it foit, year
o with the " ***nit that Ur...Pfaff
withdrew from the chutcb, burial was
reintord by tile leader* of that body
lie was therefore • buried under , _
auspices Of the Evangelical chute)).is
the Goebert line Came :On Sunday
morn' ,
tha Pas
.tor of that congregation.
Wiled the., go0d7,01-4of
some \ months.
iro lathe:2nd , • .
Thompson,* .dtugh,tet;
1:400140. -In Sittiolph. boil. 4.. 01i
Jue let, to 246.41041..
Dickene 11100. • r"
Irr3OrtGAN'...4.0- Otto". Itat
2404 to Mr. and ,Itra.. *Charleariran-
nigan,. ince -AM** Ethel Meakin)
Nay 29tir, Nr. end Ws. Wilber
,Cudnlere, (eon of lir'. fleo.--Onclmo*"-
of town) *Ion,
.11141.fa.4.-Att0e40,. on Ione Stirs -
' W.'S. Cole,of, Rioter to Nies Mitt",
daughter of 3fr. atla Uri. Edward
Mar4"ttil'FnrN-3041:,iltrii.* -In'---.1.iratifo'i'd,..'on-
, - Iittie'4,-.11U0iiell VOiyoo, ott -V -
PiaVio ItioefoRrxset:ortritoo 0
. , .
0 " -,-Ititeit)-In Exeter. . . June,
W. t:016;:i" ?S:;' .‘ OlLondtn*tolit milL
Eliza * *tinst4htiolisaht.et of. Mr. and
1Z-011 the POT LitiQStittlie
,may 0361 Jam*s Kescage
A •
on :tune -
hineder ageditlyeAt*,
OfnCe* -84"'nt:**110,1