HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-30, Page 7 (2)Ipas
le' a habit with the
r of travelling Eneetsh to dine
roieus, :tad Ls3 when Ie
iIL:.tosniltut the eetremely retiretreitar.
*Otte"' Of Elizaheth'S, ened, her mother's
halilfeseevert it site Aloes appear in tie
•Ttablie teiem-anit the more he thinks of
t, tile less probable It eeeans-tt is most
immety trial he el ;It he placed near fter.
ittit he might passthly Intercept her in
the hall on the way to like sane a man-
etenee of this Rail i%t
lion before the het . ftfl 1
teeeeii.etelielit#5. < ..
' teill*Oreehakelle.e.
441iilliteS f nongit am asse ubre4,74, ' erttitine -en reset WiketIX= .„i'fano,-1 w lp'sit-41 itpjt.,Vt etit-wi
4t1$1144, 6*.eordIng to the etiquette tire-, le to laugh? - And how unchanged she was disupPointed toe L Oh, 1 lutist bo a picrtie food Winch •Seems--:seareety paia.
-vatting at the Grand Hotel, a /novo to is t wee emelt less outwar,dly aged than fool -e, bad fool --but I 'Nvas disappeinted! table in a elieffy diniug room, .. The fresh
,....the,'ditting-itient; These, at that hotel, ht1' Ilialsell is, Vohsciolis al Wing I . Sit- 011. Maitnoy I moonily. t bole -seeing ninttotinrdatehrealeefiesursitni
theitieyinelattte ttti
.„...alittottgle in41.,Teryedistinee.epinorieyseas ting as she now. is, in her simple white again brings it all back I”
,eeeneeindeed, 0$:they not e -are, yet, net„ tea -gown, with one slight elbew rested en "Doenot cry, dear child i do .not crY r tiles of lite. cows„, sci in a double sense
altfistlereathcfeheace rarities es at eome, the table,* her eyes all sparkling With aeserem Mts. Le; Merchant apprehert-re oulskle rack is better.
ctte -.11,10-SWIsasartd-dtaliateeetteseeeoueethe eittereiteenteande.latigitter <,...bringitig-eifita, ivety.,;-;41144tigitlW.Vbide:Ait--.44iWit.,.:tshci..;,11,,eefesit:g c:-..tteetile.....e7i-tratere.tegt.issilp:ne-n„eff,7„an
Vlitiger -of', theone'sex, are perennially pmetinence that _one _glielthIlArtel ...thirtPle :gives the exhortation is sheking .
eitereiteleseeteeteeenemeleweeseree, • f,:tiers-r-ztteL-iloemtaLloOk',•-weare-- .. , e --i-will---bte-ineetie '
•o: new 11) 111 is• an .0eieet,, et- same Iiiiiih. Brit If feW iiilitifelettS-Iteter Itrfor." yonelrettsW"tioweangry------- seitsitilitslielirliftritidifigiee 111-llie-cTretiS-
1401le,* to halt .43, dozen Yolthg girls tiesseyes her even- her dimple,. However ex. 9 wilU note! I will note!" cries Eliza* tomce ed pieso the' eow will feel at
10resVetwo-or -threeLL.W4riltkrw 1:1 'may-te-the-little-ktndior41-4-110-has- ebe1t1---ley4ng,-..with-heree110141es-extrom .homeenndeeateaccoedinglo-ter -ap etitee
• WrOasT-ITES-,-e-ifeS- are eagerly 10- TritTew War attr-r- a Onset: eand-Tliee- locilitneto-swalltievelieretearee -"and. • I/ sees eutstde teed melba- rack is a
as :eatih opening door, each stepinerrinterit mows awarY, tea, out 0 do not, show it 1111101 WIlell I have been- relish. .- ',-
.. .. -
_ _t. eStAtirease, raises his . it decline; -trying ; my, eyes do pot, mind it as much • And every miring es needed the eau-
eejle_niell•-Vh4unitchoesrouseas-sluserts Most -peeepte'ste-I--suPP0sO!!--with•
lant'enOttileredooreior -stetircia,WseP°-:leidaireselth*. thrattglizal;htht'Ll'adq`r s-sintde-tfiee-•-tiriSttrreT-•-Atxt-
lOrrn he Seeks, and he is at last obliged', pushes lite coarse whit nen alenit her smite--"beeause they are so used to , early. The ows beveme uneasy and
',.litider penelly of exelting remark. „re- • plate, without, tasting it (she was alWays "Perhaps he will reet Mae' 'lone Muss plead in ibei own way for a ramble
Ittb1.4110Y to follow the band that, go a very delicate eater), .Into a. settled murs the mother, dropping 4 fend rue- in the pashire., But there are two rea-
reepinglittngriiy down a flight of stepe gravity. And now that She Le grave he • fut. kiss ell the peptic blonde head that, a(als,„ at least, why 'theilr longing
tel.„: the whitewashed dining -room, tie sees that she Is aged, almost as muth-fis, ties on her knees ; !sperimps if we are ehould he controlled. first, ..the grass.
ll- •hitIlself placed between a bouncing fle hfrilSOlf,-' elftei' all. lier eyes had ever careful we may avoid spettkusg to hina. Ls scant and devdid of sulestance, and
e. ter who is tod much occupied eti had the air. of having shed in their time "But I must speak. to hint r 'breaks i8. mort.iiesh, is lost in travelling around
•tefidling, ,an old esaleteidinatieneon her illani, tears ; but since hand panting for it last saw her, the girl, lifting her head, . man is gained by IL le is pay.
•ofhez• skle id have much notice. to 61)pro , it is now evident to him that the tale of .1must ask bin;. InUSI findout Y mg too -dear for the little feed secured.
r.,,llitne and 'a sparkling eeeature of those teens has been a gooddealadded' we do not even know whether Willy-ts. The seeend.objeetkm is that it is 'harm-
V.and4Itirty in a, r*1 skirt,' who, be; to. , deed or .alive e!-ful to the -pasture, and generally in
Hitler is over, confides to him thut There'le no pleasing him. Ho Wtt.5 an, 91e Is not. deed,. rejoins 'the elder wo- twe ways. The ground is apt to be soft
ra she, has not got a nice nature, gry with .her when he thought her goy, 'man, WithinefakulholY ouhown'sellse; and the cattle puneh -holes •through the
he 'ertrinca get, Da at home be= now he quarrels with her for looking II( he had been, we should have seen it sod destroying .theegrassearuleent
r rnd the serv*ants in',it S0:117.-Kg'isi_.11-1 ter unconettfoueneseeo Ile • ... .. e ,ewitTstollId- ileeeeenteeeeeibee.geseeeelejle
s aeltelge; sle_sopMr hie sedee• eteigh5o.nionte,Tiiii7iiits Yet e erliun • , O. ,• 1. ,prVerae474:7443 • lin% if possible, the Ass no
, .-tin--Sonday. ,IAThen she tens,,..biln to 'giro hien no &Ilse of eomphnnt'sho 7,Eilitibeitt, is 'better able '7to tilt
.,. y . Stablishett 'lliMilt ,,for The*season's
Jsliti, tiveS4tot;altiee.,,nature,,bo ab., prrSently agaittlays aside her sorrowtnl. than ,you and I.", .
1*''.ireplies, 'that he i'S'' very' sorry for looks and drawing her' chair coniliteti- ''-titzabellt• is . new sitting on . the floor, r.growlh. and eating Off the leaves befor ,
root growth has madesurlicient„ progress
# tier c0nfiden0 aboutthe, Sunday Holly nearlo her nwther's,, makes some her hands clasped _round her knees, is sure to prevent .4. rtixuriousleroWth.
•,'PrOvAsis-fronitPlurn ontrAtio ek--. Omar* Ot ',011 eVaelltlyZet)Infp"-natore- -- "fiets'ageit-,•"-ilfe says-preeentlye- and not- and --tear-dust ' develop -.together
i*„,',Olitfilit._obSertzati, on -that -he fit,-„rp... upors:the:toinpany intoehereeare - . e____ .this tiine, it is evident thet„the pronotin in the spring. or ,they will net develop
Sho,does not like. cot& meet._ It is Tkey stoop* ,tbetr. beads \ ipigoetiff. refers to alergoltne* fully during the whole season.
lee: nuest Nrive cared more lot, "het bo. td be laid upon a gradual change
ne isistelesA, anA $tith
At:something M. Cipriani says' tielyea
bugle. Elizabeth, 'indeed, .tluoWs bacle
het- little head, and Sittnwl$ alt her per -
feet leCtil, .in paroxysm of the most
'enoine- --Itegiees-Peteemneste,:we
of shock to see her laugh,
Not a day, searcely au lour, has pass-
ed since he last saw her witich he has
not pictured her as doing or stiffering
oe theough something; he has
never pictured her laughing. It SCP10
to him now but .41, moment sinee.he was
reading her broken-hearted. tear -stained
reI, sceing,,iLi
te title
, way6 estintabe
4' '110 liWtvs'tluiI
•,'IJorgilY0 -;.1;
f;ler'Il iigit
lit .14(4 .;., t 41
.,,,,,,:l. 4 *',10119.1i14 :'..'.'
!,!',:.:k1;' .
Iltcre . ,a, • in sestieratiOn ,1*1
1; ::4,11Tril31. ::::::4: inut ' '0" 1;t:11- 'en' 4):(:ISIti'%1-:::$ :1114 Calise
4tr ' to‘ seek. ...' • - '
. -,,,,,,...........,..,,......p...*•-•,,...-.....-...,
ter Mother's oettle In the Dr of their
•own little salon. The absenee of lite
husband and father for the moment in
the smoltiog.rooni has removed the lilt-
1110-erisiraint -11rnia7tnitr1Wpoor-7.-Nso---
men. • ,
°Did you see- biro ?"- asks Elizabeth
bre„AtillesAY4 seem es the door, Is
salelY tipOrt them, flinging herself
down upon 11.01, teSide Ati'S; Le
Nlarcheitt, Nvho ties sunk into a chair,.
and cowering close to her as if tor shel-
ter, "What ts lie doing here? Why 1103
t eigte of
, e
Bet lit
• -' •
earrse-toesegess of -111 bowt- tilS
weatielting and hermful Ati
WhIn the 0OWS -firSt go to the
Pasture, the st y feed should be eorlttnn'
mg it can be *node whicli`-gkat
tow and is free from, the .41it4tary, trou.
ble because the sane fed Z5e4,-
In winter all feed should be giVen •In
the manger -Witte barn, for in no other
piece Call Jim cow be protected and
eornfortablee ,Now feed rack in ' the
Yard MIN< With. hay As preferred by th;
• a Wonder that he can answer her even What friends they alcvays were she and Mrs'-'-t"Marellallit
„itir0411Y *as 41005. 11 Is more DY her mother .11 ain the blue twinkle
tanmane eaten t • es . to in es I '
-senseerresifM•Fts-tresrespaitefre. fall is an 1. n t 1 0 c wet. *
teee-reewliut'sheitig emphases
Witre tt, 0 4411Y t, 01 et tiatoestioeetieste
litg,1014,„;_cettIttrotted-atutit tklitte....11trouthibese, •
o o aids n rue Wit ill'ilr_anKTin pfirtiftlairttli .44 gargartfAMTnfoke
the linettel ow or sat* ano-ni foritia motioy than anyano 09. •
Tim posts.* Is mast. 'rho Wateriali ari 914„40.
Ths Workmanship tits/loft OMNI. ,
factory dote at hand and, titsposeWto 0,0 Y00 rtiehl•
�TetaI Disc Mole: , SetectIV.0 Slidlno cea'r Transmisaion.'•
i' Nickel Steel In all gears rind shafts. ,
Os *test /Dormant iraking sista* Imown-r 'attire in attionjeavy to roloaao-two hseepoattoat oote
, attattbod to largo ;Irons on tho noo *lite& ,
-7- - MODELS' FOR 1007
most, D-11 cylinder, 10 11.te go tech wham bee*, 00 inch a $ inch tires.....l..51,60.0o
7-7-311M1CrIC-1--cyllif "r. Ilers----112eSeeelt
---MOD104--F-4-eyllnder, 40 li.V., Ill Mate. dant:144 Mon, magneto *ad
- - . Itnettentstor„lilinottx 41 ln font Hind 4 iw ri3O, poiforteli
' taosstr-4.14 Aan4senyte cat capititf to harry itevon'passonsots........ ... $3,e7$0400
111,1ritZlintti 3111602%, 0•41‘.2T4111..X000 0;1.40103.
Canada Cycle .aritl Motor 0*. Llniltedi
DR AN OWN. . Ott IIW 1 0 t WiltaiP g Igi itiotooavorotottlitelboursee-Alistitalia:
- ,p-
41E1111.TTANcC, MEN." at ienfered tipOii. than -
as, re s Piteltforked Into 'Cana a the
he inayeas well give his full at. Was !here ever euellean _April creature.? and sit With your hack to the light; iteel thu
other increases until the
tow is on fuli grass, and even after _ 'land 01 Voritet:'
lo his< neighbor, for now everY hir. Marchant appears to lakeAto codies 5o 11r a
4t the E -shaped table Is titled up, part in the -jokes ; he goes on eating Ins .(To be Continued).
1.4---104401 4'y0 may over .1110e0 .4linner silently. anti his ,backs whichIsis ‘.
Vilf) site both at, tele
-Tong and eross- ,tuined-toWarti .1.1Urgoyite„ ••-leibitS
ards, It.,frdto discover any face In 0 -se. - , CAM Or A .RAZ011.
this some:dry feed of some toed should
always be provided that site may bal-
anee. the ration and avoid diarrhoea
in the inortar_fs _better Jhanasto&-,to
f?' lett% reset:0111411g that _which lifted - at war.. ' totrettieeteen itirdetffe barn -ffit.
itandlelight. las not yet •hlt ui)on Ikttnsel? Ile sees
Sea -front the -dusk terrace into his . flow is it that Eliztibefrs roving eye e
SOMO [lints Deeigned to Help t4 Horne
. Presently that the Caw lies ,in the fact
as it her •little sg.,Ildst, -then, that he of her look.alighting, more upon oitt and
$eNtrber„iRtinty delicate, ghost et But 'known objects of 'entertainment. thart
y should it appear to hint here? ..Why gologi in search of new ones; kitit it
lent these • unfamiliar shores? The niust sooner or later embrace hint An its
laly<•plgerse In the 1100111 Which still re- range. The -fond fat widow beside. him
entlirkeet nentenanted are those at a rout:xi lutist surely be one of her favorites, and,
tyle laid for three, In the embrasure of in ixtint of fact. as he feverishly:watches
MOOVISb, Window, not, very distant from te see the inevitable nunnent of reedit-
.. _
.I. ' It 4s not generally kitown that a razor
workes on the same iprinelple as a saw.
Linder e t•nagnifying glass the .edge ef
a razor is found to be Made up or little
teeth irregular and line. '
When a num is through. stureingi
especially if he is in a hurry, he puts
herethe,eils. , On...first...ea telling -sight, of. --itlliotl-•-tivrtve,lx)4Wtg•gtves-4hai-A11ss-,ffellrffimirit-;-rrefrliF -7--Nkhs-1-iyce-v-tir"--illetiroirriiiiir ififfr-dliiiiiirsititrg-tvrlidv
lir his razor without evea wiping it off. lo, economy, ae , will . keep the cows
t his. hopes had risen, only immediately Merchant, and her mother are delighted -The 4alies, it rpm ibo ease no applies elly as grass comes to take its place.
,t4i fall again, as he realizes that it is de. iy-though not to openly as to be mt.
ii ed ' for a trio. volyi:stontit Hipp ._ih,x_risi_cd__tho,404n1442,,,e , it to :his face.10(11
while a new coimtr3i offees splen!
die field for those who, ambitious f
- )•- ii1-101(/
11311,11S by the restrainte andeoppressions
or seems to offer, •ft place inewhich old
tis father c,oaxed him to go out tA
Canada and siert raneiting. which might
answer to his love for outdoer life and
:And there have been men'', of this
• who-- ihroWn' obSoltitel toxin
QWU restunite It- new country
have "bucked to," and --done well. but
irt nine eases out of --ten thee rentitt'anee_
le fatal; , •
It is e• peeted. and when comfort can
be lead by merely sauntering to Atte
poStofflee. redemption le. diflicult. •
livery centre in the Dominion has its
reinlitinoe man, and the commercial
metropolie IS not without 'the quota.'
\Weenie hardship 11114 -4146 --kir 11,V0 tk0S-
„rasibulteatLff.eeTtsii-ie teeemithiletornde:pineeesseanesmoiarmpsit)10-
, BUt, habituated to eaSe, and sure of .
c-reacittance-,- -witieirlv oar
nic, tind. cttra road there. is tra.
broattse Parni)ered Young lad AVIS IlOt
ghal lb;91'littt* e.ge76t11:11:-"441of 41.1,17.n.heetrlkl..eii7e11:2:
teen and. told,.:to Make lits .living.
LONGEST 1111.EilitA1)11 1111C.111,
As to the .kind of grain_ to feed while be forgottetw a place in
The pasture is getting ready for bust. sc'rrws IllaY
nitwit the sow1 offence, committed
- . ,-.
rims, I terve not found it necessary to ce.scwilere, roa'y be forgiven.
Iv se _particular. as at other seasons.' •,..
, •Toe bulk of the people who came but
foy -grass will Soon be. here and even 1 ,._,
axe no doubt had isestard to the Ten
U -nothing but corn be fed it win not
Co” thenandiueAStie and are Wholesome: in
burn out th.e. system in the short time 1 ewe; weal ions, but bunion nature is Me
Ibefore grass wilt te here with Ite taxa- ,, ft„ettve. and disianeeefrom itte_seene .4,,,
five and cooling- efMtse. - -suet the moral Itipse Is not ‘Infre-quegitly de-
grain..form-grown preferred. beeause of 4 sir(4\. .
or be-:Ictid'-fol!.piatilkiitir -filtd°T.fer -F-K-Kiccrifiiii-Foijia-iiiii-weeTeretili.e.' -T1t-e-tii.46ritY-4-71,nerj•--v7113--..411avel-thein
..-------------- - leiS' gliiiiee- at ' Tiftfi;linal life lib -leS'-''''-e-i. 'ef4vea-41°'*".841-;.-str4v 'their:4 b4-IttS ' jutteltesi(.
a disheartened sigh he turns to peeted transformation. .lierelbows eutvel,111.4,11 tnic'e 4 Weil(* ' 1311$ ‘.1* .1111n°ills I°
its 111 titVrc;tatiending to put to her a, been etirele,ssiy resting on. tile' table., aria. the ..(1g4. for, being tonstruOrtt like
ueL,11011 AS- TO the ilrittial occupants of shis bas just been pressing.iter laughing • T8aw, ttl° ' '``). e'ullfirl/ Particles °I. .1IttIr
IT .at'lts tePidliesS, and presents conceal uteir inerriment, in oh lament tlxi ra.ior. 001n dOing itS N'iork,ProP6r17,
OPP'S' itkblel-'1; 1, sh6lisaPParently lips against her tightly -Joined hands to clul-T uP tb° t°tb, al (I' "44 "IY 11--til°1*
h oiAt flte well•friiiled -13.1ck_oLhe he_sees...tlie righttamLgo4m1,..in' a sit but ats° rust 1-1Ib 'e'llgi!' i f .,
-to'llio ,eonversation of his i t
ees-a-ves, the next second lie knows that she also ' The fgrePor WaY 9 s tav,e) 1$ to use
WflSiV( had.- lie de reduced to listen. desperate clutch‘ at her rnother`e, and
ktiOltr 'cO,ilPfr, itvhe have been upon has seen hint,. They both stare helpless. l'here is less diffieulty in: th-074littrnft in
,itt.,,,sidewlee. slanting. sawing emotion.;
e.xotIrsiors, arid are detailing their h at Iiiin-at least, .111t2t one at him, and low way. and practically no "pull" un -
Is, lences. to (hose around then'. They- the other beyond tiim I Ifow well Ile ret les the razor 15 bl extrelnel" b441 6°11(ft*
teal live monkeys hopping about with- shoulder in search et someone elite Le
that look of..,.hers- sew lies Ilion. 'The man ' wto learned to shave
+Nil himself will invariably pick up -a razor
liave ,been, to Bildalt api)arently, arid seen members
11, .1Arganseor red -tIoiete tat Wit' ptilm. yet it is not tho old look, foe -that was uTtd rat-Ilii‘Pclir --111nd7fotelblY'down-bl$:
,. Ile its drawn infoillte oonverstitien one of !tope .and *real expectation. Is ,Obt'lek' Erbit, Minn who has learned trent
eitteetion Oddressed to hint as to his. there ttey 'tope or expectation itirltingeOriee, 4:1,1..0„.,k6°I.‘0:,..ii'll°nsmiAlle,,"„ivviii,,,irigmeniT,Itaft
q* .' ' - • ' • even under the white dread of lids one? ' nu?, °'"",''' 'emir, '""' '''''''' '"-""''''"' '
s.fliv nilitutes licferre lie again looli,-. Ili.% jealous boil; is Ofraid quilelo say Iv'ett '',"'-'1 '
neee glanee 1,,eveats that the (hive per- able took of retied ----4--aover lier 'fele; liening•a razort-
t tits' The table the AV indow. His no to this question, 'i*d yet an indisp t. liereoare the, proper direetions fors
pions: for :0,11001 it. 0 destined have at as she ascertains that he is .alone. •She • 17.0.11.rillig 6 'd411 ramr it" an edge_. dip
Idiot that...he „14,i Ile had forgotten Mr... Win a tiny ..Inclitiation , of- ehe..-head-on-
give liiilli; Sld6 of rob stone' in told . watet
do niit uso. hot water -nth On leetle..:ttil.
length- tirrivist glId . la:hen their seats. ell,r) collects herself enough: to
Le 418*-litint 7-f -piiKiene. iptaniple tollowCd .IIY 'her tifolher ; ' but 4illeyott erelifft a 'Ilill ion- - ,- ,. •, • ht 'Site . The Lannoyance of having the ,• t
ter' lav •rtlea? . 1,c • . , - - - , .
"Viterti rklek.1644k41g PeOPle, Eir(' thcY theY,are'o in 'both enses, so tiny.f.0 to be rilcrfrellY fiat. .sa: (11 *1 buttli back Ulla eolt, 'following the darn will be avoided3--.11t,-071C---.21L, C NillASTS'.
ilot4" sv,-.3 his 'neighbor in the red shirt, • unpercei%ka save by the person to whom ge Vracb the hopeedraw rotor teroSs ond ,,it teany ie yiNtr t t it% 4 It 1
i. , Ilie how fronrtteel t(.. point, agellit the .,..• „Itself. • Tii; rtio-cut•"'t, s'ainEetrit;r:'tsil'itiess: t t. tt.,"•tf 1,Tteen°5ittlilirOarig':iegeent°11ettvattlitt °aftrioe;;g1*
aPpartrilly reperittaig eif /ter late auster- .tltey are addressed.
' edge* hello tt t111-% waY unttl"Yourc.razor a. -, it 144,e voirtig i5 MI tieving uncit eit , . -. , .,
ity, arid, folb*ing' the direetion of tits _Ile wituld rtot Itnve been offended 1)y - f..- ' Allan '1 ''''- . 4 -- . - - -- - ---, ,r,-,1 a the .it 1 ants. , •
i 1 rn T st 'razor on themb Mill. It rug oround other- .stock and - limiting '
,,e..e....-1--;- :"Init:._ thc), Olio It (111 4"1 gl,c,a1 , the miptd(eioss, 0. their ,saletauene, eve° , ts. ,,S(ttlaoik.c;.s. te, , In ii c,,,,t • la- point iii 61. you ‘,.,1,, .,sk ot jeottingiernerit wliti nitittin.. t)
airs* loolvody in tile hotel le, good )t'* ,.1i had Ite nttot divioll tliet it was tlietattU u te
, *1 :... , "' • . .xtier " ing-as: fereurati of a- gang Of
: 1-p1 'n • has been, loice.vn
.„ . .
- ileinilki.-74.ealii.o..,,,,...M.6 talnizirit. ,kv )y,•-a--destrw-lio;v: Ter-lifille--40,-eoneee ..g.e.#1:-.4kPlUg.'41:14.,-.*"44•4P''.4tr4.',c*:. Ory..and liarlias.._11( the P._if.11.1i0S'A *bit., iitiv
, iln, fact of 'his ,preeettete-fetin their Semi -
and' , I altvais them
work 0140 'first few tdays if: it take.5.._ art
ell heater in the, centre of. the stall fo
do' it... writes. Mr. C. M. Kies. If -there,
is fir4.‘cs ntid a daywhen tile stist shines
-411e- sun
later in the seasorihotrkt le gotten out
1st "sdryslii4re'ottril d8eewe°11t1(tridd°1Yntlilf-trnrtothe, uglOraa fl) %Vhieh iiLnquiries ttmeymilarad ilwc411Y0:81,0.ictits_ifig;icaline(iti
ecially from the stewerds ilte Alp
deek theleasetves.. They will get-t*I"... f,,that young,riuta, heti been the girl's
tire.i..ibStt.lat.ndirie4realitneg°rtileg.ra*;lelldvilolf:hernillts,,k1fliartittd'e;lhefluit 41101141.1311,t,tttoft1013 9atoutrolindul.t'iolut
its quality. ..,-xiveitutt-trthtevouts
rout tg. a month old,„ it ought not to
young girl mpany with ,a strap -
pin VOW
ileeeenfessed at 4 glare
SOCittl ferforifY-ToUottan n.
li I She bii(1:•
arniing earriage. delleatelY 'tinted
s' Its., a Mass of ,golden arid, an
nt Which.teld_lhe,,story Of breeding.
4. i1.It 411L Wet 'tor have tt, damp, bed. 'Alter (hat i„bee,,,.:11,017011111.rneer; dif,;intentiddinthgattoth4eyo rlitiadvotetlette
te, if well cared for frbin, the first, ,st ""-` '
mi land in the Saskatoon district. •
t, 11 st, arid 11}3 InUell' emPu. stlr°1 Ir tv— .There Is ,soine strictness, of exatiliti.
as the ani, should lie allowed to be out iiiicat now,
In. ,;',.' ' ze ,,,,,e, ,# is ,e,„„ee , wholly exeltildifelt .1,b. 6F0‘rVattel-tre'iwttillT1161t-a61:
It 111‘! t144:411" " to w--* " 1- ''''''" - ' peari freqtrently in the guise. Of the gen.
belie!' th 1.av° th° ell/t at 1/21' bar" ',Ileman-ls indeed -the gentlentan, only
116m in°riting until It°un'• 'e449littg st,,,be 'Isst to duly, ta regular habite, .,to ant -
mare if . warm befOre allowing Ille,,,41141. r -, '
dently thinks them peepte of importance;
tike osttiel-
Probably the lengest telegeaph cloi-
eull',in the world hes been in oPer,ation
.9, kver a year on the lines of'lhe frulte;!:
London and Teheran, Persia's 'capital.
This,. eireult is 4,000 ftilles lp. _length, ,
ettful In ite comrse lt, traVerseg the Norlit
Sea for WO tittles aria spesses ,ithiteis.
116104.11. •rperrniiiiy; ilosslii, Tutke . in
Asia it id'Tteralil. 'The Wiintsterle au*
hinuttie system of transmission and re.
0-elition Is eniployed on the circuit.' Ily "
thifr3 systent ),IneSsagetN\tre tratistriittet.
t the rate of lion) 80 o 400 Words a
I lute, according to the" tuitune-of the "
rettites'ae against illi to 3.1° words by
manual Morse tranta ission.
On. The , tooderrire Pratt cireint them
nee ten automatic n ,- .ating stations, .
narOly. at Lowestelt. tindenwlierlto,
Warsovit, ilounoi i eqtia i RPrif0lt '4otts •
,Iiiiire•gatek-lf-fills-._and-r-Tairris, .-- The -
I ie ne air& st eve
14 I i..);()SMble ge *tr:e t its owl told only is. with \t,110 tI3in _ flaw to 10: nlittr 110' 'with businese for rind frein AtatielieSter and
1,V 1 tt tiPrie fkt nursing trot pro css of v.eartini4t_t
Attspi4 ns Nov; about tItilp wanton, 0111 hi tilt lit f0111144 f(101*
krisTer. "As the•te-ed 18
(.3 ana the Iiine'icipprk'gelles the licpursP, paroktr;e4t, .
think Linty dart 1VitICO. by Ti,141er
at#' 4.10k* 41b4'.,1t, ittlyOne eisei 'hi.kolt at PMtundilY. 111$ ,pily terwarits
him:now r • them, t;s 11L seern liew eittirel,V that Palo
, .
It w be uniler0 Ilia! nUtc)inottit
And in eifeet tile Oterqui7sue little, tiost &no) , at, inin Icfor she 414)09 e)1 too , .101CW Tittgft. ,
oniorA, k.Vntly ac,lilig tliern with fountain Of 1.?,liga ,111's pOoe hill $ jests; eninrk,4,41 Long,
C311$ 4111 141 'was ido:;tiv,1 bvilte mon bY the eitially lake the place- of -On.
f,6 mitt banWpg rixiOnsly writhe tipin in "his .dit,tionl ito dr'cd -the .,Digior is certainly a settaatio man, -- 3411‘;,;briPitrtiiitriltsttroe‘616°Prtatfili4beT.
'orators at the repeatina 61ot:ow. in
the etiee ot 11)4 circuit iinder consujilei.
hon there #te repteitime
and b,atteries #aeh of the ,len tteot.
ing stations. As the lino is divgded into
tewlarly Appetizing fist( ',the ,stionge:4 aim, (A.t..a fibruniods mere., pre-Selice has ,4Nperieriee 1 hod when t aSked to marry fan tvitil tor in ti Titolock rovtfy trtim , ,
qv, 14;. ngeood Large,;' oand from the iwortv,(''="ill'illiktI__:"I('ItIctItyk,,Illtellotitifiltt'(.1,04111tti,40d't liaq,s0,1 turit_47,0 4itI:(11,1ViontilniTiaptgnelitri:nv; ne. WAS'
, witi6100,4 .ticility whether the 1101 p3IN ftir, how =while and gtliWO 'Cold frightened, .
int Of lite bine Medlletr.aneati 410, 1191 laade her.• 'ow that they have qte.?ted' kl,, 0149114v 1 •iwie.,,hi. vent et, grog t 4it tic, , stock. 31,03 1.$ 411 woo vett . I orre,4"IltallIwtoitjler.sut-ovoriitilft,4sappteit'rr.eeitl; fitIten,116115. oil _ r. r.,t
t ul _ v, ..,
1..... pri-!!, i, ;C Ptkipli tiy
1 11"11h" tr I e' Ilt°Irter ' "4 '''411 tarn In about a fortnight ‘Vith bands .
.el of lime ,ett ieel."'t ptepronted h oats for,: 4116 Mist 401 yteh ,W4appeatuee. lie 'would 0.
. • leptktrohl itight
to ' har"tio4-. °tXi‘Olleebe rak'""nti., Ito& itiO-
ntole* .
_ Ntili„ tan,P
ilsin has ',(11'l0 good pointolon)ed tothe l4.bitlhirgndtniIgiltrered EVERMINDNriiC
141'ihSanc0c3mA gat
weeraiieg M. teeitre. o
ne illy
lit oll monWereualy vealter ag
a ,vzoinalt.- .itt .i 41 1' 4-1
„l!tuI14-1*c‘1141,YU"; A.Vh*, -91e"?afeil, fol noon '11 Ivy icc- OD a.
uti trilltOtnebitt;" ' WM. LatS 11.4 Ili& 311CanVe 'Ort'07.4*,
.hen•rhw; and Aeilicr itcrse4 :rtin' DI
,•,PittltALII,X CP. ; !tote fasIttre 'and !.&nat.ittor "f,11
rite itf fear t6t, Iflo 1'631 ‘ lw Ifilirt.
"1* %-41lr „husband- up yet?" •e11I1ire4 topl. the 'riogrs Joln ' ftt tt Mirri.vtirj
ill,tkatlY tno,...rtlinittlal_er,t„, , „,,. .,..%„1, tilt tc-A0 and then. Tie'. Na (hill fP,11
- 4 $111(91411 '11V: al,' i'w"c". ' '4114 15 tvt •441 Wird 14) ..rnitringcA as filo iriustiA4 .
1061(ing womon at thtf door. finds An 41111111, In 4V,S1r mlir. p
.4%Velt, I'd like 'a $ay. ,ft. Pot' wo
0 but ----,,,,
*IS.) vailild I; 116 Emma t08t6 )),it le, Are woke, oriongh li3` 110i1
Vitt I 'OtptrItiteet, t 0
r'Illurc' Item 'was a
1igf3teti. 'fli s 31tOut eestree 11)
i4 ftl
. '‘riro3.i1 ,;:ng 111)
itt,SiNin nL.e, Woe, raid
itt lieeelee
A,att S4'141'‘' St
M rii`'IViiW qt,
1i 4?‘A'F,:1
"AVL, t -1`1-);-"S.%0 1-1
itLti p;z:
tc? r,d()
MVO", 4410.1COlcickliti#41S00.4 •
4iliftrier,44. iron,