HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-30, Page 6 (2)Pr:
pieip •t Veil, :iiiiltaitr
,tport Uport the r•teeit of eealieriartitii-
eonductet yeer at SU.Ste. Merle
With ;the ,thermoielittrie 'proceee of smelt,'
Ang4aitail1nit IronoevkiTae repart
very successful, nini Iuve natio e
filet Canada' e :large i•esonrce,s- at magic
lite oreii eiln be as econ(intiqally smelted
ma hematite (gee by the elecarioiproeessr
, and that oreeof high sulphur eeittent
Celebe mode into pig iron Ceetaining
only a few thousandths of one per cent.
of suipbor. Dr. Ituanel estimates\ that a
16.000 horsepower plant, capable of pro-
ducing 120 tonsiiiia -pig iron per day o
IkT"r4ft' VJ
r.adrisaiin iiSt
tein-ret thtiater
'would; he .n.
of Ore; ehercoaliiareletittle
'Arid other' naming expeteseirtein gstii
inatee that a ton Of pig irepie Could.
wki 4t141.", .
expected to produce from ttatikr-ilve
forty to; or pig irori per deli. The. re-
Wel:lays much 'stress -upon -the possli,
eleveariping Canada's many iron
deposits by mewls Of the water poivers
which mie to be found tterouglictut the
Dominien, minting out tried many -water -
powers exist in Ontario and Quebec
surrottruled by irOn ore fields. • •
It I
-strong; ,orief. offered 85 to 87c. Bye
--licercre iNa. 2, c.i.f. quoted 'M. Ca -
64 ,4
eToronto, May 28. -Call bolted quo (t-
hous were: -
Barley -No. 2, 55c - bid; • No. 3 extra,
• 53t bid; No. 3, 52C bid.
Peas -No. 2,, 810 asked* outside; 76e
00,1s -No. 2 wilite, 45a asked soutstft.
- •
• No- 2, noxeit, 42c bid, 0te1eichieere,77-7_,
2, 746 aSkett, otitilde; 71C
e to 137cNo -e e Nee10-$3e ; -No. 2'
wheat:- Ontario -No. 2 wh ittit winter, I
mixed, 85e te 87e.
'ea heat -•-Manitoba - Lake ports -No.
1 hard, 98c to 99; No. 1 northern, 97c
IIF Diecel'ete-e-northern, -95c.
Oats -No. 2 white, 423-rie to 43e, ont-
side; No. 2 mixed. 41e.
' Corn -No. 3 yellow American, Ole to
C -2e. Ialw and rail. 65e asked all rail To-
ronto basis.
Rye -7114c to 72e.
Ihirley-No. 2. 534c to 54c outside;
No. 3 extra, 5234c to 53e; No. 3, 51*
to 52c.
Flour -Ontario -90 per cent. patents,
$t to $3.10. no bidders; Manitoba first
patent, $4.75; wands. $4.15 to 84.20;
baker', 84.05. Toronto.
t3rrn-S21 to 822;i0orts quoted at .522
outside -
`I •
• ,
NeW York, May_ 28,e -Wheat -Spot
firm; No: 2 red, $1.05X elevator; No.
red, $1.06 Lo.b. Afloat; No. 1 northern'
Duluth, $1.1534a f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard
winter, 61.40); Lo.be afloat,
Fourteen 'fileefllia-ai-bilhie-Pidhi-eit the
,• Starlit,
----A-eleepateWirenner-ort- 'Worth ',braze
soyaeseA severe rain and electricer Storni
ewept over Aerate= eife.xas •on Friday
night, ceusing much damage to proper-
ty and scene lees of -life. Aticast three
personia are known to have been killed
by -lightning. - Woe, Dentote, eight mem-
bers or the arVardiew nitir were in-
jured, one fatally, when the ilonie was
overturned by Wind. • Scores • of barns
and other small buildings were.. destroY- •
ed The eastern, portion of Winspoint
was struck by. a tornado, which cut a
swath 200 yards, wide, killing three per-
sons and injuring-marey others. Emory
was circled by the tornado -,--and six •per-
sons were killed, while forty' or fifty
were injured. Every building -on tile
()Gutty ,poor farm was demolished, -as.
I 114.
Butter-Dernand is good and supplies
Creamery, prrnis 24e to 25e
do solida .. 21e to 22e
Dairy, — 19g folic
Cheese-PriceS are firm at no for
large and 13.eac for twins.
laggse-tettclyeat- l'ike to lac- peroloreen-
to 12e ib:; combs',
$1.50 to $2.50 per dozen, acoording 10
Btane-$1.50 to $1.55 for hand-picked'
and $1.35 to $1.40 .for primes-.
Poiateese Fain; Delnwa=s, $1.1.0 to
.81.2tt in car MS on track here. entail°
Baled Hay -812.50 to $13.50 per ton
for No. 1 timothy and sit to $11.50 for
secondary grades, in: ear tote here.
- -Baled StraseoeSteritly at .$6.50 to $7
per ton, in car lots here.
• I
• .
‘in'thq e h4,4! te
. •:Jt1iHkr..101,41,ann.
.!Tke ProPosed visit 41' Canadr teentilitir
ret- to Great title been called oitr
The holestalieces-ot NViailipeet are 'qt.
• t •
peopOsed Increase In water retes.
•Jacob Cook has been appointed Chief
of the fin brigade Of Berlin-. '
Bellevilite Council has agreed to the
preposled C. N. 13. entrance to the city. •
• The'elev'entli flowhig well at Ale water-
works in SL Thomas haw -been struck.
W. Cook of Winnipeg hasoo- half-
geowie wolf that was caught on Ins -lot
Hugh Pattersoneof nonillion, a led of
13, was severely blirried about the eyes
by theicreetters.
• k,r,'s • •,'•
reksedeto permit Mormons to hold'
pen air meetings lin Onflald.
tiQu'rhoettilitatal,lortratiepsitinttniefsatolu4kriermosti A7.1.0:0114.,
p,t0,900.10*-ae25P0(14- not4)
444041V1Frilr ,t14.4ip*
' in:140701h 0040, Of
,) • ',:' '
cee. alya,and -Switzerland,
The Bank ot Montreal
valeatiars to adiust IL real estate tiny*
perties of the Ontario Rank., •
The per capita trade of the Dominion
• for ;the year. ending Mart% 31„ was a
little over $100.
fibruartision -will make a
eteoreirsgieetoiptitoe into - -the -.patter
broken reibi on XIII
' 4.41414
-17Cein ippointea
llep.artment Minister of the new Depart -
•Went •IA
:Conada's commercial agent ine-Leeds
says South Africa's peaches are finding
o -good market in Englandi
J. Gunn, of Winnipeg, ran his auto
• into the garrison parade, injuring soni0
men, andTs lined $150. • -
The Albe ea Government has appointed
a commies on te iuvestigate the car
shortage_ end, coal inining.coriditions.
SWitchnieri in the G.T.R. yards, Nia-
gara Fails, Iiftve been granted an in-
crease ill wages of 8 to 10 per cent.
The Grand Trunk Itailivey shops at
Stratford Vali be greatly I enlarged end
equipped with the most madern machin-
Mrs. Gebkge Renton, whose husband
"i;vas killed in the G.T.11,- yerds at Lon-
don. has begun suit •for $10,000 damages.
"-P-Pealar-a-New---shopoiewille t
6. T. R.- at Stratford, and contracts for
the structural steel have peen\ let.
Canada's exports to Great Britain for
the twelve months ening March 3Ist,
increased by $S,930-031 or 7 per cent.
aeC-anada's exports, to, the United States
fo . the year eridiiig March 31,st, increased
The -Ogilvie Mills Ciompany.
Najaiiokipergeeliave closed, another sele of
feu,000 bags 0 4ur •or se irien
atiaerter_e_ _
The tronble at the Car.it.W-i-is
-Winnipeg over the -new rules. for em-
ployes Weis tay the rules--lie-
ing modificalrrea • •
Jam' mininglirte in- the West riere-
-after-tan eaeied for 21 years; and
eto_ennaleant will receive inerare than.
• The Doniinits 'imports from Great
•Brilairt havol" ereitStA 24 per cent., and
those from the' "Limited Strites,. er
-cent. •
Twenty-seven thousand acres of pine
• rte-ar Sable riffiver, N.Si, have been pur-
•based by the Berlin; New Hampshire,
Pulpit and Oilier Co.
Mex. Sliapscott and V. Balmer were
respectively at Portage la Prairie for giee
trig licnior to Indians.
mates Town Council held a special
4' 4O1UTh1141LIL
tiW num-
ber of aruniten men There Zn
Francis -G. Jordan's on itante,s has
beet) sought for 12 years and waS only
discovered in -at marine siillage a few
days age. lie received ins father's estate
in -Seelointe-tati---0Vorthele •
Alberta's coati -of -firma is to be a slifeld
laearing a range of show-erepped moun-
tains with a plain and field iire wheat in
the foreground and A Si. -George's eress
for a crest. -
est destruction, however, occurred
the negro settlement—Many of those,
Injured /hay die. Ate, Gribble Smatters,
Iwo persons were killed and a Seeire or
more injured.• •
Ills Yacht ±00hii 'at Se, a an Party
ie. --
Took to the Boats
A- despatch from -
let, after a month's hunting, trip, on
Fraley, lion. James Dunemuie, Lieuten-
ant -Governor of. British Oalumbia; MOM'
Arelain, his son-Art.41w; three guests,
and a crew of thirteen, had a narrow
eseape, when the Thistlei Mr. Duns--
olioraor$50,00ezecht, wao_heirned teelhe
water's edge Queen •Charlotte Sound.
Mr. Dunsmuir and, others on hoard were
forced to take fo the boats. and -in •16
minutes after the alarm of fire was giv-
en, the Thistle was -Mulled to the =lees
edge. The cause of the 'fire Is a mys-
tery. Five hundred gallons of gasoline
were stored in the hold, arid exploded.
Mr. Ihmoeuir and other a in" the boats
traveledalt miles before being sighted
them up and brought them to 'Vancou-
,eor noon on Sunday. All lost -every.
thing but ihp clothes they, wore.
Dressed_ Hogs - Firm at $9.50 for
Irelitierearlataiiiiratte$9aroir etietorteee -forme
ers' lots.
Pork-e•Short cut, $23 to $23-.50 per bar-
er releamesse:$21i toe$2110.:.,
Smoked and 'Ivy Salted Moats - Long
dear bacon, lte to il%e for tons and
eases; teams, iikertinei eipd tigibtieriahrie
"To al.; 14,34! to 15e; blifelts, 163re
I's- 17e: shoulders, Ile . to llare:
• 1:',4c; out of pickle, 1ft less than, ;smoked-.
leineleePricesearee-Tierces, 2/4_ s
123rc; Oiler Mai
Buffalo, May 28.-Floure-Dull. Wheel
-Spriihri firm; No. 1 Northern, $1.09;
Winter then; 'No. 2 white, $1.03. Corn
- Easier; Noiaire yellow. 613frei No. 2
white 62c. Oats - Firm; No. ea
svatitee 50rre; No. 2 mixed, 48t. Ilarlek
12 I)
laritish Colurntila 111.1-tpre;s Employe
• Found Lying In Ills Home.
• A 'despatch trivet Ashcroft, 13. Ce
gays,: Witliene , Weikel% --iefillidoitatioll
years by ,the British Columnion Express
Ciompany, was found lying on the floor
las house at 8ixty-one !rouse In
a pool of blood, on Wedneeday. Ifls
rifle lay near. Ori exatnination, it wile
baled _that the bullet had gone•thrqugh
his body near the heart, ceasing death
two hours afterwards. Walker, had
been suffering front heart trouble .emne,
me. Ile was, horn In Seaforth, Ont.,'
end was Went 50 years age.
4A Russian Teirorist Was Badly
iujured la Par-Ia.__
A despatch from Paris l \
ays ; i A Ros-
si:la named ‘ Petroff, a ineitilete pi the
,Terrerist organization\, was on 't.,Vednes-
day severely injured by the accidental
'explosion of a ixnab which he was man-
ufacturing in tleirripartrueida,of a friend,
nanicil Steprier, in the lime Jura. flee
eeareliee ly Ilie polire have thrown little
tight on the mystery. Another 11u -seine,
iterhoil. woe ermsfel fit eonneetetoti,
wilIt the affair. but Wag, reit'zas&I, riA lie
peoviel that tie was 'on.y, an untlanse14tt4
t430,1 Of S!epner.fitid woo t*cdrtiy hipi to
t. reeettnin Wiwittcr the p‘ifice were hi
\\ .. . p4_sses1 el '14iirs.-fcs5i1;5.
\Ilittlioff was unaLte .,ie wt a &elect
beet; teareal the Roerreaaia't Meaty, mei
Sirpalteia esho eyrie present, effete, let
leract.,tlie hariii to hitir, giving lierhoif I to
lay cr,I his, it'tcut i0 g' -t it. ,'i,,,;;. killer deu 1;
., la.q fattoiivel, him and shw Berkoff
'otrestride Ile iltot ilisappeael•
-Mito.Setcputpt mi5ittgiv,
teen f411m41 tit titEn.' S. li6 pt -i; tri
• litritt arrieStriekrie Tize eSitteent let' lki'r
tfl-c..,-4 lia,54 te(Al c'hw11 to cue victumaul.
leg bci',eviitcnct.' ‘
ittraelan students meet i•eleitarly of :lite
stile des Mehra, where they deliver
ivoluitionary orations..lietroff frequent.
lyispotie Mere, Recently two Pniployes
of tile Russian Eintraaisy.were rgnized
at a !fleeting. 'They were Lateral- row
were terrified by the threatia Madc.
egainat them. 'three> polleetern were
crolocaled 'tzittiO Ilte plattoent, Mit their
services were riot requilld Ti; th meet.
mg contented melt ivitfi expelling the-
intrudera. *rho 01k-01301 Aetlang
to. discover if lieleciff -had been- tiling
no. *. • •
fit1141r4"41 l414Y4 tutt etze4f1641,,_00 evt'
--1114") &sited'
ratt‘1/4-tiy brtztitC11 here. .it is believcd:.tha
1.••:as c.inc7,e,-1 :to NgeEitsis. )h,Ttf's
ritecuts- *re, in the it6uge eataritothe
wrist, 11•14.10ottAy. tOtk, refuge aft'ek.
• ei
ro.ir ei ‘S.div,i,troff„
it ii;otrA-firtIly that a 't,t-test1 fli'
r:r•In Z:taigonht
htl:t.tii•c-it !tau)? '60W 1)11it'.es, are
ite'elistiegi One. iflitatediate tOstilt (1 the
nibiT: has t...tert that Ittaly Itteaelan, etlei
441% hate crtivfiVed '110ith.
'I •
1 II t
9 Vist,t4
.; e
:"..4 !Op
In 1
$)`, 4114 t
vt.# er, Itt.nas
negro eab driver 4.14$1; LOWS, M04,tooli
ineeteers 'drinks Of Whiskey without a
., 4 4 ',!.
--a ' .ii „;11, i i'''' MO .0
jukr; .1*s' Milk '
1,i?... , itka,;14$„,' ,e,rett, 00AnPfiggilk11.41' Ov..
* ; illtgIatbettAllv'e'diliK). thit*..thlevinat;\vIkitt: nhees.i':%‘
the seeSooi will not, be 640 Preintlic.int as
generally hetrieved•10, the East. "
It ill • aiiii
i .
'Voiles beSnirehitect5,- rolled out ot-hed
In his sleep and died in Bellevue Hospital
trent the ninnies le received. -
?Oise AOrta. Rai s, daughtee of John.
Reiss, Bloomfield, N.J., is seffering trout
bleed poisenirig as the result of having
run a needle 10. her right 'hand when
sewirtg,•. 0 ,
-the- etiortness kof the growingeeseiteoi
there does net Operate agfilnet a good
ovorti and that as a rule the- best crops
have, not been prokhiged when the
Spring is exceptionally early or Bic
seeding completed at an early date.
,•‘ i'
IN:L:5;60'4h: ;11 vi “:11'''
r ,
th:telviiiiial li
id but" the er,
quite satisfacteay.
41,y AVben- ;Mill: °There is relaxed
f r alarm. If .the latenees iseireling-Te
onainous. f anything it is ominous 4.
good erop prospeets. The West is nOt
werryiug; it Is the East whicii is show-
ing all the enxiety.
sald. that the new meat law Is al
great success, and ,that, because of rigid eby he Done, out cost is utile. if Any,
inepeetion -of every animal killed, the
• lieproduclug a forest by ,sbilying seed
Ibl40 5 name, a:les e is, however, a••nii tea c n it
lie e
,Chicago (rence.
acking houses again merit pub-
Less Than Planting. •
One Kilted, Three Injured the Bay
'. Street 'Railway 'Crossing. ,
A despatch from Tinionto says: RIMS.
ItceperverstialwRinTilitartilMatM,If WattfrAmtii-Ow-gtotimph67.1194M,,
York, biting iiim in the lege shoulder and ,pres,ent, tor it has been-b5ond that the tenth eineTho a e: was-inst
'hatut before, beaten off* -• „ joest.tias been: es gneat; at lea*, as that faraucis !tart. aot Aberdeen, nit.
Becauseehe courted ter for twerni.r4iir ipianting, oiVin# to the, high Price of steward and Cook on the eteamer. -was
imam arid then married another, girh'seed and the eultivittion which must be badly injured; W. M. Jevons, .'.243 'Shaw
-lobo (roomer, a wealthy Tiffin dperrielgtven to the ground tor -he Sown. Street, Toronto, wa4 frait about the Itead„
-tor, Tiffin, Ohio, is defendant In a-$20,-1 A good seed bed Is lust as important and Edweird Verret. of 2tZ Dundas
0On breach of promise suit. ' foe sewing forest tree seeds ort as it is- Street, had his right erne broketo all as
Di.. 4. Ai -Tenter :flue inen arresteeleinefee sowing- graina on., • Hence. the. whole the result of failing to observe 6, 17. p.
-freerteSinithe Ark, otr -the champion btrittei tree -on winetioir Is e proposed tio- isew 7-Zzigine 231 as it platted. a string .0
in1st.---4H-AheryfititUsSe et the fi-th *tree seede riitistette earefu -cultivated, - hieight •cars eastward past the foot of
:Years; :111-e- aiirstill'atiWdentlieteliagear testa . ofii-tardy.aicreenairitalrPritaWriiiii;.tft" atiXtg. -11Y•49; -
said,accumulated twelve wives, and de- in planting. This, at least, applies to night.•
;Se tedealli a b'rotirienstisrPiling - -----A level crossing without a single
'Iktreeali.litry _Murkier:ea Bayonne; Nilo: A,great ebleeitienl• to eiiedffiga alepree egatemaite,enct -without- proper -liglAtts- to
on going to her front door in the morn. sent, is the high., price of the seed, and enable the thousands or passengers to
hig t� get the mint, found the dead body m the eeee ,eff soine species, Bs scar- aruLtrom tiie' Island terpleas and the -other
of her son, 26 year,. old, lyirtg near. Ileicity at any price. -The present price steeolboats 10 See Wilere they are going
had vent the nightein-a_eitioottand white-epine seed. for-Pe:WOW, is two or what trains -arc passing. was
• had beeitistablied.
About 100,000 men are locked out in
Bi'Arlinv"ery severe taatiquake has again
visited Mexico.
Women's dresses made of paper are
• Rio latest Parisian novelty.
The Province of Normandy is Frances
greatest victim ,of strong:drink.
In India, for the weelt ending April 13
there were 75,472,deaths from-- plague.
A Berlin laborer made a race at 1,IT
• eg.
Sir Joe,epli rover, physician extraor-
dinary to King Edward, 15 dead.
Lord( Curzon tias beenitsket by the
'Unionists of Jaffrey divistn to -contest
tirt riding in the forthcoming bye -elec-
Sir 'Benjamin Baker, builder or the,
Forth bridge and the. Assouan .dam, is
The eonvent n of Iristi Nationalists at
flubIli voted' to reictf 'a Irish
Coon it bill.
The oldeat herd of goats in the United
Kingdom, owned by the late Baroness.
Burdett -Coutts„ are to be sOld.
minim went io death 1
n n mine *at Einattiviller Oar
A negro was. lynettkit in -an A
town for eeltipping a white anat.
Mus, lames A. Bailey, esIdow of allie
ellowatain,rhas • iven $10i000 t4 the Mt.
Vernon hospital.
It is hi -horrid Uit tfie defaleAliort of
Edward Mak, i Nev. or gem
broker, may run t 'n.1'111111(41 dollars. '
John W. "late. -1 is to pay Vis 11 a year
as rent' for tilq Bat 111 lite new plaza
Ifoiel, New York,
It. itq theitght that tt &oh owe yet%
sots were butticl to death Saiutilfr
tat a. fire.lit, a,/cdging home al Sail
ars'er, _
411;64 Ira
. joair
, Mae
bave. vat
'rtalt 1111TIKI*
et III the
-11 '$*
-partnient tit At rtsl!rigpai 'that -The,
1),n San, reineasco ate
ifit! 'of ettecke
,114-0411a ot
vkii111.1Lt*lettiv hig doirn.rmr.
trt ndcr,ikr ti **alto liqs' pro.
0/.:".01,s, sag 'Ito da r t pouo•
and two and a half dollars per pound.
In Germany It is customary to pew- six •
rounds of et iteepirie eeed to the' acre.
Thus the expenditure for seed alone
Would he $12 to $15.-, Still, it would te
possible to do with Sinaller spientities
or geed, though in this country so little
sowing has been done that we scarcely
have standard to go by in this re-
Another disadvantage of seeding ia
fled we ean nevea -tempt on getting a toe).
sible for the death of 1•raser and the
maiming of the others. Th.e man who
was killed and his companion were go-
ing south to their boat and the others
were coining from the lefty bout. The
Salitecwrialiratil, a att thethe jlLiat, i'was 1%11s:1.11.1:: ilt'or'lliit;
Accident by bearing a woman &MIMI,
and on running to the spot he %%as hor-
rified o see a man's body tying on the,
G.• fr. R. h•aeks and aontently cut in
god mixed crop of trees by seeding.
To avoid, the expense of cultivating
the, whole 9rea various plans. have been
. i •
strTjil::_white workem in fort-Y-thre-e-zutIrni-5.eare-thiten and carefully workedeatel the
ort the Rand, in South A_Iriea,,aee out oil i s,,,ed sown in in,„se. Ttiese spots limy
-* vary in area from one square refit • to
President Dtaz of Mexico licenses the i thirty squere feet., the best land heing
iParceieteidettiwit_oyfoguGunistainto arleirbelioantt.en_IPting,\ to,. i sfuelert4)1,71s. toniaLboin:sep.iolun,giell,:edryaetasInAegsilsn.
• 'rhe arrest of l'aknIat Lentn, a 11°1cin 1 tanee apart, and the seed sowii -in these
Russian rialical, -who- --organized --theiforeows; ee elope, several feet in width-,
first political earl_ lie, -and was- sent to I may be. prepar-i-A. •
•,„soug01-1Y- tile *1.1 -tor-nut-tResy-suA --as..--efiegtfliii„---cak,
, -
_Pe.. ,rwtx_tersbutuatdrg aueetiLtiorperities. _ 1,4 in. a haili_e_try and btruettAuctut_et.h, seedingLsmithelrst
tidal wave which swept .. the Cate:dine Matte a vigorous root ererieth and are
islands during the hurrietiner , _• very rivrkwardito handle 4n .pliattlinto
The Austrian reieetions-linve re-suite:a eis'en the _first year. "So the best way
iri the return of 223 German tuembers to do Is to sow the nuts right on the
and 107 Poles. '_ , erea on which you want the trees. pro -
A tierrera -prophet, Sturdier!. aecusea vided there le no danger of setiirreis ,:ir
or fotnentriareirebellion iri German South- ewer: eremals destroying a the flute.
west Africa, has' been- hanged. '
.eorne up, and in each hole • place three
Malteitioles where you wish thereirees to
- ..........-4................
fr four nuts., and the result will pro-
Two Ito see were Blown Down in the
S Village of Nixon.
A despatch from .Simeoe. Ont., says
blown down, trees and fences
blo2ked by the Cptitents. of a huge coal
chute • and lis ruins, is the reatit of a
:11Oven u1( Mvtpt 1ht-ilcir'f,SitfrTlk7irWeW44111fiult
west 4/-ft4r4, ilie mitre of ‘ilih eh is the
Village of Nixon. Great damage was
&the Ni*Ort,;' WO, beasts being bfown
d4awn and grocery- store \ badly
wrecked. in one of lite houses destroyed
• n -tiara
row escape. *lie was in bed, and
alone; evhen the butiding erumpled up
arid Vollarited like a house of cents. 111
as she *as, however, she managed , to
Crawl out of the) debris, and heytind
few severe bruises and a" bad fright, sua-
iiiiiied no injury. In the ,otaer house no
iitne was. initareet. So far as is reported
tram the 'stricken &stria there has been
no toss, 61 life, but the loss to the tar -
niers will be heavy, and later details
tire, likely io'increase tite extent -of the
disaster. In Shackle the storm was very
severe, but no great de -Map was done.
litittliAL CRIME.' IN i‘VANIT011A.
Voting • English ItroulAyrant Aturdets
INSAjliter eif kiiiorney Fairmer.
A kispatati -from Killarney, Man.,
:iy.2: ii._ bridal_ prime Startled it& COnt-
unity ,att: Wvinemlay; - ,atiornoim._ v.*tel
:yiiiiiir-41,.riglisit -inrinigivt----h
Lavirroiteo,110WItind ti$satillegl l'itiss.,
'gina -IlitArii a farmils-daught !yr, '. an
that . ratticiert8,t1 her. Ile ine rwaite
mode 'an urisuceessfal attenipt com-
mit ,suleide. The. girl tog hmse tee
I< -z' Prother oti a farm two miles from
hPre., Gokidahd bad :becn 'tnakihg bis
horne theN for ti,vo yrate,pagt The.
troXlier WaS, ribeent ,froin troilte fer WO
111-4111% (3115M 6
O ttPletoOle..itaid 4-1 Was *bring
this Olit ' the ctirito wq
as uiithit.
tett. -Ilia. tu 'demi" cut the g rit.s throat
with a tazior,\aritilhen his own Willi a
butcher Ik011o.`L
A • Way At
Itch from Cthn1i 011,104 _0
lkItginttlt.ifo widoiAr d the
t'rc:tk1t Afeltinloy,.ft1t,-1n10 th
thst-littows, sit() swikoktibig. 'Th*
Iran'ili*fl fecto &Sib. *as .1%),
f4lfeikfttl..-ood gratItial thitt tt was, *lilt
&flit:01y the Vigilant pliv#klaiig and :at;
,tesuilattis tioted *lit* diaseluilen, Mist,
The depth of the covering of soil is
another point of importance_ • It will
usually- be found- to. cover the --seeds to
the depth of the longest dieirieler of the
t I,
Painetyilive Per Cent. of Wheat Plaited
A deepaleh leaner% innipeg says: Pay-
oreble weatber-Ti now beaming down
no the West, and the wheal has Com-
menced to come through the groand.
In some cases it is an Melt -high. and
with the present fine growing eveath'
. .
• progrtss.
per rent. of the wheat is in, while some
homers have, eonapieted alt their sow-
ing. There Will be no decrease tra
wheat acreage.
4 .6.1.1161.1;•.00.**...
A jury was spewed. the' evidence put
en, the ease argued, a verdict of guilty
bromtlit in andithe prisoner sentenced -to,
twenty years ip Slate paean. fn one
hour and forty-fie:reWee in the triel
of Jim Taylor, Skied n, eat., charged
with aesatlit 10reib.
Fraser was a married man, and lied
part of life _furniture on board the Cur-
unna, as he intended settling in ..altilida
S WaS 4) la come onrTirltll'f,i:-
ust•next,, and -was to bruig the, tal-anc-a
et the bow -retold goods and the baby.
Bert is a natiVe of Aberdeen: Scotland,
and unmarried. Several of the crew of
The comma eame to the morgue to
*dentify the body .01 Fraser, and they
Ny,e1,41, quite indignant that, as they"
CialS were allowed to ran on the street -A
without -any proiectio4 to the _ye'
»cdtli of %Valiant Rickel -data West-mins-
ter Tow nship, '
A despa‘i 'from London, Ont., says:
Witham flieliardi a well-known West --
Minster -trievarre"Iirpara eifier, died -tin Sat
• day afternoon at the home of a netghtior •
from the effects of drinking from a bot-
tle. cknetainint,, that. boUght
to,, his horses. Rickard was in tun n dur-
ing the dayi 'and obtained the medicine
from a veterinary. It contained a iiirge
proportion :of belladonme Before- tine -
Ing licone'he bought a bottle of vitii.sapy.
Ile stopped at the hernia of a peighbor,
•tialted .for- and. left...fer.efehirei .
posted -lam to get his mail. Ile turned '
tater -and exclaimed. "My God, havo
elo anything , for him. The only theory
advanced Is. drat he took the horse meth.
ethe retsiabie forewhisliey.
Three Days' Rain -.Culminated in a
' SnoWstorm.
A destiateh front' Sturgis. S.D., says:
Atter three days and nights of stemly
rain, snow fell on Saturday afternoon,
culminating in a blizenre at night.- The
Orrirritry ii theianiglity
drenched, vireatics... are - overnewtrig
niany bridges are game. , and li.avet '
throughethe • eiveritry is earnest inters.-
e 'Black ths tired With
A cle4111 eh fr C : Piny.
thrke, personsvCre taten to fizspliats
Stiff ring from . en li_cat14 ior lifult_rsi
oe 0 itetwis0 d toasty ifliort:41, de a
restei4of the el x prealt or the Black
Itund , e here du ,Tuuday, folleuing
iltoissioalibil of ilro iklitte killieers.
.. . :
lit ' ailtlitiorn- abOut' a, Iiiradirod, , perseto
were less' getiously ii)lurei. Tile vic,
ins' ittCltuled women. thilittext aud stip
.0i. It ti el,IONI thitliJout, of ze.v.th o
ltkli. gituti1ort,01,113* Rota kitetra.i
r1ni tht JeWs :bed rtlifiailitil-ilie
/` lb* attif4e-tvidt. fiefs:4 , I
lic6 turtitil ill* tilliCt Ito -dtOtig, I
it‘ttitti with .eldis 4144 ,tutbeti,2141
Itwish p0.16itistis we tittlally • -'
and matt? beti$es itt'iti* leviisli. qu
were loott4 suit ih*ir ottupahl,..5
itRliltkt. 110 disoNer 'MAW fct 'At
heursir' IM folk* utal4ig'tto attetial,
juppis. .11. FOrther ritilitaitlitt sts
.cOssi.ttg. OtrttiA68.
A despailt-lcitIth liturzeia Oolantio
Silas Fai•iy-fivek taut weetenen
Kuttpere Splinting Alia -Were Lhoi
on 1iaay ntorniniz lay n petrol el
(Zoo/eke, be -eaves° 4 .tontit° itcriorit,15
attaed evageri in the mightier -
heed; ked it event ntail
kviaiinded ofeillier CO atir anit teveirioete • -
011iee Officadie.
4 dosptili,h tritu 14-,ip.r.olr'oft *4,2.1%3
Ittretring to rtinto
neecratit\jef plot. aireirist 'itiouratire, the
ISTet9e Vremya, ziay5 CtIttSpirati4rg,',1
Stit,et*Teil,'itittng Ni-,11-aer atItAlttitiit
strviizeitt tilt
tient tbmisi • renhecitGui with
Stetrt,rAllitreliirte end 1I4 vth
titlertett 'ho itri iit. ni Itt6
Us's iotiect to, -
ing sit