HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-30, Page 5 (2)A .
.ip.tak .the
t nd us wxIous to
utt the way --.you WOW
tobuy. -
but are gtied 'marmite** and
fully .guaranteed. .Coliada's
-test ruakire-found-ow -cot- -
liborisnd -price* are.. right4L
'`,3721.4 •
Also 4o not foiget to come biro- for
Stationary ' Bic e
r• -el
0 4 $* o
b CArKages and Sirgtuons
is lin essential with ue. Every-
. thing in the construction of Our
Time Pieeesis shaped with
in view. They are made to keep
good time and give good satisfac-
r Present Time
Patin Time
Or 11 Ti132,0
**line of Olecke le complete and up.
• to4late.. •
t • One a! . Oar. .
They: am -the-- best,..at-412
low price. Call and Inspect ourgelf
' ere' stock. .
• .
The eiveller
naatiou Ln the 040140k
• 11M.04411i,eaIco,
recr for theArgget neelher....OfebiAlte
curs ot *le ills is Lydia E. /Initiates
egetidge CompounL It tegulstee,
ttengthene and ‘ClAret diseases of the
female Qrganlani20-nothiogelle.eae,--
•-VOr thirty -.7:110/1 -It_ bu ben.11411,PhIS
wows* to be etrOrig, Curl et
aeronomy's; kldoey troubl
tion of. the feeale Mauer weeknemi and
displacements, regulating theiziods
perfectly and, overcomlog their It
hu also proved itself I/wallah e In pre.
paring for childbirth and the change of
end testimonials on.file..litahe
OCI*tIUfl.1t1 .
MIN Weitto
he school an
„. ov
on w
rturxtibio:461 4ind:.004 a ju
vvt); The' inYttati
.. ,,,,#.,. , ,,,... 4'''
. 0 ,... .r0 . 04ittol, .hetown zoni
the .,toritet ot the'llutielt*--Wet..". .14(
. ' tedfotTlatrigtey''''''er-X30
Moved by InepeetoeToo, seeonuca1,*
Mr. Metker tbet. We try to secure . the
attendance.. of the trusta-eitat our meet -
-nex year. - --T,4-.-
•.-tx., S.: .ovrard of Blake then :Intro.
Mi :
.tid ., r):01iliteek.''oeitt:-.4,-".thiaoio.
.t.qte...140000jki he..1010,40,M;OrefettreCtl**
and peolittatee, He iitdecie: Anted ..1, - To-
luive a Qttestion Premier JO .while,h quer*.4
Mons of dileipline, regularity, _purictu
ality; ete., may be plaoed. ---'2.• TO have :
Trustee, ttipresentativea. at local meet-
inv. ' 8. 'All teschere0bould - become
emb AO be in
et Otithla, Mk* (regorjbedthaI
te*cher *leek t *.: OPIerttton
ifa tiding in the esteeM or' .,thO
"tel hit ectionl,b0e14 I hi* 9,mtn,
er Idznei
which be is it
tor nal**
On .ta
* .
• r •
MOOT wasopened W.414
Nwn ee In the :chair* Ienal
Musical Program was Presort °NI*
sistingeg the.followiug-n umbers:- Cor.
' WOW, Wm. Berri; Inetrumentel
dutitpidke0eigadre.13.1mttt and.Bileen.
Ce4.1 g#.May Snell and Tom Carling.
;lobos -was siecompanist.
The President'. address was full o
Inspiring thought*, being* one of the
beet ever given in our ArsociatTon.'
claimed that thesehoOl was theeouree
of greet,influenee for go4jd re ally
asit,:s; tortista,,Us::o.r.s"%‘,
.4.14 eat Cs "
*liquid taken. MIs. • trice Ando,
iiititateldiOuld 14-virr---lielpfn --1,-
Every teacher should he pretent.
• uselentr-shoidit-tir -bb---righ au
opirited. Practical class teaching
should be given. It Is impertant 'that
trustees ehould be present. If thle is
i ' sible, local usociationsshonld be
d and bevethe- truateae, meet t e
• here herein order-. thet,the 'tr
Ibtiyaotitiliiieteri - 1)-11"i"i• I°13 w/ali ' e°11tin
The su ettion..to• Welty tresteeu_. t
our fast t,..
utu was refer -R
red to esolution Committee, , .
' W., B. Johnston and Mies Ilettrill manner? He held that at the present
took u- the subject of ,proper schoOl tirue our educational._ position has Ave
eqi p mit; h _ to seem, keep andgeneral charact.eristice,- enlarging ' on
its -it, and u ed that proper equip. each of these, viz: 1. A state of unrest,
u at wits le essay, that these may, be 2. Too much is being placed on the
• to 03 the parent., 3. Thing* are being made
eared bvdireet appeal to the trusies teacher and tea little shouldered by
o by holding eocis, entertain
' garden Pirtle*, ostances being iv- to4easrfOr pupil*. 4. There is a ery
ti. illustrations were given of the ad- tOri practical education, ,regardlest -of
vaotagettolhavingproperschoolequip- he -educative influence of .subjects.
relent showing the ease with which 6. The ditappearance of men from the
eubjects may then be taught. protestion. He then put in a plea for.
W. McKay of Hernial' tr4ok up- the 'Government's honest desire to help
,Schoq1 Leaving Examination education in Ontario. Bethought we
.01..og that it. thould be restored. **Maid give the department and °spec-
ut thia exa.zulnation it is difficult ally Dr.$eath a, chance to snake good,
those who pass the entrance' to still he believed that a, serious loss I
n to thepublic school, when they statained.b'Y theabolitiou of thek Mod -
!Lathing aitivolarto-wprk for
on'Who folio**
r I
many of which are freak me to time
ey acute of the •value Of Lydia E.
litm!* .Vegetable Compound and. M'ri.
Plukham's *Mee.
Mese Phslittateis Statirding hsvitat1001
tolWomes'#-Women sulfating fromany
. weakness, str6javi to
pmniptly coinratudcate with-Mra Iink
ham, at Lynn, Mara. All lettere
received, opened, read and antwered
women only; groin symptoms salty
your trouble may be located and e
quickest anit stir -ea .way of recovery
Pinkham isdanghter-ir4 aNti
of Lydia E. 'Inkhorn and' for twenty-five.
years under her direction and since her
demase she has been advising sick women
free of charge. Out of the vast .volume
of experience in treating female Ills ,
Piukham probably has the very knew./
ledge that will help your ease. Simi
any 'worniut,, rich or. poor, Isfvery foolish
if she does not bike advantage of thit
gene offer of sailstance.
,,,itorrhapa, a Noe
.40 $.1,Perbot4 At** vinyl
will care. Sou bran
phdn pkg. on receipt_ of p_ria pa
nail re& Th41 MOO 006401011100 10.*#
If Maser) .._ ______Tafrowtto.ftte.
Great "744sedt
'Tepee end %vizors
ut. '
ceforudek Corn, s King
Manure Spreader
At $60, brand nevr a'year
Aiwa few::
• Success Spreaders
:Wire Fence
0 have a few hundred rode of fence
• • left at prices as follow:. , • -
fres, 401n, high,, all No. 9. at 31e.
• #. .
4I a's
Agent for the, ttylvester and
t!eriin Plow gompanies --
oter Ontari
604 tit**1110 TOTI
seta odthetual
he Uwe*
0. 10.
inter Wt
Telephone .01 to
of ra
new tonixtdin
none* oeb*
o for 40 t
bird to tb
sum -trona, dm'.
Wasu eatabliahed twenty _years ago and by it* thar
(MO wakaind.honoraMe,deathVy Mite patrons
.haa become one of the largest most widely
known COMmerelei QM** in the krovinee. The
demand upon us for commercial turbots and °Mee
satistanteptatlyereeede ttio topply. We 1110444 our
graduates to poOtIona. Students are ;uterine' each
week. Catalogue free.
- 'Principals
Parkhill:- Fred Hodson, the you‘
En liahnian who so. ungratefully rob-
his einplo er ,arti benefactor W
be working itt the farm of Dim Jame. t
not far from the town, and Chief c
Manes ...irainediately.--went*--out and
brought the young offender 10 Olen.
untreistood that all the missing
Articles hav‘e been recovered, and It ie.
believed. tlat the boy was week,ratber
than Criminple On Saturday be Wall
sentenced to serve fifteen days in jail
with bardiabOr.
, .
,.:, n
fie, era In order. . in, the best
.ey,; '.146.-..,:t'.- • _ _
n. oadaiiiii- ...*redIT-teitallent
addrestOu (04141-,,Training,"-Iteldreg
•that perente.shoOld Attend WOO phy#
0404Mentali.moraitaint ieir oue teasin,
'hilt '-.41)d net .. fOrgettin . r„ „
naonera. . He also b , t autideat
.eberacter for tea -Oben. . e: _moral.
eltaritet4rilitthid'ite-Of the'highest*.the
,tettmeetvw!the,c.:Volec ;.11Ur-i*loit Anil,
trtile inapiriug.
tiounvbee eri-- -Kite inOre- that was
Mr. Sttang,B.A,,o the Cofleglate
nstitate, -Goderleh;-epoke- on *iTh
ICducational Outioor in a .maiterly
to ge
eed with r, McItaY# addin
. • bat teacher6would do 'better WO
in fifth class molter. 2. The examine -
tion would guide H. S. Teecikers in the
-standing of pupils about to enter their
school*. 8. That parente would take
to school regularly'. Pleetoinimi
coetillted by others.
Theit 10,tL,.-_,Ottribl*„1000‘,,--14-0-;L:itiLV
ISQUITUfe ,1* Milk" Vtintingbi,tri# 1000-,
MOtte • And other0# 'I , .. '
Schooldelighted, all by :their **Teat
A el of ehilditen.froini. the 'Public-
J0Pg; .,_._.`.7 , .:....... ._......... ..........-:___;i,....",.......„,!:_
Inopector-Tom read and explained a,
!Mgt metc..14.1
Uthe COW-
tini 4WUllas
t tt
ter 01001 Ood save t e tog t
Association adjourned and repaired to
the Trivitt_MeMorial-churc where
they *limed the town the tower.
The teachers seemed loath to leave at
reitlidiftarhaVe been -One oUthe bst
Institute* we ever held.
; -I $
be called upongavea few- encour-
worde to the teachers.-
Hearty vOte0 et therake were given.'
to. tilt Who contributed to-the-pretparn
aa Well as lifr:Irebbutt and Other- Exe-
ter teapherr who had made such excel.tentertin einertts. The rneetingetosed
lona Anthem.
diterenep04-10:40- 6 WC
eeipte igh-totat-expe
* 06 110.
Moved by Mz. Ie1-
gaty, se0Onded by Mr. lio•waed that
the Secretary receive an extra -1010 this
year and **Mari of $254 year„hereaf..
ter.-0Carritid. Was ta0Yed and sec-
orided:therArtutend sla,,,to the -Muir
Memorial frond and 4$15 to the Miss
umber of government amulet% 'ex." Sarah. Maxwell .t Memorial rand o
.plaining the manner, of distributine,,Miintreal....Carried, • .
the liberal grants to be made to school; -The •folle*Ing- o.fileers were then
sections, *herring that Ow are , to be elettedt-Peeit., lif.R.Long..Pongannon:
Made On theessessmeet, the certificate Vice Pree4 Miss S. Gregory; ;Exeter;
of the telieher, the equipment and 40-.' `SecAireint,, W. Johnston. Iappen;
. buildings, ground', rooms, blecktioard,, M. Field, Goderichr„.A. McLeod.,
c outmode tions of the schools each :ealinc1111 J. W.Ilogalith,11xeter;,T.
detklis ventilation, heating, etc.,'. the ZurichLM Sharman e -Goderiehl
_Mist St 11,---Aiderson, St. Helene. _
Resolution doproittvr brought ,in
That in theopiiiion of thleAssociatkin
the ES. Les.vint Examination should
salaries of teachers.an the value of the
schoollibrary., Mr. elgaty thou ht
eichervrould•loo be tenelitted by
he change. G. W. Shore thought the
bange-a-decide,d lin rciveinent: trus-
tees aresenera!lyw to make..
:vision -for the retiLdrentente-ot.
sellooV-Vbeti they -unbeaten -4:
blies &Gregory reed an excellent
per on what it teacher e.en and may do
to improve his statue. ItiehnOeSsible
te airdelortice to thie„paor a
outline 0? the. points.
, . •
Lhe lower icrottlott of a fire -pot usually neatly
t•aittir' 'Oiled with (toad ashes,' leaving .the
-hot coals in the met part. -Then:suit is that
tippet, tnuch tat*lre, than -
* Uneven ix stit et
too g* -cat for '
• Sooner Or later -it will
7 heat itr#4ti.114- It#16,1/1gases
• Stieitiifi S ,
',Olt 4:
. tonatrigt -t nieet
ditimi. it It 1 tient. Tbe
upper half rt , notch:ink
tieCOUtt ndently of the
0 its 0 ititett4"-firtio:
t - cop
Attd iooita
1,sgis and hest...tight).
eel:pot:1i just one
dealer h
Sunih' *lite dime us ic
1.. v.
Ideeitered,,an all cited'
thoul&beexiuninett in -eat/rand-
flubjeet of the program, and teat% the
Meantime until the Government tees
lit to take action in the natter s* corn,-
County Council. to makeprovIslon for
locidAtaminittion. That those,
ubjects, 'vit., History; Drawing. and
Physitr *hie/fare now' arrentlY
444 *hold, be made su recta for
avIvistIon. . 4. That the number of
tistees for rivet schools be-. increased
In three AS sit present to shr and that
two be elected. each year. 4. That
Townehlp Conventions of trustees,
Octet* 'and ratepayers be held-irt
some central abbot at such time and
*t-ttit reit4t-l*M714
executive, consist of three teachers
nad throe trustees. , .That In v etv Of
'et fact that good work it being done
our triode/ 4400414 'theVtbotte not
dlatontinued. is proposed by our
Govertivent.- That the *Otis for
Boltituee Literature he not, set
rilfelY **la ',:,torlc. but that In. addl.
*lee . limberof lessons Vont.
be relit* Ruder be eat.
exid 0. Were ode. ' 'end St held
over. '
The diectumio
• llite 50 Of • u - was
HamIlton, 3. W. • rth
**Otis; *it
Morality, truth, u self -watt
tact, eentmon sense, pattiothswe 0E04
Oold be tenghtltesoim and pre
0004 private and pubi talks, 46.
identelly and otheiwises '
o AFT1010014.
Me.crlertlitig iiitt6diteed Abet 41
on how to • eetu
,eubjette in tot
rzot ons' roe examination litem
h ettpetiallyaboildn't bsve been
le 'the efitamiria Wm; /10th teaeb
•e pupil* ntier\neglett t
grt tnetly these del
e ion.
• It I h 140#•, -00'W
The i0041 in the"Qoest'
t *arloty sub*
Intnector Too and
$traIij-inittvery irretrottive Awn -
A grant of $1. Was made to -titers**
tither of the aelsoollsoust% A Lireeety
vote of thenki Wrisi seta In Moor of
board w Iv, wel141441 .
tie to thew
it watt
• O
Lcd, the t
▪ •
• A $111111iSe ,1* !Mob
'Creint Stidsi Ytai-open you W.1
nd * new delight in these &joy
Wilenyou,vranttosurprise yourie14
give your gipped* a treat with
fifth aunty
fey. „
Perkbill; While playing...around in
the rear of hie home* htge Harold Mc -
Henna had his foot Crushed by e heavy
cement - brick which kit on Wu*
Ilayfleld: T. A. Stinson, who hits
carri, on a general businees here for
veva yearsplistadecidek*n„...imtrniant
of billingfieattit. seiltieSt9.04.,00re-
Mitchell: While_ in____ Tor -J-3 Wed.
nesday W. B. Barley sustai a bad
Accklelite'botiffeet heirignin er by
A large automobile. The liones of the
instep of one foot were broken and al-
so the toes oo the other foot.
Olintom Itobtatin-g, sou -of 'Water
Eiug, whohas been taking poti,rse at
Clint,ou Business College, left Thurs.
day for Walkerton, where he will
have charge. of the new Business Col-
lege about to be darted by Mr._ Spot -
Parkhill: 'When cleaning out cis.
tern Charlie Dcoriord met with a nasty
accident. A board with a rusty nail
in the end dropped -back on him, the
nail entering his knee. Blood poison
was feared but this danger hes been
averted. -
Hibbert: On Sunday a little son of
incerated_hy .1.1r.1.1-laintoes.dog *t
whose home he was visiting. Several
Stitches were required to el 'se the
wounds and the little fellow s gored
Ailsa Craig; Mrs. Rennie, wife.of
Rev. John Rennie a retired minister,
anciforater-iiatithrfor -inany-years of
e Presbytmien. church; here, died
neaday at Aarnia,' at the *gee?
AND c!.,111:11BOYE
Highest Price poi for- Graiii
(Suceestor to Joseph-Cobblediek). -
Atka Craig: Martin M. Grimm. fail:
er of Oscar einun of thia place, Passed •
awayat Milvertou on Smiday in his
75th year.
Seaforth: ?diet Beck Horne has
gone to Kenora where Ow attended
the vreddin •o her brother limes
• 1 4 44 le
011111131" al.$711 irrri
came to our villagetroM Loudon, Rom.,
ir year *go left on Saturday for Pau -
dela, California, where . she hate ob#
lied a poeitirm on an ostrich farm,
at curling -feathers„ e, trade which she
learnt in •
Parkhill: • • At the recent Miasonau
Convention held at Graviton Mrs. 1.
Stewart- on behalf of the Grantor*
W.If:A. and W.M.C. read short
address and presented, lira. Allin with
certificate of Life Membership of the
W.M.S.;:-yalued at
Downie: 'There pasted away Mon-
day at the residence of Bobt. Bo'yds
air old. Veteran of the - Fenian Raid,
*Mrs. BO-y4for some) time. Death came
atter a brief attack of pyieunionia.,_
accountant in the Merchants! Bank,
has been retnoted to.1, the ,Toronto
here riesday sts,EtainibwaliaT -Wine v
Walker son of John Walker,,Roxbpro.
has been shot in British Columbia.
.St. Marys:. ... 4johnFletcher, .formor
clerk with F. W. Button, was present-
ed Tuesday evening" with i a nierniter's
badge by the brethren.14 St. Mzya
14K1FcaefoNr:Ii. 13411WI'*°*()*od * been recKived.
bas been
thr*heeniemx'peeo lle_to,oireat'tiunrnec
St. Marys: ieTvweroo.• hotimiatitafttbeert being
of his heart. John • u raLyiratircur- editor of
ThMae-ty"Anh"l'aterliPort u He was bora
here. 50 years ago. •
Mitchell; -Mrs. David Murrtry414igh-
ter of Andrew,Ilyeri of town tliekl at
her home* Alorikton On May 27. She
is survived by her husband and three,
sroall children. the 'youngest only 4
few days '
Pullartoni. -Sohn Geettler, 12th line,
reeeived.wOrd it few daye ego of the
death and burial of hie eon grnest
Moutana, The young man, who *its
25 years of fig% went out there seven '
yeti* ago: Bit father Intends going
-• itrtinr- ---trg*Wthetatitif
hive daitartheton- z Th- oreasi-r-7; noon toy
batch. etkp Daatsiwe takes his the 2.1yearold ton of Samuel ,
lace here- Word Prid wandered into the occkata.:*bere two.
, oufl'colts were and one , of them •
ant Rora r"ematratirnioarloedefizser ketiPe_tHektogttiirfrittrahvenvietthim on the foreheadinflicting
Oilfield: 1.0n Monday there Weill& seious. Vive stiff!** were retinieed t�
ewvifecie oltitJaoheneen N'tieetraelai.t4' tntonery ttelo
the city of Detroitt Efenrietta dose the wound.
flieskrer"- Mitittcbdemlizi-silte criallenThadoimoptitoorn,OLI:4o.
noon train. Th.,._311redlielaidipt.t14101111,44r, tionaiii 010E6 0411 frOilt bett4 Setri01104
the funet'au Pcuvrcu injured May ' while driving near
*Atly. where the interment took -1i ace..
here. Their horse, which was a opirit.
Blatishard: Death OlitiMed one `of ellne, „.bet,Ittos vamansgeable -and
ciur *nest torwt,e4--- Idortetra 6E11,6***; when going ortextizorjoiteing=ch.noth
dayininnthe person -TO? il'Ohn Ch:PPejl_11,di„nwere_th *At
thtloWashilY1°1"11 '1°71" fortuns,tely escaped with a few Willer*
e bad stiffered trom-ifi health
tor many ems And tad been serious. ,,..21306„..,...Y7tieldolii re.irior.4 Deathherr% enovlelutedt tear
ir ill du most of the winter. ato merood7wite
that bis death Blytb: Oz l':'44dil°0104t ittle07e:orteil40.1011(4 sit'ret on° ilresnirlie44,3.bser°111bertir oon'lltbs
tfireeret"Itilleritiii 11631134744*(tillrehrettelt."51*Yea*ti°-1-11--; 414:4114:114101,04IndbatitA
OUN**11341 b411,41404. II* to; lief+ Inisboad„ 0100 ehildrere
the firetraker on the round but I . Ihe
I held flee and he ran an picked It Ore itiriairTf!st "IYfr °OIL re*" a NM' Irtnt*
1,141a, titoOvt roult.„ Be was in danger •
Seatortin. Wit*, Might h
of losing th.ezsight of the eye..
resident •°Itdtrilittr"*.andits4ttuptii.,
ea by dse:Lant Dr it-annoany.--
• very serious *Celtitair.-har
obn 14 Rozboro, WhfI
clustreet Sunda
ugh pert or the
oftown died Ind rtidat after. (3
4 v
t tfl
noon. rmesaised had - been witti '0 the front wheels etiMe oft
rheuthatisto for mane time, but the 11°11e, *IiirbetIPIritealsWitmdithecrol**
elly beteme tinto
“ down the street* 0
teuing the toPan
trouble wit* not, tioked-upon es serious frighten nod started tO klek4 litt.
'end hisileath comes stet * tad surpriee.
kerstuitht John Merrely, ,South
el Ville* With recently' Crew.
001f0t0 Attack or Awn,
t aid* Att. ,coctati00 boo*.
,_ which' yeas Oerfoemed„. Thursday
evening.roe * few vle a be was m it
kieeforthr.Mi.. andMr*,tinwfre h.\ bri,111tc.
tion.,...of tied(
1.10000.40 •
,tnoetoory-i' 10.4c•wi
jr.,. hut
with ber pArootei
o CI
off agalnSFs
arge' telephone pole *ndthowjngMr.
&Ott titalentir V0010'4000 ., Fortwi.
*telt he **taped with nOth 0 -,*
thAit. a badly *peal
0170141) litt, 2‘11:Vititl"velknae Csubt '
later,* ter it, had \torn up a m
Al • .