HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-30, Page 3 (2)".••
;.,, • ,-„,it .
lt i• 4
,1 itd
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1, 41,
Lt -,or,4s1 n at y*t
-.0t-the-gteOleet4111145 in.„Slitan. TIe
poor old bull and ifeo :wretehed horses;
-whiett have teen disembowelled at an
arid another -fight begins. 'riche 'people of
sort•of-thing but to enjerY t. rie
buil, tight is the great national pastime.
.Yoritinately there is no otirer"nation so
at es to tolerettoixrc,h*4rt."
The next worst thing in .Spain is the
'While the prineiptd pito,
8t 1
01 s, cod be drawn oilli"."On
tieket, the price of whieh-la about $200*.
the.re are infinitely smell divisions of
'tickets, -kiieint-jutti,.-meantot. begglr
o ,•'.W.,.(t14th stmts ;nay tioe
a -twain the -lottery- for•I(Lcents or. ever
Ma' efiter-riattoturt4-divemkurot-Spain
shops ..Nyhere tickets aro exposed, for
fre $
thf. fat bit 1WU do nix
ugh :of -1 rcig&(ifl. -44.'t5r44,
L4W•my ptplc-40M -not.
meat.Accoxrdinglo Iquah, God wtsbas
toren to think, and Ile wishe,.s thorn to
*think with flmr.. The weakness of ro.
'10-43kir-p---T-0-1:407141-771111"-eucrati _
been that they have not thought.
1 It
gives up his manhood who dews oot
think. We are unwortlry of the Chris-
-w0 --am too timid-tosci'u-
Jesus. e e s. -
Suppose that thinking 1c,4s lead you
into doubt.: 1Youbt la Oftentimes moll.
than reed iabout -whic you
ere afraid 16 think. "Doubt is an ,experi.
once, which'belongs to a growing life.
A man must Oght - las way though
doubtto the '.clear andenttlit,-speees
which lie beyond*" Ile 0141 do this only
-MAD, AND: flaNE§T
Atm Lord." This WS been. the, exhorta-
ition of the Atmighty from the--•-begin-
.hicrtettya 0,rOwdett.----,--04;ualiY-ro!" ming. -1fl1he- -fullness of itin-e- Jesus
e of , the poorer Class. Many a came and in Jesus we heard God say-
.rieseta that should finCits way into the, Ing: "Come, now, 1e us reason, to -
Ws of the dealer In lottery ti.eketa; ieSis awaYS re sn
11 Whole nation is impoverished by ther85e),,t3 salithat Tie never argued and t
°fiey Arnd it ill bni
ozoes the king tO in, tilueefortr orr:141/etltr
t:Iyil °varg isils
' offer an additional $100,000 in prizes, or But In the deepest ' sense He %as:il:
to, gio.0 kra ge1v13u.11 fight" an Sunday to ways arguing. His whole speechwas
lebrate the birth of heira reasoned argument. ills questions
,ahis . ' •
j , ililil 44 It 0
• i
4,.'4.,1, Is ' '' ' 1444/191
**:;00111t„ain i • * 1 .
r .4
44(0),0 ' ASIXAYlt :‘ ••*
, 1,, %Mei t e'.' ttx,
rtes#*' -the 1.-Oite*-1110- 411-' Oven Itt a-llame--,of---fim
•• •
1‘ 1
--,now-74) Itim--.4411114, -torah appears to -Ab 1
• bo ;0°
then waS neigh r not him that lel
'attithug.the thievest" 13
44'_WkenJho ford cd* the viueyartl eorn-
ItneW _bow to grOa
g4M• Jd giffS unto :Y-74Air'---thilarelliMw
much more wUl your heavel.'ily Father
gife .the holy spirit to , them that ask
market, place goes into. the PartetoOs geilltr!" ' "
if the • prince recently born lives t
'Manhood and succeeds WS father a Lit
e'reOurso Iiritelis-earriedio_bie hest
I tLplace in the Escorial,' he will
„heed- .nipli-toitilrial Than- any ki
predecessors if it ean be recorded of
I1IU:that. he. has ;had either a happy o
proapereas reign' or that he has -trade
• y substantial contribution to the: e1-
lare peOple.
r‘.1r .4 Pr INV
is ds voice saying: -come, ., lot
uv• reason togeth.er."•
Many a mart Is not a Christian „bc,
*..10,-.4.re,4011 .14
convictions Are beeoming hobby, .11.
because wekdo not think. If the old
distinetions between right and Wrong
aro '1,ding. out, it is because Mre have
ceased, to reason with God. If the setae'
of -sin-to- Atoday-dtr,apnearing. tent ,the
litartt:01--meni It Is becatise-theyarcrino
I-hove-heard-men -bewail the tact Ilia
they had- no , hole to get acquainted
with • their tri,vet" and -children. . Thlt*
-indeed, is tragic, and it is also 'tragic
to have no time. to get acquainted with
one's self. We *never knoW ourselves
until we ,-think alxiiiton-r-lite with, God.
• Let UR, then, spend more time In
reasoning with ilim. Let us'plelt up the
things which we have, lost. Let us sit
down and think:About that mon which
we Italy Intended to' be and which; alas,
4c have not yet become.
nuttn 1L
' 41.11,4
tyore,--but-weAre•I -more._ n
- tig -attention. itas-,latol,y_ teed Oita 4 -
°Whittles of obtaining power from al-
. I, by means of. the internal eonibits..
tien .engine, 'From many points. or view
,ttdvantag of alcohol over peird:
urn spirit;whieh hitherto bas been in
end demand, are clear and pronounced.
eourse, foremoSti among- these is its.
Iterative. freedom from combustible
_ pers.at ordinary temperatures and ils
reateleanline.ss. Morkover, it , does .not
10 the same extent as petroleum attack
:impoverish rubber antA metal ves-
ts. Its relatively high pi,Ice 15 probe-
Ider-vse,- but -it has iiite_10en. shown.
that In. point -Of prtee it ought to be able
Alcohol ran be made
shlag Pr,-oducts, and three gallons of
rcfuso will *yield a gallon Of
hol',„-',Seole time ago there••ps ds-
Pcussion.7 _tx ,Pi9jeete4 manufature ,of
OT`Mil l'ounrslardiht, There ure---alsa
vegetable arid- phint produetionS,
now of little or no value, which yield
sugar or starch and that could, no doubt,
liet'utiti2ed. for matting aleoliel. in look -
I to ,agriculture for future sourees of
r .toje remembered that •the
mad °be constantly in a position to
• peaVide fresh stores !of raw material, th
oifgetr,. hydrbgen, kand carbon of tlfl
aleOliol being mainly' derived from the
tertIOSpliere, whileiheAts.tteS and mineral
tc,1- ,!ret141 :hi. fertilize -the
round* _
Pudding. -8111x six ounces
of. 1.1-ko ounces 'of treatle,7- four
ounces of:suet, and- four minces of tut.
make4rito_a_ligh orte
,..FlaKor11,11 \vitt_ _ground "n
ealen-u in a little ilk 'Tie -I-O'co•Win
cAoth_and...boir-,-forothree_ urs,
Cheese Toast.---Giote three ounces of
any good cheese and the same quantity
of stale breaderumbs; beat the yolks - of
two eggs, land In, a mortar with
two oinices-ot butter,..some made 1nm,,
lard,pepper and -salt. Brigse. this Da, A
soltpaste and spread on small squares
of toast. _Brown before the fire, and
serve very hot -
-Print Sago'liteuld.-Soak tom ounce
of sago- to cOld water (after washing It
thomughly) -all night. Next day bot
until all the hones cart -be easily- re -
Moved. Separate the dark meat from
the light, and, chop each separately, but
notleertine. Season each part with salt,
pepper, Sage,_faid eliopped celery: Et
some browning to the liquo-f- that the
.form, and in Gen. air
WI" uppeai to Jaoo in a eiNarn. In
eVeq, istanoo God communes with the
to *tient 'the- MailifeStationls
given, Everywhere also the angel iden-
14-..hLn$e1LwitIL ,40.4.,..-34.41-••glatirk4,--tn
-exercise The power and the prelegatiVeal
of Mod. Those atsa to whom the angel
aPPeered identify him with Jehovah
Get'w 48. 15, Oil' It IS Ait •"'"
•that- :.w reVu1
self eilleflY n whaL niav- be ecdted the wi e. ye -
demptive storY or the Old Tesbuttent, pressed 1 these -renderings of the-
fOr which reason, the odder theologions Hebrew r ' t at, of, perfeet;
•noru!&tMicfi us, aopre-,•
%ilYtlilein4t12of the$endtiorOitteTrini,4,1
It ten hardly , Said that the Old
Testament writers themselves Under-
stood these mantfastatpan.v which liteY
recorded in any sense_of, °Rid
such .$,Iistinettorot.in,lho'-
't ITj J41 I e- r
„ItTorlehowho-tri.,xittnikstoriotho,..ofhe, $ .:K-11m11.9M7.101:_colti-
4writer,,s4-1.S•ittat jxelweeti oveh, onepuriotta disability. lie .n10 not
Moran so tally rerm*iiiiii-orat moat,- •• -Admission to the legisintiVi
expressed ...Jehovah, _ himself that both ehamberi. whteh It open to Ids lowliest
those to Wheifilie 'op:Oared and thelits. •tahjeat; is denied to the .-seliereign, says
toricaf writers who reoorded these meni- the 8trand Magazine. The Xing is the
festations had th,o assurance that:wheo lived of parliatnent. Aceordintr to the,
ht`A appeared orspOtce-timOng Men it wa.
Jehovah -himself who was present and
oetitno., A .
lotion was
• la*
tigel of
.iintt., HtUik,...i.4;i,
,..;arid.. ' . ' "1
1,..,o, I' ,
'.`Ott .:**,her i
re -,11)
onnitrias wit
fl its
1u1y :e
h tht
IdsiVeilei*S, ix La 444'7
exhibited -id earlier years* _
43. What is thy name? -me
liens used the Word "46434”..geilerleally',.
,,haviritt 41$Peeltil tuune for each portion.
lar deity, Such OS /*ranted% Ita; alentui
Oris. Wb t1is lact...1.4oses, was -cer-
tainly acquainted, end he seems to an-
tiripate_that_.,vahekixe„bringS,.to, the 11(e7.
firei*."4-tift,$,:Seg.6:\frout th6"604 .or "thole'
fathers they nia toneltale that he too
had a. proper nalne, and May wish to
t. 4.uiV(1
r ir•
1 %1
AdmissiOn-le- the House ot Coalmen* Is
Denied to the Sevieelaro
theors -.of the, constitution fils MalestY
littile keep fresh and_sheer 1111
tlic last threads go. Dotted SWiSSCS as
a rule launder well unlegs Such tut in-
ferior quality is bought that the dots -
pull out.
The woman who makes her own
Clothes has long ago discovered that
she can fashion almost every variety
'01 white gown 'aver ono simple, Veil;
ont shirtwaist pattern. Even the otnni-
present long -shouldered effect, Can be
Attained by skillful mantpula_tion, The
s generreity mare ,taiisfactory when:
tut over a five or EeVen gored. pattern.,
es the eireiffitf ontx-fs lionne-to
ttaeh season to, buyie. new and
'stylish I nei-tb-firtit., 71—
The 'skirls this year flare 'decidedly' at
Th' bottom, though they have nothing:
a 1
4 '0
uttted W.
while from 'Pox
en 1 ek
white lawn gown worn b.y a young wo•-
•auui who hadthereputation ot -ahvays • --
being well dre,stEiLl• .-"ThtS"-it Its fourth .
aummer," was the laughing rp1y, "and
1 really think myself It looks Tilt° re;
EPeetable, though 1 'niililn'4t mint tho _
Ines lt has -Sten -the .wasrt-tab:41 -- • - That Is the isecret of the really useful
while 1roek It nm't made with-re.-o---.---,,,,-,-
ference to laundering. Though some wo-
men Wear summer gowns (so,cillled),thet
tan only be cleaned by iProfessiodat
et tod&;,-..anditie--41Li• ele-WraWand-ae.4ait-,;%
piteated as a boll dress, they -prove ut.
A white dress, to ' meet . the-uquirao. -
nients_of laundering Welt.,and east) de4,,
ttr• 'ffliftre)eaa;satterttAatt-tir .
and trlrrlrning -moot most of tho
cotton fahriqs •stand ' , careful washing,
some look melt better afterverd than
do'.others.‘ This is true both of expert.
.sive and cheap materials. White, hand.
kerehief'lidenrand sheet butt:Ste-mar key -
•bonght-for a1tig4t-the,:siurie price; -Mo..;
'Organdie -also -rarely looksiwell''after --
while-- r'arls muslin, which is -- -
aimord as sheer, -may ---be--laundered- -
again and again. . Certain inexpensive
lawns get' thick and coarse looking at -
U r the first time water touches, them,
Verso 12. Moses was keeping the flock
The hailtuat occupation of Moses in
Welton. The flocks referred to consisted,:
in Ali probability, of .sheep, and goats.
Jethro, his father -Called also.- Reuel
(Eic•od. 2. 18). '
The priest of Midian-,The •Midianites
were kindred -people to the Hebrews, end'
therefore. doubtless else worshipers of
•theugli=. item their' situation:
and relations' to -other surrounding
„thicken _ was boiled ; -beat on -e -egg -pea et-itta ,probable that -their Jetunatho
well, and add one-half of it to the dark 'worship was early -corrupted and at, last
and the rest to the light ineat; mix it superseded almost- entirety by -idolatry.
itx thoroughly.„ then arrange in a mould To 'the back of the.vildernest-olleyond
`first a layer of th& dark meat and then the 'desert wastes the foothill slopes
layer -or the light, and sO- Orttra---iriOnnteine. • '
is all Used up, Pour the liquor over tho 'rile mountain of Crad lioreb-The
whole, cover with a plate and weight, norne,s "Siker!' and\ 'lloreb" tare !used
and Put away to become very cold. practieally interchangeably in the
rvercutAa slirces uroprese
nnd n Derr?. Destroyed h
itie_ranadion Veresta,
Ct kre doing olonzog,-.
WoOds and the coroplaint cti
tbesubjeet.-Whieli reaA011.,-00;-4 otite
lime ego from fore:il of Iiklaincl ,nro,
flovir being repeatc4,1 fretix every port of,
'tilt reititiditirt 161'0.0' adaectit to, the box%
1,o-tirtridg are 1)4 I' comp/ph-4y dio,
oreyo the,s4 ,seeage „En sione" \Viten ooarh,- drain-tilry and set.
7 togratursiteel
,HINTS FOR ,111I 11Ot1C
Waterproof. for boots IS made by •inix,
tr- little suet with be,e.se.kax". Rub this
over the soles of the boots and
oc, g
Mountorn- of -04P Inoth
Anent lessons ,..4.40 shall assume that
'Mdunt Sinai is' s(Unewitere-
summons partiament
that it, might advise him in "the govern-
ment of the realm. Indeed,he-is sup-
posed theoretically, to preside over its
deliberations.' Yet it has eorue to pass
that the actual presence of the. Severe -
10 in parliament, except on cerevadnial
oceasidns, would naut_beregarded as un-
constitutional. • lie only attends. I71. the
non%) of fiords to. open parliament, 4t0
give the Royal assent to bills width
have passed both liouses, or to proro-
que porliamentatthe end ofthesession.
DOes it 'nor seed an -extraordinary thhlg
to say that Queen Victeria; Apring the
catiiie-Or lier
years„was neVer_In-lhe Wuks.e of Com-
mons?. Not once was A even 'to lier
to see lier faithful (*.ominous" at work.
iri tonnection with this the sanke mag-
azine bas 1"TkIllvhkg blleYonew
winedin tbhyPilos vieLnric:p'pTillngisstoba
lvi°1 •
bttratirl,tth• aelrrepolturcrsin, gllohlammei irnal;,10ele. ilfe()Aurendeef$6.4.e,dieilloin 4orsiiitriPbed ;034ndducendrilebh;
'Aiietto.i' • t:$ • the-c*:1t 1)Y
e- ea era ----0 tionse_e1 Cermet llielm!'k:01 Insertion -se the effeet is that%
• . •
lier reign. -The writkrs- crta‘Y! --(41 •
andthe ._s,rePtitertrettielLWe_reix.gretrnat. 30-friorTranittlxsielattrt, crir rr: rine"lw----tsli';--P.ntintnmerrg?w-n,Ws ifir7ni'wari-irktleathbayt
- ,tht, arisenee-oVail- ,Over .here
hghtly the'grulf of Suez and the GO el Akabalt," '''11
southern -point of the peraremeleawfm . Robert Peel, 1.4r41 a laer.s en,
over the edges whereAlie_stitches.:are,_. ,-and not far from the, northern exul of Slafford.-NOrtheote, Glatistom?-, lorti 1- We cling, le the gully, bilk)wy took at
Chida--Teke half. I the Rea Seck.itstif. it has been surtet -
wilainittorolphuCeshatairloolatili,an‘av„,,Airiilusre.-icitaei,10..ourill4ti().ehietvci:ioint)yorft.:unsittliilln,,stilTetitheoern ‘evnidlye be
To •Mend _13rolcen, _
_tq the cdges of lite china .with ix -brush east in the hill cotintr I Set
Ports to form O.thich PO-'ste. .ApPlY this rather be' located.Tather to the north, (rem the peas: of
tind press together. ' • - y 0 r, nor i .o ' n..",_ ., .,,,,,,,,,„_. the leaders 'Ofa: )1'31("4 as, they require careful' fitting.
. " . the . Gulf •ef Akabah, Tbe burden otlitun 114 """--"LF
ti f .se-Cnig I • The writers, *Rita naturalte MoreovNeirtt,nythe9yf the
nsioithiswettsit esPeutehletiglyh
their reports bright and; w6,-
. „
at, eowever,., lies with those •,alle descriptive.. and Onveying. to. Iler ,Nra., el tile 'hack to give, the 'empire, eifeet,
?Donee of gum arabievand dissoive it bY some itoderrf "-cliotars --th --the What---Int've-siirtg: 041:141g r-tt-leT tair'tt71"r4w*--; Plin"'aPci "wire- ilnes 4reh
quite dissolved add- suincient plaSter of
,tien mouniaiii, the „exatt lijeutien of which make, these descriptions of theinintuell'Ne,•%-011--while,4,0e-ka.,--huPhe,Y-Ar -
has neve'. been determitted, slimed (Roble; nights, In the 1101014e of aerations scowely tensible for • the home dreFs- ,
a wineglessfut, of ' boiling Water. IN
orke pound of raspberry or any other red Fer, insomnia try 4.1rinkiag A gilts's- of
jam in a pint of water., 'pa,ss it througl! O hot milk after getting into bed. Sip this
sieve, and add the straihed sago. .ti
all, over the -fire, bean. enainelled.sati
into a wet -mould: -Serie-Cold--*-41
. Turnip -Ple.--Cut about a poUnira,
lean inutten in neat slices and plaee in a
'D.-11,i'.$1t; , .',,,t7asop..--iltr:rtv" ',E10,11i.
(hish of„rarfy. powder, r, 11 preferr
a tableSPoontil of--mushrodin -Retail-4i,
-Add enough thikkened gravy to cover,
Rio Meat. Ilave some turnips- ready
cooked, drain .thent very dry 'antiniailf It thirty grains of thytaol, one hundred
with, alittle'butter , Cover the,Meet ,v4th and -fifty of ear.bolfe acid* two ounces:et
_ft.geod jOer'of ta;rilks;bri-ish-ovvr Witit igiyeerinet.ata tWenty ounces of alcohol.
-rim bniter --or--beef-Aripping, antl-.latke. Filt.-up.the bottle with.' ._belled .' livater.
in a moderate' oven to a ',nice ,broWn. I it.befere use and add. five or six
Isla Iludding.--Mix a' tablespoonful .o 0 it. Vltm of water.
sugar with a quarter of ei poemd of tring, and Ttrine,--Wlieo parcels
breaderumbs, "end' potir over theft" 'a tea* Unpacked pick out the knotS ,An 1,V,Iii
cupful of ' boiling milk. -. ,iteat- Up- two • thif-str)Pg. is tied, twist „the...string, 'coo
eggs, squeeze the juice of, a lemon into the fingers and fasten. II, pfiriNtle in, a
them,' tag! -add the peet grated then Stfr. box or 60100 place";,s0ciallY lieliktOr the
these into lite 'milk and treadcrumbs,. purpesel there. wilt then be a supply of
(1 add- ounce-ancLa. flair 'of butter different strengths of Wine tuld„string
Odd a littlo gratc4d nutmeg. -treat' Iliom- foi,---atitkparals- -orlikr-liouseliold----piti
,gredients wel ' together. Butter Ai' moiiid, ,p-oses..„ . ' / '
pout. balite li Adding, cover with a cloth, To croon your *Owing Machine lake
ond, boll for n hour.- ' °lit the k.'xi,crew, that bolds the feetplate,
" Savory -,Portor-4;ut- -sortie- -cokt rolm .t.oxiv_ lt,..oriL.4.0u AuiLtirtiLther.6.4,4_11.
pork toto,..soxoll slices, 'dust ov.er with tet 0! Miff accUraulated itiere.r ;; Take out.,
IWO,. epason with. Pepper anet-salti'and the heedk.before_you be,iti" to -elean'the Thy ,..sltettantlals,
heat In ii. sauce 'nada as- follows : Sim. miteldnet, e . " ", ll lie dean
ery .slowly and as hot as possible., tlot
ink, has a 'very soothing effect -Ain the
nerves and tends to indilee, hieep
"Xir 't.1-Xeelient"Ireaset-traciteator-lor
ratnit use - is - made thus vino
ounce • SoirraMtplart-or
soft - water„, add a teaspoonful of, sane
re -and -ono, ounr.64,tu!'.x. 4:art-half -or am-
niatila. • geelt
' For -4 Good Watki.. and WWI-
friee.--Talie a' quart bottle ;and At two
hai-the suppkirt of a majority of tile best' fir in •vaiirin 'the lieWsPaPers* mlY
PAS. Incidents which st-#e would:145o ter-latrily allizetive-in slender
ea by. the arrangement of „sash and
'estion 'the traditional ' site itihieh stilt I- -Y figures. This tan very often be achiev.
Testamelt scholars. .
Z. busho-One of the"shruhs kon the
Burned with fire-tlad the -a pearane
hiking the:form of ttii.S. 0011su iiing,. and
purifying element.
I- turn -aside no seer-,
-natural- ourlosity-o-of-Ta--nun -4x$:4-,supert.
istitiously afraid of -even a very torusilal
and awe-inspiring, at 'well as inexplio,
able, sight.* *
4. Moses, 1Poses,-..Tlie icepetittort of the
ell itnnlie$ urgeneY. l'hns Jehovah
rale. the few, glitripses - we have .iteen
given of the -contents et these volumes
show that _ Lord. Palnimston and Mr.
f scenes In the 'louse.
IfivrfNG 1,--041T IN
(Notice_ in the rnost unconk.,ious Way.
!wow4. de let me propose, You a's,
member 01 (ho dub:, says Smith. -
"But a`uppw..tpq woomatt livri i
lies Brown .• .,
lilts to ,411,e boy_$anniel,..talling him ' upoohi „Ahsurdt 1,v0, ,my doir fel
4.AC01),Y • Marie a :Stith, 3. 10. • ' flow; there% not"a /Pan tn,the club .svho
Draw, not nigh hither -Moses Is re- ,unows you., everir , Ar'"? '
01t11(11Xt .43f . the natural utifilties.s of man ,,A- la.fly,, vily de„slrous 43f ‘ediOaling
0 -8.1)146 10 the 'ffilviediat, „e,' P0Aenco, of. the. awitti- laci that the is lite' ani ago
ilehorah., This "truth Goa 4) Patter/0Y i ,C14. her husband, oberVed. to a visitor:
'Sought to tench his pee* by such coin- "My husband V; forty; there arq juAt
Wands as the one4vert:14 Nieto later M. fiVe ytars irtween. us." , - - - •
Ito presetiv _of the' people -near ibis "Is it -possible?' *as .the 'molar&
Same- mOuntala: ftAnd thou ,shalt,Set -Willy, of her. friend. "I -give you tn.
boudde...iint.1110.....people roand_e_boatjt o,,-ordi you look as yeung. as he, Aides."
.fsaying, Take. heed Le yOunSeIVOs, that ye As .titiexpeaca-nitist-laila km The
go not up into the mount .hor touch tlo ri:ply ki Ilia husband whosb svife •
border ' of tr (Exod, 194;12), - Tho!1,You, litrt\e never talien me to the 0.
fowl ruiroLand..heart easily_feils tottery." , ' • '
. .
en attitude of irreverenee. ` "No; dettr," he.. entWered: "that. l's a
. teasure , 1 haites yetsin antiCipatiOr. •
Trimmings must be eonsidered„ in tho
getvn that is -to laxinder well,. Vertu-
on, even on sheerest lingerie fah- • •
narrew real "luny headings are ,
r senxes;,zo- are' ;
netV'SVki.9 '
d remlkination- and vritkret,
livings kirk, very'_ lovely, hat
''.jieristiablic-- The Trish' mid'
fit eoralkinalions .wear and Wash -
t r %Alkali, llte8e 'Willett ' have' heavy--
rolderY dCsignS .filled Iri:-vAlli v,It -
lenelenne; lateoand"the i,vhole done up.
cm, the ,flnest thigerie ,malerials.''
Hand eMbroldery, Whieli is, More, used
than. ever. has the dwelt of laundering
peefectly 'if :presool on, the wrong side" •
5'010 -several bletorao:ses`of Vita nket.. - .
.in -the eally Opted ,tra-alel, Sent_ oS -
in PariS for to4lay, J'eariette lio '
Aws the unruffled 'trench, skirl* Th
, fhirerat. ftrtg--.:tk-ritkeir--IreTideXit
k 1114' swoep., The revivol Of -the taste, I
u (11111' In' flowered er broad soft leuis.
nto ribben$, i5 litiewis0 `119teki,„ . , ,
to.. alillifien1Tier°1t4a;.'kcYeria(illi---(1-18,, Ina 'ailwreay41.1frOTytt:
The piare,. ., . is holy greAlitdo•o_o -, It is' related , or ft,portrait painter that,. 1 dc:rflOttlw ,449.4*,,, .S.47, 11a...h.iit4c.t. lapl ,t.tf.
hallowed by ;the rnanii0.1, presenet ,of ,itiolcrig -reiViltlY Painted -the ;Wrtrott-- -of ', st'rt Ion -1411ultu tut' '404°6" v6 ule:
God. ,Cottipare Ilie, 81711 hr 06Tonlitod 4 16dY# a trite who had- ja$1 drop ridil Inevitable long 'ZiloPing ShOulder. eiketi
glsk`e4 t4 lostma ; "Tut off„thy thoe„from, in to -see ,ihliat 'was • .going $en hi • e'.'4iii't .ai',14)'•-r-qs3r tO ''• Wunder- . .
off thy toot4., 'for Abe placd Wareon thou aludio, excqattned:-.., , - ' , . ! A 'striking model of 'tint: olite, 'load.
,6„ '. 17ather;-,AneestOr. 4oirt teko, suchrtn, Xtgly.' inG4r litthiltf linen, tilinmed' with' 'MO bands ,
standet is holy""..t3osh. ,t.i. 15,,.. . , ' *it 1.4. Vi.ty-txicely 'painted.; but. NO
,elt As 111.S. •14--6. ' '__,..011-lil t?Pli".. of eintroldery4 eressed in a 1*( 4C '0:•y...
Ito fin& of' Abraltera--- c ofe et 114 lie ,,,sut stittil(41, oe tams, P r
1 . • - . _ .
espeeially., to• ;these , elios my roe i4 • 31 Ll' H2Oh. ,Ph - Mattit4a1;iltitaletnixrpidered, locum,.
'sen Itirellior. lite yoke- it iiindo---44.
; . Jaedb,---Wlio bed reveekti; diself ;MM. •
' 016t1;3311,d brit v
tining*tite.fethrseelleit oritio' dead, or4ought to 'Illve 1"It '144'.:31(1.144f1414°111* . re'\' !i-',O'fii141-'-'4)Edrifei''Slit14,,t2i'il:sr:41'ilitLill-!1;1'!1.,31Ji(ii-ill..alt:li-ot-tsolicinlig-;1;141(4'.'\
"t ad t.)ri,ttirdOiti :With Ifte Phttit,;-Ks'(,ixti.' frem the crt it*,
ather , the .'initiratality of.' the sotiWaaal4vg Wt 01410(4Yr'
,titiof4 this vet*. caln,lp. mitt; tz. az). : ii.,...on, 4. -. similar'. i'i..n,DG.:6i a t 20,39e, _ 191.,Vttr• V.VW 1-!ar 'Jeo, Itht2thf,,d:'10 -vtt
llid Iiis fore -An instirr3tive hetion lit;fr-',end, invrtlibe 4 lx...-..,t4r,At, s ,, Ite. ,IetP5'xenties lotritott f$he gnu a half if;4,'' /
dicating reverenee.'. •610 nlijall` ott the ,rtirlist:V=. ', , snm,4 *a CA wide, fl -lois •the ;item Omu.'''' 1114 \
:isante site ,',I 104409, 11) ntyt thito telq\i-- "And' 1h19, VA Tfilin, 11.,Iti-..:1„"1}. Iff?; ,DAtr", uvaitottel3 cist Ho' 1491s4? aro ft/it Ill
and,/ ,it$Thil0 MI $4,X4Pte,,mrit./0 a hand"'
ihemsettes;-before(Ille throlie,44t , t.i\ .2J.,',41rarl Aral I roneinbiT lait.
" 2., I ltaVP 1:4117tiy:god " . heard it .., 4 lill'all&6100#, 18ttY4u4lqui; aft a- n;:ontlx 4.q1Itt411:11-'0, ..4111. OW 9%nla 6110 t44-1.'"ViA
Iv'srfilak,,,.-04t0;q0n5:, ,o,Iiirli furrti!ib MO' ,, , ..\- -.# 0,40',11 finite l'INtiel4y, 14=44 .Tilio, kotte '
toutw,--o•Nri, ocouroulation ;of __Joniltrypo..,; W.\ t) '41' 41Ort" ' '
xiy 'ream of stating in v.'ords intelii. • . ...,-,„,-, ,4$,„„,i, ,t,e1i ,,$Itecce,,,•3 :Are vory easily ix leil,,,...The .
VA14-.•Alt.,-,f4j.piritidOitrL,-..-4-illbriTi. Iiilifina .
'WO' 16, '4' '.4 Itt,e'Cixitrutc'S'4it. l'i3-14:-o.2ste.., Illg.',0111()Illt "141.' 1T112(.1 rtillo tololi without -a. to.v. ttil, hail. trolo
ially ' his ilcire ntid 1011,1,0700ki: f - h .3Ctiing 4.)111.1,0' 4.4 th(L.b°f"JIllora t , !he7.
littberl---,:','Yes„ i:5V4 oviny ,JO -:;.c
,. .., .., .• . -,. - .- . .
'raca,tiolsle..,vo --- 1,•;t11., ordinate ovor.00e ItaixeHtWo#Vhetr',yo•.tir -trAtor ,.,,
nip!int ,e,,,1! 433 te kall tingtio
4)111x15gb:, coll7-Cliis",i'itt'xiii‘..1414a.14Xlittii'llg#'11(,1,--E-..:4'lli•es .k.er;:ililli'ill'i, '''tv''' it° 4:1114r ..
1..:4;,1,1iiPtilnCT4 ,,lin)1,:ir,11:itt3iillYrk',41..„: a:11'40sTf;t3olttitt, 1..21,*,,o)..1,4:,,ri'l 1.,:,,itioileL4il.e;ste.,,rk.poi,114i.in, * I , 41.
/4:ii4tr;., 47(1 fl ii0Fall4.3i.4 !I.IV'..C(7,41. tov6.;-ialig ,14.00ftv.k.' r,,,iw • tcfh- -e..;‘,V:1!.tyr ,
414,'Sh.V4JA41 44 Ittc0;34.3',411% .4t VkIliti!.!? fitiliOi: to'. ,. 1-00otioel, oiWtoopoi, * • .. ,
%Ire v.i•-ostled .viiiii th*e.treo4;, Ile.. otti... y,i'Y,,sloltii. !$1,13w, ly 1341 ,t,
ork,00lot th. 1450L 4111 h(ti0i,?„' fiA11-1 1;1 (4,,t,: ii:it litolto ' ,
mer in a saueepan two tablespOonftliS littlegMoves and under th whole of
mineed 'onion« of /vinegar, tit?! ptate. Alter tills -cleaning yeti 'will
Reinove the see_qoxiiixtr when the vine- anioeiti*.
its of hot Or. wafer. I o
loves, a .blado a mace. And a IA ' leaf. „find' ,, the Meehifie, • %Ali PX11 ,4;11aille
or is about lialf evai xratedl'and d
j11111), OWNERS.
ii- in SitilrilOr tot ebell • it.
tes',.. when it will be ready for' saving.
Batzed ileans.--Take pont)
pick -theta. 40,.. and
for twr.-nty-four hours in. c.G,141 wat-r.
Neg day in• sfewpnn 'with eel
water oral hit &IT -tatter or salt por
, lb,e, fare odd cot(' watet
soften am" pivvent tii•ci !as
JY lffirta of lite.(oouniry. the 'eats pixttiiing'1, in 4- t.'''`)%11411. l'''';4-'411`14 W5111 S(tnIP 111g11TY',
.:uport ,01911._ 'Ow . filo )ti6ty in '0,7int"411 elitvl ., ilavoyed gt,',4,'vp. ,p..e.p2yr, and salt. •'Put llie
telof.x delmuting thoixwhite the ..b!rilz: noo '-''c'-f 60 it't-'' '41i•-111 *tar 10; litt-til•It'llt.s•
situtts.,01.'theit £8Z8'4 ‚4'; ih6..,ei;r:114.,t, , .! ratio, 'for loll , tiir re•ur. :Servo Sit- Ito,'
kind& hitt, they are'uturtlly tliiitg,decziseriarat(Y5Y. .-. , , ,
• itoperiallk; itt tholOreli13.43it New trttitsi 1 .-;,)1's-34-',;Irs .in : l'4-1‘tg°'; 4711-L.1-4''''''r'latio (1-1
liviek. add, xieLM` Tho catiq grctv tii t1-4-: ''tlTAY ittt'•g` Py;lot.';',,Es* end '4;176 Or lwa)
rettittnotrl-$.; Is and are familiarly' knoo..:0-, o'vcry. n4 ,l'ot•I I evo ..-Sattsa, *.-...:.li Sh,-,.-;,v. it'e
Vitt ,A,‘ Iti.1,f:aneidiati. ten,v....., . ._ ," _. s,?,"te..igvs ii-kiato...lktIte itf g't-avY ler es few"
*km" WliettS,, .4)431tr ! 0' 13iNta, lire It ti rrAte ell thd top-, an411-4,.t.ixittt
Not .onlY'' 4o 'VI desimy tird4 cf tltit "a 11303 '0-1t1Kt
* fawn al, any 8f6 eottlied
rottiltur ty k any lECttp. Ask'ith43t bre.4.)"..".1x; flit t;tt:n.
ittoy tfin tx),ssitly Ot-?, „T'fler6,1a,-;;', the. rcitato•i,vatli el'oppott
• bocan Ain iftut tt' in 11/i'.0 nqnr1.11-peigif:r); find, it 'Lire- x3co -
bet'41 theilm attittloils late/ tiVir,:,S he,s, vcar;6t ;re; "ksittv 011$417" tho -
tur le of so little AlotaL.1,#1-y- 1,2te 1 74 Put it tt rtt fkltat
loyetem atiettpli, to take 114 14,1 1211"-:'`e txvb ftsiAliNve:.vintqle %volt frotti
that. Itw,....11("sirtrownt. it 1:41 Axil,:
If you wiSli. to 'keep' your ret.'10
d health (11(1 song the fp RAO* ad-
jpe., oh- he well WOrth remembering t
Don't. leave *lad' -.1 a room which, ii
being. swep0 Itil.4 i ' fres We voice.
fhonl, hang;the• Mr in a windo‘v.
:Don't bang Atte lairil in the -6tinshin
'oept atter , the bath, and only, long
nO igh to''dry Us r$1411111ege. 7, • '
0" li ilting a. Ved" tVtleM There a
droll Ws,. or in a kitchen where lhere is'
VIM or ;tletaIr air, ' . ,' •
Moil give i,... fir4k, :igtir Ot„iweetv '
Donn allow the tirlvfo fly' abotit ih
room i'f y'out. went lit. btst, sOngi., .
nnet fail to ;chatige the water; in lb
c011. frout‘wiall..a.Crd 41i3W every, da
•, ‘e,prke teAl ate* fee tht tntir Por, about tv:enty 1tAnute.$3, 7II1 Iltxt TtNie Met., pf ..*Aorin
h*(' 1) OW-Zt kunty *AY' toot.• ' drulatulett 41t"CWiten Mketit$: ---4101f J$48 ,l7.'
tIVSitt tfie 6"puttry;?
tif, l41fur .t ,7, \-,,Prt.ftIlicAilleit. TV, &-:; '1141:
, t r ici i"
' e04---e;mi7t1lef,.4 -IloAlev- Aiet.--,11 *i7i,, oh,r4-
'shill; 1,,,O' oi-4 11 111r',va/p, ,f.:14,t-tt,, oh e ‘441,1 1,11 i
1 stij 'Mlle+ taee1t4 tong, fwgiostf,i'-tfr Id" . il 0 went
i , Vakatires proett vikaa st'pr Antall Lean4' ,nakc ,
„ ..„ . f ,
roe" 4/"thrtf-liti
1k$3*flt i *tOrithlrW
.11 \\: .r:.''l
'.ilo''111;r8rtil:Ii;t , 1d'4r'n Id,
lit , Aro .Y4A1 'IVA 0944111041 16 ,
,uctfI, Apr.! yea betel',
-,1.!I'.Z,1-:,,Inder$1 'I ‘ root: • The 't
t ai Pf11.110 , 110 1,--64,10--xi ,12-
..i,rto114, . a fill) ' IscA,Aftli, liw 'riot I
aft( ti..t ($tv4,,t.': tho gr.„V-riatie I,
fidi:"ew,,ii,5114.,figlAt431,11_, 4
a 'r, ''1/C,.i'ff'./ittilit 10 hitr41
t ' thOlti. Ijid, 161AL *ii 1
PA; :