HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-30, Page 2 (2), p1 cifls' „ C 44I. Mall ilt t,', s'•' • it.:.w , .11. tfiOi:I&?U „la-14411st, btit 'eS „. , aliC. la ,t "w , ...,. r,411.)04 s nitti* . IV* • , • 5,,prep I, 1:, prow. s: r nearlv 1141 ' , ;MI 44, A+ ‘111C' . • • 0.s alisin. „ '41, Wf) ; At gi$: 1 ) .,, :IA , Aggits11;',. It Y4:1,, • h„ • , .,tE ..'4 8:v4$ ...0,‘ NY4r.14114 Ne rhyton tOr ',the', Itotary 'Pike C -A) - w , 14 P ,A. 6 4,•'•, • •„ , ,..,,,,,- ..„,...„ , — , h took away • toy speeel h• t - tc,)1i1 V, f'11 it*:1:04'tee lave' bee • -4, !Dalin not, t -011; or aleep, and the!8fl al • ,. Alas' a)p6.A, untio-a-rable. -My ease tz sms-so- serious that I trod to ti ia d tx1 tor weeLs I lay En a Cape Breton isspi'al as helpless as a cripple. l'ho ospral il whirs prescribad different le- -11.ss, hut they did nat. ease . me. 1 , ithen telt' the hospital and was (alien :as -4'1440e,, withseheatualisins-apparettflYseent. Setely fastened upon me. Day, atat ight I satiated. Nothing I did for the uhle seemed in help roe, and I be. deataindent apd down-hearte • fI'....cf.11..S4 -fl:,7P.Itt.,:e4117„1,324...01.e..tO irY Pr. Nv tiel,..Diol; Pitts - - --( „ gas...friend praisod ttft.,.-V .' !tight) Wet I din etermed to try' hem, With Vie suit ,you see .to -day. I an fully cored d have not sinhad even. a -twinge _ estsd. ro oa tot ch in rills : A 1 J., !Piot:45a vor of 10... Williams*, Pink e all rbetunatic sufferer Ito try. them." • __- Dr. Williams* Pink Pills cured Mr. 'Eor-bes becatisestheyasiructc_ straight et the rooLond tatiee of, his eripnlin rheas' altiaff.'17rI1 drt t m th iuei patptatos ate nt'artson- ‘therbeavelao,--They-doson ne thing, but they do it wetts-they ablitillyesmakto-new insthassway, root out all common blood dts. as eS.---Tihe anaemia, headditi aiit baCkaches, rheumatism, sciatica, neu- ralgia, and the secret ailment's of Oils end women who suffer - unSitealcablv. when. the rietines.s and regularity of thing happening to a young man worse heir blood becomes. diatinted. Dr. Wit- -than that, Ids gettingaway Isom the Writs! 'Pink Pills are Seld, by alt dealers- mass of his .fellow men, In Medicine, or sent by mail at'50rents "'MY 'boys ''trave never known what ti la liox or six boxes for $2.50 tof writ- 'ts to be peer. They have always had MedfOillertOo- it-intt-thej wanted, and uniesa 1 should fail or buit-tip---- or 'something, 'Which don't expeet to do,, 1 don't see why they shouldn't always hava thing, •bt. causes as tong as 1 had anything 1 stloala be sure to keep them. That's bignan,: nature. -yeit •sees-theres.,..the_tiouble, They've got somebody- to lean on:* and a .mars, that dtieatist hare to isn't; 40; to rut out his own strength, The' Only' way In whieli a man ean ameba to anything- is bysvitorksJuusl work. 'The auto that 'doesn't v.Nork dwindlea and' oollieS to -be of .no mcount; And 1.410, hope_ myaboyasavittaWant_to work. I don't, care what they do if they'll only work at it. arid 'work liardsaad-- faith trink--lheytsesbandicaPped- iss lioneataisdiaLLAMgc, would in s out axial hestles.autl work, irets along, and the habit of work has never left me sincesas-Istiopesitsteser "But la* is it -going lo t ebout rny boys? They Inv come to think that they don't have to worlt, which wotld he the ruination of thent, or would al least pot them /out of the running with self- reliant, , "rin sending Omni putilkt sehtiol, of course, -and there they learn a heap of things, besides • what they get out of Iteir hooks. They learn for one very valuable leason, that there are _otitcsi, - • ;14 and1 'e 1.4 p dot p stilarter titan they ore, sand thatothey've got to twirl( -it,, they expect tS) iteepstlieir end up." "Boys aresder• 011 arty hills -or aims -you exited -10 get, 41.orig with the boys )in a public school; y,OU want friends -you've -got, to he friendly. A. good all aroulld start -40 -life losgo , uct 110Pe 01Y hetYs will Prat -0 tt. •-"But. I- supskse linas 'OS 10 watesschoo -.. id- theissifLI,lasts:',. .,- Avant .40,...theystago-aoseo hige,..,404-therelswh wittrtheir 'money, unless they should rnsouistosbe--very hardheaded „y.ouog. . • they willzOme- to train with other The number dlifereniTsfiedieS inta-i-"Witli--tne----hey;,.-and-,*0 get sep- stimisstmown tO 1.4 roughly, arated from the bulk of their fellow 150,000, of _Which 15,300 are vertebrates, atudents mid begin to lteo sort, of by or backholled: theinselvess and I -can't imagine -• LAZY Otts Setaks, oat dtsekmbit will not navoistiaaitir t =oat witltWitaveiFs estate. hot Una Inegun; dews* tit' Mood with_wstsies syrup, - • CONSI$Mript. mloini: I -feel old. Put (IOW window." • "The window is down." at. 60,e,it aj szli %Ilia tosttllr•G: Muth distress. arid siekness in chili' dren is caus„ed by worms. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator gives re. ▪ A tIOTOMINAllink r 4,4 ' 1 't,tw ,Semal doalers .spendlog I , git1Yillga in It es, ,IntClat .. geoid, do shock fainting toe ona The onlrh Pe theY held out was that a second shoe might one dity give me my speech ogithl. • = "1 was soon out oil Worlastind"itnally. had to enter Lambeth: Workhouse desti- tufts._ .1"hey scot nip on here, in Manta 1004, ' VS -Croydon ' Is My natiVePla - "All this Mine 1 have had to carry pteee of Mate about.`with me, ah4 -wrote down e.nything -I wanted to say. s , '!.1.011--Moriday meriting 11,M Putting,. 441-4-1 e * c4IP(41AN444 ino yp ant t .9 suffered w stomach: trouble and I till- d ° er e " Duirket Indigestion for some tittle, and_ nothing osslat. nervous soul t1Cppikienced ont! 14'1' 114,4J4niamtarm, fw14 apealt s SeecItt‘t:' "1 (1' We/11.tefl medicine from the doctor, but it did Me Iter to tome down as soon, as she is good. iic In tile parlor.'" no high cupboard, but caught it as it' fell The shock was -only Slight, but in the tenierWie_stnont,vh atheoa,ls that 1 ate agreed with me. I %.4-S2 trerY 1111 PY?• it's a new life. of found in 44 or , pent/m.3,0as hat waS lucky 'syphon for rne, 011(1 , low_ey's t'orn Cure estroys all ,lands.„ of _,...00rns.;„-anc!„, swar atsi . Wiluld'enduresihein raand.*.ftecluat. , SENTENCE SERMONS. Sorrow -is -sympathy's school. Character the_ fruitage of daily thoiCes. , • _ 4 Love makes the heavies t load seem To be to be saved aloneis to ;be 1014. • The truly. OcIty , see sainethingdlvino - 4111, . • -V-4-ittr, appreciation may be • another% Pspiration. - ' Learn to find life's wort1i in your ork ore than in your wage. 1,5S-ip o$fli-IWP0W0t' kl• Vent glitiliot. f"fljj y ,the. truth you have, to -the full. .- •boen ;Dbe. but=IThope-- tam ,oir Many mistake a dera.ngement of the 1JMen." • :stornath ler a change of hearts - How Many a time have We missed -per- 811106KUM SEW. ,lestion While hunting for praise, •/Y6u eanim"udgelir-igid411"1/ Yekit'inve U6 trai'MadvVree-...But-RWtrie Too Fond then, you Inlay not judge at all. 'Stows opt of stumbling blocks. Shooktun Iitro the Indian who Vccoms A trout has ettne-st teamed to live pained George Cormack, the !discoverer be has solveal ttie probiessii-otans-leisures the lijortdrM gold fields, was 'asked by No greater. things are done. •by those the grateful Dominion 'Wished who are unwilling t) P"' with as a token _of his county's gratitude. little things. With a stolidity that at the time rang Faith is not preserved. by wrapping ali-over the Dominion, Jim replied to the in verbiage . which has been dead for Government's commis.sioner, "I ward, no 'ventuties,.. • ' _ reward for tile ,rloing of My simple duty, ssSelf-contret Ls not so mush 10 slum- There, is, One ihingt howettia_that I will tag the faculties its'in leading -them to accept-, and only 0110. Ifili&--"ritineilf; aaerve worthy ends. wishes, 'thireward me, let mafissoe 0. - Tiff te silurryss Of' your loWn- Troft. ejiviigsirintreaaiest '.waY edt_tan9.0- sr4vPrminot 'actiaziordass_, 4,„ terkttc45,;PA,i'414:1 on • way a soon 'MVPS Etv- loom wimis -nearest. aohoos, narsavills INPUbt VOrtliPt visita grew More atid: triose of Fire Atuter.- .Sueeoss is Ole ability to make stepping France hasAver five million are of vineyards, and stands; first as a wine - producing country,, -Italy being a _give). second. • Menge, Prairie Scratches, and every form. et-eimtagiatis Itch in haman or annuals eure•din 30, minutes by. Weds ford's -Sanitary .Lotion, .1t- never fails. Saki •by ell druggists. ° 'MO OBLIGATION,' . "'Out- why d0 you 1.eep your- new mrlid .stre so awkward If" • "Out of gratitude; Iftat weak A up- seL allathe ounce ever nitokt gown." ' A.. Snecessfut Medicine. - t sueressful -Orsini under; 1.4 biking, In I he ma en ORtetor,..47 . ante e Ping to knotv- that lheirsetforis- toloor pound a medicine whichswouldsprove blessing to mankind' leiVe beyond their expectations,. The en- dorsation of these Pills- by the public -itituirtintee that a pin has, been ,pra• duced tyttich . wilt fulfil' everythitag a loser' lo gi • my_ tOnig: t twit (biker° going,tm o let e keeplt, t bop -6 " wrote to Dr. -Hartman for advice. Ile kal""e 444t1114.--45 Okturrit„14 Ihe,„ sfotalaria Lewis-, the Croydon . phOtographers, to -lat..416:tv..la offered -10 lake me hack- Tees Iiaiskssottasan - sflt "1 hope that on wits ore ainfotm with; (her lives in Lonooxi. ' ve..arriady birjals,e .cettdrapi jtoibtrs_cu,,,rveidw,mtra,ip 1,..!runa, ten, telling her the good news, and now Thwilbove! issogly oaesotshundreds .. avho have written similar letters to Dr, ‘Rartmona big; One s arch .case as tills entitles 'Pemba to the. candid consider - allots. of every one sthillarly afflictest. It this be true of the testimony of one person what ought to be the testimony - '4.1 hundreds, yes thousamils, of honest, sincere peopte. • We have In our files a great many other testimonials. iM look Parma' ancLigarialini" rant foltoweil 'whom v*whed---011111Y Walla -itgot AS Saftn as th - Ile: 'Often *when 1 look at the stars in tbe firmament. cannot lielp thinking how small, how insignificant am after 1411 She : "Gracious 1 Doesn't that thought ever strike you exeept w - you look al the filarial - .... h• SUbI Anistf.velAk. ',Ohms Sir 01 rim 1044 • *ma c4) • ligi00•10. *A t 1 to to WO. *to -biklirSit94.4105911ttl 19. Miltlit 9 InrohnE1041**4 TI*1*11**11.41'mdturril Ilinsattsontinalliont,sciontlat, fools itterbiolo74nontoni. 1111,1t *stets bet-W*4W teen** wttitlIgtokri unit--Ottur rainitt92,tikvh.:± Pahlisbnis...lilw len* "Ma," remonstrated Bobby, "when I was 'at'grandina% She tet me Wive fruit tart twee." "Well, she ought not lo have done so, Bobby:' said his mother. 9 think once is quite enough for little boys, The older you grow, Robby, the More wisdom , you will gain:" Bobby was silent.. but only for a Moment. rna," he said, "grandma is a good oat -older than _ APut a M EtitOba flour r halcorttt and ottidor Olan4. tott-a ren th, .e010** 1.1.14-1lnicoamitys ORQCERS tt*t ot,ttatt.tto virt,,ro . • A luso Tita 4.40/4,1t4gro fikitOIA A*,k4E14grkik,t;, ' IttQl/$0401,04A14,,,14,tttr03.0*.tt„01.01‘ rur CAMPBELL MILLING CO. TORONTO eitiNn ION 0 NI • - We have 110 hesitatkin in saying that Dr, •16 D. Kellogg's Dysentery COedtal ;3 without- doubt -the best medieiriesto*Ver.. itrodueed- for selysenterys_dierth0.00, fluters and all surnMersoo0aplaintaissea_ si AleSs,„ prOutptly gives relief and mein*, tails to effeet -positive cure. 'hero shotild ,xtevets be Without 11 when 'heir ohildrtut *tre., teething,. Tho Most Economical High Grade OD irisr 8otd—to--Oaniut4; , po Aok-,t,o 4.1t EYERYWHERE. N _MEN _WANnp-7FOR VIRE. , 'men and braketrien; ospedence - netescArt over 500 pcisitians open afthe present time; high -wages; rapid, pronto. lion to engineers- and cenductor,s; $75 to . .$#)0 ver,,nandh;_inatructiOna.by mails at • yourshome without lntervuption-witb present occupation; We assist eaeh stn. dent In seeuring a position; -don't delays write to -day for free catalogue, titanic - lions and application Monk. National RallWat.Training Schools Inca 1432 Ka ltdaleto I1ock,MlnnCap0hs, 010110 tor it. • • 1 'Twenty-one 'out 'of erery 100 of Bel- 1 ilunfs people are leridowster.s. Few farnis in that country exceed in $ize 100 Toss Olf MON non?unnni nneh innr in anat. Ow to "Vorroiltd,' Pi* Vat tank., 1* ** 1vorly mantinitatinl that On weak and siotty 't ros angel. .-InlitAlko-4,061Sto 11!0 ghoia Too many want ta hide their dodging d began to inideistati his anxiety t of the ten vommantimmis,-be Ian made a British et siboot 'Moses. I. lim ii not made to stand tile heady yeas right. to the gokten StreetS wilt beverage be -ItiVes, hilt shotal he Abieilkeptfiell- -11011-d -bysitle.- 11'101108 e3 • oldert rote here. „fitment at Itsts Alsoska,-Yukon..Pacitio EX- bunion ills, but as ri. hors . and e tittle be 1i ails medleine.. not o fy ferman ;take eare of itself ff 'O1 Who Care 4)! the and shuttle! lie behave himself; lie will The • \ . medicine of Surpassing theria. A tisoiso , only Twoole till() dare. tittok flit'!" , pasitiaa at seottp,,,-in.1009. . \ , • end cattle rateher will firidi inalters greatly simplified by .usipg this OiL A YACIttIN-G-TIIIP. r-- ettl'arr7-yeittiv • - 4001 sh. Iletpdaite. fors the Itattelier.-On the erne' taiga 4' 'Ilte-Weat,.. where -in and' sloe . are tir oe 9: - anti apoN, theCarieS Dr. TharnW Weeltrie 0.11 IS L.1 M ITT D ri-,mPLE vimu 14 1'16 Bay TORONTO RECEIVES 15EP051TS- USJECTIO CHEQUE ALUMS FOUR PER GeNT t4TEREST ON BALANCES ------ &COMPOUNDS !TOMMY Cave a rigid. to do nothing are thase who _me lit 'air nothing. 1 .- \ • . _ .....4______- Wilim'you nod a Malt whit t4 too busy T, (0 thinti .of religion .^‘1141 usually flint One swim is afraid to stop cold took at , his .. -sawn reeord, • Ss , t ' _ .....4.1... ilLe' oralisorrirris. -- 'I . DRV(OING t7IIII.1)110N. r t . as -salted `Noollang" syrups and thiltitiood .allir ems 'eontain poisonous 171,€),,,it Of th,* plvders , advertiSed to -core - - -"Cpintes and an, overdose unity •,,iiiit tti C•al.1.1.• 3,14 hen the mother uses DaDy's Owei Tablets she has .the gairardee et • a government analyst that thia meth- eina co -Maltz 11 '1. opirite or 34rcolle. Ty can Le grto ri oath alr3ol9te. Safely a ukw 'horn baby. ,Ttey cute indi. satises easstiotion. colts,. diarrhoea, • ' airs'. 41. Collins. 11 1, atom, says:o, ' aiii oilava• raintr. altar -011a sit': Afddrs..-1},- *IlAby's Own Tabtats ate ltaa 1110St 631 ' ciStaefOry 11),C4iCittO'I tato ever.iiissilor , 11,...a tremor aitavont ior childrm. f a --untlys toi.TAllie Tabic454 in, 111 tilriusts.,." \ ' 5-- '-I tr--ntOiciw 4.3kntcr.,• or by p, Id t_.? a 'boa from Its Ds. Williams flitSdi:e:ne..00.1 Ils./4-Vilt.te, Ord., - - Fa. *E1101:8 Two tratapa tivpraasts.d ti dcirellitig 01 Ita amitaley road end 'tossed' up Ayala the'eP Last cent- tk• hicli of two of ihrst 51Itt on th§T6 and tf: a/6113i. '7, • S•st,e-aiitettAt ti0 antianco tple, at1. t`sa otter Valked 'uOF ttt„.ktri'si,e t‘rtvUtilq „She tan klciar".111;Ctre'er Ittio"1414 *• ,44 onyildngf 1,T\111loq#(,'ElInt saillaattf,00...(sIge1ly Ot11.v.t..4, Ate repVi, ovt, tfttonti.:, le«tve NA ganlens Ada k .. BIG ECIROPEAN-DANQUETS,„ berdeen. Dinner 'Willi 2i4011 Gusts - Feast for _Proth Mayor., . . ,The 1000 anit bartqt?et to .016. 606041 Ministers at the Albert IlallA 1.4.6d4if-, with its 1,60ci guests, Is Certainly of fin- posing_scale, 11111 1!. is setireOly; as'stated las aseentemporarY, the fisecorid largest nil 'record," the prStnier plaee ' eing tiointr,litvaNI041_44 _Lord S1r81111113& Aberdeen dinuer, at, whic)t the gil t numbered 2,400, Says theSWestrainste Gazette, . , • . I, Zeime years ago tile late LidxI1nril., tt coatis feasted S.t.000 Iwolgo 'at, her hous t Highgate. Mug Edward being, atitong her guests. A "lige later Iris flOyal Itigit. 5.*111" t •gu4s4t5, Who sat down to a dinner lit LondOtt,' 200 WtO'. preRnt, ntalte- 41114 in:•bOtior, Vi„ the' Itill:it, 110q. A. 'Iialfour in NVaverley Niarget, t-d-1tbUrk ,Goire (lute ai,"0. .. ' - ,,•.• Ititt (i,verti 'sueli gtirganitian tezistS'rir Xit eoriipare svitti the •hanqttet tit 1*9, tit .1)1151t,! do l'Indn,5trie,...rarig,writ -04 cultiTcit by 1300Q Nl 0,ayers of Fr VA towns, in ,ncidition to 2.(0) of,her diners, %oil ow' teos Sir v' tkin WA,Vvritt` .1trAvYnnstay. ‘41t1c 115,( a. I Ohara, a taisfpet 3!. 42i1&, %I kepis and i,4 1J0111e4 nf ate; yreirt.)•fl 6urocd,; , ....-..„...tiv.„...,,,..„, . AI throftil F titivated 't-vill.----S1,t1Cli.t , Qtt,1 :tt)-nL .11tvc-re pntImiNt In it* •twent(1),Ittlg tt'itIrt !1C.4 i.ngrekte.tit9 IR cntco mto ,t1 -.i Ci=t Slition, of Patioeli.t a } 1t let -14it 1/6,„t - Nurse: *Wriy‘ • GeOrge, your„ha AGeorgte doiet e'are 1 This 'Tan flcfor dcclding wbere to locate in thc WOtio, let us tell" you about thee lnar- The best *hest &stain land,are in this province.. Wrte us for, full information about crops, ci:iistte and spool riitertitd roitiA;Local rcpre5ant*tsYS want•d in , Atioh. ; ook, e. tiCUM s %.1;Attf:Trs ! I v iiflinligl'Iii0,111f,a, %.,1i6ttilett.Iti'S'<,344itVgaiii.".4.:c11';111;113"i11:?Y8*1!1*('Ik1111111:!ItY.,r)'1113.1.1‘1,41S tiaAYst.;et*-13.iPri- fsie,Wr3rItiest 1:-.4r rAdis----:---,:,.-- lc . '111:Atylesti6'avtidt * I k r in-ttecessittes• -enjoym0.it• of .life.• And 4 '4)4.,1144,1siii.hd:.Pmerikilt'llt :1 t,t7orritlitsholfl, 4.1e•firin#04,:,,,ii,statxue..,io,o'ilds, 6.. r-hOr*.pitt.,14.4, 1,4; lam. ty and rxreiitally. . .• ., ...1. . , , , - , •, , " . . s . ' IS 'ECON't.tSliesi:ts.s.:4ii.ix; time,' etit4lite - and rtioe. leatriee e 'Ord inSomn el .dige3tion • increaso• Your. tippetille end improv.e yeti., . , 11P.A1111, will pl'olong yOlir Ittft. ii*Ve dec-tora*. billS,'keeit you 'tut ot .i . , iliiiittop. 'It ,ii.u"t.,4:. „._i_t_e: f4 1114 ,' -1,'1' • ' rtfeS\I Sports • ' It' Oci'7 upiewk it utli4ue An -rat. t tAtt, bo API?' - li , 0 lin. the iti-o•10., . • Eratne *mt. it 114.0. ' '00 TO S60.0 :' (cit.. i:n. iNvrite ,for 11),6 ,do 1 talose !they weratatinght to' MS ot* yi sage IV:ay wste first, tha ' /Mitt' ViLaq I'Vot t Peirt -PI N Grpfl ri-:;ttt1 ' ft• st114Y4 ttid pc'Gnq ing• ia odyve ' yy. hidneii* 16cr:41.:Itiig;141Y-s; wk IlleiLlito• revt n4 k be;';'• , ,e **Ititioso * a, lei titeserstetitterta ' . .$AU.M Ja0M M04rial5AL4W 140110Alf,4 * . 17titjain4 I44 IttltirOtteth Jill/ It sat- watt sastasase A 04* r%et:00411X,- WI SI Say, Pose. 4aop*Vtorita i ,11,!$1,10, tufa, 'Arini:r13. lir - . W ,‘ el es artt, not' lit* Made i • • r 60.$00 # • 0111,111...11, tVit,