HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-23, Page 6 (2)t -
• .40 _
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, ttlzeil),',7
o A notnont Iv-
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UP''"'Ate 6lie 5• ao--t1r*-41 ot-
_ She hadbeen quitii. lauf(41fing, the it
t Ia9lulg,vs corrects Sybilla,
who has forgotten to lie,down tiPon tter
tia anti is blitingtOn a hard chair like
441nY.one, else. .
*oraite-laitgning.' continuo Coat*, "a
her own arm, for being CO kttint She had
•tihed On her sleeve to look. Molt, and
funny, only tile mime could_not
taiialite, she called -out, in quite a
• tot .whOn t -lengtir4, etVemit-i
Ito ,(...mas(s wx'
2 OR awl
• kirrffl
PA,ild she had not bid one of us good.
eria. Sybilla, breaking 4.nte, a total
wail. .
There comes a dreadful and inekingiv-
oio, flash of that ridiculous, laticit is the
underlying all our jragedies aCros&
Jitits---ittitot at -this ltantriti: 'Tito-gattg;-
"faitlifit _unitat.O.wAtZ.naturagY Seetns t
' family. . „
- "‘Nitio would eVe'Oliave thought that
• slionld dive survived her V' pursues Sy.o
Mho till Sobbing ,d without
the toast attempt at self-control,..Seollio,
wliotis sitting with her head stm her -arms
resting on the table, lifts her lear-blur-
re,d face mat answers this apostrophe in
U voice choked Willi weeping. ,
always dlit`; he alWoks said ghat -
you would see us all out."
Again that •dreadful iiiipuiSe towards
rnirth assails Burgoyne. Is it possible
that, at magi_ an hour, he eau' feel a
temptation to laugh Out 'loud? But, later;
this horrible mood passes; later,
when they have all grown more tom-
Aviien--their_tea.rq o e *en
:tly:-AqibutiTitietr- voices are lest---suffe
called, arid they are t,elling each other
iittre _anecdotes- ' her, aiding each
other's niemorics to recall ,hall -effaced
trails of . her homely okindness, of her
, ilia -cress self -denials, of ler ll
deep still
P etY•
They bring out her photographs,
010111tind over there beinr, to few, and
*uch old am.I long -ago °nets. There are
effigies by -the dozen of'Cecilia., and even
-tottahLo-g-. .:.Al.r.--etiensts of • Sybilla
It I I
bed ; hut it had never octurred to any
one-leasf of all to,Araella
there was any two for her linage to be
perpetuated. And. tiOW they are-searth-
ing out, as treasures most preciou% the
sconty hided likellosses that exist of
her, planning hol,v they can he enlarged?
and. repeated; arid daintily, framed, and
g Je_abtly done heinage and tender rev-
erence to.
Jim tkteti, netaSiOn t ng in
1 t •
-IOW- word or-U-();---v&-iir-
. a
7.0* W
-Old MOIL Ho has never 'sdtaY o
cilia on e.onie return ot his fOom the An-
iinntlest 'and beeali§e she 6-einei1 to ex-;
• • a • • • 1 •
• hree days later' Burgoyne7Teaves
Plownce; and , --as his arival in the City
of FloWer.5 had been motived by Amelka.
pot tnu • .nxbre st that
yeorts, iiriL nionth-;is not. ye .iout: and
Burgoyne has stepped uperr another Non -
Uncut before we again rejoin him- There
are few, if any of us. Who* in the 09t11'60,
of our lives, liave ILiti oryeatIton- to
wish that certain :Spaces hi those lives
niizht be trepresati zonvenden
that *ov(ir th(in-int..13wksiL.but
this unfortunately' Inip:oSsIble- to Inn,
InTint Klm:".AyorttT,
througb each minute and its rainuteral
0 .' pain %(happilyno minute can c.ordoin
tote minuteruls) during the seven months
that have elapsed since. We parted front'
him. , At firstthose rolnute.s held, itrio;,
thing but pain; he oould not lel) .you
which of -then" it was 'that first -admitted
within its little' eorapt),ss
gredient; and he was Shocked ond
morefu1 When lio Orseoveredthat atlY
such existed. But that did not -alter the
fact:' He has not'Sold., his guns; on the
contrary,- lie has bought two new ones,
and he has visited itIs .old • friends, Me
rteekies. 811100
medlately after winah he again quitted
England-hehas seen 110 tneMber of his
dead -betrothed's faintly, nor has he held
I I roogwa-t--nst_yo-to--\yitlr-lfrg:BYrlg
lier on. From the' thought of WI; these
tatter he shrinks, Avith a distaste equal
in degree, thougn inspired .by different
eauses ; from Mrs. 13yng, because lie
knows that she was :aware or wearo
ness of his poor love -that ,Pcor lover
whom, had he but 1010;n it,- he bad so
Stibn-re tine le be weary of ; .onal poor
ilyng, because, despite the ocean of sor-
row, of remorse, of death that eOus in its
111$ aPPrr, tr, the it
went provided for. him; 'in
'011010 30114 greAehe
.lia Oblitga, fa '11401' OvitY
'0.10 •
flo t
t • t
. A ,
, jiel -t,. 1
a f. ,: WI
t its - 6i1 Lo,,,I,'.
tlt 14 £8t
L .4 P8'z ' ' reili ,
vn ' • u ,, t 4 . ,
on '), "eit: i,. , ,.. ,
‘Vi VA
e i
, ; Wing' ,$ '.- i ....Or i a1f..f $-
°;the'preOnt,.enono:oo, 0, tto,„egn0 1 4'4v . tkVo ''..'hnu' 1 ,e( ) %
U& efeSerted, blit theoettalts.staildVd retie, .t t1iY 0414 0.k I1
55:wobto-,,, „tiimi - 461 ,, t , '-' -c'flivo.'"zott'tletitivAtiel-:tt-g. ' ( '''::4'°11IiP11-:?1,41:43x1fre,51.41111I1114:s::. AI'
lace hi, t el ikatiVel...,ottit, ' . ,,-''
,tirouto r e at . ) y aoots.--. tivant-II-inaa.7 , ay -a is
✓ 5A.
earherrie the daY it hat been frequented, '41trough a eoromeal sieve. . scraps
Lseveratstpoople,44(1-40,nisitianew4ce4., 4,-,horor„letittr_-eallee---the..' '. .
too fresh Oponohlin 'ler him net, to_ find "stx weeks Old; '1.viien they 'are gila .,frieo
4ut 4A it:' -11* 1Xii40.11.71iietOrla-41. -1 ikkYti 46•14..' ''Thttri-Slatif te#d Ifitilie,i-tir47
som thint.t ludicrous in the id a of .Sit. -9' rauge and 4ra ted hut tlAreg Ittue$ fa '111Y, '
ling ' ut of doors On the 201h or. uar ''' cern being -mixed with their' reed, one '
-Bo *: -asant-it-Wou • t 'A i t iteracketteerna,Part-wiliattAlue
0 o - day In Hyde -park I He turns 131Ck 13Ztsliground oats.in bulk With WO Lneal
tcthe table with 4 smile iit'the idea, arid, fled ktiit„ I always feed in a litter to
king cot a Writin -eage At% .ittra , _i_tleallleillt...._
1 e a ine. Jiiit'S r sponde,ne s
tty, present oceasion; hi 11
inalreosd to jJ.1pp1
not take, hitn
. merely
ifo minutes to pen..ond when it Is lin
isUd he turns to have' One final look out
Of the .window before 1eav1t4o,ine room.
How quickly the dark has. fallen I The
.ettiply gbaire show., indielt31e11...201.11110
and tlic heavy green tre_es have. turned
- footfall: sounds....icoming
..--.Oneeat-tne4i-titers, no.
ried'by eleetrio-bellsi and with an Muni-
nent swollen, table d'hote Upon his bur-
dened mind, never paced so slowly, nor
did anything male ever step so lightly, ,
It must be a woman; and even now
her white gowst makes a patch of light,
upon the dark-004round of the quickly
oncoming night. A white gown on the
:Kith of January 1 Again that pleasing
sense of the Ilidiorous tickles his fancy.
She must be one of the patens who
lately occupied the empty chairs, and
have come in search of 'sonitObject left
.behind. He twollecti having no -lice& an
-open hoORT lying on the low Parapet.
She' has a white gown; but what more'
:art be predicted or her in th.tS Owl -light?
L'donoairojnjr__Lie die beidnd_h
Jokes a illirarinated-oquare--u
the:terrace, falling between -the _bars of
the window through which 'the Moorish
ladles once darted their dot* and in-
effeetual Ogles. ;
' ilaving. AtiOarently'. aoCeinplislied her
errand, the white -gowned figure Cling,
gly stieps i_ntti_lhe swim,
nnd.still 1110Pet Obligingly lifts her\face
'and looks. directly up at him. It is clear
that thh action is dictated only by the
it 110- f„
f recognition kindles in the eyes that
are averted almost as SttiOti as directed
towards him. Placed as be is, with hi
baek to -the light, his Own mother could
not have distinguished his feature's;
pang, of the w had inspired
ha- young man's ,hys tear and
sincere, though silly, suicidal hripulscs.
Jim -took That pang with him- -to the
Rockies, stinging, even tilirough the'
Overlying' load of his other and acknow-
Iedged -burd-en-of repentant ache -and
loss, and be had brought, it hack will'
him. He packs it into his portmanteau
as much tts..„0 matter of course as he does
his shirts-irt Viet more so, for ite-has
toinirm or correct. the (lentils of some but ate pang never_j.
• little story_ about her. " But' It seems to It is the 2(ith di); of January; litre,
as it his anguish -1%1i hotrins- when in England,' the mostrunsistently
the stream of their- reminiscences turns itahte month of me year. •Ttio good nu.
into the channel or, her love- for kith. nous, of 0; British OGItottenariali'sAire
tond--0,--yon't ,n-11-011 tip cenntc upon- the .thuvnts
were none of us anywhere cointoired te that octogenarian hands. The favored
you; she .Avorshipped the ground YOU inhabitants; of Lo
2-1id not we, lather ?-when you Loor way along
op,ea _ oe away for so "kmg, and wrote through, a fog as. thick had -close a rab
-to.„:4V.r.. •kliow ie 'the-A1P0.: :E4111.ged.-149414.4 ...114017
Vaittniq3/4thafyie-ti7OkielOt.--Wbtaiito; ifiro-aug ° toeti olittitro 144i
don have breakfasted
nod yten wat.et.ihe.wayoplacts
vvbere there was no post„tbut there were
sometimes' loog gaps between your let
--ters;--and We -always knew -did not we?
--when slie bad heard from ,Yoli by her
faee, lotig beropre she spoke.' -
Next 'it
"flow she fired up If any oxte said air7.
thing slighting of you, She never cand
In tho least if one abused, herself ; $he
olwass tiouglit She quite. iles.eivetl., it;
but ir imybody-:etore(17--o StiS-,. the- least
disparaging thing or yrit8"—it is pretty
ONidenti though.- at the 'moment in his
'agony of preoecupotion lite idea, does
not ocetir to- JIM, that this lit:L.5_1,1ot beei
- an uocornmon. occhrrenoe--"4;.110,1.v.as-like
a lioness al, Onee."
"The Aadilest thing says Sy -
!Alia, baking ,up tthe antiplionol shun,
Is Met! she 611411114 113110.1 died just as' she
beginnifiglp 144? S' lialtpy ' •
Jfist begD.nnitig to be so h8ppy,1 An
li't% ltii% 0 Plat' 1Wir ItCacenty- happy:
So easily, sin0 she asio;m1, so little, --for
an lie utteri is low
depth et 1330 roan -
and hOy (14
they *tg,,,,Ohid,in
hideous (yellow, •fripor that kills:their e
pensive ' flowers, anti makes their un.
liehri.lreeSdroop, in home -sick
sadness. - -There raliont the
.Grand tAinStaplia. Siiperieur,
giers;' no ,ligliteSt blur or rolSt to dirct
the inteaSityoof the Ironic cit green in
which its white .fciee is, set, It is not itto
very grand, despite, its 'unproraising
1)1g name, is it stands 'high .olort on the
' tooking Oft- oer, the .-tray;'-etid
dOmn On the r -town, teeking deem niore
imtriecliately upon tree -tops, grid 'on lite
Governors 81111111‘01" painee„ It is axi Old
Ikloorish ithuse, enlarged into an hotel,:
wilti little arctic(' windows sunk in tile
iltiek' Walls', with red -oiled Hoot:a, .
balconies,. with low white baltistrad0 01
- piereeir Welt, up. winch Atish, ewe?.
pliant), and wave -;,,yes, 'and
'eve on this 20111 of January. .
the red -floored baleany cavev
rj betWeen perennial
f the unchanging' tkol- -nee ettri daily'
dese,r the azure ba the, 110- pull or
...slitoke that niok secantr•,
IrOxn has Nitety \b1,,it-te'll :the
• Gulf •ed ,.1„yons. threaded her
ong the Islesiiand limugh lierfrelght
• Focitelt and Magi/sir. and Aro.en.:van
liaral4 and .Pars 4it the var.
iGus exoetIont, nationalities. Witelay,
blown by gently pn...-„espetecit.wfthl„ tho
Vprigtutt-,_ it is 11A34:tzgc-11
Teo the Ott 'cliad- vA. the Transationli
Comp tey. ttgireow attd stroitg.te.4e0
whit i$ wont to acq-:41.-.repli:•
th.,teatt.9.it tl period -Or .15it)e less, .411'
kotai Matt:her bitlitei- Too,ley „1.-410'
le:re t...voupla& hut' orie gue.4 lo 'IL"? livotird
11(41„. ett:o., hating loft Itto 12,31o, ct latA
leizwilgie to, be. 611147041 for ty. Arabs,
atlal Vis poztfe• n\l„trot
arfiticg,,,, Ovate' Inett.91
!ilot l'wza 111.r? t4.-.0$ 4arq1 4c;r...11 1n
13 l3 Ute Eittt"ci
t36tqpi".1.h4-4--.1-44 .11:nt taaq. paiinfEt!ly
4:1T4r16.A L?:, • 'I'
t 54%1 elt44.,114!, .142 4.,;3gh,g,
14-41,-istY.fitit? Vict
thlt ,f,-5 'opt IT 14 -441t -r
zr,z to 'Ct
ttIM 1
3 itTeiNiNYV.\'‘,L.
tII s; tactil
lantiZJcilt get crt
eight years. rhe
ik peoportion
' litiylice bptc
\ rot hear it, It they,
merey stop.. instizi: y '
"Did VOU OM' see 'unvihilto•te
• GS SIM was --that 11ast fiAlinght? She-
tr-4A fr say that sL., -wa$ quite "astolned
-401 bPiv g nole fortunate, than
paw one oo,e;1/.be trt1nc4
tbalie\iiip to us for _not 11Pin,g hrippy
41? 69to w ,s. Olt, WZ.13 katiipS, thaLtlaq
rerhOght • • .
Thie Ite'tloce, lkot. reed), 60;7111151
bEineelt h3velitac...N1 Into that
411•• PtiatirdIR itc'hielt eannitt. kesin'esickd
Alt alletii.W4 thz* .qitt(Tarto .any
4k4ktall. ty4w4,44)4.„
. , divines fIn8lUtqz. tzoinv faint
.61taitrAV %tat 'he 14 (vminlift
teg,tfq waft tt-e$1111tcnZi..1:1110. it to
" try. toi tinteflt- tho/
‘2urzo'-1. ti:0101 rafiv.79` tairtY. ol-
stILs art,alittol 1.
O l4 -1 it1,0:co
Atz.43,, crItt tha past
ft-i,tt4it ske, htti, 1nrinT.
raV,IM tq'iftv, tot,nt twq,n--•
4-4 t,t,--amst tviitv C.), rat
11 itkio
Liir.13y fa tfxca
• Stt•..) 51';it'atS„'ilt14
AVI`tlfgz.` . Ztillat7,StatliXik,T4 47:t
(111t:D.V4:- tCP
tl/el 1/47011,::'31.?0:‘
. . ,
:1V_Ahr _2460041t:Sr'
SVAtert they ire folir moiiths„ fed. 1 $Priotttkat Yea
t barley and two parts oats three,
always before them t. t
I begin. tecdttig one part corn, one part
wifeat, one- part barley and teVe. parts :
oats *three times a day with coarser
charcoal:. in ther mane proportion, or Scd
greeno#tuff ot Soine ,sort'always near.
aratid e1tt- OtraitirL-and -Cabbage-aro. - -,---
firTVintert,,j3tf-rearitift layinkelliek-. -
it is most imPertatit to eep ern
able" briniglit it* idleness.
By following the above .reghnen and
zittending to proper eleaning of the
chicken, houses, destroying all injurious
vermin,' Insects, etc, and using scrap
meats JeNebielVely, haye. reared chick-
ens, that have no snorters in :laying
qualities. I do ,not, 'breed.'for -yeer),,y_ rt, . The Masisey "Silver 'Ribbon." Cle veland, Perfect, \Brantford* IMPerld -
cords, 'wanting eggs Only !rem NOverit
bcr 1 to July- 1, and select none for and Blue- Plyer--Lwith thce, latest improvements, guaranteed ,alway
ftinittimeobtr'eaey and pleasant gol.air. • l'ila..nutacturedtand ttlaranteed by
breeders - that .do not lay at least 150 t •
eggs in that peried, In selecting my
breeders I weigh Weir breeding, laying
(realities and standard points._-__ _
; Uri
1.4, TWA,
ou tonek-with7nittureit
, .
1WA.KERS, Or TOE WOLDS BEST 111014C1.03: -
in Canada*
heir read without •any 'apporent red-
In,tsticir-easTs7, their usual atipetite
may often be vastly: restored by the
tliou litless of, the..',great - imporlarice Of 'those really rei,-e-gl-iiied such. beitig
sirnPle PitM of °miffing (me "Pt it4411**Puttl g by a, tittles week by week, the leaders wlmse Valor •and. great le -
usual reeds of .gealti. • their.;•\ younger and more productive .rocIty Izspired terror in all others. Trio
. Trouble with the teeth. froriently yeark • - - - ' ' „ „Itontools Of San Jose, Dipaculan . Mara -
the eanse of borses-teraporatity--losino Some weeds: sileir as, Wild Mister(' *basin and Dogma' mi -em 40r1f.'s
their appetite and liot---reeding. properly,and -11d--oat;* -h • s . re. 'pa • e attislx;, and ag
und examioation the teeth stiouldt.! arkable vitality that ttley- will lie.- in Ilan has ver een .there, their number'
therefore, always be made ;when a -horse 11.tmlie .greund for years, ready to genii' in- cannot -esti died:, lint it, is known
is off his food. ond no reason can he ate %obeli they are brought near. the that they nre more nnmeroit'S titan the
, stirrow;---Atsteters'ottliW temettent lititirt
y,41111' 1161 litgins to hang stroyed by growing a succession a seed- -Inforinatiort given by the totter.
tongae out ot his mauth 'tvitml- driving, !\erops aod keeping the
have the teeth exantined. The-tee/lure taking _ -.1fete- of ihe the cam' pilan . fa wide holo, very ligtit
ls usually caltsed_hY soM _teeth. Attend rants are allowed to go to seed. • In o and well sharpened,. *about two and a
lc 11orit may ,-heconie habit, -and is - sotr, infesto4. wit weeds of this, kind, hall handbreadths -1n length), and the
dceP Plowing after a hoed -crop undoes lance., , Their defensiv,e firm isthe shield.
.:ra,btier ajallryinagillogit);_atit;-11e-he.:Ucesurli --afecoaceM.n.sell:dh; „tharbaeestifite.e. , long • ,by on:6 ,:f.061,-.• wider* called:
deeper In the earth,. A solution or.cope "Their tittacWi are always _ahar4cter•
.rter snlphate has ..been round -to be .a, ized. by treachery. " Wait in
very ;good destroyer of mustard If put: ihg brush - and ambush their' victims;
411 lust 'before bkissorning. • from their - hiding -place they use their
lances, and when iiiturrided..--despateb
headt4 end
SA,VA-GE FILIPINO 1100E- • Teloidg fife liffdriv-kere. Tr -Mt-
- ttvid N_PAtiled..atvay•Andt-Prenl*,:l..(18.41--
CJlIrislirn Heads Price---Thitt.-Must---te ropliy-orwar, 'a reig being &activated '
paid for 110004 . autiottintimittnet "1\1'171 *Lig, at tlielr.
• . •
, .
There is one wild; warlike trthe in uttr. lionget to marry it Is t ects-
ry thatohe first bring the num r of
the PhilipOres that has s_hilir)r
Centuries ,E'VE,Onie attract-. beads "'et Chrtattans or infidels thatn s
assimilated hY: the -.Chlislian ,:txvohturiette,.,, ilearatilhse_r:mint,;iltiatt..v,iita.trn,e,_yboodelsitititnavtett,._;_
neer 'Baler, Says. the lklanilla.Aineritan".
This- tribe comes withinAhe.j-uriedk,
Ot„lrayabasonTirifeaerding to Gawk/1p
itetenss' report, .11xelc is "one 'seCtion
IrnwIl?etren.linge"-Cnhlrnistitlebnited h;esh$')eivh
pk 011 y r ieuina fieeeener
/IMP.? ikeq rt,11101,1,41t".ja.,f8V: 'Oarcit.h%::frri41141:1-ta:1,:siefittilet);ve;
seen have leg we kness. Kothirig eon-. Quezon
dkices niore tet the thrift' of ,41tiekS- than
dry qiitirrers. and 'tetives;;"---Oitt..StraW, !•The -Bongo's., .are-foutidt.:anly in the.
ohaff, refuse hay, Or anything of the c1:1‘114itli'ot trlier* tr" ineL/11411'
kind will answer, on ItVto!ii
t.. illeratiasla Anti Dinadlanan to Isabela,
eiVen &anfortable :quorteii, they_wm be ward' lila north. 0, froM the -mouth
4 ,
tree foein dise.e, t1:41 lay more .rego,.. altos or San. loSe de-C,tisigaranas far;
„Tho,..att ,feroe raci„ ohylaylit
ntmes5ory brain$ Aboo•-iv,arks rx,04ing ihe loliabitantS -Try other :set..
o lerations will net take e Profitable 'tlelmcnt.
toost objectionatee, flarsh bits will
and, after her one careless glance, the rso rause this habit.
,White -gowned ladyturnsaway and, dis-I Get rld of -the graters. One ItoiSe in
tippetii. again into -the gloom. Sbe'hu utile stables Ts a poor Wiitker;-$',0 we use
one more °tests' of tight, to traverse bel the) others oftener rattier than bother
NI* she reaches the hotel porch, just • with him. One eow .1n ihe herd is a
discernible, gleaming in its -whitewash, 'boarder, givingthin or ), ittle milk, but
et,ee t one she 111 boa wItli us. One ewe re,
-more lit • window thoows c equ
lustre+ on the tiles. He presSes his face
against:the -barte of ins own* lattiee", and
holds biceath until- she taw *oohed
traversing' of, it does not occupp the
'tenth part- of -a, seeond, and yet It 'Outs
the seat upon what he already knows,
ore the ease, hung ,on the wan or *the
.entretle&hall,swhich contains the names
e5 OW11
lest- ear; Why -don't we e11
'-'rt IS.-.;iint always -the „Cow *that i?ities
lte 10---60ke
tvok,--'A-lartiter -put this truth to the
the4etAct dal In .‘bright words. , an-
swer to the statement that Certain let
r cows gave„tufil • 'so 'rich- that sixteen
butWr, he sold: 'I' s, and it %VOUld' take
s4teen of- them to . make tile ;pound or
0.0.11110111PMALl.htrilOYM. iti_tr:s,:iliffM tAllt1t15%!',...:-.,;;.7.,..':';-7,..7" ' - ,,.,7:',''' ... .,.
eagerly manning tlieni With eye and bi- lite quarters in len the dile/M.:art
gitilSitienllir4VOT .- IWItikinOlnjt-eliOttittljt-Itirl ittitrilitlfUltOtOr:
3 seeks is "net-ornong Illetn. lied lit not, otis to 'bent. The r should he well
been top. that live minutest 'deloy....41iel. littered with straw. Or leaves.' 'The Weak
101:0111,011...te4ofgfilltne-d. _.and 141ar, .1",44.00, on the. duck's_bOdy;.ig,ttitettentren
ing, 'rite the, dark after' her -he Most. it may ,:,.seetn strarige. to some id be
have Intr.:tier thelap. lle is turning lerthei,1 that While dueks. can rernairt on
aWay -in ..hatiliet disappointinentiowlien the '48410' pond dey,„ yet *hen
tholittle hestlgain 'ateksts they kept in
• Mo '510r excuse, him, but heinuit: they b /0111e
moatti thtit t of visitors that
toonsieur has been .se obligifig es to per'
1150 i by '64--meaityi.- (anti -Jot cerrect 'one.
1,44uOrrOw morning he shall have the
pleasure of placing beneath monsieur's
'eye a poi)er and ,coniplete list -"Of the
,viSitor,S; In point of feet, there haS
1:_tqT! tgale4 Ilteis of 'vti5litrisl, he bfts
been dilly, %Obliged iurn away such
large ond goreane 11 fttut tan -Mies from
tile door, mat tittle has beat iiiiidequate
ter, all. 1118 inblignikars:, Which' 111114- be 183
his 4A,(32.50.:
Iturgeiyne tmepts, .
IlAvould seem. eamy tnougll
Inquire, tvtiethee among. the nrigush vist.
tors, there ore any or the name of L
marcliaot4 but the questlentictist ti
thilotd. It is ,oen, month% 1) ti 11.105 prifnOu
II toilrave liatrthe faculty:
deiteg it. The host comes to. tits -
1Iwre pclhaps rantily-d frieig
11 !1 inonsieur expeCt4. to Ellett'?
, rtionsielur. only shakes heti&
izievea riway ascertained ti
thr .table Whole is ,lat t4 18, and it
tow liarri)ast live. Ire _Ites, • therefore„
only an 'toter tool a 'tali of suopertse
dbead of him She. ts411 zatr-ely 'teppear tt
lite d'itote riut, sbro7
" (l'o be atatinnea,
1 t
plane• possible. Ttie reviler Oqmit-Art pri),, 'Illei teed between • Paniahattgan
to eeed intelligently at all . until' he gets l altr l'ii`Nvl:11 Ili. mr ill(' 661trje` 4't ;„
firmlyi • ill T1L4 111t1k1 11-w fact limit„ 11.e. 'rtti.,,,ttiC,,ks,,,,,,i)n.mlillehi':14,,ab.rt or mcse IrintiMis, Alt
scturee et\the vatuable mateilat in the ,tet"'z'Lit-t•ni: 4 --114-'' -- "
mini, irq in the v*It: given th&,ecit,s; an4t ,ipatingi the, ttwxle. 44 881 "1 ilicivenit
"if 'the j -I doe& net router!) flit tift,tml...el liltilt 4r4)41's '4°41' ‘valg, 14) 1.. 'e,'4' -it to '
ced that' 18 81330 '31* 1, and, end ilii/h, Itfild ot ingredients.- !the iti.x. itl`e 111(i'lltiili;,4:115. t.4 PUrlis14 111.1°'16 WIS
.sitithi , eid of milk canitet be , maii.t. *Iltett.,the,t. asFiassinated 'C't:ttrIst4okta %Ili.
ilailik Eitilizer« 'the' OM ingrelionts-- l'45..341*-1310.1-.111-e-r,,,,114q--vw-11:4-t. nio
viquirkl. !by the anima zsysteui vat* in "I'Vnitt'er 'Or' Teineitt luttet ,*(134
• Toronto. Junctions
t nutourtis &land proportion.% with difotront tett. paying, a ta,i, Olt 5 cettlinto, toe
• ho more ,a mon studios
ttzt Ineltetr Wen he alway
AtinY 1111131 st)iltes
fnucla iltta 11,e h3snl\tlny
olimt '
la ,
galaltual4t tad- the SnInP',aniutals perrortir,"
ng, dirreV.)rd Work or gelding varvilig
101111CS, Of prt3dtiets, as milk , and itneot
14 is' very trne er a airreow. .
e te
oubjee .
itt.cce 141.V 4$.tv At)
,a :id or tm itn itto
14 111111441,k? 1410P,„
:rkal h
t..1) i.theLe tt.5'&
Vity. s'tniuld not
Ir litteineS the suoe
,tro?' WO' "n
/801king 4G 0U. -837381 tb8'
tnr:tliing wantf4;
roakt; and for
forcaerly; ti'd%
ol afitt'g4alle betirds-8
tiU '430I 1113„115SSIVA,t,
ftc.'1;tiftittit,t1tI bt.5,1,.tc,salyrili,t1(5,
Freilt the/ ‘1.0,A,.0,-titt-,4--1ttlafineIc
\atid r,
Is ostertoZiied lilt% at 4!i
*fl lif rttlOti34..ce0,:c1f4eil/t.:C*Jr-triti8 atc
dtily fortiflopt J.'
, TA itioZr ettildtret telt'supt#ert;
PtlA%aught 11. 041,41wilook gist; soot'.
thee tosi.
inale 1nh911Th831t oV.Ct Mil tilOcr)
outteeti lc In tO.bnetil leavs os tt*-y
1..nd 330 1n4t?y.
"Ttrai their ')cal, autivIvalo; 4
Ainta fmn1 ',Wong their nttolte
kuwevcr, those: duthariti7c;
ivikaltegtby• the Stianish: kuiranon
ri?‘ atlit.itAINdized 'er-24*-74'10.f.4.1
Tho 1nbabt&sa! ef aely
"George, tlear,'"Itto.'setd, nigtif or
twe' before the Wedding, 4.(14..)' you .thitik
it polielble "het Our loYe and our inat*. •
preetteal lovo. 'tInd lite -44 ihe
.6eorgei, my heatt wo id. -break if
married' people we see aikound 'us?' Oh,
lbonght .
, Will not be soli! Oiorg4,
pastilonately. "We lova asCh 'other 199
tenderiy, too: fondly for that. • Our lovft
1,11-0i -will not be so.- Ah, no,
4..,.'„IletW_th.,re4Mhtary-kind, my 'darling,
IV, my eitgi; ttket can _never be." :
. And the Other- day she said,. "I eaY,
George,, bow, Would you, like pork . for
willt apple sauce? You: would?
All ight* then: . and don't* yet') forgot
tbt feedingbottle toe the taby, or 111 ,
ecnitelott- back -ofterik-ond iffinttlrait t--
4V,t,.,40/11i,*3:10.„(11t)lie.r, tWilitint4g!.
Orr oti the, paxstori or'
yeers offe, reptird, tit,\AL. tmin
4i1't With :,:voti'd cow it lyattif MI "MO
t those str01.trousert4 "of nlinP;
find theto henging oi7or ohal
*rilliron1;_11,511"it,,thave-thcl Doitik
laSt Wetelt
Ittat Watering 4.4 the
rtnektrZi k'S ‘Th.tro4s,
Mi8r4s: vho tits .gilten- titlisk,4-
eket' for lite theeterle-Well. Ow did
4.%1) lite 'PerfOrattitice. Nlaid---"Vh,. it
5 6pr4l381ti. ma'am. 44ti gaif_0:00,1 bitiva
selir e,4azi.(4,11, Iter,, •
.” *OM "•,„„);;;;;.....
. -