HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-23, Page 5 (2)!IRE rictth,ilirroswitretynItos0,4, 047 ,10,4:.1,44t,:110, fi;ira-;,thec re e lisetruments a tuflyg teed. Censtda'a & liee makes owe .found on our IP lit)or and prices are right. - - • Sevi it Machine, r \-1,41r,getrAi if • " “oe .• II MARTIN , esential with, tie.7 Every.. thing In ,the cone:traction of our TimtsPiecegisithaped with this end in levee They,are made to keep. good time and giVis.,gdo4 y. are 'the best -at the usual. Callana Inset ourgen. k.. ,• , 010 Me' of t d in utozei LW* -tor/0,f Monday marutog there hie.00th .year, Xi:40h one let our meat reeldente,- lk 4 ,been in feeble health for some tinie, bis eonditionwas' not vonoldered erious quite receutir, " ILlos Maxis fieriea0, who companyin .Wittr her mother left Amine' 'Wait with'felendis, inNorth. Contreeted iscitriet hitlned for a number.,0tr.e.14 if I. I • I • • rt, 01 v4: w 44, ^4,M4PR, eirdallybrc&d. 4,11 ate pubjeet to the eope phyikal ; pit eutter alike Onel the eaute pby- • doturbitie" and the nature of their In many ewe, quickly dlifte there' to the hottortrof all kinds of female foment ..ttietretfon,L3alltng •*intent* or perlutpe, 15(1101 •rvounifritbiIfty triPs• Inflaming nieditioe which w' etrengtlien the: ferule Organ enable them toliestr,casilY .the fatigues ot• the day,. to •sleep. well at night, and to rise .retrealied and cheerful. , flow -dietreasing to see s. wo -etrugg1ing-4,o.-earrt- a-liveli hoed, orTe -form her household duties, when, her bee* audihesti are aching, elle is so tired she can hardly ding. 11)01,1t, or 4410AP, andevery movement toms ; pain, ,,tne origin of which is dueto some derange- ni, nt of the female orgeniiiin. _ le. Alma Rdbitaille, of 78 rue St. krot_iPili.i gilehee, _flee., ..tells women '-ili* to av(Ad such suffering; she writea ; Pear Mrs. Pinlitism ,.. "Overwork and iteg bo' • nt tbenitle . iferye�eriou3**.lritk .r- i. I fro' uble until uallY . . . „.., • Iu urntbie t� gotowork. Ithenthought Ore Friend w1u0 had teken.dia E. Pink,. 1/ • _.0 V Lae. compel:in when her tn. wo n the sotto omtait on that mine was* and straightway sent ou for ii bottle. ..t finished that and took two mote 'before i ,rolly began to improvebut *fur 0.0# ..r.n)r• , Eittst t'`.. 0,1figrsham's . Vegetable -Son ed • lift)* famfly. tkrn,of theportionthat: 101*00/4 bave one t.4 hit brother, 'lobe'', Who -had nobeen heerifrOm 011100., - 411g010,11illt, 'year, 400e Artist haif brother of Robert and John plied t.ti• the htgh totirt er . Ontario for an order perruittieg the •distribution .01 0•Olutli sh*re The eettrt was not , satisfied. that jobn was stottntlly :or.thet no-heirii, and Ivo. strOcted Fulford Arnolai to seek, tr*c- ee ,01.We'reisetrig70140-or Boaton,wbere be had last been beard of Itle 'obtain. .g • 'nflrtnat on that, ohil had disap ared In 1861 v. ng W Pre be wee found Ik*,t. failure le set ito rit. or everal year 1 have *Aide trouble which drain on my, p palns 4 a general wozn.oul ait to deelretoilye. nwdivmne aor illt A•courdel, or month* ago. iEnglish badiptilled10,Nira crow; He was takenIn,befriend". eneneAtiymentirt,the_prin • . • All went well last ndtheirJiou.eha1 been ran 4 the lad was nowheie to be een rponfurtber **arch itwite overed that he,had taken 4 ladiese watch and obain... a number of 14 coin* and 'Iturnerons Articles of evitelr and wearing: apparel. . Con, er•-neelue -of the mue. better and atronger, and in ant dhc1mazge, no ore pain. sky• reat04 Ise the Vegetnble CoMpoun arid r without .equal.fec the lIIa of Pinkhangetable Co pound is the tmiallincteure for alt troubIe • It ettengtione the , propex Plate4IM and dispilieement with ail its horrors Will 40 114001 C111811 y(41., •lisekecile, dizzineseaainting besirle down pains), ditiorderedetom nets, kli9like of friends .and society lyre ms of the one cause --will be quickly diepelled, and it will make you strong and well, • - ton can telt the story of your surf r, • to-a-worniur-tuid-iecei've-he 'V!Ce ree 0 cos ham,. Lynu, Masa The preaen Mrs. Pinkham is the daughter-in-law (tf Lydia E and for twenty-five leer* aho has, •under her direction and lance her decesoe, been advising sick WOMett free of atop . . ouad Sweets Where potrriainerote.$0.,:citivilinn oryviskr, jes.42lictiwteystklisco.tli.edolinicsebn wee teecityo(Toleter.coentr 1145d• end Mot *id Ann pay the OM of O IftafpliE1) 1)0144.1t41 fdT tidyand ever Y Oil of VatAttb thitotiotoot he mod by the nos et Mira Vetarm care. • rigANN J. air • sworefebelemmesa1sabectibto1in-uw-1 1_beeenihert_4-D. 18914 .. „Pena. - w.ourAeox. •!onto lou ltelkieeterrh Cures taken internally, and 'areal), pe,thelgood sad naticeull eutteces 01 twattfte,, ',15ttid for tothoonhile toia. • 7. 3. ClIt.,1*ZY *CO., *pled°. 0., 7 'Iake 1 3frP the *iv I war, discovered that he left eon and daughter, now living In Bos- ton., Thee* two will clal 4. the fortune; amountingto About 44• i11 lying„ to their babel:Ivrea !fritktbetveurt._,..,- ficitt Berlin, Mr. . :est ci tvildier-itiTott0IST *ere:tht reolpientevtmany beautlf preeento. Their many fiende In Zifr,i. Joh and Vicinity join In wishing them Many more_years of happy wedded Ilfe. -Mrs. A. who bas been ill, is recovering. -• F. We -flees • -Wks 'Our.- chs.*4 an *ere of 'land south of the echeol grounds. --S. 0. Afeiner4rUlle:r but • doctors and ggis it of es `es welC9nIes t1e, the right direction. The discussion ka t out the rut that pbyaiciana a- Canada auti anent IIPPxoT0 of and preikribe chins in 011$011 Of 441,41 11100t, oilitracter. • In s. went instance or very oetious throat and 'lung trout!, th* patient lutd been using 2°'iorltine Two leading 1Jnited States spstialisteo were �naulted, itt sildition to two phy,siciouse-Alxion -- -- *tont Ws.* UM** Iillttwreittbet the pi ttrsuurecoreasdi no!wiikinsantttiinisdrer4 sisorleioaratoorotiv:0 tilat will "stood or. tb. keone4-profeesion- ti a anatyaa. As * 'builder 'and reetorer-of--$11--- - condition,, Ps Ise hat t_ettre * .._ .....„,. , ,..,,,,,..-_,..- - tbsaieof Astils, the t ttriettkit ' an ittit. loott nd 1 kept stesdfl7growlng woris tilllgotdownsolowlwuln ma' !prat; Meas.: ta doetom etld toe_yeetd they , could ento mete for toe. ,rhett /*toted to ,1/1411.11YoUtoet 1 tooketi•ZO*11411* for More than 5 year 11 Certatoly Id wonders tor, tea I are noirsiettongsake'sal?etets_ter sieeneat,” itt Waterloo laet weak, pltrebaficl 11, 001110041 new . threshing • .Appel hits Improved the appearance of his 'v11110000 by 'fixing up hie lawn. . ,toisr ,.STATte'rx08..-The following partiOuler* have boon culled from tbe itettehstile13t -0)11--or .-Lbeo township of 1°,.fgrt741'19:7sl,,ere°4 14 1iaS,4;011eariten . 11,08 aercsl;-Isna4A908-40ren-4101ing tcTawampland,. nerve land, 0o _sifi.1, a 434,..siorttmt. • 07 InCOMe tax. total 0011111ittio %WS; male pet -soils, ages 21 to 00. children, *gee 5 V* 21,- 104; children, eitoo6 T10.11,08417014utotti.tatitatteseesolostuerdnintsgt t el008 masessmentroll-was SU% thus showing that Bey has deceemsed. *08 in -Doptilatiou:since-o- yearagoe--- *Annan quiet yet leash] _eight was itelemnizedatthe._farige 0 with eel personage an WednesTft--Otere0 THAT WE flAvt A. nal& laiirn, Ztttgture-Spre,ader Atittlig••brati)la new a year ago. Success Spreaders "At$110 omit. linten; Saturday Oonstible like Of Myth,: loop TaCihn- 1‘441:160, aiclto the House of Refuge. Parkhill; Mrs • (Retre) 3 A.-Lochead formerresident or this place ,pateed, oretleet-weehw------ St, fistrYsi- Mise Aferyilarii,_at the closing of her third year at lircg,aoter Univeraity.. took 1st' claire honors Its ever,r aublect. . Parkhill; Rev. : Ge T. *odd has been looted b the Briptlet Congre111 and Lleury as - V�h*v'e few htiodreil rode tirrentile - left *tprices ate fol ow: wiri*, 40 in. itig 44 4f 44 •eir pait re (1... succlusfuliy paaina his elimination as ,*tiliteVatellriiitati articled with. Hot, 'Parkhill.: -Prank Brown and retail bave mored to town frolit West WI - famise-41. Trapp-hatjrney hat houeeboid eI?ects to Sarttla. -• .Seefortht Mr. Milteri telior itt the. BernInion Bank for, the put row Months, has been transferred to the Dr.0 .44011. 'Ponok.mtt leLt . town on oritliky rooming. . srkbiIt F. E lioltby,itranitget of • W * ee the Merchants 140 'At *011 thelenon-04 uttiranton----1411eloo. ele, LiVIORTSAI): , , , tint, the Sylrester anti 1:10101)4460-..; 'known in thilviola ty, ha* 1,eti11 ap, inted Matt ger of t;he SL Thome*, Br*uch. t SeafOrth; floret -Liveni!i *01! • ivens•of town who has been pnrsuing ,mosicid course In telpeig, Otermetty, • nairspendingAuother year In that , George illganelir of Logan, on Tueiday dole me .•adzing,-*Iien it *lipped, infllct. .11)1r*, tevereitglisti in.his leg and IrOurki* Critig; John 'Caar0n, tOWnIfite.,.', et t'Trinity College• * will ng the summer tracittteri take es 411f,, of . the ,Anglioatt °bur*, at t and UlxIe, Out. . - rentooi At a. largely mesting of the '•Gritutett- c aott 40nr.totsz board, be irI ding, st. 1'0011410W- Was • tiand McTavish for thief t • ful and valuable 'etteniatri t I Toronto, *11 � tUy mpective 'nano ot,ktnit the dratyefI? and Ilan 11 elm/art and Vietor tont .f41**. Id* Hiyro�d i' June et for Wiunlpeg. ere she rot tie rnsrrhid on the fot wing Wednesday to Alfred BtLof city, eon Or gr. 14. Butt,. Bet( ' forth:, 'The, property itelonsr,ing • to (*tate er thelate Mra. Vergueon- in ,,Itgitiondvillii reatxtebouses and hair an acre *t 1&nd Mitchell, for $40000 • Parkhill; Mrs. Brenner accidently 'stepped on a rusty toil recently. And has been suffering with a very sera. foot in consequence.--Vitarlie LeOnlint IS Ittt4 t1 ',.the result or pinning a rusty bell in r is IL -partite -tithe Ste Marys: Hubert Myers, eon of ..Cloveriyers*. met Withan-UnfOrtUnitte ace -Kent while playinz'betieball on the Central .School rouriU Sitturdit ltbis nose WAS Alta. re he etruck s' ati rendering him Insensible. 110, Wei also strut* On the head. by on 1004t, ifalteting 4 nasty but. • Of 50 , P '10111?Ii?et4:14'6%Iricer*Ettote01:!")tutibinec*bOilbo;:ti'llitoii:**bl:rjorellica.Pttri:.: rg istiteal'bbil,01:13:vg)tiMI:r:inariduo%:(1;f47b.liettuete.tWbsier4414.:(1elittl had been iVreeldent thielogality. wedding London At. for- 'ikb64 28" "it% lit..x"."--11* tPl4141444,Vie ,ilionilarf-MS)t• 0001, when las Joon otr, higboaneatoem...OWngie--4/1i- 'Alberti ,daughter or Mis. - Bender, aosotoos citizen. Ile leaves •si-Witos : And Herbert Axt, 104 or Mr., and Mrs. fq.l.i.r.R011-1, or-thievillagolvere,:uOlf.edin: Downie: The little three, .3,00 out ::034,tritt-E4r. 'An' .in wishng -Mr, • *tighter:or Puna Telrer, bail 4 no- arta murs. Met much A:happiness an ta• inte/0 of Zuricb, The -cereniony was performed by tbeEev GI.cblerin the presence of !ew Mena& .The brlde vaerrettll gown- ed in .& white silk waist with ekirt an hat to match,,,,while little Mies Beatrice -Mita Nth eitiehlervareeseditE:white, lei- The. removal or Meth, Ont. • 'Paychine, pronounced • Si -keen, is the directly upon ilia throat end lunge, tem, increasing the appetite, Turify- , int the Wed, aids di.geeticsi, and acts, iv,&& coo, of toniceo_b.suorouildintog .up the ,0*.. system. At all druggists,. 50c. and Street Weas, giving, tone.. iind,_vigor. or -Dr. A.e" Sloe*, Limited, 1711. trio mot etoe absence, ore. few m1nuteao thechild got hold e• bit. been ,remov , to theParkhI brim* to take,,thepotitio0' keeper .10 place or lilted Newton., gn,. ed to aopeptenother with the Commerce. . Marys:Flrst '4. Pittregar '1ons for ;0 elty l. Richard. ik-•i7--econd:', .0 honors hi BnEtiteli, Le110,.• BIble History and • third chum • honors in Greek illaithistuittice;#est, Mocha r f4t. Marys: Monday, while.- drawing manure,. Bert 'Lamb bed a veryeerious Having got oft the seat to lie-eotnethingetiout the 'machine the horses started •itudihewheel pa.sed - -iwer.ht*-txiay breaking two rib. and lilealtiOtilder bled • ,•,„ litsiryst The Boardatt int of Eno* church hive appals orb* Mitchell, lateof London, Ei to he position or organist and eh ter. SIneetonling to Canada Mi. 1 Obeli los been Iocated ,at Carlton Seaforth: flestrtoe, the aecond 1daugbter of Wm. Unthety„fornserly ofOonstanoo, diedvit New t.;tits Monday. The revalue were bt'onght here for lntermnent, in Irma 4 It% Utattie nd fiIIed itt moitb full of criee of the obna soon brought the mother t� tte add who used prompt tOe*sureitto relieve the childebUttone to soon, aa the Inside of the child'a , Mouth wattiedlY burnt. Seaforth: The fallowingp*rUes were felt distlint points: lais week: -Mr. and Mrs. Chase • 11044,4•.° Mt* to Carrtngton,. Del'310. Eedtnoudand d*ughter to aloft 'Wok_ itt let* X. Pet tietirge L. IrelliLfMill Boad, to hIS home atTaltriagee :Canino; Mrs. Castle and daughter to their borne sit Perilnotit,',Minnesota; Oeorge ifartitt, Of Seeforth, tckINTew Lilike P. attmu-torhis---hottielit' D.; Nathan Peck and *On ,of mond;,,, toLieetpool by C.P.tR. ICmprese ol reland, *ailing front,. Quebec. • ' Titan/At' 'One or the Ow teasititnit, poitinera at the Site line Peinied -away on Wednesday, in. therefrom = of Mts.. Sprung, 4.wifeirif John Sprung, after i neat or only. three *e..kt. She ex(( *Woke or sntritlysiii three weeks ago froan will* she sever re- oocred.-Deeetteed en naine was Catherine 13. Potter, born tiPrince Edward, Co.„ Y Oat* they trioVed to the base line, where tbsy have, .0*er-tint* ei#fee.e.. f, three .Mitchellt. 'While di?Ing. seine eho Poid iifkuLts.S. eet.;wartr.-103_, footit * ginning 'do and fell from, the, striking bait Acall *Watt the'.baIs p�.t wkh• t-fore(i.7 Via , She sustainedcuts her OtaitrOng was called and ' . tittizig ure ;41 ter* • ,15 hands .075 a, line borsefor • ttte 'rood, ciesday leave* borne at Wirchoov, � David Obriatiee, 11 i butt then iome Wednesday to Philip ' tleriezie to • borne, to home. - „PlibrioudrjerAyl.atoltSi!t; s Ba1kwifl',Rl..b4rd, 10b wrist Iolin Wolfe, 4 Oreter nt, of this piste tiled reoentlYtet ter from the Oleo is of .peritiv* ttWif4its year. igo tie. Ware • rtowtied 1: Mo.day trim wat (rc1gtou ap. P„,MW. fl. flayhTnes. Mitchel pilIty tti tbetbarg' t i• •Week .10r 4i,gtent :001 lickiregor ttt Sisie* where ebe will itt rattife tstsati With herc,-f* it. • it to :Ititsteinten itt this est or htel'e 00,1041.1 with Vseliont • Xeunectio , St* /4 WM1 sueil Wilenterege °Itist Imo ace ttlitittpilpeutve, bonng reenter Ilv, northeast or tble. J3ecausC t dstartrclto reit *" 4 just 11011404. .*owing hsgwent Ettteshb..t1 eIpwiiiiivItttsigt4t:knditil*I1441b°b*leynibtb,eobt":t414)tinbiktit ethe k drone of the ling t lnipoa.lbie to d. top tberv'In their Met to breW kitneelf i and ftett EN1)1140 DOUBLEANt POKING MIND TOE, .411,130 WIl SII6VEL TO en/Tut-AS OUT OF viostnIsisix The:Sunshine .is furnished, wfth g n. All you ve to do is to grasp two *Aron tached, stl*a dlez 4r14 the laMeiroomy L pan easily tames ou minute or two iz all k takes to perform the operation. All the *ashes are irk the pan, iidecl trtof\ash-chutes I