Exeter Advocate, 1907-05-16, Page 7 (2)1044,,
- trgayries.. -auditor
lk)J)kssy hOlviidex*1 Ikttt Ii
PIM at. '01Key, 111.
pos$Ibto AVOrtifi, VIput hr itc
tho tale „'; bier onS
sicaLthe tOrrent.Of her
kviSt poib d�Iay in Oa:trite,
hr. tire1y, whfit 61,1e1P-45-
"her-AuagOanimaus rentate1ttoi.-
111' ofie her • justke, *111-ceaso
10401those hard Mutes and
isertions fitat. 'have 'ma& Illat
his •inxii lOtlf- to listen to. But. rn
The; wrath
iist lizabeth ',tor p4V111
44( i yOUfllj
U1Ct1 for Il 1 purpeii.9
11, b du 10:11*- hu--.'
,1 Of Inveilattlf* to:,an
ti>11; or to- winiVita
that the. next 't 0
day., g. by wiIhout any - dinibm
rathf wffltit.'nfl4e ami.
. W 1406th _,.
£flW her you- -
-should not see her
'that LArto a1I:
t &o't )qi asic lii'
"131+$4.0014,1 it 'be Mfr a
with ft treMble trt 1d8 v4ce. Ile dcii
UI'tfI(d to 'see her uitt4l he d*
.never. tbetieffilo4-03M-real
,1,00 to IWO; \ he haa hunger 10'
ore himself ittat„ttrA* e
Et adut o! 1aradkM
nd Eve igutii00
, estamet
time he. blurred hat Ntca
OILS dry sir. has r1IbLsM
itnumlif and Mt yt1 In I11Ofl
t� Ifteir finriow faint tit
uL I
.awityheat then.
alterlte er- out:' just go
slaititS-bY .the father, and ta4'a his
ti itY014Phand in his-; tut4 tofMtle
0;0 on that Peer-.11P1X1Plei eUt of Wlti411
itto Writ, that was •4$0 1110a, '140 ,
fi.r it lutakfleetect. Later on, they tell lilul
1ow 11 came about; later,ors, when,tbeY
are all stticing hudad in the little dark
Itesitvomaiti and
$ybIllaput n subbing oorcec[ton now
hi h
con the
,hfttIer of Uvhihil4$
tit not Abin1,1 coat,.
ou1v .to eiibanc'elter own !rata
• .you IPPo• Poeta:inn* to
'that he .W4iU10, (olkow he
miitoy.detketwo&t.tt t$244::
—with invangry )400,4,"that he eau, .
hi uttei bad as yowntake.1010, out
thsLt he has not, 4100O
uI4 net pat ift into h
wre. you:, .roues, has, with 101 ,eftaer
real,, sod t niffrintent 00 toss$1)11,t
flL 'Ibex% her .4w. • • .0•
11.10Y hos'
4114 IAA. hayloft,
PniUifl 04 et' the 'fiacre,
tuIfl4 ofeaVIOg
at you -!ay"-tobrtrnkfa.1 with
xne " he asks, a little ngtui4 al Ain -
* :Moot Maim,
'e,i;-1111:41te,-,-luggage 401,041 and
‘ihtiCte-:-Iter wanderingj
v(fuilr i' the tjotel front ott they
,olosoct PeNettnes
not up- yet 3 WOK ber*t,
.1.- de 'st.43t. AVith'ine
cannot yu with.an-
y I Mocking t
, raria,
"Yoh are not'-‘-witti
lien for &..tiidi Op f her one Clitck r
.Z4'4 sMilc44 ton., 1,
flo 00V:flit/II; that the old hen neeil
140 •clucked,qullo litzclly. but that',Is
leaxitititem1 flitx§t- •
She, liftsItek eYetirows-
Ida 'hour-r•ttlett torgct 'hoW eaily
mew/ has got Yoh, into
but .1 'etin-itussurti, you,
will LiII find her in,
nfrid ihat. them is not tin&
on niean -1,
tone of lively 'surpri'
11 ?-4-impossible!' • -
her with:
lt,appears to him no,:wf„, In
--dLiiirZlitatglialli.6 bit
ht Ii.a u knier ".
ad reat1,:_41V0i*:, the ,wbotet',1,4*7k*
if :71tadi-never beety-o,ilitte.
he' had ifOt'1,0tritit'nliad -yet 'of
int inunense It aeons to ;WM
the -Women, before ;Wm
)viu3y never: AVIlign, be,
to ink 'Of it, bow should she?.
of hiet it ttet: *no
on f.'11itt. ht li 04---fliviteintrt
. r7 Ktlic
$bee rery znuCh
"Shc does
k ,preUy h&I" repllet
ytvith the sublyi g
CheerIUlfleES sf'a.jgurod hop; "ter-01re
tking she is0 wastetL 1 tpposeftthat,
*%14' 4 VS() much
oer but4rthelt r aW criMetta never
, 4, .,
11 the, setond tinic' Within, two da,),,.ft
the fact, trothadis maturity
been httPressat•Upatiohirtfcatid tor-
, it.,NVOUlfi hallo caused him a Pent;
Iv; of whAt meintent, i. it to-,htin
hetutoks a. hundred, it.;•only":sho Is
she -hes she asked afler me?"
*.dolitot tkw her, Lo $peek, but if
o here
a ort 01 rniIe ver her fae-$1.1eh
ac it; IS
Very 'nit -10i ibe
tioti4 Itte,--tcr tier, until.-
, eitishinent In Ids 'Wee; "hilt
riti nuot -renteuther 'hat I -have ken
lot rontpletely. fit the dark - as Stie
been ill," '
In ariswer.-tm.-tells.-be „, with . intielt
UP%ily *114 oomitresgon, as he ad fitk..
' Irt :OW late, of -I- ' , tlisap.
ptr'nce of Aineli Often
fut-rrnpted by lief eXtort s on t syin
At the_enot she,sa
.41 A lw tti iink rut , 1 . „I.,:h a
#etting- bolter . tItoOyt..la
-nit. NJ '.4.vrelcited t e such.' a lntg
ay off f"
fit+ otoptio is, troUtole a.5 tier ou-ti.„„
an itittyllott . • strteerity, 1..i confirmed
tvr ' her , lin 11 seizure of Ids Itanc,l,
anol .111-e tee log look in .,lier.A1 tialtdscpte
we*, irval(e Jilin: ttirgiv e' iiio elitweecTalion
ot her slatenten t. and ft iorite. waylo.
awards' replacing tier fa iliatlsition In
Is44 *skein xthie i Ito .dialriks 'against
sgjabettir had fOrie xtear"to Making her
frorfelfi; • :' ' ,' ' - . • - . ' -..•
It atilt loo all right liow:' ronlit,v,
notice!) ; fbere will be Ito -
10 'but lo build up lier strength
o,,he fa loting--at, •least";;.---fts
int...,tente rot Atiwii 7s Iinyoulbrul
rinee evidently flash , ravosli her
tajJ; of that preinildiirt%. mithlic-aged
. An *retinal. fortune' •iivei lii
tuP.1.4 eYes-,
anI her;
thne for shearing In the
8a.y north t,pAraILel 40
* ctieed. now by
he .4 the its.; Years - n
d eoin
cloist r A Ao
Aquotts uvOw shearing to claier poi
and .lawn. ittiOaii‘144041b
ek,i with his vulg Autiovvq.1,dect4 IN1ten: theflock 15 Ottlelt
canter* planted on -Abe *tinte?vvorn:,stones,: tested .witk'. tiOrts,‘;:lhe hate of shearingt
etiosittrying to moo, be advanced.' -But it maylo
monk to 'his letare: The gett-'.nece"10*to Olin:ITO': *hen
ii0ookirkit Fra Iaigt., 304 .4r4,wg$ I" Owing is done Vory-OrbN
105 '010* 11-°0 • folding, 1146" sheep stietitintt machine Is fat
u surr,44)4ing
his arms, ad ,,, 4h n ckty and neatly does IV' the work,.
"You are •w. - u werer that it win to
pay .invest in one of those •
ertainly 00011liest even tor a affigot _00ek of
sh' t` 1atcal
r from. .er'8in.'epi1$141$praibeto
foa--t Xtc-14riOnsjo4a-ot POwertozurt041,-
thew machine% but when ibis may Pot-
. be practicable they may be run. by hand
-owes .,111, *
)oug,olin i -Olt Pe_nrs011 shearing tha slim') and the
-irltlit he.r th
,-.youlamaril tit an iteeentr-o ,,P:nr,,...7.0.1714:::*In'-b102. 'tot , . we*. • , '
Imo4" anguished ' al "that,: I ,n1,.. im; ,100Ohlhes, •ii•
'a --thought her Ar- 'best woman (hIS ..-- s . „ .0 -0 . . Oh.
is wiui re- rt „ smte it isto tbe effect that they
the world.'! ,,,,„ leave .the steep, as. It Wet** toe bare.
• jt, sies;::0t-ectaraeo I ,t,P_____01.ir.$(12,,,,,"4"Thedangerot maiming the sheep by. way
aston 4,1411.X0Liit4"V"' ''44 tUtting 11..ftt
Fot 041 alSt perforc�
'With iniStfal eyes; or the)* wiI
e 00 ,ac
Jie-xsolks away be is filled with 4'
*oletnu _Lono ot those deep erious
dti with viincit not •IneStrallgerc.
ti(k, not ek,n.J. close friend Or ,.10,y1ng,
Liusthan lateen tildieth.„ 146.1s. none an
,00/01n041, tofinieet itits../tyng at a Or.:
.taitY .hour, 'bat Although • that '11436r:has
already tow!, s , feels that
t annot:4go all in con,gratty
. lotions _without. Soul 017 toning
down -4)1,-1)1s mood..
, The'streets, with' ill
V44,1 4
drivers, seezn alt too iceuIar and .ogry.
day-, ..t7:--nt ,
orlddit . and .• istress'.4Pds.' the hanIU 41I d shears,
t.her, it it t
attsLait onCo uziess
; US$ --Ii4C-40#11itit"iiiiia
tineg8 for her is as indi
• putot. Vihurinala MadnesS; a .-
for alwayS think people ge
11 tottive 'shear at; w
.hall heke t
ting ut thefiery h�t piazza,
ISfritoie#10t 1hpv0r1d.
Interior, deld. Ott*
Usual tspriiiklin
Its soaring • oilton
On quite as do well, -if Itot. 'better utter. .bctrd" Vilerlite
ever •digto
tree asfront
w _:they _.00t.,_beoin glcilto 44 be clean, that W
['and' ittr,
,But her light
Nil .10 remove the painful linpr„Ssion
:treat her bear#14s mind. Has shei„.dur. $
hig .alt these years, been e'reiliting him rood, I
P° done 46i
t to wtteipe
ucUon, owing b- 4:41tItoultrott--tOrt,,
spray ween ••fdte -unfolding
e; rno.re or less covfted- with Itall'is*
Of the inseets - IMO
'$nbee4nent trealtnent in
the tourse * Week ,stiould usually be
made*, evecially ,It the ,Orat application
it to have been onsatisfactory,
Mter the 'foliage Is well out and:itiom
or Ie distorted -from the presence of the
aphides, effective spraying Is 'quito
'cult, slate MOW' tho
lower ottracif Of. thc cur
,not be hit by the'S
tleaetisary 10 keep tho 1 4lcIs under
'trot. It will .totten be found ra
to bend over and linnierac the terrninal
shoot ! iy young tree In ltazi
a bucket af the sPr4Y sOlottell* and thi'i
An Atettit
titioit, twenty
times every hour.
In the lungs them. are ,000 ee
%hill wood cover * SOO thjrty
ou had itlny boned
ititflyntttie4y0704,11u,11,1011,44bootitilut.hty:Ity1474yottr4711,10,00,4:4,1 body.1! you •
aiutweru 3.;a1p,..,tuJeurtx$,botoL:ttttoiSawro%
ng. Tite
tulal umber of year botee Is well over
111 be very. effective.
: „..sulptidr wash , for 1
st t. winter -egg' IS mid
:to _pounds, .sulph
Mt hour.,
lIf ring work
he floor
nay be kept as
aftistare with
0414,,100bs -Aro'ttri °-
ho Itkori .7,r,hof $tioniating
being given fo lite* vioSo's
in :the ...,SYSternAltan would
..iII tis the days Hut vitrol
' .:'1I)tortere. the
with' a• wish for Amelia's deathvAtiat 6110 mote, e
should- be So much aSioutshed at his 0tilersvbq
thanktignesa ler her being gixert irittok erious as
to hintl
"I believe that -Otis -it lb° best sheep.- The tit nportanek PrOnPttlos,
'10 l'711 , g'to thts-matto • '
Mrs. Ilyng, eoling tint ,ver rable._ Years ego* shearin
t 816 IttS'AOt teen 'tali ,,,., .
till .soine. time, Lin.
tr:- et..-:"Olitt ., -
°It.---' --Iwi - ,t-We'r-r—TAilit. have been -considerable The sb
tot/ether: frouetilly -lot Considerable quatititi o
*Ak:9Are-411.- - -4 •
ing up. As 1 1414' you, mkt tho,fitst
e ; and you • would :net Ullette`. TOW;
ty 1 handle 'Ow burning Isubleet
everything icon the mend, and wsS
an.geing to. havea jollytint&1aelths.
whale -ell soap . ,npound
for each,- four .gal 'water., .Sint
aptinks-secuit ,their y suckrng up
sap Iran' the,p 1.1 _ o! (he
rstniettl: polSoits- such,-;as-„pros,greefl
Anil; the IMO Wepli.1 drectivt.:.
Tohateo,dosioto# *kr W. -ill'
-tobacco. steins and other refttsit
jog at Lite rate of one *tad.for
or two gallons Water, 'softie ,
being added -Jo MS4a up for (hat
-Whitt • -•
pct.' cent. r crud
inn 'emulsion ..as 14
ero etrOlenin*i.o.
trite the
• No str;'''reaa .14 (Otte1Th.tdo
, the style to, which: She lies been
etistonied, hi!LL 1,0.1te a ,ROod $41,01°A aritt
'1' Ara tetal7 Otitic- --So is sha:!-
'mint sufmlent_
11 1„Oen% be tak
-441-1. won -.ex
-.141nor bla.10-bu
furnish a rtiodeStbornefor to. -
'Toting oar- said Mr. Spit
king:at NA Nkakits
Vier AVALA:.4-4--110,1,fr
"Morning, si
tritiisce Isar
y.'aboitt. there .1 tit 40:
trotting Idther r ntiforbfilden,.
ringing_ hi§ ika' ii.td itivark
'tibia ia 4 -heeling at
the. st tht hetet?
the-line'i tiela
bcside t.Jteiii,
teiled- AN
beVk to t
lelitils o
al,. van
iiM. • to
espansio o ow I
`t,t.. telt her v.t• inticli lie'Itopes
*hatet,-00 it 'i. Abe will'htn t. It
rtot.,the ntaUtpa shot standing"littte
j-.t'La ItiSn as tL4 lurn4 aty fron
the altar.; ,
• *1 saw yotr to) 1 he-'01tfri.,1%, 1.
Mrs. !Vito, lier saille growing &line% ,
diffident as she If eei thec sofetnallY of his
tate„..sso 1 thought, I would 'follow yo
t.3-,:otf tool!: IShall I go nway14
uoili,(1, ifit 016 im:,), iiste:, i'.)rdttc.'
she had not followed hitt, ,that t
bad been given _Ave Owe -ii,iinuita..
,Iiiitvoelf; .but het naturally .4loes not NI
"$ince vre iltitli ill
he i cloiste.rs /1 assents.
A.S.raoll Di., • tc, willi'it,'in I
n4 *.bon,t- iii)g ,?I 204'irk
'The • are scarcely
144 inouoi. 'berme ,stift, ItIII, 10 11
ti tho ol.zo$
ts this. Derst* fOOlitog for ottl 11
to be Axmilog -Strftight-LlowIthis
aid 15, nrLng at
T itardiy,
Miro& wtth a Dena, end
bO cannot make ire* otit;
in -one herrn-31e' flask
rig IMO bis eyelf
ovq the §cone nienior ,
„Ids, he believes that she givestt
$erearn. end ay- 4414'1'
it i';srr 11 15'00t truer ,„
tinw hears he loanws
tiscre waiftt
his iam. 11.
"it pace the l*o
anti lov (fie,
the hot SlallillOr
k 'current against
ilis'attert,i'Ards atikhat
1111i4 Ittorie been *rug.
itiole toted.
105bed lo t up to that uSek,sis speed.
At; 111?. time lie tIonks„IYothing, Ale feels',
walling, Ile twliesilitingit ^art of
hotel.„ 1us1!k4 What 'mti 10:
ho,..;pootiltl,,h thinl!is afterwards het
most M%o.! been iwall./Ts• cqtd
ana that • there 'ill* sort of
inpasEionste murmur tr
is, Op. Ste' Alit& 1114" 1
is, he leers up. th
Arkii rotti.s af:.rks
A‘10o7,they always
I twn Ifr o4
h he has suelot ofo many
resittleig,s listemng 4, he need
..,13V„ ,,(t .4 OA 4:4to.n,
kbflE ,Nnit Ifir A410,4e4 'that,
MAt ihrtm111.41(1
'*totiird INC
Adapt eg, "