HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-16, Page 2 (2)0
A Si
t 11•41‘
" thartg6' •
tireh)cm. of., living
Scents tohalm bee.tt 4:0411
report of s
Ite British
trtonttu' jourtkey o
ant Moutinorr
ire lied
§ilate, during which 41ei ve
y bon pri41
the ,rete of mortality that Issesfeely
° credible, andlt is 4041141, if any other
AroPteol colony In lb* w24 la 1.0414Y
iiiim atii1
!White tnert are n, W In the t
and that,',,the*ttittIty hi*
'Itirirtrthe aicrage term oi'tbe rem
-1Audes deaths from sunstroke, us al
4h0. result, of carelessne$st e.
11 - ua Ens TGCOMPAS. ileides that. are sometintigt lot!
tie 0044.40,4,
• •
elY 'We' • t ULd
are stmOng the • supoontely, great
111Premeir-littItst4 of •thet--tdoeetive
otlities Men has, enterts1
ROI& with them, -endWhe , conteed'
Ittern.Arte. :4-grttsur
4.* •
" 1
Whe "'tufo e Otto conflict wit
•man, Ulit Wm try eo 1134001 with thts
eerth, its stoma se*** aurrOttrlds.
a &hip sn4 loaard. 11*
ors. They crush* ,
verwbelot, a,
orn not 4n17- *st
lft t,
Edam*: TA.
.10t-41710-de4thnrate'lltimst'il'APwairkit 'sleta-tt
" -Men twour -port-hasteax to:die--4 4
---foeuntry, -• .
inert *cross the bar May 11.c.
'The IrsIordt-ot;-tha-snertr-to--be-surer sirippoLbecAolitezu
ari In the prima or nrei but :there .are gis_t• has Wert eta Rived end .4
;aISP MAO 11161 of advaarad year, ,:trtt* WV: In nature, way- i
_tiler, • is '6041,way for ear% Ot Utt
whose ronstitutions •_hale aultemd. b luOur .owit„. life; 1
Let *us' grasp the irezr*
•14ing•terms in hot eltrriat* WtitMOrres AO" -1*.•00i*, 4-1014- --
-:•,,,Iktirlbutes* this renterkable improvetnent ' 4/13 is' the tilorY,40 lilt glorious eon-
totestor a41,.erise cire.umstanee . Strolling
lo` the fact that the *attic% have dented •
to live, thet the Conditions of 4'i -4-
U -fence ere : sanitary . and, coinforlable,
thl...te\ the. men are freed from ell dif-
ficutly in provisioning Ithemeelves.
In hi5,410m, almost all the station
arc admirably planned. The. principal,
,• bnildings re f brick with, wtifi-irer-rirt
iitt,the grounds are laid: out. wt
\eye lo.effeet, the wide,. straight, totem
ere bordered by Sitttite, Areas and •ar
veil Medi end finely 'maintained, an
very stin'../on--has-Vs /111X:Orrikrit -110Wee
garden t-a---kitelien_oirdert. that 'con
stonily aupplies all 'kinds of European
end other vegettlite,s. The.
1 1
!14 .excellett-1, oyez* stat ha Show*
ens -
he native miarteri.ar ke-itt clean enst,
Vholesonte. and. every day the sIttito
growls -Ore, -oteone4 0114 gonnshi#4.-
iwtr •••.
rtd t • h aths•
nos vt at.°1?4;ge" 41thiltY,C h
ot: the ...tOtit 40-41110h
1.0"evols14*, •Ditt&N;14Ht•
.would b tto
mor ritOrea---;.breattrAhr-44e"
tteti Inflate each, olher.--were
th ns taws* JeronlY
t tIltaltirner,
j g 11
40 NVA
frO 1.1
r 11-.'
'A W t
uiennri1 age -0440r*
ePhe Wei en •engine Iltehittit ithit
ughtitioself eritittrtatia.40._,theishle of
00 -,W4dott,0.. Wade, learned *A -Oh_
' • brustitis. Ovt of „*.ettlE
•oitt • o
tett . 104tI1hi- ,-*PP110ne
frokn kitEs itit4' • • -
_ ritt wagered eighteen ancient Sad 0141K1.
ern ,1,141gUagea 'White earning, 114,110AR ,
a: blaelttimith., " Golden-Textt. Pse.,107.41.,
Irno4e4ir etlerirarilPYnititve%41411':Ier noretreetzsitebealtt. "13 "S'S°"Nt S'-.WD113`S.'
t • a'
&bse,bpOtz, rniy be rernv'd, ftwn1
., t ' made o
Is,fling wter .poUrk1 or Cqual quota ti
wtule IL s hot', rnuht bi plaeedon
II o *Wei-
Amp-burners_lhat do
.1no burn ,- I .
nr Osily put rightby bo
twenty minutes in soda water. Keepa
old pot for the•purpose, end us it evtr
wo or three merino. 'lave tteburni
it rneU4 Xr
11 tit oil, will 0
4 IS meat--ttne0
4 r‘4..44 -iii -
,ftnrch*m •
terecidoe 'aubillequen
h. Tile first liet'
lofted la that they
In thuentenit
tion °tu10 mo
ft* timeiro%cnpLet
them doea, *tseU
om el
n of s ma
ibts, are, tha private specul
individual on the,3„subleet rit
'nits,. 'net be
*. T13titAtiYt.
mien* history
nsideration 411
they 44 -not
ncOlttit, 4.17
I ugh leldng1
"nk pt_urat numbers
TAP -erg'
ric,cdtastlinit: ePh-
hbOrt :,%•!" _
thin voiht ,stre4,
ior tzpid net, the
1m&wtli eolomd,
t it mottle re -
i ape.
an • -
APO Jmwn straw.* trimmed
brownjettthers. Ittlitst •
h., birottions with other: c °lora as
1,‘, the best exaniples of brawn
in the shops.
it limeades
'with Intneltos oi
With bine and
„ For the
• mar everting gown ,
vont Will be. worn„ with
* with
I allit-forrthe -waist band-
u 'Cittelleiv-Idk-'''''Tintso—
ts •twtth-yelleei4----philvilafer----•
T , t erefore. toreria upo green* or pale 'Mile' teffela ruches, and
. 0 le 1thrgare topped off With or. Maette of Itiee and
a nstwerenotrurd long sii in the centre of the back. •
.•'• 1t mix,' millinery a, -Striking effect vs
MC e, tionetusloria of modern attOittV ...0 tligQ ,wit4 4. brown stow homehair ,
arrow, nor accompltshed stn, nor"
evil habits need paralive the aspirations,
along the,liank Id my native Trent. 1 of your essential manhood, nor quench
hat* seen potable -with Ind and brie
In its hands. Some townsman, maga.
neentlY. 01,1111tPed, with outfit that must
bave cost st, little Whine, non hisline•
its immorhility. Put forth_ your band*
my •brother, end the' serpent shall
COnle a rod, ' ' • '• •
''.-Agnew1Paddin ;Frosted -
'apples, And vf-hrtif a lemon,
labltzpoonftels Currant*, sugar,
...paste; . %Method "'Vas an ore
We 'twit, the ot
egg, warm the:hinter, end beat 'YOU* of
egg s and butter to4ether.r. Next ince
poratetheseingrollents_ With the
atut eurrants. and .sweetett
Many of the: stations .now have"-eatil
• supplYing beeland 004 and tfie,Stata-,
net onli pays. Its men. Ott, aecordinst,
-lo the itelgian. standard, lint it-,also_re;
eons Ahem completely cis -'far es' Euro
Peen suppliei, . are contented.' Each -Matt
througheltihe 'vita& &Main receives -hie
_.•._. stifirdies onee-1n three months,' and they
, . 'Mnitrade .411 the, ..t.teec--"Tsitits: ,and. many,
-4uxurles*- Including-,,i,,,bettle-of ,red,witie"
,st. day, ,erld all on a lavish *calk: Ttta-
-Stele ",fInds, that this Ow, ler the ..ex
ellent eare„xtliat it fakee•of Its roIlletalSi
ervvee.0 -
piediab puff -paste,
the inisturei-entt bak*for-haIt'A
tealthe•whiloki Of eggs to„i„afli
add „a little. castor sugar
thtvorifig of,leittotO. Pile the
i,‘-i•lh,et baked pudding atet return
oven till the meringue , delleate,
breeirried, •
Almond and,
• it • i
Meg. Me
$4, •
lattnild,Veldeh hes been Well -greased with
ran butter ; ht the spaces .between
Them -ottrort „witts„.•01.11404$4_1.1),,ett „PItiover
a layer of spring° icidte,or roll, with'
a-fcw 41t of melted butter overvit, and
thn- add roof *trains. Commenets.
in witItUte taker -placing svittlp OLIO
. Caslonally, and. -,repeat, it until the
grated deinonlpOil.. and )41 little nut,'
tneg to Me Milk. anifAir 'MOO the •welt;
beten eggs. *It well.- te ether, and
tit Os, reference to tho inane
'fttto 'the,mould over 811 the other •
t- t taking core It is quite, full isrtigittes 4iut, EgY'llt. etoll'est
, tit on -titet lex
on. ' - .,
The. 13.00k Or Exodus The Ifehmvf.
speaking -Pars -of •ettrlY•Itotot designated
tile 'hooks of the -Pentetetteh each by AO
initial word or worts. - :Thus, lite flfst
beak was known to ?hens.. 45 410...the ilte,*
ginning,'" - t seeend. ,And These Aro .' More, and mightier 1han -we-Orit too
the Names' the- third* "And 110 04W 4ttait and to 14EghtY for 4,4! tollttitar -
tit& fourth,- *tAnti Jehovah .Spakes," and lo,„ •Nvi,sely-Shrewdly.,.. ,' • - •
ftelientare, Ot''.6reek-spettking Soak. 'h .Y Bo 11 in ' 1. and his sint ,Seli. were
• 'telt-444-1)0144ga 10,031,S=
Clods were first applied ' .ii
4010814W . the Hebrew Bible into- \Greek: , Inunediately after their atteS?
SeCond toitturies_.L.C.11 Thei•-nal a- • the tiirotte,to engege in a rather
dna" means, literally, 'etleparturevor Olt. ive 4,vittlato With the Hittites, who.
*meCoitatittated---Wgreat pnv.ver"
It we's natural* -therefore* for
at _ Aletandria ' during, the,. third ' And
,seoond -book -of' the. Pentate Anse .v.411-jart 'w"5eret- aibistitt t'rilrOnte 1°Y-S.7.41triYi.'°r_'!4_e*
-going,!!-IshisAutine being_OP 10- the
;Tit . ti, .Tesltbasters to', illitlet thent WIth
their burd s•-li'ictorial: representations
,found. on Egyptian • ni(inuments •dating
d4' 'e foein ttlid
r of the new king. Meet).
objp....,piat,,,,attrooete 1 . of4he ZIXth nyt, --I with a •bunett -of .:y.ellow •Iulips ,or ,-.•
oly is to herettor4 . es .tho ?Yampa _oi. titogie yellow, Politifes set, high' on, •one
the Oppne$4100*. the "naw Ringt7., te_10,r•tvaL, side; tablarrinart and wisteria, in rich .
,theGinn te1145ther""ell4intses•ust-1-xli*t4.4•44-"Ithe't9.11411ttl,„; lli'etrilgeawa.Z4141141m414r44146ifitt"stra,rwe t°hats4,e, 6Meea4genot4a
Wader ot This. gritinstY* or. Sett .,..I.i.,Ts straw toque* r.reSecit with a double box
son, ',whet ' sueceeded his' lather w tue 'Plaiting of velveli in the Same shade or a
torota Willtirt a little 'More than a Ye0r. little darker, set around the tipper and
lower Part of the brim, "IX lehg ostrich.
feather lying flat seems the top'. •
The prettieSt'effeets am gained in Ate
striped pestel shades orogen voiles- W
2:mnr,ting-thent-Millt-lapartese.:or:conthi- •-
itatiott laces. pastel blue, rose. pink, and ..
red stood fouttresh and clestIn. wide hod
Wow stripes. : Gowns of - white lingerie '
are abaft, with" border4witternS -worKed- .
pasiet eolors. 'Colore4. embroiderla
also aro Wed, to tritif . 'white , morning.
dresses, pretty polka dotted 11 watsts.„
Itl-Avlors-,On :white lawn st are trim. -
irked with Them. - .
.11to -“Tite3o Are thol'ivee r The - 'they also. joinAhentselveit
litt*esliMitivoi •
tin translation of the 014- Teatantent,
ttarly_4,0gour tiell, Male rom.• rot pm us
t c Cloth over it, plunge 1 16alliTs-ttgerilfittaaftilErtiallet1 liplifeS,Srotrst -the- ,
1 1 • •
0' a a 'matt , of .boiling watee, and passed IMO fire-t-ulgate 6 .lerontewrind subjected,. in imetea tinies,,tnereover,
1t1 It botislowit for SU hour. * When, ajlt-IV(Itt•elittY illb0. the' language§ of- roo. evere griodlog, too • wasoften sue,.
404; t&ke It011t of --the water; arid let it, ktern 'Europe. The 'nurratAve PI ris•PAtli. esshilly•tsed as 'a means 'of keeping
stand for four or'five .ininuteii before rel. P.Pens, .0,,n tt. WOt
OO .01)1...0t144.*ers'.air,i' down the tspteatiens et a stiblect people,
ovin rt, Cloth; theft turn it a' lerein-tront the trtuntP arta PNzItentY of it nut of actually diminishing their alum-
ird-scryaltlo*.swookor "Igo' JP0Pilt.., to .which. the later • PhPtert, Pt ber. ' " .: '
,. - • - , . ••, • 011.01setolevoted.
1-"--knew-dyntutly, wid.-.-Abborred. ,
,puditta.„44Throlitartes pnit .arisen r, in Egypt under•Which 140014 lie*
„ . . • . .. . r--Proin A rootmeaning ** o
. . . ,
fro "*.th,; ..breaticrtunbs,-4-o/s. eur- Tik, entetlY crushed* the-41011hera_te Pur- ktO, crush:1 , ' •
3- "as.* Ono, auger, 3 ego, tome Po,14;k et• .the Egyptian leollaren ming- 'IP_ . ,utoftlar and In brick, :end in all
,tilittletnilk. Method : Roil art& Prevent It PoSsilite e further' increitsO`ot, Manner. ot seivice in :the •11014,,Seli, 'I.
inba, ottrrenta; , tittetPettoPited• ,allet,-. -cruelty-and rePreasion. -lite story ot.'tite. wild,: VIAL Mtended.to extend *long the
tioWeVer,„----rteVer,7 ,completed.,
t st".ttme, .iiithithit stiffletertt 'milk, to s'0 is the 0,,ect er ot Israel* let -he ifferent kinds of °held labor
-,AVI,iolo-4.ttit.htittligxettlert-taltito.a., Vttl-If..--1014.1-h iti,P-Ett !the' 661Vati9" 01' Ittf#'„,Welt ita .e. been: ineludid the cut -
aft,. Petit the mixture:Into a h% PeOPIrliir 0 -1 hligtr'''littitigt-it",g-itr-r-.7d4Wr.'lh-elfrigittiont,--oti
'carrots, .itdd to them thil bread- JeviishPoPul;illon by mettsurea.01" Mines!, .cottimeneed of:Instruction' of 4- great.
Meg_arid sugar.., Drank Alto eggi -over Ot' '''OetteiSisAs the Moil .43t Ufa aft :ettstOtt frontier --et-twit, -11t-e-
1 tlertu
two ouneite ot au
t with- the, bite
e Of
sir West _
eway,. the. 1 , th'
t .au. int, _in_ ' ha
Ciatutoi. S6gth „..
sses his iilews un tite sent u
rt in the Transvaal. __.
ludic' he says ' depends , -ialh
‘. , ift tae. oI • the. togressttio ,postlion-•10
tIu ite.w Leglsi t re. If they will 'to
their- able"--- telielott-leader„,
„go ,Fortt,t*._ vie 1,-,,4 wentbt4 t
y listen- to Nti *seiiitik Who adopt
it po,ley rd ex Von. nd continue:1'
Mato en the 4 it tiny $,Ittsst.. Dig 11 *
' May , lie a \ , v tat -Pt' ro*leil..* -
' Iteret., a_ ',the riltelt . pre
i twit by ret Ong. t0.1 publiah
asPerAting. 0Peeet4es Vidtieh ere, re:)!
addressed to the- "tZeilierY•, in • En
•, ,,,,
.And the greet, ntroin ' honats. ft
'don t'att tio,.'..mtielt. tY.-,'
:Provocative attitude-- on ' , art .• t
llict 0 - , -r4Pri4entattivitt_. in the Trittsveil,
oit, 118truelinte. (ton • to tu,1,9piratri with,
'metal itolliatcl Ntritstry, In the. 'ariecilk
, 'ikniti .satistactoty gettroeront qt the vari*
IttitSliOtl* Vtich Wilmot the Indus*
try'. III ,Itistiie to - their sttarehriittero-,
1h 'Y shouldelo Se* ••
Iwgarding the t.114i5ist l'abnr• noes. lo
Sir •''‘Vest Ithigettity sz,•tidf,„•••-•,t10 Innill
...se e Intim: licen titiht,i•
, of Atte men Who' wen& sr!itt lo
u ',.e*,..• nil they tomtit -lie in their
tteli ;it the • ...sJ•kirert And et , the
ergettt: , I' Ctr,Itti, Tint, t!lere i
41-y4 ,n,rt 4' 4..efilitinglet 11.1,,',h311411._,*
,3 41$ sfavery,„ ,crite-tidncSO atrai,‘
*,1 heir an *1.1 rto, %vitt., itui, titi*
4,-, iption-44 Stitt Alt Iltql4Atz,4_
. let, They. did t14 teettit 11E0 ott0rAs, "I'lvirs
litl typreis!to, ttl‘rnotott itimt Eh
tiotit§.1*.th-. onot€,,., Niltst..%
, Ili* ttrol* iiti ;
tt ' er-ite.1 and.,
, \pralli, Lc , .
i. t' flw
It i$ A
* .4 i 4.1
trn ou
heft Pu
butter, 5
tit 1 lcrn
o butt
IA • -the 4g
-,Alter the
higether, add thci yolks.o
than' The whites, whiolt Itav
*tIwIttate4. 'Strew ha_this
the curt' , • nd the; rind 'of
4t4.4, ut.or tt: en‘t
ovir ,,gttz0,377-of tattified
pee_11- Thett
mitq, per edItk tetIx6di into
vets' bolt, steant
ot 8. nee with ,Sa.*0..,
e 1 \bineuxri
e c4r taiarnt•beet them In mar/nighty, etuPtIOTI.
eroxl• balm. for thre.e.qttatc- ztltd, .th0. 0te9 01-04t-T1rlit t an occupation than:,
'6f, tin bour, OUtt t W With °tit bis Plan tor Israel is the Preisaratkon 1*. was no More exhaustin
ugar,„, an nerve tO
Sande-, Vored-;w1
18.4) ,
-all f
'tit , I
'orange an
other 'in
it tie it ••
it ter itt
er,Or JL11_
Irtliek Cap 0.1r)4 pin %Viten'
1 N.
aid rhubarb• before tookin
it r,rjulres sointich ottgar,,ar
Itorie or it 114,Vor. . .
,o red ttiPs' ott' dishes used- for
ing Can made aa ..ue* by -rubble
br0Wn eleftta wttit 4t. tIontiel dipped
- Wittier ,mWere' ettietee.'
ttot put rubber bandsaround a box.,o,
ese in %villa* Sliver Is kept.
Aeltette UavoI will be given eookitet
oe plat -cakes If iii'atiple-er 'Orange is
peed I .the tir *Mart ,ttylcAro
Ite ove.POit Irorn' Aprons.--- Sok
11,"thordogitly liti
the pint and thiiL wash itt
the Ordin
ItentoVe -of „ ying
ap. oVer.., the, patty hh 0xeS them,
Itt 4 teW 'h4urs theintt:y will be ititt mitt
iht „glass.ila1y noVt1.
g.,onions 01 .c 1g try i
-1iije-Sfld it
,tta t
PitpatiltOry. -t t1i
t'S tar
use *411
tribt into tr% not on,
j?nUowing ti aecount Of the,. os
cire 14 mode( (chap. 19401, the ade
lion. ot !Israel es GoNo peotnitor•
-4h(1- the -giving of,,the,- law of the'eo
ant through - Moses at Motint
contenht ..ot' the . book ere %Us In
Art tattoricab, and In, part
The-historicat period dealt' Wititt,00V0r4t
.approxiilThteIY 4.3&. years beltveen , the
ettt Joleptt ,4114 the 1$0.t4Juettl or
penp rt the vicinity of Meant Sinai.' To
fitful tftely trif- This tasterie
norratLv of Exedus and the subsequentI1a,
vo e teeter 'part of. otif,tiine 1Ur-
ihe c4ning' three Months, the Sin-
ita for this
the 1enip'raneC 1on
'111eng taken froln the book ut
her ?with
Ming, deliver
*aotiflt of the *Par -
Out OtEtitit, eltap
, prsiple,
Itlidr,spoontuta 4.,1, zs. butter* 4 t`git'%* , getting * tin curt ' with; ,vineger on ttle
X.Ib. eurrentl„ , Beet the tiout.tshivelmdle-tiing it hen. --It ti 6 tl 111067
inb0. the mil.li, until q 4 *tttOollil then *vitt he po disagreeable ,odor, ", ,
statin ty.troo, it,'stewri:in, and *hpriter it . 'Whew $3,vo!ping 4, here. ' (toe stre%v
over lite lire •Uttlit-, it lidekent, filie-m moist sawdust to iirerenViittieh.
the butter, and ,whit fikl-'add ilte-yoll ihtt *ring . for the same reaSoft seat.
t. the",eggs, 'Welt raten and, stranted r del -Opened set6Ps Pt hewsP*Per-Over
' the r.urrants; - ut. the 'batter into carpet. before it 1$„S‘vpI. ,. '
"Itett44,,basitt, tile a• cloth. over tt* 'end, :When the'smell of frYing pervades.tb
tinge it, into boil'5Itg water, moving it t Itcitie exasnine the tutde aitd bottom
JO% tor a. fe,%,v 'ittintites, 'that it inay,be. I lite, Ifying.pan, and$10,4 Will probebly
'ell mied. '''Iloil tori.,,oneltCiue. ' •4' that it 15 CON'Oeil" With 'NMI, 'fat,
ieh flartell direeily it, i,s•-at all.bot. I3e4
• A Plata lk.:nbUlet PuMinge-littlie,
tants... eggs, pe1 o a 1enon, rde1 washing Itie Ptit /03140 ' 0214. 00.1
plot ',.441.k,- ellAse of bree(tanditsitler*, 'faith isImitg *oda water direttlY: It has
agar 1*.to3e. 'Method :' Stlintle Ultra, tIt 054.4t it is, rteee&sary eceasionally,
tuta$ Of turtatita over the inslila Of *t- boil it,out in 4 tr" va*S01. With
1:PeriSt PlAding.basta* that locetlY 1111 1 strang *pa*. wctiee 'and map. .Diteetly
Iii• Lasir,i-tvith slim Of b reettan44bu1ter, its ion% grelvt# is reinov0, the siren
i tto, crOst Olt ', and strrinlato. `111. sineil of trying in"lite ttotise *lien th
' i'lln r4 ' "'rte. ,ettill,,,ii7i1,:;.e.°'_ ' A411 1.!?•-m..11-1R0714.-i4.11*.44titreitw, ,01.161,te.ilivestr, Tiuti_ttka.4..
** the bread il(rbert If attended to et, onc. e r'ev
e it, qt,i4c4fre „
1114 4�I i.
, !144I!1!4
and.$ 'The t
*1rnoL tirtiver.sel-prael
titers o-1lie. 014
t t ucressive book
in the closest KW) $14r bY Sittlpil„
tOpti1atiV4' "'She (Comp« Ittsla, .1,, 1;, *Twig
I. 1;•ittithi 1..1; Sara. 1. 1; It Itingel. 1
-It* tong of 'tette!, *IR% tilt06
1104 1. 1; 1• 1; Es1h.
opt t every man'. and ltis 'lions
, lotrttiwy ist4teltlititt'rite -16rartitstlits'iottntaW.retni4)nriersil • i
tato?, *the, sons of Israel, whichat*-
ftiO Egypt Willt.jecoh; tityearaetv
fll�lZ .iIICetiltoltiltell”*16:et9
tbtIttltrePt, 4rev4,7
wittt him bii entire household
1mpr3tfaflifl view-4(01,11it Ir,7e
inerfeise of the ri
eg-,ittpany migrating with, lerob htto
a 400,. toot that,
s, 4 .iw.11:::t ,Wit:ninoinittill: is.
1014 i*1 11* tW3*oWof Abram
Mutt _MAP%
Ma t
• ' 11 '
out rati,,
*rs In it its
M 1g*
'.7 -'-eh trinin" -iia----hafg- itre-sitown '-
for little girls n4hrii bell shape so MU&
ht favor for, her; big,sister. ;Very lovely
they are, ttimmed %vith quaint •butteittis • •
of field flowers of- soft loutsine tibboit in
pale shades ofjpink and bine.
Utile Capes which ,-,ctin hardly beT!---•,--:.,
begubOtied front a brgere 0 gra Sight.
ro much in favor, and aro smart triad°
111T)tsfillilet°teitict9b!illti-` ed.with. lace is -popular for
lite yoke ',end sleeves ot the silk voile
.pwit. ;liberty satin also trims these :
frocks;' * •faVorite method is to 'have „a'
brotot band ot it 'around the bottemof
. --- - irEttrYlvtvrtrie'ly -of ..
,flowered ou
nittertals-is ;seen. ' -
--ritiete64.,-erre10itt.willtiotielies ortillek
satin iligi'ta.ir.illtniings_ IS pwbo, ptilleare, fvorea. wit:
, no,:tbvtatyll.,guntenrilot7
--iiitere.; ng
4 , i :
meas . 1.4
111 single and;
e lb o:Pls'jlts7atite:Ll' *a.1.4114 M-tly4400(frii
' 'Tlicly SM.
family loan-
. te'.---1 • • t.
1;44 ito give *... tone .6f -rotor to a
.browit 'cittlt or, Ilite4 ottlt.
Dutton* 1 a lir :ger
gloating., lost $,,,.41,r, of ttin ,twapt 11EAL 1 ,
Made. artifitial 'diamonds, saystIkle . It %vrt M0,111111(1 '10,e1itt44 and OdialtS.
clef' Orettlar*Weekly.-- 110 based, 'Itis Mon, wasfree...intt. in "spite' of this tho
experittertla •on,--,an.-1-3e.othiely -- differentattendattee. was' 'smalls tleisi&s...being.
theory to thef *title' late 'ProtrildetliSan Y'fct,V.' in iturt00.he tooriikes-)Ot IRO '411-
OttdOWS- . eitl- teW -out- -fit thir tiSi' (;,11Ertee: Wet'o. 'Veil' sparing lit ' titeir ap.. •
i it tt i f: th Alto, dit wi.s,,ttee. s ' . 41anse. • • T teentrer .'was.,•tensen_tienliy
, .,_ . '4161k,,'Jerfe . • ' ,, ''---.-1.--,4--,-g-t;,-..460.:ii'ti4.,,,titi,r,
4 '(4rtidlir 1(kOnatetrileV *his o11$i
pr ftnp nid t eat •rz,ear, the. dor. '
:it tun,, to. hold a .. ite 'ot t '081 ' IP*tell'ien'i'53:1v!i:ki 1 - •• . "gy ,opprtettt,t&t fit('
sed' ext allok lestt 4
Ion.• It Abe, '-r Imo , . --.1.11titt-"ttot *e,tt.
. e ...,,,4nr°ritt 1 obi '' • potieuksrlst,,be,com.
mtb., 'fused ma part ' ' 1,
h. ' ' tattle -11ey is -in !tale *o . . cllit;vihtriP?,,,*!1'°finl ci e4',:kaellitti v ttly: ' .
To ', bIrli41.11174e' 11'; ee' t i tkitg4e4 -listen*
testa IS - ' 'fought' 1010itag.- \ '05 IU W1!
fri e mere Jig' hiltbil tOttw ,tititt smrili'll l', ' *I vas delighted :to ..„.
r a ' ot graphite, are forting. When, Ateeitticil Ity ren-itarks,r
1 m la in-W(1mM et, lower -tem- ii- u'Appreciate, le blot,voill4 4 ,
,. tiiitroseolo trystels are i'r•• 114, "1 dAit', ,,eVeit Ii
; ,siw . t%,'"Int , o%
' r4WC to be„,..distoonits, •1311,,it,fterit About. I, •secd„,tlie ' lecture. w
, ly , ones. This is 'the out4liftre., titi‘ as . t was .irrezit
o1 03f1fl1% t . et,the piny tedions..,'Irente 10 out of 'the cel.d.: and, I Was*,1
' ” ewit laPP14%* 1° *1"111 11131:867**:.. . .
Vitnry -Work in -th?,'4' .
, rt. tittle! '1.;:it' I*Stles;:rnel'st-l', ti).;t7,,i111,-1,3%"I'thlri,,4fuvill , - ' ;41:41..ti'll't.*1
t , u•u,
Mr '1 .
4"16 Neittlre'S 13116'* 1,Vitlt .Your Mat., ilOntl,olio, dear ,
' 'IR* iniluc'nt 'a i`n Old Mr., totO's f,'tvilkuiff le -0 PPliodu IY,
inritt., di
y tit f n 1
41ly '11 1i t1114•V! tiOiliitycl,g notit '' tioh tevetily infittlittn41), '
0 se premore en anddell P1•14Zring. lagont, I do oc.',f,„ 1 eat itit my toonth.
I'd t 1141.; rottriinertl, 'Of 1ie4 t"4- • 1ituy convey VW * Omit my • plate
ii*i; lip * new Theory t that I aperture with My knife, butt'
tuek ''sv*Hiltet'Old,finl.k The y
rnyw*ailing, with my 40tart-04A
, is That reel distinsinds. a 444 ultilt further 1)0110* t
the omen** 4„,t000te unto** i to* 4 Us
ti eitrytinA *Tatted itt 4 v ,
Mk14 of speinifte*
pos.Able„ ,t
lel .1riti
• •