HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1907-05-16, Page 2 (2)0 EES .T A Si t*, t 11•41‘ .* tteE4JU '61 /A Ild " thartg6' • tireh)cm. of., living Scents tohalm bee.tt 4:0411 1 •,„ at, I r report of s Ite British trtonttu' jourtkey o '7"'• ant Moutinorr 'r ire lied §ilate, during which 41ei ve • y bon pri41 the ,rete of mortality that Issesfeely ° credible, andlt is 4041141, if any other AroPteol colony In lb* w24 la 1.0414Y iiiim atii1 !White tnert are n, W In the t and that,',,the*ttittIty hi* 'Itirirtrthe aicrage term oi'tbe rem -1Audes deaths from sunstroke, us al 4h0. result, of carelessne$st e. , at 11 - ua Ens TGCOMPAS. ileides that. are sometintigt lot! tie 0044.40,4, • • • elY 'We' • t ULd are stmOng the • supoontely, great 111Premeir-littItst4 of •thet--tdoeetive otlities Men has, enterts1 ROI& with them, -endWhe , conteed' Ittern.Arte. :4-grttsur attire su t 4.* • " 1 Whe "'tufo e Otto conflict wit •man, Ulit Wm try eo 1134001 with thts eerth, its stoma se*** aurrOttrlds. a &hip sn4 loaard. 11* ors. They crush* , verwbelot, a, orn not 4n17- *st lft t, 00. ' ead, Apt 11 thropy., Edam*: TA. .10t-41710-de4thnrate'lltimst'il'APwairkit 'sleta-tt , .pestifente* " -Men twour -port-hasteax to:die--4 4 , ---foeuntry, -• . is inert *cross the bar May 11.c. 'The IrsIordt-ot;-tha-snertr-to--be-surer sirippoLbecAolitezu ari In the prima or nrei but :there .are gis_t• has Wert eta Rived end .4 ;aISP MAO 11161 of advaarad year, ,:trtt* WV: In nature, way- i _tiler, • is '6041,way for ear% Ot Utt whose ronstitutions •_hale aultemd. b luOur .owit„. life; 1 Let *us' grasp the irezr* •14ing•terms in hot eltrriat* WtitMOrres AO" -1*.•00i*, 4-1014- -- -:•,,,Iktirlbutes* this renterkable improvetnent ' 4/13 is' the tilorY,40 lilt glorious eon- totestor a41,.erise cire.umstanee . Strolling lo` the fact that the *attic% have dented • to live, thet the Conditions of 4'i -4- U -fence ere : sanitary . and, coinforlable, thl...te\ the. men are freed from ell dif- ficutly in provisioning Ithemeelves. In hi5,410m, almost all the station arc admirably planned. The. principal, ,• bnildings re f brick with, wtifi-irer-rirt iitt,the grounds are laid: out. wt \eye lo.effeet, the wide,. straight, totem ere bordered by Sitttite, Areas and •ar veil Medi end finely 'maintained, an very stin'../on--has-Vs /111X:Orrikrit -110Wee garden t-a---kitelien_oirdert. that 'con stonily aupplies all 'kinds of European end other vegettlite,s. The. 1 1 !14 .excellett-1, oyez* stat ha Show* ens - he native miarteri.ar ke-itt clean enst, Vholesonte. and. every day the sIttito growls -Ore, -oteone4 0114 gonnshi#4.- eitfit st• iwtr •••. uan rtd t • h aths• • nos vt at.°1?4;ge" 41thiltY,C h ot: the ...tOtit 40-41110h 1.0"evols14*, •Ditt&N;14Ht• .would b tto mor ritOrea---;.breattrAhr-44e" tteti Inflate each, olher.--were th ns taws* JeronlY thgltiltTprelteit... AtedietrAttw t tIltaltirner, j g 11 il 41 int 40 NVA frO 1.1 r 11-.' 'A W t uiennri1 age -0440r* ePhe Wei en •engine Iltehittit ithit ughtitioself eritittrtatia.40._,theishle of 00 -,W4dott,0.. Wade, learned *A -Oh_ Vest', ' • brustitis. Ovt of „*.ettlE •oitt • o tett . 104tI1hi- ,-*PP110ne frokn kitEs itit4' • • - _ ritt wagered eighteen ancient Sad 0141K1. ern ,1,141gUagea 'White earning, 114,110AR , a: blaelttimith., " Golden-Textt. Pse.,107.41., Irno4e4ir etlerirarilPYnititve%41411':Ier noretreetzsitebealtt. "13 "S'S°"Nt S'-.WD113`S.' henli **yet t • a' 'anoth'. &bse,bpOtz, rniy be rernv'd, ftwn1 ., t ' made o Is,fling wter .poUrk1 or Cqual quota ti Thte wtule IL s hot', rnuht bi plaeedon II o *Wei- Amp-burners_lhat do .1no burn ,- I . nr Osily put rightby bo twenty minutes in soda water. Keepa old pot for the•purpose, end us it evtr wo or three merino. 'lave tteburni • t ft .14 rn •••,t, it rneU4 Xr 4 t4 ra% rut „tele • 'I 11 tit oil, will 0 4 IS meat--ttne0 , , et 4 r‘4..44 -iii - 1.) Th '4•41$ s t bL*. ,ftnrch*m • terecidoe 'aubillequen h. Tile first liet' lofted la that they 11 In thuentenit tion °tu10 mo ft* timeiro%cnpLet them doea, *tseU om el •i n of s ma ibts, are, tha private specul individual on the,3„subleet rit 'nits,. 'net be *. T13titAtiYt. mien* history nsideration 411 they 44 -not rub tir t 0„ ncOlttit, 4.17 I ugh leldng1 "nk pt_urat numbers TAP -erg' ric,cdtastlinit: ePh- te , th hbOrt :,%•!" _ giVe*,-tiresi thin voiht ,stre4, ior tzpid net, the •Mounted 1m&wtli eolomd, emfdollets.; t it mottle re - i ape. an • - a APO Jmwn straw.* trimmed brownjettthers. Ittlitst • h., birottions with other: c °lora as 1,‘, the best exaniples of brawn _ ton • tv in the shops. it limeades 'with Intneltos oi With bine and "Mai.r4,14:VPitenntilli „ For the • mar everting gown , vont Will be. worn„ with * with 410/,‘,50...11tritALS„SokiM. I allit-forrthe -waist band- finialted-Avith-lacelound- u 'Cittelleiv-Idk-'''''Tintso— ts •twtth-yelleei4----philvilafer----• , T , t erefore. toreria upo green* or pale 'Mile' teffela ruches, and . 0 le 1thrgare topped off With or. Maette of Itiee and a nstwerenotrurd long sii in the centre of the back. • .•'• 1t mix,' millinery a, -Striking effect vs MC e, tionetusloria of modern attOittV ...0 tligQ ,wit4 4. brown stow homehair , arrow, nor accompltshed stn, nor" evil habits need paralive the aspirations, along the,liank Id my native Trent. 1 of your essential manhood, nor quench hat* seen potable -with Ind and brie In its hands. Some townsman, maga. neentlY. 01,1111tPed, with outfit that must bave cost st, little Whine, non hisline• its immorhility. Put forth_ your band* my •brother, end the' serpent shall COnle a rod, ' ' • '• • CilAttLES F. AXED. DING& , ''.-Agnew1Paddin ;Frosted - 'apples, And vf-hrtif a lemon, labltzpoonftels Currant*, sugar, ...paste; . %Method "'Vas an ore tand'boltlitentleritintip-wi lotort,peety.- We 'twit, the ot egg, warm the:hinter, end beat 'YOU* of egg s and butter to4ether.r. Next ince poratetheseingrollents_ With the atut eurrants. and .sweetett Many of the: stations .now have"-eatil • supplYing beeland 004 and tfie,Stata-, 1. net onli pays. Its men. Ott, aecordinst, -lo the itelgian. standard, lint it-,also_re; eons Ahem completely cis -'far es' Euro Peen suppliei, . are contented.' Each -Matt througheltihe 'vita& &Main receives -hie _.•._. stifirdies onee-1n three months,' and they , . 'Mnitrade .411 the, ..t.teec--"Tsitits: ,and. many, -4uxurles*- Including-,,i,,,bettle-of ,red,witie" ,st. day, ,erld all on a lavish *calk: Ttta- -Stele ",fInds, that this Ow, ler the ..ex ellent eare„xtliat it fakee•of Its roIlletalSi tit ervvee.0 - • ettg** IRO * piediab puff -paste, the inisturei-entt bak*for-haIt'A tealthe•whiloki Of eggs to„i„afli add „a little. castor sugar thtvorifig of,leittotO. Pile the i,‘-i•lh,et baked pudding atet return oven till the meringue , delleate, breeirried, • Almond and, th* • it • i brea sins, *Montt*ti Meg. Me Ye urltn $4, • lattnild,Veldeh hes been Well -greased with ran butter ; ht the spaces .between Them -ottrort „witts„.•01.11404$4_1.1),,ett „PItiover a layer of spring° icidte,or roll, with' a-fcw 41t of melted butter overvit, and thn- add roof *trains. Commenets. in witItUte taker -placing svittlp OLIO . Caslonally, and. -,repeat, it until the tild'is_nearly.1011.-Then„stdd grated deinonlpOil.. and )41 little nut,' tneg to Me Milk. anifAir 'MOO the •welt; beten eggs. *It well.- te ether, and tit Os, reference to tho inane 'fttto 'the,mould over 811 the other • t- t taking core It is quite, full isrtigittes 4iut, EgY'llt. etoll'est , tit on -titet lex on. ' - ., The. 13.00k Or Exodus The Ifehmvf. speaking -Pars -of •ettrlY•Itotot designated tile 'hooks of the -Pentetetteh each by AO initial word or worts. - :Thus, lite flfst beak was known to ?hens.. 45 410...the ilte,* ginning,'" - t seeend. ,And These Aro .' More, and mightier 1han -we-Orit too the Names' the- third* "And 110 04W 4ttait and to 14EghtY for 4,4! tollttitar - tit& fourth,- *tAnti Jehovah .Spakes," and lo,„ •Nvi,sely-Shrewdly.,.. ,' • - • ftelientare, Ot''.6reek-spettking Soak. 'h .Y Bo 11 in ' 1. and his sint ,Seli. were • 'telt-444-1)0144ga 10,031,S= Clods were first applied ' .ii 4010814W . the Hebrew Bible into- \Greek: , Inunediately after their atteS? SeCond toitturies_.L.C.11 Thei•-nal a- • the tiirotte,to engege in a rather dna" means, literally, 'etleparturevor Olt. ive 4,vittlato With the Hittites, who. *meCoitatittated---Wgreat pnv.ver" It we's natural* -therefore* for at _ Aletandria ' during, the,. third ' And ,seoond -book -of' the. Pentate Anse .v.411-jart 'w"5eret- aibistitt t'rilrOnte 1°Y-S.7.41triYi.'°r_'!4_e* -going,!!-IshisAutine being_OP 10- the ;Tit . ti, .Tesltbasters to', illitlet thent WIth their burd s•-li'ictorial: representations ,found. on Egyptian • ni(inuments •dating the 0-- d4' 'e foein ttlid Iettee r of the new king. Meet). objp....,piat,,,,attrooete 1 . of4he ZIXth nyt, --I with a •bunett -of .:y.ellow •Iulips ,or ,-.• f oly is to herettor4 . es .tho ?Yampa _oi. titogie yellow, Politifes set, high' on, •one the Oppne$4100*. the "naw Ringt7., te_10,r•tvaL, side; tablarrinart and wisteria, in rich . ,theGinn te1145ther""ell4intses•ust-1-xli*t4.4•44-"Ithe't9.11411ttl,„; lli'etrilgeawa.Z4141141m414r44146ifitt"stra,rwe t°hats4,e, 6Meea4genot4a Wader ot This. gritinstY* or. Sett .,..I.i.,Ts straw toque* r.reSecit with a double box son, ',whet ' sueceeded his' lather w tue 'Plaiting of velveli in the Same shade or a torota Willtirt a little 'More than a Ye0r. little darker, set around the tipper and lower Part of the brim, "IX lehg ostrich. feather lying flat seems the top'. • The prettieSt'effeets am gained in Ate striped pestel shades orogen voiles- W 2:mnr,ting-thent-Millt-lapartese.:or:conthi- •- itatiott laces. pastel blue, rose. pink, and .. red stood fouttresh and clestIn. wide hod Wow stripes. : Gowns of - white lingerie ' are abaft, with" border4witternS -worKed- . pasiet eolors. 'Colore4. embroiderla also aro Wed, to tritif . 'white , morning. dresses, pretty polka dotted 11 watsts.„ Itl-Avlors-,On :white lawn st are trim. - irked with Them. - . .11to -“Tite3o Are thol'ivee r The - 'they also. joinAhentselveit litt*esliMitivoi • .41 tin translation of the 014- Teatantent, ttarly_4,0gour tiell, Male rom.• rot pm us t c Cloth over it, plunge 1 16alliTs-ttgerilfittaaftilErtiallet1 liplifeS,Srotrst -the- , 1 1 • • 0' a a 'matt , of .boiling watee, and passed IMO fire-t-ulgate 6 .lerontewrind subjected,. in imetea tinies,,tnereover, 1t1 It botislowit for SU hour. * When, ajlt-IV(Itt•elittY illb0. the' language§ of- roo. evere griodlog, too • wasoften sue,. 404; t&ke It011t of --the water; arid let it, ktern 'Europe. The 'nurratAve PI ris•PAtli. esshilly•tsed as 'a means 'of keeping stand for four or'five .ininuteii before rel. P.Pens, .0,,n tt. WOt OO .01)1...0t144.*ers'.air,i' down the tspteatiens et a stiblect people, ovin rt, Cloth; theft turn it a' lerein-tront the trtuntP arta PNzItentY of it nut of actually diminishing their alum- ird-scryaltlo*.swookor "Igo' JP0Pilt.., to .which. the later • PhPtert, Pt ber. ' " .: ' ,. - • - , . ••, • 011.01setolevoted. 1-"--knew-dyntutly, wid.-.-Abborred. , ,puditta.„44Throlitartes pnit .arisen r, in Egypt under•Which 140014 lie* „ . . • . .. . r--Proin A rootmeaning ** o . . . , fro "*.th,; ..breaticrtunbs,-4-o/s. eur- Tik, entetlY crushed* the-41011hera_te Pur- ktO, crush:1 , ' • 3- "as.* Ono, auger, 3 ego, tome Po,14;k et• .the Egyptian leollaren ming- 'IP_ . ,utoftlar and In brick, :end in all ,tilittletnilk. Method : Roil art& Prevent It PoSsilite e further' increitsO`ot, Manner. ot seivice in :the •11014,,Seli, 'I. inba, ottrrenta; , tittetPettoPited• ,allet,-. -cruelty-and rePreasion. -lite story ot.'tite. wild,: VIAL Mtended.to extend *long the tioWeVer,„----rteVer,7 ,completed., t st".ttme, .iiithithit stiffletertt 'milk, to s'0 is the 0,,ect er ot Israel* let -he ifferent kinds of °held labor -,AVI,iolo-4.ttit.htittligxettlert-taltito.a., Vttl-If..--1014.1-h iti,P-Ett !the' 661Vati9" 01' Ittf#'„,Welt ita .e. been: ineludid the cut - aft,. Petit the mixture:Into a h% PeOPIrliir 0 -1 hligtr'''littitigt-it",g-itr-r-.7d4Wr.'lh-elfrigittiont,--oti he li 40e* 'carrots, .itdd to them thil bread- JeviishPoPul;illon by mettsurea.01" Mines!, .cottimeneed of:Instruction' of 4- great. dd Meg_arid sugar.., Drank Alto eggi -over Ot' '''OetteiSisAs the Moil .43t Ufa aft :ettstOtt frontier --et-twit, -11t-e- 1 tlertu two ouneite ot au t with- the, bite e Of • CU J.*�ERTV;t sir West _ eway,. the. 1 , th' t .au. int, _in_ ' ha Ciatutoi. S6gth „.. sses his iilews un tite sent u rt in the Transvaal. __. ludic' he says ' depends , -ialh ‘. , ift tae. oI • the. togressttio ,postlion-•10 tIu ite.w Leglsi t re. If they will 'to their- able"--- telielott-leader„, „go ,Fortt,t*._ vie 1,-,,4 wentbt4 t y listen- to Nti *seiiitik Who adopt it po,ley rd ex Von. nd continue:1' ,t Mato en the 4 it tiny $,Ittsst.. Dig 11 * ' May , lie a \ , v tat -Pt' ro*leil..* - ' Iteret., a_ ',the riltelt . pre i twit by ret Ong. t0.1 publiah asPerAting. 0Peeet4es Vidtieh ere, re:)! addressed to the- "tZeilierY•, in • En •, ,,,, .And the greet, ntroin ' honats. ft 'don t'att tio,.'..mtielt. tY.-,' :Provocative attitude-- on ' , art .• t llict 0 - , -r4Pri4entattivitt_. in the Trittsveil, oit, 118truelinte. (ton • to tu,1,9piratri with, 'metal itolliatcl Ntritstry, In the. 'ariecilk , 'ikniti .satistactoty gettroeront qt the vari* IttitSliOtl* Vtich Wilmot the Indus* try'. III ,Itistiie to - their sttarehriittero-, . 1h 'Y shouldelo Se* •• Iwgarding the t.114i5ist l'abnr• noes. lo Sir •''‘Vest Ithigettity sz,•tidf,„•••-•,t10 Innill ...se e Intim: licen titiht,i• , of Atte men Who' wen& sr!itt lo u ',.e*,..• nil they tomtit -lie in their tteli ;it the • ...sJ•kirert And et , the ergettt: , I' Ctr,Itti, Tint, t!lere i 41-y4 ,n,rt 4' 4..efilitinglet 11.1,,',h311411._,* ,3 41$ sfavery,„ ,crite-tidncSO atrai,‘ *,1 heir an *1.1 rto, %vitt., itui, titi* 4,-, iption-44 Stitt Alt Iltql4Atz,4_ . let, They. did t14 teettit 11E0 ott0rAs, "I'lvirs litl typreis!to, ttl‘rnotott itimt Eh tiotit§.1*.th-. onot€,,., Niltst..% , Ili* ttrol* iiti ; tt ' er-ite.1 and., , \pralli, Lc , . i. t' flw It i$ A 413 Uie'; the * .4 i 4.1 trn ou heft Pu butter, 5 tit 1 lcrn o butt IA • -the 4g -,Alter the higether, add thci yolks.o than' The whites, whiolt Itav *tIwIttate4. 'Strew ha_this the curt' , • nd the; rind 'of 4t4.4, ut.or tt: en‘t ovir ,,gttz0,377-of tattified pee_11- Thett mitq, per edItk tetIx6di into vets' bolt, steant ot 8. nee with ,Sa.*0.., ,4ing e 1 \bineuxri tett ul th b e c4r taiarnt•beet them In mar/nighty, etuPtIOTI. eroxl• balm. for thre.e.qttatc- ztltd, .th0. 0te9 01-04t-T1rlit t an occupation than:, S W '6f, tin bour, OUtt t W With °tit bis Plan tor Israel is the Preisaratkon 1*. was no More exhaustin ugar,„, an nerve tO 44-StX1 Sande-, Vored-;w1 18.4) , -all f ,541, a I 141 014 • 1 en 'tit , I 'orange an other 'in it tie it •• it ter itt er,Or JL11_ L'03teds, (11:64 Irtliek Cap 0.1r)4 pin %Viten' • • .do -tv,t ^ aim , 1 N. arr le 111%TS FOB THE HMO, aid rhubarb• before tookin it r,rjulres sointich ottgar,,ar Itorie or it 114,Vor. . . ,o red ttiPs' ott' dishes used- for ing Can made aa ..ue* by -rubble br0Wn eleftta wttit 4t. tIontiel dipped y tto - Wittier ,mWere' ettietee.' ttot put rubber bandsaround a box.,o, ese in %villa* Sliver Is kept. Aeltette UavoI will be given eookitet oe plat -cakes If iii'atiple-er 'Orange is peed I .the tir *Mart ,ttylcAro Ite ove.POit Irorn' Aprons.--- Sok 11,"thordogitly liti the pint and thiiL wash itt the Ordin ItentoVe -of „ ying ap. oVer.., the, patty hh 0xeS them, Itt 4 teW 'h4urs theintt:y will be ititt mitt iht „glass.ila1y noVt1. g.,onions 01 .c 1g try i -1iije-Sfld it ,tta t PitpatiltOry. -t t1i t'S tar e use *411 tribt into tr% not on, j?nUowing ti aecount Of the,. os cire 14 mode( (chap. 19401, the ade lion. ot !Israel es GoNo peotnitor• -4h(1- the -giving of,,the,- law of the'eo ant through - Moses at Motint contenht ..ot' the . book ere %Us In Art tattoricab, and In, part The-historicat period dealt' Wititt,00V0r4t .approxiilThteIY 4.3&. years beltveen , the ettt Joleptt ,4114 the 1$0.t4Juettl or penp rt the vicinity of Meant Sinai.' To fitful tftely trif- This tasterie norratLv of Exedus and the subsequentI1a, vo e teeter 'part of. otif,tiine 1Ur- jng iri ihe c4ning' three Months, the Sin- fl ita for this the 1enip'raneC 1on '111eng taken froln the book ut \ her ?with er Ming, deliver *aotiflt of the *Par - Out OtEtitit, eltap reaftft*-inPId-4 , prsiple, Itlidr,spoontuta 4.,1, zs. butter* 4 t`git'%* , getting * tin curt ' with; ,vineger on ttle X.Ib. eurrentl„ , Beet the tiout.tshivelmdle-tiing it hen. --It ti 6 tl 111067 a‘ inb0. the mil.li, until q 4 *tttOollil then *vitt he po disagreeable ,odor, ", , statin ty.troo, it,'stewri:in, and *hpriter it . 'Whew $3,vo!ping 4, here. ' (toe stre%v over lite lire •Uttlit-, it lidekent, filie-m moist sawdust to iirerenViittieh. the butter, and ,whit fikl-'add ilte-yoll ihtt *ring . for the same reaSoft seat. t. the",eggs, 'Welt raten and, stranted r del -Opened set6Ps Pt hewsP*Per-Over ' the r.urrants; - ut. the 'batter into carpet. before it 1$„S‘vpI. ,. ' "Itett44,,basitt, tile a• cloth. over tt* 'end, :When the'smell of frYing pervades.tb tinge it, into boil'5Itg water, moving it t Itcitie exasnine the tutde aitd bottom JO% tor a. fe,%,v 'ittintites, 'that it inay,be. I lite, Ifying.pan, and$10,4 Will probebly 'ell mied. '''Iloil tori.,,oneltCiue. ' •4' that it 15 CON'Oeil" With 'NMI, 'fat, ieh flartell direeily it, i,s•-at all.bot. I3e4 • A Plata lk.:nbUlet PuMinge-littlie, tants... eggs, pe1 o a 1enon, rde1 washing Itie Ptit /03140 ' 0214. 00.1 plot ',.441.k,- ellAse of bree(tanditsitler*, 'faith isImitg *oda water direttlY: It has agar 1*.to3e. 'Method :' Stlintle Ultra, tIt 054.4t it is, rteee&sary eceasionally, tuta$ Of turtatita over the inslila Of *t- boil it,out in 4 tr" va*S01. With 1:PeriSt PlAding.basta* that locetlY 1111 1 strang *pa*. wctiee 'and map. .Diteetly Iii• Lasir,i-tvith slim Of b reettan44bu1ter, its ion% grelvt# is reinov0, the siren i tto, crOst Olt ', and strrinlato. `111. sineil of trying in"lite ttotise *lien th ' i'lln r4 ' "'rte. ,ettill,,,ii7i1,:;.e.°'_ ' A411 1.!?•-m..11-1R0714.-i4.11*.44titreitw, ,01.161,te.ilivestr, Tiuti_ttka.4.. ni ** the bread il(rbert If attended to et, onc. e r'ev ,. . e it, qt,i4c4fre „ 't -o 1114 4�I i. t , !144I!1!4 yet 01 , ..4$ and.$ 'The t *1rnoL tirtiver.sel-prael titers o-1lie. 014 a t t ucressive book in the closest KW) $14r bY Sittlpil„ tOpti1atiV4' "'She (Comp« Ittsla, .1,, 1;, *Twig I. 1;•ittithi 1..1; Sara. 1. 1; It Itingel. 1 -It* tong of 'tette!, *IR% tilt06 1104 1. 1; 1• 1; Es1h. opt t every man'. and ltis 'lions , lotrttiwy ist4teltlititt'rite -16rartitstlits'iottntaW.retni4)nriersil • i tato?, *the, sons of Israel, whichat*- ftiO Egypt Willt.jecoh; tityearaetv fll�lZ .iIICetiltoltiltell”*16:et9 tbtIttltrePt, 4rev4,7 ey6rrtitt" wittt him bii entire household 1mpr3tfaflifl view-4(01,11it Ir,7e inerfeise of the ri eg-,ittpany migrating with, lerob htto a 400,. toot that, YetirS s, 4 .iw.11:::t ,Wit:ninoinittill: is. 1014 i*1 11* tW3*oWof Abram Mutt _MAP% Ma t • ' 11 ' contra out rati,, *rs In it its M 1g* vier atbotI• '.7 -'-eh trinin" -iia----hafg- itre-sitown '- for little girls n4hrii bell shape so MU& ht favor for, her; big,sister. ;Very lovely they are, ttimmed %vith quaint •butteittis • • of field flowers of- soft loutsine tibboit in pale shades ofjpink and bine. Utile Capes which ,-,ctin hardly beT!---•,--:., begubOtied front a brgere 0 gra Sight. ro much in favor, and aro smart triad° 111T)tsfillilet°teitict9b!illti-` ed.with. lace is -popular for lite yoke ',end sleeves ot the silk voile .pwit. ;liberty satin also trims these : frocks;' * •faVorite method is to 'have „a' brotot band ot it 'around the bottemof .1r . --- - irEttrYlvtvrtrie'ly -of .. ,flowered ou •poinpadr nittertals-is ;seen. ' - --ritiete64.,-erre10itt.willtiotielies ortillek satin iligi'ta.ir.illtniings_ IS pwbo, ptilleare, fvorea. wit: , no,:tbvtatyll.,guntenrilot7 --iiitere.; ng 4 , i : meas . 1.4 111 single and; e lb o:Pls'jlts7atite:Ll' *a.1.4114 M-tly4400(frii ' 'Tlicly SM. family loan- . te'.---1 • • t. i4g4Peti1ett- 1;44 ito give *... tone .6f -rotor to a .browit 'cittlt or, Ilite4 ottlt. r Dutton* 1 a lir :ger 10. gloating., lost $,,,.41,r, of ttin ,twapt 11EAL 1 , Made. artifitial 'diamonds, saystIkle . It %vrt M0,111111(1 '10,e1itt44 and OdialtS. clef' Orettlar*Weekly.-- 110 based, 'Itis Mon, wasfree...intt. in "spite' of this tho experittertla •on,--,an.-1-3e.othiely -- differentattendattee. was' 'smalls tleisi&s...being. theory to thef *title' late 'ProtrildetliSan Y'fct,V.' in iturt00.he tooriikes-)Ot IRO '411- li OttdOWS- . eitl- teW -out- -fit thir tiSi' (;,11Ertee: Wet'o. 'Veil' sparing lit ' titeir ap.. • i it tt i f: th Alto, dit wi.s,,ttee. s ' . 41anse. • • T teentrer .'was.,•tensen_tienliy , .,_ . '4161k,,'Jerfe . • ' ,, ''---.-1.--,4--,-g-t;,-..460.:ii'ti4.,,,titi,r, 4 '(4rtidlir 1(kOnatetrileV *his o11$i pr ftnp nid t eat •rz,ear, the. dor. ' :it tun,, to. hold a .. ite 'ot t '081 ' IP*tell'ien'i'53:1v!i:ki 1 - •• . "gy ,opprtettt,t&t fit(' sed' ext allok lestt 4 Ion.• It Abe, '-r Imo , . --.1.11titt-"ttot *e,tt. . e ...,,,4nr°ritt 1 obi '' • potieuksrlst,,be,com. mtb., 'fused ma part ' ' 1, h. ' ' tattle -11ey is -in !tale *o . . cllit;vihtriP?,,,*!1'°finl ci e4',:kaellitti v ttly: ' . To ', bIrli41.11174e' 11'; ee' t i tkitg4e4 -listen* tct testa IS - ' 'fought' 1010itag.- \ '05 IU W1! " fri e mere Jig' hiltbil tOttw ,tititt smrili'll l', ' *I vas delighted :to ..„. r a ' ot graphite, are forting. When, Ateeitticil Ity ren-itarks,r 1 m la in-W(1mM et, lower -tem- ii- u'Appreciate, le blot,voill4 4 , ,. tiiitroseolo trystels are i'r•• 114, "1 dAit', ,,eVeit Ii ; ,siw . t%,'"Int , o% ' r4WC to be„,..distoonits, •1311,,it,fterit About. I, •secd„,tlie ' lecture. w •as , ly , ones. This is 'the out4liftre., titi‘ as . t was .irrezit i'.oulsAel,-'4 o1 03f1fl1% t . et,the piny tedions..,'Irente 10 out of 'the cel.d.: and, I Was*,1 ea I...vfliatilugablefeatur ' ” ewit laPP14%* 1° *1"111 11131:867**:.. . . Vitnry -Work in -th?,'4' . , rt. tittle! '1.;:it' I*Stles;:rnel'st-l', ti).;t7,,i111,-1,3%"I'thlri,,4fuvill , - ' ;41:41..ti'll't.*1 t , u•u, Mr '1 . 4"16 Neittlre'S 13116'* 1,Vitlt .Your Mat., ilOntl,olio, dear , ' 'IR* iniluc'nt 'a i`n Old Mr., totO's f,'tvilkuiff le -0 PPliodu IY, inritt., di y tit f n 1 41ly '11 1i t1114•V! tiOiliitycl,g notit '' tioh tevetily infittlittn41), ' 0 se premore en anddell P1•14Zring. lagont, I do oc.',f,„ 1 eat itit my toonth. I'd t 1141.; rottriinertl, 'Of 1ie4 t"4- • 1ituy convey VW * Omit my • plate ii*i; lip * new Theory t that I aperture with My knife, butt' tuek ''sv*Hiltet'Old,finl.k The y rnyw*ailing, with my 40tart-04A , is That reel distinsinds. a 444 ultilt further 1)0110* t the omen** 4„,t000te unto** i to* 4 Us ti eitrytinA *Tatted itt 4 v , 1 o itedlyt-*.'"Yost Mk14 of speinifte* pos.Able„ ,t tweoly4tve lel .1riti 1.`e • •